Erroneous "posted a discussion" notices

Here's a new problem.  Today, my three new notifications are all of the type "posted a discussion" but, if fact, people other than the original poster merely responded to a discussion that had started earlier:


Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 9.23.23.png

4 19 1,166

Please look at the following:
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 13.10.05.png

Obviously, this is NOT an indication of the initiation of a new discussion topic.  The discussion started in December of last year -- not 5 hours ago.  However, if you click on this notification, it takes you to the first post in the thread.  I'm sure this must have been prompted by the latest post in the thread, but this notification certainly doesn't make it easy to find that.  Please fix this.

I am also experiencing the exact issue as mentioned by @Kirk_Masden . Whenever someone posts in an old thread the activity feed summary seems to list the first post (which could be many months ago) in that thread and not the latest one.

@Kirk_Masden wrote:

However, if you click on this notification, it takes you to the first post in the thread. 

I also observe exactly the same behavior as described above by @Kirk_Masden 


However if I click on the "See All Activity" link to see the details, the latest post is correctly shown in the expanded list of all activities, as shown below.\ and clicking on the link takes correctly to the latest post.


So, the "Activity Feed' Summary view seems to have developed a bug of taking the community member to the first post in a thread instead of the latest one.

@Roderick : Could you please take it up with the concerned development team?

I had never bothered to use "See all activity" before.  Thanks for alerting me to it. 🙂

But now I find that even "See all activity" doesn't work because the content is different for some reason.




Oh okay. I find that "See all activity"  option is thankfully still working for me, even though the summary view when I click on the notification icon is still not working.

Thank you @Suvrutt_Gurjar and @Kirk_Masden,

We have been able to replicate the issue and are working on a resolution.

Thank you for your patience while we resolve the issue.


Michelle | Community Manager 

Hi @Michelle 

Have you reached a resolution to this problem?

As of now, some of the links notified from notifications are still not making sense.
The heavier the user, the worse the UX is, so I would like to have this issue addressed as a top priority.



Thank you for your patience as we continue to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. 

I have discussed the importance of this feature with the involved teams.  I will post any updates on this thread.

Thank you,

Michelle | Community Manager

@Michelle ,

Till the issue is resolved, request you/ the portal development  to consider following suggestion that will save the users substantial time.

Please disable the window that pops up when the user clicks on the bell icon. Instead straightaway take the user to the option of "see all activity" as shown in the image below


Instead please directly take the user to all the activity feed that shows up when the user clicks on the link "See all activity" in the image above. So the click on bell icon takes the user directly to all the activity feed as shown in the image below.



Benefit:  This will save the users a lot of time that they currently spend due to incorrect summary feed links.




Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar 

Nice workaround!😃
I did not know that tips.

@Michelle ,

May we know  any update on the issue? It is still persisting . May I also again request the portal development team to evaluate the workaround option I suggested till a permeant fix to the issue is applied.



Community Manager
Community Manager

@Suvrutt_Gurjar @Kirk_Masden,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  We will look into this issue.


Michelle | Community Manager

@Michelle ,

May we know if there is any update on this issue? 


We are still looking into this issue.  We are working on replicating the issue.  Are you still seeing this occurring?  If so, is this only affecting the AppSheet Q&A board?

Thank you,

Michelle | Community Manager 

@Michelle ,

Please note that the activity feed is common irrespective of the board. This means the user sees  one and the same activity feed in all boards.

Yes , the issue still very much continues. If you see in the latest screenshot I took from the "Community Feedback" board, the activity feed says Kirk Masden posted as highlighted. Actually it is your post that has triggered the activity feed because Kirk Masden has not at all posted recently ( and at least today in this thread that you can yourself verify) . 


This issue causes a time waste in longer post threads with multiple pages . Such an activity feed alert  erroneously opens the FIRST post of the thread when one clicks on the alert. So the user then needs to scroll ahead several pages to go to the latest post, thereby wasting her/his time.

Please also note that this issue does not happen in the mobile phone view but only desktop view and the issue also does not happen even in desktop if one clicks on "See All the activity" option to expand the summarized activity feed. It only happens in the summarized activity feed as shared in screenshot. However summarized view is the one anyone uses most commonly and so the issue needs priority attendtion.

Hope it helps. 

Hi!  One other issue.  I decided to "mute" a thread that gives me lots of notifications:

Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 15.05.56.png

But, when I tried to do so, I found that I have already done so and that my only option is "unmute."  Nevertheless, I'm getting notifications:
Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 15.06.13.png

I wonder what might account for this.  Do I have to find the proper comment to mute?  I would like to be able to mute the entire thread, even though I have posted to it in the past.

I have the same issue like described in the OP. Since about 2 weeks now.

This issue seems to have been resolved in the last fortnight or so. 

Hi  @Kirk_Masden , you may want to share your updates if you also now see proper notifications.

Thank you  very much @Michelle and community portal development team for addressing this important observation.

@Suvrutt_Gurjar ,

Thank you for confirming.  We were in the process of confirming the fix.

Please let us know if you continue to experience any further issues.

Thank you,

Michelle | Community Manager