Looker Studio Scheduled Delivery not sending to Lists/Groups

We have recently observed that the scheduled email delivery option just stopped sending emails to any group email ID's or Lists within Google Workspace.

This means that a lot of analytics reports which were being sent out to our business users just stopped going out.

We tried to trigger the reports manually but it just does not work with any of the group ID's and only individual email ID's seem to be working, but this is not feasible in our case since the end users keep changing.

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I have the same problem. Any idea about how to resolve it?



i also have the same problem.

Any sugestions?


I found that my organization's email policy does not allow external email domains to send emails to organization groups unless they are whitelisted. Looker studio schedule emails usually come from looker-studio-noreply @ google.com account

This whitelisting which was present earlier was lost on its own it seems and the messages were getting blocked from the domain. I had to ask the Account Administrators to search for all emails from the looker account and whitelist/allow the emails once to ensure that the scheduled deliveries can go through normally after that time. Hope this helps !

Facing the same problem. Need to share the reports with the team and individual team members keep changing from time to time, hence, very difficult to keep changing the scheduled delivery addressee frequently for every looker studio report.