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Cinema Love

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A staggering, tender epic about gay men in rural China and the women who marry them.

For over thirty years, Old Second and his wife, Bao Mei, have cobbled together a meager existence in New York City’s Chinatown. But unlike other couples, these two aren’t in love. In rural China, before they emigrated, they frequented the Workers’ Cinema: a rundown theater where gay men cruised without fear for intimacy and conversation.

While classic war films played, Old Second and his countrymen found privacy—and love—in the screening rooms. In the box office, Bao Mei sold tickets to closeted men; guarding their secrets, guiding them in their relationships, and even finding her own happiness with the theater’s projectionist. But when Old Second’s passion for his lover is discovered, a series of haunting events unfold, propelling these characters toward an uncertain future in America.

As we follow these characters from China to New York, from first love to old age, we bear witness to the tensions of immigration—and how memory forever weighs down the present. Cinema Love is a big-hearted and heart-shattering novel about desire, secrets, grief, how we care for one another, and how we survive.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published May 7, 2024

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About the author

Jiaming Tang

1 book47 followers
Jiaming Tang is a queer immigrant writer and editor based in Brooklyn, NY. He holds an MFA from the University of Alabama. He is an Emerging Writer Fellow at The Center for Fiction, and his stories and essays have been published in AGNI, Lit Hub, Joyland Magazine, and elsewhere. CINEMA LOVE is his first book.

Jiaming is also serving as a judge for the 2023 Restless Books Nonfiction Prize for New Immigrant Writing and he was formerly the nonfiction editor at Black Warrior Review.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews
Profile Image for tia ❀.
161 reviews593 followers
October 6, 2023
Right off the bat, you can tell that Tang’s writing in Cinema Love is exceptional. I can’t even start to tell you how many quotes I have underlined from this book. The writing itself is searing - the story of Yan Hua, Old Second, and Bao Mei (among other characters I hold very dear to my heart) is so powerful.

Cinema Love is such a grotesque, raw, and unabashed look into human nature. It shows that love can easily come with confusing and contradictory feelings like jealousy, hatred, and disgust. These characters literally feel like an open book in this novel - you see their true colors with the good and bad, and end up admiring them anyway for their sheer damn determinedness to stay alive.

The writing makes the reading experience so scenic. Tang’s writing breathes true life into his characters and makes it as if you’re watching a movie - except, Cinema Love gives you an even clearer picture of our main characters because we get to see the perspective of so many people, as a reader you experience their world like an omnipresent God watching down on them. Grief feels like a literal physical weight upon our cast of Cinema Love, so much so that I felt it tangibly through my screen.

I am so so thankful for NetGalley and Dutton for the advanced readers copy. I will hold Cinema Love very close to my heart and I will be wholeheartedly recommending this to my audience and loved ones. To the author Jiaming Tang - whatever you write, I will read. Thank you for this story.
Profile Image for Vito.
241 reviews66 followers
June 21, 2024
Jiaming Tang’s debut novel, “Cinema Love” will stay with you long after you finish — its pages filled with tender, heart-wrenching stories of gay men and the women who loved and married them. We start in China, following a man named Old Second who after being discovered to be queer is thrown out and must find a new home. Alone in a new city, he discovers a place, a theater, filled with men just like him and a woman, Bao Mei, who serves as a keeper to their secrets - her connection to the theater revealed as you read on.

Tang does a wonderful job weaving in and out of the main storyline with vignettes and introducing new characters with pasts that help tell and fill in the tapestry of this story as the story moves from one decade to the next and from one continent to another. He balances moments of joy and deep sadness. One moment, in act two, brought tears to my eyes — two characters discover fictitious letters (unbeknownst to them) that tell stories of what could have been for the queer men who visited the theater years ago. We as readers don’t know what happened to these men but hope they found lives filled with love, success and happiness like the letters described.

I liked the blend of literary and historical fiction; if you’re a fan of either genre, pick this up — you won’t regret it!
Profile Image for Cody | CodysBookshelf.
759 reviews270 followers
January 13, 2024
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the early review copy!

I’ve seen Cinema Love often described in reviews as ‘soft’ and ‘tender’ and I would agree - it feels delicate. It’s ornate crystal that could easily shatter. But it has a lot of power, hidden power, and the end result is a smart and touching look at a cinema in rural China in the ‘80s that was a cruising spot for (mostly) closeted married men. And the women they married. And the ways these women deal with their men deceiving them.

Were the deceits malicious? It can be a hard question answer.

This is a novel that deals in shades of gray.

I was reminded of last year’s Monstrilio as far as the writing style went: short and punchy and so smart, exploring the lives of characters the reader might not necessarily love but can understand. Whereas that book was horror (or, at least, horror-adjacent), Cinema Love is not so grotesque and fits best in the literary genre.

What a great start to my reading year!
Profile Image for Letitia  | Bookshelfbyla.
174 reviews103 followers
June 26, 2024
‘Cinema Love’ is a book that is my personal reminder of the power of fiction. It covers over 30 years, traveling from rural China to New York City’s Chinatown. For the past few days, I have felt like I’ve been living life alongside these characters and learning more about the connected issues they face, specifically from their time in America.

We follow a crew of characters individually but also in the form of couples and see their connection to the Worker’s Cinema, a rundown theater in rural China that was a haven for gay men to find love and privacy. But when one of the men’s wives discovers his affair, a series of events unravel, closing down the Cinema and permanently altering their lives. This sets them to relocate to build anew in America.

I would still have been intrigued if we had only followed the men but following their wives added another layer, putting this story in its own lane.

An immersive story that was heartbreaking, complicated, emotional, and raw. My favorite books touch on the grey areas in life, and this did that. I felt for every character. I don’t think there are any true villains or victims, as everyone has caused some pain and been on the receiving end. All our actions have repercussions, as we don’t exist in a vacuum. As much as you understand and empathize with the men, you also feel for the unfortunate situations the women have been put in.

It’s torturous to have to call a place home where you feel unsafe, and this is a reminder of the power of safe spaces and community, as seen with the theatre and the existence of Chinatown.

The men go from feeling unsafe in China due to hiding their identity and desire to feeling unsafe in America due to racism and the difficulties of Chinese immigration. The women face the same struggles with immigration but with the compound of navigating their loveless marriages. We see how they find ways to survive, as it is difficult to shake old memories.

Despite everything, I still felt there was a lot of love in the story, and if anything, it depicted the multifaceted ways love can be shown under immense distress, as it's hard to care for others when you are in survival mode.

This story is just as great as its cover—and it’s a debut! I highly recommend it; this was stellar.
Profile Image for Leni ♥.
208 reviews14 followers
June 27, 2024
Okay, so I said I'd finish this book like a month ago and I lied. Sorry. Life got in the way.

However, I'm glad I decided to keep reading despite the books slow start and taking huge breaks before picking it up again.

Literary fiction isn't something I usually read but when it's done well... it can really impact.

The story follows Old Second, Bao Mei, and Yan Hua as the three main narrators. Other characters like May also sometimes have a narrative voice throughout. Each character is fleshed out and well developed and I enjoyed following their journey's from beginning to end. Tang does a great job fleshing them out and really SHOWING their grief and trauma, slowly revealing it to the audience, rather than just telling them what happened.

However, my favourite part is seeing how all these characters, who at first seem to be random strangers, are connected to each other. It shows that people have more connections than they'd think. And it also provides new perspectives when the characters are working.

Finally, I want to talk about the setting. Tang just puts so much magic and effort into writing The Worker's theatre that it just became a character of its own. Same as East Broadway and Chinatown in New York City. Because of that, you feel quite connected to the characters as it's easy to visualize them in the settings.
Profile Image for Amber.
593 reviews67 followers
May 6, 2024
Finished copy by the publisher & ALC from @prhaudio

In this mesmerizing tale, Tang explores the different shades of love woven through the intertwined lives of its complex characters. From tender care to passionate desire, from confusion to jealousy, and even to the brink of destruction, CINEMA LOVE reminds us that no one is entirely innocent or evil—it's the choices we make and the burdens we carry that shape our destinies. 

With its multi-POV narrative, which delves not only into the perspectives of closeted gay men in China but also into the lives of their wives, Tang skilfully paints a vivid and authentic portrait of imperfect yet relatable characters. As the story unfolds across different timelines, Tang effortlessly navigates the complexities of love, grief, and guilt, culminating in a finale that lingers in the mind long after the final page is turned.

CINEMA LOVE is a powerful reminder that love defies simple categorization or expectations; it is as diverse and multifaced as the individuals who experience it. Amidst all the complexities and challenges, love remains a guiding force, inspiring acts of compassion and understanding.


rtc. But amazing writing and a very refreshing look about closeted gay men and their wives. I can’t believe this is a debut 🔥🔥🔥
Profile Image for Shannon.
5,715 reviews320 followers
May 13, 2024
An incredibly moving and captivating debut about Chinese American immigrants trying to make a life in New York and the community of gay men who frequent a cinema to find queer love outside of their marriages. Great on audio and a fantastic read. I look forward to more from this author and am OBSESSED with the book's cover! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!!
Profile Image for Nev.
1,229 reviews177 followers
May 4, 2024
The synopsis of this book really appealed to me. A story spanning decades, from China to the US, dealing with the fallout of people who attended the Worker’s Cinema, a cruising place for gay men in rural China. The glimpses into gay life in rural China in the 80s were super interesting. I liked seeing the connection between the men who found refuge in the theater and the people who ran the space.

This book ends up following more characters than just Old Second and Bao Mei who are mentioned in the synopsis. All of the characters are connected and it does make sense why their stories are being told… However, at times it felt more like a collection of stories rather than a full novel. There were so many large time jumps or important scenes that happened off page that I felt like I wasn’t getting the full picture of these people’s lives.

I’m definitely open to reading more from Jiaming Tang in the future. I enjoyed the explorations of queerness, immigrant communities, and the complicated relationships that exist throughout decades.

Thank you to the publisher for providing an advance copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Justine S.
377 reviews21 followers
June 18, 2024
3.5⭐️ The synopsis of this book appealed to me. I have never read a story quite like this and I enjoyed reading the perspectives of both the men and their wives. I just thought more of the story would be focused on the wives.
Profile Image for Sav Grinspun.
50 reviews1 follower
May 5, 2024
One of the loveliest books I've read in a while, Cinema Love is almost aggressive in its tenderness. It’s a love letter to queer spaces (and the importance of protecting them), oft-neglected immigrant narratives, and Manhattan’s Chinatown. This book is haunting and not always easy to read, but somehow impossible to put down - I’ll be recommending it all summer.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Dutton for the ARC <3
Profile Image for Matt.
711 reviews152 followers
June 4, 2024
Tang’s writing is incredible, especially for a debut novel. this is objectively an excellent book and it’s hard to fault, but my personal enjoyment of it just wasn’t that high. I think I expected a different story than what was actually here - the first half of the book basically entirely focuses on ‘the wives’ when I wanted to see more of the men and what was going on behind the scenes there. will definitely keep the author on my radar!
Profile Image for Lori.
380 reviews56 followers
December 10, 2023
A stunning debut work, "Cinema Love" traverses decades in time and continents, focusing on the lingering impacts a lone theater in Mawei, China continues to have.

Beginning in post-Communist China, Old Second grows up knowing the feelings he has for other men is forbidden, and his carelessness one evening coupled with a younger sibling's loose tongue causes his family to shun him. This is also the time that young Bao Mei comes of age, and she sees her older brother similarly struggle, until he passes away too early; for her, this is motivation enough to begin working at the Mawei Theater, a place that most civilians avoid and whisper about as it becomes one of the few places queer Chinese men can meet. When the theater is eventually taken over and many of its visitors beaten or killed, these individuals are forced to pivot - many of them fleeing to New York and finding shelter in the growing Chinese communities in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Decades later, Bao Mei is married to Old Second in loveless, but not careless, marriage - but each of their histories comes to light as individuals from their past make themselves known in the present. We meet Yan Hui, a woman who previously entered the Mawei Theater in search of her then husband, who also carries secrets from her past, and the complicated friendships and relationships that have been formed emerge.

There is so much that's been packed into this deceptively short novel: the raw, glaring shame and deceit that these queer men went through; the ways these secrets and deception impacted their wives; the burden and struggle of the immigrant experience; and the all-encompassing feelings of loneliness and companionship. Each of these characters is carefully, lovingly built up - flawed, but not without their merits and moments of redemption. The ever-changing relationships they have with each other, and the complex, often conflicting ways, they express their feelings ties this novel together; this is clearly a character-driven novel at its core. Tang's writing is beautiful and descriptive, sometimes too much so; he's able to transport readers to the dark, dingy theater in Mawei right to the decrepit, broken-down apartments littered across Chinatown, New York.

Very much a recommended read when "Cinema Love" is published in May 2024!

Thank you Penguin Group for the advance copy of this novel!
Profile Image for Camille Y.
99 reviews1 follower
Want to read
February 16, 2024
Profile Image for Aubrey.
1,446 reviews988 followers
June 2, 2024

I came to this book for the queer Chinese cinema. For the first quarter to arguably even half of this book, that is what I got. Unfortunately for me, the narrative increasingly got bogged down by the "uncertain future in America," which I know far more about and ultimately find far less interesting. It would have been fine if there had been more of an exploration of queer Chinese American life, but instead there was the groaning and often repetitive life of the wives alternatively going through cycles of trauma, guilt, and bodily decay, which loses some of its visceral impact upon the seventh or eighth time an emotion is characterized as a belch and yet another character's mouth is described as rotting. Throw in some rather unclear timelines and all too often glib treatment of the COVID pandemic at the very end, and I found myself losing track of both the characters and the narratives that, for me, had started with such promise. I don't deny the histories that informed this book, or the importance of carrying such stories forward. I do, however, question the way in which this was advertised, as well as the high average rating. In any case, librarian privileges allowed me to get a hold of this as quickly as I did, and reviewing it on the first day of (in the US) Pride Month still feels good. I'm just hoping that starting the reading month on a middling point means I can only go up from here.
Profile Image for Adriana.
2,949 reviews35 followers
June 11, 2024
First things first, Tang's writing is exceptionally moving and raw. The feelings of every character are fully on display to the point that there's a rawness to the story that I had to walk away from a couple of times. It's not a happy story, not even a hopeful one, but it has a humanity in its realness that I can appreciate despite not enjoying it.
The story is pretty much a warning that a life lived in fear and in hiding leads to nothing but memories and sadness, which is a powerful message but a very depressing read. So while I can admire the work, I can't say I enjoyed it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dutton for the powerful read!
Profile Image for Siobhan.
Author 3 books99 followers
November 23, 2023

Cinema Love is a novel spanning decades that explores the relationships of gay men, and their wives in China and in Chinatown in New York. Old Second and Bao Mei live in New York City, in an ever changing Chinatown, but they first met in China, at the Workers' Cinema that had become a cruising spot for gay men and where Bao Mei worked selling the tickets. After tragedy there, they married and came to America, but the ghosts of the past followed, and in modern day New York during the pandemic, they must face it all.

This is a sweeping, epic novel that captures the everyday sadnesses and intimacy of human relationships, particular those born out of forbidden circumstances. It is told from multiple perspectives, weaving together a range of central characters with entangled relationships and showing the choices that can have great impact on each other. Particularly intriguing is the way that the book explores both gay men and the women they marry, and the complexities of love and human emotion that can occur in different circumstances. The cinema, though central to the plot, doesn't actually feature that much, making it almost feel like a lost ideal, despite being run down, and throughout the book there's a constant yearning for things, people and places.

This kind of decades-spanning epic novel can be confusing or meandering, but in Cinema Love Tang uses vividly-drawn characters to hold the heart of the novel together and tells an unseen story of both gay and immigrant experience.
Profile Image for syd ◟̽◞̽.
69 reviews5 followers
June 5, 2024
Cinema Love by Jiaming Tang is a deeply moving and exquisitely crafted epic that delves into the hidden lives of gay men in rural China and the women who stand by their side. This novel offers a rare and poignant exploration of love, sacrifice, and resilience, set against the backdrop of both rural Fuzhou and New York City's Chinatown.

The narrative centers on Old Second and Bao Mei, a couple whose unconventional relationship and shared past in the Workers' Cinema set the stage for a powerful story. Tang masterfully intertwines their past and present, revealing how their lives in rural Fuzhou and their migration to New York have been shaped by love, secrecy, and cultural upheaval.

Old Second’s and Bao Mei’s experiences at the Workers’ Cinema are both heartbreaking and tender. The cinema, a place where gay men found fleeting moments of intimacy amidst classic war films, serves as a poignant symbol of hidden desires and the quest for connection. Tang’s portrayal of these men’s secret lives is handled with profound empathy and insight, capturing the intense longing and fear that defined their existence.

Bao Mei’s role as the ticket seller adds another layer of complexity to the narrative. Her interactions with the closeted men, and her own romance with the projectionist, highlight the intricate dynamics of love and secrecy. Tang paints Bao Mei as a figure of quiet strength and compassion, making her a compelling and memorable character. Her journey from the cinema’s box office to her life in New York is depicted with great sensitivity, emphasizing the sacrifices she has made and the resilience she embodies.

The novel’s dual setting is another standout aspect. Tang’s vivid descriptions of rural Fuzhou and the bustling streets of Chinatown create a rich, immersive atmosphere. The contrast between the two settings underscores the characters’ struggle to reconcile their past with their present, adding depth to their emotional journeys. Tang’s attention to detail in depicting these locales brings the story to life, making the reader feel intimately connected to both worlds.

Tang’s writing is both lyrical and evocative, capturing the subtleties of emotion and the complexities of the characters’ inner lives. The prose flows effortlessly, balancing moments of quiet reflection with scenes of intense drama. Tang’s ability to convey the deep bonds between the characters, as well as their individual struggles, makes for a profoundly affecting read.

The novel also addresses broader themes of identity, migration, and cultural displacement. Through Old Second and Bao Mei’s story, Tang explores the challenges of forging a new life in a foreign land while grappling with the ghosts of the past. The depiction of their immigrant experience is nuanced and authentic, highlighting both the opportunities and the hardships they face in New York.

The emotional weight of the novel is amplified by the haunting events that unfold following the revelation of Old Second’s passion for his male lover. These events propel the characters toward an uncertain future, adding a layer of suspense and poignancy to the narrative. Tang’s handling of these moments is masterful, eliciting deep empathy and reflection.

In conclusion, Cinema Love is a staggering and tender epic that offers a profound exploration of love, identity, and resilience. Jiaming Tang has crafted a beautifully written and emotionally rich narrative that stays with the reader long after the final page. This novel is a testament to the enduring power of love and the human spirit, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a deeply moving and thought-provoking literary experience. A true masterpiece.
Profile Image for Sacha.
1,349 reviews
March 26, 2024
5 stars

I both eagerly anticipated this read and wrung my hands most times when I thought about it because I knew I'd love the content and that it would still hurt to read. All of the hypotheses were correct. This is a beautiful book, but - and this is the point - it's also a painful reminder of how some parts of our lives and ourselves are inescapable, even decades later.

Old Second, who now has one of my favorite character names of all time, and Bao Mei, a traditional appearing het married couple, are anything but. They're married, but more so in a mutually beneficial partnership than what may come to mind otherwise. They're initially both drawn to the Workers' Cinema, which is a front for queer men. Old Second could be his true self here, and Bao Mei takes on a different role, as a kind of protector of the men and their (by force) secrets.

Of course, though there's a facade of safety and protection associated with the theater, the stakes are high, and the center cannot hold. It turns out that this center - the basis for all of Old Second's and Bao Mei's actions - *also* cannot hold. Over many years, they both question their decisions and outcomes, and this process is both challenging and arresting to read.

Existence is so painful so frequently, and while there is not necessarily a reprieve from that fact here, there is so much resilience and compassion out there, too. This is a longstanding narrative about all of these conditions and more, and I loved it. I can't wait to read more from this author.

*Special thanks to NetGalley and Nicole Jarvis at Dutton, Plume, and Tiny Reparations Books for this widget, which I received in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
Profile Image for Mai.
1,054 reviews455 followers
Shelved as '2024'
June 4, 2024
📱 Thank you to NetGalley and Dutton
Profile Image for Michelle Roy.
59 reviews
June 28, 2024
finished just in time for bookclub and i cannot be expected to discuss this book in literally ten min without sobbing wtf
Profile Image for Lucy.
44 reviews1 follower
March 24, 2024
One of the best books I’ve read in quite some time.
Profile Image for Vicky.
198 reviews28 followers
June 7, 2024
Bei dem Titel “Cinema Love” (also “Kinoliebe”) in Kombination mit dem englischen pink-lila Cover könnte man glauben, dass es sich bei diesem Buch um eine locker-leichte Rom-Com handelt. Doch dieser Roman ist alles andere als das. “Cinema Love”, der Debütroman des queeren New Yorker Schriftstellers Jiaming Tang ist ein vielschichtiger literarischer Roman über die Lebenswelt queerer chinesischer Arbeiter in der chinesischen Provinz Fuzhou und im New Yorker “Chinatown”. Aber es ist auch ein Roman über ihre “Alibi-Frauen”. Denn Queerness bzw. Homosexualität ist bzw. war in China gesellschaftlich weit davon entfernt akzeptiert zu sein. Ich weiß nicht, wie die Situation heute, im Jahr 2024 ist, aber die Geschichte startet viel früher und zwar in den 1980er Jahren. Sie endet während der Corona-Pandemie 2020 in New York.

Das Arbeiterkino in Mawei City ist der namensgebende Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Handlung. Die Filme, die in diesem Kino gezeigt werden, interessieren eigentlich nur den cineastischen Projektionisten. Die Besucher aber wollen hier nur eins: ihre Homosexualität ausleben, andere Männer kennen und lieben lernen. Ein Safe Space, an dem sie selbst sein und “out of the closet” existieren können. Bao Mei, deren Bruder das Kino auch frequentierte, ist die Ansprechpartnerin für die Sorgen und Nöte der Männer. Sie hat eine Beziehung mit dem Projektionisten und sie begleiten wir dann auch in ihr neues Leben in New York. 

Ebenso Old Second, ein weiterer Protagonist des Romans. Er erinnert sich an sein unfreiwilliges Coming-Out als Teenager und an die glücklichen Jahre danach. Diese Zeit verbrachte er mit seinem Lebenspartner Shun-Er, den er im Kino kennenlernte. Doch Shun-Er ist mit einer Frau verheiratet, Yan Hua. Eine problematische Dreiecksbeziehung, die nicht nur die Ehe von Shun-Er und Yan Hua, sondern auch die Existenz des Arbeiterkinos bedroht…

Das Buch hat eine allwissende Erzählinstanz, die zwischen den personalen Perspektiven hin- und herschwankt. Ich mag das sehr. Nicht nur weil es mich an viele Werke der klassischen Literatur erinnert, sondern auch weil der Roman dadurch einen zeitlosen Anstrich bekommt.

Der Roman spricht viele gesellschaftliche Missstände an. Unter anderem ist er auch eine Abrechnung mit dem chinesischen Patriarchat, in dem die heterosexuelle Ehe als Fundament einer Gesellschaft dient, in der die Unterdrückung der Frau System hat. Der Mann darf sich gegenüber seiner Familie alles erlauben, was bedeutet: psychische und physische Gewalt und wird dennoch als “echter Mann” gefeiert. Dass dieses System krankt, in dem weibliche Kinder gezielt abgetrieben werden, weil ein Sohn so viel mehr wert ist, ist mehr als offensichtlich - nur nicht für die, die das System aufrechterhalten.

Und selbstverständlich erzeugt dieses kranke System auch eine Situation, in der queere Menschen ausgegrenzt werden, weil sie nicht der Norm entsprechen. Am Beispiel Yan Huas wird deutlich, wie falsch die gesellschaftliche Situation ist. Bis zum unfreiwilligen Outing ihres Mannes wächst sie in einem heteronormativen Umfeld auf, das sie als ein gewaltvolles erlebt hat. Die Ironie des Ganzen: Erst durch ihren homosexuellen Ehemann lernt Yan Hua - ganz ohne Körperlichkeit - eine liebevolle Beziehung auf Augenhöhe zu führen.

Eine tragische Geschichte über Verlust und Ausgrenzung, die dennoch einen Funken Hoffnung in sich trägt: Die Hoffnung, dass menschlicher Kontakt uns Trost spenden kann und in der Lage ist, Wunden erträglich zu machen, die selbst die Zeit nicht zu heilen vermag.
Profile Image for Malcolm.
1,824 reviews485 followers
January 9, 2024
Opening in Mawei, in the sprawling urban area that is Fuzhou, in the 1980s and wrapping up in contemporary Brooklyn, NYC, Jiaming Tang unpacks and unravels the lives of gay Chinese men and the women they marry and who love them. From their meetings in secret in a run-down cinema in the back streets of Mawei, to surreptitious moments of contact and affection in public, to snatched moments of intimacy in overcrowded apartments or migrant hostels these men grapple with the hypocrisies of world that won’t see them even while knowing they are gay, and will violently reject them if they are seen.

Even so, Tang puts two women at the centre of his narrative – Bao Mei who staffed the ticket desk at the cinema, who ran interference if the men’s wives turned up, who married a patron to live in a loving sexless marriage for over 40 years by the time the narrative ends, and Yan Hua whose first husband was Bao Mei’s husband’s lover and who carries with her the guilt of disloyalty as she migrated to the USA. What is clear is that even though arranged or marriages of convenience, these women love(d) Old Second and Shun-Er, and were in turn loved by their husbands. It is a rich and complex world of secrecy and protection, complicity and betrayal unpicked.

Tang builds his world and narrative beautifully; he has an eloquent style, painting richly layered images of experience and character:
May’s ignorance was the worst kind possible: that which belonged to the lucky. The god-chosen and the few. Respectable now and earning enough to feed herself, May had forgotten that she’d ever suffered, that her first days in America were spent pacing a room too small to contain her mind.
although at times he sharpens his tongue:
Her phone was in her other hand, and she shares gossip with Yan Hua and her own husband, a man named Bun with little importance to this story, and whose life can be summed up with an occasional snort.

The richness of his world-building, and the beauty, care and eloquence with which he portrays it, with carefully drawn characters delicately positioned, many in subtle relationships, and interweaving narratives makes this a superb novel. Some may struggle with the casual contempt of the characters’ conversation, with men and women using banally homophobic language to discuss themselves, their lovers and husbands. Yet the novel and its relationships are intensely romantic, carefully drawn, nuanced, and for all that deeply realistic and utterly captivating.

In all this, then, is a treat of a novel.
Profile Image for Christine.
179 reviews35 followers
June 20, 2024
[Copy provided by publisher]

• Exploring international gay communities
• Unpacking the lives of immigrants
• Unconventional friendships

A beautifully written exploration of Chinese gay men and the women who marry them. Old Second, Bao Mei, and Yan Hua are among the many Chinese immigrants who are trying to survive in New York City. But the pasts they tried to leave behind are interconnected and it all goes back to a movie theater called the Workers' Cinema, a secret place where gay men like Old Second could find each other.

I'm so impressed with the way this novel plays with chronology. Time is fluid -- we travel from present to past with no preamble, and yet all the different threads still make sense. Indeed, the story is intentionally presented to us in this way to emphasize how our pasts are still with us, how they make us who we are today.

I expected this novel to be centered around the persecution and trauma experienced by gay men in China, and that is very much at the forefront. But it also contains so much more. It spends time with what it means to be a woman married to a gay man, and the complicated tenderness and heartache a relationship like that creates. Tang uses the characters of Bao Mei and Yan Hua to portray this in all its different facets brilliantly.

But there's yet another macrocosm this novel explores and that's being an immigrant trying to survive in New York City. The novel's opening time period is a few years ago, with protestors marching through the streets of Chinatown trying to advocate for free rent in response to rampant job loss the pandemic caused. The protestors are trying to protect the Chinese immigrants they view as defenseless and yet you get the sense they have no idea of the past lives, experiences, and daily challenges that the immigrants truly carry.

They snap a picture with a Chinatown resident or ask a few questions in a video and think that is a reflection of that person's life. This novel is a striking reminder that every person carries a story more complicated than any one conversation can reveal.
Profile Image for Meg.
41 reviews4 followers
January 26, 2024
Cinema Love tells the story of Old Second, his wife, Bao Mei, and a host of interconnected characters, from their time in post-socialist China to modern day New York City. Specifically, it slowly showcases how all of their lives were touched and influenced by the Worker's Cinema and the men who found love and intimacy together in front of its movie screens.

Tang's writing is, in a word, addictive. Through Tang's prose, we are offered glimpses into the lives of Old Second and Bao Mei, along with Yan Hua and her incredibly intriguing group of friends and loved ones. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from this story, but Tang took us on a sort of meandering yet poignant stroll through the characters lives while carefully revealing how they are all connected to one another. For my own part, while the writing was both lush and unassuming, I sometimes got lost in when, exactly, in the timeline a scene was taking place. In the end, it's not really the timeline itself that mattered, so much as the entirety of the story when it all came together.

Cinema Love is really a much larger story than just what is offered in its synopsis. It is a story of love and loss, of immigration, of connection. Thank you to NetGalley and Dutton for the ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Pujashree.
538 reviews45 followers
May 1, 2024
It's an oddly lyrical mix of beautiful and bleak and indulgent. A narrative of lives intersecting through migration, grief, guilt and poverty, specifically for Fuzhou Chinese migrant workers. While I found the POVs of Old Second and Bao Mei engrossing and heart-wrenching, I found myself impatient and jarred by the parts from Yan Hua's POV. I wish her growth was not as much of a focal point in this story, as the other two. I wish those parts of the narrative space was devoted instead to how Old Second and Bao Mei ended up together. While I find the choice to tell this tale in a nonlinear fashion, focusing on internal journeys, interesting, I feel like it sacrificed breathing room for some truly necessary bits of storytelling, including the effects of the pandemic on poor and elderly Chinese immigrants. Overall, a decently heartfelt debut novel about overlooked fabrics of existence around being Asian immigrants and being queer.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the free review copy.
Profile Image for Jasminegalsreadinglog .
380 reviews8 followers
May 4, 2024
Cinema Love by Jiaming Tang is a staggering, tender epic about gay men in rural China and the women who marry them. It's a novel that explores human love, grief, secrets, and desires. Can any of these emotions be just black and white?

Old Second and his wife, Bao Mei, have cobbled together a meager existence in New York City’s Chinatown. But their story starts in China, where both of them met at a rundown cinema theater. This cinema plays movies but it was also a place for gay men and some were married. This book is not just about these men, but it's also about the wives.

This book is a debut, but it feels like anything but. It feels like a delicate peony, and once you start unraveling it, you find layers and layers underneath. It takes on sexual identity, the stigma of identity, the duality of love, the betrayal that the partner feels, poverty, immigration, and ultimately, human connection.

Thank you, Dutton Books, for this book.
Profile Image for Amanda Dingman.
122 reviews2 followers
May 22, 2024
I went into this book with very high expectations, but for some reason, it didn't work for me at all.

I finished the book a few days ago, and I've tried to ruminate on what wasn't working for me and why I overall struggled so hard with this book. I think I was so excited from the blurb of the book that I went in with different expectations than what I was given. Yes, this book takes place in multiple time periods, in different locations, and explores the topic of gay men and where they find love in these cities, as well as the trauma that everyone carries along the way. But I think I was overwhelmed by how many characters there actually were, and how jumpy the book was. I expected the story to explicitly follow Old Second and Bao Mei, but there were many more characters than that, and the novel felt more like individual stories with the same underlying themes, rather than a cohesive novel, and I was left confused and underwhelmed.

The cover is beautiful, and the premise of this book really intrigued me, but it didn't work for me, and reading it started to feel like a chore. And that's okay! Hopefully it will work for you!

2.5 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews

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