How to troubleshoot KML "Optional URL"

Good morning,

I have added an optional URL containing a link to a KML file in the Google Drive of the same account being used to author the app. The KML file checks out in terms of being geocoded properly as it displays in other google map products correctly.

My real question is how do I figure out why the KML file is not displaying in my Map view. I added the KML Drive link ( to the "Optional URL" field under the address column. I don't see any errors messages or any way to troubleshoot the lack of a KML overlay. The desired behavior is just an overlay of voting precinct boundaries over an ordinary street map.

So any pointers to troubleshoot the lack of display would be helpful. I've checked the link and it's good. So is the KML file when loaded into Google Maps and other programs directly.

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I am having similar issues. The KML map was working for the past year. Today it stopped working. I have tried updating the "Optional URL" field. Still not working. Were you able to figure out your issues?


@meyotch wrote:

ampo "U


@Eric_Silver wrote:

uncionar. Tentei atualizar o campo "URL opcional". Ainda não está funcionando. Você conseguiu descobrir seus problemas?

@meyotch use in the field Optional Url for KML File.
In your case use


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