a table designed in a google doc template file could be dynamic depending on the filled fields?


I created a google doc template file which I adapted to users need; I had to create a table with many columns and rows, the number of columns is fixed, but the number of rows could vary depending of how many issues they fill in the form; so, each row means an issue. To record the issues using a Form View, I created 10 columns (Issue1, Issue2...Issue10) but not all 10 are always filled in. The template is converted to a pdf file inside an automation.

So, in order not to have 5 rows filled in my pdf file and another 5 empty rows, I wonder if there is a way to have a dynamic table in my template, depending on the 10 Issues columns, if they are filled in or not.

Thank you for your help!




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When the table is not needed, you can use <<IF:>> & <<EndIf>> and when there is no row to show, it doesn't use any space for it. But when you use it inside of a table, it doesn't hide that row and it just produces a row with a blank value.

If you would have one record for one issue, this would be easy to do with the <<Start:>> & <<End>> expression. Is there any specific reason you would not want to do that?

View solution in original post


Is the table on your template a must thing or could you write the data without it?


It's a must thing! A demand from the management... 

Thank you!

When the table is not needed, you can use <<IF:>> & <<EndIf>> and when there is no row to show, it doesn't use any space for it. But when you use it inside of a table, it doesn't hide that row and it just produces a row with a blank value.

If you would have one record for one issue, this would be easy to do with the <<Start:>> & <<End>> expression. Is there any specific reason you would not want to do that?

They want to have somenthing like this:


Data to be clearly framed and easy to be followed.

I think your solution can work, if I use comma between each data category, but I should validate with management, if they support this type of display.

Thank you for your help!



I tested your solution, it works well, using <<IF: >> <<endif>>, text is dynamically shown.

Thank you!

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