Can Uncertified Professionals Interview Certified Google Cloud Candidates?

Hi everyone,

I'm interested in getting the community's perspective on a scenario where an uncertified interviewer interviews a candidate seeking a Google Cloud certification.

While certifications validate a skillset, there's value in experience and a broad understanding of the cloud. On the other hand, in-depth knowledge of specific exam topics can be crucial for success.

So, the question is:

How far is it justified to have uncertified interviewers assess certified Google Cloud candidates?
Are there situations where it might be appropriate?
Perhaps a mix of certified and uncertified interviewers could be ideal?
I'm curious to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic.


Dr. Veera B Dasari

1 1 72

Hi, Dasari 👋

This is a great topic for discussion! Here's my perspective on uncertified interviewers assessing Google Cloud certified candidates:

Pros and Cons of Uncertified Interviewers:

  • Pros:
    • Focus on experience and broader cloud knowledge: Uncertified interviewers can bring valuable real-world experience and assess a candidate's ability to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios, which can be equally important as certification.
    • Diverse perspectives: A mix of interviewers can provide a more well-rounded evaluation.
  • Cons:
    • Lack of in-depth exam knowledge: Uncertified interviewers might not be familiar with the specific details and nuances tested in the Google Cloud certification exams. This could lead to overlooking crucial skills or misinterpreting answers.

When Uncertified Interviewers Can Be Appropriate:

  • Assessing senior roles: For senior positions, experience and leadership qualities might be more important than specific exam knowledge.
  • Focus on non-certified skills: If the role requires skills beyond the scope of a particular certification, an uncertified interviewer with expertise in those areas can be valuable.
  • Limited certified interviewers: In situations where there's a lack of certified personnel available for interviews, an uncertified interviewer with strong technical knowledge can be a temporary solution. 

Ideal Scenario: Mix of Certified and Uncertified Interviewers

You're right, a combination of certified and uncertified interviewers can be ideal. This allows for a well-balanced assessment that considers both theoretical knowledge (tested by certifications) and practical experience.

I hope this helps! Let's see what other insights the community has to offer on your post 🙌



Samsul Rijal