Moving tables from Oracle database to Bigquery

Hi ,

I have encountered an requirement in my project where I need to move the tables from the Oracle database to Google Bigquery using the ETL Google Data Flow.

I tried all possible ways but I'm failed in implementing it .

Can anyone help me with the scenario step by step how to achieve this.



@googlecloud @dataflow

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To move tables from an Oracle database to BigQuery using  Dataflow, you can follow these steps. This process involves extracting data from Oracle, transforming it as necessary, and then loading it into BigQuery.


  • Source: Your Oracle database tables.
  • ETL Engine:  Cloud Dataflow, ideal for managing both batch and streaming data.
  • Destination: BigQuery, a flexible, serverless data warehouse that scales efficiently.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Google Cloud Project: Ensure that it's set up with billing enabled.
    • Oracle Connectivity: Establish a secure connection to your Oracle database from Google Cloud using VPN, Cloud Interconnect, or direct peering.
    • Dataflow API: Make sure to enable this API within your Google Cloud project.
  2. Custom Dataflow Pipeline Development:

    • Define Parameters: Securely manage your Oracle JDBC connection string and credentials using Google Cloud Secret Manager.
    • Pipeline Configuration:
      • Read from Oracle: Utilize Apache Beam's JDBC IO to extract data.
      • Data Transformation: Transform the data to meet BigQuery's schema requirements.
      • Write to BigQuery: Load the transformed data into BigQuery.
  3. Execution:

    • Deploy and run your Dataflow job through the Google Cloud Console or using the gcloud command-line tool.
  4. Monitoring and Logging:

    • Monitor the progress of your job in the Dataflow section of the Google Cloud Console. Keep an eye on throughput, look out for any error logs, and track job status updates.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Network Connectivity: Confirm that Dataflow workers have network access to the Oracle database.
  • Credentials and Permissions: Double-check that your credentials are correct and have sufficient permissions.
  • Schema Compatibility: Ensure compatibility between Oracle table schemas and BigQuery, and perform necessary transformations within your Dataflow pipeline.

Alternative Approaches:

  • Custom Development: For complex transformation needs, consider developing a custom Apache Beam pipeline in Java or Python.
  • Third-party Tools: Explore tools like Informatica or Fivetran for additional features and support in integrating with Google Cloud.

Important Considerations:

  • Handling Large Data Volumes: For substantial datasets, think about strategies like incremental loads or utilizing BigQuery's partitioning features to enhance performance and manageability.
  • Security: Always use encryption and secure communication channels for data transfer, and adhere to Google Cloud's security best practices.