No native solution SFTP to GCS? For real?

I am exploring options for copying/moving some files from SFTP to GCS, Google Cloud Storage.

Does GCP for real don't have an out-of-the box solution for that? Something that wouldn't require some custom code and compute engine or some siloed pub/sub operations.

I was looking at but is is not clear how to manage that. My use case in in analytics space and there was no plan to use appdev services. 

Thank you

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Hi @Dovile,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

You may want to check out this article on SFTPGo access to GCS via SFTP as this might be the one that you are looking for.

Also, here's the Github link for the documentation and steps on how to use SFTPGo.

Hope this helps.

I am looking for transfer files periodically from my GCP Project GCS Storage bucket to Third Party SFTP server. Please advice if there is out of the box service available from GCP . Does SFTP Connector ?

I received perfect solution from Staff Madhuvandhini as below 

To transfer from GCS to SFTP, below steps can be followed

1)GCS connector can be used to download file