๐Ÿ‘‹ Hey There, Introduce Yourselves!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there,

Rod here on the Community Team. We're excited to see so many new faces in the AppSheet Community! Whether you're brand new to this space, or you've been here a while, we'd love to learn a bit more about you and how you're using AppSheet to create no-code apps. 

Please take a moment and reply to this thread sharing a bit about yourself. Select the label "Introductions" when you do so we can find you! 

The questions below are some conversation starters, but feel free to share a little or as much about you, your work and interest as you feel comfortable. Feel free to add whatever information about yourself that you feel is interesting. There's no one-size-fits-all here, so be you

In what part of the world do you reside?

What do you work on?

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

What would you like to get out of this Community?

What do you do for fun?

We canโ€™t wait to read your answers and start connecting with you. I'll get us started below! 





19 98 7,672

In what part of the world do you reside? We live in Florida USA when home. My wife and our puppy travel round the USA hauling loads for hire. 

What do you work on? I built the annualloadbook app to help me work smarter  And work on other apps for our use. I was amazed at how much I had learned from the app after built it started to talk to me about the data that it was showing me and trained me to work smarter.

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning? What I have learned most is how to setup my data to get the most from what the app can do .

What would you like to get out of this Community? The community helps me so much when I try and try again and fail it gives me a place to talk to others with a fresh mind

What do you do for fun?  For fun we like to park and go for long walks with our puppy Miss Bailey chasing grand kids

@Jack_Bates, welcome! We're glad you're here. Happy to hear that this community has helped you overcome some of your getting started setbacks! That's why we're here...

What kind of puppy is Miss Bailey? Missed opportunity not sharing pics! 

Let me know if I can help connect you to resources - I'm always and @tag or direct message away.


 Miss Bailey is a Lab beagle cross

Merry Christmas everyoneMerry Christmas everyone

Thanks @Roderick for kicking this off!

My name is Landan Quartemont. I am a Senior AppSheet Solutions Architect at QREW Technologies and recent addition to the GDE program specifically for AppSheet.

In what part of the world do you reside?

College Station, Texas, USA

What do you work on?

Most of my work (60%) is directly with AppSheet in either a consulting capacity or as a developer. The other 40% of my job is inside SQL as well as GCP and Workspace technologies.

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

I have roughly 5 years of experience working with AppSheet and auxiliary tools (SQL, Cloud Functions, AppScript, BigQuery, etc.). I have worked with SMB clients and enterprise and have a good grip on how to architect for a wide gambit of use cases with various tech stack requirements.

What would you like to get out of this Community?

I would love to advance the zeitgeist of AppSheet and Citizen Development forward tools like it. I am eager to bridge any gaps I can within this community.

What do you do for fun?

Sports, Super Smash Bros., Cooking, Family Activities

Welcome, welcome @Landan_QREW - we're glad you're here! 

Our members aer often looking for AppSheet experts with a consulting background, so you'll fit in just fine around here! Looking forward to seeing you jump in on some of conversations going on in the AppSheet Community! Curious... how is AI/ML impacting/enhancing/changing how you build no/low-code apps?

Again, welcome!  

Hey @Roderick - Thanks for the welcome!

To be honest, the vast majority of use cases I have worked with have not required AI/ML; although, I am always on the look out for ways to innovate in existing processes and I envision AI/ML becoming a larger part of what I do as time goes on.

The last use case I worked on related to AI/ML was pertaining to image categorization. I had a client with technicians that would navigate to a site, take a series of pictures through a natively developed app (in the ball park of 400 pictures at a time). These pictures were stored in a Google Cloud Storage Bucket and run through the Vision AI to categorize the photos within a MySQL Database. I developed an AppSheet front end for users to review the categorizations and re-categorize them (if necessary). It was a quite a fun project! I love when people are trying to optimize operational processes with AI/ML.

In what part of the world do you reside?


What do you work on?

Currently busy with a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

I've completed studies in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Coding is a real passion of mine, however my actual profession is Clinical Engineer and I'm constantly striving to learn more in this field.

What would you like to get out of this Community?

I hope to gain insights, tips, and tricks from fellow members. It's truly inspiring how everyone is eager to share their knowledge and experiences!

What do you do for fun?

Coding is my fun, playing g*mes.

@Roderick wrote:

The questions below are some conversation starters, but feel free to share a little or as much about you, your work and interest as you feel comfortable.


Hi @Roderick ,

Do you think Appsheet meets a lot of remaining bugs that have not been solved and new bugs come recently while no effective feature developed this year? Please take care requested idea and many feedback bugs from our community to improve it from Appsheet running stable instead of trying and developing too new unnecessary features. 


@hien_nguyen  It's pretty clear that Google's priorities are shifting, and they're probably chasing this ambitious goal of increasing productivity tenfold with AI in the coming years. But as usual from AppSheet, we're left in the dark with absolutely no clear information. Just total silence from their end, as always.

Ciao, sono Carlo, sono italiano.

Da anni faccio programmazione sotto Excel con VBA, ma ora ho scoperto questa opportunitร  e voglio sfruttarla.

Cosa faccio per divertirmi? Io mi diverto cosรฌ, smanettando sul pc, il mio programma preferito รจ sicuramente Excel, ma mi trovo bene a gestire le app di Google, da Calendar a Fogli. E poi faccio sport, fotografia ed altre cose.

In what part of the world do you reside?

Sacramento, California, United States

What do you work on?

I am a master automotive/diesel diagnostician. After trying for years to use cookie-cutter apps offered by other companies, I cancelled my enrollment with them and built my own. Started in  January 2023 with no knowledge that AppSheet even existed and hadn't designed a database since 2000 using Microsoft Access (Inventory Control). My current app is a behemoth with 72 tables and 4200 columns, CRM, Accounts Payable/Receivable, Inventory, Vehicle Service Recording, and Purchasing incorporated into one. I have learned almost everything from AppSheet Training (Shout out to Austin Skidmore) and the AppSheet community forum. Although I don't ask many questions directly, indirectly they mostly get answered without having to post anything.๐Ÿฆพ You guys and gals are some very intelligent individuals and have widely varying views and thought processes that are a joy to read through and put to practice.

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

I believe I covered it in the above paragraph...

What would you like to get out of this Community?

Continued education. You guys and gals ROCK!

What do you do for fun?

Not much time for fun, I work on average 110 hours per week. But I enjoy barefoot walks at the ocean with my wife of 31 years, barbequing for my children and grandchildren, and building about anything they can think of.

I enjoyed this short survey and will continue reading them. Thanks to everyone who unknowingly participated in my AppSheet education.

In which part of the world do you reside?

Brazil. Best capital in the northeast, Fortaleza-Ce

What do you work on?

I have been in the IT field since 1982. I spent the last 15 years away from the area, but I returned in 2021 studying Google appsheet and today I maintain applications for half a dozen clients and I intend to deepen this knowledge and wait for when I will be able to integrate appsheet with artificial intelligence (Ai ).

What would you like to get out of this community?

Knowledge exchange and problem solving

What do you do for fun?

Naked 50km a week and gym at home.

In what part of the world do you reside?

Now I'm US.  

What do you work on?

Small team, Business of 3. 

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

I'm learning App sheet to maintain our small business

What would you like to get out of this Community?

Useful Informations and solutions

What do you do for fun?

๐Ÿ˜‚  Drink with friends, listening music, Traveling.


Thanks Roderick.

Hallo I'm Marco

In what part of the world do you reside?

I live in Italy

What do you work on?

I'm a develeper and analist in an italian municipality

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

almost 40 years in IT, developed in many languages from COBOL to Javascript and Google app script, and looking around to new languages 

What would you like to get out of this Community?

Some help to understand appSheet, and the no code develope... 

What do you do for fun?

I ride my Kawa, and on summer my SUP

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


Me llamo Nicolรกs. soy de Argentina.

Hace poco descubrรญ Appsheet y me encanta poder hacer apps que sean a la medida que necesito.

Trabajo hace 4 aรฑos en Marketing Digital y me gusta descubrir las cosas mas actualizadas del mundo digital para aprender y aportar mi grano de arena.


Gracias por dejarme ser parte


Hello everyone!

I am Matthew Coffin


In what part of the world do you reside?

I live just outside Barcelona, Spain (originally from the UK)

What do you work on?

I am currently looking for work ๐Ÿ˜ฅ, so I'm spending my time learning about new stuff - well new to me.  I am currently developing an app to facilitate quotes for my sons new business, so no pressure ๐Ÿ˜

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

From learning on punch card and paper tape systems , I have progressed from programming to analysis to project management to departmental management - with a stop off managing  the logistics department (and teaching the people how to use the system ) . My last role was running the european customer support team for a main supplier in the automotive sector, and then aiding in the outsourcing of the IT.  

What would you like to get out of this Community?

I would like to :

  1. Learn - Appsheet is great but I struggle (I am new to Appsheet so that's normal) in translating my idea (based upon my knowledge) into reality. 
  2. Improve the Appsheet package by contributing to the community as possible.

What do you do for fun?

I would not call it fun , but we have just started a complete renovation of a run down house we own. I like chess. but I am no Magnus Carlsen (although we do share the same initials). I'm 58, so working on creating a regular exercise routine to try and stay as healthy as possible.



In what part of the world do you reside?
I reside in the countryside of the Philippines, surrounded by rice fields and mountains on all sides.

What do you work on?
I am an IT consultant working for Steegle.com, and one of my tasks involves developing AppSheet apps.

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?
I'm still learning a lot about AppSheet and its custom formulas and logic.

What would you like to get out of this Community?
I would like to learn more about AppSheet's custom formulas and logic to help me solve problems. At the same time, I want to contribute my own ideas and solutions.

What do you do for fun?
In my free time, I love to cook and experiment with new recipes. I also enjoy reading light novels and building model kits, which helps me relax.

Hola @Roderick !!!

Soy Agustin de Argentina, actualmente viviendo en Espaรฑa.

He dedicado muchรญsimos aรฑos a planillas de cรกlculo, primero en Excel y luego en Google Sheets por trabajo y me sentรญa sumamente cรณmodo en eso, pero es verdad que muchas veces me encontraba con problemas de automatizaciones en la parte de scripts y me volvรญa un poco loco. Cuando conocรญ appsheet fue la gloria y me motivo a desarrollar un cotizador que en mi antiguo trabajo (una gran fรกbrica) utilizaban en un Excel con muchรญsimos problemas. Este proyecto aรบn sigue en proceso con algunas dificultades en la parte de la creaciรณn de PDFs, pero poco a poco avanzando. La verdad es que el uso de las apps creadas es genial y disfruto mucho diseรฑandolas sobre todo. Espero ver grandes mejoras y actualizaciones de la app para poder seguir avanzando en este mundo.

Un saludo grande a toda la comunidad

Hi, i'm in the UK, new to appsheet and very rusty to coding in general, have spent most of the day here hunting for help. Would love to know how I can get my topic approved?

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