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SpiritVNC - FLTK 0.6.0

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Name:SpiritVNC - FLTKPopularity:6%
Author:Will BrokenbourghEMail:will.brokenbourgh2877
Created:Jan 10, 2020
Updated:Dec 14, 2023
Home Page:https://www.pismotek.com/brainout/content/spiritvnc.php (1612 visits)
Download:https://github.com/willbprog127/spiritvnc-fltk-no-libssh2 (1624 visits)

SpiritVNC - FLTK is a VNC viewer that allows you to have many simultaneous connections open and allows you to switch between them efficiently. Besides regular VNC connections, SpiritVNC also supports VNC-through-SSH for encryption and more secure connections. Also supported are reverse or 'listening' VNC connections as well as an auto-scan function that displays one VNC viewer for a user-defined time, then automatically displays the next connected viewer and so-on. SpiritVNC is based on the FLTK toolkit, which is lightweight, easy on resources and is available on many platforms.

SpiritVNC - FLTK currently compiles and runs on macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenIndiana and experimentally on Windows 10 and 11. The program requires the following properly installed libraries and development packages:

  • FLTK 1.3.4 or newer
  • libvncserver and/or libvncclient
  • Working SSH client accessible through ssh command

The pkg-config program is also required for building. macOS users should use Homebrew to install the necessary dependencies.  Windows users should install MSYS2 and build SpiritVNC-FLTK within that environment.

SpiritVNC - FLTK screenshot


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