The Del Día Collection

100% leftover fabric. Uniquely yours.

Thanks to leftover deadstock fabric, each Del Día bag is one of one—no two are alike. This helps keep good material out of the landfill and puts it into the hands of thoughtful adventurers like you.

Easy Returns and Exchanges
Guaranteed for Good
100% Leftover Fabric
Creative Sewers, Many Colors

Uniquely Colorful

Using leftover fabric means that each Del Día pack’s colors are totally one-of-a-kind. You can select the specific colorway you like with our “choose” options or select “surprise me.” 

Making Leftovers Shine

Making Leftovers Shine

Del Día packs & bags are made with high-quality deadstock left unused by the original manufacturer or retailer. To date, we’ve helped keep over 2,745,000 yards of fabric out of landfills through our Del Día and Teca lines.

The Origin Story

High Quality, Low Impact

Not only does deadstock reduce waste, but on average, a product made with deadstock has an estimated 30% smaller carbon footprint than if it were made with new fabric.