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[Stale home link 2023-11-11] TableBox 0.9.x

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Name:[Stale home link 2023-11-11] TableBoxPopularity:13%
Author:Python PyrgenEMail:pyrgen
Created:Aug 05, 2007
Updated:Nov 12, 2023
Home Page:http://pyrgen.googlepages.com/home (5371 visits)
Download:http://code.google.com/p/tablebox/downloads/list (1311 visits)


The TableBox manages a group of widgets that are arranged in rows and columns, making it easy to align many widgets next to each other, horizontally and vertically. The size of a table can be changed using the Size() method. Widgets can be added to a table using the Attach() method. The gaps between all rows or columns can be changed by calling the Gap() method.

Supports both row and column expanding, filling, spanning and aligning in both X and Y directions. The whole project was inspired by HTML table and GTK+ table widget.


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From greg.ercolano, 18:29 Nov 20, 2020 (score=3)

By the way, this is an FLTK2 widget.

FLTK2 has to date been abandoned, so I made a rough port of this widget to support fltk 1.x and put the resulting code here:


I mainly did this just to casually explore the widget to see what it did. I didn't carefully do the port, I just tweaked the code until it built and ran in a way that worked enough to explore it.

The test program works, but I'm not sure it works exactly as intended.

I suggest anyone wanting to use this widget with fltk 1.x.x, they could fork my rough port and clean it up a bit.

[EDIT/FOLLOWUP] After doing this port, I explored the OP's original google code page, and noticed a few issues had been opened against TableBox from someone named "Happy Hippo": they apparently did a similar 1.x port back in 2010, but the urls to the zip downloads don't work ("Bucket not found") and aren't on archive.org from what I can tell. Did google code actually loose someone's code? X_X

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