"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... decimal separator and the rightmost ' 0 ' after the decimal separator determines the range of digits that are always present in the output string . The number of zero and / or digit placeholders after the decimal separator deter- mines ...
"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... decimal - separator in the pattern . Only the decimal - separator , grouping - separator , and pattern - separator characters are allowed between the digit and zero - digit characters in the pattern string . Other characters can only be ...
"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... decimal separator must be a period (.), and the optional thousands separator must be a comma (,). Total shipping cost for this order. If you specify a value for SHIPPINGAMT, you are required to specify a value for ITEMAMT as well ...
"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... decimal separator must be a period (.), and the optional thousands separator must be a comma (,). Total shipping cost for this order. If you specify a value for SHIPPINGAMT, you are required to specify a value for ITEMAMT as well ...
"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Decimal separator According to ISO the decimal separator is generally a comma on the line ( , ) . In English documents , a dot on the line ( . ) may also be used . The half - height dot ( · ) , historically used in British texts ...
"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... decimal-separator="," decimal-separator="," decimal-separator="," decimal-separator="." decimal-separator="." grouping-separator=","/> <xsl:template match="convert"> <html> <head> <title>Number Formatter</title> <style type="text/css ...
"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... decimal separator, in most European countries the comma. An incorrect decimal separator in a particular language may be confused with the thousand separator and lead to wrong understanding of number values. There are programs which ...
"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Decimal Separator © Period be set so SPSS Comma Negative Values Prefix : Suffix : displays things correctly for your currency . OK Cancel Apply Help Following are the options in the Currency tab : Custom Output Formats : The default ...
"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... decimal separator . Use of this separator as specified if the format statement contains a comma surrounded by digit placeholders ( 0 or # ) . Two adjacent commas or a comma immediately to the left of the decimal separator ( whether or ...
"Decimal separator" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... decimal separator character is used . A more sophisticated solution would include a test just before these two lines to ensure that the expected decimal separator was the one requested by the user . We could add this test by using the ...