
Eww (the Emacs Web Wowser) is a Web browser written in elisp and based on shr.el.

Eww is included in Emacs 24.4 and later.


Eww uses the ‘shr’ HTML renderer, so we can change how Eww web pages look by setting the shr variables.

 browse-url-browser-function 'eww-browse-url ; Use eww as the default browser
 shr-use-fonts  nil                          ; No special fonts
 shr-use-colors nil                          ; No colours
 shr-indentation 2                           ; Left-side margin
 shr-width 70                                ; Fold text to 70 columns
 eww-search-prefix "https://wiby.me/?q=")    ; Use another engine for searching

You can use ‘M-x customize-group’ on ‘eww’ or ‘shr’ to see more options.


Start Eww with ‘M-x eww’. You’ll be prompted for a search term or URL.

You can see a list of keybindings with ?. Common keys include:


To open .onion links, run ‘torsocks emacs’ from the terminal. From then, you should be able to load .onion URLs Emacs-wide.

ErcProxy has a lot of helpful advice.

Eww from the Terminal

You can create an alias or function to call eww from the command line:

# In ~/.bashrc

eww() {
 emacsclient -a '' -t -e '(eww-browse-url "'"$1"'")'

# Or from non-client Emacs:
alias eww="emacs -f eww-browse $1"

Then use the command from your terminal:

eww "some search query"
eww emacswiki.org


Windows may need libxml2 and GnuTLS installed and added to %PATH%. Both of these are provided by ezwinports.

You may also need TLS certificates, as explained in “GnuTLS for Emacs 24 on Windows”.

Related Pages

External Links

CategoryHypermedia CategoryWebBrowser