XY map view is reseting to the first row on clicking only on desktop view

I have an app that has about 30 different sites each site has a floor plan and a number of inspection points and a bunch of inspections.

when i use the app in mobile/tablet the map works perfectly. When I use the app in desktop the map loads just fine, with the correct pins. I can click on existing pins and it loads the card just fine, i can follow action links and everything correctly. However, if i click or drag or try and make a new pin, the map reloads as the first row site floorplan image. I'm wondering if there is something wrong with my setup?


Inspection point tableInspection point tableXYformula.jpgAction formula to open the map viewAction formula to open the map view


Solved Solved
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I heard back from support, and they said that there currently isn't a way to get this functionality working correctly in the new desktop mode. Thank you for taking the time to help me with this!

View solution in original post


More details regarding the tables involved and associated views/columns could be required. However based on understanding so far,  you may wish to try an action expression of 


Thank you for your reply!

I tried out adding [_THISROW] to the schoolID_Ref, as well as adding it to ID in the action link. Neither option fixed the issue unfortunately. 

I apologize for not including more info, i hope this helps. I don't know if its possible to link to a copy of the app, but ill try and write out the tables and views better. 

I have 3 tables

  1. Schools
    1. ID
    2. Name
    3. Address
    4. Floorplan
  2. BasketBallHoops
    1. HoopID
    2. SchoolID_Ref
    3. PinID
    4. Location
    5. Room



Floorplan image is a link to an image stored on google drive. 


SchoolID_Ref is a reference link to the school table. So i have the XY formula of [SchoolID_Ref].[Floorplan]


My Map View uses the basketballHoops table for its data and the XY information for the map column. 


The OpenMap action is on the school table to show up on the front page to open a map to that specific site. so I Link to "Map View" and filter BasketballHoops[SchoolID_Ref] to the school[ID]. 


Thank you. Could you mention how the [PinID] column is populated in the BasketBall Hoops table? Does it have an expression? There is a [PinID] column in the [Basketball Hoops Inspection] table as well. How the two are related?

The [PinID] column is populated by the built in map view "Add Pin" action. I haven't changed how the app adds pins. 

And I must apologize, I made a copy of the app to work on this problem separate from the one being used to avoid confusion when I enter dummy data, and when i made the copy I did not notice that it changed the name of the spreadsheet source from "Basketball Hoop Inspections" to "Schools" that is why there might be some confusion in the "Source" labeling. the inspections table only has a reference to the BasketBallHoops[HoopID] .  





Thank you. Sorry that I am still confused a bit on the table names and relations but I believe the following will work


This means the action will take the user from the School table detail view to a filtered views that filters in the BasketballHoops table to a /the record(s) where the [SchoolID_Ref] matches that of the [ID] in the Schools table?

I tried adding the [_THISROW].[ID] and it has the same functionality. Everything works perfectly in mobile and tablet views. i can add pins and move pins and the pins load correctly for the right map view. I can move the map view no problem i can open each site and it loads the correct map view. 

However, when I view the app in desktop mode, the app loads the correct map with the correct pins, I can click on the pins and it loads the data correctly. If i click on the base map, not a pin, it seems to reloads the view with the filter set to the first row in the BasketBallHoops table and reloads all the pins for that new map.

Thank you for the updates. I believe it is better that someone from say support team takes a look at your app and suggests. This is so because as you mentioned  the functionality is working in mobile and tablet mode but not in desktop mode.

If you are using new desktop mode, it would be better someone from AppSheet support team takes a look at it because even though much stabilized, the new desktop mode is still in preview mode.

Thank you for taking the time to troubleshoot this with me. I will reach out to support and see if there is anything to be done.


You are welcome. I request you to post back on the final solution that emerges.

I heard back from support, and they said that there currently isn't a way to get this functionality working correctly in the new desktop mode. Thank you for taking the time to help me with this!

You are welcome and thank you for the update.

Yes that's why I cannot use the new desktop UI (preview). 

@JDuval_100 If you see that it works, please give us a little info 😊

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