Wanted: Testers for Video Capture on Android devices

Hi everyone,

AppSheet apps will soon support capturing and uploading short videos. Initially, this feature will only be available on Android devices; support for iOS devices will come later. The feature will initially not be available on desktop either.

We need testers! If you’re interested, please reply to this thread. Our team will follow up separately to ensure you meet the criteria for this test. Not everyone who opts in will be the right fit, but there will be other opportunities to participate.

Thank you,

The AppSheet Team

20 56 4,809

You know I’ll put my hat in for this. 3X_d_5_d51363a862e7ab883241c312ac5d7f271579cdd3.gif



I’d be glad to help test!

Yes, I m willingly to test it out.

Please opt me in as well.
ID: 245151

Exciting! Please opt in my account: 1295314

Bring it on.

Please add me to the list. We have a current app that would benefit from quick quality check videos for our home insulation company.

Count me in

I’ll be willing to test this too…


Please do opt-in Account ID: 699357. Thanks for the consideration

PF : For beta testing it will be really useful to have a simple form to return you once the new feature is tested.

Yes I will test this video capture feature, need it ASAP.
ID: 268825

Yes please since I need that feature in one of my Apps I would like to assist with the testing of same.

Hi @Marc_Seelenbinder
We can only enable the feature on a per-account basis. All your apps in your account will have that functionality. Given that the app creator has to specifically enable it, if you don’t enable it for other apps, they should be unaffected.
Let me know if you’re still interested.
Thank you

Perfect thanks. Please go ahead and advise when done.

Count me in

I would like to test this new feature

I am interested to try, because I make an appsheet Virtual Team Building games, and really need video capture.

I am very interested in this!

I have a few existing and 1 new app that actually requires this feature.

Count me in if there are still spaces available!

I will be happy to help testing this feature

Hi, I’d like to test it as well, I have a vehicle inspections app that would benefit from it.
Thanks, Gabriel

Hi, I would be very interested in testing this if i’m not to late to the party!

I’m game to test.
ID: 2464656

I’m in 1076358

New Member

Call me when iOS is ready to test!

I will be happy to help testing this feature
My ID: 1569573

I wish to try, please consider to invite me. Thank you.

New Member

Let’s join the test

Thank You ^ ^

Please add me for the test. Thank you!

Can I be added as well? Thank you

What’s the current targeted release date on Android and iOS?

Hi everyone,
Happy to see that many people are interested in this feature. We’ll add the people that have already shared their account ID with me (in this thread or via private message), but we won’t be adding new people.
However, while we’ve fixed some of the issues that were reported, we’re not able to spend as much time as needed on this at the moment. I’ll write back on this thread as soon as we’re more active about it.

Sounds good. Can you add me? Happy to test it out.
ID: 1235332

Plase add me for the test ID: 1412031

Hello Please add me to the list. If possible please let me know when this is activated.
Thank you!

ID: 853162

I realized my previous message wasn’t clear so I edited it.
In short, we’re unfortunately not adding new accounts to the feature.

Please do consider my account. As I have an app for construction site management and would greatly benefit from video. Right now I use the file option for uploading site videos and processes. Thank you.

Any one know when this will be released?

Like @Ammarzkhan we also have construction companies that would like to test this feature.

That is great. I will be happy to assist in being a tester for this.