Create custom measure by applying filter to table calculation

I have marks of students in 4 subjects. I created a table calculation to get the total of the marks per student in new column called aggregate_marks. Now I want to create a custom measure "performance" that assigns "good" performance if the aggregate_marks>300.

How to proceed with this?

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I'm a Looker studio person rather than Looker, but I think the easiest way to do this would be custom bins:

You wouldn't get the label 'good', but you'd get a distinct separation of values over 300

If you wanted the label, you would need to create a custom field using a CASE WHEN statement, wich would look something like:
WHEN aggregate_marks>300
THEN 'Good'
ELSE 'Poor'

You might be able to achieve this with custom grouping a bit more easily as it creates a custom field using a visual interface, however it is unclear in the help docs if you can do 'Greater than' and 'Less than' conditions, or if it is just text based (e.g. IS, Contains, Does not contain):