Use an image file to set an app icon by placing a favicon , icon , or apple-icon image file within your /app directory. The favicon image can only be located in ...
2023/06/02 · Place favicon.ico inside the app/ or public/ folder, which Next.js will auto-generate the necessary metadata. . ├── app/ │ └── favicon.
2023/12/10 · Use the Head component to link your favicon in the document head or a custom _app.js file. Here's a basic example: import Head from 'next/head' ...
2024/04/04 · Step 2: Adding a favicon to the app directory. Next, you add the icons to the root of your /app directory. Next.js will evaluate the file and ...
2023/12/25 · There are 2 ways to add favicon in nextjs app. Open layout.js file. In case of typescript it'll be layout.tsx and in case of pages router ...
2023/12/10 · All favicon files should be placed in the public directory of your Next.js project. This directory is special because it maps to the root URL, ...
2024/05/06 · ico file to the public directory of your Next.js project, and it will be accessible from the root of your application. Place the favicon.ico ...
2023/11/03 · Store favicon or icon images to public/images/ directory. In app/Layout.tsx metadata.icons.icon add url and href path to the stored images ...