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The Quince Project

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Castillo Torres, Student Body Association event chair and serial planner, could use a fairy godmother. After a disastrous mishap at her sister’s quinceañera, all of Cas’s plans are crumbling. So when a local lifestyle-guru-slash-party-planner opens up applications for the internship of her dreams, Cas sees it as the perfect opportunity to learn every trick in the book so that things never go wrong again.

The only catch is that she needs more party planning experience before she can apply. When she books a quinceañera for a teen Disneyland vlogger, Cas thinks her plan is taking off…until she discovers that the party is just a publicity stunt and she begins catching feelings for the chambelán. As her agenda begins to go off-script, Cas finds that real life may be more complicated than a fairy tale.

But maybe Happily Ever Afters aren’t just for the movies. Can Cas go from planner to participant in her own life? Or will this would-be princess turn into a pumpkin at the end of the ball?

336 pages, Hardcover

First published May 28, 2024

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About the author

Jessica Parra

4 books121 followers
As a lawyer and daughter of Guatemalan and Cuban bakers, Jessica C. Parra never objects to an extra slice of cake. She’s a Los Angeles native who loves to write about Latinas with big hair (and even bigger dreams), complicated families, cats living their best lives (all nine of them), and the healing magic of acceptance.

When she isn’t drafting books you can find her sipping kombucha, cuddling with her kitties, or co-piloting the Millennium Falcon at Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge.

You can visit Jessica at jessicaparra.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews
Profile Image for Melany.
775 reviews109 followers
May 31, 2024
I truly enjoyed this one! Cas is by far an exceptional girl! I loved the sass, spunk, determination, and grind that she pushes through the entire story. This story has a lot of deep meanings as well, which is great for girls to read as it'll help us learn not to strive to have perfectionism. I also loved all of the Disney drops in this book, so if you love Disney, this book will have some lovely Easter eggs in it for you! Overall, such a great story, I loved the family dynamic and sibling of Cas as it was truly comical but honest and raw to real-life siblings. I loved Cas and her grit to succeed and accomplish the things she had set out, but I also love the character development throughout the story. It's a beautiful story! I read it but also listened to the audiobook, I feel like both were great but I liked the audiobook version slightly more as it captures the Latina flare and sass a bit more than I did inside my head.

I received this physical ARC from a Goodreads Giveaway. I also received the audiobook from NetGalley and Dreamscape Media to read/review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully reading this book.
Profile Image for Jessica Parra.
Author 4 books121 followers
December 9, 2023
Dear Reader:

2020 ushered in the globe’s latest party crasher. With the world shifting under our feet, agendas got postponed. Plans got wiped out—alongside the people who’d crafted them.

Like so many others, I lost family during the pandemic, including my father. Tragedy decided to keep striking with more life-altering events. And while the simultaneous storms did eventually settle, I could not steer my life back onto the perfectly planned path no matter how much I tried.

That lane was closed. All those carefully crafted destinations, gone.

My sophomore novel, THE QUINCE PROJECT, is a story for anyone who has ever experienced loss. It’s a story for anyone who has ever wished for a fairy-godmother’s wand, not just make the maelstrom of emotions after tragedy go away, but to conjure back their Once Upon A Time (so-close-you-can-touch-it) Happily Ever After.

While the book's protagonist, teen event planner, Castillo Torres, doesn't a have fairy godmother’s wand, her pencil and day planner nearly match one when it comes to crafting fairytale moments for other people. The story follows Cas as she plans the perfect Star Wars quinceañera for a Disneyland vlogger, all while grappling with the unwieldy nature of grief, the magical bonds between siblings, the alchemy of cultural, coming-of-age rituals, the power of rewriting one’s Happy Ending.

Although the story does deal with the heavy subject of grief, the book is ultimately a celebration of life and resilience. It’s a joyful exploration of finding love—and oneself—after loss. And above all, it’s about going from planner to participant in one’s life. This is the heart of the heart of the story, and one I wish I could say to every young person (and those simply young at heart)—it’s okay to cast off fairy godmother robes and put on a new pair of glass slippers…. walking forward in them doesn’t mean you’re moving on.

I wanted the book to be a testament to that. To how while the worst parts of life are often unplanned—sometimes the best parts of it are too. I hope you enjoy the ride of these characters detouring into new love and uncharted possibilities. I hope you’ll cheer for the cast as they shed (and keep) parts of their past in order to become who they were always meant to be. But mostly I hope it encourages you to accept life’s impromptu invitations—and reminds you to always fight for your right to party.

Thank you for picking up this book. It’s a story very close to my heart, and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Cheers to RSVPing Yes to your life’s fiesta,


Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,512 reviews4,160 followers
May 12, 2024
4.5 stars rounded up

A YA take on The Wedding Planner featuring a Star Wars themed quinceañera?! Love it! The Quince Project was a lot of fun, but also tackles some heavier elements involving grief and mental health. Castillo Torres is a high-achieving perfectionist who MAY have some control issues...

At home she's trying to motivate her older sister to go to college, and since her mom died two years ago her dad has been drowning his grief in constant video games. But she funnels it all into creating perfect events. Her goal is to get an internship at a renowned party planning firm by building a portfolio of successful parties. When she gets the chance to plan a quince for a popular Disney vlogger, and also has a meet cute with a boy that leads to a developing romance, it seems like things couldn't be more perfect. But Castillo accidentally gets caught up in a web of lies that could ruin everything...

As a fan of Star Wars and Disneyland, I loved all the little easter eggs and references included in the book. And I think this is a really clever spin on The Wedding Planner too (which is great film!) It's funny, but also has a lot of heart. It is a little stressful watching Castillo weave this web that you know is going to come crashing down around her, and I imagine some readers won't like that element. But she's a teenager and learning some difficult lessons. If any of this sounds up your alley, definitely check it out! I received a copy of this book for review, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Shannon.
5,715 reviews320 followers
May 27, 2024
A touching YA novel about a Cuban American, Disney-loving aspiring party planner who bends the truth in order to get a job planning a Quince party to give herself a better shot at a prestigious internship.

This book had emotional depth and covered some heavy topics from loss, grief and learning to move on after a parent's death to some lighter ones about loosening up and being more flexible. Great family dynamics, a touch of romance and a fun nod to the author's last book, Rubi Ramos's recipe for success. This was also good on audio narrated by Stacey Gonzales.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early audio copy in exchange for my honest review! Recommended for fans of authors like Raquel Marie and Laura Taylor Namey or the book, Once Upon A Quinceañera by Monica Gomez-Hira.

Profile Image for StylesPlenty.
224 reviews
March 23, 2024
I enjoyed the plot of the story and it was super fun.
It was a warm hearted romance: love, drama, and even teary eyed moments.
I recommend it to those who love reading about Disney, parties, young love and working though complex emotions.
Really enjoyed how Castillo Torres (Castle Towers) was able to go from a girl to a women, with life lessons.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for providing me with this arc for my honest review.
Profile Image for Sofia Robleda.
Author 1 book12 followers
May 28, 2024
I wish this kind of novel had been around for young 15-year old Mexican me. That’s a very long time ago! But it is sweet, lovely, and bright - a light in dark times. Thanks so much for the lovely author Jessica Parra for the ARC.
Profile Image for Alicia.
141 reviews5 followers
March 10, 2024
I really enjoyed this book! Castillo's dream of landing a party planning internship felt unique, and I loved following along as she planned quinceañeras and school events.

Cas is also coping with the loss of her mother and her family's avoidance of their grief. Her journey towards reconnecting with her father and learning to understand her sister ("Po") was heartwarming. I also loved the incorporation of Cas's Cuban heritage.

Her romance with the chambelán is super sweet and their first meeting was so much fun to read. I liked that they bonded over a shared experience and he felt like not just a romantic interest but also a good friend.

The plot hinges on party planning for a YouTuber and there are tons of pop culture references (and I mean TONS) throughout the book, mostly pertaining to Disney, Disneyland, Star Wars, and Southern California. I actually picked up this book *because* I'm a big fan of these topics and thought I would love it, but sometimes the constant references felt like too much even for me. Occasionally these insertions felt forced and resulted in clunky phrasing that took me out of the story.

I also wasn't fond of Po's little quirks, like the way she picks a lipstick color based on her mood and the way she always mixes up proverbs. Po is a great character but I felt that those specific "personality traits" were cartoonish in nature and unnecessary.

Otherwise, I can overlook these issues because the rest of the story is great! After the first few chapters I got really invested and finished this book in a couple sittings.
Profile Image for Diane.
65 reviews11 followers
March 13, 2024
Thanks to Goodreads for this book. I gave this book 4 stars , it took me a couple of chapters to get into this book, but by the end of it , it was pretty good, I just love all the Disney references since I’m a Disney fan !!!
Profile Image for Beatriz.
74 reviews16 followers
June 23, 2024
Book 20 of 2024 - ☑️! Thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press | Wednesday Books & huge thanks to Jessica Parra herself for an ARC of The Quince Project by Jessica Parra.

I heard Jessica Parra speak on a panel at a book event last year, and immediately felt a connection as fellow Cuban-American / 1/2 Cuban - I’ve had her YA debut novel - Rubi Ramos’s Recipe for Success - on my list, and I knew I wanted to read The Quince Project the second I heard about it. A book that’s a YA-spin on the movie The Wedding Planner, set in SoCal with an up-and-coming event planner who’s focusing on school events and Quinceañeras? Sign me up. This is yet another book I would have LOVED to read as a young adult.

In The Quince Project, Castillo “Cas” Torres wants nothing more than to get a prestigious internship for an event planner she’s always admired. In the midst of school events, her family life (where they’re all still reeling from the death of Cas’ mother), planning an “Unquince” for a local influencer to hopefully get that dream internship, and then realizing she’s falling for the chambelán - things go awry, and Cas has a lot to juggle and come to terms with.

Parra’s writing style is very vivid and fun, and her nods to our specific culture and other Latine cultures and communities is so beautifully done. Additionally, we’re definitely kindred spirits because I caught a Lord of the Rings reference and it’s the movie that made me want to work in entertainment. For those who love Disney & Star Wars, you’ll be absolutely delighted by all of the references and the intertwining of creative ways she incorporated those worlds into a Quince. Loved the representation here, especially with Latine cultures, as well as LGBTQIA+ rep.

5/5 ⭐️ and the 🌶️ rating is not applicable here as it’s YA. I can’t wait to attend one of the stops on Jessica’s book tour to celebrate this book in person! 🌹 🏰 📝 #NetGalley #TheQuinceProject
Profile Image for Kaitie.
569 reviews
May 27, 2024
Oh my goodness y’all, I just cannot with how adorable this book was. I went into it blindly, as I do with most books, and I was so pleasantly surprised with how adorable it was! It was an amazing book about family, loss, grief, parties, romance, and friendship.

All of the Disney references, all of the details about OC (a place I actually know and love, since I’ve grown up here), all of the proverbs, all of the characters… just GAH. SO CUTE. I loved reading about Cas’s development most of all. I knew just from the cover and first page alone that I was going to love this book… and I really, truly did. Thank you Jessica Parra for the giggles, tears, and smiles!
June 7, 2024
Thank you Wednesday Books for an arc of this book!! I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it!

This book was definitely the best ark I’ve ever read. The romance was good and I loved all the family aspects of it! Javi is such a cinnamon roll!!! 🥰🥰 The ending was a little disappointing but I still loved it!

TW: ~Parent death, grief, lying, breaking up~
Genre: Fiction, Contemporary, Romance, Side Character LGBTQ+
Age: 13+
🌶️: 1/5
🔫: 0.5/5
🤬: 1/5
⭐️: 4/5
Profile Image for Lauren.
461 reviews29 followers
May 24, 2024
Pretty cute coming of age story! The event-planning aspects, particularly around quinceañeras was fun.

Thanks to NetGalley for this arc!
Profile Image for Lauren.
175 reviews16 followers
May 1, 2024

“Some stars explode. Some simply fade away. In the end, they are like us, I guess. Just because something—or someone—passes doesn’t mean their light doesn’t shine on.”

Reading this book felt like opening the door to the Disney vault and being wrapped in a blanket of magic, nostalgia, and love. As a huge Disney and Star Wars fan, I was so giddy over every movie and park reference. I also relished every callback to what I believe is JLo’s greatest role… Mary Fiore in The Wedding Planner. It was a brief dream of mine to be an event planner (let’s be honest… I really wanted the coveted headset), so getting to follow Castillo around on her event planning adventures was a true delight.

While this story had so much joy and laughter, there were also moments that were incredibly emotional and raw as Parra discusses parental loss and how life in the “after” looks different for everyone - no matter how long ago the loss happened, grief is not linear and healing is the journey, not the destination. Seeing Cas and Po grow and heal together left me teary and my heart so full, and I loved witnessing their bond as sisters strengthen. They complemented each other so well and it was so heartwarming seeing embrace, forgive, and dream together.

In a time where content is supreme and there is an emphasis on achieving the “perfect grid,” I was delighted to see Parra flip the script and remind all readers of the importance of living in the moment, away from the cameras, and celebrating the happily ever nows. Life is inherently messy and while we might strive for picture perfect moments, it is the imperfect, candid moments of joy and laughter that we will cling to and remember.

This was such a sweet story full of lovely reminders that we’re always healing and growing, it’s never too late to change your plans and dreams, and that even in life’s more challenging and heartbreaking moments, there is still joy and hope to be found. Definitely recommend if you want a story that feels like a hug and is sprinkled with pixie dust.
Profile Image for Janine.
398 reviews72 followers
May 21, 2024
Needing a break from the heavy fantasy books I've been reading lately, I expected The Quince Project to be a mostly light contemporary revolving around Quinceañera celebrations with some laughs, rough moments, and life lessons. Though considering the book is about dealing with the grief following the loss of a parent, I should have expected this also turned into a tear jerker by the end.

Castillo Torres is an up and coming party planner, looking to be the apprentice for Mandy Whitmore's planning services, to give everyone their happily ever afters. In reality, it's a way to cover up her grief, broken family, and future fears. She goes through the summer, trying to pad her resume with a popular vlogger's Quinceañera. In addition, she runs into a surprise love interest. However, what starts as a white lie looms in the background. Castillo was easy to relate to as she went through her journey, even if she needs to learn some harsh lessons in order to learn and grow. I also loved her energy and voice through the story; it’s a part of why I was engaged throughout the whole story. The other characters were fleshed well, and really enjoyed Javi and Paulina the most. Also, I love Castillo and Mariposa’s sibling vibe.

There's a M/F and F/F romance in this book, but it's more of a side plot. I do like how both relationships are developed, but the M/F, between Castillo and Javi, takes priority. I did like that the book examined some cultural issues, not in a super deep manner, but enough to make me think for a bit about things. If you're a big Disney/Star Wars fan, there's plenty of references here, and even if you're not, I think the brands have enough cultural osmosis (in the USA at least) that you'll be able to pick up on it.

The prose is easy to follow, and yet packs a bunch. Thanks to not slowing down too often, I was engaged with the story the whole way through. Stacey Gonzalez does a great job narrating the book and brought Castillo to life!

For those that liked Parra's first novel, there's a cameo to Rubi Ramos in this book and I really loved when it showed up. While I loved Rubi Ramos slightly more personally, this was a great second book for Parra and I can't wait to read more from her.

If you're looking for an exploration of grief, growing up, and the true meaning of “happily ever afters” with plenty of levity, humor, and a dash of Hispanic/Latine culture, pick it up.

*I received an ARC from Netgalley and Macmillan Audio. All opinions are my own.*
Profile Image for Jennifer.
4,158 reviews47 followers
April 26, 2024
Cas feels like her family is falling apart after her mother's death: her dad goes to work and plays Star Wars video games, rarely sleeping or doing anything like parenting; her sister Po ("Mariposa") just brushes everything off; and Cas herself has a mom-shaped whole in her heart that she is desperately trying to fill with party planning. Cas is determined to land an internship with Mandy Whitmore, party planner extraordinaire, also known as a Fairy Godmother. She is sure that being mentored by Mandy will help her gain the skills she needs to get her family back on track to their own "Happily-Ever-Afters."

Cas is the event chair of her high school's Student Body Association and is an uber planner. An accident on the way to an event causes her to meet a sexy junior lifeguard named Javier and sparks fly. When they discover that they've both lost a beloved parent, they quickly bond, but will distraction keep Cas from landing the internship she needs to rescue her family's HEA?

One day Po convinces Cas to go to Disneyland, their mom's absolute favorite place on earth, even though Cas isn't sure it's a good idea. But, it's the first thing Po has invited her to do together since "after," so she goes. While they are there, they meet Paulina, a famous teen Disney Youtuber. When Paulina mistakenly assumes Cas works for Mandy Whitmore already, Po, who is crushing hard on Paulina, prevails upon Cas to let the assumption stand. Paulina hires Cas to help her plan her own quinceañera.

As you might guess, things don't always go according to plan and the miscommunication/discovering the lie trope is in full use here. Trope it is, but it doesn't detract from the enjoyment of the book. The main characters are fleshed out and believable (Cas, Po, Paulina, & Javier), and the side characters are entertaining and real enough to serve their purpose. The plot moves along well, and you find yourself rooting for the characters HEA as much as Cas is. There's some great Cuban-American culture that's integral to the story, and totally natural. There's also a nice exploration of grief and its effects, as well as different ways of handling it.

This is a solidly enjoyable YA novel that includes romance, yes, but is so much deeper than that. It's also a story of family and hope and healing. I definitely recommend it!

Disclaimer: I received a free electronic copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Rebeka.
201 reviews3 followers
March 5, 2024
Thank you so much for the publisher, the author and Netgalley for the earc of this title. My opinions are my own.

The Quince Project reads like the best Disney moie mashup mixed with latina energy and sass. I have absolutely loved its boldness, energy, fun moments and the raw unfiltered moments following Cass Torres as she navigates her life around losing a parent, keeping her family together and reaching for her dreams,

The book is full of with Disney easter-eggs, so if you are a hardcore animated movie lover (also Star Wars!!) and adore learning more about how a Quince is set up (allll the delish foods enolved and disasters followed :D) make sure to read this book!

Cass and Mariposa hae the most realistic sibling dynamic I have read in books: they bicker, they argue but they love the hardest way possible, always keeping each other the number one priority. Together in bad and worse, sharing the joy of living.
I have enjoyed how they purposely laneded a party-organizing job just because Po has a crush on the famous Youtuber and Cass happens to be the best, most creative planner who chases and internship program. Will the stars allign and they both have what they want? Or faking till they make it will actually work out? :)

Cannot recommend this delightful yet impactful story for everyone! I think everyone can find bits in this story that resonates with them, Jessica Parra is a genius writer, her stories are beautiful, encouraging and makes you feel whole!
Profile Image for Leslie aka StoreyBook Reviews.
2,572 reviews170 followers
May 26, 2024
Every now and then, I like to pick up a YA book. I decided on this one since it is coming out in a few days. The book started off a little slow for me, but it really picked up as I became engrossed in the characters' lives and situations.

Cas and her sister Po are still reeling from their mother's passing. Even their father is not handling his wife's death very well. They are all in denial, and their reactions to situations vary from character to character. Cas wants to be a party planner and give everyone their own HEA. She even has her eyes set on an internship with a well known party planner once she completes another few events. Po has given up on going to college and has recently become obsessed with an influencer, Paulina, who shares all things Disney on her channel. Dad sits in his recliner when not at work and plays video games all night. 

Despite the slow start, I really came to like these characters. It takes time to get to the root of the problem and for the family to come together and form a stronger bond. There are also lies and deception regarding Cas' party planning side gig. This causes heartache and issues for multiple characters. But despite it all, the family does come together and their bond is stronger for all they endure. It just took conversations over delicious food to work itself out. I did drool over the food!

There is some comedic relief throughout the book, and I have to say that the idea of a Star Wars themed quinceañera is genius! It fits Paulina's character perfectly. There are also several love connections for Cas and Po. 

This is a heartwarming story and one I didn't fully expect. We give it four paws up.
Profile Image for Alexis Smith.
151 reviews8 followers
May 27, 2024
thank you wednesday books and dreamscape media for advanced copies of the quince project by jessica parra 🌸 out tomorrow!

now this book was SO much fun, literally exploding with disney and star wars references from galaxies far far away. if you’re a star wars fan, this is the book for you. although lighthearted, this book also tackled heavier topics of grief and mental health. it’s truly a narrative of learning how to celebrate all aspects of your life after loss.

go into this expecting a very young adult book, not saying that’s a bad thing, but it’s very heavy on teenagers navigating teenager things… if that makes sense. if you're not going to be a fan of a predictable third act, young adult breakdown, maybe don’t pick this one up. the quince project is VERY good at capturing today's teens' pressures and how social media fuels their confusion and uncertainty of life and each other. hearing my kids that I coach talk to me about school/ their everyday life, I can’t imagine being in high school right now, it has to be so tough.

cheers to RSVPing YES to your life’s fiesta 🥂 4 stars!
Profile Image for Johanna ♡ .
335 reviews73 followers
June 10, 2024
Thank you Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this book! Review to come :)

What an uplifting, feel good contemporary listen. I loved the layering to the characters how as each of those layers were peeled back, it did a great job of keeping the reader engaged. At the start I was worried the conflict would turn out to be a bit superficial but again the depth of the emotions helped it to take off and I found myself rooting for Cas and Po and all the other supporting characters. There is quite a bit of internal dialogue as Cas wrestles a lot with thoughts and feelings she's been harboring but I appreciated how self-aware she became, not trying to skirt around her mistakes, but being ready to face them and own up to her actions. The cover is a bit deceiving and if you go in expecting a happy go lucky story, it does get quite emotional, but the author did such a good job of handing all the sensitive topics and rounded out the conclusion with a great message of, 'progress over perfection', which I will definitely be holding onto. Happy Reading :)
Profile Image for Elizabeth Arroyo.
Author 8 books65 followers
March 28, 2024
I Read the ebook version.

I was hooked from page one and the mention of the ñ . Yes. That squiggly mark over the n matters! The story centers around teen sisters Cas and Po after the loss of their mother. It's told in Cas's POV. Their mother was a huge Disney fan and Disney plays a big part in the story. Cas wants to get into a party planner internship and is using her friends to get there. Mainly, organizing quinces for her friends. We see her doing that in the first chapter. Po convinces Cas to take a day and go to Disney, which is a huge deal because of all the shared memories they had there as a family with their mom. Dad, who's turned gamer, doesn't do well talking about their mother. At Disney, they bump into a famous vlogger who Po is crushing on (cute), and communication gets mixed up and said famous vlogger believes Cas is already an intern for the famous party planner--Mandy Whitmore, and wants to hire her to organize her own party and, well, Cas doesn't correct her about the gig and you can imagine how that turns out.

It's a sweet story. There's a love interest. Shared pain and healing between the sisters. I loved how close they were. Overall, it was a nice read.
Profile Image for Colleen | Paperback.Portals.
161 reviews7 followers
April 23, 2024
Review: The Quince Project by Jessica Parra

There may not be any talking animals, but The Quince project is full of Disney princesses taking hold of their Happily Ever Nows.

Cas Torres is organized. Cas Torres has it together. Cast Torres has her, and her sister’s and dad’s, perfect HEA (happily ever after) planned out and on schedule. She is determined to take her planning skills to the next level and become a fairy godmother’s apprentice. But first, she needs to land the perfect high profile party for her portfolio. Then she does, a Disneyland YouTuber… but there’s a catch, she has to lie about having her internship already.

You know what they say about perfectly laid plans, don’t you? As Cas’s world begins to unravel, like a string in Cinderella’s frock, she learns the importance of honesty, family, and letting things get a little bit messy.

I would have read this just because Jessica Parra wrote it, and it is no secret that I love her debut novel, Rubi Ramos’s Recipe for Success. But then, she also gave me Star Wars references, vicarious Disney visits, and another beautiful coming of age novel. This book is a lot of fun as well as beautiful exploration of grief and how we can become who we are meant to be even when the people so pivotal to our life are missing.
March 12, 2024
“The Quince Project” is an enjoyable coming-of-age story. The book follows Cas Torres, a determined young woman aspiring to be an event planner. In the story, we follow her journey as she tries to plan a quince for a popular YouTuber chasing the chance to land an internship program in hopes of saving her family. We see great character development in Cas as she and her family share in their grief of losing a family member. It’s great to see Cas experience many firsts like dances, kisses, and dates despite familial struggles.

Despite the great character developments, I thought there were WAY too many Disney references. The Disney references felt forced and excessive and so many on each page made it hard for me to keep reading. Pop culture references are great when reading a coming-of-age book but the amount of them on each page was not needed. I may just be getting older, but the cheesy references made it hard for me to relate to the book.

“The Quince Project” will be released on May 28, 2024. Pick it up for an entertaining read.

Thank you, NetGalley and Wednesday Books for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nicole Chavez.
25 reviews8 followers
April 17, 2024
If you need/want a lighter read that feels magical, funny and still approaches a topic as serious a grief, you will enjoy this book. The story follows Castillo Torres, a teen in California who felt like she had to carry her family after a tremendous loss, and you meet a series of characters along the way who are truly unique and represent the diversity of the Latine community and beyond without feeling too forced.
Profile Image for Laura Prindable.
966 reviews
June 2, 2024
This book was definitely slow to start. But for me, it never picked up. This book was not for me.

Many thanks to Net Galley and Dreamscape Media for an audio ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Steena Hernandez.
Author 1 book33 followers
June 23, 2024
Enjoyed the audiobook version! This story has everything-romance, humor, loss, and love. With unforgettable Latine characters and strength in grief, this book is a bright promise of hope. A must-read YA novel by Jessica Parra!
Profile Image for Sarah Ainslee.
Author 1 book65 followers
January 21, 2024
Reading this book was like being sprinkled with real life pixie dust. ✨
May 29, 2024
I loooooved this book! The name and the cover caught my attention instantly. I try to find books that I could really identify with but sadly there aren’t many choices. I was so happy to find this one! My friends and me are always speaking Spanglish so I loved the representation.

This story had me giggling and kicking my feet with Javi and Cas. I loved to see her tap into her spicy Latina side when she thought Javi and Pau were together. The idea that Po paired lipstick colors with her mood is something I’ve never heard before but i liked it. I will be stealing the nickname “little cuchara” from now on. I am a huge kid at heart and love watching Disney so I really enjoyed all of the Disney references. The grief felt like it was well represented. I have thankfully never lost a parent, but while reading, it almost felt like I was able to understand with how well it was described. I related to Cas in how controlling we both are. I also, rely on my planner to get things done and I don’t like when I don’t get everything accomplished on it or I have to reschedule.

While reading this book, it gave me the same feeling I had when I was reading “I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter”, which is good because I also loved that story. I will be purchasing a copy for myself.

Thank you to the Jessica Parra, the publisher. And NetGalley for this audiobook.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
170 reviews
June 16, 2024
Fun, heartfelt, and filled with Disney and Star Wars references. What’s not to love. 💕
Profile Image for Amy.
536 reviews6 followers
February 20, 2024
I started off engaged but as the story moved along I struggled to keep reading. It was too much YA teen drama with too much Disney princess Star Wars theme going on. If Disney and Star Wars is not your thing, you'll struggle with this book. The premise is good but the Disney theme got old quick
Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews

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