Serious issues with App sheet Learning Curve and the quality of learning resources

Dear App sheet Creator,

Good day, i am writing this and i am not waiting for a written reply, Honestly i am complaining you to your respected good selves.

you made a great platform which i ever dreamed to see and to implement my dream project to be a live.

i may say i am a professional user of computer programs dealing with computer software since 1992. i am depending on videos and courses to learn. Recently YouTube, and learning platforms like or Udemy were my first resource to learn new programs.

Honestly speaking, i found many many of learning sources to learn the appsheet which require a learning curve to be used to.

However, none of the videos were created and organized or even edited to make my life easier. i can see that you guys did serious effort to teach us as beginners but i may say that once we need intermediate or even advanced support to create apps we found it is not organized. lets have a loo at Office Hours as example,

it is obvious that you want us to learn, but learn what?

1. The video titles are not clear to explain the content.

2. it is not edited to keep audience focused to the main flow.

3. Questions and answers could be adopted to be in separate shorter videos.

4. To create a Dashboard, i found a really useful video but after he wrote the equation suddenly he removed and we spent over 30 minutes to re write it. this could be edited before uploading to youtube.

Meanwhile the best tricks which make the app powerful were reserved for paid personnel. although it is in highly priced at least for me on appsheet training, and the subsequence learning platforms like Udemy. 

the best tricks i learned from @Mattech channel on YouTube, even we he is keeping parts for paid, but i can manage to find solutions based on his explanation.

I am seeking your kind attention to make learning resources available and cover all learning levels not just the beginners.

Thank you for respected understanding and creating such great tool.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @Hani_Ibrahim,

Have you checked out our Education Resources section of the community? Here you will find a variety of resources on Fundamentals to Advanced. 

Thank you for being a part of the community!


Michelle | Community Manager

Hello @Michelle 
Thank you for you respected and appreciated reply especially it is coming from a senior level.

honestly, i am not criticising just for criticism, i want to implement a real project management set of apps not just assigning tasks, but complete set of apps including permissions approval process, RFIs, drawings, specs, multiple stores, schedules, variation orders, cost (materials, labour, items), bills of quantities and accounting plus many more. 
i need to learn the app beyond essentials which you (as appsheet team) exerted a noticeable effort to explain.

This no code platform opend a really wide chance to use it for people like me.

please consider to offer variety of study cases edited to teach us the intermediate and advanced level.


I did visited the link you respectively provided, but i am asking your good self to compare the price of the english course vs the courses in other languages. The price is really high at least for people like me trying to make a start up business using your respected brilliant no code platform.

thank you for your respected time and efforts. 

Glad, I found this, Thank you so much