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Here for the Wrong Reasons

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In this swoon-filled lesbian romcom, two dating show contestants vying for the affection of the leading man fall head over heels—for each other.

Fans of Ashley Herring Blake and Alexandria Bellefleur, and readers who love The Bachelor, will adore this steamy, laugh-out-loud debut romance.

Krystin knows exactly what she a husband, a horse, and a place to hang all her competitive rodeo blue ribbons. But when none of the eligible bachelors in Montana end up being right for her, she turns to reality TV. On Hopelessly Devoted, Krystin will compete against dozens of other women for the heart of this season’s Hopeless Romantic, Josh Rosen. She’s determined to win the perfect life she came here for—if she can just ignore the glossy brunette whose crimson smile gives her goosebumps.

Lauren has never done anything for the right reasons—and she’s definitely not on Hopelessly Devoted to win Josh’s heart. Lauren’s plan is simple: stay on the show long enough to build her social media following, and then gracefully leave when it's her turn to be eliminated. With enough followers, she’ll finally have enough influencer clout to do whatever she wants—including come out of the proverbial walk-in closet. But the longer she stays on the show, the more she finds herself tangled up in a certain blonde’s lasso.

But neither contestant expects a heteronormative dating show to challenge their own deeply-ingrained ideas of who they are—and what they want. Fans of The Charm Offensive and Love Island will swoon for this sparkling debut romcom.

336 pages, Paperback

First published May 21, 2024

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Annabel Paulsen

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 460 reviews
Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,512 reviews4,160 followers
April 29, 2024
4.5 stars rounded up

For anyone who watches or has watched The Bachelor, loves messiness, and wishes they had sapphic representation, this is a must read. I thought Here for the Wrong Reasons was delightful and it has a ton of nods to the setup of The Bachelor. It follows two women who come on the show- one is a closeted lesbian looking to grow her social media, the other is a rodeo queen who has never had a serious relationship. They're supposed to be falling for the hero of the show, but instead they're falling for each other...

I thought this was a blast to read, as someone who watched the Bachelor franchise for many years. There is definitely some bad behavior, but I liked how it came together at the end and the way amends were made where they were needed. Definitely recommend this for fans of the show! Also, yes it is quite steamy once you get a little ways in! The audio narration is excellent. I received an audio copy of this book for review via NetGalley, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Sam.
787 reviews107 followers
September 30, 2023
I think to call this an LGBTQ+ book is a bit of a stretch. Yes, in the end we get a lesbian couple, but this book is basically just about a series similar to The Bachelor. A very straight storyline.
That’s ok, but I think this book is misrepresenting its storyline in the blurb and the tags.

The main characters are childish, superficial, irritating, and irresponsible - highly annoying. The way the story is told is just utterly boring. If I wanted to read a scripted reality tv script, I would. I don’t, and when I ever feel the urge it wouldn’t be this flat piece of text.

I just didn’t like this, didn’t like the characters, didn’t like the way the story was told. I stuck in there because I kept hoping the couple would find each other and the tv show nonsense would stop. It didn’t, it got worse.
Not for me, please read other reviews.
Profile Image for Teddy.
260 reviews31 followers
October 4, 2023
This book basically had me smiling from start to finish. I love riffs of The Bachelor so this was up my alley and I loved how the author showed us behind the scenes while sassing the show in a nuanced way. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this but was pleasantly surprised on all fronts. Krystin’s journey was tactfully handled - I loved her character and how her confidence and self-awareness unfolded. I also loved Lauren and the perspective she brought. And together, their chemistry is palpable. I would have liked Josh (and his Judaism) to be developed a bit more as well as some of the other contestants but that’s how reality tv goes. These characters will sit with me…I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for a future bonus chapter.

Short summary: Rodeo Queen Krystin is missing a husband - reality tv is a good solution, right? Lauren could care less about Josh- she’s on TV for the followers..like everyone else. Except Kristin is shockingly earnest, and keeps looking at Lauren…

Thank you to Netgalley and Alcove Press. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tierney Moore.
Author 12 books74 followers
May 5, 2024
Pretty much as much fun as you can have between the pages... or in my case, between the speakers 🥰

Is this a take on “The Bachelor,” a rom with liberal sprinkles of com added in? Or is it an LGBTQ+ book with a romance?

Perhaps it’s these questions that have led to some of the varied reviews, creating a possible mismatch of expectations. Which, if the case, is most surprising to me because the cover, title, and blurb make it clear this wonderful novel is *all of the above*.

And all the better because of it!

“Here for the Wrong Reasons” is both an homage to and an exposé of unscripted TV dating shows, in particular “The Bachelor,” which it parodies down it to a “t.” The show, though, that contestants Lauren (that’s Lauren C… not to be confused with the “other” Lauren with an H!) and Krystin, find themselves on merely provides the brilliant backdrop for this story, this romance. And be in no doubt that this is romance, a queer one. If it was anything less (or perhaps I should say “different”), then the debut team of Annabel Paulsen and Lydia Wang would not have told the story in an alternating, dual POV. It’s a choice that’s wisely made too, since we get to enjoy the fledgling relationship between the protagonists from very different starting points, perceptions, and hopes.

I thoroughly enjoyed this opposites-attract, forced-proximity romance with dashes of grumpy-sunshine sprinkled in, and which is performed superbly by both narrators in the audio version that I, frankly, devoured. Lauren and Krystin are quite different in their makeup, backgrounds, and traits, but both narratives skewer the dating show they’re on, while still managing to acknowledge why the show is fun for viewers, endearingly popular, and can help people find love… even if not in an expected way. The attraction between the leads is obvious and immediate, and readers/listeners are not kept waiting for too long for the frissons of feels to reverberate.

I have a few pet peeves when I read romance. One (a huge one) is the weak reversal, where the relationship is fractured for some reason. Way too often the reversal is poorly constructed, usually some silly misunderstanding that feels inorganic and forced. The angst is high in places in “Here for the Wrong Reasons,” including its reversal. I don’t think I’m giving much away here, since the reversal is so ubiquitous in the genre. What’s great is the reversal situations that occur are entirely organic due to the pressurized environment the girls, as contestants, find themselves in. The authors deftly take advantage of this to organically construct strains and lack of communication in a relationship that impact what might otherwise be feature more straightforward development.

Another common device used in the genre I don’t care for is public announcements of affection, love, status, and so on. It’s crept in from TV rom-coms, I think. Maybe it’s a cultural thing. I’m a Brit and we are famous for being stiff and reserved (some of us are barely flexible enough to navigate a bend in a twisty road). So a public declaration of emotions?? I.Am.Not.A.Fan.

Except here. Because public declarations of emotions are the entire backdrop. So… will Lauren and/or Krystin and/or Josh—the show’s romantic lead this season—and/or another character finally come to terms with their feelings amid the pressure of a closed community? And if so, who will they tell? And how? And when?

Who knows? Well, I know, obviously. And I urge you to grab a copy of “Here for the Wrong Reasons” so you can to find out and enjoy this super-fun and entirely engaging romance.

My huge thanks to the authors, the publishers, and to NetGalley for the chance to devour and review this superb debut as an (audio) ARC. I giggled my way through a lot of this and full out laughed in places. And yes, I shed a tear or two, I don’t mind admitting.

Buy this, read this, listen to this, and it just might become as standout a literary experience for you as it has been for me, in 2024.
Profile Image for Jena.
739 reviews160 followers
June 21, 2024
Here for the Wrong Reasons is a sapphic romance in which two women on a dating show fall for each other instead of the bachelor. I've read a book similar to this one's premise, however this book still stands on it's own. I had a few issues with this book, such as the way that Krystin and Lauren led Josh on and how fake so many of the contestants were and how pessimistic that felt, but other than that I really loved this book. Lauren and Krystin's chemistry was so uniquely perfect. It's the sapphic dynamic I didn't know I needed. Mean lesbian influencer falls for the closeted all-American rodeo queen. Yes please! Lauren does come off as very fake at first, but it's because she is a closeted queer women scared of exposing her heart and being rejected as the real her. Krystin is your classic, all-American, country girl. She screams basic straight girl, but she's actually gay as well and has a heart of gold. I loved seeing Lauren slowly shed her mean girl persona to pine for and protect Krystin. And on the flip side, I loved seeing Krystin push Lauren to be her real self. I also loved seeing Krystin comes to terms with her sexuality. I found that all the discussions regarding queer identity and sexuality were very well written. (also the smut scenes were very good hehe). Overall, I really loved this story. Sometimes I got stressed out by all the secrets and the girls leading Josh on, but Lauren and Krystin's chemistry and relationship was everything I could have asked for, and outweighed any real faults this book had.
Thank you to Dreamscape Media for the audio ARC in exhcange for an honest review!
Profile Image for ♥Milica♥.
1,325 reviews502 followers
May 27, 2024
I've read a book that's very similar to this in terms of plot and have been looking for something like it ever since. I was hoping I'd found it in Here for the Wrong Reasons, but it sadly didn't fully work for me.

I liked the idea (obviously), the setting, the writing, parts of the romance, and the fact that I didn't mix the other girls up despite there being so many of them. The authors really did a good job eliminating them in every chapter, and making sure the ones that were sticking around longer were given recognisable personalities.

What didn't work for me was how dragged out it felt. Both Lauren and Krystin (but especially the former) were in the show for the wrong reasons, like the title says, and after realising there's something there around 40% into the book, I was expecting them to drop out, any moment now, not for both of them to keep making it into the next round until the very end.

Maybe I wouldn't have had such a problem with this if Josh wasn't so nice. He had his heart broken once, and both of these girls ultimately knew they'd break his too. And they were kinda okay with it?

I'm a bit more lenient with Krystin because she wasn't sure what she wanted for most of the book, she'd never been with a girl before and thought she had to be straight to fit in at home, but Lauren was awful. She knew who she was and what she wanted, she just wasn't officially out yet, and from the start she was leading Josh on, just to get more followers and brand deals.

Her saying that she was staying because she wanted more time with Krystin rang hollow to me, because in the next scene she'd act like she wanted to win the whole show to prove she could.

She had a very clear exit point near the end, and instead of taking it, and hoping Krystin follows, she does something that would keep her on the show...

Anyway, her and Krystin had no chemistry that I could sense. I couldn't tell you why they liked each other, it felt really random. But their romantic scenes were cute.

I wish that more time had been spent on developing their relationship, instead of describing what the characters were doing during the episodes, where they went etc, I wanted to be convinced that these two actually liked each other, see them spending more time together.

And there was a huge focus on Josh, which, okay, it IS his show, but I kinda feel like he got more page time than Krystin and Lauren.

Both of them kept going back to him, kissing him, even after getting closer and closer, it just didn't feel right.

There was also some miscommunication, but when I tell you I didn't even care...yeah. The ending made up for all of that though, mostly. Everyone got their happily ever after.

Overall, it wasn't a bad book, and I'm not regretting giving it a chance. Hopefully others will like it more than I did.

*Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for X.
845 reviews14 followers
October 25, 2023
Cute, light, fun. Juuuuust enough bite to keep it interesting. Shout out to my MVP Delia, love a bitter bestie - where’s her sequel? 😂
Profile Image for klaudia katarzyna.
193 reviews15 followers
June 14, 2024
"I love you in a real, certain way, and I know I'm not good at, like, feelings and words, but I think I've been trying to tell you that for a really, really long time now. And I want to keep doing it, Krystin. For as long as you'll let me."

+ lesbian main characters, queer side characters
+ reality dating show

what made me read this was the dating show theme and the wlw relationship. i was hoping for more because the romance isn't that clear until the last 20% of the book.
some people might argue that the protagonists were very manipulative with which i can agree in a bit, Lauren was in the show only to gain followers while Krystin actually wanted to experience love.

although it wasn't peak wlw romance i had fun while reading this and in my opinion, it is a perfect beach read this year. we've got romance, a little bit of adventure, and a happy ending.

big thank you to Alcove Press for providing me with an arc.
Profile Image for The Lesbian Library (Maddy).
106 reviews76 followers
March 7, 2024
4.5 stars :)
Krystin is a rodeo queen from Montana who never had the time or drive to date. However, her luck changes when she is accepted as a contestant on the hottest dating show, Hopelessly Devoted. Finally, it’s her time to meet the right guy and settle down, all she has to do is beat out dozens of other gorgeous women with the same goal. And although Krystin seems to catch the bachelor’s eye, she can’t seem to stop thinking about the beautiful brunette with the cherry-red nails.

Lauren knows what she wants, and air time on Hopelessly Devoted is a direct path to it. She’ll stay on for half the season, get some sponsorship deals, up her following, and be able to take on influencing full-time. It’s not like she’ll ever fall for the bachelor, her string of exclusively sapphic hookups as reference. But a heternormative dating show is the last place she expected a stunning blonde with a proverbial lasso attached to her hip to steal her affection. Will they realize their feelings and stay true to themselves, or will the pressure of putting it all out there prove too much? Reality dating shows have met their sapphic match in Here for the Wrong Reasons.

What a fun book!!! I was honestly so game from the first time I read the description because I have a weakness for sapphic dating show storylines. This is a for sure slow-burn romance but after that first kiss it is spice the rest of the way. I also love that an actual couple wrote this, you could tell in the best of ways. The characters felt real and intricate, and the plot was tension-packed but also silly and fun. This book set the scene for more “complex queer female characters” in the romance genre.

Both Krystin and Lauren have their own “morally grey” moments but I think Lauren stands out in this book. She is immediately set up as the show's “villain”. Although initially rightfully so as she is cold, calculating and has no issues screwing people over to get to the top. The stereotype of everything that we are taught to hate in women and promote in men. But she is written with so much depth and nuance that you are rooting for her from the start. Especially her coming-out storyline, which I loved. Lauren is a fantastic example of how to re-write the “queer mean girl villain” narrative that heternormative stories have force-fed us to make our own.

Krystin is also a fun character, although completely different from Lauren. Her slow but transformative realizations felt on a timeline that would fit someone in her situation. She’s from a small town in Montana and because of her strict rodeo schedule, she always had an excuse to never delve deeper into her lack of interest in men. Plus she didn’t exactly grow up in the epicenter of queer representation. But Krystin’s transformation from a closeted unsure girl to a confident out and proud lesbian was well-paced and genuine.

I also loved the lesbian representation in this!! I don’t think this plot would have worked if one was bisexual so I am 100000% here for the dual lesbian love. And normally I am so tired of coming out storylines, I’ve just read so many and I think a lot of queer stories fall back on them as the “big moment” instead of giving us more complex queer stories. But this was such an interesting take that I can’t even be mad. I think it worked for this plot and it was also amazing to see the frontrunner “bachelor”-esque guy get dumped and humiliated. Hilarious!

As I’ve already mentioned I am a total sucker for reality tv-show plots. But we are so lacking them in queer romance! As much as I would love to see an all-sapphic reality tv show book this was freaking good for being so “straight”. My biggest fear was that it was going to feel too hetero but it didn’t and I am still shocked. It somehow felt so queer and sapphic and gave me all the butterflies in my tummy. Despite this book containing tropes I tend to dislike; coming-out, third-act breakup, miscommunication, it felt so fresh that I loved it. This is the perfect example of why you can’t judge a story by its tropes because it may surprise you.

All in all this fresh and spicy reality show romance is an absolute must-read. From the heartwarming storylines to the spicy rivalries you won’t be able to put it down. I promise that the immediate chemistry between Krystin and Laura will have you clutching the pages. If you like romances full of humor, spice, and complex, sometimes morally grey characters then this book is for you. Happy reading!

Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for sending this eARC for review consideration. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

CW: Alcohol, anxiety, homophobia, misogyny.

For more sapphic reviews follow @the.lebian.library on Instagram, Goodreads, and Tiktok.
Profile Image for Nev.
1,229 reviews177 followers
March 10, 2024
Sapphic love prevails on the set of a straight reality TV dating show. Krystin, a rodeo queen, has never had a serious relationship and thinks that Hopelessly Devoted is the key to getting her HEA. Lauren is an influencer who knows that she’s a lesbian and decides to go on the show to grow her social media following. Because a lot of people go on these shows to get something other than love, right? While they’re there to be dating Josh, Krystin and Lauren end up falling for each other instead.

I really enjoyed getting the different perspectives of Krystin and Lauren. It was especially interesting to follow Krystin’s journey of realizing her sexuality and breaking out of compulsory heterosexuality. It took me a bit longer to warm up to Lauren, she can be a bit of a prickly character. And I felt like it took longer in the story than I wanted for her to realize that she needed to open up more to people and not be so closed off just for the sake of her career.

The reality TV dating show definitely made for an interesting plot. I’ve never watched The Bachelor or any shows like that, so there will probably be fun references or Easter eggs for readers who are super familiar with those franchises that went over my head. I liked getting the interstitials of the confessionals from the main two women and the other contestants as well. Because the show was airing only a week delayed from when they were shooting I thought it would’ve been fun to have additional interstitials with online commentary from viewers, but that never happened.

Because the premise of the book is all of these women trying to date Josh, I can see why that might be annoying for people only there for the lesbian romance. So know that there is a slow burn in getting Krystin and Lauren together. And that the dating show is a massive part of the plot and Josh is there basically throughout the entire book.

I had a great time reading this. I think that reality TV and dating shows offer such an interesting backdrop for romance novels. And I’m definitely looking forward to reading more from Annabel Paulsen and Lydia Wang in the future. Definitely check this out if you’re looking for a fun sapphic romance.

Thank you to the publisher for providing an advance copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Brend.
589 reviews950 followers
June 10, 2024
That's the way it is; you come to Buenos Aires, your realize you're a lesbian.

Profile Image for Mia.
2,449 reviews959 followers
June 22, 2024
Lesbian rom-com and men is most likable one. Bye.
Profile Image for morgan.
121 reviews9 followers
October 9, 2023
If there’s one thing about me you should know by now, is that I absolutely adore queer books. If you ever want me to read a book, just mention that is queer and I will devour it in less than a week.

The book I read this week, “Here For The Wrong Reasons” had me smiling from ear to ear, kicking my feet and twisting in bed. I am so excited for it to come out next year, and talk openly about it.

This book tells the story of Lauren and Kristyn, who participate in a reality show to win Josh’s heart. Lauren is an influencer who is only there to gain more followers and then be swiftly eliminated, while Kristyn is a Rodeo Queen who is there to find true love. Of course, they didn’t count on falling in love with one another.

While this book was definitely a fun and sweet read, I do think there was a little bit too much Josh. I would’ve liked for the main characters to have a more developed relationship, since in the beginning we barely see them interact. It was a bit out of nowhere but nonetheless sweet relationship to read.

And talking about development, I would’ve liked for the other women to be more developed too. Look, I get it, developing 35 women who don’t really matter to the plot is a bit useless and not relevant, but I would’ve liked to see friendships blossom and a bit more of the dynamics inside the house. In general, I would’ve liked to see less of Josh, and more of the women.

I do want to note that Lauren and Kristyn’s relationship to their queerness, especially Kristyn’s comphet, was really well handled. I read some reviews of this book which said that the queerness was barely there, and this is what I think: this book gave us two closeted lesbians who each battled with two different sides of internalized homophobia, and to me, that was very clear. It wasn’t outright stated, but it influenced their actions and their dialogue, and it was both a nice and sad thing to see. I think saying the queerness was not there, when the book has a lot of inner struggles about it, and specially about being a lesbian, is not right.

Thanks to Net Galley for the arc!

Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Profile Image for Sterling Sapphic Reads.
263 reviews96 followers
May 20, 2024
The audiobook of Here for the Wrong Reasons is a captivating listen, brought to life beautifully by phenomenal narrators, Mara Wilson & Lindsey Dorcus. Their expressive performances and distinct character voices elevate the story, making every moment engaging and vivid. These narrators’ skillful delivery enhances the emotional depth and humor, truly immersing the listener in the narrative.

This partial sexual awakening and coming-out story centers around the complexities of reality dating shows, making it a great pick for fans of such TV genres. If you enjoyed Never Getting Back Together and are looking for a more adult version, this story is for you.

Despite my general aversion to reality TV, particularly dating shows, and my dislike for love triangles, I found this debut novel from these two talented authors, Annabel Paulsen & Lydia Wang, to be an emotion-provoking experience. The characters are complex and developed, and the plot takes you on a ride of the emotional spectrum- I experienced a wide range of emotions through this listen, everything from frustration and eye-rolling at the lack of communication to giddiness over these two FMC's finding each other. This novel offers a sapphic take on familiar themes. I enjoyed the writing style and I would love to read more from these authors, especially stories that aren't centered around reality shows.

Overall, Here for the Wrong Reasons is a great debut, and the audiobook version is a standout, thanks to the exceptional narrators who bring every aspect of the story to life.

Thank you to Netgalley, Dreamscape Media, & Annabel Paulsen; Lydia Wang for an ARC of this Audiobook.
Profile Image for Jen.
171 reviews7 followers
June 28, 2024
I can’t stand reality shows, especially the dating variety, and I may have passed this book over but I kept seeing it recommended and was curious… ended up reading it in a day and really liked it. I liked both MCs and thought the romance was well done. Some of the reality show based plot line had me cringing, especially at the end, but a solid 5 stars for the romance.
Profile Image for currentlyreadingbynat.
723 reviews78 followers
April 12, 2024
Here for the Wrong Reasons delivers an intriguing twist on the typical reality dating show narrative, blending sapphic romance with the glitzy, competitive world of reality television. Krystin, a rodeo queen unaccustomed to the dating scene, and Lauren, a seasoned influencer with a strategic plan, find themselves unexpectedly drawn to each other amidst the chaos of the hetero dating show 'Hopelessly Devoted'. Their connection challenges the heteronormative expectations of reality TV and their own preconceived notions about love. I really enjoyed this setting as it added a lot of fun and drama. It was an engaging read due to this.

The novel stands out for its deep dive into character complexity, especially with Lauren's portrayal as the show's antagonist. Her character arc, from being perceived as manipulative to revealing a vulnerable and genuine side, enriches the story and subverts the typical villain trope in a refreshing way. Krystin's journey of self-discovery and coming out adds authenticity and relatability, highlighting the nuances of queer identity in a conservative setting.

I really enjoyed the writing style to this too. It was so engaging in the way it was written. I am looking forward to reading more from Annabel Paulsen and Lydia Wang in the future.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Alcove Press for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Colleen Earle.
921 reviews65 followers
January 31, 2024
Thanks to Alcove Press and Netgalley for early access to this book in return for a review.

What happens when two closeted lesbians end up on the same bachelor-esk show? Let's find out!

This book was so stinkin' cute. I love all the characters.

Here for the Wrong reasons is a dual POV forced proximity, slow burn romance. It follows two women, Krystin, a rodeo queen, and Lauren, a budding influencer. They have both been selected as contestants on Hopelessly Devoted to compete for Josh Rosen's heart. But as the competition heats up, so does the tension between these two women.

There is so much I enjoyed about this book, but I liked how it played with tropes and assumptions about the characters throughout the novel. Both Krystin and Lauren beg you to make assumptions about them, especially when you're reading from the others POV, but at every turn, they both become so much more than their stereotypes.

The conclusion to the story was sweet and tied up the loose ends nicely. The story gave you spice without going too overboard.

I think this would be great for fans of Ashley Herring Blake, and Rachel Lacey. The vibes are immaculate and it is a thoroughly enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Meagan.
230 reviews17 followers
December 9, 2023
Thanks to Netgalley for providing this arc! All thoughts and opinions are my own!

The second I read this synopsis I had to have it. I think we all (and by we I mean queer women who also watch the bachelor) remember when the Vietnamese franchise had basically this scenario happen: two of the female contestants fell in love and lived happily ever after (at least as far as 2019 I can't find much past that).

Lauren and Krystin were such a perfect opposites attract couple and the setting of being on Hopelessly Devoted (aka The Bachelor) was such a cool setting for a relationship and all the mixed up communication that goes with it.

Like any good lesbian romance there are FEELINGS and also like any good "awakening" romance there is also love and support from the cast of secondary characters which we love to see.

Overall a super enjoyable read. I found the constant Bachelor references hilarious but I can see that those who didn't grow up with the franchise might just be a little confused/not as engaged with the "journey".

3.5/5 ⭐
827 reviews6 followers
September 28, 2023
Krystin and Lauren compete with each other for the eligible bachelor Josh on the reality show Hopelessly Devoted. They end up falling for each other.

I like how differnt Krystin and Lauren are but they fit each other well. I like the reality show setting since I love reality shows books! The book is so funny and has so many LOL scenes. Really enjoy it a lot.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.
September 29, 2023
A fun, cute read. If you’re a fan of reality tv shows like I am, this book is for you. Follow along as Krystin tries to make it to the final ceremony to win the love of her life, but it just might not be who she was expecting it be!
Thank to Netgalley for the early release ARC!
Profile Image for norah.
425 reviews23 followers
March 12, 2024
thanks to NetGalley for the eARC

⭐️=1 | 😘=5 | 🤬=4.5 | 18+

summary: two contestants on a reality dating show—one there to find love, one there to get followers—fall for each other instead of the man they’re supposed to be competing for

thoughts: the protagonists were so unlikable and manipulative and not morally proficient individuals in any capacity whatsoever, which does NOT make for a good romance novel—you can do gray protagonists in just about every other genre, but it’s not okay in a fluffy romance!! not a function of the genre!! forbidden!!!!!!!!!

furthermore!! whenever there’s a dating show romcom (see: One to Watch or The Charm Offensive ) there’s a plethora of identical/useless side characters (other contestants) and it’s annoying to keep track of; everyone blends together every time always and, again, romance novels are not known for the wide casts of characters. it just doesn't work.

idk. am I being too mean? but this was so frustrating 😭 and also I don’t feel like the MCs even had that much chemistry together?? like I wasn’t convinced that they had any reason to be attracted to each other at all?? and then the main guy they were supposed to be falling in love with is just completely sidelined and at the end of the book I felt for him more than either of the protagonists. like can we please not have the entire plot center around two manipulative lesbians trying to trick a straight guy into thinking they’re in love with him?? let’s maybe not do that! anyway!! did not love this!! no thanks!!!!!
Profile Image for Jordan.
622 reviews42 followers
May 30, 2024
Rating: Loved It, 4.5 stars

This book was exactly my trope candy, and I devoured it! Here for the Wrong Reasons is set on a reality dating show similar to the Bachelor and features Krystin, the reigning Rodeo Queen Montana, and Lauren, an instagram influencer from New Jersey. They participate in the journey to win Josh's heart, Krystin looking for her forever, and Lauren looking for her 15 minutes of fame, and they both find love...with each other.

I had SUCH a good time with this one! I am a sucker for any rom com featuring a reality TV show or some type of competition, so this one was right up my alley. I had such a good time with the characters and with the way the book leaned into the reality tv aspect. I thought that it was written really well to mimic the setting. Basically, Lauren and Krystin were the only characters who were fleshed out - everyone else was sort of a caricature, which was honestly perfection for a Bachel0r-style show. I loved the interludes between each week when we got the behind the scenes camera discussions of the contestants!

Overally, it was a really fun time, and I was rooting so hard for Krystin and Lauren! I will say that the end stretched the bounds of what I could believe - it all wrapped up a little too quickly and nicely. I think that it would have been so much messier of an ending with everything that went down, but that didn't really dampen my enjoyment of the book. Just the only thing that is holding it back from being a 5 star read.

I loved this and I will be curious to see what these authors put out in the future!
Profile Image for Ashley.
455 reviews71 followers
May 23, 2024
This book was a laugh out loud read! I love when books have game shows or competitive reality tv! This really hit the spot in that department. A dating show but have the contestants fall for each other in this sapphic rom com absolutely! An overall fun read.

The only thing I wasn't a huge fan of was the miscommunication in it. Otherwise def recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for the arc.
Profile Image for marilynn.
422 reviews28 followers
May 27, 2024
2.75 stars

it hurts ME when i feel like a lesbian couple has no chemistry
(deducted a point because i don't want a lesbian book to make me feel bad for a man??????)
Profile Image for Rikki Ziegelman.
88 reviews7 followers
June 18, 2024
This is a super fun read and I’m obsessed with the fact that the authors fell in love while writing the book together!!!
Profile Image for Remi.
73 reviews6 followers
May 20, 2024
3.5 I liked this I will say that I enjoyed the story from the 45% mark on. The beginning isn't just slow the 2 MCs barely interact with one another for the First 30%. And while there are subtle setups it's really into the theme of the dating show. I thought Lauren's character was a bit more interesting and complex from the beginning. But once it got to that 45% I was intrigued. with a few pacing issues in between I did overall enjoy the story the characters are messy and complex with discussion of coming out publicly and to yourself. The spice was good, the audio narration was well done. Thank you, NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced audio arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Esme.
644 reviews25 followers
May 22, 2024
Happy Pub day to this cute read! It reads exactly as a show of the bachelor or love island would! It's fun and drama filled with a fun LGBTQIA+ twist! It had just the right amount of spice that it didn't take the whole focus of the book which was great! I had a really fun time reading this one! I enjoyed the characters and the plot was really easy to follow! It's for sure a very fun summer read that would be perfect to read by the pool or at the beach!!

Perfect for if you read and loved "Never Ever Getting Back together" by Sophie Gonzales but wished it had spice in it!

Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for an arc in exchange for an honest review!!
Profile Image for lil.
19 reviews4 followers
May 31, 2024
listened to this audiobook while uhauling cross country with my gf (appropriate). so cute and honestly v well-written. def a bit of a slow burn/dragged a bit in the middle but still really enjoyed!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 460 reviews

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