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Data Privacy Issues Are The Root Of Our Big Tech Monopoly Dilemma

Updated Dec 1, 2021, 12:19pm EST
This article is more than 2 years old.

In a recent letter to FTC chair Lina Khan, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and eight other senators insist that the ongoing data abuses by Big Tech and data brokers are the core of our monopoly problems. Blumenthal writes, "Big Tech companies have used their unchecked access to private personal information to create in-depth profiles about nearly all Americans and to protect their market position against competition from startups." Time and again, American consumers have been forced to watch powerlessly as their sensitive information is hand-delivered to questionable actors. The Senators conclude that “a national standard for data privacy and security is urgently needed to protect consumers, reinforce civil rights, and safeguard our nation’s cybersecurity.”

The problem here is two-fold: firstly, the FTC does not have a strong federal data privacy law, which would give them the teeth to go after Big Tech and data brokers; secondly, their antitrust cases are facing an uphill battle because the Sherman Act of 1890 has not been updated for the Internet era. This leaves Senators operating in a model designed for the fiscal economy of the 20th century while major tech companies operate in a parallel, 21st-century market we now know as the Attention Economy. Taking action will require updates to the law or, at least, an updated understanding of market mechanics in order to make a case.

Understanding and Evaluating Attention Monopolies

For those who lack familiarity with antitrust law, it has to be confusing to see our enforcement agencies appear so confused and incapable of protecting us. However, a quick appraisal of the existing legal instruments available to enforcers makes it easy to see what’s stopping them.

Consider the Sherman Act. There are three major levers used to evaluate enforcement:

  1. Destruction of competition
  2. Elimination or restriction of resources
  3. Price fixing or gouging

While the Sherman Act was originally created as an instrument to protect consumers, regulators have shifted their focus since the mid-1900s towards enforcing almost exclusively on price alone. In recent court decisions, regulators have taken the stance that lower prices are the proxy equivalent to enhanced consumer welfare. This simplistic, binary view of consumer welfare is why we’re stuck in enforcement limbo.

Using Facebook as a simple example, it seems clear that the company is a monopoly. We can see the destruction of competition. We can see elimination or restricted access to resources—namely, data. However, their services cost consumers nothing financially. In a world where fiscal cost outweighs the psychological and sociological cost, the FTC and other enforcement agencies around the globe are lost on how to move forward.

The task at hand for enforcers is to translate the micro-fractional, downstream costs that burden consumers—addiction, misinformation, depression, and anxiety, etc—into financial harms. The value defined within these harms will be critical in assessing a business model predicated on attention as a currency.

Defining The Price of “Free”

In the fiscal marketplace, we pay for goods and services with dollars or other recognized, legitimate currencies. In the attention marketplace, we pay with our attention. If you think about the linguistic mechanics of our new world, we literally say we “pay attention to the screen” or we often tell our friends and family members to “quit paying so much attention to your screen.” Despite this, we, as a society, have never considered “paying attention” as a realized cost or potential harm to consumer welfare. For this reason, we need to take a moment to understand the fundamentals of the mechanics underlying the attention marketplace.

The key performance indicators (KPIs) of attention-based companies often include the following core metrics: monthly active users (MAUs), time on site, and a handful of engagement metrics unique to the platform—likes, shares, views, comments, etc. These metrics are then used to evaluate the amount of attention paid to a platform.

For example, more MAUs (people using the site) means there are more eyeballs to potentially engage. Time on site tells companies how long those MAUs are paying attention to their website or app—although more time on site could just mean someone left their tab open. More MAUs spending more time on site means multiple factors of more attention paid. From there other engagement metrics (clicks, swipes, shares, comments, etc) can be used to define what activities are most common, which ones lead to more engagement, how and why, etc.

Despite being called the attention economy, attention is not what companies are actually pursuing, data is. This is why companies are so defensive when it comes to being labeled as addictive services. It was never their intent to harm society or create addictions, they created these addictions so they could aggregate more data. So why choose engagement metrics to define success?

Companies choose engagement metrics to demonstrate that a user is paying attention because when we pay attention our engagement on the platform then turns into data. This is why these companies want us to pay more attention, and they want larger amounts of us paying more attention for longer periods of time. More engagement means more data, more users means more data, more users that are paying more attention means compounding amounts of more data! Companies then use these proxy metrics to explain their value through a model of attention extraction.

Many people struggle to understand why companies want data so bad. That is because they don’t understand the value of data.

Data is currently considered one of the most valuable assets in the world, beyond oil. This is because it is a non-rival good, which means it can be replicated for free, with little or no loss in quality, and used by an infinite number of people at the same time. This is different than what we’re used to historically, with rivalrous goods. Traditionally, a rivalrous good, such as a book, a car, or even oil, can only be used by one person or entity at a time. You could photocopy a book but it takes time, money and often degrades over time. That’s the problem with rivalrous goods. Data doesn’t have that issue.

Data’s non-rivalrous nature makes its actual value multitudes larger than any rivalrous good. One set of data can be turned into a research study, it can inform product development cycles, it can train AI and ML systems, it can be sold via data brokering operations, it can be used to target ads. The derivatives of these operations all then turn into cash. And it can all be done from one set of data that can be used by multiple companies, creating a network effect that makes everyone more reliant on the original source.

In short, what these companies have created is a black market built on extractive practices that are pulling us away from our friends and families, dividing our nation, and poisoning our media in favor of anything that gains the most attention. As Blumenthal notes, "Americans’ identities have become the currency in an unregulated, hidden economy of data brokers that buy and sell sensitive information about their families, religious beliefs, healthcare needs, and every movement to shadowy interests, often without their awareness and consent."

This system has also created a network effect that’s making our society weaker by exposing exponentially more points of vulnerability through insecure, centralized network dependencies. In fact, a recent cybersecurity study found that companies are so intertwined that the average multi-party cyber incident impacts 10 firms beyond the original victim.

Why is this all happening? Because companies want more data, they have all the financial incentive and legal right in the world to mine as much as possible, and our regulators don’t know what they’re looking at or how to regulate it.

The by-product (or harm, as enforcers may regard it) is that we now spend less time with our friends and families, are more anxious and divided as a society, and lack trusted streams of quality information, among other non-financial measures, on top of being more vulnerable from a national security perspective. Unfortunately, all of this is hard, if not impossible, to put a fiscal price to, and that’s where we’re stuck—because legal precedence is predicated on defining financial harm, rather than measures of societal harm, consumer welfare, or matters of national security, as it should be.

We Lack The Right To Protect Our Data

Despite how the situation appears, we must take a step back and consider that there is currently nothing illegal about what is going on. Additionally, consumers are not yet data literate enough to fully understand the value of their data, so the majority have handed over their data willfully, for free. Moreover, we’ve all signed contracts—Terms of Service, Privacy Policies, etc—consenting to this behavior. All of this combined creates a powerful system that is hard to untangle.

On one side, companies have the all legal right in the world to do what they’re doing and no financial incentive to stop it. On the other, consumers are becoming more aware of how companies are abusing the system and that, in this abuse, there’s definitely a human rights issue to be dealt with. Consumer sentiment was validated in April 2021 by the fact that 96% of iPhone users chose not to be tracked when given the option in the iOS 14.5 update. When given the choice, users choose privacy. However, the current system we live in lacks coherent and comprehensive data protection, which has allowed companies to run rampant via extractive legal documents we’re forced to sign to operate in the modern world.

In summary, even if a consumer wants to take control of their data, they often have no rights. Of those that have rights, most are not data literate enough to realize what those rights mean to them, why they’re so important, or how to take action. And on the rare chance a data-literate consumer with rights wants to challenge the invasive practices, it’s still proven highly difficult, if not impossible, because we’ve all signed an audit trail of contracts over time that prove that we agreed to this. This is why we’re in such a dire predicament. So what’s our recourse?

Price Gouging In The Attention Marketplace

In June, the House Judiciary Committee voted to advance six antitrust reform bills. However, it remains to be seen whether any of these bills will be passed. In speaking with fellow privacy-advocate Vijay Sundaram, Chief Strategy Officer of Zoho and ManageEngine, I found out that he feels luke-warm about the proposals. Sundaram believes, “The six antitrust reform bills proposed by the House Judiciary Committee are a good starting point in terms of bringing accountability to Big Tech and breaking up their monopolistic approaches but it appears the only bills likely to pass are the ones with the dullest teeth."

In addition to the six antitrust reform bills in June, a federal judge also threw out two of the FTC's antitrust suits against Facebook, forcing the agency to file an amended antitrust complaint in August. The FTC believes that Facebook's acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram were not only attempts to stifle competition, but also provided Facebook with access to massive data sets, which in turn would increase the size of their social media moat and allow them to enter ancillary markets more easily. The agency released a statement in August about Facebook’s power: "Lacking serious competition, Facebook has been able to hone a surveillance-based advertising model and impose ever-increasing burdens on its users."

While this is certainly true, there’s nothing illegal per se. And as mentioned earlier, the burden isn't an overtly financial one, which will make their argument challenging. Rather than focusing on fiscal harms, regulators should consider an enforcement lens for the 21st century. A critical, attention-based assessment of these company’s actions makes it clear that they are actively and intentionally raising their prices. How?

Addictive patterns are designed into interfaces with the intent to maintain or raise the amount of time we “spend” on any given interface. Companies make it difficult for users to leave their platform by de-prioritizing or completely disregarding any ability to make our data interoperable with other platforms. The majority of consent agreements are still opt-in, by default. By creating systems that are intentionally designed for addiction, lack interoperability, and default to opt-in or no access these companies have created the attention economy equivalent to price gouging. They may call it attention but what they’re really gouging is our data.

While companies have lowered the fiscal cost to zero, it is also clear that they are actively and intentionally attempting to raise the attentional cost as high as possible in the parallel economic system they have created, control, and are currently strangling—the attention marketplace.

As of earlier this week UK Competition Regulators have officially ordered Facebook (now Meta), to sell off Giphy. To many this may seem confusing but in reality they’re doing what exactly what we need. Their concern is that Meta will end up “denying or limiting other platforms’ access to Giphy GIFs and driving traffic to Facebook-owned sites.” It’s not about a superficial revenue stream, it’s about the access to data and a companies’ ability to coerce consumers to use their platform instead of competitors, which therefore guarantees the company more data. This is exactly how enforcers should be considering the untangling of these monopolies but they need to go deeper. We need them to cut the head off the octopus, not one leg at a time, otherwise the legs will grow back.

The Well-Being Of Our Nation Requires Action

While our enforcers are becoming more data-literate by the day, the reality of the situation is that many of our these people were born far before the internet era and have a fundamentally different understanding of the world. This is why the current antitrust discussion is around Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram, Amazon’s marketplace control, Google’s Android operating system, and similar variants. These dilemmas, which are coherent and true, are only surface-level concepts. They make easy examples to apply old law and draw a map of financial harms but they don’t hit the core of these companies’ monopoly power, which is data.

Thankfully, vocal advocacy groups are echoing sentiments that have come out of the Biden White House. In his July 9 executive order, Biden asked the FTC to establish "rules on surveillance and accumulation of data." That said, enforcement by executive order is no way to run a nation and we will need the support of others to make significant change.

“For far too long Big Tech companies have been able to operate under self-serving business models that are harmful to consumers and competitors alike,” Sundaram said. “Preventive regulation must address these business models that brazenly use online surveillance and the accumulation of users’ data to drive their own profits while limiting competition. The current approach to self-regulation is about as enlightened as asking the fox to watch the chicken coop."

Although the FTC is pushing hard to find a resolution via the Sherman Act and other levers in their toolbox, their ambitions may prove to be more bark than bite if they can not adapt their assessment for the 21st Century. These organizations have been able to surveil Americans with virtually no consequences for years now and it’s time to reverse the power dynamics. Congress needs to empower the FTC to go after Big Tech and data brokers. It’s time to take action. The well-being of our nation, and other nations abroad, requires it.

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