Recommendations for Looker Platform Improvement

Is there a way or place we can recommend changes/enhancements to the Looker platform?

As a daily user for 2 years, I've noticed there are a number of things that could be done to improve the platform and clear up many of the questions here, but to my knowledge, there isn't a place to track upcoming developments that will have a substantial impact on covering some of the shortcomings of Looker.

Some initial thoughts I had were concerning:

  1. Increased Email Size Limits for Look Exports: Users may encounter limitations when exporting large datasets from Looker via email due to size restrictions, which can impact their ability to share reports easily.

  2. Filtering by Unique Values of Pivoted Columns: Looker users may find it challenging to filter data by unique values within pivoted columns, which can be useful for specific analysis needs.

  3. Long Running Query Alerts and Errors Dashboards: Users may want improved visibility into long-running queries and errors, allowing them to proactively address performance issues.

  4. Enhanced Usage Statistics: More comprehensive usage statistics, including metrics like "Times Logged In Per Day," can provide valuable insights into user engagement and adoption.

  5. Tracking User Adoption: Users may seek better tools and features for tracking the adoption of Looker among their organization's user base to ensure it's being effectively utilized.

  6. Hiding Explores in Explore Panel: An option to hide explores in the explore panel without hiding the underlying data provided by those explores can be helpful for decluttering the interface and improving user experience.

  7. Simplified LookML for Hiding Explores: An easier way to manage explore visibility in LookML without relying heavily on user attributes and access grants would simplify administrative tasks.

  8. Better Microsoft Teams Integration: Improved integration with Microsoft Teams can enhance collaboration and communication within organizations, making it easier to share Looker reports and insights with team members.

  9. More Liquid Filtering Options: Users may encounter challenges in creating dynamic reports based on fields that are updated monthly, like "First of the Month This Month." Having more liquid filtering options would enable up-to-date reporting that can adapt to changing data, enhancing the accuracy and timeliness of insights.

  10. Tie Filters in Looks: Users may face difficulties in ensuring that filters in Looker looks are related correctly to generate relevant responses. For instance, when dealing with multiple order IDs and varying order types associated with them, specifying relationships in LookML can be challenging. There's a need for a feature that allows filters to dynamically update based on the selected values, ensuring accurate filtering and results alignment, especially when dealing with complex data relationships.

These are just a few thoughts initially, and maybe not all of them can be done, but it would be nice to see some dev work go to enabling at least some of them.

Feel free to share your thoughts, additional ideas, or any experiences you've had with these challenges. Your input can play a valuable role in shaping the future of the Looker platform. I hope.

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