Looker Studio MYSQL Connection DOWN

Our Looker Studio Connection just went down this morning. 
It can still connect to GA, G-sheet but not MYSQL.

30 27 1,269

Same here. But with Postgresql. Not working for the whole day

Same issue. We noticed that the Connectors for Postgre and MySQL are both down. Basically they are connecting to the DB but not fetching data. 
The worse part is that we don't have a better way to know or any communication from the LookerStudio team. 😞

Try post/reply/+1 at here to see if we can get LS team's attention. 

The same is happening here. mySQL and PostgreSQL conections are down.


I have reports that are using MySQL connector and are working well, but when I try to edit the connection, or add a new one, Looker Studio throws an error (without to much details about it).

I have reports that are using MySQL connector and are working well, but when I try to edit the connection, or add a new one, Looker Studio throws an error (without to much details about it).


I have the same issue

This problem is also happening in Brazil. Until now the mysql connector does not work

Same here. The existing MySQL connections are still working, but I can't create any new ones.

The same problem appears in Poland. I can not add new MySQL datasource. Although existing reports using MySQL datasets are working perfectly. 

Same here, I'm unable to create new MySQL data source but existing reports are fine.

Is there any way so we can get any solution of this problem.


We're unfortunately having the exact same issue. Hopefully, this will get fixed asap.

Same here, cannot edit or create new data source using Mysql connector but data from previously created data sources showing correctly.

I have de same problema, can't connect to mySQL

I am having the exact same problem with MySQL Connector.

Try post/reply/+1 at here to see if we can get LS team's attention.


I've been getting weird stuff with a Blended source from GA4 and Google sheets - no MySQL connector in use here. On one (previously fine) GA4 report we got no data with a chosen date range of April 1 to 30 but it worked fine with April 2 to 30!


Hi community, same here, issues with connections to postgreSQL, we've tried several things like changing permissions, roles, re-connect, but still does not work. We detected this issue today but seems to be that started on Friday afternoon.

Im still facing the same error. Our postgresql connection is not working since friday

Hi everyone!

Apologies for the trouble: we are aware of the issue and a fix should be in place shortly. We appreciate your patience and again, sorry for any inconvenience.

We need to fix this asap, we're experiencing the same issue with a managed postgres instance in digitalocean.

My Looker studio connection with MySQL is UP and working fine.


Hi there, yesterday i was able to create a data source with mysql connector at the end of the day just fine.

today again, since friday the connections on mysql are up and down....this is really annoying google...

Hallelujah! I can create MySQL datasource without getting error. Thanks for quick fix.