App Hosting Deployment Error

I tried linking my nextjs website (, the /website folder) to App Hosting on Firebase, but I am getting the following error:

2024-05-15 14:49:43.978 EDT
Finished Step #2
2024-05-15 14:49:43.978 EDT
2024-05-15 14:49:43.978 EDT
ERROR: build step 2 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1

0 3 210

I have the same problem. I was just following the steps at the Firebase Doc's get started section ( and made the boilerplate app with `npm init @apphosting`, pushed it to a git repo, then followed the web console prompts to setup the github integration and name a backend, and it magically started deploying. Then it failed on Step #2 with the same messages you got. Scrolling up in the logs, I see that it did not find a nextjs config but I'm not sure if that's the source of the problem.


I wonder if it's because the project is in typescript? Is it not compiling it to js first?

You can see in the known issues it's because it's not the root folder. 
  • Projects with nested package.json files are currently not supported, regardless of whether root\_directory is configured with the Firebase console or the CLI. A fix will be available in a later release.

As a "hacky" temporal solution meanwhile, I made it work by:
1. Duplicate package.json in the repo's root directory
2. Update the scripts on the new root's package.json from:

"build": "next build"


"build": "cd <nested directory> && npm run build"