Project quotas (-3 projects available)

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


Hi all,

I have a single project in my cloud account. I am trying to test out server-side containers with google tag manager. There is an option to have a managed server container in google cloud run. 


When I go to spin up this test, I get blocked on project quotas. 

When I got to my account to test opening another project (again, I have just one atm) I see this -3 available message.


Is the basic plans project quota indeed 1 project? (Gemini thinks it should be around 5)

4 3 169

Hello @abd  ,Welcome on Google Cloud Community.

No, default value is 30 projects. Those which are under TRASH (soft deleted projects), are also counted in this number. So if you getting this alert, highly recommend to wait till you "Pending deletion" projects will be deleted forever OR request quota increase. 

Info from documentation:
"If you have fewer than 30 projects remaining in your quota, a notification displays the number of projects remaining in your quota on the New Project page. Once you have reached your project limit, to create more projects you must request a project limit increase. Alternatively, you can schedule some projects to be deleted after 30 days on the Manage Resources Page. Projects that users have soft deleted count against your quota. These projects fully delete after 30 days."

Request Project Quota Increase Page:


LinkedIn Cloudskillsboost

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


Thank you for taking the time to reply.

1. I only have 9 projects (1 active / 8 pending deletion)



2. I tried to request a quota increase but was rejected (seems like a robo rejection as I got the rejection notice about 3 minutes after the quota increase request).

With my service level I can only post questions to the community (I cannot submit support tickets). 

Any recommendations on what to do?


You can create issuetracker ticket:

Btw, are you on trial account maybe ? 

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