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A Very Short History Of The Internet And The Web

Updated Feb 10, 2015, 04:05pm EST
This article is more than 9 years old.

2014 marked two important anniversaries in the evolution of information technology. Forty-five years ago (October 29, 1969), the first ARPAnet (later to be known as the Internet) link was established between UCLA and SRI. Twenty-five years ago (March 1989), Tim Berners-Lee circulated a proposal for “Mesh” (later to be known as the World Wide Web) to his management at CERN.

This timeline highlights the major (and some minor) developments in the evolution of these twin flowers of the digital age, one (the Internet) a network infrastructure, the other (the Web) a software infrastructure layered on top of it. Together, they have so far connected more than a third of the world’s population and have made millions of people both new consumers and new creators of information.

Three key themes or tensions arise from this very short history of the Internet and the Web: 1. Centralization vs. decentralization of resources and knowledge; 2. Applying a pre-conceived taxonomy to a body of knowledge vs. self-organization via associative links; 3. One-way consumption vs. two-way consumption and creation of knowledge. In more general terms, this has been a battle between closed/proprietary and open/universal systems, an on-going fight that will shape the future of the Internet and the Web.

1728                                       Ephraim Chambers, a London globe-maker, publishes the Cyclopaedia, or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences.  It is the earliest attempt to link by association all the articles in an encyclopedia or, more generally, all the components of human knowledge. In the Preface, Chambers explained his innovative system of cross-references:

“Former lexicographers have not attempted anything like Structure in their Works; nor seem to have been aware that a dictionary was in some measure capable of the Advantages of a continued Discourse. Accordingly, we see nothing like a Whole in what they have done…. This we endeavoured to attain, by considering the several Matters [i.e., topics] not only absolutely and independently, as to what they are in themselves; but also relatively, or as they respect each other. They are both treated as so many Wholes, and so many Parts of some greater Whole; their Connexion with which, is pointed out by a Reference… A Communication is opened between the several parts of the Work; and the several Articles are in some measure replaced in their natural Order of Science, out of which the Technical or Alphabetical one had remov’d them.”

1910                                       Belgian lawyers and bibliographers Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine propose a central repositry for the world’s knowledge, organized by the Universal Decimal Classification. The Mundaneum will eventually house more than 15 million index cards, 100,000 files and millions of images. In 1934, Otlet fruther advanced his vision for the Radiated Library, in which people worldwide will place telephone calls to his “mechanical, collective brain” and will get back information as TV signals.

1936                                       H.G. Wells first predicts the World Brain. Wells: “The whole human memory can be, and probably in short time will be, made accessible to every individual… The time is close at hand when any student, in any part of the world, will be able to sit with his projector in his own study at his or her own convenience to examine any book, any document, in an exact replica.”  The World Brain was to be a central repository of the world’s knowledge, organized by a complex taxonomy invented by Wells.

July 1945                              Vannevar Bush publishes “As We May Think,” in which he envisions the “Memex,” a memory extension device serving as a large personal repository of information that could be instantly retrieved through associative links: “The human mind… operates by association. With one item in its grasp, it snaps instantly to the next that is suggested by the association of thoughts, in accordance with some intricate web of trails carried by the cells of the brain… Our ineptitude at getting at the record is largely caused by the artificiality of systems of indexing… Selection [i.e., information retrieval] by association, rather than by indexing may yet be mechanized.”

February 1951                   Mary Lee Berners-Lee, Tim’s mother, goes to Manchester University to set up the Ferranti Mark 1, the world’s first commercially available general-purpose computer. Ferranti, for which both Tim’s father and mother worked, went on to sell 9 units of the Mark 1 and its successor, a major success story at the time.

1957                                       In the movie Desk Set, when a “methods engineer” (Spencer Tracy) installs the fictional computer EMERAC, the head librarian (Katharine Hepburn) tells her anxious colleagues in the research department: “They can’t build a machine to do our job; there are too many cross-references in this place.”

March 1960                         J.C.R. Licklider envisions in Man-Computer Symbiosis “A network of [computers], connected to one another by wide-band communication lines [which provide] the functions of present-day libraries together with anticipated advances in information storage and retrieval and [other] symbiotic functions.”

May 1960                             Paul Baran publishes "Reliable Digital Communications Systems Using Unreliable Network Repeater Nodes,” the first of a series of papers that proposed the design for distributed networks using packet switching, a method used to this day to transmit all types of information over the Internet. A little later, Donald Davies at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory (NPL) independently developed the same idea. While Baran used the term "message blocks" for his units of communication, Davies used the term "packets."

July 1961                              Leonard Kleinrock publishes "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets"; in December 1962, Kleinrock submits his MIT Ph.D. dissertation, proposing a mathematical theory for what were later called packet-switched networks.

October 1962                     J.C.R. Licklider becomes the director of the newly established Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) within the US Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). He addresses his colleagues as “Members and Affiliates of the Intergalactic Computer Network.”

August 16, 1964                Isaac Asimov writes in the New York Times: “The I.B.M. exhibit at the [1964 World’s Fair]… is dedicated to computers, which are shown in all their amazing complexity, notably in the task of translating Russian into English. If machines are that smart today, what may not be in the works 50 years hence? It will be such computers, much miniaturized, that will serve as the ‘brains’ of robots… Communications will become sight-sound and you will see as well as hear the person you telephone. The screen can be used not only to see the people you call but also for studying documents and photographs and reading passages from books.”

1965                                       Ted Nelson coins the terms Hypertext and Hypermedia. He later wrote in Literary Machines: “By now the word ‘hypertext’ has become generally accepted for branching and responding text, but the corresponding word ‘hypermedia,’ meaning complexes of branching and responding graphics, movies and sound – as well as text – is much less used.”

1965                                       Larry Roberts and Thomas Merrill connect a TX-2 computer at MIT’s Lincoln Lab in Massachusetts to a Q-32 computer in Santa Monica, California, via a 2.4K bit/sec dial-up telephone line, creating the first wide-area computer network.

February 1966                   Robert Taylor becomes the director of the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO). He proposes to his boss the ARPAnet, a network that will connect the different projects that ARPA was sponsoring. At the time, each project had its own specialized terminal and unique set of user commands.

Early 1967                            At a meeting of ARPA’s principal investigators at Ann Arbor, Michigan, Larry Roberts, the ARPA network program manager, proposes his idea for a distributed ARPAnet as opposed to a centralized network managed by a single computer. Roberts’ proposal that all host computers would connect to one another directly, doing double duty as both research computers and networking routers, was not endorsed by the principal investigators who were reluctant to dedicate valuable computing resources to network administration. After the meeting broke, Wesley Clark, a computer scientist at Washington University in St. Louis, suggested to Roberts that the network be managed by identical small computers, each attached to a host computer. Accepting the idea, Roberts named the small computers dedicated to network administration ‘Interface Message Processors’ (IMPs), which later evolved into today’s routers.

April 1967                            Andries van Dam runs into Ted Nelson at the Spring Joint Computer Conference and learns about Nelson’s Hypertext ideas. They start developing the Hypertext Editing System (HES), later used by NASA to produce documentation for the Apollo space program.

October 1967                     At the first ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Larry Roberts presents “Multiple computer networks and intercomputer communication,” in which he describes the architecture of the “ARPA net” and argues that giving scientists the ability to explore data and programs residing in remote locations will reduce duplication of effort and result in enormous savings: “A network will foster the ‘community’ use of computers. Cooperative programming will be stimulated, and in particular fields or disciplines it will be possible to achieve ‘critical mass’ of talent by allowing geographically separated people to work effectively in interaction with a system.”

Another presenter at the conference, Roger Scantlebury, tells Roberts about the work of Donald Davies at NPL and Paul Baran at RAND. Roberts incorporated their packet-switching ideas and the proposed communications speed to be used in the ARPANET was upgraded from 2.4 kbps to 50 kbps.

August 5, 1968                   Donald Davies at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory (NPL) demonstrates publicly for the first time a prototype packet-switching network.

August 1968                       ARPA sends an RFQ for the Interface Message Processor (IMP) to 140 companies and awards the $1 million contract to Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN) in December.

December 9, 1968            Doug Engelbart demonstrates oN Line System (NLS), a working prototype of the first fully functional, multi-user hypertext system; users of NLS could share and annotate documents and use hyperlinks to jump from place to place within a document or between documents.

Late 1968                             Andries van Dam and others develop File Retrieval and Editing System (FRESS). FRESS users could insert a marker at any location within a text document and link the marked selection to any other point either in the same document or a different document. To make the program work on different types of computers, the developers came up with the concept of virtual (software-based) input and output devices.

April 7, 1969                       Steve Crocker submits RFC 1, the first “Request for Comment” which became the primary mechanism for the collaborative and open development of the Internet.

September 2, 1969          The first BBN Interface Message Processor (IMP), is connected for the first time to UCLA’s SDS Sigma-7 mainframe, establishing the first node of the ARPAnet. Leonard Kleinrock (quoted in Stephen Segaller, Nerds 2.0.1): “We cautiously connected and the bits began to flow; The pieces really functioned, just why I still don’t know; Messages were moving pretty well by Wednesday morn; All the rest is history. Packet switching had been born.”

October 29, 1969              The first message ("Login") is sent over the ARPANET between the network node at UCLA and a second one at SRI. Leonard Kleinrock: “At the UCLA end, they typed in the ‘l’ and asked SRI [by phone] if they received it; ‘got the l’ came the voice reply. UCLA typed in the ‘o’, asked if they got it, and received ‘got the o’. UCLA then typed in the ‘g’ and the darned system CRASHED! Quite a beginning. On the second attempt, it worked fine!” By the end of the year, four host computers were connected together into the initial ARPANET.

1971                                       Bob Thomas at BBN creates the first computer virus, an experimental self-replicating program called Creeper which copied itself to computers connected to the ARPANET and displayed the message "I'm the creeper, catch me if you can!"

July 4, 1971                         Michael Hart launches Project Gutenberg with the goal of making copyright-free works electronically available by entering the text of the U.S. Declaration of Independence into the University of Illinois mainframe he was using, creating a 5K file. Years later, he recalled: “I envisioned sending the Declaration of Independence to everyone on the Net... all 100 of them... which would have crashed the whole thing, but luckily Fred Ranck stopped me, and we just posted a notice in what would later become comp.gen. I think about 6 out of the 100 users at the time downloaded it.”

Late 1971                           Ray Tomlinson at BBN writes the code for network email and sends the first email over the ARPANET. Tomlinson: “I used the at sign to indicate that the user was ‘at’ some other host rather than being local. The first message was sent between two machines that were literally side by side. The only physical connection they had (aside from the floor they sat on) was through the ARPANET.”

An ARPA study in 1973, a year after network email was introduced to the ARPANET community, found that three-quarters of the traffic over the ARPANET consisted of email messages.

October 1972                     The International Computer Communication Conference (ICCC) is organized by BBN under the direction of Bob Kahn, offering the first public demonstration of the ARPANET. The demonstration was received enthusiastically by most attendees, but not all, as Bob Metcalfe recalled: "They gave me the job of escorting ten AT&T vice-presidents around. So I was demo'ing the system, and for the only time in that whole show, the TIP [Terminal Interface Processor, a successor to the IMP] crashed... We reestablished connection and it never went down again. But this was a very enlightening moment for me because when I looked up, you know, they were happy that it crashed. They made no point of hiding their joy. Because this confirmed for them that circuit switching was better and more reliable than packet switching, which was flaky and would never work.”

September 1973              At a meeting of the International Network Working Group (INWG) at Sussex University, Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf present their work on connecting ARPANET and other existing networks by using a common internetwork protocol. They later published the description of what became to be known as the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the May 1974 issue of IEEE Transactions on Communications Technology ("A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication”). Shortly thereafter, DARPA funded three independent implementations of the TCP/IP protocol, at Stanford (Vint Cerf), BBN (Ray Tomlinson), and University College London (Peter Kirstein). On January 1, 1983, all the ARPANET hosts switched to TCP/IP.

1975                                    The term "worm" is first used in John Brunner's novel, The Shockwave Rider, to describe a program that propagates itself through a computer network. The protagonist designs and sets off a data-gathering worm in an act of revenge against the powerful men who run a national electronic information web that induces mass conformity: "You have the biggest-ever worm loose in the net, and it automatically sabotages any attempt to monitor it... There's never been a worm with that tough a head or that long a tail!"

1980                                    Tim Berners-Lee writes ENQUIRE, a program documenting links between people, computers, and projects at CERN. Berners-Lee in Weaving the Web: “When I first began tinkering with a software program that eventually gave rise to the idea of the World Wide Web, I named it Enquire, short for Enquire Within upon Everything, a musty old book of Victorian advice I noticed as a child in my parents’ house outside London. With its title of suggestive magic, the book served as a portal to a world of information, everything from how to remove clothing stains to tips on investing money.”

Berners-Lee neglected to note that the Vicorian Wikipedia also answered a still-burning question: “It would take 27,600 spiders to produce 1 LB. of Web.”

1981                                     In “The Social Framework of the Information Society” (in T. Forester (ed.), The Microelectronic Revolution), Daniel Bell writes: “H. G. Wells, in one of his megalomaniacal visions of the future, proposed a ‘world brain’ that like a vast computer would bring together in one place all organized scientific knowledge…it is a deceptive vision, which misunderstands the way the mind actually works, and which makes the sociological error of assuming that some central knowledge system can function better than the decentralized, self-organizing system in which demand specifies the organizational and market response to the needs of the users.”

September 1983               A Louis Harris & Associates survey finds that 10% of U.S. adults have a home computer and, of those, 14% use a modem to send and receive information. The resulting estimate was that 1.4% of U.S. adults used the Internet in 1983.

November 1983                RFC 882 is published, describing the Domain Name System (DNS) invented by Paul Mockapetris at the University of California, Irvine. The increase in the number of independently managed networks (mostly Local-Area Networks) meant that maintaining a single table of hosts’ names (hosts were assigned names so that it was not necessary to remember their numeric addresses) was no longer feasible and a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet, was needed,

Februrary 1985                  Whole Earth’s ‘Lectronic Link (WELL) established, one of the first “virtual communities.” The WELL presented its first users with the disclaimer You Own Your Own Words. YOYOW strived to achieve the goal of attracting interesting people into online conversation with each other, while giving them responsibility for their own words and ideas.

February 1985                   In episode 20 of the sixth seson of television sitcom Benson, the protagonists go to the bomb cellar to try to prepare for a nuclear attack. A scene where the ARPANET is accessed is the first incidence of a popular TV show directly referencing the network.

March 15, 1985                  The first commercial Internet domain name,, is registered by Symbolics Inc., a computer company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

1987                                       First Hypertext conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Among the challenges Andries van Dam highlights in his keynote address, are lack of standards and scalability, and the need for better navigation tools and new ways to design and display information.

1987                                       Apple releases Hypercard, a Hypertext application distributed with Apple’s Macintosh computers.

September 1988               The first Interop trade show, bringing together 50 Internet vendors and 5,000 users, demonstrating the growing comemrcialization of Internet technology.

November 2, 1988           Robert Tappan Morris, a Cornell University computer science graduate student, releases what became known as the Morris worm, considered the first Internet worm, disrupting a large number of computers, guessed to be one tenth of all those connected to the Internet at the time. Morris became the first person tried and convicted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Morris went on to co-found a Web startup which was sold to Yahoo in 1998 and Y Combinator, a startup investor and accelerator. Today, he is a computer science professor at MIT.

March 1989                         Tim Berners-Lee writes “Information Management: A Proposal,” and circulates it at CERN. Berners-Lee in Weaving the Web: “I was excited about escaping from the straightjacket of hierarchical documentation systems…. By being able to reference everything with equal ease, the web could also represent associations between things that might seem unrelated but for some reason did actually share a relationship. This is something the brain can do easily, spontaneously. … The research community has used links between paper documents for ages: Tables of content, indexes, bibliographies and reference sections… On the Web… scientists could escape from the sequential organization of each paper and bibliography, to pick and choose a path of references that served their own interest.”

1990                                       Archie, the first Internet search engine, is developed by Alan Emtage at McGill University.

October 1990                     Tim Berners-Lee begins writing code for a client program, a browser/editor he calls WorldWideWeb, on his new NeXT computer.

December 1990                   First website,, goes live.

Spring 1991                         The Gopher protocol, designed for distributing, searching, and retrieving documents over the Internet, is released by a University of Minnesota team led by Mark McCahill.

August 1991                       Tim Berners-Lee publishes the code for the World Wide Web on the Internet. Later he wrote in Weaving the Web: “From then on, interested people on the Internet provided the feedback, stimualtion, ideas, source-code contributions, and moral support… The people of the Internet built the Web, in true grassroot fashion.”

December 12, 1991         The first website in the United States goes live, home to the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

September 1992               Ed Krol publishes The Whole Internet User’s Guide & Catalog, the first popular guide to the Internet and O’Reilly and Associates’ first million-copy bestseller.  The chapter devoted to the World Wide Web starts with “The World Wide Web, or WWW, is the newest information service to arrive on the Internet. The Web is based on a technology called hypertext… While physicists may have paid for its initial development, it’s one of the most flexible tools—probably the most flexible tool—for prowling around the Internet. Like Gopher and WAIS, the Web is very much under development, perhaps even more so. So don’t be surprised if it doesn’t occasionally work the way you’d like. It’s certainly worth playing with.” In the second edition, published in April 1994, the last sentences were changed to “The Web and its tools are still under development… They’re certainly worth playing with, and will probably become the predominant method for accessing the Internet in the next few years.”

June 1992                            Jean Polly coins the phrase “surfing the Internet” in an article published in Wilson Library Bulletin, a monthly professional magazine for librarians.

July 1992                              Tim Berners-Lee posts the first photo uploaded to the Web, showing the all-female parody pop group Les Horribles Cernettes (LHC), consisting of four of his colleagues at CERN.

January 23, 1993               Marc Andreessen announces version 0.5 of NCSA X Mosaic web browser which he developed with Eric Bina at the Nationl Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Andreesen will go on to co-found Mosaic Communications (later Netscape Communications) which released the first version of the Netscape Navigator browser in November 1994. A year later, it had 90% market share

February 1993                   The University of Minnesota decides it would charge a license fee for certain classes of Gopher users, effectively eliminating a key competitor to the World Wide Web.

April 30, 1993                     CERN declares the Web protocol and code free to all users.

May 1993                             O’Reilly Digital Media group launches the Global Network Navigator (GNN), the first commercial web publication and the first web site to offer clickable advertisements.

July 1993                              O’Reilly and Associates hosts the first WWW Wizards Workshop in Cambridge, Massachusets.

November 1993                The video camera monitoring the Trojan Coffee Pot at the University of Cambridge’s Computer Laboratory is connected to the Web, becoming the first Webcam. What before enetertained a few lcoally connected people becomes a world-wide show with 1 million hits by 1996.

December 8, 1993            In an article about Mosaic (which he calls “a map to the buried treasures of the Information Age”), John Markoff of the New York Times quotes Tim Berners-Lee: “The Web has fundamentally changed the way information is obtained over the Internet… It’s like the difference between the brain and the mind… Explore the Internet and you find cables and computers. Explore the Web and you find information.’”

Summer 1994                    A large pepperoni, mushroom and extra cheese pizza from Pizza Hut is ordered online, possibly the first transaction on the Web.

April 28, 1994                     A memo (on paper) distributed to NPR’s staff proclaims "Internet is coming to NPR!" and asserts that “to some, this will be long awaited, good news; to others, it won’t mean much.”

May 25, 1994                      First World Wide Web conference opens at CERN.

October 1, 1994                World Wide Web Consortium established.

October 1994                     HotWired is the first web site to sell banner ads in large quantities to a wide range of major corporate advertisers.

August 9, 1995                   Netscape share price soars to $75 during its first day of trading, up from the offering price of $28 (which was doubled from $14 at the last minute). At the time it was unusual for a company to go public before becoming profitable. The Wall Street Journal wrote “It took General Dynamics Corp. 43 years to become a corporation worth today’s $2.7 billion. It took Netscape Communications Corp about a minute.” The Netscape IPO has been referred to in the media as the birth of the Web or even the Internet.  It was certianly the birth of what became to be known as the “dot-com bubble.”

October 1995                     The Pew Research Center finds that 14% of U.S. adults are now online, most using dial-up modem connections, but only 3% of online users have ever signed on to the World Wide Web. 42% of U.S. adults had never heard of the Internet and an additional 21% knew it had something to do with computers.

1996                                       Brewster Kahle establishes the Internet Archives, to preserve and provide access to nearly every site on the Internet, later evolving to become a comprehensive digital library. Kahle later tells Newsweek: “The Web is the people’s medium. It is the publisher who won’t turn you down. We have 5 million to 15 million people’s individual voices.”

1996                                       Nokia releases the Nokia 9000 Communicator, the first cellphone with a web browser.

1996                                       77% of online users send or receive e-mail at least once every few weeks, up from 65% in 1995.

Fall 1996                              Ethan Zuckerman creates the first pop-up ad. In 2014, he would apologize for “The Internet’s Original Sin”: “The [business] model that got [] acquired was analyzing users’ personal homepages so we could better target ads to them… the pop-up ad… was a way to associate an ad with a user’s page without putting it directly on the page, which advertisers worried would imply an association between their brand and the page’s content. Specifically, we came up with it when a major car company freaked out that they’d bought a banner ad on a page that celebrated anal sex. I wrote the code to launch the window and run an ad in it. I’m sorry. Our intentions were good.”

December 17, 1997         The term "weblog" is coined by Jorn Barger. The short form, "blog", was coined by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog in 1999.Shortly thereafter, Evan Williams at Pyra Labs used "blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog", meaning "to edit one's weblog or to post to one's weblog") and used the term "blogger" in connection with Pyra Labs' Blogger product.

1998                                       The first Google index has 26 million Web pages.

February 15, 1998            “Oh, so they have the Internet on computers now?”—Homer Simpson

2000                                       Google’s index of the Web reaches the one-billion mark.

2000                                       78% of internet users who download music don’t think it’s stealing to save music files to their computer hard drives.

May 2001                             Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, and Ora Lassila publish “The Semantic Web” in Scientific American: “Decentralization requires compromises: The Web had to throw away the ideal of total consistency of all its interconnections, ushering in the infamous message “Error 404: Not Found” but allowing unchecked exponential growth.”

March 2007                         Estonia becomes the world’s first country to use internet voting in a parliamentary election.

April 2007                            36% of American online adults consult Wikipedia.

June 2008                            Google’s index of the web consists of one-trillion unique URLs.

April 2012                            The Internet Society founds the Internet Hall of Fame to celebrate “the living history of the Internet and the individuals whose extraordinary contributions have made the Internet, its worldwide availability and use, and its transformative nature possible.”

December 2012                   Annual e-commerce sales top $1 trillion worldwide for the first time.

February 2014                   45% of internet users ages 18-29 in serious relationships say the internet has had an impact on their relationship.

Summer 2014                    The number of Internet users worldwide reaches 3 billion.

November 2014                Only 23% of respondents to a Pew online survey know that the “the Internet” and the “the World Wide Web” do not refer to the same thing.


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