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Internal Security Fund (ISF) 2021-2027 National Programming Period

European Home Affairs Funds

European Home Affairs Funds are managed by the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs. The European Home Affairs Funds for the 2021-2027 programming period consist of three Funds:

  • Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF);
  • Integrated Border Management Fund – Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI); and
  • Internal Security Fund (ISF).

European Home Affairs Funds contribute to the efficient management of migration and a high level of security within the EU, as well as supporting integrated border management and the common visa policy.

Internal Security Fund

The aim of the ISF is to contribute to a high level of security in the EU.

The ISF is a European Structural Fund established by the European Union in 2014 to support EU Member States in areas related to security.

Internal Security Fund: Objectives

The ISF 2021-2027 Programming period will contribute to ensuring a high level of security in the Union, in particular by:

  • Preventing and combating terrorism and radicalisation, serious and organised crime, and cybercrime;
  • Assisting and protecting victims of crime; and
  • Preparing for, protecting against and effectively managing security related incidents, risks and crises.

ISF National Programme 2021-2027.pdf (size 2.3 MB)

Managing Authority - An Garda Síochána

An Garda Síochána is the National Police force of Ireland.

An Garda Síochána is the Managing Authority of the 2014-2020 & 2021-2027 ISF National Programmes.

The role of Managing Authority was designated to An Garda Síochána by the Department of Justice in 2017.

An Garda Síochána submitted a National Programme for the 2021-2027 programming period which was formally approved by the European Commission in November 2022.

An Garda Síochána, as acting Managing Authority, is responsible for monitoring and supervising the operations supported by the Fund.

What type of activities are eligible under the Internal Security Fund?

The ISF may provide grants for activities that include the following:

  • Development of national and EU-wide information systems.
  • Improving methods of information retrieval and exchange of information.
  • Joint operations between cross-border and national authorities.
  • Training, Information and acquisition of equipment and support in the development of new technologies and processes.

Specific actions taken with the support of ISF funding may aim to address key security threats, in particular serious and organised crime, terrorism, radicalisation, cybercrime, corruption, money laundering, drug trafficking and trafficking in human beings, and to assist and protect victims of crime.

Who is eligible for ISF Funding?

Funding is available to authorities, organisations and other stakeholders, including educational organisations, relevant to the implementation of the 2021-2027 National Programme.

Controls and governance

The 2021-2027 National Programme is subject to various controls and governance requirements, as outlined in various provisions of the CPR and Regulation (EU) 2021/1149. A summary of these requirements is outlined as follows:

Monitoring Committee

Managing Authorities are required to establish a programme Monitoring Committee for the ISF. The Monitoring Committee is required to examine various matters, such as progress in programme implementation, issues in performance and the achievement of milestones/targets. In addition, the Monitoring Committee provides final approval on project proposals. The Monitoring Committee is governed by its own Rules of Procedure, which have been developed in line with EU Regulation.

Evaluation Committee

In order to comply with audit trail and documentation requirements relating to the selection of projects, the Internal Security Fund Managing Authority has established an Evaluation Committee. The Evaluation Committee applies selection criteria to proposed projects and ultimately presents its findings to the Monitoring Committee for final decision. The Evaluation Committee is governed by its own Rules of Procedure.


All correspondence in relation to the ISF should be directed to the ISF section mailbox: [email protected].