How can I make a new link open in the same tab?

New Member

Part of my job requires that I open about 80 links every morning to make updates in each link. I need them to open in the same tab. This worked until I updated to a new Chrome version yesterday, and now every time I click a link it opens a new tab, making 80 new opened tabs. How can I go back to making the links open in the same tab? 

I know about clicking and dragging the links into the same tab. I prefer not to do this, as I just want to set it back to the way it was by simply clicking and opening in the same tab.

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Hey thanks for asking! 

That sounds like a Google Chrome issue as opposed to Looker/Looker Studio related. I'll try my best to answer, but there might be additional resources available.

  1. Select Settings from the drop-down menu in the left navigation
  2. Click On startup
  3. Select Open a specific page or set of pages
  4. Click Use current pages

Hope that helps!