Track Changes in Dataform

I'm looking to be able to track changes in Dataform. Is this possible? As far as I can tell, the only way see previous versions of a job is to go into the Workflow Executions Logs, select a random date, and select VIEW DETAILS. This will show me the code that was run on that date.

It seems there's no way to look through the historical changes made to a single job. It'd be very nice if I could select into a job in the Default Branch, select "history" and view the previous versions and date of all update made to that job. 

Maybe this exists but I just can't find it. Feels like a gap in the product.


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I'm not 100% positive what "job" means to you but it sounds like you're describing features of Git. If you use a 3rd party Git platform you'll get a "historical" view of your repository and all of its changes throughout time. 

Example of tracking commits:



Thank you for your reply! 

So it sounds like it's necessary to connect to the 3rd party git platform to get full functionality of Dataform. I guess this points me to another question...

When I commit changes, Dataform requires that I add a message to my commit. From the looks of it, these change logs and messages are not able to be viewed at all unless I connect to a 3rd party git platform. Is that correct?

I have only used remote repositories so I am unsure if the default Dataform Git repo is accessible.