Delete a tag in several tables

Hi everyone! I have created my tag template in Dataplex and implemented it in several tables. I need to remove the whole tag from some tables. How can I do it? I know that this exists:

from import datacatalog_v1

def sample_delete_tag():
# Create a client
= datacatalog_v1.DataCatalogClient()

# Initialize request argument(s)
= datacatalog_v1.DeleteTagRequest(

# Make the request

 What should I indicate in the request? my table and the tag I want to delete?how? Thank you!

Solved Solved
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Hi @Wolfmarel ,

You're on the right track with the datacatalog_v1.DataCatalogClient and the delete_tag method. Here's the key concept:

  • Tags are associated with entries: In Data Catalog (which Dataplex uses for metadata), tags are linked to specific entries. These entries represent your tables, views, files, etc.

  • The name argument: The name in your DeleteTagRequest must uniquely identify the specific tag you want to remove. This name includes both the entry's name and the tag's unique identifier.

Use the Data Catalog API or the Google Cloud console to find the fully qualified names of the entries representing the tables you want to modify. These names will have a format similar to:


Construct the Tag Names:

Combine the entry name with the tag's unique identifier in this format:


Delete Tags in a Loop:

Iterate over the tables where you want to remove the tag. For each table, perform these steps:

  1. Replace name_value in your code with the fully qualified tag name you constructed.
  2. Call the client.delete_tag(request=request) function.


from import datacatalog_v1

def delete_tags_from_tables(project_id, region, entry_group_id, table_names, tag_template_name):
    client = datacatalog_v1.DataCatalogClient()

    for table_name in table_names:
        entry_name = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{region}/entryGroups/{entry_group_id}/entries/{table_name}"

        # List tags for the entry to find the specific tag to delete
        tags = client.list_tags(parent=entry_name)
        tag_id_to_delete = None
        for tag in tags:
            if tag.template == tag_template_name:
                tag_id_to_delete =

        if tag_id_to_delete:
            request = datacatalog_v1.DeleteTagRequest(
            print(f"Deleted tag '{tag_template_name}' from table '{table_name}'")
            print(f"No tag with template '{tag_template_name}' found on table '{table_name}'")

# Example usage (replace placeholders with your values)
project_id = "your-project-id"
region = "your-region" 
entry_group_id = "your-entry-group-id" 
table_names = ["table1", "table2", "table3"]
tag_template_name = "projects/your-project-id/locations/your-region/tagTemplates/your-tag-template"

delete_tags_from_tables(project_id, region, entry_group_id, table_names, tag_template_name)

View solution in original post


Hi @Wolfmarel ,

You're on the right track with the datacatalog_v1.DataCatalogClient and the delete_tag method. Here's the key concept:

  • Tags are associated with entries: In Data Catalog (which Dataplex uses for metadata), tags are linked to specific entries. These entries represent your tables, views, files, etc.

  • The name argument: The name in your DeleteTagRequest must uniquely identify the specific tag you want to remove. This name includes both the entry's name and the tag's unique identifier.

Use the Data Catalog API or the Google Cloud console to find the fully qualified names of the entries representing the tables you want to modify. These names will have a format similar to:


Construct the Tag Names:

Combine the entry name with the tag's unique identifier in this format:


Delete Tags in a Loop:

Iterate over the tables where you want to remove the tag. For each table, perform these steps:

  1. Replace name_value in your code with the fully qualified tag name you constructed.
  2. Call the client.delete_tag(request=request) function.


from import datacatalog_v1

def delete_tags_from_tables(project_id, region, entry_group_id, table_names, tag_template_name):
    client = datacatalog_v1.DataCatalogClient()

    for table_name in table_names:
        entry_name = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{region}/entryGroups/{entry_group_id}/entries/{table_name}"

        # List tags for the entry to find the specific tag to delete
        tags = client.list_tags(parent=entry_name)
        tag_id_to_delete = None
        for tag in tags:
            if tag.template == tag_template_name:
                tag_id_to_delete =

        if tag_id_to_delete:
            request = datacatalog_v1.DeleteTagRequest(
            print(f"Deleted tag '{tag_template_name}' from table '{table_name}'")
            print(f"No tag with template '{tag_template_name}' found on table '{table_name}'")

# Example usage (replace placeholders with your values)
project_id = "your-project-id"
region = "your-region" 
entry_group_id = "your-entry-group-id" 
table_names = ["table1", "table2", "table3"]
tag_template_name = "projects/your-project-id/locations/your-region/tagTemplates/your-tag-template"

delete_tags_from_tables(project_id, region, entry_group_id, table_names, tag_template_name)

Great ms4446! Thanks. I have solved as follows:


I receive a csv with the list of tables and the id of the tag template I want to delete in each one. Example:
For each row of the file I read the table path and do the following:
linked_resource = '//{0}/datasets/{1}/tables/{2}'.format(project_id, dataset_id, table_id)

request = datacatalog_v1.LookupEntryRequest()

request.linked_resource = linked_resource

tabla_entry = dc_client.lookup_entry(request)

request = datacatalog_v1.ListTagsRequest()

request.parent =

page_result = dc_client.list_tags(request=request) #Here I search for the tags associated to a table

for response in page_result:

tag = MessageToDict(response._pb)

if tag["template"] == tag_table_filtro: #when I get the template tag that I want to remove from the table, I enter the "if".

request = datacatalog_v1.DeleteTagRequest(



# Make the request


tag_table_filtro is the id of the tag template that I want to delete in my tables, it is the id of the tag template in dataplex. For example: tag_template_table