BUG: Looker (studio) YouTube Analytics connector, Country Code excluding null or 'ZZ' = bad totals

I'm using Google's pre-built YouTube analytics connector with Looker Studio, and I'm blending my YouTube source with a google sheet to add some extra meta data to videos (an internal category, list status), and filter to a set of specific video IDs within my channel.

As soon as I include the country code dimension from YT into my blend, it excludes a large amount of views from the data.

What I've arrived at is that unlike the full YouTube API , which returns viewers with an unknown country as the 'ZZ' country code, the Looker Studio connector just excludes these views completely. If I don't include the country code dimension in my blend I get the full view count, but as soon as I do it reduces.

I've even tried creating a calculated field using a WHEN case to say WHEN Country Code IS NULL THEN 'Unknown', ELSE 'Known', but when this is included in my blend it just returns 'Known'.

This looks to be a bug with the connector, but if I view the stats directly in YouTube Studio the same thing occurs - under the 'geography' section for a video, the total will be correct, then beneath it will be a list of country view counts that don't sum to the overall total, and there is no 'Unknown' or 'ZZ' row.

Any ideas on how I can get around this without paying for a third party connector? 


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Heya, just bumping this - can anyone help me?

@Willie_Turney @marout  @Roderick @kolban @Poala_Tenorio 
