Looker Dashboard not loading

Hey! I was working on a dashboard for my team and when making a mod to it, I first had a problem saving it and it got stuck, then after that I forced my chrome to close, then restart my laptop and when logging back to Looker the dashboard was satying just loading and it never actually fully loads from now.

Also tried copying it to my personal folder and starting from there, but same story, it never loads.

Various team members have tested and it's about the same. 

Is there a way to restore my dashboard? Did I completely lose it now?

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That's rough, Edgar! 

I recommend reaching out to Support. They can help you troubleshoot and potentially restore it.

If you want help recreating it from scratch, you could probably use the System Activity explores to find the queries and then build the dashboard from there. I can offer more advice on that if you want.