Using IAM feature of MySQL, revoke issue, and cannot terraformize grant to groups

I am trying to use IAM authentication feature of MYSQL. There are few issues that I am facing and would like advice from community.

1. When we assign user to a group and provide grants to group on MySQL, everything works fine, user who is part of the group is able to authenticate, and we see that user is now part of MySQL user list and inherit the grants, whereas if we revoke permissions or delete the group, user still remains part of MySQL user list and still functions. Is this a bug.

2. Trying to use terraform ( for the group authentication but seems like there is no option for it, the attributes are only available for iam_users. Also, there is no way I could use GRANT statements to fully automate the code once IAM user resource is assigned to mysql. Any idea, how to solve it or any feature update in progress for this binary?

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