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Creative Ideas To Promote Your Virtual Event

Updated Apr 14, 2022, 02:03pm EDT

By Anna Anisin, founder and CEO at, overseeing client strategy and business development.

When it comes to virtual and hybrid event success, promotion is at the forefront. Event organizers need to be creative about event communication to attract their target audience. With the proliferation of virtual events, things have become more competitive and only organizers with the best promotion strategies will attract an audience.

Let's take a closer look at some useful ideas for creating successful promotional campaigns that can attract your target audience to your upcoming events.

Build a compelling event landing page.

You need a high converting event landing page where you’ll place carefully crafted event messaging, branded images, graphics, videos, as well as other necessary information about your event that attendees will need. The page can be a stand-alone microsite or a page on your company’s website. In my experience, stand-alone microsites are more effective as they provide flexibility for event-themed branding and design. The landing page should include details about speakers and testimonials of past speakers and attendees. It should also include a call-to-action (CTA) for signups and to ask attendees to set up calendar reminders for the event.

Create excitement with speaker announcements.

Create excitement prior to the event by announcing your speakers and topics early. Attendees need to know what they stand to gain, and this can be revealed when you mention your speakers and their talk topics in your communications. This means you’ll have to find event themes and focus areas that resonate with your target audience and also find speakers who can deliver them perfectly.

Share widely with online community groups.

Leverage industry-related online groups on Slack, Reddit, company/brand social platforms and other forums to promote your event. Excite your target audience by creating short posts, images and clips from previous event streams and sharing them in those online groups.

List the event in meetup groups.

Meetup groups are interest groups that meet regularly online using a social-networking site. Find such groups that share the same interests as the event you are promoting. Talk to the people in charge of these groups, ask them to share your event in their groups and also list it along with their upcoming events.

Place the event on popular conference listing sites.

Ask authors of well-ranking lists with conferences in your industry to add your event to their lists. To find such listings in your industry, type "best [name of your industry] events" into the Google search bar. Check out the event lists from the first couple of Google page results and try to find the authors’ contact information, such as email or social media handles, where you can reach out and share your event.

Collaborate with influencers.

The use of influencers for marketing and promotion purposes cuts across several industries. For your virtual event, you can tap influencers to expand your reach to your target audience. However, you need to be strategic when finding influencers. Only the ones that have profiles and experience that match your event’s areas of focus will be suitable.

You can find influencers on LinkedIn and Instagram depending on where your target audiences are the most. Before contacting potential influencers, check their posts and see if they've promoted events in the past. Once you find suitable ones, send them a connection request or DM. Be clear and upfront about your needs and how they can partner with you and ask what their typical rates are. Sometimes, it's not about paying the influencer, they may request an exchange of services. Therefore, be clear about the terms of the partnership before proceeding.

Create branded event marketing materials.

Apart from your event landing page, you also need to create other marketing materials in the form of e-fliers, banners, branded hashtags, short video content, trivia and other communication material that you, the speakers, sponsors and influencers can easily share.

Offer early bird tickets and other incentives.

There is nothing like being assured of the number of attendees you are expecting way ahead of your event date. It helps you to avoid uncertainties, plan better and keep expectations high. Create incentives for people to sign up for your event early. You can offer early bird tickets, special access to limited sessions or access to a future VIP event.


Creating an effective event communication and promotion strategy will require understanding your audience, the platforms they are most active in and what kind of messaging resonates with them. Give your event a unique identity by using custom event branding and designs to push your message out. Remember to include CTAs in all your communications so you can maximize the impact of your promotions.