Routing external traffic to Anthos Azure private cluster

We have a GCP project in which we have a public management cluster and an Azure private cluster deployed through Anthos. Both clusters belong to the same fleet.

We have deployed ambassador-edge-stack on the Anthos private cluster similar to what we have done for the management cluster. Our objective is to enable and route external traffic to the Anthos cluster. Our deployment however complains that BackendConfig and FrontendConfig CRDs don't exist in the cluster.

What can be the root cause here? 



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Hello @pcperera 

I understand that you are facing issues while attempting to deploy ambassador-edge-stack into your Anthos user cluster, specifically an Azure private AKS cluster. The error you're receiving is likely related to the absence of BackendConfig and FrontendConfig Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) in the AKS cluster.

The root cause of this problem lies in the fundamental differences between Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Ambassador-edge-stack that you want to deploy relies on Kubernetes APIs that are designed to work seamlessly with Google Cloud LoadBalancer. These APIs are primarily intended for configuring Kubernetes Ingress resources using Google Cloud LoadBalancer services, which are specific to the Google Cloud environment.

Since you are using an AKS cluster within Azure, these Google Cloud-specific CRDs are not available in your cluster. Therefore, when ambassador-edge-stack attempts to interact with these CRDs, it encounters errors because they do not exist in the AKS context.

Instead of relying on Google Cloud LoadBalancer, configure your AKS cluster to use Azure's own load balancer service to expose your services externally. . And investigate whether there are AKS-compatible versions or Helm charts available for the product you are trying to deploy.

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