Dataproc metastore role in dataplex

Hi, I would like to understand the role of dataproc metastore in dataplex when configuring the lake architecture. I do have the option of choosing the dataproc metastore or leaving it while creation of lake, how is it beneficial to have dataproc metastore enabled for a lake. what additional benefit we get as dataplex data catalog is already ingesting/storing  the metadata from most of the google cloud resources.



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Hi @NaveenManyam ,

At its core, Dataproc Metastore acts as a central repository for technical metadata about your data, such as schemas, table structures, partitions, and statistics. This role is crucial for tools like Spark, Hive, and Presto, which require this specific kind of metadata to function efficiently. Think of Dataproc Metastore as the detailed blueprint of your data lake's architecture.

The Dataplex Advantage

Incorporating Dataproc Metastore with Dataplex offers several compelling advantages:

  • Streamlined Metadata Management: Dataproc Metastore provides a unified and standardized way to manage technical metadata. This simplification is vital for maintaining the integrity and usability of data across different tools and platforms.

  • Enhanced Query Performance: By allowing query engines to access detailed metadata such as table statistics and partitions, Dataproc Metastore enables more efficient query planning and faster execution. This can significantly reduce the time it takes to derive insights from large datasets.

  • Robust Data Exploration: For those utilizing Dataplex's Data Exploration Workbench, Dataproc Metastore enriches the tool’s capability to navigate and understand the structure of your data. This enhanced functionality makes it easier to perform complex data analysis and exploration.

  • Interoperability and Consistency: Integrating Dataproc Metastore ensures that you have consistent metadata across various data processing tools, which helps in reducing discrepancies and streamlining workflows.

Choosing whether to integrate Dataproc Metastore should be based on your specific needs:

  • For Advanced Data Operations: If your operations require complex querying capabilities and you aim for high performance, or if you extensively use the Data Exploration Workbench, incorporating Dataproc Metastore is advisable.

  • For Basic Needs: If your current focus is primarily on data discovery and straightforward metadata management, you might start without Dataproc Metastore. However, as your data environment grows and evolves, the benefits of integrating Dataproc Metastore will likely become more apparent.

Additional Considerations

  • You have the option to either create a new Dataproc Metastore instance or link an existing one during the setup of your Dataplex lake.

  • A single Dataproc Metastore instance can serve multiple Dataplex lakes, providing a scalable and flexible approach to managing your data lakes.

Hi @ms4446 , Thanks for the reply. I got the importance of the metadata. If I am not mistaken, each lake in the dataplex requires its own dataproc metastore and a single metastore cannot serve multiple lakes.

A single Dataproc Metastore instance can actually serve multiple Dataplex lakes. This means you do not need to create a separate Metastore for each lake, which offers flexibility and scalability in managing your data architecture. This setup allows you to centralize metadata management across different lakes, facilitating consistency and reducing the complexity of maintaining multiple metastore instances.

This capability to share a single Dataproc Metastore instance across multiple Dataplex lakes can be particularly beneficial in large organizations or projects where multiple lakes are used but managed under a unified strategy. It simplifies operations and can help in leveraging shared resources effectively.

Hi @ms4446 ,

I am getting below error while trying to attach a metastore to a new lake that is already attached to another lake.

Error:  metastore instance <instance name, changing this resource id here> is already attached to another lake. If the associated lake was recently deleted then it may take a few minutes for it to be detached

Hi @NaveenManyam ,

The error message you are encountering indicates that the Dataproc Metastore instance is already associated with another lake and hasn't been fully released from that association yet. This can happen, especially if the associated lake was recently deleted or the detachment process is still ongoing.

Here are a few steps you can take to resolve this issue:

  1. Wait and Retry: As the error suggests, it may take a few minutes for the system to update and fully detach the Metastore instance from the previously associated lake. Give it a little time and then try attaching the Metastore to your new lake again.

  2. Check Lake Status: Ensure that the lake previously associated with the Metastore has been completely deleted or is no longer linked to the Metastore. Sometimes, background processes related to deletion or detachment might not be immediately visible.

  3. Use the Console or CLI: Sometimes, using the Google Cloud Console or gcloud command-line tool can provide more detailed information on the status of the resources. You can check the current status of the Metastore and associated lakes using these tools.

  4. Contact Support: If the issue persists even after waiting and verifying through different interfaces, it might be helpful to reach out to Google Cloud Support. They can provide more detailed insights into the status of the Metastore and help expedite the detachment process if necessary.