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118th Congress   }                                   {   Rept. 118-444
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session      }                                   {          Part 1




 April 5, 2024.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed


Ms. Foxx, from the Committee on Education and the Workforce, submitted 
                             the following

                              R E P O R T

                        [To accompany H.R. 6655]

      [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]

    The Committee on Education and the Workforce, to whom was 
referred the bill (H.R. 6655) to amend and reauthorize the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, having considered the 
same, reports favorably thereon with an amendment and 
recommends that the bill as amended do pass.
    The amendment is as follows:
  Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the 


  (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``A Stronger Workforce 
for America Act''.
  (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Effective date; transition authority.


                     Subtitle A--General Provisions

Sec. 101. Definitions.
Sec. 102. Table of contents amendments.

                      Subtitle B--System Alignment

                      Chapter 1--State Provisions

Sec. 111. State workforce development board.
Sec. 112. Unified State plan.

                      Chapter 2--Local Provisions

Sec. 115. Workforce development areas.
Sec. 116. Local workforce development boards.
Sec. 117. Local plan.

                 Chapter 3--Performance Accountability

Sec. 119. Performance accountability system.

       Subtitle C--Workforce Investment Activities and Providers

        Chapter 1--Workforce Investment Activities and Providers

Sec. 121. Establishment of one-stop delivery systems.
Sec. 122. Identification of eligible providers and programs of training 

            Chapter 2--Youth Workforce Investment Activities

Sec. 131. Reservations for statewide activities.
Sec. 132. Use of funds for youth workforce investment activities.

    Chapter 3--Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training 

Sec. 141. State allotments.
Sec. 142. Reservations for State activities; within State allocations.
Sec. 143. Use of funds for employment and training activities.

               Chapter 4--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 145. Authorization of appropriations.

                         Subtitle D--Job Corps

Sec. 151. Purposes.
Sec. 152. Definitions.
Sec. 153. Individuals eligible for the Job Corps.
Sec. 154. Recruitment, screening, selection, and assignment of 
Sec. 155. Job Corps Campuses.
Sec. 156. Program activities.
Sec. 157. Support.
Sec. 158. Operations.
Sec. 159. Standards of conduct.
Sec. 160. Community participation.
Sec. 161. Workforce councils.
Sec. 162. Advisory committees.
Sec. 163. Experimental projects and technical assistance.
Sec. 164. Special provisions.
Sec. 165. Management information.
Sec. 166. Job Corps oversight and reporting.
Sec. 167. Authorization of appropriations.

                     Subtitle E--National Programs

Sec. 171. Native American programs.
Sec. 172. Migrant and seasonal farmworker programs.
Sec. 173. Technical assistance.
Sec. 174. Evaluations and research.
Sec. 175. National dislocated worker grants.
Sec. 176. YouthBuild Program.
Sec. 178. Reentry employment opportunities.
Sec. 179. Strengthening community colleges grant program.
Sec. 180. Authorization of appropriations.

                       Subtitle F--Administration

Sec. 191. Requirements and restrictions.
Sec. 192. General waivers of statutory or regulatory requirements.
Sec. 193. State innovation demonstration authority.


Sec. 201. Purpose.
Sec. 202. Definitions.
Sec. 203. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 204. Special rule.
Sec. 205. Performance accountability system.
Sec. 206. Matching requirement.
Sec. 207. State leadership activities.
Sec. 208. Programs for corrections education and other 
institutionalized individuals.
Sec. 209. Grants and contracts for eligible providers.
Sec. 210. Local application.
Sec. 211. Local administrative cost limits.
Sec. 212. National leadership activities.
Sec. 213. Integrated English literacy and civics education.


Sec. 301. Amendments to the Wagner-Peyser Act.
Sec. 302. Job training grants.
Sec. 303. Access to National Directory of New Hires.


  (a) Effective Date.--This Act, and the amendments made by this Act, 
shall take effect on the first date of the first program year (as 
determined under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3101 et seq.)) that begins after the date of enactment of this 
  (b) Transition Authority.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of 
        Education shall have the authority to take such steps as are 
        necessary before the effective date of this Act to provide for 
        the orderly implementation on such date of the amendments to 
        the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et 
        seq.) made by this Act.
          (2) Conforming amendments.--Section 503 of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3343) is repealed 
        (and by striking the item relating to such section in the table 
        of contents of such Act).


                     Subtitle A--General Provisions


  (a) Foundational Skill Needs.--Section 3(5) of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(5)) is amended to read 
as follows:
          ``(5) Foundational skill needs.--The term `foundational skill 
        needs' means, with respect to an individual who is a youth or 
        adult, that the individual--
                  ``(A) has English reading, writing, or computing 
                skills at or below the 8th-grade level on a generally 
                accepted standardized test; or
                  ``(B) is unable to compute or solve problems, or 
                read, write, or speak English, or does not possess 
                digital literacy skills, at a level necessary to 
                function on the job, in the individual's family, or in 
  (b) Employer-Directed Skills Development.--Section 3(14) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(14)) is 
amended to read as follows:
          ``(14) Employer-directed skills development.--The term 
        `employer-directed skills development' means a program--
                  ``(A) that is selected or designed to meet the 
                specific skill demands of an employer (including a 
                group of employers);
                  ``(B) that is conducted pursuant to the terms and 
                conditions established under an employer-directed 
                skills agreement described in section 134(c)(3)(I), 
                including a commitment by the employer to employ an 
                individual upon successful completion of the program; 
                  ``(C) for which the employer pays a portion of the 
                cost of the program, as determined by the local board 
                involved, which shall not be less than--
                          ``(i) 10 percent of the cost, in the case of 
                        an employer with 50 or fewer employees;
                          ``(ii) 25 percent of the cost, in the case of 
                        an employer with more than 50, but fewer than 
                        100 employees; and
                          ``(iii) 50 percent of the cost, in the case 
                        of an employer with 100 or more employees.''.
  (c) Dislocated Worker.--Section 3(15)(E)(ii) of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(15)(E)(ii)) is amended 
by striking ``who meets the criteria described in paragraph (16)(B)'' 
and inserting ``who meets the criteria described in subparagraph (B) of 
the definition of the term `displaced homemaker' in this section''.
  (d) Displaced Homemaker.--Section 3(16) of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(16)) is amended, in the matter 
preceding subparagraph (A), by striking ``family members'' and 
inserting ``a family member''.
  (e) Eligible Youth.--Section 3(18) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(18)) is amended by striking ``out-of-
school'' and inserting ``opportunity''.
  (f) English Learner.--Section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102) is further amended--
          (1) in paragraph (21)--
                  (A) in the heading, by striking ``language''; and
                  (B) by striking ``language''; and
          (2) in paragraph (24)(I), by striking ``language''.
  (g) Justice-Involved Individual.--Section 3 of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102) is further amended--
          (1) in paragraph (24), by amending subparagraph (F) to read 
        as follows:
                  ``(F) Justice-involved individuals.''; and
          (2) in paragraph (38)--
                  (A) in the heading, by striking ``Offender'' and 
                inserting ``Justice-involved individual''; and
                  (B) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by 
                striking ``offender'' and inserting ``justice-involved 
  (h) Opportunity Youth.--Section 3(46) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(46)) is amended--
          (1) in the heading, by striking ``Out-of-school'' and 
        inserting ``Opportunity''; and
          (2) by striking ``out-of-school'' and inserting 
  (i) Pay-for-Performance Contract Strategy.--Section 3(47) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(47)) is 
amended to read as follows:
          ``(47) Pay-for-performance contract strategy.--The term `pay-
        for-performance contract strategy' means a specific type of 
        performance-based acquisition that uses pay-for-performance 
        contracts in the provision of services described in paragraph 
        (2) or (3) of section 134(c) or activities described in section 
        129(c)(2), and includes--
                  ``(A) contracts, each of which--
                          ``(i) shall specify a fixed amount that will 
                        be paid to an eligible service provider (which 
                        may include a local or national community-based 
                        organization or intermediary, community 
                        college, or other provider) based on the 
                        achievement of specified levels of performance 
                        on the primary indicators of performance 
                        described in section 116(b)(2)(A) for target 
                        populations as identified by the local board 
                        (including individuals with barriers to 
                        employment), within a defined timetable;
                          ``(ii) may not be required by the Secretary 
                        to be informed by a feasibility study; and
                          ``(iii) may provide for bonus payments to 
                        such service provider to expand capacity to 
                        provide effective training;
                  ``(B) a strategy for validating the achievement of 
                the performance described in subparagraph (A); and
                  ``(C) a description of how the State or local area 
                will reallocate funds not paid to a provider because 
                the achievement of the performance described in 
                subparagraph (A) did not occur, for further activities 
                related to such a procurement strategy, subject to 
                section 189(g)(4).''.
  (j) Rapid Response Activity.--Section 3(51) of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(51)) is amended--
          (1) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting 
        ``, through a rapid response unit'' after ``designated by a 
          (2) in subparagraph (B), by inserting before the semicolon at 
        the end the following: ``, including individual training 
        accounts for eligible dislocated workers under section 414(c) 
        of the American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act 
        of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 3224a)'';
          (3) in subparagraph (D), by striking ``and'' at the end;
          (4) by redesignating subparagraph (E) as subparagraph (F);
          (5) by inserting after subparagraph (D) the following new 
                  ``(E) assistance in identifying employees eligible 
                for assistance, including workers who work a majority 
                of their time off-site or remotely;'';
          (6) in subparagraph (F), as so redesignated, by striking the 
        period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and
          (7) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(G) business engagement or layoff aversion 
                strategies and other activities designed to prevent or 
                minimize the duration of unemployment, such as--
                          ``(i) connecting employers to short-term 
                        compensation or other programs designed to 
                        prevent layoffs;
                          ``(ii) conducting employee skill assessment 
                        and matching programs to different occupations;
                          ``(iii) establishing incumbent worker 
                        training or other upskilling approaches, 
                        including incumbent worker upskilling accounts 
                        described in section 134(d)(4)(E);
                          ``(iv) facilitating business support 
                        activities, such as connecting employers to 
                        programs that offer access to credit, financial 
                        support, and business consulting; and
                          ``(v) partnering or contracting with 
                        business-focused organizations to assess risks 
                        to companies, and to propose, implement, and 
                        measure the impact of strategies and services 
                        to address such risks.''.
  (k) Vocational Rehabilitation Program.--Section 3(64) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (20 U.S.C. 3102(64)) is 
amended by striking ``under a provision covered under paragraph 
(13)(D)'' and inserting ``under a provision covered under subparagraph 
(D) of the definition of the term `core program provision' under this 
  (l) New Definitions.--Section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102) is further amended--
          (1) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(72) Co-enrollment.--The term `co-enrollment' means 
        simultaneous enrollment in more than one of the programs or 
        activities carried out by a one-stop partner in section 
          ``(73) Digital literacy skills.--The term `digital literacy 
        skills' has the meaning given the term in section 203.
          ``(74) Evidence-based.--The term `evidence-based', when used 
        with respect to an activity, service, strategy, or 
        intervention, means an activity, service, strategy, or 
        intervention that--
                  ``(A) demonstrates a statistically significant effect 
                on improving participant outcomes or other relevant 
                outcomes based on--
                          ``(i) strong evidence from at least 1 well-
                        designed and well-implemented experimental 
                          ``(ii) moderate evidence from at least 1 
                        well-designed and well-implemented quasi-
                        experimental study; or
                          ``(iii) promising evidence from at least 1 
                        well-designed and well-implemented 
                        correlational study with statistical controls 
                        for selection bias; or
                  ``(B)(i) demonstrates a rationale based on high-
                quality research findings or positive evaluation that 
                such activity, strategy, or intervention is likely to 
                improve student outcomes or other relevant outcomes; 
                  ``(ii) includes ongoing efforts to examine the 
                effects of such activity, service, strategy, or 
          ``(75) Labor organization.--The term `labor organization' has 
        the meaning given the term in section 2(5) of the National 
        Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 152(5)).
          ``(76) Work-based learning.--The term `work-based learning' 
        has the meaning given the term in section 3 of the Carl D. 
        Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 
        2302).''; and
          (2) by reordering paragraphs (1) through (71), as amended by 
        this section, and the paragraphs added by paragraph (1) of this 
        subsection in alphabetical order, and renumbering such 
        paragraphs as so reordered.


  The table of contents in section 1(b) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act is amended--
          (1) by redesignating the item relating to section 172 as 
        section 174;
          (2) by inserting after the item relating to section 171, the 

``Sec. 172. Reentry employment opportunities.
``Sec. 173. Strengthening community colleges workforce development 
grants program.''; and

          (3) by striking the item relating to section 190 and 
        inserting the following:

``Sec. 190. State innovation demonstration authority.''.

                      Subtitle B--System Alignment

                      CHAPTER 1--STATE PROVISIONS


  Section 101(b)(1)(C)(ii)(IV) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3112(b)(1)(C)(ii)(IV)) is amended by 
striking ``out-of-school youth'' and inserting ``opportunity youth''.


  Section 102 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3112) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (b)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1)--
                          (i) by redesignating subparagraphs (C) 
                        through (E) as subparagraphs (D) through (F), 
                          (ii) by inserting the following after 
                        subparagraph (B):
                  ``(C) a description of--
                          ``(i) how the State will use real-time labor 
                        market information to continually assess the 
                        economic conditions and workforce trends 
                        described in subparagraphs (A) and (B); and
                          ``(ii) how the State will communicate changes 
                        in such conditions or trends to the workforce 
                        system in the State;'';
                          (iii) in subparagraph (D), as so 
                        redesignated, by inserting ``the extent to 
                        which such activities are evidence-based,'' 
                        after ``of such activities,'';
                          (iv) in subparagraph (E), as so redesignated, 
                        by striking ``and'' at the end;
                          (v) in subparagraph (F), as so redesignated, 
                        by striking the period at the end and inserting 
                        a semicolon; and
                          (vi) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(G) a description of any activities the State is 
                conducting to expand economic opportunity for 
                individuals and reduce barriers to labor market entry 
                          ``(i) developing, in cooperation with 
                        employers, education and training providers, 
                        and other stakeholders, statewide skills-based 
                        initiatives that promote the use of 
                        demonstrated skills and competencies as an 
                        alternative to the exclusive use of degree 
                        attainment as a requirement for employment or 
                        advancement in a career; and
                          ``(ii) evaluating the existing occupational 
                        licensing policies in the State and identifying 
                        potential changes to recommend to the 
                        appropriate State entity to--
                                  ``(I) remove or streamline licensing 
                                requirements, as appropriate; and
                                  ``(II) improve the reciprocity of 
                                licensing, including through 
                                participating in interstate licensing 
                                compacts; and
                  ``(H) an analysis of the opportunity youth population 
                in the State, including the estimated number of 
                opportunity youth and any gaps in services provided to 
                such population by other existing workforce development 
                activities, as identified under subparagraph (D).''; 
                  (B) in paragraph (2)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (B), by striking 
                        ``including a description'' and inserting 
                        ``which may include a description'';
                          (ii) in subparagraph (C)--
                                  (I) in clause (ii)(I), by inserting 
                                ``utilizing a continuous quality 
                                improvement approach,'' after ``year,''
                                  (II) in clause (vi), by inserting 
                                ``and'' at the end;
                                  (III) in clause (vii), by striking 
                                ``; and'' and inserting a period; and
                                  (IV) by striking clause (viii);
                          (iii) in subparagraph (D)(i)(II), by striking 
                        ``any''; and
                          (iv) in subparagraph (E)--
                                  (I) in clause (viii)(II), by 
                                inserting ``and'' at the end;
                                  (II) in clause (ix), by striking ``; 
                                and'' at the end and inserting a 
                                period; and
                                  (III) by striking clause (x); and
          (2) in subsection (c)(3)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``shall'' the 
                second place it appears and inserting ``may''; and
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) by striking ``required''; and
                          (ii) by inserting ``, except that 
                        communicating changes in economic conditions 
                        and workforce trends to the workforce system in 
                        the State as described in subsection (b)(1)(C) 
                        shall not be considered modifications subject 
                        to approval under this paragraph'' before the 
                        period at the end.

                      CHAPTER 2--LOCAL PROVISIONS


  (a) Regions.--Section 106(a) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3121(a)) is amended by adding at the end the 
          ``(3) Review.--Before the second full program year after the 
        date of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for America Act, 
        in order for a State to receive an allotment under section 
        127(b) or 132(b) and as part of the process for developing the 
        State plan, a State shall--
                  ``(A) review each region in the State identified 
                under this subsection (as such subsection was in effect 
                on the day before the date of enactment of the A 
                Stronger Workforce for America Act); and
                  ``(B) after consultation with the local boards and 
                chief elected officials in the local areas and 
                consistent with the considerations described in 
                subsection (b)(1)(B)--
                          ``(i) revise such region and any other region 
                        impacted by such revision; or
                          ``(ii) make a determination to maintain such 
                        region with no revision.''.
  (b) Local Areas.--Section 106(b) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3121(b)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and consistent 
                with paragraphs (2) and (3),''; and
                  (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``(except for 
                those local areas described in paragraphs (2) and 
                (3))''; and
          (2) by striking paragraphs (2) through (7), and inserting the 
          ``(2) Continuation period.--Subject to paragraph (5), in 
        order to receive an allotment under section 127(b) or 132(b), 
        the Governor shall maintain the designations of local areas in 
        the State under this subsection (as in effect on the day before 
        the date of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for America 
        Act) until the end of the third full program year after the 
        date of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for America Act.
          ``(3) Initial alignment review.--
                  ``(A) In general.--Prior to the third full program 
                year after the date of enactment of the A Stronger 
                Workforce for America Act, the Governor shall--
                          ``(i) review the designations of local areas 
                        in the State (as in effect on the day before 
                        the date of enactment of the A Stronger 
                        Workforce for America Act); and
                          ``(ii) based on the considerations described 
                        in paragraph (1)(B), issue proposed 
                        redesignations of local areas in the State 
                        through the process described in paragraph 
                        (1)(A), which shall--
                                  ``(I) include an explanation of the 
                                strategic goals and objectives that the 
                                State intends to achieve through such 
                                redesignations; and
                                  ``(II) be subject to the approval of 
                                the local boards in the State in 
                                accordance with the process described 
                                in subparagraph (C).
                  ``(B) Designation of local areas.--A redesignation of 
                local areas in a State that is approved by a majority 
                of the local boards in the State through the process 
                described in subparagraph (C) shall take effect on the 
                first day of the 4th full program year after the date 
                of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for America 
                  ``(C) Process to reach majority approval.--To approve 
                a designation of local areas in the State, the local 
                boards in the State shall comply with the following:
                          ``(i) Initial vote.--Not later than 60 days 
                        after the Governor issues proposed 
                        redesignations under subparagraph (A), the 
                        chairperson of each local board shall review 
                        the proposed redesignations and submit a vote 
                        on behalf of such local board to the Governor 
                        either approving or rejecting the proposed 
                          ``(ii) Results of initial vote.--If a 
                        majority of the local boards in the State vote 
                        under clause (i)--
                                  ``(I) to approve such proposed 
                                redesignations, such redesignations 
                                shall take effect in accordance with 
                                subparagraph (B); or
                                  ``(II) to disapprove such proposed 
                                redesignations, the chairpersons of the 
                                local boards in the State shall comply 
                                with the requirements of clause (iii).
                          ``(iii) Alternate redesignations.--In the 
                        case of the disapproval described in clause 
                        (ii)(II), not later than 60 days after initial 
                        votes were submitted under clause (i), the 
                        chairpersons of the local boards in the State 
                                  ``(I) select 2 alternate 
                                redesignations of local areas--
                                          ``(aa) one of which aligns 
                                        with the regional economic 
                                        development areas in the State; 
                                          ``(bb) one of which aligns 
                                        with the regions described in 
                                        subparagraph (A) or (B) of 
                                        subsection (a)(2); and
                                  ``(II) conduct a vote to approve, by 
                                majority vote, 1 of the 2 alternate 
                                redesignations described in subclause 
                          ``(iv) Effective date of alternate 
                        designations.--The alternate redesignations 
                        approved pursuant to clause (iii)(II) shall 
                        take effect in accordance with subparagraph 
          ``(4) Subsequent alignment reviews.--On the date that is the 
        first day of the 12th full program year after the date of 
        enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for America Act, and 
        every 8 years thereafter, the Governor shall review the 
        designation of local areas based on the considerations 
        described in paragraph (1)(B) and conduct a process in 
        accordance with paragraph (3).
          ``(5) Interim revisions.--
                  ``(A) Automatic approval of certain redesignation 
                          ``(i) In general.--At any time, and 
                        notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs 
                        (2), (3), and (4), the Governor, upon receipt 
                        of a request for a redesignation of a local 
                        area described in clause (ii), shall approve 
                        such request.
                          ``(ii) Requests.--The following requests 
                        shall be approved pursuant to clause (i) upon 
                                  ``(I) A request from multiple local 
                                areas to be redesignated as a single 
                                local area.
                                  ``(II) A request from multiple local 
                                areas for a revision to the 
                                designations of such local areas, which 
                                would not impact the designations of 
                                local areas that have not made such 
                                  ``(III) A request for designation as 
                                a local area from an area described in 
                                section 107(c)(1)(C).
                  ``(B) Other redesignations.--Other than the 
                redesignations described in subparagraph (A), the 
                Governor may only redesignate a local area outside of 
                the process described in paragraphs (3) and (4), if the 
                local area that will be subject to such redesignation 
                has not--
                          ``(i) performed successfully;
                          ``(ii) sustained fiscal integrity; or
                          ``(iii) in the case of a local area in a 
                        planning region, met the requirements described 
                        in subsection (c)(1).
                  ``(C) Effective date.--Any redesignation of a local 
                area approved by the Governor under subparagraph (A) or 
                (B) shall take effect on the first date of the first 
                full program year after such date of approval.
          ``(6) Appeals.--
                  ``(A) In general.--A local area that is subject to a 
                redesignation of such local area under paragraph (3), 
                (4), or (5) may submit an appeal to maintain its 
                existing designation to the State board under an appeal 
                process established in the State plan as specified in 
                section 102(b)(2)(D)(i)(III).
                  ``(B) State board requirements.--The State board 
                shall only grant an appeal to maintain an existing 
                designation of a local area described in subparagraph 
                (A) if the local area can demonstrate that the process 
                for redesignation of such local area under paragraph 
                (3), (4), or (5), as applicable, has not been followed.
                  ``(C) Secretarial requirements.--If a request to 
                maintain an existing designation as a local area is not 
                granted as a result of such appeal, the Secretary, 
                after receiving a request for review from such local 
                area and determining that the local area was not 
                accorded procedural rights under the appeals process 
                referred to in subparagraph (A), shall--
                          ``(i) review the process for the 
                        redesignation of the local area under paragraph 
                        (3), (4), or (5), as applicable; and
                          ``(ii) upon determining that the applicable 
                        process has not been followed, require that the 
                        local area's existing designation be 
          ``(7) Redesignation incentive.--The State may provide funding 
        from funds made available under sections 128(a)(1) and 
        133(a)(1) to provide payments to incentivize--
                  ``(A) groups of local areas to request to be 
                redesignated as a single local area under paragraph 
                (5)(A); or
                  ``(B) multiple local boards in a planning region to 
                develop an agreement to operate as a regional 
                consortium under subsection (c)(3).''.
  (c) Regional Coordination.--Section 106(c) of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3121(c)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)--
                  (A) by redesignating subparagraphs (F) through (H) as 
                subparagraphs (G) through (I), respectively; and
                  (B) by inserting the following after subparagraph 
                  ``(F) the establishment of cost arrangements for 
                services described in subsections (c) and (d) of 
                section 134, including the pooling of funds for such 
                services, as appropriate, for the region;'';
          (2) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``, including to assist 
        with establishing administrative costs arrangements or cost 
        arrangements for services under subparagraphs (F) and (G) of 
        such paragraph'' after ``delivery efforts'';
          (3) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (4); and
          (4) by inserting after paragraph (2), as so amended, the 
          ``(3) Regional consortiums.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The local boards and chief elected 
                officials in any planning region described in 
                subparagraph (B) or (C) of subsection (a)(2) may 
                develop an agreement to receive funding under section 
                128(b) and section 133(b) as a single consortium for 
                the planning region.
                  ``(B) Fiscal agent.--If the local boards and chief 
                elected officials develop such an agreement--
                          ``(i) one of the chief elected officials in 
                        the planning region shall be designated as the 
                        fiscal agent for the consortium;
                          ``(ii) the local boards shall develop a 
                        memorandum of understanding to jointly 
                        administer the activities for the consortium; 
                          ``(iii) the required activities for local 
                        areas under this Act, (including the required 
                        functions of the local boards described in 
                        section 107(d)) shall apply to such a 
                        consortium as a whole and may not be applied 
                        separately or differently to the local areas or 
                        local boards within such consortium.''.
  (d) Single State Local Areas.--Section 106(d) of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3121(d)) is amended--
          (1) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3); and
          (2) by inserting after paragraph (1), the following:
          ``(2) New designation.--
                  ``(A) In general.--Consistent with the process 
                described in subsection (b)(1)(A) and during a review 
                of designations described in paragraph (3) or (4) of 
                subsection (b), the Governor may propose to designate a 
                State as a single State local area for the purposes of 
                this title.
                  ``(B) Process for approval.--If the Governor proposes 
                a single State local area, the chairpersons of the 
                existing local boards shall vote to approve or reject 
                such designation through the process described in 
                subsection (b)(3)(C).
                  ``(C) Designation as a single state local area.--If 
                the majority of the chairpersons of the local boards in 
                the State vote to approve such proposed designation, 
                the State shall be designated as a single State local 
                area and the Governor shall identify the State as a 
                local area in the State plan.''.
  (e) Definition of ``Performed Successfully''.--Section 106(e)(1) of 
the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3121(e)) is 
amended by striking ``adjusted levels of performance'' and inserting 
``adjusted levels of performance described in section 116(g)(1)''.


  (a) Membership.--Section 107(b)(2)(B)(iv) of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3122(b)(2)(B)(iv)) is amended by 
striking ``out-of-school youth'' and inserting ``opportunity youth''.
  (b) Functions of Local Board.--Section 107(d) of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3122(d)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``, including, to the 
        extent practicable, local representatives of the core programs 
        and the programs described in section 102(a)(2),'' after 
        ``system stakeholders'';
          (2) in paragraph (4)(D)--
                  (A) by striking ``proven'' and inserting ``evidence-
                  (B) by inserting ``individual'' after ``needs of''; 
                  (C) by inserting ``from a variety of industries and 
                occupations'' after ``and employers'';
          (3) in paragraph (5), by inserting ``and which, to the extent 
        practicable, shall be aligned with career and technical 
        education programs of study (as defined in section 3 of the 
        Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 
        U.S.C. 2302(3)) offered within the local area'' before the 
        period at the end;
          (4) in paragraph (6)--
                  (A) in the heading, by striking ``Proven'' and 
                inserting ``Evidence-based'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) by striking ``proven'' and inserting 
                          (ii) by inserting ``and covered veterans (as 
                        defined in section 4212(a)(3)(A) of title 38, 
                        United States Code)'' after ``employment'';
                          (iii) by inserting ``, and prioritize covered 
                        veterans as described in section 4212(a)(2) of 
                        title 38, United States Code'' after ``delivery 
                        system''; and
                  (C) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``proven'' and 
                inserting ``evidence-based'';
          (5) in paragraph (10)(C)--
                  (A) by inserting ``, on the State eligible training 
                provider list,'' after ``identify''; and
                  (B) by inserting ``that operate in or are accessible 
                to individuals'' after ``training services''; and
          (6) in paragraph (12)(A), by striking ``activities'' and 
        inserting ``funds allocated to the local area under section 
        128(b) and section 133(b) for the youth workforce development 
        activities described in section 129 and local employment and 
        training activities described in section 134(b), and the 


  Section 108 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3123) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``shall prepare'' and 
        inserting ``may prepare''; and
          (2) in subsection (b)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1)--
                          (i) by redesignating subparagraphs (D), (E), 
                        and (F) as subparagraphs (E), (F), and (H), 
                          (ii) by inserting the following after 
                        subparagraph (C):
                  ``(D) a description of--
                          ``(i) how the local area will use real-time 
                        labor market information to continually assess 
                        the economic conditions and workforce trends 
                        described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C); 
                          ``(ii) how changes in such conditions or 
                        trends will be communicated to jobseekers, 
                        education and training providers, and employers 
                        in the local area;'';
                          (iii) in subparagraph (F), as so 
                        redesignated, by striking ``and'' at the end; 
                          (iv) by inserting after subparagraph (F), as 
                        so redesignated, the following:
                  ``(G) an analysis of the opportunity youth population 
                in the local area, including the estimated number of 
                such youth and any gaps in services for such population 
                from other existing workforce development activities, 
                as identified under paragraph (9); and'';
                  (B) in paragraph (4)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (A)--
                                  (I) by striking ``and'' at the end of 
                                clause (iii); and
                                  (II) by adding at the end the 
                          ``(v) carry out any statewide skills-based 
                        initiatives identified in the State plan that 
                        promote the use of demonstrated skills and 
                        competencies as an alternative to the exclusive 
                        use of degree attainment as a requirement for 
                        employment or advancement in a career; and''; 
                          (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking 
                        ``customized training'' and inserting 
                        ``employer-directed skills development'';
                  (C) in paragraph (6)(B), by inserting ``, such as the 
                use of affiliated sites'' after ``means'';
                  (D) in paragraph (9)--
                          (i) by striking ``including activities'' and 
                        inserting the following: ``including--
                  ``(A) the availability of community based 
                organizations that serve youth primarily during 
                nonschool time hours to carry out activities under 
                section 129; and
                  ``(B) activities''; and
                          (ii) by inserting ``or evidence-based'' after 
                        ``successful''; and
                  (E) in paragraph (12), by inserting ``including as 
                described in section 134(c)(2),'' after ``system,''.



  (a) State Performance Accountability Measures.--
          (1) Primary indicators of performance.--Section 116(b)(2)(A) 
        of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
        3141(b)(2)(A)) is amended--
                  (A) in clause (i)--
                          (i) in subclause (II)--
                                  (I) by striking ``fourth'' and 
                                inserting ``second''; and
                                  (II) by inserting ``and remain in 
                                unsubsidized employment during the 
                                fourth quarter after exit from the 
                                program'' after ``the program'';
                          (ii) in subclause (V)--
                                  (I) by striking ``, during a program 
                                  (II) by striking ``are in'' and 
                                inserting ``enter into''; and
                                  (III) by inserting before the 
                                semicolon at the end the following: 
                                ``within 6 months after the quarter in 
                                which the participant enters into the 
                                education and training program''; and
                          (iii) by amending subclause (VI) to read as 
                                  ``(VI) of the program participants 
                                who received training services and who 
                                exited the program during a program 
                                year, the percentage of such program 
                                participants who completed, prior to 
                                such exit, on-the-job training, 
                                employer-directed skills development, 
                                incumbent worker training, or an 
                  (B) in clause (ii)--
                          (i) in subclause (II), by striking ``and'' at 
                        the end;
                          (ii) in subclause (III), by striking the 
                        period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following:
                                  ``(IV) the percentage of program 
                                participants who, during a program 
                                year, participate in paid or unpaid 
                                work experiences as described in 
                                section 129(c)(2)(C).''; and
                  (C) by striking clause (iv).
          (2) Levels of performance.--Section 116(b)(3)(A) of the 
        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
        3141(b)(3)(A)) is amended--
                  (A) by amending clause (iii) to read as follows:
                          ``(iii) Identification in state plan.--
                                  ``(I) Secretaries.--For each State 
                                submitting a State plan, the 
                                Secretaries of Labor and Education 
                                shall, not later than December 1 of the 
                                year prior to the year in which such 
                                State plan is submitted, for the first 
                                2 program years covered by the State 
                                plan, and not later than December 1 of 
                                the year prior to the third program 
                                year covered by the State plan, for the 
                                third and fourth program years covered 
                                by the State plan--
                                          ``(aa) propose expected 
                                        levels of performance for each 
                                        of the corresponding primary 
                                        indicators of performance for 
                                        each of the programs described 
                                        in clause (ii) for such State, 
                                        which shall--
                                                  ``(AA) be consistent 
                                                with the factors listed 
                                                in clause (v); and
                                                  ``(BB) be proposed in 
                                                a manner that ensures 
                                                sufficient time is 
                                                provided for the State 
                                                to evaluate and respond 
                                                to such proposals; and
                                          ``(bb) publish, on a public 
                                        website of the Department of 
                                        Labor, the statistical model 
                                        developed under clause (viii) 
                                        and the methodology used to 
                                        develop each such proposed 
                                        level of performance.
                                  ``(II) States.--Each State shall--
                                          ``(aa) evaluate each of the 
                                        expected levels of performance 
                                        proposed under subclause (I) 
                                        with respect to such State;
                                          ``(bb) based on such 
                                        evaluation of each such 
                                        proposed level of performance--
                                                  ``(AA) accept the 
                                                expected level of 
                                                performance as so 
                                                proposed; or
                                                  ``(BB) provide a 
                                                counterproposal for 
                                                such proposed expected 
                                                level of performance, 
                                                including an analysis 
                                                of how the 
                                                addresses factors or 
                                                circumstances unique to 
                                                the State that may not 
                                                have been accounted for 
                                                in the proposed 
                                                expected level of 
                                                performance; and
                                          ``(cc) include in the State 
                                        plan, with respect to each of 
                                        the corresponding primary 
                                        indicators of performance for 
                                        each of the programs described 
                                        in clause (ii) for such State--
                                                  ``(AA) the expected 
                                                level of performance 
                                                proposed under 
                                                subclause (I);
                                                  ``(BB) the 
                                                counterproposal for 
                                                such proposed level, if 
                                                any; and
                                                  ``(CC) the expected 
                                                level of performance 
                                                that is agreed to under 
                                                clause (iv).''; and
                  (B) in clause (v)(II)--
                          (i) in the matter preceding item (aa), by 
                        striking ``based on'' and inserting ``based on 
                        each of the following considerations that are 
                        found to be predictive of performance on an 
                        indicator for a program''; and
                          (ii) in item (bb), by striking ``ex-offender 
                        status'' and inserting ``justice-involved 
                        individual status, foster care status, school 
                        status, education level, highest grade level 
                        completed, low-income status''.
  (b) Performance Reports.--Section 116(d) of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3141(d)) is amended--
          (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows:
          ``(1) In general.--
                  ``(A) Template for performance reports.--Not later 
                than 12 months after the date of enactment of the A 
                Stronger Workforce for America Act, the Secretary of 
                Labor, in conjunction with the Secretary of Education, 
                shall develop, or review and modify, as appropriate, to 
                comply with the requirements of this subsection, the 
                template for performance reports that shall be used by 
                States (including by States on behalf of eligible 
                providers of training services under section 122) and 
                local boards to produce a report on outcomes achieved 
                by the core programs. In developing, or reviewing and 
                modifying, such templates, the Secretary of Labor, in 
                conjunction with the Secretary of Education, shall take 
                into account the need to maximize the value of the 
                templates for workers, jobseekers, employers, local 
                elected officials, State officials, Federal 
                policymakers, and other key stakeholders.
                  ``(B) Standardized reporting.--In developing, or 
                reviewing and modifying, the template under 
                subparagraph (A), the Secretary of Labor, in 
                conjunction with the Secretary of Education, shall 
                ensure that performance reports produced by States and 
                local areas for core programs and eligible training 
                providers collect and report, in a comparable and 
                uniform format, common data elements, which use terms 
                that are assigned identical meanings across all such 
                  ``(C) Additional reporting.--The Secretary of Labor, 
                in conjunction with the Secretary of Education--
                          ``(i) in addition to the common data elements 
                        described under subparagraph (B), may require a 
                        core program to provide additional information 
                        as necessary for effective reporting; and
                          ``(ii) shall periodically review any 
                        requirement for additional information to 
                        ensure the requirement is necessary and does 
                        not impose an undue reporting burden.''.
          (2) in paragraph (2)--
                  (A) by redesignating subparagraphs (J) through (L) as 
                subparagraphs (K) through (M), respectively and 
                inserting after subparagraph (I) the following:
                  ``(J) the median earnings gain of participants who 
                received training services, calculated as the 
                difference between--
                          ``(i) median participant earnings in 
                        unsubsidized employment during the second 
                        quarter after program exit; and
                          ``(ii) median participant earnings in the 
                        second quarter prior to entering the 
                  (B) in subparagraph (L), as so redesignated, by 
                striking clause (ii); and
                  (C) by striking ``strategies for programs'' and all 
                that follows through ``the performance'', and inserting 
                ``strategies for programs, the performance'';
          (3) in paragraph (3)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``and'' at the 
                  (B) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph 
                (E); and
                  (C) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the 
                  ``(C) the percentage of a local area's allocation 
                under section 133(b) that the local area spent on 
                services paid for through an individual training 
                account described in section 134(c)(3)(F)(iii) or a 
                training contract described in section 
                  ``(D) the percentage of a local area's allocation 
                under section 133(b) that the local area spent on 
                supportive services; and'';
          (4) by amending paragraph (4) to read as follows:
          ``(4) Contents of eligible training providers performance 
                  ``(A) In general.--The State shall use the 
                information submitted by the eligible providers of 
                training services under section 122 and administrative 
                records, including quarterly wage records, of the 
                participants of the programs offered by the providers 
                to produce a performance report on the eligible 
                providers of training services in the State, which 
                shall include, subject to paragraph (6)(C)--
                          ``(i) with respect to each program of study 
                        (or the equivalent) of such a provider--
                                  ``(I) information specifying the 
                                levels of performance achieved with 
                                respect to the primary indicators of 
                                performance described in subclauses (I) 
                                through (IV) of subsection (b)(2)(A)(i) 
                                with respect to all individuals 
                                engaging in the program of study (or 
                                the equivalent); and
                                  ``(II) the total number of 
                                individuals exiting from the program of 
                                study (or the equivalent); and
                          ``(ii) with respect to all such providers--
                                  ``(I) the total number of 
                                participants who received training 
                                services through each adult and 
                                dislocated worker program authorized 
                                under chapter 3 of subtitle B, 
                                disaggregated by the type of entity 
                                that provided the training, during the 
                                most recent program year and the 3 
                                preceding program years;
                                  ``(II) the total number of 
                                participants who exited from training 
                                services, disaggregated by the type of 
                                entity that provided the training, 
                                during the most recent program year and 
                                the 3 preceding program years;
                                  ``(III) the average cost per 
                                participant for the participants who 
                                received training services, 
                                disaggregated by the type of entity 
                                that provided the training, during the 
                                most recent program year and the 3 
                                preceding program years; and
                                  ``(IV) the number of individuals with 
                                barriers to employment served by each 
                                adult and dislocated worker program 
                                authorized under chapter 3 of subtitle 
                                B, disaggregated by each subpopulation 
                                of such individuals, and by race, 
                                ethnicity, sex, and age.
                          ``(iii) with respect to each recognized 
                        postsecondary credential on the list of 
                        credentials awarded by eligible providers in 
                        the State described in section 116(d)(2)--
                                  ``(I) information specifying the 
                                levels of performance achieved with 
                                respect to the primary indicators of 
                                performance described in subclauses (I) 
                                through (IV) of subsection (b)(2)(A)(i) 
                                for all participants in the State 
                                receiving such credential; and
                                  ``(II) information specifying the 
                                levels of performance achieved with 
                                respect to the primary indicators of 
                                performance described in subclauses (I) 
                                through (IV) of subsection (b)(2)(A)(i) 
                                for participants in the State receiving 
                                such credential with respect to 
                                individuals with barriers to 
                                employment, disaggregated by each 
                                subpopulation of such individuals, and 
                                by race, ethnicity, sex, and age.''; 
          (5) in paragraph (6)--
                  (A) by amending subparagraph (A) to read as follows:
                  ``(A) State performance reports.--The Secretary of 
                Labor and the Secretary of Education shall annually 
                make available the performance reports for States 
                containing the information described in paragraph (2), 
                which shall include making such reports available--
                          ``(i) digitally using transparent, linked, 
                        open, and interoperable data formats that are 
                        human readable and machine actionable such that 
                        the data from these reports--
                                  ``(I) are easily understandable; and
                                  ``(II) can be easily included in web-
                                based tools and services supporting 
                                search, discovery, comparison, 
                                analysis, navigation, and guidance; and
                          ``(ii) in a printable format.''; and
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) by striking ``(including by electronic 
                        means), in an easily understandable format,''; 
                          (ii) by adding at the end the following: 
                        ``The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of 
                        Education shall include, on the website where 
                        the State performance reports required under 
                        subparagraph (A) are made available, a link to 
                        local area performance reports and the eligible 
                        training provider report for each State. Such 
                        reports shall be made available in each of the 
                        formats described in subparagraph (A).''.
  (c) Evaluation of State Programs.--Section 116(e) of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act(29 U.S.C. 3141(e)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)--
                  (A) by striking ``shall conduct ongoing'' and 
                inserting ``shall use data to conduct analyses and 
                ongoing''; and
                  (B) by striking ``conduct the'' and inserting 
                ``conduct such analyses and''; and
          (2) in paragraph (2), by adding ``A State may use other forms 
        of analysis, such as machine learning or other advanced 
        analytics, to improve program operations and outcomes and to 
        identify areas for further evaluation.'' at the end;
  (d) Sanctions for State Failure To Meet State Performance 
Accountability Measures.--Section 116(f) of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3141(f)) is amended to read as follows:
  ``(f) Sanctions for State Failure To Meet State Performance 
Accountability Measures.--
          ``(1) Targeted support and assistance.--
                  ``(A) In general.--If a State fails to meet 80 
                percent of the State adjusted level of performance for 
                an indicator described in subsection (b)(2)(A) for a 
                program for any program year, the Secretary of Labor 
                and the Secretary of Education shall provide technical 
                  ``(B) Sanctions.--
                          ``(i) In general.--If the State fails in the 
                        manner described in subclause (I) or (II) of 
                        clause (ii) with respect to a program year, the 
                        percentage of each amount that would (in the 
                        absence of this paragraph) be reserved by the 
                        Governor under section 128(a)(1) for the 
                        immediately succeeding program year shall be 
                        reduced by 5 percentage points until such date 
                        as the Secretary of Labor or the Secretary of 
                        Education, as appropriate, determines that the 
                        State meets the State adjusted level of 
                        performance, in the case of a failure described 
                        in clause (ii)(I), or has submitted the reports 
                        for the appropriate program years, in the case 
                        of a failure described in clause (ii)(II).
                          ``(ii) Failures.--A State shall be subject to 
                        clause (i)--
                                  ``(I) if (except in the case of 
                                exceptional circumstances as determined 
                                by the Secretary of Labor or the 
                                Secretary of Education, as 
                                appropriate), such State fails to 
                                submit a report under subsection (d) 
                                for any program year; or
                                  ``(II) for a failure under 
                                subparagraph (A) that continues for a 
                                second consecutive year.
          ``(2) Comprehensive support and assistance.--
                  ``(A) In general.--If a State fails to meet an 
                average of 90 percent of the State adjusted levels of 
                performance for a program across all performance 
                indicators for any program year, or if a State fails to 
                meet an average of 90 percent of the State adjusted 
                levels of performance for a single performance 
                indicator across all programs for any program year, the 
                Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Education shall 
                provide technical assistance, as described and 
                authorized under section 168(b), including assistance 
                in the development of a comprehensive performance 
                improvement plan.
                  ``(B) Second consecutive year failure.--If such 
                failure under subparagraph (A) continues for a second 
                consecutive year, the percentage of each amount that 
                would (in the absence of this subsection) be reserved 
                by the Governor under section 128(a)(1) for the 
                immediately succeeding program year shall be reduced by 
                10 percentage points until such date as the Secretary 
                of Labor or the Secretary of Education, as appropriate, 
                determines that the State meets such State adjusted 
                levels of performance.
          ``(3) Reallotment of reductions.--Any amounts not reserved 
        under section 128(a)(1) for a State for a program year pursuant 
        to paragraph (1)(B) or (2)(B) of this subsection shall be 
        realloted to other States in a manner consistent with paragraph 
        (1)(B) or (2)(B) of section 132(b).'';
  (e) Sanctions for Local Area Failure To Meet Local Performance 
Accountability Measures.--Section 116(g) of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3141(g)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)--
                  (A) by inserting ``80 percent of the'' before ``local 
                performance''; and
                  (B) by striking ``accountability measures'' and 
                inserting ``accountability levels of performance on an 
                indicator of performance, an average of 90 percent of 
                the local levels of performance across indicators for a 
                single program, or an average of 90 percent for a 
                single performance indicator across all programs''; and
          (2) in paragraph (2)--
                  (A) by amending subparagraph (A) to read as follows:
                  ``(A) In general.--If such failure continues, the 
                Governor shall take corrective actions, which shall 
                          ``(i) in the case of a failure, for a second 
                        consecutive year, on any individual indicator, 
                        across indicators for a single program, or on a 
                        single indicator across programs, a 5-percent 
                        reduction in the amount that would have 
                        otherwise been provided (in the absence of this 
                        clause) to the local area for the immediately 
                        succeeding program year under chapter 2 or 3 of 
                        subtitle B for the program subject to the 
                        performance failure;
                          ``(ii) in the case of a failure, as described 
                        in paragraph (1), for a third consecutive year, 
                        the development of a reorganization plan 
                        through which the Governor shall--
                                  ``(I) require the appointment and 
                                certification of a new local board, 
                                consistent with the criteria 
                                established under section 107(b);
                                  ``(II) prohibit the use of one-stop 
                                partners identified as achieving a poor 
                                level of performance; and
                                  ``(III) revise or redesignate a local 
                                area, which may include merging a local 
                                area with another local area if the 
                                Governor determines that the likely 
                                cause of such continued performance 
                                failure of a local area is due to such 
                                local area's designation being granted 
                                without the appropriate consideration 
                                of parameters described under section 
                                106(b)(1)(B); or
                          ``(iii) other significant actions determined 
                        appropriate by the Governor.'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)(i), by inserting ``(ii)'' 
                after ``subparagraph (A)''; and
                  (C) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(D) Reallocation of reductions.--Any amounts not 
                allocated under chapter 2 or 3 of subtitle B to a local 
                area for a program year pursuant to subparagraph (A)(i) 
                shall be reallocated to other local areas in a manner 
                consistent with subparagraph (A) or (B) of section 
                133(b)(2) or subparagraph (A) of section 128(b)(2), as 
  (f) Establishing Pay-for-Performance Contract Strategy Incentives.--
Section 116(h) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3141(h)) is amended by striking ``non-Federal funds'' and 
inserting ``the funds reserved under section 128(a)(1)''.
  (g) Fiscal and Management Accountability Information Systems.--
Section 116(i) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3141(i)) is amended--
          (1) in the first sentence of paragraph (2), by inserting ``, 
        and may use information provided from the National Directory of 
        New Hires in accordance with section 453(j)(8) of the Social 
        Security Act (42 U.S.C. 653(j)(8))'' after ``State law'';
          (2) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (4); and
          (3) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following:
          ``(3) Designated entity.--The Governor shall designate a 
        State agency (or appropriate State entity) to assist in 
        carrying out the performance reporting requirements for core 
        programs and eligible training providers. The designated State 
        agency (or appropriate State entity) shall be responsible for--
                  ``(A) facilitating data matches using quarterly wage 
                record information, including wage record information 
                made available by other States, to measure employment 
                and earnings outcomes;
                  ``(B) data validation and reliability, as described 
                in subsection (d)(5); and
                  ``(C) protection against disaggregation that would 
                violate applicable privacy standards, as described in 
                subsection (d)(6)(C).''.

       Subtitle C--Workforce Investment Activities and Providers



  (a) One-Stop Partners.--Section 121(b) of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3151(b)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)(B)--
                  (A) in clause (xi), by inserting ``and'' at the end; 
                  (B) by striking clause (xii);
          (2) in paragraph (2)(A), by striking ``With'' and inserting 
        ``At the direction of the Governor or with''; and
          (3) in paragraph (2)(B)--
                  (A) in clause (vi), by striking ``and'' at the end;
                  (B) by redesignating clause (vii) as clause (viii); 
                  (C) by inserting after clause (vi) the following:
                          ``(vii) workforce and economic development 
                        programs carried out by the Economic 
                        Development Administration; and''.
  (b) One-Stop Operators.--Section 121(d) of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3151(d)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (2)(B)--
                  (A) in clause (i), by inserting after ``education'' 
                the following: ``or an area career and technical 
                education school'';
                  (B) in clause (v), by striking ``and'';
                  (C) by redesignating clause (vi) as clause (viii);
                  (D) by inserting after clause (v) the following:
                          ``(vi) a public library;
                          ``(vii) a local board that meets the 
                        requirements of paragraph (4); and'';
                  (E) in clause (viii), as so redesignated, by 
                inserting after ``labor organization'' the following: 
                ``joint labor-management organization''; and
          (2) by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) as paragraphs (5) 
        and (6), respectively; and
          (3) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following:
          ``(3) Responsibilities.--
                  ``(A) In general.--In operating a one-stop system 
                referred to in subsection (e), a one-stop operator--
                          ``(i) shall--
                                  ``(I) manage the physical and virtual 
                                infrastructure and operations of the 
                                one-stop system in the local area; and
                                  ``(II) facilitate coordination among 
                                the partners in such one-stop system; 
                          ``(ii) may, subject to the requirements under 
                        subparagraph (B), directly provide services to 
                        job seekers and employers.
                  ``(B) Internal controls.--In a case in which a one-
                stop operator seeks to operate as a service provider 
                pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii), the local board shall 
                establish internal controls (which shall include 
                written policies and procedures)--
                          ``(i) with respect to the competition in 
                        which the one-stop operator will compete to be 
                        selected as such service provider, and the 
                        subsequent oversight, monitoring, and 
                        evaluation of the performance of such one-stop 
                        operator as such service provider; and
                          ``(ii) which--
                                  ``(I) require compliance with--
                                          ``(aa) relevant Office of 
                                        Management and Budget circulars 
                                        relating to conflicts of 
                                        interest; and
                                          ``(bb) any applicable State 
                                        conflict of interest policy; 
                                  ``(II) prohibit a one-stop operator 
                                from developing, managing, or 
                                conducting the competition in which the 
                                operator intends to compete to be 
                                selected as a service provider.
          ``(4) Local boards as one-stop operators.--Subject to 
        approval from the chief elected official and Governor and in 
        accordance with any other eligibility criteria established by 
        the State, a local board may serve as a one-stop operator, if 
        the local board--
                  ``(A) enters into a written agreement with the chief 
                elected official that clarifies how the local board 
                will carry out the functions and responsibilities as a 
                one-stop operator in a manner that complies with the 
                appropriate internal controls to prevent any conflicts 
                of interest, which shall include how the local board, 
                while serving as a one-stop operator, will--
                          ``(i) comply with the relevant Office of 
                        Management and Budget circulars relating to 
                        conflicts of interest; and
                          ``(ii) any applicable State conflict of 
                        interest policy; and
                  ``(B) complies with the other applicable requirements 
                of this subsection.''.
  (c) One-Stop Delivery.--Section 121(e)(2) of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3151(e)(2)) is amended--
          (1) in subparagraph (A), to read as follows:
                  ``(A) shall make each of the programs, services, and 
                activities described in paragraph (1) accessible--
                          ``(i) to individuals through electronic 
                        means, in a single, virtually accessible 
                        location, and in a manner that improves 
                        efficiency, coordination, and quality, as 
                        determined by the State, in the delivery of 
                        such programs, services, and activities; or
                          ``(ii) at not less than 1 physical center in 
                        each local area of the State; and'';
          (2) in subparagraph (B)(i), by inserting after ``affiliated 
        sites'' the following: ``(such as any of the entities described 
        in subsection (d)(2)(B))'';
          (3) in subparagraph (C), by inserting after ``centers'' the 
        following: ``(which may be virtual or physical centers)'';
          (4) in subparagraph (D)--
                  (A) by striking ``as applicable and practicable, 
                shall'' and inserting ``in the case of a one-stop 
                delivery system that is making each of the programs, 
                services, and activities described in paragraph (1) 
                accessible at not less than 1 physical center, as 
                described in subparagraph (A)(ii), the one-stop 
                delivery system shall, as applicable and 
                practicable,''; and
                  (B) by striking the period at the end and inserting 
                ``; and''; and
          (5) by inserting after subparagraph (D) the following:
                  ``(E) in the case of a one-stop delivery system that 
                is making each of the programs, services, and 
                activities accessible through electronic means, as 
                described in subparagraph (A)(i), the one-stop delivery 
                system shall have not less than two affiliated sites 
                with a physical location where individuals can access, 
                virtually, each of the programs, services, and 
                activities described in paragraph (1) that are 
                virtually accessible.''.
  (d) Certification and Improvement Criteria.--Section 121(g)(2)(A) of 
the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is amended by striking 
``under subsections (h)(1)'' and inserting ``under subsections 
  (e) Funding of One-Stop Infrastructure.--Section 121(h) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is amended--
          (1) by striking paragraph (1);
          (2) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) 
        and (2), respectively;
          (3) in paragraph (1), as so redesignated--
                  (A) by amending subparagraph (B) to read as follows:
                  ``(B) Partner contributions.--Subject to subparagraph 
                (D), the covered portions of funding for a fiscal year 
                shall be provided to the Governor from the programs 
                described in subsection (b)(1) to pay the costs of 
                infrastructure of one-stop centers in local areas of 
                the State.''; and
                  (B) in subparagraph (C)--
                          (i) in clause (i)--
                                  (I) by striking ``for funding 
                                pursuant to clause (i)(II) or (ii) of 
                                paragraph (1)(A) by each partner,''; 
                                  (II) by striking the fourth sentence; 
                          (ii) in clause (ii), by striking ``under a 
                        provision covered by section 3(13)(D)'' and 
                        inserting ``under a provision covered by 
                        subparagraph (D) of the definition of the term 
                        `core program provision' under section 3'';
                  (C) in subparagraph (D)--
                          (i) in clause (ii), by striking ``For local 
                        areas in a State that are not covered by 
                        paragraph (1)(A)(i)(I), the'' and inserting 
                          (ii) in clause (ii)--
                                  (I) in subclause (I)--
                                          (aa) by striking ``WIA'' in 
                                        the header and inserting 
                                        ``WIOA''; and
                                          (bb) by striking ``3 
                                        percent'' and inserting ``5 
                                        percent''; and
                                  (II) by striking subclause (III); and
                          (iii) in clause (iii), by striking ``For 
                        local areas in a State that are not covered by 
                        paragraph (1)(A)(i)(I), an'' and inserting 
          (4) in paragraph (2), as so redesignated--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``purposes of 
                assisting in'' and inserting ``purpose of''; and
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) in the first sentence, by striking ``not 
                        funding costs of infrastructure under the 
                        option described in paragraph (1)(A)(i)(I)''; 
                          (ii) in the second sentence, by inserting 
                        after ``local area,'' the following: ``the 
                        intensity of services provided by such 
          (5) by inserting after paragraph (2), as so redesignated, the 
          ``(3) Supplemental infrastructure funding.--For any fiscal 
        year in which the allocation received by a local area under 
        paragraph (2) is insufficient to cover the total costs of 
        infrastructure of one-stop centers in such local area, the 
        local board, the chief elected official, and the one-stop 
        partners that have entered into the local memorandum of 
        understanding with the local board under subsection (c) may 
        agree to fund any such remaining costs using a method described 
        in such memorandum.''; and
          (6) in paragraph (4), by inserting after ``operation of the 
        one-stop center'' the following: ``(whether for in-person or 
        virtual service delivery)''.


  (a) Eligibility.--Section 122(a) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3152(a)) is amended--
          (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows:
          ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in subsection (i), the 
        Governor, after consultation with the State board and 
        considering the State's adjusted levels of performance 
        described in section 116(b)(3)(A)(iv), shall establish--
                  ``(A) procedures regarding the eligibility of 
                providers of training services to receive funds 
                provided under section 133(b) for the provision of 
                training services by programs with standard eligibility 
                or conditional eligibility under this section (in this 
                section referred to as `eligible programs') in local 
                areas in the State; and
                  ``(B) the minimum levels of performance on the 
                criteria for a program to receive such standard or 
                conditional eligibility.'';
          (2) in paragraph (2)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A), by inserting before the 
                semicolon at the end the following: ``(other than an 
                institution of higher education described in 
                subparagraph (C))'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``or'' at the 
                  (C) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph 
                  (D) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the 
                  ``(C) an institution of higher education that offers 
                a program that--
                          ``(i) is of at least 150 clock hours of 
                        instruction, but less than 600 clock hours of 
                        instruction, or an equivalent number of credit 
                          ``(ii) is offered during a minimum of 8 
                        weeks, but less than 15 weeks; and
                          ``(iii) is an eligible program for purposes 
                        of the Federal Pell Grant program; or''; and
                  (E) in subparagraph (D), as so redesignated--
                          (i) by inserting ``(including providers of 
                        such a program that is conducted (in whole or 
                        in part) online)'' before ``, which may''; and
                          (ii) by inserting ``providers of 
                        entrepreneurial skills development programs, 
                        industry or sector partnerships, groups of 
                        employers, trade or professional 
                        associations,'' after ``organizations,''; and
          (3) in paragraph (3)--
                  (A) in the first sentence, by striking ``(C)'' and 
                inserting ``(D)'';
                  (B) in the second sentence, by striking ``paragraph 
                (2)(B)'' the first place it appears and inserting 
                ``subparagraph (B) or (C) of paragraph (2)''; and
                  (C) by inserting before the period at the end the 
                following: ``or remains eligible for the Federal Pell 
                Grant program as described in paragraph (2)(C)''.
  (b) Criteria and Information Requirements.--Section 122(b) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3152(b)) is amended 
to read as follows:
  ``(b) Criteria and Information Requirements.--
          ``(1) General requirements.--
                  ``(A) General criteria for programs.--Each provider 
                shall demonstrate that the program for which the 
                provider is seeking eligibility under this section--
                          ``(i) prepares participants to meet the 
                        hiring requirements of potential employers in 
                        the State or a local area within the State for 
                        employment that--
                                  ``(I) is high skill and high wage; or
                                  ``(II) is in in-demand industry 
                                sectors or occupations;
                          ``(ii) leads to a recognized postsecondary 
                          ``(iii) has been offered by the provider for 
                        not less than 1 year; and
                          ``(iv)(I) meets the performance requirements 
                        for standard eligibility described in paragraph 
                        (2); or
                          ``(II) has received conditional eligibility 
                        described in paragraph (3).
                  ``(B) Provider eligibility election.--Any provider 
                may elect to seek standard eligibility under paragraph 
                (2) or conditional eligibility under paragraph (3).
          ``(2) Performance criteria for standard eligibility.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The Governor shall--
                          ``(i) establish and publicize minimum levels 
                        of performance for each of the criteria listed 
                        in subparagraph (B) that a program offered by a 
                        provider of training services shall achieve to 
                        receive and maintain standard eligibility under 
                        this section; and
                          ``(ii) verify the performance achieved by 
                        such a program with respect to each such 
                        criteria to determine whether the program meets 
                        the corresponding minimum level of performance 
                        established under clause (i)--
                                  ``(I) in the case of the criteria 
                                described in (ii) through (iv) of 
                                subparagraph (B), using State 
                                administrative data (such as quarterly 
                                wage records); and
                                  ``(II) in the case of the criteria 
                                described in subparagraph (B)(i), using 
                                any applicable method for such 
                                verification; and
                          ``(iii) in verifying the performance 
                        achievement of a program, verify that such 
                        program included a sufficient number of program 
                        participants to protect participant personally 
                        identifiable information, and to be a reliable 
                        indicator of performance achievement.
                  ``(B) Performance criteria.--The performance criteria 
                to receive and maintain standard eligibility for a 
                program under this section are as follows:
                          ``(i) The credential attainment rate of 
                        program participants calculated as the 
                        percentage of program participants who obtain 
                        the recognized postsecondary credential for 
                        which the program prepares participants to earn 
                        within 6 months of exit from the program.
                          ``(ii) The job placement rate of program 
                        participants calculated as the percentage of 
                        program participants in unsubsidized employment 
                        during the second quarter after exit from the 
                          ``(iii) The median earnings of program 
                        participants who are in unsubsidized employment 
                        during the second quarter after exit from the 
                          ``(iv) The ratio of median earnings increase 
                        to the total cost of program, calculated as 
                                  ``(I) The difference between--
                                          ``(aa) the median participant 
                                        wages from unsubsidized 
                                        employment during the second 
                                        quarter after program exit; and
                                          ``(bb) the median earnings of 
                                        participants wages during the 
                                        quarter prior to entering the 
                                        program, to
                                  ``(II) The total cost of the program 
                                (as described in paragraph 
                  ``(C) Local criteria.--With respect to any program 
                receiving standard eligibility under this section from 
                a Governor, a local board in the State may require 
                higher levels of performance than the minimum 
                performance levels established by the Governor under 
                this paragraph, but may not--
                          ``(i) require any information or application 
                        from the provider that is not required for such 
                        standard eligibility; or
                          ``(ii) establish a performance requirement 
                        with respect to any criteria not listed in 
                        subparagraph (B).
          ``(3) Conditional eligibility.--
                  ``(A) Requirements.--
                          ``(i) In general.--The Governor shall 
                        establish procedures and criteria for 
                        conditional eligibility for a program of a 
                        provider of training services that does not 
                        meet the requirements under subparagraph (2).
                          ``(ii) Procedures and criteria.--In 
                        establishing the procedures and criteria under 
                        this subparagraph for conditional eligibility 
                        under this paragraph, the Governor--
                                  ``(I) shall establish the maximum 
                                period, not to exceed a 4-year period, 
                                that a program may receive and maintain 
                                such conditional eligibility;
                                  ``(II) with respect to a program that 
                                has received conditional eligibility 
                                for the maximum period established 
                                under subclause (I) and that is seeking 
                                approval for an additional period of 
                                conditional eligibility, may not 
                                consider such program for such 
                                conditional eligibility during the 3-
                                year period that begins on the day 
                                after the end of most recent period for 
                                which the program received conditional 
                                eligibility; and
                                  ``(III) may establish other 
                                requirements related to program 
                                performance, including setting separate 
                                minimum levels of performance on the 
                                criteria described in paragraph (2) for 
                                a program to maintain such conditional 
                  ``(B) Payments.--Payments under this Act for the 
                provision of training services by a program with 
                conditional eligibility shall be made to the provider 
                of such program, on the basis of the achievement of 
                successful outcomes by a participant of such training 
                services, in accordance with the following:
                          ``(i) Upon participant enrollment, the 
                        provider shall receive not less than 25 percent 
                        of the total funds to be provided under section 
                        133(b) for the provision of training services 
                        by such program to such participant.
                          ``(ii) Upon participant completion and 
                        credential attainment, the provider shall 
                        receive not less than 25 percent of such total 
                          ``(iii) Upon verification of the 
                        participant's employment during the second 
                        quarter after program completion, the provider 
                        shall receive not less than 25 percent of such 
                        total funds.
                          ``(iv) The remainder of such total funds may 
                        be awarded at any of the intervals described in 
                        clauses (i) through (iii) as determined by the 
                        Governor in accordance with the procedures 
                        established under subparagraph (A).
                  ``(C) Limitation on billing participants.--With 
                respect to a program participant for whom a provider 
                expects to be paid pursuant to subparagraph (B), the 
                provider may not--
                          ``(i) charge such participant tuition and 
                        refund such charges after receiving such 
                        payments; or
                          ``(ii) if such program participant does not 
                        achieve the outcomes necessary for the provider 
                        to receive the provider's full payment pursuant 
                        to subparagraph (B) for such participant, bill 
                        a participant for any of the amounts described 
                        in subparagraph (B).
          ``(4) Employer-sponsored or industry or sectoral partnership 
                  ``(A) In general.--The Governor shall establish 
                procedures and criteria for providers to apply for an 
                employer-sponsored designation for a program that has 
                received standard or conditional eligibility under this 
                paragraph, which shall include a commitment from an 
                employer or an industry or sectoral partnership to--
                          ``(i) pay to the provider, on behalf of each 
                        participant enrolled in such program under this 
                        Act, not less than 25 percent of the cost of 
                        the program (as described in paragraph 
                        (5)(B)(iii)), which shall be provided in lieu 
                        of 25 percent of the amount that the provider 
                        would have otherwise received under section 
                        133(b) for the provision of training services 
                        by such program to such participant; and
                          ``(ii) guarantee an interview and 
                        consideration for a job with the employer, or 
                        in the case of an industry or sectoral 
                        partnership, an employer within such 
                        partnership, for each such participant that 
                        successfully completes the program.
                  ``(B) Restriction on financial arrangement.--A 
                provider receiving an employer-sponsored designation 
                under this paragraph may not--
                          ``(i) have an ownership stake in the employer 
                        or industry or sectoral partnership making a 
                        commitment described in subparagraph (A); or
                          ``(ii) enter into an arrangement to reimburse 
                        an employer or partnership for the costs of a 
                        participant paid by such employer or 
          ``(5) Information requirements.--An eligible provider shall 
        submit appropriate, accurate, and timely information to the 
        Governor, to enable the Governor to carry out subsection (d), 
        with respect to all participants of each eligible program 
        (including participants for whom the provider receives payments 
        under this title) offered by the provider, which shall--
                  ``(A) be made available by the State in a common, 
                linked, open, and interoperable data format;
                  ``(B) include information on--
                          ``(i) the performance of the program with 
                        respect to the performance accountability 
                        measures described in section 116 for such 
                          ``(ii) the recognized postsecondary 
                        credentials received by such participants, 
                        including, in relation to each such credential, 
                        the issuing entity, any third-party 
                        endorsements, the occupations for which the 
                        credential prepares individuals, the 
                        competencies achieved, the level of mastery of 
                        such competencies (including how mastery is 
                        assessed), and any transfer value or 
                          ``(iii) the total cost of the program, 
                        including the costs of the published tuition 
                        and fees, supplies, books, and any other costs 
                        required by the provider for participants in 
                        the program;
                          ``(iv) the percentage of such participants 
                        that complete the program within the number of 
                        weeks that full-time participants would take to 
                        complete the program; and
                          ``(v) in the case of a provider offering 
                        programs seeking or maintaining standard 
                        eligibility, the criteria described in 
                        paragraph (2) and not otherwise included in 
                        clause (i) of this subparagraph; and
                  ``(C) with respect to employment and earnings 
                measures described in subclauses (I) through (III) of 
                section 116(b)(2)(A)(i) for such participants--
                          ``(i) the necessary information for the State 
                        to develop program performance data using State 
                        administrative data (such as wage records); and
                          ``(ii) the necessary information to determine 
                        the percentage of such participants who entered 
                        unsubsidized employment in an occupation 
                        related to the program, to the extent 
  (c) Procedures.--Section 122(c) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3152(c)) is amended--
          (1) in the first sentence of paragraph (1), by inserting ``, 
        which shall be implemented in a manner that minimizes the 
        financial and administrative burden on the provider and shall 
        not require the submission of information in excess of the 
        information required to determine a program's eligibility under 
        subsection (b)'' after ``provision of training services'';
          (2) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3), and 
        inserting the following after paragraph (1):
          ``(2) Approval.--A Governor shall make an eligibility 
        determination with respect to a provider of training services 
        and the program for which the provider is seeking eligibility 
        under this section not later than 30 days after receipt of an 
        application submitted by such provider consistent with the 
        procedures in paragraph (1).'';
          (3) in paragraph (3), as so redesignated--
                  (A) by striking ``biennial'' and inserting 
                ``annual''; and
                  (B) by inserting before the period at the end the 
                following: ``that continue to meet the requirements 
                under subsection (b)''; and
                  (C) by adding at the end the following: ``Any program 
                with standard or conditional eligibility that, upon 
                such review, does not meet the eligibility criteria 
                established under subsection (b) for standard or 
                conditional eligibility, respectively, shall, except as 
                otherwise provided in subsection (g)(1)(E), no longer 
                be an eligible program and shall be removed from the 
                list described in subsection (d).''; and
          (4) by inserting at the end the following:
          ``(4) Multistate providers.--The procedures established under 
        subsection (a) shall specify the process for any provider of 
        training services offering a program in multiple States to 
        establish eligibility in such States, which shall, to the 
        extent practicable, minimize financial and administrative 
        burdens on any such provider by authorizing the provider to 
        submit the same application materials and information to the 
        Governor of each State in which such program will be providing 
        services, as long as the program meets the applicable State 
        requirements established under subsection (b) for each such 
          ``(5) Online providers.--If a participant chooses a provider 
        that delivers training services exclusively online and is not 
        located in the State of the local area that approved such 
        training services for the participant in accordance with 
        section 133(c)(3)(A)(i), such provider shall be ineligible to 
        receive payment for such participant from funds allocated to 
        such State unless such provider is on the list of eligible 
        providers of training services described in subsection (d) for 
        such State.''.
  (d) List and Information To Assist Participants in Choosing 
Providers.--Section 122(d) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
Act (29 U.S.C. 3152(d)) is amended--
          (1) by redesignating paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) as 
        paragraphs (3), (4), and (6), respectively;
          (2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following:
          ``(2) Credential navigation feature.--In order to enhance the 
        ability of participants and employers to understand and compare 
        the value of the recognized postsecondary credentials awarded 
        by eligible programs offered by providers of training services 
        in a State, the Governor shall establish (or develop in 
        partnership with other States), a credential navigation feature 
        that allows participants and the public to search a list of 
        such recognized postsecondary credentials, and the providers 
        and programs awarding such a credential, which shall include, 
        with respect to each such credential (aggregated for all 
        participants in the State that have received such credential)--
                  ``(A) the information required under subsection 
                (b)(5)(B)(ii); and
                  ``(B) the employment and earnings outcomes described 
                in subclause (I) through (III) of section 
          (3) in paragraph (3) (as redesignated by paragraph (1))--
                  (A) by amending subparagraph (A), by striking ``(C) 
                of subsection (a)(2)'' and inserting ``(D) of 
                subsection (a)(2)'';
                  (B) by amending subparagraph (B) to read as follows:
                  ``(B) with respect to a program described in 
                subsection (b)(3) that is offered by a provider, 
                consist of information designating the program as 
                having conditional eligibility;''; and
                  (C) by amending subparagraph (C) to read as follows:
                  ``(C) with respect to a program described in 
                subsection (b)(4) that is offered by a provider, 
                consist of the information promoting the program as 
                having an employer-sponsored designation and 
                identifying the employer or partnership sponsoring the 
          (4) by amending paragraph (4) (as so redesignated) to read as 
          ``(4) Availability.--The list (including the credential 
        navigation feature described in paragraph (2)), and the 
        accompanying information shall be made available to such 
        participants and to members of the public through the one-stop 
        delivery system in the State--
                  ``(A) on a publicly accessible website that--
                          ``(i) is consumer-tested; and
                          ``(ii) is searchable, easily understandable, 
                        and navigable, and allows for the comparison of 
                        eligible programs through the use of common, 
                        linked, open-data descriptive language; and
                  ``(B) in a manner that does not reveal personally 
                identifiable information about an individual 
                participant.''; and
          (5) by inserting before paragraph (6) (as so redesignated), 
        the following:
          ``(5) Website technical assistance.--The Secretary shall--
                  ``(A) upon request, provide technical assistance to a 
                State on establishing a website that meets the 
                requirements of paragraph (4); and
                  ``(B) disseminate to each State effective practices 
                or resources from States and private sector entities 
                related to establishing a website that is consumer-
                tested to ensure that the website is easily understood, 
                searchable, and navigable.''.
  (e) Provider Performance Incentives.--Section 122 of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3152), as amended by this 
section, is further amended--
          (1) in subsection (e), by striking ``information 
        requirements,'' in each place it appears;
          (2) by redesignating subsections (f) through (i) as 
        subsection (g) through (j), respectively;
          (3) by inserting after subsection (e), as so amended, the 
  ``(f) Provider Performance Incentives.--
          ``(1) In general.--The Governor or a local board may 
        establish a system of performance incentive payments to be 
        awarded to providers in addition to the amount paid under 
        section 133(b) to such providers for the provision of training 
        services to participants of eligible programs. Such system of 
        performance incentives may be established to award eligible 
        programs that--
                  ``(A) achieve performance levels above the minimum 
                levels established by the Governor under subsection 
                  ``(B) serve a significantly higher number of 
                individuals with barriers to employment compared to 
                training providers offering similar training services; 
                  ``(C) achieve other performance successes, including 
                those related to jobs that provide economic stability 
                and upward mobility (such as leading to jobs with high 
                wages and family sustainable benefits) as determined by 
                the State or the local board.
          ``(2) Incentive payments.--Incentive payments to providers 
        established under paragraph (1) shall be awarded to providers 
        from the following allotments:
                  ``(A) In the case of a system of performance 
                incentive payments established by the Governor, from 
                funds reserved by the Governor under section 128(a).
                  ``(B) In the case of a system of performance 
                incentive payments established by a local board, from 
                the allocations made to the local area for youth under 
                section 128(b), for adults under paragraph (2)(A) or 
                (3) of section 133(b), or for dislocated workers under 
                section 133(b)(2)(B), as appropriate.'';
  (f) Enforcement.--Section 122(g)(1) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (as redesignated by subsection (e)(2)), is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
                  ``(D) Failure to provide required information.--With 
                respect to a provider of training services that is 
                eligible under this section for a program year with 
                respect to an eligible program, but that does not 
                provide the information described in subsection (b)(5) 
                with respect to such program for such program year 
                (including information on performance necessary to 
                determine if the program meets the minimum levels on 
                the criteria to maintain eligibility), the provider 
                shall be ineligible under this section with respect to 
                such program for the program year after the program 
                year for which the provider fails to provide such 
                  ``(E) Failure to meet performance criteria.--
                          ``(i) First year.--An eligible program that 
                        has received standard eligibility under 
                        subsection (c)(2) for a program year but fails 
                        to meet the minimum levels of performance on 
                        the criteria described in subsection (b)(2) 
                        during the most recent program year for which 
                        performance data on such criteria are available 
                        shall be notified of such failure by the 
                          ``(ii) Second consecutive year.--A program 
                        that fails to meet the minimum levels of 
                        performance for a second consecutive program 
                        year shall lose standard eligibility for such 
                        program for at least the program year following 
                        such second consecutive program year.
                          ``(iii) Reapplication.--
                                  ``(I) Standard eligibility.--A 
                                provider may reapply to receive 
                                standard eligibility for the program 
                                according to the criteria described in 
                                subsection (c) if the program 
                                performance for the most recent program 
                                year for which performance data is 
                                available meets the minimum levels of 
                                performance required to receive such 
                                standard eligibility.
                                  ``(II) Conditional eligibility.--A 
                                program that loses standard eligibility 
                                may apply to receive conditional 
                                eligibility under the process and 
                                criteria established by the Governor 
                                under subsection (b)(3).''.
  (g) On-the-Job Training, Employer-directed Skills Development, 
Incumbent Worker Training, and Other Training Exceptions.--Subsection 
(i) (as redesignated by subsection (e)(2)) of section 122 of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3152) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)--
                  (A) by striking ``customized training'' and inserting 
                ``employer-directed skills development''; and
                  (B) by striking ``subsections (a) through (f)'' and 
                inserting ``subsections (a) through (g)''; and
          (2) in paragraph (2), by amending the first sentence to read 
        as follows: ``A one-stop operator in a local area shall collect 
        the minimum amount of information from providers of on-the-job 
        training, employer-directed skills development, incumbent 
        worker training, internships, paid or unpaid work experience 
        opportunities, and transitional employment as necessary to 
        enable the use of State administrative data to generate such 
        performance information as the Governor may require.''.
  (h) Technical Assistance.--Section 122 of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3152) is further amended by adding at 
the end the following:
  ``(k) Technical Assistance.--The Governor may apply to the Secretary 
for technical assistance, as described in section 168(c), for purposes 
of carrying out the requirements of subsection (c)(4), or paragraph (2) 
or (5) of subsection (d), or any other amendments made by the A 
Stronger Workforce for America Act to this section, and the Secretary 
shall provide such technical assistance in a timely manner.''.
  (i) Transition.--A Governor and local boards shall implement the 
requirements of section 122 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
Act (29 U.S.C. 3152), as amended by this Act, not later than 12 months 
after the date of enactment of this Act. In order to facilitate early 
implementation of this section, the Governor may establish transition 
procedures under which providers eligible to provide training services 
under chapter 1 of subtitle B of title I of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3151 et seq.), as such chapter was in 
effect on the day before the date of enactment of this Act, may 
continue to be eligible to provide such services until December 31, 
2024, or until such earlier date as the Governor determines to be 



  Section 128(a) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3173(a)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``reserved amounts'' in 
        each place and inserting ``reserved amounts under paragraph 
        (1)''; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(3) Statewide critical industry skills fund.--
                  ``(A) Authorized reservation.--In addition to the 
                reservations required under paragraph (1) and section 
                133(a)(2), and subject to subparagraph (B), the 
                Governor may reserve not more than 10 percent of each 
                of the amounts allotted to the State under section 
                127(b)(1)(C) and paragraphs (1)(B) and (2)(B) of 
                section 132(b) for a fiscal year to establish and 
                administer a critical industry skills fund described in 
                section 134(a)(4).
                  ``(B) Matching funds.--
                          ``(i) Requirement.--The amount of funds 
                        reserved by a Governor under subparagraph (A) 
                        for a fiscal year may not exceed the amount of 
                        funds that such Governor commits to using from 
                        any of the funds listed in clause (ii) for such 
                        fiscal year for the purposes of establishing 
                        and administering the critical industry skills 
                        fund for which funds are reserved under 
                        subparagraph (A).
                          ``(ii) Sources of matching funds.--The funds 
                        listed in this clause are as follows:
                                  ``(I) Funds reserved by the Governor 
                                under paragraph (1) of this subsection.
                                  ``(II) Other Federal funds not 
                                described in subclause (I).
                                  ``(III) State funds.''.


  (a) Opportunity Youth.--Section 129 of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164) is amended by striking ``out-of-
school'' each place it appears and inserting ``opportunity''.
  (b) Youth Participant Eligibility.--
          (1) Eligibility determination.--
                  (A) Eligibility.--Subparagraph (A) of section 
                129(a)(1) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
                Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(a)(1) is amended to read as 
                  ``(A) Eligibility determination.--
                          ``(i) In general.--To be eligible to 
                        participate in activities carried out under 
                        this chapter during any program year, an 
                        individual shall, at the time the eligibility 
                        determination is made, be an opportunity youth 
                        or an in-school youth.
                          ``(ii) Enrollment.--If a one-stop operator or 
                        eligible provider of youth workforce activities 
                        carrying out activities under this chapter 
                        reasonably believes that an individual is 
                        eligible to participate in such activities, the 
                        operator or provider may allow such individual 
                        to participate in such activities for not more 
                        than a 30-day period during which the operator 
                        or provider shall obtain the necessary 
                        information to make an eligibility 
                        determination with respect to such individual 
                        (which may involve working with such 
                        individual, other entities in the local area, 
                        and available sources of administrative data to 
                        obtain the necessary information).
                          ``(iii) Determination of ineligibility.--With 
                        respect to an individual who is determined to 
                        be ineligible for activities under this chapter 
                        by a one-stop operator or a service provider 
                        during the period described in clause (ii) and 
                        who does not qualify for an exception under 
                        paragraph (3)(A)(ii) applicable to the local 
                        area involved, such operator or service 
                                  ``(I) may--
                                          ``(aa) continue serving such 
                                        individual using non-Federal 
                                        funds; or
                                          ``(bb) end the participation 
                                        of such individual in 
                                        activities under this chapter 
                                        and refer the individual to 
                                        other services that may be 
                                        available in the local area for 
                                        which the individual may be 
                                        eligible; and
                                  ``(II) shall be paid for any services 
                                provided to such individual under this 
                                chapter during the period described in 
                                clause (ii) by the local area involved 
                                using funds allocated to such area 
                                under section 128(b).
                          ``(iv) Determination process for homeless and 
                        foster youth.--In determining whether an 
                        individual is eligible to participate in 
                        activities carried out under this chapter on 
                        the basis of being an individual who is a 
                        homeless child or youth, or a youth in foster 
                        care, as described in subparagraph (B)(iii)(V), 
                        the one-stop operator or service provider 
                        involved shall--
                                  ``(I) if determining whether the 
                                individual is a homeless child or 
                                youth, use a process that is in 
                                compliance with the requirements of 
                                subsection (a) of section 479D of the 
                                Higher Education Act of 1965, as added 
                                by section 702(l) of the FAFSA 
                                Simplification Act (Public Law 116-
                                260), for financial aid administrators; 
                                  ``(II) if determining whether the 
                                individual is a youth in foster care, 
                                use a process that is in compliance 
                                with the requirements of subsection (b) 
                                of section 479D of the Higher Education 
                                Act of 1965, as added by section 702(l) 
                                of the FAFSA Simplification Act (Public 
                                Law 116-260), for financial aid 
                  (B) Definition of opportunity youth.--Subparagraph 
                (B) of section 129(a)(1) of the Workforce Innovation 
                and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(a)(1) is amended--
                          (i) in the subparagraph heading, by striking 
                        ``Out-of-school'' and inserting 
                          (ii) in clause (i), by inserting ``, except 
                        that an individual described in subparagraph 
                        (IV) or (V) of clause (iii) may be attending 
                        school'' after ``(as defined under State 
                        law)''; and
                          (iii) in clause (iii)(III)(bb), by striking 
                  (C) Definition of in-school youth.--Subparagraph 
                (C)(iv) of section 129(a)(1) of the Workforce 
                Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(a)(1)) 
                is amended--
                          (i) in subclause (II), by striking 
                          (ii) by striking subclauses (III) and (IV); 
                          (iii) by redesignating subclauses (V), (VI), 
                        and (VII) as subclauses (III), (IV), and (V), 
          (2) Exception and limitation.--Section 129(a)(3) of the 
        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(a)(1)) 
        is amended--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by striking ``5'' and 
                inserting ``10''; and
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) by striking ``5'' inserting ``10''; and
                          (ii) by striking ``paragraph 
                        (1)(C)(iv)(VII)'' and inserting ``paragraph 
          (3) Opportunity youth priority.--Section 129(a)(4) of the 
        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(a)(1)) 
        is amended--
                  (A) in the paragraph heading, by striking ``Out-of-
                school'' and inserting ``Opportunity'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) by striking ``75'' each place it appears 
                        and inserting ``65'';
                          (ii) by inserting ``the total amount of'' 
                        before ``funds available''; and
                          (iii) by inserting ``in the State'' after 
                        ``subsection (c)'';
                  (C) in subparagraph (B)(i), by striking ``75'' and 
                inserting ``65'';
                  (D) by redesignating subparagraph (B), as so amended, 
                as subparagraph (C); and
                  (E) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the 
                  ``(B) Local area targets.--The local board, the chief 
                elected official, and the Governor shall negotiate and 
                reach agreement on the minimum amount of funds provided 
                to a local area under subsection (c) that shall be used 
                to provide youth workforce investment activities for 
                opportunity youth based on the needs of youth in the 
                local area, as necessary for the State to meet the 
                percentage described in subparagraph (A).''.
  (c) Required Statewide Youth Activities.-- Section 129(b)(1) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(b)(1))--
          (1) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking 
        ``sections 128(a)'' and inserting ``sections 128(a)(1)''; and
          (2) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``through a website 
        that is consumer-tested to ensure that the website is easily 
        understood, searchable, and navigable and allows for comparison 
        of eligible providers based on the program elements offered by 
        such providers and the performance of such providers on the 
        primary indicators of performance for the youth program as 
        described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii)'' after ``under section 
  (d) Allowable Statewide Youth Activities.--Section 129(b)(2) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(b)(2)) is 
          (1) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking 
        ``sections 128(a)'' and inserting ``sections 128(a)(1)'';
          (2) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``, which may include 
        providing guidance on career options in in-demand industry 
        sectors or occupations'' after ``in the State'';
          (3) in subparagraph (D)--
                  (A) in clause (iv), by striking ``and'' at the end; 
                  (B) by inserting after clause (v) the following:
                          ``(vi) supporting the ability to understand 
                        relevant tax information and obligations;'';
          (4) in subparagraph (E), by striking the period at the end 
        and inserting a semicolon; and
          (5) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(F) establishing, supporting, and expanding work-
                based learning opportunities, including transitional 
                jobs, that are aligned with career pathways;
                  ``(G) raising public awareness (including through 
                public service announcements, such as social media 
                campaigns and elementary and secondary school showcases 
                and school visits) about career and technical education 
                programs and community-based and youth services 
                organizations, and other endeavors focused on programs 
                that prepare students for in-demand industry sectors or 
                occupations; and
                  ``(H) developing partnerships between educational 
                institutions (including area career and technical 
                schools and institutions of higher education) and 
                employers to create or improve workforce development 
                programs to address the identified education and skill 
                needs of the workforce and the employment needs of 
                employers in the regions or local areas of the State, 
                as determined based on the most recent analysis 
                conducted under subparagraphs (B) and (C) of section 
  (e) Local Elements and Requirements.--
          (1) Program design.--Section 129(c)(1) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(c)(1)) is 
                  (A) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``(which, in 
                the case of a participant 18 years or older, may 
                include co-enrollment in any employment or training 
                activity provided under section 134 for adults)'' after 
                ``services for the participant'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (C)(v), by inserting ``high-
                skill, high-wage, or'' after ``small employers, in''; 
                  (C) in subparagraph (D)--
                          (i) by striking ``10'' and inserting ``40''; 
                          (ii) by inserting before the period the 
                        following: ``, except that after 2 consecutive 
                        years of the local board implementing such a 
                        pay-for-performance contract strategy, the 
                        local board may reserve and use not more than 
                        60 percent of such total funds allocated to the 
                        local area for such strategy if--
                          ``(i) the local board demonstrates to the 
                        Governor that such strategy resulted in 
                        performance improvements; and
                          ``(ii) the Governor approves a request to use 
                        such percentage of total funds''.
          (2) Program elements.--Section 129(c)(2) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(c)(2)) is 
                  (A) in subparagraph (C)--
                          (i) in clause (i)--
                                  (I) by striking ``other'' and 
                                inserting ``year-round''; and
                                  (II) by inserting ``that meet the 
                                requirements of paragraph (10)'' after 
                                ``school year'';
                          (ii) in clause (iii), by striking ``and job 
                        shadowing; and'' and inserting the following: 
                        ``that, to the extent practicable, are aligned 
                        with in-demand industry sectors or occupations 
                        in the State or local area and for which 
                        participants shall be paid (by the entity 
                        providing the internship, through funds 
                        allocated to the local area pursuant to 
                        paragraph (1) for the program, or by another 
                        entity) if such internships are longer than--
                                  ``(I) 4 weeks in the summer or 8 
                                weeks during the school year for in-
                                school youth and opportunity youth who 
                                are enrolled in school; or
                                  ``(II) 8 weeks for opportunity youth 
                                who are not enrolled in school;'';
                          (iii) by redesignating clause (iv) as clause 
                        (v); and
                          (iv) by inserting after clause (iii), as so 
                        amended, the following:
                          ``(iv) job shadowing; and'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (H), by striking ``adult 
                mentoring'' and inserting ``coaching and adult 
                mentoring services'';
                  (C) in subparagraph (M)--
                          (i) by inserting ``high-skill, high-wage, 
                        or'' before ``in-demand industry''; and
                          (ii) by striking the ``and'' at the end;
                  (D) in subparagraph (N), by striking the period at 
                the end and inserting ``; and''; and
                  (E) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(O) activities to develop fundamental workforce 
                readiness, which may include creativity, collaboration, 
                critical thinking, digital literacy, persistence, and 
                other relevant skills.''.
          (3) Priority.--Section 129(c)(4) of the Workforce Innovation 
        and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(c)(2)) is amended, by 
        striking ``20'' and inserting ``40''.
          (4) Rule of construction.--Section 129(c)(5) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(c)(2)) is 
        amended by inserting ``or local area'' after ``youth 
          (5) Individual training accounts.--Section 129(c) of the 
        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(c)(2)) 
        is further amended by adding at the end the following:
          ``(9) Individual training accounts.--Funds allocated pursuant 
        to paragraph (1) to a local area may be used to pay, through an 
        individual training account, an eligible provider of training 
        services described in section 122(d) for training services 
        described in section 134(c)(3) provided to in-school youth who 
        are not younger than age 16 and not older than age 21 and 
        opportunity youth, in the same manner that an individual 
        training account is used to pay an eligible provider of 
        training services under section 134(c)(3)(F)(iii) for training 
        services provided to an adult or dislocated worker.''.
          (6) Summer and year-round employment opportunities 
        requirements.--Section 129(c) of the Workforce Innovation and 
        Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164(c)(2)) is further amended by 
        adding at the end the following:
          ``(10) Summer and year-round employment opportunities 
                  ``(A) In general.--A summer employment opportunity or 
                a year-round employment opportunity referred to in 
                paragraph (2)(C)(i) shall be a program that matches 
                eligible youth participating in such program with an 
                appropriate employer (based on factors including the 
                needs of the employer and the age, skill, and informed 
                aspirations of the eligible youth) that--
                          ``(i) shall include--
                                  ``(I) a component of occupational 
                                skills education; and
                                  ``(II) not less than 2 of the 
                                activities described in subparagraphs 
                                (G), (H), (I), (K), (M), and (O) of 
                                paragraph (2);
                          ``(ii) may not use funds allocated under this 
                        chapter to subsidize more than 50 percent of 
                        the wages of each eligible youth participant in 
                        such program;
                          ``(iii) in the case of a summer employment 
                        opportunity, complies with the requirements of 
                        subparagraph (B); and
                          ``(iv) in the case of a year-round employment 
                        opportunity, complies with the requirements of 
                        subparagraph (C).
                  ``(B) Summer employment opportunity.--In addition to 
                the applicable requirements described in subparagraph 
                (A), a summer employment opportunity--
                          ``(i) may not be less than 4 weeks; and
                          ``(ii) may not pay less than the greater of 
                        the applicable Federal, State, or local minimum 
                  ``(C) Year-round employment opportunity.--In addition 
                to the applicable requirements described in 
                subparagraph (B), a year-round employment opportunity--
                          ``(i) may not be shorter than 180 days or 
                        longer than 1 year;
                          ``(ii) may not pay less than the greater of 
                        the applicable Federal, State, or local minimum 
                        wage; and
                          ``(iii) may not employ the eligible youth for 
                        less than 20 hours per week, except in 
                        instances when the eligible youth are under the 
                        age of 18 or enrolled in school.
                  ``(D) Priority.--In selecting summer employment 
                opportunities or year-round employment opportunities 
                for purposes of paragraph (2)(C)(i), a local area shall 
                give priority to programs that meet the requirements of 
                this paragraph, which are in existing or emerging high-
                skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors or 



  Section 132(a)(2)(A) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 
(29 U.S.C. 3172(a)(2)(A)) is amended by--
          (1) striking ``, 169(c) (relating to dislocated worker 
        projects),''; and
          (2) by inserting ``, and under subsections (c) (related to 
        dislocated worker projects) and (d) (related to workforce data 
        quality initiatives) of section 169'' before ``; and''


  (a) Reservations for State Activities.--Section 133(a) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3173(a)) is 
          (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``section 128(a)'' and 
        inserting ``section 128(a)(1)'';
          (2) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(3) Statewide critical industry skills fund.--In addition 
        to the reservations required under paragraphs (1) and (2) of 
        this subsection, the Governor may make the reservation 
        authorized under section 128(a)(3).''.
  (b) Within State Allocations.--Section 133(b)(1) of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3173(b)) is amended--
          (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``subsection (a)(1)'' 
        and inserting ``paragraph (1) or (3) of subsection (a)''; and
          (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``paragraph (1) or (2) 
        of subsection (a)'' and inserting ``paragraph (1), (2), or (3) 
        of subsection (a)''.


  (a) Statewide Employment and Training Activities.--
          (1) In general.--Section 134(a)(1) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(a)(1))--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and'' at the 
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by 
                        striking ``128(a)'' and inserting 
                        ``128(a)(1)''; and
                          (ii) in clause (ii)--
                                  (I) by striking the comma at the end 
                                and inserting ``or to establish and 
                                administer a critical skills fund under 
                                paragraph (4); and'' ; and
                  (C) by inserting before the flush left text at the 
                end the following:
                  ``(C) as described in section 128(a)(3), shall be 
                used to establish and administer a critical industry 
                skills fund described in paragraph (4).''.
          (2) Required statewide employment and training activities.--
                  (A) Statewide rapid response activities.--Section 
                134(a)(2)(A) of the Workforce Innovation and 
                Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(a)(2)(A)) is amended--
                          (i) in clause (i)--
                                  (I) in subclause (I)--
                                          (aa) by striking ``working'' 
                                        and inserting ``as a rapid 
                                        response unit working''; and
                                          (bb) by striking ``and'' at 
                                        the end;
                                  (II) in subclause (II), by striking 
                                the period at the end and inserting ``; 
                                and''; and
                                  (III) by adding at the end the 
                                  ``(III) provision of additional 
                                assistance to a local area that has 
                                excess demand for individual training 
                                accounts for dislocated workers in such 
                                local area and requests such assistance 
                                under paragraph (5) of section 414(c) 
                                of the American Competitiveness and 
                                Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 (29 
                                U.S.C. 3224a(5)), upon a determination 
                                by the State that, in using funds 
                                allocated to such local area pursuant 
                                to paragraph (1) of such section 414(c) 
                                and subsection (c)(1)(B) of this 
                                section for the purpose described in 
                                paragraph (2)(A) of such section 
                                414(c), the local area was in 
                                compliance with the requirements of 
                                such section 414(c).''; and
                          (ii) by adding at the end the following:
                          ``(iii) Insufficient funds to meet excess 
                        demand.--If a State determines that a local 
                        area with excess demand as described in clause 
                        (i)(III) met the compliance requirements 
                        described in such clause, but the State does 
                        not have sufficient funds reserved under 
                        section 133(a)(2) to meet such excess demand, 
                        the State--
                                  ``(I) shall notify the Secretary of 
                                such excess demand; and
                                  ``(II) if eligible, may apply for a 
                                national dislocated worker grant under 
                                section 170 of this Act.''.
                  (B) Statewide employment and training activities.--
                Section 134(a)(2)(B) of the Workforce Innovation and 
                Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(a)(2)(B) is amended--
                          (i) in clause (i)--
                                  (I) in subclause (III), by striking 
                                ``and'' at the end;
                                  (II) in subclause (IV)--
                                          (aa) by inserting ``the 
                                        development and education of 
                                        staff to increase expertise in 
                                        providing opportunities for 
                                        covered veterans (as defined in 
                                        section 4212(a)(3)(A) of title 
                                        38, United States Code) to 
                                        enter in-demand industry 
                                        sectors or occupations and 
                                        nontraditional occupations),'' 
                                        after ``exemplary program 
                                        activities,''; and
                                          (bb) by adding ``and'' at the 
                                        end; and
                                  (III) by adding at the end the 
                                  ``(V) local boards and eligible 
                                training providers in carrying out the 
                                performance reporting required under 
                                section 116(d), including facilitating 
                                data matches for program participants 
                                using quarterly wage record information 
                                (including the wage records made 
                                available by any other State) and other 
                                sources of information, as necessary to 
                                measure the performance of programs and 
                                activities conducted under chapter 2 or 
                                chapter 3 of this subtitle;'';
                          (ii) in clause (ii), by striking ``(7)'' and 
                        inserting ``(6)'';
                          (iii) in clause (v)--
                                  (I) in subclause (II), by striking 
                                ``customized training'' and inserting 
                                ``employer-directed skills 
                                development''; and
                                  (II) in subclause (VI), by striking 
                                ``and'' at the end;
                          (iv) in clause (vi), by striking the period 
                        at the end and inserting a semicolon; and
                          (v) by adding at the end the following:
                          ``(vii) coordinating (which may be done in 
                        partnership with other States) with industry 
                        organizations, employers (including small and 
                        mid-sized employers), industry or sector 
                        partnerships, training providers, local boards, 
                        and institutions of higher education to 
                        identify or develop competency-based 
                        assessments that are a valid and reliable 
                        method of collecting information with respect 
                        to, and measuring, the prior knowledge, skills, 
                        and abilities of individuals who are adults or 
                        dislocated workers for the purpose of--
                                  ``(I) awarding, based on the 
                                knowledge, skills, and abilities of 
                                such an individual validated by such 
                                          ``(aa) a recognized 
                                        postsecondary credential that 
                                        is used by employers in the 
                                        State for recruitment, hiring, 
                                        retention, or advancement 
                                          ``(bb) postsecondary credit 
                                        toward a recognized 
                                        postsecondary credential 
                                        aligned with in-demand industry 
                                        sectors and occupations in the 
                                        State for the purpose of 
                                        accelerating attainment of such 
                                        credential; and
                                          ``(cc) postsecondary credit 
                                        for progress along a career 
                                        pathway developed by the State 
                                        or a local area within the 
                                  ``(II) developing individual 
                                employment plans under subsection 
                                (c)(2)(B)(vii)(II) that incorporate the 
                                knowledge, skills, and abilities of 
                                such an individual to identify--
                                          ``(aa) in-demand industry 
                                        sectors or occupations that 
                                        require similar knowledge, 
                                        skills, and abilities; and
                                          ``(bb) any upskilling needed 
                                        for the individual to secure 
                                        employment in such a sector or 
                                        occupation; and
                                  ``(III) helping such an individual 
                                communicate such knowledge, skills, and 
                                abilities to prospective employers 
                                through a skills-based resume, profile, 
                                or portfolio; and
                          ``(viii) disseminating to local areas and 
                        employers information relating to the 
                        competency-based assessments identified or 
                        developed pursuant to clause (vii), including--
                                  ``(I) any credential or credit 
                                awarded pursuant to items (aa) through 
                                (cc) of clause (vii)(I);
                                  ``(II) the industry organizations, 
                                employers, training providers, and 
                                institutions of higher education 
                                located within the State that recognize 
                                the knowledge, skills, and abilities of 
                                an individual validated by such 
                                  ``(III) how such assessments may be 
                                provided to, and accessed by, 
                                individuals through the one-stop 
                                delivery system; and
                                  ``(IV) information on the extent to 
                                which such assessments are being used 
                                by employers and local areas in the 
          (3) Allowable statewide employment and training activities.--
        Section 134(a)(3)(A) of the Workforce Innovation and 
        Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(a)(3)(A))--
                  (A) in clause (i)--
                          (i) by inserting ``or evidence-based'' after 
                        ``innovative''; and
                          (ii) by striking ``customized training'' and 
                        inserting ``employer-directed skills 
                  (B) in clause (ii), by inserting ``, or bringing 
                evidence-based strategies to scale,'' after 
                  (C) in clause (iii), by striking `` and prior 
                learning assessment to'' and inserting ``, prior 
                learning assessment, or a competency-based assessment 
                identified or developed by the State under paragraph 
                (2)(B)(vii), to'';
                  (D) in clause (viii)(II)--
                          (i) in item (dd), by striking ``and 
                        literacy'' and inserting ``, literacy, and 
                        digital literacy'';
                          (ii) in item (ee), by striking ``ex-offenders 
                        in reentering the workforce; and'' and 
                        inserting `` justice-involved individuals in 
                        reentering the workforce;''; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following:
                                          ``(gg) programs under the 
                                        Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 
                                        U.S.C. 3001 et seq.) that 
                                        support employment and economic 
                                        security; and'';
                  (E) in clause (xiii), by striking ``and'' at the end;
                  (F) in clause (xiv), by striking the period at the 
                end and inserting a semicolon; and
                  (G) by adding at the end the following:
                          ``(xv) supporting employers seeking to 
                        implement skills-based hiring practices, which 
                        may include technical assistance on the use and 
                        validation of employment assessments (including 
                        competency-based assessments developed or 
                        identified by the State pursuant to paragraph 
                        (2)(B)(vii)), and support in the creation of 
                        skills-based job descriptions;
                          ``(xvi) developing partnerships between 
                        educational institutions (including area career 
                        and technical education schools, local 
                        educational agencies, and institutions of 
                        higher education) and employers to create or 
                        improve workforce development programs to 
                        address the identified education and skill 
                        needs of the workforce and the employment needs 
                        of employers in regions of the State, as 
                        determined by the most recent analysis 
                        conducted under subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) 
                        of section 102(b)(1);
                          ``(xvii) identifying and making available to 
                        residents of the State, free or reduced cost 
                        access to online skills development programs 
                        that are aligned with in-demand industries or 
                        occupations in the State and lead to attainment 
                        of a recognized postsecondary credential valued 
                        by employers in such industries or occupations; 
                          ``(xviii) establishing and administering 
                        critical skills fund under paragraph (4).''.
          (4) Critical industry skills fund.--Section 134(a) of the 
        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(a)), 
        as amended, is further amended by adding at the end the 
          ``(4) Critical industry skills fund.--
                  ``(A) Performance-based payments.--A State shall use 
                funds reserved under paragraph (3)(A) of section 
                128(a), and any funds reserved under paragraph (3)(B) 
                of section 128(a), to establish and administer a 
                critical industry skills fund to award performance-
                based payments on a per-worker basis to eligible 
                entities that provide eligible skills development 
                programs to prospective workers or incumbent workers 
                (which may include youth age 18 through age 24) in 
                industries and occupations identified by the Governor 
                under subparagraph (B) that will result in employment 
                or retention with a participating employer.
                  ``(B) Industries and occupations.--
                          ``(i) In general.--The Governor (in 
                        consultation with the State board)--
                                  ``(I) shall identify the industries 
                                and occupations for which an eligible 
                                skills development program carried out 
                                by an eligible entity in the State may 
                                receive funds under this paragraph; and
                                  ``(II) may select the industries and 
                                occupations identified under subclause 
                                (I) that will receive priority for 
                                funds under this paragraph.
                          ``(ii) High growth and high wage.--In 
                        selecting industries or occupations to 
                        prioritize pursuant to clause (i)(II), the 
                        Governor may consider--
                                  ``(I) industries that have, or are 
                                expected to have, a high rate of growth 
                                and an unmet demand for skilled 
                                workers; and
                                  ``(II) occupations--
                                          ``(aa) with wages that are 
                                        significantly higher than an 
                                        occupation of similar level of 
                                        skill or needed skill 
                                        development; or
                                          ``(bb) that are aligned with 
                                        career pathways into higher 
                                        wage occupations.
                  ``(C) Submission of proposals.--
                          ``(i) In general.--To be eligible to receive 
                        a payment under the critical industry skills 
                        fund established under this paragraph by a 
                        State, an eligible entity shall submit a 
                        proposal to the Governor in such form and at 
                        such time as the Governor may require (subject 
                        to the requirements of clause (ii)), which 
                        shall include--
                                  ``(I) a description of the industries 
                                or occupations in which the 
                                participating employer is seeking to 
                                fill jobs, the specific skills or 
                                credentials necessary for an individual 
                                to obtain such a job, and the salary 
                                range of such a job;
                                  ``(II) the expected number of 
                                individuals who will participate in the 
                                skills development program to be 
                                carried out by the eligible entity;
                                  ``(III) a description of the eligible 
                                skills development program, including 
                                the provider, the length of the 
                                program, the skills to be gained, and 
                                any recognized postsecondary 
                                credentials that will be awarded;
                                  ``(IV) the total cost of providing 
                                the program;
                                  ``(V) for purposes of receiving a 
                                payment pursuant to subparagraph 
                                (D)(i)(II)(bb), a commitment from the 
                                participating employer in the eligible 
                                entity to employ each participant of 
                                the program for not less than a 6-month 
                                period (or a longer period as 
                                determined by the State) after 
                                successful completion of the program; 
                                  ``(VI) an assurance that the entity 
                                          ``(aa) establish the written 
                                        agreements described in 
                                        subparagraph (D)(ii)(I);
                                          ``(bb) maintain and submit 
                                        the documentation described in 
                                        subparagraph (D)(ii)(II); and
                                          ``(cc) maintain and submit 
                                        the necessary documentation for 
                                        the State to verify participant 
                                        outcomes and report such 
                                        outcomes as described in 
                                        subparagraph (F).
                          ``(ii) Administrative burden.--The Governor 
                        shall ensure that the form and manner in which 
                        a proposal required to be submitted under 
                        clause (i) is designed to minimize paperwork 
                        and administrative burden for entities.
                          ``(iii) Approval of subsequent proposals.--
                        With respect to an eligible entity that has had 
                        a proposal approved by the Governor under this 
                        subparagraph and that submits a subsequent 
                        proposal under this subparagraph, the eligible 
                        entity may only receive approval from the 
                        Governor for the subsequent proposal if--
                                  ``(I) with respect to the most recent 
                                proposal approved under this 
                                          ``(aa) the skills development 
                                        program has ended;
                                          ``(bb) for any participants 
                                        employed by the participating 
                                        employer in accordance with 
                                        subparagraph (C)(i)(V), the 
                                        minimum periods of such 
                                        employment described in such 
                                        subparagraph have ended;
                                          ``(cc) all the payments under 
                                        subparagraph (D) owed to the 
                                        eligible entity have been made; 
                                          ``(dd) not fewer than 70 
                                        percent of the participants who 
                                        enrolled in the skills 
                                        development program--
                                                  ``(AA) completed such 
                                                program; and
                                                  ``(BB) after such 
                                                completion, were 
                                                employed by the 
                                                participating employer 
                                                for the minimum period 
                                                described in 
                                                subparagraph (C)(i)(V); 
                                  ``(II) the eligible entity meets any 
                                other requirements that the Governor 
                                may establish with respect to eligible 
                                entities submitting subsequent 
                  ``(D) Reimbursement for approved proposals.--
                          ``(i) State requirements.--
                                  ``(I) In general.--With respect to 
                                each eligible entity whose proposal 
                                under subparagraph (C) has been 
                                approved by the Governor, the Governor 
                                shall make payments (in an amount 
                                determined by the Governor and subject 
                                to the requirements of subclause (II) 
                                of this clause, subparagraphs (E) and 
                                (G), and any other limitations 
                                determined necessary by the State) from 
                                the critical industry skills fund 
                                established under this paragraph to 
                                such eligible entity for each 
                                participant of the eligible skills 
                                development program described in such 
                                proposal and with respect to whom the 
                                eligible entity meets the requirements 
                                of clause (ii).
                                  ``(II) Payments.--In making payments 
                                to an eligible entity under subclause 
                                (I) with respect to a participant--
                                          ``(aa) 50 percent of the 
                                        total payment shall be made 
                                        after the participant completes 
                                        the eligible skills development 
                                        program offered by the eligible 
                                        entity; and
                                          ``(bb) the remaining 50 
                                        percent of such total payment 
                                        shall be made after the 
                                        participant has been employed 
                                        by the participating employer 
                                        for the minimum period 
                                        described in subparagraph 
                          ``(ii) Eligible entity requirements.--To be 
                        eligible to receive the payments described in 
                        clause (i) with respect to a participant, an 
                        eligible entity described in such clause 
                                  ``(I) establish a written agreement 
                                with the participant that includes the 
                                information described in subclauses (I) 
                                and (III) of subparagraph (C)(i); and
                                  ``(II) submit documentation as the 
                                Governor determines necessary to verify 
                                that such participant has completed the 
                                skills development program offered by 
                                the eligible entity and has been 
                                employed by the participating employer 
                                for the minimum period described in 
                                subparagraph (C)(i)(V).
                  ``(E) Non-federal cost sharing.--
                          ``(i) Limits on federal share.--An eligible 
                        entity may not receive funds under subparagraph 
                        (D) with respect to a participant of the 
                        eligible skills development program offered by 
                        the eligible entity in excess of the following 
                        costs of such program:
                                  ``(I) In the case of a participating 
                                employer of such eligible entity with 
                                25 or fewer employees, 90 percent of 
                                the costs.
                                  ``(II) In the case of a participating 
                                employer of such eligible entity with 
                                more than 25 employees, but fewer than 
                                100 employees, 75 percent of the costs.
                                  ``(III) In the case of a 
                                participating employer of such eligible 
                                entity with 100 or more employees, 50 
                                percent of the costs.
                          ``(ii) Non-federal share.--
                                  ``(I) In general.--Any costs of the 
                                skills development program offered to a 
                                participant by such eligible entity 
                                that are not covered by the funds 
                                received under subparagraph (D) shall 
                                be the non-Federal share provided by 
                                the eligible entity (in cash or in-
                                  ``(II) Employer cost sharing.--If the 
                                eligible skills development program is 
                                being provided on-the-job, the non-
                                Federal share provided by an eligible 
                                entity may include the amount of the 
                                wages paid by the participating 
                                employer of the eligible entity to a 
                                participant while such participant is 
                                receiving the training.
                  ``(F) Performance reporting.--
                          ``(i) In general.--The State shall use the 
                        participant information provided by eligible 
                        entities to submit to the Secretary a report, 
                        on an annual basis, with respect to the 
                        participants of the eligible skills development 
                        programs for which the eligible entities 
                        received funds under this paragraph for the 
                        most recent program year, which shall--
                                  ``(I) be made digitally available by 
                                the Secretary using linked, open, and 
                                interoperable data, which shall 
                                include; and
                                  ``(II) include--
                                          ``(aa) the number of 
                                        individuals who participated in 
                                        programs, unless such 
                                        information would reveal 
                                        personally identifiable 
                                        information about an 
                                        individual); and
                                          ``(bb) performance outcomes 
                                        on the measures listed in 
                                        clause (ii).
                          ``(ii) Measures.--The measures listed below 
                        are as follows:
                                  ``(I) The percentage of participants 
                                who completed the skills development 
                                  ``(II) The percentage of participants 
                                who were employed by the participating 
                                employer for a 6-month period after 
                                program completion.
                                  ``(III) The percentage of 
                                participants who were employed by the 
                                participating employer as described in 
                                subclause (II), and who remained 
                                employed by the participating employer 
                                1 year after program completion.
                                  ``(IV) The median earnings of program 
                                participants who are in unsubsidized 
                                employment during the second quarter 
                                after program completion.
                                  ``(V) The median earnings increase of 
                                program participants, measured by 
                                comparing the earning of a participant 
                                in the second quarter prior to entry 
                                into the program to the earnings of 
                                such participant in the second quarter 
                                following completion of the program.
                  ``(G) Definitions.--In this paragraph:
                          ``(i) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible 
                        entity' means an employer, a group of 
                        employers, an industry or sector partnership, 
                        or another entity serving as an intermediary 
                        (such as a local board) that is in a 
                        partnership with at least one employer in an 
                        industry or occupation identified by the 
                        Governor under subparagraph (B)(i) (referred to 
                        in this paragraph as the `participating 
                          ``(ii) Eligible skills development program.--
                        The term `eligible skills development program', 
                        with respect to which a State may set a maximum 
                        and minimum length (in weeks)--
                                  ``(I) includes work-based education 
                                or related occupational skills 
                                instruction that--
                                          ``(aa) develops the specific 
                                        technical skills necessary for 
                                        successful performance of the 
                                        occupations in which 
                                        participants are to be employed 
                                        upon completion; and
                                          ``(bb) may be provided by the 
                                        eligible entity or by any 
                                        training provider selected by 
                                        the eligible entity and that is 
                                        not required to be on a list of 
                                        eligible providers of training 
                                        services described in section 
                                        122(d); and
                                  ``(II) may not include employee 
                                onboarding, orientation, or 
                                professional development generally 
                                provided to employees.''.
          (5) State-imposed requirements.--Section 134(a) of the 
        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(a)), 
        as amended, is further amended by adding at the end the 
          ``(5) State-imposed requirements.--Whenever a State or 
        outlying area implements any rule or policy relating to the 
        administration or operation of activities authorized under this 
        title that has the effect of imposing a requirement that is not 
        imposed under Federal law, or is not a requirement, process, or 
        criteria that the Governor or State is directed to establish 
        under Federal law, the State or outlying area shall identify to 
        local areas and eligible providers the requirement as being 
        imposed by the State or outlying area.''.
  (b) Required Local Employment and Training Activities.--
          (1) Minimum amount for skills development.--Section 134(c)(1) 
        of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
        3174(c)(1)) is amended--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A)(iv), by striking ``to'' and 
                inserting ``to provide business services described in 
                paragraph (4) and'';
                  (B) by redesignating subparagraph (B) as subparagraph 
                (C); and
                  (C) by inserting after subparagraph (A), as so 
                amended, the following:
                  ``(B) Minimum amount for skills development.--Not 
                less than 50 percent of the funds described in 
                subparagraph (A) shall be used by the local area--
                          ``(i) for the payment of training services--
                                  ``(I) provided to adults under 
                                paragraph (3)(F)(iii); and
                                  ``(II) provided to adults and 
                                dislocated workers under paragraph 
                                (3)(G)(ii); and
                          ``(ii) for the payment of training services 
                        under paragraph (2)(A) of section 414(c) of the 
                        American Competitiveness and Workforce 
                        Improvement Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 3224a(c)) 
                        after funds allocated to such local area under 
                        paragraph (1) of such section 414(c) have been 
                        exhausted.''; and
                  (D) in subparagraph (C), as so redesignated, by 
                striking ``and (ii)'' and inserting ``, (ii), and 
          (2) Career services.--Section 134(c)(2) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(2)) is 
                  (A) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) through (C) as 
                subparagraphs (B) through (D), respectively;
                  (B) by inserting before subparagraph (B), as so 
                redesignated, the following:
                  ``(A) Basic career services.--
                          ``(i) In general.--The one-stop delivery 
                                  ``(I) shall coordinate with the 
                                Employment Service office colocated 
                                with the one-stop delivery system for 
                                such Employment Service office to 
                                provide, using the funds allotted to 
                                the State under section 6 of the 
                                Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49e), 
                                basic career services, which shall--
                                          ``(aa) include, at a minimum, 
                                        the services listed in clause 
                                        (ii); and
                                          ``(bb) be available to 
                                        individuals who are adults or 
                                        dislocated workers in an 
                                        integrated manner to streamline 
                                        access to assistance for such 
                                        individuals, to avoid 
                                        duplication of services, and to 
                                        enhance coordination of 
                                        services; and
                                  ``(II) may use funds allocated under 
                                paragraph (1)(A), as necessary, to 
                                supplement the services that are 
                                provided pursuant to subclause (I) to 
                                individuals who are adults or 
                                dislocated workers.
                          ``(ii) Services.--The basic career services 
                        provided pursuant to clause (i) shall include--
                                  ``(I) provision of workforce and 
                                labor market employment statistics 
                                information, including the provision of 
                                accurate (and, to the extent 
                                practicable, real-time) information 
                                relating to local, regional, and 
                                national labor market areas, 
                                          ``(aa) job vacancy listings 
                                        in such labor market areas;
                                          ``(bb) information on job 
                                        skills necessary to obtain the 
                                        jobs described in item (aa); 
                                          ``(cc) information relating 
                                        to local occupations in demand 
                                        (which may include 
                                        opportunities), and the 
                                        earnings, skill requirements, 
                                        and opportunities for 
                                        advancement for such 
                                  ``(II) labor exchange services, 
                                including job search and placement 
                                assistance and, in appropriate cases, 
                                career counseling, including--
                                          ``(aa) provision of 
                                        information on in-demand 
                                        industry sectors and 
                                          ``(bb) provision of 
                                        information on nontraditional 
                                        employment; and
                                          ``(cc) provision of 
                                        information on 
                                        entrepreneurship, as 
                                  ``(III)(aa) provision of information, 
                                in formats that are usable by and 
                                understandable to one-stop center 
                                customers, relating to the availability 
                                of supportive services or assistance, 
                                including child care, child support, 
                                medical or child health assistance 
                                under title XIX or XXI of the Social 
                                Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq. 
                                and 1397aa et seq.), benefits under the 
                                supplemental nutrition assistance 
                                program established under the Food and 
                                Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et 
                                seq.), assistance through the earned 
                                income tax credit under section 32 of 
                                the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and 
                                assistance under a State program for 
                                temporary assistance for needy families 
                                funded under part A of title IV of the 
                                Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et 
                                seq.) and other supportive services and 
                                transportation provided through funds 
                                made available under such part, 
                                available in the local area; and
                                  ``(bb) referral to the services or 
                                assistance described in item (aa), as 
                                  ``(IV) provision of information and 
                                assistance regarding filing claims for 
                                unemployment compensation; and
                                  ``(V) assistance in establishing 
                                eligibility for programs of financial 
                                aid assistance for training and 
                                education programs that are not funded 
                                under this Act.'';
                  (C) in subparagraph (B), as so redesignated--
                          (i) in the heading, by striking the heading 
                        and inserting ``Individualized career'';
                          (ii) by inserting ``individualized'' before 
                        ``career services'';
                          (iii) by inserting ``shall, to the extent 
                        practicable, be evidence-based,'' before ``and 
                          (iv) in clause (iii), by inserting ``, and a 
                        determination (considering factors including 
                        prior work experience, military service, 
                        education, and in-demand industry sectors and 
                        occupations in the local area) of whether such 
                        an individual would benefit from a competency-
                        based assessment developed or identified by the 
                        State pursuant to subsection (a)(2)(B)(vii) to 
                        accelerate the time to obtaining employment 
                        that leads to economic self-sufficiency or 
                        career advancement'' before the semi-colon at 
                        the end;
                          (v) by striking clauses (iv), (vi), (ix), 
                        (x), and (xi);
                          (vi) by redesignating clauses (v), (vii), 
                        (viii), (xii), and (xiii) as clauses (iv), (v), 
                        (vi), (vii), and (viii), respectively;
                          (vii) in clause (v), as so redesignated, by 
                        inserting ``and credential'' after ``by 
                        program''; and
                          (viii) in clause (vii)(I)(aa), as so 
                        redesignated, by inserting ``, including a 
                        competency-based assessment developed or 
                        identified by the State pursuant to subsection 
                        (a)(2)(B)(vii)'' after ``tools'';
                  (D) by amending subparagraph (C), as so redesignated, 
                to read as follows:
                  ``(C) Use of previous assessments.--A one-stop 
                operator or one-stop partner shall not be required to 
                conduct a new interview, evaluation, or assessment of a 
                participant under subparagraph (B)(vii) if the one-stop 
                operator or one-stop partner determines that--
                          ``(i) it is appropriate to use a recent 
                        interview, evaluation, or assessment of the 
                        participant conducted pursuant to another 
                        education or training program; and
                          ``(ii) using such recent interview, 
                        evaluation, or assessment will accelerate an 
                        eligibility determination.''; and
                  (E) in subparagraph (D), as so redesignated--
                          (i) by inserting ``individualized'' before 
                        ``career''; and
                          (ii) in clause (ii), by inserting ``, 
                        libraries, and community-based organizations'' 
                        after ``nonprofit service providers''.
          (3) Training services.--Section 134(c)(3) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(3)) is 
                  (A) in subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) in clause (i), in the matter preceding 
                        subclause (I), by striking ``clause (ii)'' and 
                        inserting ``clause (ii) or (iii)''
                          (ii) in clause (i)(II)--
                                  (I) by striking ``or in'' and 
                                inserting ``in'' and
                                  (II) by inserting ``, or that may be 
                                performed remotely'' after 
                          (iii) by redesignating clause (iii) as clause 
                          (iv) by inserting after clause (ii) the 
                          ``(iii) Employer referral.--
                                  ``(I) In general.--A one-stop 
                                operator or one-stop partner shall not 
                                be required to conduct an interview, 
                                evaluation, or assessment of an 
                                individual under clause (i)(I) if such 
                                          ``(aa) is referred by an 
                                        employer to receive on-the-job 
                                        training or employer-directed 
                                        skills development in 
                                        connection with that employer; 
                                          ``(bb) has been certified by 
                                        the employer as being in need 
                                        of training services to obtain 
                                        unsubsidized employment with 
                                        such employer and having the 
                                        skills and qualifications to 
                                        successfully participate in the 
                                        selected program of training 
                                  ``(II) Priority.--A one-stop operator 
                                or one-stop partner shall follow the 
                                priority described in subparagraph (E) 
                                to determine whether an individual that 
                                meets the requirements of subclause (I) 
                                of this clause is eligible to receive 
                                training services.''; and
                          (v) by adding at the end the following:
                          ``(v) Adult education and family literacy 
                        activities.--In the case of an individual who 
                        is determined to not have the skills and 
                        qualifications to successfully participate in 
                        the selected program of training services under 
                        clause (i)(I)(cc), the one-stop operator or 
                        one-stop partner shall refer such individual to 
                        adult education and literacy activities under 
                        title II, including for co-enrollment in such 
                        activities, as appropriate.'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) in clause (i)--
                                  (I) in subclause (I), by striking 
                                ``other grant assistance for such 
                                services, including'' and inserting 
                                ``assistance for such services under''; 
                                  (II) by striking ``under other grant 
                                assistance programs, including'' and 
                                inserting ``under''; and
                          (ii) by adding at the end the following:
                          ``(iv) Participation during eligibility 
                        determination.--An individual may participate 
                        in a program of training services during the 
                        period which such individual's eligibility for 
                        training services under clause (i) is being 
                        determined, except that the provider of such a 
                        program shall only receive reimbursement under 
                        this Act for the individual's participation 
                        during such period if such individual is 
                        determined to be eligible under clause (i).'';
                  (C) in subparagraph (D)(xi), by striking ``customized 
                training'' and inserting ``employer-directed skills 
                  (D) in subparagraph (E)--
                          (i) by striking ``are basic skills 
                        deficient'' and inserting ``have foundational 
                        skill needs''; and
                          (ii) by striking ``paragraph (2)(A)(xii)'' 
                        and inserting ``paragraph (2)(B)(vii)'';
                  (E) in subparagraph (G)(ii)--
                          (i) in subclause (II), by striking 
                        ``customized training'' and inserting 
                        ``employer-directed skills development''; and
                          (ii) in subclause (IV), by striking ``is a'' 
                        and inserting ``is an evidence-based'';
                  (F) in subparagraph (H)--
                          (i) in clause (i), by striking 
                        ``reimbursement described in section 3(44)'' 
                        and inserting ``reimbursement described in the 
                        definition of the term ``on-the-job training'' 
                        in section 3''; and
                          (ii) in clause (ii)--
                                  (I) in subclause (I), by inserting 
                                ``, such as the extent to which 
                                participants are individuals with 
                                barriers to employment'' after 
                                ``participants''; and
                                  (II) in subclause (III), by inserting 
                                ``, including whether the skills a 
                                participant will obtain are 
                                transferable to other employers, 
                                occupations, or industries in the local 
                                area or the State'' after 
                                ``opportunities''; and
                  (G) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(I) Employer-directed skills development.--An 
                employer may receive a contract from a local board to 
                provide employer-directed skills development to a 
                participant or group of participants if the employer 
                submits to the local board an agreement that 
                          ``(i) the provider of the skills development 
                        program, which may be the employer;
                          ``(ii) the length of the skills development 
                          ``(iii) the recognized postsecondary 
                        credentials that will be awarded to, or the 
                        occupational skills that will be gained by, 
                        program participants;
                          ``(iv) the cost of the skills development 
                          ``(v) the amount of such cost that will be 
                        paid by the employer, which shall not be less 
                        than the amount specified in section 3(14)(C); 
                          ``(vi) a commitment by the employer to employ 
                        the participating individual or individuals 
                        upon successful completion of the program.''.
  (c) Business Services.--Section 134(c) of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)) is further amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)(A)(iv), by inserting ``provide business 
        services described in paragraph (4) and'' before ``establish''; 
          (2) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(4) Business services.--Funds described in paragraph (1) 
        shall be used to provide appropriate recruitment and other 
        business services and strategies on behalf of employers, 
        including small employers, that meet the workforce investment 
        needs of area employers, as determined by the local board and 
        consistent with the local plan under section 108, which 
                  ``(A) may be provided through effective business 
                intermediaries working in conjunction with the local 
                board, and may also be provided on a fee-for-service 
                basis or through the leveraging of economic 
                development, philanthropic, and other public and 
                private resources in a manner determined appropriate by 
                the local board; and
                  ``(B) may include one or more of the following:
                          ``(i) Developing and implementing industry 
                        sector strategies (including strategies 
                        involving industry partnerships, regional 
                        skills alliances, industry skill panels, and 
                        sectoral skills partnerships).
                          ``(ii) Developing and delivering innovative 
                        workforce investment services and strategies 
                        for area employers, which may include career 
                        pathways, skills upgrading, skill standard 
                        development and certification for recognized 
                        postsecondary credential or other employer use, 
                        apprenticeship, and other effective initiatives 
                        for meeting the workforce investment needs of 
                        area employers and workers.
                          ``(iii) Assistance to area employers in 
                        managing reductions in force in coordination 
                        with rapid response activities provided under 
                        subsection (a)(2)(A) and developing strategies 
                        for the aversion of layoffs, which strategies 
                        may include early identification of firms at 
                        risk of layoffs, use of feasibility studies to 
                        assess the needs of and options for at-risk 
                        firms, and the delivery of employment and 
                        training activities to address risk factors.
                          ``(iv) The marketing of business services 
                        offered under this title to appropriate area 
                        employers, including small and mid-sized 
                          ``(v) Technical assistance or other support 
                        to employers seeking to implement skills-based 
                        hiring practices, which may include technical 
                        assistance on the use and validation of 
                        employment assessments, including competency-
                        based assessments developed or identified by 
                        the State pursuant to paragraph (2)(B)(vii), 
                        and support in the creation of skills-based job 
                          ``(vi) Other services described in this 
                        subsection, including providing information and 
                        referral to microenterprise services, as 
                        appropriate, and specialized business services 
                        not traditionally offered through the one-stop 
                        delivery system.''.
  (d) Permissible Local Employment and Training Activities.--
          (1) Activities.--Section 134(d)(1)(A) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(d)(1)(A)) is 
                  (A) by amending clause (iii) to read as follows:
                          ``(iii) implementation of a pay-for-
                        performance contract strategy for training 
                        services, for which the local board may reserve 
                        and use not more than 40 percent of the total 
                        funds allocated to the local area under 
                        paragraph (2) or (3) of section 133(b), except 
                        that after 2 fiscal years of a local board 
                        implementing such pay-for-performance contract 
                        strategy, the local board may request approval 
                        from the Governor to reserve and use not more 
                        than 60 percent of the total funds allocated to 
                        the local area under paragraph (2) or (3) of 
                        section 133(b) for such strategy for the 
                        following fiscal year if the local board can 
                        demonstrate to the Governor the performance 
                        improvements achieved through the use of such 
                  (B) in clause (vii)--
                          (i) in subclause (II), by striking ``and'' at 
                        the end;
                          (ii) in subclause (III), by inserting ``and'' 
                        at the end; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following:
                                  ``(IV) to strengthen, through 
                                professional development activities, 
                                the knowledge and capacity of staff to 
                                use the latest digital technologies, 
                                tools, and strategies to deliver high 
                                quality services and outcomes for 
                                jobseekers, workers, and employers;'';
                  (C) in clause (ix)(II)--
                          (i) in item (cc), by striking ``and'' at the 
                          (ii) in item (dd), by inserting ``and'' at 
                        the end; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following:
                                          ``(ee) technical assistance 
                                        or other support to employers 
                                        seeking to implement skills-
                                        based hiring practices, which 
                                        may include technical 
                                        assistance on the use and 
                                        validation of employment 
                                        assessments, including 
                                        competency-based assessments 
                                        developed or identified by the 
                                        State pursuant to paragraph 
                                        (2)(B)(vii), and support in the 
                                        creation of skills-based job 
                  (D) in clause (xi), by striking ``and'' at the end;
                  (E) in clause (xii), by striking the period at the 
                end and inserting a semicolon; and
                  (F) by adding at the end the following:
                          ``(xiii) the use of competency-based 
                        assessments for individuals upon initial 
                        assessment of skills (pursuant to subsection 
                        (c)(2)(A)(iii)) or completion of training 
                        services or other learning experiences; and
                          ``(xiv) the development of partnerships 
                        between educational institutions (including 
                        area career and technical education schools, 
                        local educational agencies, and institutions of 
                        higher education) and employers to create or 
                        improve workforce development programs to 
                        address the identified education and skill 
                        needs of the workforce and the employment needs 
                        of employers in a region, as determined based 
                        on the most recent analysis conducted by the 
                        local board under section 107(d)(2).''.
          (2) Incumbent worker training programs.--
                  (A) In general.--Section 134(d)(4)(A) of the 
                Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
                3174(d)(4)(A)) is amended--
                          (i) in clause (i), by striking ``20'' and 
                        inserting ``30'''
                          (ii) by redesignating clauses (ii) and (iii) 
                        as clauses (iii) and (iv), respectively; and
                          (iii) by inserting after clause (i) the 
                          ``(ii) Increase in reservation of funds.--
                        Notwithstanding clause (i)--
                                  ``(I) with respect to a local area 
                                that had a rate of unemployment of not 
                                more than 3 percent for not less than 6 
                                months during the preceding program 
                                year, clause (i) shall be applied by 
                                substituting `40 percent' for `30 
                                percent'; or
                                  ``(II) with respect to a local area 
                                that meets the requirement in subclause 
                                (I) and is located in a State that had 
                                a labor force participation rate of not 
                                less than 68 percent for not less than 
                                6 months during the preceding program 
                                year, clause (i) shall be applied by 
                                substituting `45 percent' for `30 
                  (B) Incumbent worker upskilling accounts.--Section 
                134(d)(4) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
                Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(d)(4)) is further amended by adding 
                at the end the following:
                  ``(E) Incumbent worker upskilling accounts.--
                          ``(i) In general.--To establish incumbent 
                        worker upskilling accounts through which an 
                        eligible provider of training services under 
                        section 122 may be paid for the program of 
                        training services provided to an incumbent 
                        worker, a local board--
                                  ``(I) may use up to 5 percent of the 
                                funds reserved by the local area under 
                                subparagraph (A)(i) or, if the local 
                                area reserved funds under subparagraph 
                                (A)(ii), up to 10 percent of such 
                                reserved funds; and
                                  ``(II) may use funds reserved under 
                                section 134(a)(2)(A) for statewide 
                                rapid response activities and provided 
                                by the State to local area to establish 
                                such accounts.
                          ``(ii) Eligibility.--
                                  ``(I) In general.--Subject to 
                                subclause (II), a local board that 
                                seeks to establish incumbent worker 
                                upskilling accounts under clause (i) 
                                shall establish criteria for 
                                determining the eligibility of an 
                                incumbent worker to receive such an 
                                account, which shall take into account 
                                factors of--
                                          ``(aa) the wages of the 
                                        incumbent worker as of the date 
                                        of determining such worker's 
                                        eligibility under this clause;
                                          ``(bb) the career advancement 
                                        opportunities for the incumbent 
                                        worker in the occupation of 
                                        such worker as of such date; 
                                          ``(cc) the ability of the 
                                        incumbent worker to, upon 
                                        completion of the program of 
                                        training services selected by 
                                        such worker, secure employment 
                                        in an in-demand industry or 
                                        occupation in the local area 
                                        that will lead to economic 
                                        self-sufficiency and wages 
                                        higher than the current wages 
                                        of the incumbent worker.
                                  ``(II) Limitation.--
                                          ``(aa) In general.--An 
                                        incumbent worker described in 
                                        item (bb) shall be ineligible 
                                        to receive an incumbent worker 
                                        upskilling account under this 
                                          ``(bb) Ineligibility.--Item 
                                        (aa) shall apply to an 
                                        incumbent worker--
                                                  ``(AA) whose total 
                                                annual wages for the 
                                                most recent year are 
                                                greater than the median 
                                                household income of the 
                                                State; or
                                                  ``(BB) who has earned 
                                                a baccalaureate or 
                                                professional degree.
                          ``(iii) Cost sharing for certain incumbent 
                        workers.--With respect to an incumbent worker 
                        determined to be eligible to receive an 
                        incumbent worker upskilling account who is not 
                        a low-income individual--
                                  ``(I) such incumbent worker shall pay 
                                not less than 25 percent of the cost of 
                                the program of training services 
                                selected by such worker; and
                                  ``(II) funds provided through the 
                                incumbent worker upskilling account 
                                established for such worker shall cover 
                                the remaining 75 percent of the cost of 
                                the program.''.



  Section 136 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3181) is amended to read as follows:


  ``(a) Youth Workforce Investment Activities.--There are authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out the activities described in section 127(a) 
$976,573,900 for each of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  ``(b) Adult Employment and Training Activities.--There are authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out the activities described in section 
132(a)(1) $912,218,500 for each of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  ``(c) Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities.--There 
are authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities described 
in section 132(a)(2) $1,451,859,000 for each of the fiscal years 2025 
through 2030.''.

                         Subtitle D--Job Corps


  Section 141 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3191) is amended by striking ``centers'' each place it appears 
and inserting ``campuses''.


  Section 142 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3192) is amended--
          (1) in paragraphs (1), (7), (8), and (10), by striking 
        ``center'' each place it appears and inserting ``campus''; and
          (2) in paragraph (7), by striking ``center'' in the header 
        and inserting ``campus''.


  Section 144 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3194) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1)--
                          (i) by striking ``21'' and inserting ``24'';
                          (ii) by amending subparagraph (A) to read as 
                  ``(A) an individual who is age 16 or 17 shall be 
                eligible only upon an individual determination by the 
                director of a Job Corps campus that such individual 
                meets the criteria described in subparagraph (A) or (B) 
                of section 145(b)(1); and''; and
                          (iii) in subparagraph (B), by striking 
                  (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting after 
                ``individual'' the following: ``or a resident of a 
                qualified opportunity zone as defined in section 1400Z-
                1(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986''; and
                  (C) in paragraph (3), by amending subparagraph (A) to 
                read as follows:
                  ``(A) Has foundational skill needs.'';
          (2) in subsection (b), by inserting after ``a veteran'' the 
        following: ``or a member of the Armed Forces eligible for 
        preseparation counseling of the Transition Assistance Program 
        under section 1142 of title 10, United States Code''; and
          (3) by inserting at the end the following:
  ``(c)  Special Rule for Homeless and Foster Youth.--In determining 
whether an individual is eligible to enroll for services under this 
subtitle on the basis of being an individual who is a homeless child or 
youth, or a youth in foster care, as described in subsection (a)(3)(C), 
staff shall--
          ``(1) if determining whether the individual is a homeless 
        child or youth, use a process that is in compliance with the 
        requirements of subsection (a) of section 479D of the Higher 
        Education Act of 1965, as added by section 702(l) of the FAFSA 
        Simplification Act (Public Law 116-260), for financial aid 
        administrators; and
          ``(2) if determining whether the individual is a youth in 
        foster care, use a process that is in compliance with the 
        requirements of subsection (b) of such section 479D of the 
        Higher Education Act of 1965, as added by section 702(l) of the 
        FAFSA Simplification Act (Public Law 116-260), for financial 
        aid administrators.''.


  Section 145 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3195) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)--
                  (A) in paragraph (2)--
                          (i) by amending subparagraph (A) to read as 
                  ``(A) prescribe procedures for--
                          ``(i) administering drug tests to enrollees; 
                          ``(ii) informing such enrollees that drug 
                        tests will be administered;'';
                          (ii) in subparagraph (D), by striking 
                          (iii) in subparagraph (E), by striking the 
                        period and inserting ``; and''; and
                          (iv) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(F) assist applicable one-stop centers and other 
                entities identified in paragraph (3) in developing 
                joint applications for Job Corps, YouthBuild, and the 
                youth activities described in section 129.''; and
                  (B) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(6) Drug test procedures.--The procedures prescribed under 
        paragraph (2)(A)(i) shall require that--
                  ``(A) each enrollee take a drug test not more than 48 
                hours after such enrollee arrives on campus;
                  ``(B) if the result of the drug test taken by an 
                enrollee pursuant to subparagraph (A) is positive, the 
                enrollee take a subsequent drug test at the earliest 
                appropriate time (considering the substance and potency 
                levels identified in the initial test) to determine if 
                the enrollee has continued to use drugs since arriving 
                on campus, the results of which must be received not 
                later than 50 days after the enrollee arrived on 
                campus; and
                  ``(C) if the result of the subsequent test 
                administered under subparagraph (B) is positive, the 
                enrollee be terminated from the program and referred to 
                a substance use disorder treatment program.''; and
          (2) in subsections (b), (c), and (d)--
                  (A) by striking ``center'' each place it appears and 
                inserting ``campus''; and
                  (B) by striking ``centers'' each place it appears and 
                inserting ``campus''.


  Section 147 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3197) is amended--
          (1) in the header, by striking ``centers'' and inserting 
          (2) in subsection (a)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1)--
                          (i) by striking ``center'' each place it 
                        appears and inserting ``campus''; and
                          (ii) in subparagraph (A), by inserting after 
                        ``area career and technical education school,'' 
                        the following: ``an institution of higher 
                  (B) in paragraph (2)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (A)--
                                  (I) by striking ``center'' each place 
                                it appears and inserting ``campus''; 
                                  (II) by inserting after ``United 
                                States Code,'' the following: ``and 
                                paragraph (2)(C)(iii) of section 
                                159(f),''; and
                          (ii) in subparagraph (B)--
                                  (I) in clause (i)--
                                          (aa) by striking ``operate a 
                                        Job Corps center'' and 
                                        inserting ``operate a Job Corps 
                                          (bb) by striking subclause 
                                          (cc) by redesignating 
                                        subclauses (I), (II), (III), 
                                        and (V), as subclauses (III), 
                                        (IV), (V), and (VI), 
                                          (dd) by inserting before 
                                        subclause (III), as so 
                                        redesignated, the following:
                                  ``(I) (aa) in the case of an entity 
                                that has previously operated a Job 
                                Corps campus, a numeric metric of the 
                                past achievement on the primary 
                                indicators of performance for eligible 
                                youth described in section 
                                116(b)(2)(A)(ii); or
                                  ``(bb) in the case of an entity that 
                                has not previously operated a Job Corps 
                                campus, an alternative numeric metric 
                                on the past effectiveness of the entity 
                                in successfully assisting at-risk youth 
                                to connect to the labor force, based on 
                                such primary indicators of performance 
                                for eligible youth;
                                  ``(II) in the case of an entity that 
                                has previously operated a Job Corps 
                                campus, any information regarding the 
                                entity included in any report developed 
                                by the Office of Inspector General of 
                                the Department of Labor;'';
                                          (ee) in subclauses (III) and 
                                        (IV), as so redesignated, by 
                                        striking ``center'' each place 
                                        it appears and inserting 
                                          (ff) in subclause (V), as so 
                                        redesignated, by striking 
                                        ``center is located'' and 
                                        inserting ``campus is located, 
                                        including agreements to provide 
                                        off-campus work-based learning 
                                        opportunities aligned with the 
                                        career and technical education 
                                        provided to enrollees''; and
                                          (gg) by amending subclause 
                                        (VI), as so redesignated, to 
                                        read as follows:
                                  ``(VI) the ability of the entity to 
                                implement an effective behavior 
                                management plan, as described in 
                                section 152(a), and maintain a safe and 
                                secure learning environment for 
                                enrollees.''; and
                                  (II) in clause (ii), by striking 
                                ``center'' and inserting ``campus'';
                  (C) in paragraph (3)--
                          (i) by striking ``center'' each place it 
                        appears and inserting ``campus'';
                          (ii) in subparagraph (D), by inserting after 
                        ``is located'' the following: ``, including 
                        agreements to provide off-campus work-based 
                        learning opportunities aligned with the career 
                        and technical education provided to 
                          (iii) by redesignating subparagraphs (E), 
                        (F), (G), (H), (I), (J), and (K) as 
                        subparagraphs (F), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), and 
                        (L), respectively; and
                          (iv) by inserting after subparagraph (D) the 
                  ``(E) A description of the policies that will be 
                implemented at the campus regarding security and access 
                to campus facilities, including procedures to report on 
                and respond to criminal actions and other emergencies 
                occurring on campus.'';
          (3) in subsection (b)--
                  (A) in the header, by striking ``Centers'' and 
                inserting ``Campuses'';
                  (B) by striking ``center'' each place it appears and 
                inserting ``campus'';
                  (C) by striking ``centers'' each place it appears and 
                inserting ``campuses'';
                  (D) in paragraph (2)(A), by striking ``20 percent'' 
                and inserting ``25 percent''; and
                  (E) by striking paragraph (3);
          (4) in subsection (c)--
                  (A) by striking ``centers'' and inserting 
                ``campuses''; and
                  (B) by striking ``20 percent'' and inserting ``30 
          (5) in subsection (d) by striking ``centers'' each place it 
        appears and inserting ``campuses'';
          (6) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``centers'' and 
        inserting ``campuses'';
          (7) in subsection (f), by striking ``2-year period'' and 
        inserting ``3-year period''; and
          (8) in subsection (g)--
                  (A) by striking ``center'' each place it appears and 
                inserting ``campus'';
                  (B) in paragraph (1)--
                          (i) by striking subparagraph (A);
                          (ii) by redesignating subparagraph (B) as 
                        subparagraph (A);
                          (iii) by amending subparagraph (A), as so 
                                  (I) by striking ``50 percent'' and 
                                inserting ``80 percent''; and
                                  (II) by striking the period at the 
                                end and inserting ``; or''; and
                          (iv) by inserting after subparagraph (A), as 
                        so redesignated and amended, the following:
                  ``(B) failed to achieve an average of 80 percent of 
                the level of enrollment that was agreed to in the 
                agreement described in subsection (a)(1)(A).'';
                  (C) in paragraph (3) by striking ``shall provide'' 
                and inserting ``shall provide, at least 30 days prior 
                to renewing the agreement''; and
                  (D) in paragraph (4)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``and'' 
                        after the semicolon;
                          (ii) by redesignating subparagraph (D) as 
                        subparagraph (E); and
                          (iii) by inserting after subparagraph (C) the 
                  ``(D) has maintained a safe and secure campus 
                environment; and''.


  Section 148 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3198) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)--
                  (A) by striking ``center'' and inserting ``campus'';
                  (B) in paragraph (1), by inserting before the period 
                at the end the following: ``, and productive 
                activities, such as tutoring or other skills 
                development opportunities, for residential enrollees to 
                participate in outside of regular class time and work 
                hours in order to increase supervision of enrollees and 
                reduce behavior infractions''; and
          (2) in subsection (c)--
                  (A) by striking ``centers'' each place it appears and 
                inserting ``campuses''; and
                  (B) in paragraph (1)--
                          (i) by striking ``the eligible providers'' 
                        and inserting ``any eligible provider''; and
                          (ii) by inserting after ``under section 122'' 
                        the following: ``that is aligned with the 
                        career and technical education an enrollee has 


  Section 150 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3200) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``centers'' and inserting 
        ``campuses''; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following:
  ``(d) Period of Transition.--Notwithstanding the requirements of 
section 146(b), a Job Corps graduate may remain an enrollee and a 
resident of a Job Corps campus for not more than one month after 
graduation as such graduate transitions into independent living and 
employment if such graduate--
          ``(1) has not had a behavioral infraction in the 90 days 
        prior to graduation; and
          ``(2) receives written approval from the director of the Job 
        Corps campus to remain such a resident.''.


  Section 151 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3201) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``center'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``campus''; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following:
  ``(d) Local Authority.--
          ``(1) In general.--Subject to the limitations of the budget 
        approved by the Secretary for a Job Corps campus, the operator 
        of a Job Corps campus shall have the authority, without prior 
        approval from the Secretary, to--
                  ``(A) hire staff and provide staff professional 
                  ``(B) set terms and enter into agreements with 
                Federal, State, or local educational partners, such as 
                secondary schools, institutions of higher education, 
                child development centers, units of Junior Reserve 
                Officer Training Corps programs established under 
                section 2031 of title 10, United States Code, or 
                employers; and
                  ``(C) engage with and educate stakeholders about Job 
                Corps operations and activities.
          ``(2) Limitation of liability.--In the case of an agreement 
        described in paragraph (1)(B) that does not involve the Job 
        Corps operator providing monetary compensation to the entity 
        involved in such agreement from the funds made available under 
        this subtitle, such agreement shall not be considered a 
        subcontract (as defined in section 8701 of title 41, United 
        States Code).
  ``(e) Prior Notice.--Prior to making a change to the agreement 
described in section 147(a) or an operating plan described in this 
section, the Secretary shall solicit from the operators of the Job 
Corps campuses information on any operational costs the operators 
expect to result from such change.''.


  Section 152 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3202) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``centers'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``campuses'';
          (2) in subsection (a), by inserting ``As part of the 
        operating plan required under section 151(a), the director of 
        each Job Corps campus shall develop and implement a behavior 
        management plan consistent with the standards of conduct and 
        subject to the approval of the Secretary.'' at the end; and
          (3) in subsection (b)(2)(A), by striking ``or disruptive'';
          (4) by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:
  ``(c) Appeal Process.--
          ``(1) Enrollee appeals.--A disciplinary measure taken by a 
        director under this section shall be subject to expeditious 
        appeal in accordance with procedures established by the 
          ``(2) Director appeals.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall establish an 
                appeals process under which the director of a Job Corps 
                campus may submit a request that an enrollee who has 
                engaged in an activity which is a violation of the 
                guidelines established pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(A) 
                remain enrolled in the program, but be subject to other 
                disciplinary actions.
                  ``(B) Contents.--An request under paragraph (A) shall 
                          ``(i) a signed certification from the 
                        director attesting that, to the belief of the 
                        director, the continued enrollment of such 
                        enrollee would not impact the safety or 
                        learning environment of the campus; and
                          ``(ii) the behavioral records of such 
                  ``(C) Timeline.--The Secretary shall review such 
                appeal and either approve or deny the appeal within 30 
                days of receiving such appeal.
                  ``(D) Ineligibility for appeal.--The Secretary shall 
                reject an appeal made by a director of a Job Corps 
                campus if such campus has been found out of compliance 
                with the requirements under subsection (d) at any time 
                during the previous 5 years.''; and
          (5) by adding at the end the following:
  ``(d) Incident Reporting.--
          ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall require that the 
        director of a Job Corps campus report to the appropriate 
        regional office--
                  ``(A) not later than 2 hours after the campus 
                management becomes aware of the occurrence of--
                          ``(i) an enrollee or on-duty staff death;
                          ``(ii) any incident--
                                  ``(I) requiring law enforcement 
                                  ``(II) involving a missing minor 
                                student; or
                                  ``(III) where substantial property 
                                damage has occurred; or
                          ``(iii) a level 1 infraction;
                  ``(B) in the case of a level 2 infraction, on a 
                quarterly basis, including the number and type of such 
                infractions that occurred during such time period; and
                  ``(C) in the case of a minor infraction, as 
                determined necessary by the Secretary.
          ``(2) Infractions defined.--In this subsection:
                  ``(A) Level 1 infraction.--The term `level 1 
                infraction' means an activity described in subsection 
                  ``(B) Level 2 infraction.--The term `level 2 
                infraction' means an activity, other than a level 1 
                infraction, determined by the Secretary to be a serious 
                  ``(C) Minor infraction.--The term `minor infraction' 
                means an activity, other than a level 1 or 2 
                infraction, determined by the Secretary to be an 
          ``(3) Law enforcement agreements.--The director of each Job 
        Corps campus shall enter into an agreement with the local law 
        enforcement agency with jurisdiction regarding procedures for 
        the prompt reporting and investigation of potentially illegal 
        activity on Job Corps campuses.''.


  Section 153 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3203) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``center'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``campus'';
          (2) by striking ``centers'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``campuses''; and
          (3) in subsection (c), in the heading, by striking 
        ``Centers'' and inserting ``Campuses''.


  Section 154 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3204) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``center'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``campus'';
          (2) in subsection (d), in the heading, by striking ``New 
        Centers'' and inserting ``New Campuses''.


  Section 155 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3205) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting ``(a) In 
        General.--The Secretary'';
          (2) by striking ``centers'' and inserting ``campuses''
          (3) by striking ``center'' and inserting ``campus''; and
          (4) by adding at the end the following:
  ``(b) Advisory Committee to Improve Job Corps Safety.--Not later than 
6 months after the date of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for 
America Act, the Secretary shall establish an advisory committee to 
provide recommendations on effective or evidence-based strategies to 
          ``(1) safety, security, and learning conditions on Job Corps 
        campuses; and
          ``(2) the standards for campus safety established under 
        section 159(c)(4).''.


  Section 156 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3206) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``center'' and inserting ``campus'';
          (2) by striking ``centers'' and inserting ``campuses'';
          (3) by redesignating subsection (b) as subsection (c);
          (4) by inserting the following after subsection (a):
  ``(b) Job Corps Scholars.--
          ``(1) In general.--The Secretary may award grants, on a 
        competitive basis, to institutions of higher education to 
        enroll cohorts of Job Corps eligible youth in Job Corps 
        Scholars activities for a 24-month period and pay the tuition 
        and necessary costs for enrollees for such period.
          ``(2) Activities.--Job Corps Scholar activities shall 
                  ``(A) intensive counseling services and supportive 
                  ``(B) a 12-month career and technical education 
                component aligned with in-demand industries and 
                occupations in the State where the institution of 
                higher education that is receiving the grant is 
                located; and
                  ``(C) a 12-month employment placement period that 
                follows the component described in subparagraph (B).
          ``(3) Performance data.--The Secretary shall collect 
        performance information from institutions of higher education 
        receiving grants under this subsection on the primary 
        indicators of performance for eligible youth described in 
        section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii), the cost per participant and cost per 
        graduate, and other information as necessary to evaluate the 
        success of Job Corps Scholars grantees in improving outcomes 
        for at-risk youth.
          ``(4) Evaluation.--At the end of each 2-year period for which 
        the Secretary awards grants under this subsection, the 
        Secretary shall provide for an independent, robust evaluation 
        that compares--
                  ``(A) the outcomes achieved by Job Corps Scholars 
                participants with the outcomes achieved by other 
                participants in the Job Corps program during such 2-
                year period; and
                  ``(B) the costs of the Job Corps Scholars programs 
                with the costs of other Job Corps programs during such 
                2-year period.''; and
          (5) in subsection (c)(1), as so redesignated, is amended by 
        striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (C) and by adding 
        at the end the following:
                  ``(D) in the development and implementation of a 
                behavior management plan under section 152(a); and
                  ``(E) maintaining a safe and secure learning 
                environment; and''.


  Section 158 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3208) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``center'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``campus''; and
          (2) in subsection (f)--
                  (A) by striking ``may accept on behalf of the Job 
                Corps or individual Job Corps centers charitable 
                donations of cash'' and inserting ``, on behalf of the 
                Job Corps or Job Corps campus operators, may accept 
                grants, charitable donations of cash,''; and
                  (B) by inserting at the end the following: 
                ``Notwithstanding sections 501(b) and 522 of title 40, 
                United States Code, any property acquired by a Job 
                Corps campus shall be directly transferred, on a 
                nonreimbursable basis, to the Secretary.''.


  (a) Levels of Performance.--Section 159 of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3209) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``center'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``campus'';
          (2) in subsection (c)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1)--
                          (i) by striking ``The Secretary'' and 
                        inserting the following:
                  ``(A) In general.--The Secretary''.
                          (ii) by inserting ``that are ambitious yet 
                        achievable and'' after ``program''; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following new 
                  ``(B) Levels of performance.--In establishing the 
                expected performance levels under subparagraph (A) for 
                a Job Corps campus, the Secretary shall take into 
                          ``(i) how the levels involved compare with 
                        the recent performance of such campus and the 
                        performance of other campuses within the same 
                        State or geographic region;
                          ``(ii) the levels of performance set for the 
                        primary indicators of performance for eligible 
                        youth described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii) for 
                        the State in which the campus is located;
                          ``(iii) the differences in actual economic 
                        conditions (including differences in 
                        unemployment rates and job losses or gains in 
                        particular industries) between the local area 
                        of such campus and other local areas with a 
                        campus; and
                          ``(iv) the extent to which the levels 
                        involved promote continuous improvement in 
                        performance on the primary indicators of 
                        performance by such campus and ensure optimal 
                        return on the use of Federal funds.
                  ``(C) Performance per contract.--The Secretary shall 
                ensure the expected levels of performance are 
                established in the relevant contract or agreement.
                  ``(D) Revisions based on economic conditions and 
                individuals served during the program year.--
                          ``(i) In general.--In the event of a 
                        significant economic downturn, the Secretary 
                        may revise the applicable adjusted levels of 
                        performance for each of the campuses for a 
                        program year to reflect the actual economic 
                        conditions during such program year.
                          ``(ii) Report to congress.--Prior to 
                        implementing the revisions described in clause 
                        (i), the Secretary shall submit to the 
                        Committee on Education and the Workforce of the 
                        House of Representatives and the Committee on 
                        Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the 
                        Senate a report explaining the reason for such 
                  ``(E) Review of performance levels.--The Office of 
                Inspector General of the Department of Labor shall, 
                every 5 years, submit to the Committee on Education and 
                the Workforce of the House of Representatives and the 
                Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of 
                the Senate, and publish in the Federal Register and on 
                a publicly available website of the Department, a 
                report containing--
                          ``(i) a quadrennial review of the expected 
                        levels of performance; and
                          ``(ii) an evaluation of whether--
                                  ``(I) the Secretary is establishing 
                                such expected levels of performance in 
                                good faith; and
                                  ``(II) such expected levels have led 
                                to continued improvement of the Job 
                                Corps program.'';
                  (B) by redesignating paragraph (4) as paragraph (5);
                  (C) by inserting after paragraph (3) the following:
          ``(4) Campus safety.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall establish 
                campus and student safety standards. A Job Corps campus 
                failing to achieve such standards shall be required to 
                take the performance improvement actions described in 
                subsection (f).
                  ``(B) Considerations.--In establishing the campus and 
                student safety standards under subparagraph (A), the 
                Secretary shall take into account--
                          ``(i) incidents reported under section 
                          ``(ii) survey data from enrollees, faculty, 
                        staff, and community members; and
                          ``(iii) any other considerations identified 
                        by the Secretary after reviewing the 
                        recommendations of the advisory group described 
                        in section 155(b).'';
                  (D) in paragraph (5), as so redesignated--
                          (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and'' 
                        at the end;
                          (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking the 
                        period at the end and inserting a semicolon; 
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(C) the number of contracts that were awarded a 
                renewal compared to those eligible for a renewal;
                  ``(D) the number of campuses where the contract was 
                awarded to a new operator; and
                  ``(E) the number of campuses that were required to 
                receive performance improvement, as described under 
                subsection (f)(2), including whether any actions were 
                taken as described in subparagraphs (B) and (C) of such 
                subsection.''; and
                  (E) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(6) Wage records.--The Secretary shall make arrangements 
        with a State or other appropriate entity to facilitate the use 
        of State wage records to evaluate the performance of Job Corps 
        campuses on the employment and earnings indicators described in 
        clause (i)(III) of subparagraph (A) of section 116(b)(2)(A) and 
        subclauses (I) and (II) of clause (ii) of such subparagraph for 
        the purposes of the report required under paragraph (5).'';
          (3) in subsection (d)(1)--
                  (A) by inserting ``and make available on the website 
                of the Department pertaining to the Job Corps program 
                in a manner that is consumer-tested to ensure it is 
                easily understood, searchable, and navigable,'' after 
                ``subsection (c)(4),'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``gender'' and 
                inserting ``sex'';
                  (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (J) through (O) as 
                subparagraphs (K) through (P), respectively; and
                  (D) by inserting the following after subparagraph 
                  ``(J) the number of appeals under section 152(c) and 
                a description of each appeal that was approved;''; and
          (4) in subsection (g)(2), by striking ``comply'' and 
        inserting ``attest to compliance''.
  (b) Performance Assessments and Improvements.--Section 159(f) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3209) is amended to 
read as follows:
  ``(f) Performance Assessments and Improvements.--
          ``(1) Assessments.--The Secretary shall conduct an annual 
        assessment of the performance of each Job Corps campus on the 
        primary indicators of performance described in section 
        116(b)(2)(A)(ii), where each indicator shall be given equal 
        weight in determining the overall performance of the campus. 
        Based on the assessment, the Secretary shall take measures to 
        continuously improve the performance of the Job Corps program.
          ``(2) Performance improvement.--
                  ``(A) Initial failure.--With respect to a Job Corps 
                campus that fails to meet an average of 90 percent on 
                the expected levels of performance across all the 
                primary indicators of performance specified in 
                subsection (c)(1) or is ranked among the lowest 10 
                percent of Job Corps campuses, the Secretary shall, 
                after each program year of such performance failure, 
                develop and implement a performance improvement plan 
                for such campus. Such a plan shall require action to be 
                taken during a 1-year program year period, which shall 
                include providing technical assistance to the campus.
                  ``(B) Repeat failure.--With respect to a Job Corps 
                campus that, for two consecutive program years, fails 
                to meet an average of 85 percent on the expected levels 
                of performance across all the primary indicators of 
                performance or is ranked among the lowest 10 percent of 
                Job Corps campuses, the Secretary shall take 
                substantial action to improve the performance of such 
                campus, which shall include--
                          ``(i) changing the management staff of the 
                          ``(ii) changing the career and technical 
                        education and training offered at the campus;
                          ``(iii) replacing the operator of the campus; 
                          ``(iv) reducing the capacity of the campus.
                  ``(C) Chronic failure.--With respect to a Job Corps 
                campus that, for the two consecutive program years 
                immediately following the Secretary taking substantial 
                performance action under subparagraph (B), fails to 
                meet an average of 85 percent on the expected levels of 
                performance across all the primary indicators or is 
                ranked among the lowest 10 percent of Job Corps 
                campuses, the Secretary shall take further substantial 
                action to improve the performance of such campus, which 
                shall include--
                          ``(i) relocating the campus;
                          ``(ii) closing the campus; or
                          ``(iii) awarding funding directly to the 
                        State in which the campus is located for 
                        operation of the campus, and for which the 
                        Secretary shall enter into a memorandum of 
                        understanding with such State for purposes of 
                        operating the campus in its current location 
                        and may encourage innovation in such memorandum 
                        of understanding by waiving any statutory or 
                        regulatory requirement of this subtitle except 
                        for those related to participant eligibility 
                        under section 144, standards of conduct under 
                        section 152, and performance reporting and 
                        accountability under this section.
          ``(3) Additional performance improvement.--In addition to the 
        performance improvement plans required under paragraph (2), the 
        Secretary may develop and implement additional performance 
        improvement plans for a Job Corps campus that fails to meet 
        criteria established by the Secretary other than the expected 
        levels of performance described in subsection (c)(1).
          ``(4) Civilian conservation centers.--With respect to a 
        Civilian Conservation Center that, for 3 consecutive program 
        years, fails to meet an average of 90 percent of the expected 
        levels of performance across all the primary indicators of 
        performance specified in subsection (c)(1), the Secretary of 
        Labor or, if appropriate, the Secretary of Agriculture shall 
        select, on a competitive basis, an entity to operate part or 
        all of the Civilian Conservation Center in accordance with the 
        requirements of section 147.''.
  (c) Conforming Amendments.--Section 159 of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3209) is further amended--
          (1) by striking ``centers'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``campuses''; and
          (2) in subsection (g)(1), in the header, by striking 
        ``Center'' and inserting ``Campus''.


  Section 161 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3211) is amended--
          (1) by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection (e); and
          (2) by inserting after subsection (c) the following new 
  ``(d) Report on Implementation of Recommendations.--The Secretary 
shall, on an annual basis, prepare and submit to the appropriate 
committees a report regarding the implementation of all outstanding 
recommendations from the Office of Inspector General of the Department 
of Labor or the Government Accountability Office.''.


  Section 162 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3212) is amended to read as follows:


  ``There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subtitle 
$1,760,155,000 for each of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.''.

                     Subtitle E--National Programs


  Section 166 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3221) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (d)(1)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking the period at 
                the end and inserting ``; and''; and
                  (C) by inserting at the end the following:
                  ``(C) are evidence-based, to the extent 
          (2) in subsection (d)(2)--
                  (A) by redesignating subparagraph (B) as subparagraph 
                (C); and
                  (B) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the 
                  ``(B) Administrative costs.--Not more than 10 percent 
                of the funds provided to an entity under this section 
                may be used for the administrative costs of the 
                activities and services carried out under subparagraph 
          (3) in subsection (h), by inserting after paragraph (2) the 
          ``(3) Wage records.--The Secretary shall make arrangements 
        with a State or other appropriate entity to facilitate the use 
        of State wage records to evaluate the performance of entities 
        funded under this section on the employment and earnings 
        indicators described in subclauses (I) through (III) of section 
        116(b)(2)(A)(i) for the purposes of the report required under 
        paragraph (4).
          ``(4) Performance results.--For each program year, the 
        Secretary shall make available on a publicly accessible website 
        of the Department a report on the performance, during such 
        program year, of entities funded under this section on--
                  ``(A) the primary indicators of performance described 
                in section 116(b)(2)(A);
                  ``(B) any additional indicators established under 
                paragraph (1)(A); and
                  ``(C) the adjusted levels of performance for such 
                entities as described in paragraph (2).'';
          (4) in subsection (i)--
                  (A) in paragraph (3)(A), by striking ``and judicial 
                review.'' and inserting ``judicial review, and 
                performance accountability pertaining to the primary 
                indicators of performance described in section 
                116(b)(2)(A).''; and
                  (B) in paragraph (4)(B)--
                          (i) by striking ``The Council'' and inserting 
                        the following:
                          ``(i) In general.--The Council''; and
                          (ii) by inserting at the end the following:
                          ``(ii) Vacancies.--An individual appointed to 
                        fill a vacancy on the Council occurring before 
                        the expiration of the term for which the 
                        predecessor of such individual was appointed 
                        shall be appointed only for the remainder of 
                        that term. Such an individual may serve on the 
                        Council after the expiration of such term until 
                        a successor is appointed.''; and
          (5) by amending subsection (k)(2) to read as follows:
          ``(2) Authorization of appropriations.--There are authorized 
        to be appropriated to carry out this subsection $542,000 for 
        each of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.''.


  Section 167 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3222) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (c), by adding at the end the following:
          ``(5) Wage records.--The Secretary shall make arrangements 
        with a State or other appropriate entity to facilitate the use 
        of State wage records to evaluate the performance of entities 
        funded under this section on the employment and earnings 
        indicators described in subclauses (I) through (III) of section 
        116(b)(2)(A)(i) for the purposes of the report required under 
        paragraph (4).
          ``(6) Performance results.--For each program year, the 
        Secretary shall make available on a publicly accessible website 
        of the Department a report on the performance, during such 
        program year, of entities funded under this section on--
                  ``(A) the primary indicators of performance described 
                in section 116(b)(2)(A); and
                  ``(B) the adjusted levels of performance for such 
                entities as described in paragraph (3).'';
          (2) by redesignating subsections (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) 
        as subsections (f), (g), (h), (i), and (j), respectively;
          (3) by inserting after subsection (d) the following:
  ``(e) Administrative Costs.--Not more than 10 percent of the funds 
provided to an entity under this section may be used for the 
administrative costs of the activities and services carried out under 
subsection (d).''; and
          (4) in subsection (i), as so redesignated, to read as 
  ``(i) Funding Allocation; Funding Obligation.--
          ``(1) Funding allocation.--From the funds appropriated and 
        made available to carry out this section, the Secretary shall 
        reserve not more than 1 percent for discretionary purposes, 
        such as providing technical assistance to eligible entities.
          ``(2) Funding obligation.--
                  ``(A) In general.--Funds appropriated and made 
                available to carry out this section for any fiscal year 
                may be obligated by the Secretary during the period 
                beginning on April 1 of the calendar year that begins 
                during such fiscal year and ending on June 30 of the 
                following calendar year to be made available to an 
                entity described in subsection (b) for the period 
                described in subparagraph (B).
                  ``(B) Obligated amount.--Funds made available under 
                this section for a fiscal year to any entity described 
                in subsection (b) may be spent or reserved for spending 
                by such entity during the period beginning on July 1 of 
                the calendar year that begins during such fiscal year, 
                and ending on June 30 of the following calendar 


  (a) General Technical Assistance.--Section 168(a)(1) of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3223(a)(1)) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``appropriate training, technical assistance, 
        staff development'' and inserting ``appropriate education, 
        technical assistance, professional development for staff'';
          (2) in subparagraphs (B), (C), and (D), by striking 
        ``training'' each place it appears and inserting ``professional 
          (3) by redesignating subparagraphs (G) and (H) as 
        subparagraphs (J) and (K), respectively; and
          (4) by inserting after subparagraph (F) the following:
                  ``(G) assistance to the one-stop delivery system and 
                the Employment Service established under the Wagner-
                Peyser Act for the integration of basic career service 
                activities pursuant to section 134(c)(2)(A);
                  ``(I) assistance to States with maintaining, and 
                making accessible to jobseekers and employers, the 
                lists of eligible providers of training services 
                required under section 122;
                  ``(H) assistance to States that apply for such 
                assistance under section 122(k) for the purposes 
                described in such subsection;''.
  (b) Performance Accountability Technical Assistance.--Section 168(b) 
of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3223(b)) is 
          (1) in the header, by striking ``Dislocated Worker'' and 
        inserting ``Performance Accountability''; and
          (2) in paragraph (1), in the first sentence--
                  (A) by inserting ``, pursuant to paragraphs (1) and 
                (2) of section 116(f),'' after ``technical 
                assistance''; and
                  (B) by striking ``with respect to employment and 
                training activities for dislocated workers'' and 
                inserting ``with respect to the core programs''.
  (c) Communities Impacted by Opioid Use Disorders.--Section 168 of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3223) is further 
amended by adding at the end the following:
  ``(d) Communities Impacted by Opioid Use Disorders.--The Secretary 
shall, as part of the activities described in subsection (c)(2), 
evaluate and disseminate to States and local areas information 
regarding evidence-based and promising practices for addressing the 
economic workforce impacts associated with high rates of opioid use 
disorders, which information shall--
          ``(1) be updated annually to reflect the most recent and 
        available research; and
          ``(2) include information--
                  ``(A) shared by States and local areas regarding 
                effective practices for addressing such impacts; and
                  ``(B) on how to apply for any funding that may be 
                available under section 170(b)(1)(E).''.


  (a) In General.--Section 169 of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3224) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)--
                  (A) in paragraph (2)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (E), by inserting ``and'' 
                        at the end;
                          (ii) in subparagraph (F), by striking ``; 
                        and'' at the end and inserting a period; and
                          (iii) by striking subparagraph (G);
                  (B) in paragraph (3)--
                          (i) by striking ``The Secretary'' and 
                        inserting the following:
                  ``(A) In general.--The Secretary''; and
                          (ii) by adding at the end the following new 
                  ``(B) Limitation.--The Secretary may not use the 
                authority described in subparagraph (A) if the 
                evaluations required under paragraph (1) have not been 
                initiated or completed in the time period required.''; 
                  (C) in paragraph (4), by striking ``2019'' and 
                inserting ``2028''; and
          (2) in subsection (b)--
                  (A) by amending paragraph (4) to read as follows:
          ``(4) Studies and reports.--
                  ``(A) Study on employment conditions.--The Secretary, 
                in coordination with other heads of Federal agencies, 
                as appropriate, may conduct a study examining the 
                nature of participants' unsubsidized employment after 
                exit from programs carried out under this Act, 
                including factors such as availability of paid time 
                off, health and retirement benefits, workplace safety 
                standards, predictable and stable work schedule, 
                stackable credentials, and advancement opportunities.
                  ``(B) Study on improving workforce services for 
                individuals with disabilities.--The Secretary of Labor, 
                in coordination with the Secretary of Education and the 
                Secretary of Health and Human Services, may conduct 
                studies that analyze the access to services by 
                individuals with disabilities, including whether an 
                individual who is unable to receive services under 
                title IV due to a wait list for such services is able 
                to receive services under titles I through III.
                  ``(C) Study on the effectiveness of pay for 
                performance.--The Secretary shall, not more than 4 
                years after the date of enactment of A Stronger 
                Workforce for America Act, conduct a study that 
                compares the effectiveness of the pay-for-performance 
                strategies used under sections 129, 134, and 172 after 
                such date of enactment to the awarding of grants and 
                contracts under such sections as in effect on the day 
                before the date of enactment of such Act.
                  ``(D) Study on individual training accounts for 
                dislocated workers.--The Secretary shall, not more than 
                4 years after the date of enactment of the A Stronger 
                Workforce for America Act, conduct a study that 
                compares the usage of Individual Training Accounts for 
                dislocated workers after such date of enactment to the 
                usage of such accounts prior to such date of enactment, 
                          ``(i) the types of training services and 
                        occupations targeted by dislocated workers when 
                        using their Individual Training Accounts; and
                          ``(ii) the effectiveness of such skills 
                  ``(E) Study on statewide critical industry skills 
                funds.--The Secretary shall, not more than 4 years 
                after the date of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce 
                for America Act, conduct a study that will review the 
                usage of statewide critical industry skills funds 
                established by States under section 134(a)(4) and 
                identify, for purposes of measuring the overall 
                effectiveness of the program--
                          ``(i) the industries targeted by such Funds;
                          ``(ii) the occupations workers are being 
                        upskilled for;
                          ``(iii) how frequently skills development is 
                        provided to prospective workers and incumbent 
                        workers, and
                          ``(iv) the reported performance outcomes.
                  ``(F) Study on the effectiveness of employer-based 
                training.--The Secretary shall, not more than 4 years 
                after the date of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce 
                for America Act, conduct a study that measures the 
                effectiveness of on-the-job training, employer-directed 
                skills training, apprenticeship, and incumbent worker 
                training under this title in preparing jobseekers and 
                workers, including those with barriers to employment, 
                for unsubsidized employment. Such study shall include 
                the cost per participant and wage and employment 
                outcomes, as compared to other methods of training.
                  ``(G) Reports.--The Secretary shall prepare and 
                disseminate to the Committee on Health, Education, 
                Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on 
                Education and the Workforce of the House of 
                Representatives, and on the publicly available website 
                of the Department, reports containing the results of 
                the studies conducted under this paragraph.''; and
                  (B) in paragraph (5), by adding at the end the 
                  ``(C) Evaluation of grants.--
                          ``(i) In general.--For each grant or contract 
                        awarded under this paragraph, the Secretary 
                        shall conduct a rigorous evaluation of the 
                        multistate project to determine the impact of 
                        the activities supported by the project, 
                        including the impact on the employment and 
                        earnings of program participants.
                          ``(ii) Report.--The Secretary shall prepare 
                        and disseminate to the Committee on Health, 
                        Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate 
                        and the Committee on Education and the 
                        Workforce of the House of Representatives, and 
                        to the public, including through electronic 
                        means, reports containing the results of 
                        evaluations conducted under this 
  (b) Workforce Data Quality Initiative.--Section 169 of the Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3224) is further amended by 
adding at the end the following:
  ``(d) Workforce Data Quality Initiative.--
          ``(1) Grant program.--Of amount made available pursuant to 
        section 132(a)(2)(A) for any program year, the Secretary shall 
        use 5 percent of such amount, and may also use funds authorized 
        for purposes of carrying out this section, to award grants to 
        eligible entities to create workforce longitudinal data systems 
        and associated resources for the purposes of strengthening 
        program quality, building State capacity to produce evidence 
        for decisionmaking, meeting performance reporting requirements, 
        protecting privacy, and improving transparency.
          ``(2) Application.--To be eligible to receive a grant under 
        this subsection, an eligible entity shall submit an application 
        to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the 
        Secretary may require, which shall include--
                  ``(A) a description of the proposed activities that 
                will be conducted by the eligible entity, including a 
                description of the need for such activities and a 
                detailed budget for such activities;
                  ``(B) a description of the expected outcomes and 
                outputs (such as systems or products) that will result 
                from the proposed activities and the proposed uses of 
                such outputs;
                  ``(C) a description of how the proposed activities 
                will support the reporting of performance data, 
                including employment and earnings outcomes, for the 
                performance accountability requirements under section 
                116, including outcomes for eligible training 
                  ``(D) a description of the methods and procedures the 
                eligible entity will use to ensure the security and 
                privacy of the collection, storage, and use of all data 
                involved in the systems and resources supported through 
                the grant, including compliance with State and Federal 
                privacy and confidentiality statutes and regulations; 
                  ``(E) a plan for how the eligible entity will 
                continue the activities or sustain the use of the 
                outputs created with the grant funds after the grant 
                period ends.
          ``(3) Priority.--In awarding grants under the subsection, the 
        Secretary shall give priority to--
                  ``(A) eligible entities that are--
                          ``(i) a State agency of a State that has not 
                        previously received a grant from the Secretary 
                        for the purposes of this subsection and 
                        demonstrates a substantial need to improve its 
                        data infrastructure; or
                          ``(ii) a consortium of State agencies that is 
                        comprised of State agencies from multiple 
                        States and includes at least one State agency 
                        described in clause (i) and has the capacity to 
                        make significant contributions toward building 
                        interoperable, cross-State data infrastructure; 
                  ``(B) eligible entities that will use grant funds 
                          ``(i) expand the adoption and use of linked, 
                        open, and interoperable data on credentials, 
                        including through the development of a 
                        credential registry or other tools and services 
                        designed to help learners and workers make 
                        informed decisions, such as the credential 
                        navigation feature described in section 
                          ``(ii) participate in and contribute data to 
                        a multistate data collaborative, including data 
                        that provide participating States the ability 
                        to better understand--
                                  ``(I) earnings and employment 
                                outcomes of individuals who work out-
                                of-State; and
                                  ``(II) cross-State earnings and 
                                employment trends;
                          ``(iii) enhance collaboration with private 
                        sector workforce and labor market data entities 
                        and the end-users of workforce and labor market 
                        data, including individuals, employers, 
                        economic development agencies, and workforce 
                        development providers; or
                          ``(iv) leverage the use of non-Federal 
                        contributions to improve workforce data 
                        infrastructure, including staff capacity 
          ``(4) Use of funds.--In addition to the activities described 
        in paragraph (3)(B), an eligible entity awarded a grant under 
        this subsection may use funds to carry out any of the following 
                  ``(A) Developing or enhancing a State's workforce 
                longitudinal data system, including by participating 
                and contributing data to the State's data system, if 
                applicable, that links with elementary and secondary 
                school and postsecondary data.
                  ``(B) Accelerating the replication and adoption of 
                data systems, projects, products, or practices already 
                in use in one or more States to other States.
                  ``(C) Research and labor market data improvement 
                activities to improve the timeliness, relevance, and 
                accessibility of such data through pilot projects that 
                are developed locally but designed to scale to other 
                regions or States.
                  ``(D) Establishing, enhancing, or connecting to a 
                system of interoperable learning and employment records 
                that provides individuals who choose to participate in 
                such system ownership of a verified and secure record 
                of their skills and achievements and the ability to 
                share such record with employers and education 
                  ``(E) Developing policies, guidelines, and security 
                measures for data collection, storing, and sharing to 
                ensure compliance with relevant Federal and State 
                privacy laws and regulations.
                  ``(F) Increasing local board access to and 
                integration with the State's workforce longitudinal 
                data system in a secure manner.
                  ``(G) Creating or participating in a data exchange 
                for collecting and using standards-based jobs and 
                employment data including, at a minimum, job titles or 
                occupation codes.
                  ``(H) Improving State and local staff capacity to 
                understand, use, and analyze data to improve 
                decisionmaking and improve participant outcomes.
          ``(5) Administration.--
                  ``(A) Duration.--A grant awarded under this 
                subsection may be for a period of up to 3 years.
                  ``(B) Supplement, not supplant.--Funds made available 
                under this subsection shall be used to supplement, and 
                not supplant, other Federal, State, or local funds used 
                for development of State data systems.
                  ``(C) Report.--Each eligible entity that receives a 
                grant under this subsection shall submit a report to 
                the Secretary not later than 180 days after the 
                conclusion of the grant period on the activities 
                supported through the grant and improvements in the use 
                of workforce and labor market information that have 
                resulted from such activities.
          ``(6) Definitions.--In this subsection, the term `eligible 
        entity' means a State agency or consortium of State agencies, 
        including a multistate data collaborative, that is or includes 
        the State agencies responsible for--
                  ``(A) State employer wage records used by the State's 
                unemployment insurance programs in labor market 
                information reporting and analysis and for fulfilling 
                the reporting requirements of this Act;
                  ``(B) the production of labor market information; and
                  ``(C) the direct administration of one or more of the 
                core programs.''.


  Section 170 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3225) is amended--
          (1) by amending subsection (a)(1) to read as follows:
          ``(1) Emergency or disaster.--The term `emergency or 
        disaster' means an emergency or a major disaster, as defined in 
        paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively, of section 102 of the 
        Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act 
        (42 U.S.C. 5122 (1) and (2)).'';
          (2) in subsection (b)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``and'' 
                        at the end;
                          (ii) in subparagraph (D)--
                                  (I) in clause (i), by striking 
                                ``spouses described in section 
                                3(15)(E)'' and inserting ``spouses 
                                described in subparagraph (E) of the 
                                definition of the term `dislocated 
                                worker' in section 3''; and
                                  (II) in clause (ii), by striking the 
                                period at the end and inserting ``; 
                                and''; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(E) to an entity described in subsection (c)(1)(B) 
                to provide employment and training activities related 
                to the prevention and treatment of opioid use 
                disorders, including addiction treatment, mental health 
                treatment, and pain management, in an area that, as a 
                result of widespread opioid use, addiction, and 
                overdoses, has higher-than-average demand for such 
                activities that exceeds the availability of State and 
                local resources to provide such activities.''; and
                  (B) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(3) Performance results.--The Secretary shall collect the 
        necessary information from each entity receiving a grant under 
        this section to determine the performance of such entity on the 
        primary indicators of performance described in section 
        116(b)(2)(A)(i) and make such information available on the 
        publicly accessible website of the Department in a format that 
        does not reveal personally identifiable information.''; and
          (3) in subsection (c)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1)(A)--
                          (i) by striking ``subsection (b)(1)(A)'' and 
                        inserting ``subparagraph (A) or (E) of 
                        subsection (b)(1)''; and
                           (ii) by striking ``, in such manner, and 
                        containing such information'' and inserting 
                        ``and in such manner''; and
                  (B) in paragraph (2)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (B)--
                                  (I) in the heading, by striking 
                                ``Retraining'' and inserting 
                                ``Reskilling''; and
                                  (II) by striking ``retraining'' and 
                                inserting ``reskilling'';
                          (ii) by redesignating subparagraphs (C) and 
                        (D) as subparagraphs (D) and (E), respectively; 
                          (iii) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the 
                  ``(C) Opioid-related grants.--In order to be eligible 
                to receive employment and training assistance under a 
                national dislocated worker grant awarded pursuant to 
                subsection (b)(1)(E), an individual shall be--
                          ``(i) a dislocated worker;
                          ``(ii) a long-term unemployed individual;
                          ``(iii) an individual who is unemployed or 
                        significantly underemployed as a result of 
                        widespread opioid use in the area; or
                          ``(iv) an individual who is employed or 
                        seeking employment in a health care profession 
                        involved in the prevention and treatment of 
                        opioid use disorders, including such 
                        professions that provide addiction treatment, 
                        mental health treatment, or pain management.''.


  Section 171 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3226) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (c)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1), to read as follows:
          ``(1) Amount of grants; reservation.--
                  ``(A) Amount of grants.--Subject to subparagraph (B), 
                the Secretary is authorized to make grants to 
                applicants for the purpose of carrying out YouthBuild 
                programs approved under this section.
                  ``(B) Reservation for rural areas and indian 
                tribes.--In any fiscal year in which the amount 
                appropriated to carry out this section is greater than 
                $90,000,000, the Secretary shall reserve 20 percent of 
                the amount appropriated that is in excess of 
                $90,000,000 and use such reserved amount to make 
                grants, for the purpose of carrying out YouthBuild 
                programs approved under this section, to applicants 
                          ``(i) are located in rural areas; or
                          ``(ii) are Indian Tribes, or are carrying out 
                        such programs for the benefit of members of an 
                        Indian Tribe.'';
                  (B) in paragraph (2)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (A)--
                                  (I) in clause (iv)(II), by striking 
                                ``language learners'' and inserting 
                                ``learners''; and
                                  (II) in clause (vii), by inserting 
                                after ``enable individuals'' the 
                                following: ``, including those with 
                                disabilities,''; and
                          (ii) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(I) Provision of meals and other food assistance to 
                participants in conjunction with another activity 
                described in this paragraph.'';
                  (C) in paragraph (3)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``such 
                        time, in such manner, and containing such 
                        information'' and inserting ``such time and in 
                        such manner''; and
                          (ii) in subparagraph (B)--
                                  (I) in the header, by striking 
                                ``Minimum requirements'' and inserting 
                                  (II) by striking ``, at a minimum'';
                                  (III) in clause (xx), by striking 
                                ``and'' at the end;
                                  (IV) in clause (xxi) by striking the 
                                period at the end and inserting ``; 
                                and''; and
                                  (V) by adding at the end the 
                          ``(xxii) a description of the levels of 
                        performance the applicant expects to achieve on 
                        the primary indicators of performance described 
                        in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii).''; and
                  (D) in paragraph (4)--
                          (i) by striking ``such selection criteria as 
                        the Secretary shall establish under this 
                        section, which shall include criteria'' and 
                        inserting ``selection criteria'';
                          (ii) in subparagraph (J)(iii), by adding 
                        ``and'' after the semicolon;
                          (iii) in subparagraph (K), by striking ``; 
                        and'' and inserting a period; and
                          (iv) by striking subparagraph (L);
          (2) in subsection (e)(1)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by striking ``offender'' 
                and inserting ``who is a justice-involved individual''; 
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)(i), by striking ``are basic 
                skills deficient'' and inserting ``have foundational 
                skill needs'';
          (3) in subsection (f), by striking paragraph (2) and 
        inserting the following:
          ``(2) Use of wage records.--The Secretary shall make 
        arrangements with a State or other appropriate entity to 
        facilitate the use of State wage records to evaluate the 
        performance of YouthBuild programs funded under this section on 
        the employment and earnings indicators described in section 
        116(b)(2)(A)(ii) for the purposes of the report required under 
        paragraph (3).
          ``(3) Performance results.--For each program year, the 
        Secretary shall make available, on a publicly accessible 
        website of the Department, a report on the performance of 
        YouthBuild programs, during such program year, funded under 
        this section on--
                  ``(A) the primary indicators of performance described 
                in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii); and
                  ``(B) the expected levels of performance for such 
                programs as described in paragraph (1).'';
          (4) in subsection (g), by inserting at the end the following:
          ``(4) Annual release of funding opportunity announcement.--
        The Secretary shall, to the greatest extent practicable, 
        announce new funding opportunities for grants under this 
        section during the same time period each year for which such 
        grants are available.''; and
          (5) by amending subsection (i) to read as follows:
  ``(i) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $108,150,000 for each of the 
fiscal years 2025 through 2030.''.


  Subtitle D of title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 
(29 U.S.C. 3221 et seq.), is further amended--
          (1) by redesignating section 172 as section 174; and
          (2) by inserting after section 171 the following:


  ``(a) Purposes.--The purposes of this section are--
          ``(1) to improve the employment, earnings, and skill 
        attainment, and reduce recidivism, of adults and youth who have 
        been involved with the justice system;
          ``(2) to prompt innovation and improvement in the reentry of 
        justice-involved individuals into the workforce so that 
        successful initiatives can be established or continued and 
        replicated; and
          ``(3) to further develop the evidence on how to improve 
        employment, earnings, and skill attainment, and reduce 
        recidivism, of justice-involved individuals, through rigorous 
        evaluations of specific services provided, including how they 
        affect different populations and how they are best combined and 
        sequenced, and disseminate such evidence to entities supporting 
        the reentry of justice-involved individuals into the workforce.
  ``(b) Reentry Employment Competitive Grants, Contracts, and 
Cooperative Agreements Authorized.--
          ``(1) In general.--From the amounts appropriated under 
        section 174(e) and not reserved under subsection (h), the 
                  ``(A) shall, on a competitive basis, make grants to, 
                or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with, 
                eligible entities to implement reentry projects that 
                serve eligible adults or eligible youth;
                  ``(B) may use not more than 30 percent of such 
                amounts to award funds under subparagraph (A) to 
                eligible entities to serve as national or regional 
                intermediaries to provide such funds to other eligible 
                entities to--
                          ``(i) implement reentry projects described in 
                        subparagraph (A); and
                          ``(ii) monitor and support such entities;
                  ``(C) shall use 30 percent of such amounts to award 
                funds under subparagraph (A) to eligible entities using 
                pay-for-performance contracts--
                          ``(i) that specify a fixed amount that will 
                        be paid to the entity based on the achievement 
                        of specified levels of performance on the 
                        indicators of performance described in 
                        subsections (e)(1)(A)(i) and (e)(2)(A) within a 
                        defined timetable; and
                          ``(ii) which may provide for bonus payments 
                        to such entity to expand capacity to provide 
                        effective services; and
                  ``(D) shall ensure grants awarded under this section 
                are awarded to eligible entities from geographically 
                diverse areas, in addition to the priorities described 
                in paragraph (4).
          ``(2) Award periods.--The Secretary shall award funds under 
        this section for an initial period of not more than 4 years.
          ``(3) Additional awards.--The Secretary may award, for a 
        period of not more than 4 years, one or more additional grants 
        to an eligible entity that received a grant under this section 
        if the eligible entity achieved the performance levels agreed 
        upon with the Secretary (as described in subsection (e)(3)) for 
        the most recent award period.
          ``(4) Priority.--In awarding funds under this section, the 
        Secretary shall give priority to eligible entities whose 
        applications submitted under subsection (c) demonstrate a 
        commitment to use such funds to implement reentry projects--
                  ``(A) that will serve high-poverty areas;
                  ``(B) that will enroll eligible youth or eligible 
                          ``(i) prior to the release of such 
                        individuals from incarceration in a 
                        correctional institution; or
                          ``(ii) not later than 90 days after such 
                  ``(C) whose strategy and design are evidence-based;
                  ``(D) that establish partnerships with--
                          ``(i) businesses; or
                          ``(ii) institutions of higher education or 
                        providers under section 122 (as determined by 
                        the State where services are being provided) to 
                        provide project participants with programs of 
                        study leading to recognized postsecondary 
                        credentials in in-demand occupations; or
                  ``(E) that provide training services, including 
                customized training and on-the-job training, that are 
                designed to meet the specific requirements of an 
                employer (including a group of employers) and are 
                conducted with a commitment by the employer to employ 
                individuals upon successful completion of the 
  ``(c) Application.--
          ``(1) Form and procedure.--To be qualified to receive funds 
        under this section, an eligible entity shall submit an 
        application at such time, and in such manner, as determined by 
        the Secretary, and containing the information described in 
        paragraph (2).
          ``(2) Contents.--An application submitted by an eligible 
        entity under paragraph (1) shall contain the following:
                  ``(A) A description of the eligible entity, including 
                the experience of the eligible entity in providing 
                employment and training services for justice-involved 
                  ``(B) A description of the needs that will be 
                addressed by the reentry project supported by the funds 
                received under this section, and the target participant 
                population and the geographic area to be served.
                  ``(C) A description of the proposed employment and 
                training activities and supportive services, if 
                applicable, to be provided under such reentry project, 
                and how such activities and services will prepare 
                participants for employment in in-demand industry 
                sectors and occupations within the geographic area to 
                be served by such reentry project.
                  ``(D) The anticipated schedule for carrying out the 
                activities proposed under the reentry project.
                  ``(E) A description of--
                          ``(i) the partnerships the eligible entity 
                        will establish with agencies and entities 
                        within the criminal justice system, local 
                        boards and one-stops, community-based 
                        organizations, and employers (including local 
                        businesses) to provide participants of the 
                        reentry project with work-based learning, job 
                        placement, and recruitment (if applicable); and
                          ``(ii) how the eligible entity will 
                        coordinate its activities with other services 
                        and benefits available to justice-involved 
                        individuals in the geographic area to be served 
                        by the reentry project.
                  ``(F) A description of the manner in which 
                individuals will be recruited and selected for 
                participation for the reentry project.
                  ``(G) A detailed budget and a description of the 
                system of fiscal controls, and auditing and 
                accountability procedures, that will be used to ensure 
                fiscal soundness for the reentry project.
                  ``(H) A description of the expected levels of 
                performance to be achieved with respect to the 
                performance measures described in subsection (e).
                  ``(I) A description of the evidence-based practices 
                the eligible entity will use in administration of the 
                reentry project.
                  ``(J) An assurance that the eligible entity will 
                collect, disaggregate by each subpopulation of 
                individuals with barriers to employment, and by race, 
                ethnicity, sex, and age, and report to the Secretary 
                the data required with respect to the reentry project 
                carried out by the eligible entity for purposes of 
                determining levels of performance achieved and 
                conducting the evaluation under this section.
                  ``(K) An assurance that the eligible entity will 
                provide matching funds, as described in subsection 
                  ``(L) A description of how the eligible entity plans 
                to continue the reentry project after the award period.
          ``(3) Additional content for intermediary applicants.--An 
        application submitted by an eligible entity seeking to serve as 
        a national or regional intermediary as described in subsection 
        (b)(1)(B) shall also contain the following:
                  ``(A) An identification and description of the 
                eligible entities that will be subgrantees of such 
                intermediary and implement the reentry projects, which 
                shall include subgrantees in--
                          ``(i) three or more noncontiguous 
                        metropolitan areas or rural areas; and
                          ``(ii) not less than 2 States.
                  ``(B) A description of the services and supports the 
                intermediary will provide to the subgrantees, including 
                administrative and fiscal support to ensure the 
                subgrantees comply with all grant requirements.
                  ``(C) A description of how the intermediary will 
                facilitate the replication of evidence-based practices 
                or other best practices identified by the intermediary 
                across all subgrantees.
                  ``(D) If such intermediary is currently receiving, or 
                has previously received, funds under this section as an 
                intermediary to implement a reentry project, an 
                assurance that none of the subgrantees identified under 
                subparagraph (A) were previous subgrantees of the 
                intermediary for such reentry project and failed to 
                meet the levels of performance established for such 
                reentry project.
  ``(d) Uses of Funds.--
          ``(1) Required activities.--An eligible entity that receives 
        funds under this section shall use such funds to implement a 
        reentry project for eligible adults, eligible youth, or both 
        that provides each of the following:
                  ``(A) One or more of the individualized career 
                services listed in subclauses (I) through (IX) of 
                section 134(c)(2)(A)(xii).
                  ``(B) One or more of the training services listed in 
                clauses (i) through (x)(i) in section 134(c)(3)(D), 
                including subsidized employment opportunities through 
                transitional jobs.
                  ``(C) For participants who are eligible youth, one or 
                more of the program elements listed in subparagraphs 
                (A) through (N) of section 129(c)(2).
          ``(2) Allowable activities.--An eligible entity that receives 
        funds under this section may use such funds to provide to 
        eligible adults or eligible youth the following:
                  ``(A) Followup services after placement in 
                unsubsidized employment as described in section 
                  ``(B) Apprenticeship programs.
                  ``(C) Education in digital literacy skills.
                  ``(D) Mentoring.
                  ``(E) Assistance in obtaining employment, including 
                as a result of the eligible entity--
                          ``(i) establishing and developing 
                        relationships and networks with large and small 
                        employers; and
                          ``(ii) coordinating with employers to develop 
                        customized training programs and on-the-job 
                  ``(F) Assistance with driver's license reinstatement 
                and fees for driver's licenses and other necessary 
                documents for employment.
                  ``(G) Provision of or referral to evidence-based 
                mental health treatment by licensed practitioners.
                  ``(H) Provision of or referral to substance use 
                disorder treatment services, provided that funds 
                awarded under this section are only used to provide 
                such services to participants who are unable to obtain 
                such services through other programs providing such 
                  ``(I) Provisions of or referral to supportive 
                services, provided that no more than 5 percent of funds 
                awarded to an eligible entity under this section may be 
                used to provide such services to participants who are 
                able to obtain such services through other programs 
                providing such services.
          ``(3) Administrative cost limit.--An eligible entity may not 
        use more than 7 percent of the funds received under this 
        section for administrative costs, including for costs related 
        to collecting information, analysis, and coordination for 
        purposes of subsection (e) or (f).
          ``(4) Matching funds.--An eligible entity shall provide a 
        non-Federal contribution, which may be provided in cash or in-
        kind, for the costs of the project in an amount that is not 
        less than 25 percent of the total amount of funds awarded to 
        the entity for such period, except that the Secretary may waive 
        the matching funds requirement, on a case-by-case basis and for 
        not more than 20 percent of all grants awarded, if the eligible 
        entity demonstrates significant financial hardship.
  ``(e) Levels of Performance.--
          ``(1) Establishment of levels.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall establish 
                expected levels of performance for reentry projects 
                funded under this section for--
                          ``(i) each of the primary indicators of 
                        performance for adults and youth described in 
                        section 116(b); and
                          ``(ii) an indicator of performance 
                        established by the Secretary with respect to 
                        participant recidivism.
                  ``(B) Updates.--The levels established under 
                subparagraph (A) shall be updated for each 4-year-award 
          ``(2) Agreement on performance levels.--In establishing and 
        updating performance levels under paragraph (1), the Secretary 
        shall reach agreement on such levels with the eligible entities 
        receiving awards under this section that will be subject to 
        such levels, based on, as the Secretary determines relevant for 
        each indicator of performance, the following factors:
                  ``(A) The expected performance levels of each such 
                eligible entity described in the application submitted 
                under subsection (c)(2)(H).
                  ``(B) The local economic conditions of the geographic 
                area to be served by each such eligible entity, 
                including differences in unemployment rates and job 
                losses or gains in particular industries.
                  ``(C) The characteristics of project participants 
                when entering the project involved, including--
                          ``(i) criminal records;
                          ``(ii) indicators of poor work history;
                          ``(iii) lack of work experience;
                          ``(iv) lack of educational or occupational 
                        skills attainment;
                          ``(v) low levels of literacy or English 
                          ``(vi) disability status;
                          ``(vii) homelessness; and
                          ``(viii) receipt of public assistance.
          ``(3) Failure to meet performance levels.--In the case of an 
        eligible entity that fails to meet the performance levels 
        established under paragraph (1) and updated to reflect the 
        actual economic conditions and characteristics of participants 
        (as described in paragraph (2)(C)) served by the reentry 
        project involved for any award year, the Secretary shall 
        provide technical assistance to the eligible entity, including 
        the development of a performance improvement plan.
  ``(f) Evaluation of Reentry Projects.--
          ``(1) In general.--Not later than 5 years after the first 
        award of funds under this section is made, the Secretary 
        (acting through the Chief Evaluation Officer) shall meet each 
        of the following requirements:
                  ``(A) Design and conduct of evaluation.--Design and 
                conduct an evaluation to evaluate the effectiveness of 
                the reentry projects funded under this section, which 
                meets the requirements of paragraph (2), and includes 
                an evaluation of each of the following:
                          ``(i) The effectiveness of such projects in 
                        assisting individuals with finding employment 
                        and maintaining employment at the second 
                        quarter and fourth quarter after unsubsidized 
                        employment is obtained.
                          ``(ii) The effectiveness of such projects in 
                        assisting individuals with earning recognized 
                        postsecondary credentials.
                          ``(iii) The effectiveness of such projects in 
                        relation to their cost, including the extent to 
                        which the projects improve reentry outcomes, 
                        including in employment, compensation (which 
                        may include wages earned and benefits), career 
                        advancement, measurable skills gains, 
                        credentials earned, and recidivism of 
                        participants in comparison to comparably 
                        situated individuals who did not participate in 
                        such projects.
                          ``(iv) The effectiveness of specific services 
                        and interventions provided and of the overall 
                        project design.
                          ``(v) If applicable, the extent to which such 
                        projects effectively serve various demographic 
                        groups, including people of different 
                        geographic locations, ages, races, national 
                        origins, sex, and criminal records, and 
                        individuals with disabilities.
                          ``(vi) If applicable, the appropriate 
                        sequencing, combination, or concurrent 
                        structure, of services for each subpopulation 
                        of individuals who are participants of such 
                        projects, such as the order, combination, or 
                        concurrent structure and services in which 
                        transitional jobs and occupational skills 
                        development are provided, to ensure that such 
                        participants are prepared to fully benefit from 
                        employment and training services provided under 
                        the project.
                          ``(vii) Limitations or barriers to education 
                        and employment as a result of occupational or 
                        educational licensing restrictions.
                  ``(B) Data accessibility.--Make available, on the 
                publicly accessible website of the Department of Labor, 
                data collected during the course of evaluation under 
                this subsection, in an aggregated format that does not 
                disclose personally identifiable information.
          ``(2) Design requirements.--An evaluation under this 
                  ``(A) shall--
                          ``(i) be designed by the Secretary (acting 
                        through the Chief Evaluation Officer) in 
                        conjunction with the eligible entities carrying 
                        out the reentry projects being evaluated;
                          ``(ii) include analysis of participant 
                        feedback and outcome and process measures; and
                          ``(iii) use designs that employ the most 
                        rigorous analytical and statistical methods 
                        that are reasonably feasible, such as the use 
                        of control groups; and
                  ``(B) may not--
                          ``(i) collect personally identifiable 
                        information, except to the extent such 
                        information is necessary to conduct the 
                        evaluation; or
                          ``(ii) reveal or share personally 
                        identifiable information.
          ``(3) Publication and reporting of evaluation findings.--The 
        Secretary (acting through the Chief Evaluation Officer) shall--
                  ``(A) in accordance with the timeline determined to 
                be appropriate by the Chief Evaluation Officer, publish 
                an interim report on such evaluation;
                  ``(B) not later than 90 days after the date on which 
                any evaluation is completed under this subsection, 
                publish and make publicly available such evaluation; 
                  ``(C) not later than 60 days after the completion 
                date described in subparagraph (B), submit to the 
                Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House 
                of Representatives and the Committee on Health, 
                Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate a report 
                on such evaluation.
  ``(g) Annual Report.--
          ``(1) Contents.--Subject to paragraph (2), the Secretary 
        shall post, using transparent, linked, open, and interoperable 
        data formats, on its publicly accessible website, an annual 
        report on--
                  ``(A) the number of individuals who participated in 
                projects assisted under this section for the preceding 
                  ``(B) the percentage of such individuals who 
                successfully completed the requirements of such 
                  ``(C) the performance of eligible entities on such 
                projects as measured by the performance indicators set 
                forth in subsection (e); and
                  ``(D) an explanation of any waivers granted by the 
                Secretary of the matching requirement under subsection 
                (d)(4) .
          ``(2) Disaggregation.--The information provided under 
        subparagraphs (A) through (C) of paragraph (1) with respect to 
        a year shall be disaggregated by each project assisted under 
        this section for such year.
  ``(h) Reservation of Funds.--Of the funds appropriated under section 
174(e) for a fiscal year, the Secretary--
          ``(1) may reserve not more than 5 percent for the 
        administration of grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements 
        awarded under this section, of which not more than 2 percent 
        may be reserved for the provision of--
                  ``(A) technical assistance to eligible entities that 
                receive funds under this section; and
                  ``(B) outreach and technical assistance to eligible 
                entities desiring to receive such funds, including 
                assistance with application development and submission; 
          ``(2) shall reserve not less than 1 percent and not more than 
        2.5 percent for the evaluation activities under subsection (f) 
        or to support eligible entities with any required data 
        collection, analysis, and coordination related to such 
        evaluation activities.
  ``(i) Definitions.--In this section:
          ``(1) Chief evaluation officer.--The term `Chief Evaluation 
        Officer' means the head of the independent evaluation office 
        located in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy of 
        the Department of Labor.
          ``(2) Community supervision.--The term `community 
        supervision' means mandatory oversight (including probation and 
        parole) of a formerly incarcerated person--
                  ``(A) who was convicted of a crime by a judge or 
                parole board; and
                  ``(B) who is living outside a secure facility.
          ``(3) Correctional institution.--The term `correctional 
        institution' has the meaning given the term in section 225(e).
          ``(4) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity' means--
                  ``(A) a private nonprofit organization under section 
                501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 
                including a community-based or faith-based 
                  ``(B) a local board;
                  ``(C) a State or local government;
                  ``(D) an Indian or Native American entity eligible 
                for grants under section 166;
                  ``(E) a labor organization or joint labor-management 
                  ``(F) an industry or sector partnership;
                  ``(G) an institution of higher education; or
                  ``(H) a consortium of the entities described in 
                subparagraphs (A) through (H).
          ``(5) Eligible adult.--The term `eligible adult' means a 
        justice-involved individual who--
                  ``(A) is age 25 or older; and
                  ``(B) in the case of an individual that was 
                previously incarcerated, was released from 
                incarceration not more than 3 years prior to enrollment 
                in a project funded under this section.
          ``(6) Eligible youth.--The term `eligible youth' means a 
        justice-involved individual who is not younger than age 14 or 
        older than age 24.
          ``(7) High-poverty.--The term `high-poverty', when used with 
        respect to a geographic area, means an area with a poverty rate 
        of at least 20 percent as determined based on the most recently 
        available data from the American Community Survey conducted by 
        the Bureau of the Census.
          ``(8) Justice-involved individual.--The term `justice-
        involved individual' means an individual who has been convicted 
        as a juvenile or an adult and imprisoned under Federal or State 


   Subtitle D of title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
Act (29 U.S.C. 3221 et seq.), is further amended by inserting after 
section 172, as added by the preceding section, the following:

                    GRANTS PROGRAM.

  ``(a) Purposes.--The purposes of this section are--
          ``(1) to establish, improve, or expand high-quality workforce 
        development programs at community colleges; and
          ``(2) to expand opportunities for individuals to obtain 
        recognized postsecondary credentials that are nationally or 
        regionally portable and stackable for high-skill, high-wage, or 
        in-demand industry sectors or occupations.
  ``(b) Strengthening Community Colleges Workforce Development Grants 
          ``(1) In general.--From the amounts appropriated to carry out 
        this section under section 174(f) and not reserved under 
        paragraph (2), the Secretary shall, on a competitive basis, 
        make grants to eligible institutions to carry out the 
        activities described in subsection (e).
          ``(2) Reservation.--Of the amounts appropriated to carry out 
        this section under section 174(f), the Secretary may reserve 
        not more than two percent for the administration of grants 
        awarded under this section, including--
                  ``(A) providing technical assistance and targeted 
                outreach to support eligible institutions serving a 
                high number or high percentage of low-income 
                individuals or individuals with barriers to employment, 
                and rural-serving eligible institutions, to provide 
                guidance and assistance in the process of applying for 
                grants under this section; and
                  ``(B) evaluating and reporting on the performance and 
                impact of programs funded under this section in 
                accordance with subsections (f) through (h).
  ``(c) Award Period.--
          ``(1) Initial grant period.--Each grant under this section 
        shall be awarded for an initial period of not more than 4 
          ``(2) Subsequent grants.--An eligible institution that 
        receives an initial grant under this section may receive one or 
        more additional grants under this section for additional 
        periods of not more than 4 years each if the eligible 
        institution demonstrates that, during the most recently 
        completed grant period for a grant received under this section, 
        such eligible institution achieved the levels of performance 
        agreed to by the eligible institution with respect to the 
        performance indicators specified in subsection (f).
  ``(d) Application.--
          ``(1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant under 
        this section, an eligible institution shall submit an 
        application to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as 
        the Secretary may require.
          ``(2) Contents.--An application submitted by an eligible 
        institution under paragraph (1) shall include a description of 
        each the following:
                  ``(A) The extent to which the eligible institution 
                has demonstrated success building partnerships with 
                employers in in-demand industry sectors or occupations 
                to provide students with the skills needed for 
                occupations in such industries and an explanation of 
                the results of any such partnerships.
                  ``(B) The methods and strategies the eligible 
                institution will use to engage with employers in in-
                demand industry sectors or occupations, including any 
                arrangements to place individuals who complete the 
                workforce development programs supported by the grant 
                into employment with such employers.
                  ``(C) The proposed eligible institution and industry 
                partnership that the eligible institution will 
                establish or maintain to comply with subsection (e)(1), 
                          ``(i) the roles and responsibilities of each 
                        employer, organization, agency, or institution 
                        of higher education that the eligible 
                        institution will partner with to carry out the 
                        activities under this section; and
                          ``(ii) the needs that will be addressed by 
                        such eligible institution and industry 
                  ``(D) One or more industries that such partnership 
                will target and real-time labor market data 
                demonstrating that those industries are aligned with 
                employer demand in the geographic area to be served by 
                the eligible institution.
                  ``(E) The extent to which the eligible institution 
                          ``(i) leverage additional resources to 
                        support the programs to be funded with the 
                        grant, which shall include written commitments 
                        of any leveraged or matching funds for the 
                        proposed programs; and
                          ``(ii) demonstrate the future sustainability 
                        of each such program.
                  ``(F) The steps the institution will take to ensure 
                the high quality of each program to be funded with the 
                grant, including the career pathways within such 
                  ``(G) The population and geographic area to be served 
                by the eligible institution, including the number of 
                individuals the eligible institution intends to serve 
                during the grant period.
                  ``(H) The workforce development programs to be 
                supported by the grant.
                  ``(I) The recognized postsecondary credentials that 
                are expected to be earned by participants in such 
                workforce development programs and the related in-
                demand industry sectors or occupations for which such 
                programs will prepare participants.
                  ``(J) The evidence upon which the education and 
                skills development strategies to be used in such 
                workforce development programs are based and an 
                explanation of how such evidence influenced the design 
                of the programs to improve education and employment 
                  ``(K) How activities of the eligible institution are 
                expected to align with the workforce strategies 
                identified in--
                          ``(i) any State plan or local plan submitted 
                        under this Act by the State, outlying area, or 
                        locality in which the eligible institution is 
                        expected to operate;
                          ``(ii) any State plan submitted under section 
                        122 of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical 
                        Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2342) by such 
                        State or outlying area; and
                          ``(iii) any economic development plan of the 
                        chief executive of such State or outlying area.
                  ``(L) The goals of the eligible institution with 
                respect to--
                          ``(i) capacity building (as described in 
                        subsection (f)(1)(B)); and
                          ``(ii) the expected performance of 
                        individuals participating in the programs to be 
                        offered by the eligible institution, including 
                        with respect to any performance indicators 
                        applicable under section 116 or subsection (f) 
                        of this section.
          ``(3) Consideration of previous experience.--The Secretary 
        may not disqualify an eligible institution from receiving a 
        grant under this section solely because such institution lacks 
        previous experience in building partnerships, as described in 
        paragraph (2)(A).
          ``(4) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section, the 
        Secretary shall give priority to eligible institutions that--
                  ``(A) will use the grant to serve--
                          ``(i) individuals with barriers to 
                        employment; or
                          ``(ii) incumbent workers who need to gain or 
                        improve foundational skills to enhance their 
                  ``(B) use competency-based assessments, such as the 
                competency-based assessment identified by the State in 
                which the eligible institution is located under section 
                134(a)(2)(B)(vii), to award academic credit for prior 
                learning for programs supported by the grant; or
                  ``(C) have, or will seek to have, the career 
                education programs supported by the grant included on 
                the list of eligible providers of training services 
                under section 122 for the State in which the eligible 
                institution is located.
  ``(e) Uses of Funds.--
          ``(1) Eligible institution and industry partnership.--For the 
        purpose of carrying out the activities specified in paragraphs 
        (2) and (3), an eligible institution that receives a grant 
        under this section shall establish a partnership (or continue 
        an existing partnership) with one or more employers in an in-
        demand industry sector or occupation (in this section referred 
        to as an `eligible institution and industry partnership') and 
        shall maintain such partnership for the duration of the grant 
        period. The eligible institution shall ensure that the 
                  ``(A) targets one or more specific high-skill, high-
                wage, or in-demand industries;
                  ``(B) includes collaboration with the workforce 
                development system;
                  ``(C) serves adult and dislocated workers, incumbent 
                workers, and new entrants to the workforce;
                  ``(D) uses an evidence-based program design that is 
                appropriate for the activities carried out by the 
                  ``(E) incorporates work-based learning opportunities, 
                as defined in section 3 of the Carl D. Perkins Career 
                and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302); 
                  ``(F) incorporates, to the extent appropriate, 
                virtual service delivery to facilitate technology-
                enabled learning.
          ``(2) Required activities.--An eligible institution that 
        receives a grant under this section shall, in consultation with 
        the employers in the eligible institution and industry 
        partnership described in paragraph (1)--
                  ``(A) establish, improve, or expand high quality, 
                evidence-based workforce development programs, career 
                pathway programs, or work-based learning programs 
                (including apprenticeship programs or 
                  ``(B) provide career services to individuals 
                participating in the programs funded with the grant to 
                facilitate retention and program completion, which may 
                          ``(i) career navigation, coaching, 
                        mentorship, and case management services, 
                        including providing information and outreach to 
                        individuals with barriers to employment to 
                        encourage such individuals to participate in 
                        programs funded with the grant; and
                          ``(ii) providing access to course materials, 
                        technological devices, required equipment, and 
                        other supports necessary for participation in 
                        and successful completion of such programs; and
                  ``(C) make available, in a format that is open, 
                searchable, and easily comparable, information on--
                          ``(i) curricula and recognized postsecondary 
                        credentials offered through programs funded 
                        with the grant, including any curricula or 
                        credentials created or further developed using 
                        such grant, which for each recognized 
                        postsecondary credential, shall include--
                                  ``(I) the issuing entity of such 
                                  ``(II) any third-party endorsements 
                                of such credential;
                                  ``(III) the occupations for which the 
                                credential prepares individuals;
                                  ``(IV) the skills and competencies 
                                necessary to achieve to earn such 
                                  ``(V) the level of mastery of such 
                                skills and competencies (including how 
                                mastery is assessed); and
                                  ``(VI) any transfer value or 
                                stackability of the credential;
                          ``(ii) any skills or competencies developed 
                        by individuals who participate in such programs 
                        beyond the skills and competencies identified 
                        as part of the recognized postsecondary 
                        credential awarded; and
                          ``(iii) related employment and earnings 
                        outcomes on the primary indicators of 
                        performance described in subclauses (I) through 
                        (III) of section 116(b)(2)(A)(i).
          ``(3) Additional activities.--In addition to the activities 
        required under paragraph (2), an eligible institution that 
        receives a grant under this section shall, in consultation with 
        the employers in the eligible institution and industry 
        partnership described in paragraph (1), carry out one or more 
        of the following activities:
                  ``(A) Establish, improve, or expand--
                          ``(i) articulation agreements (as defined in 
                        section 486A(a) of the Higher Education Act of 
                        1965 (20 U.S.C. 1093a(a)));
                          ``(ii) credit transfer agreements;
                          ``(iii) corequisite remediation programs that 
                        enable a student to receive remedial education 
                        services while enrolled in a postsecondary 
                        course rather than requiring the student to 
                        receive remedial education before enrolling in 
                        a such a course;
                          ``(iv) dual or concurrent enrollment 
                          ``(v) competency-based education and 
                        assessment; or
                          ``(vi) policies and processes to award 
                        academic credit for prior learning or for the 
                        programs described in paragraph (2)(A).
                  ``(B) Establish or implement plans for providers of 
                the programs described in paragraph (2)(A) to meet the 
                criteria and carry out the procedures necessary to be 
                included on the eligible training services provider 
                list described in section 122(d).
                  ``(C) Purchase, lease, or refurbish specialized 
                equipment as necessary to carry out such programs, 
                provided that not more than 15 percent of the funds 
                awarded to the eligible institution under this section 
                may be used for activities described in this 
                  ``(D) Reduce or eliminate unmet financial need 
                relating to the cost of attendance (as defined under 
                section 472 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
                U.S.C. 1087ll)) of participants in such programs.
          ``(4) Administrative cost limit.--An eligible institution may 
        use not more than 7 percent of the funds awarded under this 
        section for administrative costs, including costs related to 
        collecting information, analysis, and coordination for purposes 
        of subsection (f).
  ``(f) Performance Levels and Performance Reviews.--
          ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall develop and implement 
        guidance that establishes the levels of performance that are 
        expected to be achieved by each eligible institution receiving 
        a grant under this section. Such performance levels shall be 
        established on the following indicators:
                  ``(A) Each of the primary indicators of performance 
                for adults described in section 116(b), which shall be 
                applied for all individuals who participated in a 
                program that received funding from a grant under this 
                  ``(B) The extent to which the eligible institution 
                built capacity by--
                          ``(i) increasing the breadth and depth of 
                        employer engagement and investment in workforce 
                        development programs in the in-demand industry 
                        sectors and occupations targeted by the 
                        eligible institution and industry partnership 
                        established or maintained by the eligible 
                        institution under subsection (e)(1);
                          ``(ii) designing or implementing new and 
                        accelerated instructional techniques or 
                        technologies, including the use of advanced 
                        online and technology-enabled learning (such as 
                        immersive technology); and
                          ``(iii) increasing program and policy 
                        alignment across systems and decreasing 
                        duplicative services or service gaps.
                  ``(C) With respect to individuals who participated in 
                a workforce development program funded with the grant--
                          ``(i) the percentage of participants who 
                        successfully completed the program; and
                          ``(ii) of the participants who were incumbent 
                        workers at the time of enrollment in the 
                        program, the percentage who advanced into 
                        higher level positions during or after 
                        completing the program.
          ``(2) Consultation and determination of performance levels.--
                  ``(A) Consideration.--In developing performance 
                levels in accordance with paragraph (1), the Secretary 
                shall take into consideration the goals of the eligible 
                institution pursuant to subsection (d)(2)(L).
                  ``(B) Determination.--After completing the 
                consideration required under subparagraph (A), the 
                Secretary shall separately determine the performance 
                levels that will apply to each eligible institution, 
                taking into account--
                          ``(i) the expected performance levels of each 
                        eligible institution with respect to the goals 
                        described by the eligible institution pursuant 
                        to subsection (d)(2)(L); and
                          ``(ii) local economic conditions in the 
                        geographic area to be served by the eligible 
                        institution, including differences in 
                        unemployment rates and job losses or gains in 
                        particular industries.
                  ``(C) Notice and acknowledgment.--
                          ``(i) Notice.--The Secretary shall provide 
                        each eligible institution with a written 
                        notification that sets forth the performance 
                        levels that will apply to the eligible 
                        institution, as determined under subparagraph 
                          ``(ii) Acknowledgment.--After receiving the 
                        notification described in clause (i), each 
                        eligible institution shall submit to the 
                        Secretary written confirmation that the 
                        eligible institution--
                                  ``(I) received the notification; and
                                  ``(II) agrees to be evaluated in 
                                accordance with the performance levels 
                                determined by the Secretary.
          ``(3) Performance reviews.--On an annual basis during each 
        year of the grant period, the Secretary shall evaluate the 
        performance during such year of each eligible institution 
        receiving a grant under this section in a manner consistent 
        with the performance levels determined for such institution 
        pursuant to paragraph (2).
          ``(4) Failure to meet performance levels.--After conducting 
        an evaluation under paragraph (3), if the Secretary determines 
        that an eligible institution did not achieve the performance 
        levels applicable to the eligible institution under paragraph 
        (2), the Secretary shall--
                  ``(A) provide technical assistance to the eligible 
                institution; and
                  ``(B) develop a performance improvement plan for the 
                eligible institution.
  ``(g) Evaluations and Reports.--
          ``(1) In general.--Not later than 4 years after the date on 
        which the first grant is made under this section, the Secretary 
        shall design and conduct an evaluation to determine the overall 
        effectiveness of the eligible institutions receiving a grant 
        under this section.
          ``(2) Elements.--The evaluation of the effectiveness of 
        eligible institutions conducted under paragraph (1) shall 
        include an assessment of the general effectiveness of programs 
        and activities supported by the grants awarded to such eligible 
        institutions under this section, including the extent to which 
        the programs and activities--
                  ``(A) developed new, or expanded existing, successful 
                industry sector strategies, including the extent to 
                which such eligible institutions deepened employer 
                engagement and developed workforce development programs 
                that met industry skill needs;
                  ``(B) created, expanded, or enhanced career pathways, 
                including the extent to which the eligible institutions 
                developed or improved competency-based education and 
                assessment, credit for prior learning, modularized and 
                self-paced curricula, integrated education and 
                workforce development, dual enrollment in secondary and 
                postsecondary career pathways, stacked and latticed 
                credentials, and online and distance learning;
                  ``(C) created alignment between eligible institutions 
                and the workforce development system;
                  ``(D) assisted individuals with finding, retaining, 
                or advancing in employment;
                  ``(E) assisted individuals with earning recognized 
                postsecondary credentials; and
                  ``(F) provided equal access to various demographic 
                groups, including people of different geographic 
                locations, ages, races, national origins, and sexes.
          ``(3) Design requirements.--The evaluation under this 
        subsection shall--
                  ``(A) be designed by the Secretary (acting through 
                the Chief Evaluation Officer) in conjunction with the 
                eligible institutions being evaluated;
                  ``(B) include analysis of program participant 
                feedback and outcome and process measures; and
                  ``(C) use designs that employ the most rigorous 
                analytical and statistical methods that are reasonably 
                feasible, such as the use of control groups.
          ``(4) Data accessibility.--The Secretary shall make available 
        on a publicly accessible website of the Department of Labor any 
        data collected as part of the evaluation under this subsection. 
        Such data shall be made available in an aggregated format that 
        does not reveal personally identifiable information and that 
        ensures compliance with relevant Federal laws, including 
        section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (commonly 
        known as the `Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 
        1974') (20 U.S.C. 1232g).
          ``(5) Publication and reporting of evaluation findings.--The 
        Secretary (acting through the Chief Evaluation Officer) shall--
                  ``(A) in accordance with the timeline determined to 
                be appropriate by the Chief Evaluation Officer, publish 
                an interim report on the preliminary results of the 
                evaluation conducted under this subsection;
                  ``(B) not later than 60 days after the date on which 
                the evaluation is completed under this subsection, 
                submit to the Committee on Education and the Workforce 
                of the House of Representatives and the Committee on 
                Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate a 
                report on such evaluation; and
                  ``(C) not later than 90 days after such completion 
                date, publish and make the results of such evaluation 
                available on a publicly accessible website of the 
                Department of Labor.
  ``(h) Annual Reports.--The Secretary shall make available on a 
publicly accessible website of the Department of Labor, in transparent, 
linked, open, and interoperable data formats, the following 
          ``(1) The performance of eligible institutions on the 
        capacity-building performance indicator set forth under 
        subsection (f)(1)(B).
          ``(2) The performance of eligible institutions on the 
        workforce development participant outcome performance 
        indicators set forth under subsection (f)(1)(C).
          ``(3) The number of individuals enrolled in workforce 
        development programs funded with a grant under this section.
  ``(i) Definitions.--In this section:
          ``(1) Community college.--The term `community college' 
                  ``(A) a public institution of higher education (as 
                defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act 
                (20 U.S.C. 1001(a)), at which--
                          ``(i) the highest degree awarded is an 
                        associate degree; or
                          ``(ii) an associate degree is the most 
                        frequently awarded degree;
                  ``(B) a branch campus of a 4-year public institution 
                of higher education (as defined in section 101 of the 
                Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001)), if, at 
                such branch campus--
                          ``(i) the highest degree awarded is an 
                        associate degree; or
                          ``(ii) an associate degree is the most 
                        frequently awarded degree;
                  ``(C) a 2-year Tribal College or University (as 
                defined in section 316(b)(3) of the Higher Education 
                Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059c(b)(3))); or
                  ``(D) a degree-granting Tribal College or University 
                (as defined in section 316(b)(3) of the Higher 
                Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059c(b)(3))) at 
                          ``(i) the highest degree awarded is an 
                        associate degree; or
                          ``(ii) an associate degree is the most 
                        frequently awarded degree.
          ``(2) Eligible institution.--The term `eligible institution' 
                  ``(A) a community college;
                  ``(B) a postsecondary vocational institution (as 
                defined in section 102(c) of the Higher Education Act 
                of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002(c))); or
                  ``(C) a consortium of such colleges or institutions.
  ``(j) Supplement Not Supplant.--Funds made available under this 
section shall be used to supplement, and not supplant, other Federal, 
State, and local public funds made available for carrying out the 
activities described in this section.''.


  Section 174 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, as so 
redesignated, is amended--
          (1) by redesignating subsections (e) and (f) as subsections 
        (g) and (h), respectively; and
          (2) by striking subsections (a) through (d) and inserting the 
  ``(a) Native American Programs.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out section 166 (not including subsection (k) of 
such section) $61,800,000 for each of the fiscal years 2025 through 
  ``(b) Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Programs.--There are authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out section 167 $100,317,900 for each of 
the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  ``(c) Technical Assistance.--There are authorized to be appropriated 
to carry out section 168 $5,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2025 
through 2030.
  ``(d) Evaluations and Research.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out section 169 $12,720,000 for each of the 
fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  ``(e) Reentry Program.--There are authorized to be appropriated to 
carry out section 172 $115,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2025 
through 2030.
  ``(f) Strengthening Community Colleges Program.--There are authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out section 173 $65,000,000 for each of the 
fiscal years 2025 through 2030.''.

                       Subtitle F--Administration


  (a) Labor Standards.--Section 181(b) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3241(b)) is amended by adding at the end the 
          ``(8) Consultation.--If an employer provides on-the-job 
        training, incumbent worker training, or employer-directed 
        skills development with funds made available under this title 
        directly to employees of such employer that are subject to a 
        collective bargaining agreement with the employer, the employer 
        shall consult with the labor organization that represents such 
        employees on the planning and design of such training or 
  (b) Relocation.--Section 181(d) of the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3241(d)) is amended by striking ``incumbent 
worker training,'' and inserting ``incumbent worker training, employer-
directed skills development,''.


  Section 189(i)(3)(A)(i) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
Act (29 U.S.C. 3249(i)(3)(A)(i)) is amended by striking ``procedures 
for review and approval of plans'' and inserting ``the procedures for 
review and approval of plans, the performance reports described in 
section 116(d), and the requirement described in section 


  Section 190 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3250) is amended to read as follows:


  ``(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to--
          ``(1) authorize States to apply under this section, in the 
        case of an eligible State, on behalf of the entire State, or 
        for any State, on behalf of a local area or a consortium of 
        local areas in the State, to receive the allotments or 
        allocations of the State or the local areas, respectively, for 
        youth workforce investment activities and adult and dislocated 
        worker employment and training activities under this Act, as a 
        consolidated grant for 5 years for the purpose of carrying out 
        a demonstration project to pursue innovative reforms to achieve 
        better outcomes for jobseekers, employers, and taxpayers; and
          ``(2) require that rigorous evaluations be conducted to 
        demonstrate if better outcomes and associated innovative 
        reforms were achieved as a result of such demonstration 
  ``(b) General Authority.--
          ``(1) Waivers and demonstration grant amounts.--
        Notwithstanding any other provision of law, during the 
        demonstration period applicable to a demonstration project 
        approved for a State pursuant to subsection (d)(3), the 
        Secretary shall comply with each of the following:
                  ``(A) Waivers.--Subject to paragraph (2), waive for 
                the State as a whole, or for the local area or the 
                consortium of local areas in such State selected by the 
                State to carry out such demonstration project, all the 
                statutory and regulatory requirements of subtitle A and 
                subtitle B.
                  ``(B) Demonstration grant amounts.--For each fiscal 
                year applicable to such demonstration period:
                          ``(i) State as a whole.--In a case of a State 
                        approved to carry out a demonstration project 
                        under this section on behalf of the State as a 
                        whole, distribute as a consolidated sum to the 
                        State, for purposes of carrying out the 
                        project, the State's total allotment for such 
                        fiscal year under--
                                  ``(I) subsections (b)(1)(C) and 
                                subsection (c) of section 127; and
                                  ``(II) paragraphs (1)(B) and (2)(B) 
                                of section 132(b); and
                                  ``(III) section 132(c).
                          ``(ii) Local area.--In a case of a local area 
                        selected by a State to carry out a 
                        demonstration project under this section, 
                        require the State to--
                                  ``(I) distribute as a consolidated 
                                sum to the local board for such local 
                                area, for purposes of carrying out the 
                                project, the local area's allocation 
                                for such fiscal year under--
                                          ``(aa) subsections (b) and 
                                        (c) of section 128; and
                                          ``(bb) subsections (b) and 
                                        (c) of section 133; or
                                  ``(II) if the local board of the 
                                local area enters into a written 
                                agreement with the State for the State 
                                to serve as the fiscal agent for the 
                                local board during the demonstration 
                                project, use the funds described in 
                                subclause (I) for purposes of carrying 
                                out the project on behalf of the local 
                          ``(iii) Consortium of local areas.--In a case 
                        of a consortium of local areas selected by a 
                        State to carry out a demonstration project 
                        under this section, require the State to--
                                  ``(I) distribute as a consolidated 
                                sum to the consortium, for purposes of 
                                carrying out the project, the total 
                                amount of the allocations for the local 
                                areas in such consortium for such 
                                fiscal year under--
                                          ``(aa) subsections (b) and 
                                        (c) of section 128; and
                                          ``(bb) subsections (b) and 
                                        (c) of section 133; or
                                  ``(II) if the consortium enters into 
                                a written agreement with the State for 
                                the State to serve as the fiscal agent 
                                for the consortium during the 
                                demonstration project, use the funds 
                                described in subclause (I) for purposes 
                                of carrying out the project on behalf 
                                of such consortium.
          ``(2) Exceptions.--
                  ``(A) In general.--A State, local area, or consortium 
                of local areas carrying out a demonstration project 
                under this section shall comply with statutory or 
                regulatory requirements of this Act relating to--
                          ``(i) performance accountability and 
                        reporting, except as otherwise provided in this 
                          ``(ii) the membership of local or State 
                        boards in instances where a State carrying out 
                        a demonstration project will maintain the use 
                        of such boards during the demonstration period; 
                          ``(iii) the priority of service described in 
                        section 134(c)(3)(E).
                  ``(B) Applicability of defined terms.--In carrying 
                out a demonstration project under this section, a 
                State, local area, or consortium of local areas may 
                only use a term defined in section 3 to describe an 
                activity carried out under such demonstration project 
                if the State, local area, or consortium of local areas 
                gives such term the same meaning as such term is given 
                under such section.
          ``(3) Authority for third-party evaluation.--
                  ``(A) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the 
                issuance of the first demonstration project awarded 
                under this section, the Secretary shall contract with a 
                third-party evaluator to conduct a rigorous evaluation 
                of each demonstration project for each State, local 
                area, or consortium of local areas awarded a 
                demonstration project. The evaluation shall--
                          ``(i) cover the 5-year period of each 
                        demonstration project;
                          ``(ii) compare the employment and earnings 
                        outcomes of participants in activities carried 
                        out under the demonstration project to--
                                  ``(I) the outcomes of similarly 
                                situated individuals that do not 
                                participate in such activities who are 
                                located in such State, local area, or a 
                                local area in such consortium; and
                                  ``(II) the outcomes of participants 
                                in activities under this chapter in the 
                                State, local area, or a local area in 
                                the consortium that was awarded a 
                                waiver prior to the award of such 
                          ``(iii) conduct a qualitative analysis that 
                        identifies any promising practices or innovate 
                        strategies that--
                                  ``(I) would not have been conducted 
                                without the waiving of statutory or 
                                regulatory provisions through the 
                                demonstration project; and
                                  ``(II) lead to positive employment 
                                and earnings outcomes for the 
                                participants; and
                          ``(iv) compare the outcomes for subclauses 
                        (I) and (II) of clause (i) with respect to the 
                        subpopulations described in section 
                  ``(B) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the fifth 
                year of the demonstration project the Secretary shall 
                submit to the Committee on Education and the Workforce 
                of the House of Representatives and the Committee on 
                Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions the results of 
                the evaluation conducted on such project.
  ``(c) Demonstration Period; Limitations.--
          ``(1) In general.--A demonstration project approved under 
        this section for a State, local area, or consortium--
                  ``(A) shall be carried out for a 5-year demonstration 
                period; and
                  ``(B) may be renewed for an additional 5-year 
                demonstration period if the State, local area, or 
                consortium meets its expected levels of performance 
                established under subsection (f)(1) for each of the 
                final 3 years of the preceding 5-year period and 
                achieves a performance improvement of not less than an 
                average of a 5-percent increase across all of the 
                primary indicators of performance on the final year of 
                the preceding 5-year period compared with the expected 
                levels of performance.
          ``(2) Limitations.--
                  ``(A) Demonstration period limitations.--For each 5-
                year demonstration period (including renewals of such 
                period) the Secretary may not award--
                          ``(i) more than 4 demonstration projects to 
                        eligible States for the State as a whole under 
                        this section; and
                          ``(ii) more than 6 demonstration projects to 
                        local areas (or consortia of local areas) for a 
                        local area (or a consortium) under this 
                  ``(B) State limitations.--No more than 1 
                demonstration project may be approved under this 
                section per State. For purposes of this paragraph, a 
                demonstration project approved for a local area or a 
                consortium of local areas in a State shall be 
                considered a demonstration project approved under this 
                section for the State.
          ``(3) Eligible states.--The Secretary may not approve a 
        statewide demonstration project under subsection (b)(1)(B)(i) 
        to a State unless, at the time of submission of the 
        application, such State is--
                  ``(A) a State designated as a single State local 
                area; or
                  ``(B) a State with a labor force participation rate 
                that is less than 60 percent for the most recent 
                program year and a population of less than 6,000,000, 
                as determined by the most recent data released by the 
                Census Bureau.
  ``(d) Application.--
          ``(1) In general.--To be eligible to carry out a 
        demonstration project under this section, a State shall submit 
        to the Secretary an application at such time and in such manner 
        as the Secretary may reasonably require, and containing the 
        information described in paragraph (2).
          ``(2) Content.--Each application submitted by a State under 
        this subsection shall include the following:
                  ``(A) A description of the demonstration project to 
                be carried out under this section, including--
                          ``(i) whether the project will be carried 
                                  ``(I) by the State as a whole;
                                  ``(II) by a local area, and if so--
                                          ``(aa) an identification of--
                                                  ``(AA) such local 
                                                  ``(BB) whether the 
                                                local board for such 
                                                local area is the 
                                                fiscal agent for the 
                                                project, or whether the 
                                                local board has entered 
                                                into a written 
                                                agreement with the 
                                                State for the State to 
                                                serve as the fiscal 
                                                agent during the 
                                                project; and
                                          ``(bb) written verification 
                                        from the local board for such 
                                        local area that such local 
                                        board agrees--
                                                  ``(AA) to carry out 
                                                such project; and
                                                  ``(BB) to the fiscal 
                                                agent identified in 
                                                item (aa)(BB); and
                                  ``(III) by a consortium of local 
                                areas in the State, and if so--
                                          ``(aa) an identification of--
                                                  ``(AA) each local 
                                                area that comprises the 
                                                consortium; and
                                                  ``(BB) the local area 
                                                that will serve as the 
                                                fiscal agent for the 
                                                consortium during the 
                                                project, or whether the 
                                                consortium has entered 
                                                into a written 
                                                agreement with the 
                                                State for the State to 
                                                serve as the fiscal 
                                                agent; and
                                          ``(bb) written verification 
                                        from each local board of each 
                                        local area identified in item 
                                        (aa)(AA) that such local board 
                                                  ``(AA) to carry out 
                                                such project as a 
                                                consortium; and
                                                  ``(BB) to the fiscal 
                                                agent for the 
                                                consortium identified 
                                                in item (aa)(BB);
                          ``(ii) a description of the activities to be 
                        carried out under the project; and
                          ``(iii) the goals the State, local area, or 
                        consortium intends to achieve through such 
                        activities, which shall be aligned with purpose 
                        described in subsection (a).
                  ``(B) A description of the performance outcomes the 
                State, the local area, or consortium expects to achieve 
                for such activities for each year of the demonstration 
                period as described in subsection (f)(1).
                  ``(C) A description of how the State, local area, or 
                consortium consulted with employers, the State board, 
                and the local boards in the State in determining the 
                activities to carry out under the demonstration 
                  ``(D) A description of how the State will make such 
                activities available to jobseekers and employers in 
                each of the local areas in the State or, in a case of a 
                project that will be carried out by a local area or a 
                consortium, a description of how such services will be 
                made available to jobseekers and employers in such 
                local area or each of the local areas in the 
                  ``(E) A description, if appropriate, of how the 
                State, local area, or consortium will integrate the 
                funds received, and the activities carried out, under 
                the demonstration project under this section with State 
                workforce development programs and other Federal, 
                State, or local workforce, education, or social service 
                programs (including the programs and activities listed 
                in section 103(a)(2), the program of adult education 
                and literacy activities authorized under title II, and 
                the program authorized under title I of the 
                Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.)).
                  ``(F) An assurance that the State, local area, or 
                consortium will meet the requirements of this section.
          ``(3) Secretarial approval.--
                  ``(A) In general.--Not later than 60 days after the 
                date on which a State submits an application under this 
                subsection, the Secretary shall--
                          ``(i) in a case in which the application 
                        meets the requirements of this section and is 
                        not subject to the limitations described in 
                        subsection (c)(2), approve such application and 
                        the demonstration project described in such 
                        application; or
                          ``(ii) provide to the State a written 
                        explanation of initial disapproval that meets 
                        the requirements of subparagraph (C).
                  ``(B) Default approval.--With respect to an 
                application submitted by a State under this subsection 
                that is not subject to the limitations described in 
                subsection (c), if the Secretary fails to approve such 
                application or provide an explanation of initial 
                disapproval for such application as required under 
                subparagraph (A), the application and the demonstration 
                project described in such application shall be deemed 
                approved by the Secretary.
                  ``(C) Initial disapproval.--An explanation of initial 
                disapproval provided by the Secretary to a State under 
                subparagraph (A)(ii) shall provide the State--
                          ``(i) a detailed explanation of why the 
                        application does not meet the requirements of 
                        this section; and
                          ``(ii) if the State is not subject to the 
                        limitations described in subsection (c), an 
                        opportunity to revise and resubmit the State's 
                        application under this section.
  ``(e) State Demonstration Project Requirements.--A State, local area, 
or consortium that has been approved to carry out a demonstration 
project under this section shall meet each of the following 
          ``(1) Use of funds.--Use the funds received pursuant to 
        subsection (b)(1)(B) solely to carry out the activities of the 
        demonstration project to achieve the goals described in 
        subsection (d)(2)(A).
          ``(2) Administrative costs limitation.--Use not more than 10 
        percent of the funds received pursuant to subsection (b)(1)(B) 
        for a fiscal year for the administrative costs of carrying out 
        the demonstration project.
          ``(3) Priority for services.--Give priority for services 
        under the project to veterans and their eligible spouses in 
        accordance with the requirements of section 4215 of title 38, 
        United States Code, recipients of public assistance, low-income 
        individuals, and individuals who have foundational skills 
          ``(4) Number of participants.--Serve a number of participants 
        under the activities of the demonstration project for each year 
        of the demonstration period that--
                  ``(A) is greater than the number of participants 
                served by such State, local area, or consortium under 
                the programs described in subparagraphs (A) and (C) of 
                section 3(13) for the most recent program year that 
                ended prior to the beginning of the first year of the 
                demonstration period; or
                  ``(B) is not less than the number of participants to 
                be served under the activities of the demonstration 
                project that is agreed upon between the State, local 
                area, or consortium, and the Secretary--
                          ``(i) prior to the Secretary's approval of 
                        the application submitted under subsection (d); 
                          ``(ii) after the Secretary takes into 
                                  ``(I) the goals the State, local 
                                area, or consortium intends to achieve 
                                through the demonstration project; and
                                  ``(II) the participants the State, 
                                local area, or consortium intends to 
                                serve under such project; and
                          ``(iii) prior to approval of the application 
                        submitted under subsection (d).
          ``(5) Reporting outcomes.--Submit, on an annual basis, to the 
        Secretary a report, with respect to such State, local area, or 
        consortium, on--
                  ``(A) participant outcomes for each indicator of 
                performance described in subsection (f)(1)(A) for the 
                activities carried out under the project; and
                  ``(B) the applicable requirements of section 
                116(d)(2), including subparagraphs (B) through (G) and 
                subparagraph (J), as such subparagraphs are applicable 
                to activities under the demonstration project.
          ``(6) Compliance with certain existing requirements.--Comply 
        with the statutory or regulatory requirements listed in 
        subsection (b)(2).
  ``(f) Performance Accountability.--
          ``(1) Establishment of baseline level for performance.--
                  ``(A) In general.--Each State shall describe in the 
                application submitted under subsection (d), for each 
                year of the demonstration period--
                          ``(i) with respect to participants who are at 
                        least 25 years old, the expected levels of 
                        performance for each of the indicators of 
                        performance under section 116(b)(2)(A)(i) for 
                        the activities carried out under the project 
                        under this section, which shall meet the 
                        requirements of subparagraph (B); and
                          ``(ii) with respect to participants who are 
                        at least 16 years old and no older than 24 
                        years old, the expected levels of performance 
                        for each of the indicators of performance under 
                        section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii) for the activities 
                        carried out under the project under this 
                        section, which shall meet the requirements of 
                        subparagraph (B).
                  ``(B) 5th year.--Each of the expected levels of 
                performance established pursuant to subparagraph (A) 
                for each of the indicators of performance for the 5th 
                year of the demonstration period shall be higher than--
                          ``(i) the highest level of performance for 
                        the corresponding indicator of performance for 
                        the programs described in subparagraph (A) of 
                        section 3(13) for the most recent program year 
                        that ended prior to the beginning of the first 
                        year of the demonstration period; or
                          ``(ii) an alternate baseline level of 
                        performance that is agreed upon between the 
                        State and the Secretary--
                                  ``(I) prior to the Secretary's 
                                approval of the application submitted 
                                under subsection (d); and
                                  ``(II) after the Secretary takes into 
                                          ``(aa) the goals the State 
                                        intends to achieve through the 
                                        demonstration project; and
                                          ``(bb) the participants the 
                                        State intends to serve under 
                                        such project.
                  ``(C) Agreed level for performance on expected levels 
                of performance.--Prior to approving an application for 
                a demonstration project submitted by a State, and using 
                the expected levels of performance described in such 
                application, the Secretary shall reach an agreement 
                with such State on the expected levels of performance 
                for each of the indicators of performance. In reaching 
                an agreement on such expected levels of performance, 
                the Secretary and the State may consider the factors 
                described in section 116(b)(3)(A)(v).
          ``(2) Sanctions.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The sanctions described in section 
                116(f)(1)(B) shall apply to a State, local area, or 
                consortium beginning on the 3rd year of the 
                demonstration period for such State, local area, or 
                consortium, except that the levels of performance 
                established under subsection (f)(1) of this section 
                shall be--
                          ``(i) deemed to be the State negotiated 
                        levels of performance for purposes of this 
                        paragraph; and
                          ``(ii) adjusted at the end of each program 
                        year to reflect the actual characteristics of 
                        participants served and the actual economic 
                        conditions experienced using a statistical 
                        adjustment model similar to the model described 
                        in section 116(b)(3)(A)(viii).
                  ``(B) Ineligibility for renewal.--A State, local 
                area, or consortium that is subject to such sanctions 
                shall be ineligible to renew its demonstration period 
                under subsection (c).
          ``(3) Impact of local or consortium demonstrations on 
        statewide accountability.--With respect to a State with an 
        approved demonstration project for a local area or consortium 
        of local areas in the State--
                  ``(A) the performance of such local area or 
                consortium for the programs described in subparagraphs 
                (A) and (C) of section 3(13) shall not be included in 
                the levels of performance for such State for any of 
                such programs for purposes of section 116 for any 
                program year that is applicable to any year of the 
                demonstration period; and
                  ``(B) with respect to any local areas of the State 
                that are not part of the demonstration project, the 
                State shall reach a new agreement with the Secretary, 
                for purposes of section 116(b)(3)(A), on levels of 
                performance for such programs for such program years.
  ``(g) Termination.--Except as provided under subsection (c)(1)(B), 
the Secretary may not approve a demonstration project after December 
31, 2030.''.



  Section 202 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3271) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``(including digital 
        literacy skills)'' before ``necessary''; and
          (2) in paragraph (4), by striking ``English language 
        learners'' and inserting ``English learners''.


  Section 203 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3272) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ``listen,'' 
                after ``write,'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``and'' at the 
                  (C) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph 
                (D); and
                  (D) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the 
                  ``(C) develop and use digital literacy skills; and'';
          (2) by redesignating paragraphs (3) through (17) as 
        paragraphs (4) through (18), respectively;
          (3) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following:
          ``(3) Digital literacy skills.--The term `digital literacy 
        skills' means the skills associated with using existing and 
        emerging technologies to find, evaluate, organize, create, 
        communicate information, and to complete tasks.'';
          (4) in paragraph (5)(C) (as so redesignated)--
                  (A) by striking clause (i) and inserting the 
                          ``(i) has foundational skills needs;''; and
                  (B) in clause (iii), by striking ``English language 
                learner'' and inserting ``English learner'';
          (5) in paragraph (7)(A) (as so redesignated), by striking 
        ``English language learners'' and inserting ``English 
          (6) in paragraph (8) (as so redesignated)--
                  (A) in the paragraph header, by striking 
                ``language''; and
                  (B) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by 
                striking ``English language learner'' and inserting 
                ``English learner'';
          (7) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) in paragraph 
        (10) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``and educational'' 
        after ``the economic'';
          (8) in paragraph (13) (as so redesignated)--
                  (A) by striking ``English language learners'' and 
                inserting ``English learners''; and
                  (B) by striking ``workforce training'' and inserting 
                ``skills development, preparation for postsecondary 
                education or employment, and financial literacy 
                instruction''; and
          (9) in paragraph (14) (as so redesignated)--
                  (A) by striking ``and solve'' and inserting 
                ``solve''; and
                  (B) by inserting ``and use digital technology,'' 
                after ``problems,''.


  Section 206 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3275) is amended to read as follows:


  ``There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this title 
$751,042,100 for each of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.''.


  Section 211(e)(3) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3291(e)(3)) is amended by striking ``period described in section 
3(45)'' and inserting ``period described in subparagraph (B) of the 
definition of the term `outlying area' in section 3''.


  Section 212 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3292) is amended by striking ``section 116.'' and inserting 
``section 116, except that the indicator described in subsection 
(b)(2)(A)(i)(VI) of such section shall be applied as if it were the 
percentage of program participants who exited the program during the 
program year and completed an integrated education and training 


  Section 222(b) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3302(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
          ``(3) Public availability of information on matching funds.--
        Each eligible agency shall maintain, on a publicly accessible 
        website of such agency and in an easily accessible format, 
        information documenting the non-Federal contributions made 
        available to adult education and family literacy programs 
        pursuant to this subsection, including--
                  ``(A) the sources of such contributions, except that 
                in the case of private contributions, names of the 
                individuals or entities providing such contributions 
                may not be disclosed; and
                  ``(B) in the case of funds made available by a State 
                or outlying area, an explanation of how such funds are 
                distributed to eligible providers.''.


  Section 223(a) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3303(a)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``activities.'' 
                and inserting ``activities and the identification of 
                opportunities to coordinate with activities supported 
                under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical 
                Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.) to 
                expand integrated education and training programs.'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (C)--
                          (i) in clause (ii), by striking ``and'' at 
                        the end;
                          (ii) in clause (iii), by striking the period 
                        at the end and inserting ``; and''; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following:
                          ``(iv) assistance in reporting participant 
                        outcomes for the performance accountability 
                        system described in section 212, including 
                        facilitating partnerships with the appropriate 
                        State entities to conduct matches with State 
                        administrative data (such as wage records) to 
                        determine program performance on the indicators 
                        of performance described in subclauses (I) 
                        through (III) of section 116(b)(2)(A)(i).'';
                  (C) by redesignating subparagraph (D) as subparagraph 
                (F); and
                  (D) by inserting after subparagraph (C) the 
                  ``(D) The development or identification (which may be 
                done in coordination with other States) of 
                instructional materials that--
                          ``(i) are designed to meet the needs of adult 
                        learners and English learners;
                          ``(ii) to the extent practicable, are 
                        evidence-based; and
                          ``(iii) will improve the instruction provided 
                        pursuant to the local activities required under 
                        section 231(b).
                  ``(E) The dissemination of instructional materials 
                described in subparagraph (D) to eligible providers to 
                improve the instruction provided pursuant to the local 
                activities required under section 231(b), including 
                instructional materials that--
                          ``(i) were developed for integrated education 
                        and training in an in-demand industry or 
                        occupation within the State; and
                          ``(ii) lead to English language acquisition, 
                        a recognized postsecondary credential, or 
                        both.''; and
          (2) in paragraph (2)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (I)(i)--
                          (i) by striking ``mathematics, and English'' 
                        and inserting ``mathematics, English''; and
                          (ii) by striking ``acquisition;'' and 
                        inserting ``acquisition, and digital literacy 
                  (B) in subparagraph (J), by striking ``retention.'' 
                and inserting ``retention, such as the development and 
                maintenance of policies for awarding recognized 
                postsecondary credentials to adult educators who 
                demonstrate effectiveness at improving the achievement 
                of adult students.'';
                  (C) in subparagraph (K), by striking ``English 
                language learners,'' and inserting ``English 
                  (D) by redesignating subparagraph (M) as subparagraph 
                (P); and
                  (E) by inserting after subparagraph (L) the 
                  ``(M) Performance incentive payments to eligible 
                providers, including incentive payments linked to 
                increased use of integrated employment and training or 
                other forms of instruction linking adult education with 
                the development of occupational skills for an in-demand 
                occupation in the State.
                  ``(N) Strengthening the quality and effectiveness of 
                adult education and family literacy programs in the 
                State through support for program quality standards and 
                accreditation requirements.
                  ``(O) Raising public awareness (including through 
                public service announcements, such as social media 
                campaigns) about career and technical education 
                programs and community-based organizations, and other 
                endeavors focused on programs that prepare individuals 
                for in-demand industry sectors or occupations.''.


  Section 225 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3305)) is amended--
          (1) by redesignating subsections (d) and (e) as subsections 
        (e) and (f), respectively; and
          (2) by inserting after subsection (c) the following:
  ``(d) Coordination.--Each eligible agency that is using assistance 
provided under this section to carry out a program for criminal 
offenders within a correctional institution shall--
          ``(1) coordinate such educational programs with career and 
        technical education activities provided to individuals in State 
        institutions from funds reserved under section 112(a)(2)(A) of 
        the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 
        (20 U.S.C. 2322(a)(2)(A)); and
          ``(2) identify opportunities to develop integrated education 
        and training opportunities for such individuals.''.


  Section 231 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3321) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (e)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1)(B)(ii), by striking ``English 
                language learners'' and inserting ``English learners'';
                  (B) in paragraph (5)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and'' 
                        at the end;
                          (ii) in subparagraph (B), by adding ``and'' 
                        at the end; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following:
                  ``(C) uses instructional materials that are designed 
                to meet the needs of adult learners and English 
                learners and are evidence-based (to the extent 
                practicable), which may include, but shall not be 
                required to include, the instructional materials 
                disseminated by the State under section 
                223(a)(1)(D);''; and
                  (C) in paragraph (6)--
                          (i) by striking ``speaking,'' and inserting 
                        ``speaking and listening,''; and
                          (ii) by inserting before the semicolon at the 
                        end the following: ``, which may include the 
                        application of the principles of universal 
                        design for learning''; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following:
  ``(f) Cost Analysis.--In determining the amount of funds to be 
awarded in grants or contracts under this section, the eligible agency 
may consider the costs of providing learning in context, including 
integrated education and training and workplace adult education and 
literacy activities, and the extent to which the eligible provider 
intends to serve individuals using such activities, in order to align 
the amount of funds awarded with such costs.''.


  Section 232 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3322) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (4), by inserting ``and coordinate with the 
        appropriate State entity'' after ``data'';
          (2) in paragraph (6), by striking ``and'' at the end;
          (3) by redesignating paragraph (7) as paragraph (8); and
          (4) by inserting after paragraph (6) the following:
          ``(7) a description of how the eligible provider will provide 
        learning in context, including through partnerships with 
        employers to offer workplace adult education and literacy 
        activities and integrated education and training; and''.


  Section 233(a) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3323(a)) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``95'' and inserting 
        ``85''; and
          (2) by amending paragraph (2) to read as follows:
          ``(2) of the remaining amount--
                  ``(A) not more than 10 percent may be used for 
                professional development for adult educators; and
                  ``(B) not more than 5 percent shall be used for 
                planning, administration (including carrying out the 
                requirements of section 116), professional development 
                of administrative staff, and the activities described 
                in paragraphs (3) and (5) of section 232.''.


  Section 242 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3332) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ``116;'' and inserting 
        ``116, including the dissemination of effective practices used 
        by States to use administrative data to determine program 
        performance and reduce the data collection and reporting burden 
        on eligible providers;'';
          (2) in paragraphs (1)(B) and (2)(C)(vii)(I) of subsection 
        (c), by striking ``English language learners'' and inserting 
        ``English learners''; and
          (3) in subsection (c)(2)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (F), by striking ``and'' at the 
                  (B) by redesignating subparagraph (G) as subparagraph 
                (I); and
                  (C) by inserting after subparagraph (F) the 
                  ``(G) developing and rigorously evaluating programs 
                for the preparation of effective adult educators and 
                disseminating the results of such evaluations;
                  ``(H) carrying out initiatives to support the 
                effectiveness and impact of adult education, that 
                States may adopt on a voluntary basis, through--
                          ``(i) the development and dissemination of 
                        staffing models that prioritize demonstrated 
                        effectiveness and continuous improvement in 
                        supporting the learning of adult students; and
                          ``(ii) the evaluation and improvement of 
                        program quality standards and accreditation 
                        requirements; and''.


  Section 243(c)(1) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
U.S.C. 3333(c)(1)) is amended by striking ``English language learners'' 
and inserting ``English learners''.



  (a) Definitions.--Section 2(5) of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 
49a(5)) is amended by inserting ``the Commonwealth of the Northern 
Mariana Islands, American Samoa,'' after ``Guam,''.
  (b) Unemployment Compensation Law Requirement.--Section 5(b)(1) of 
such Act is amended by inserting ``the Commonwealth of the Northern 
Mariana Islands, American Samoa,'' after ``Guam,''.
  (c) Allotments.--Section 6 of such Act (29 U.S.C. 49e) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)--
                  (A) by striking ``except for Guam'' and inserting 
                ``except for Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern 
                Mariana Islands, and American Samoa'';
                  (B) by striking ``first allot to Guam and the Virgin 
                Islands'' and inserting the following: ``first allot--
          ``(1) to Guam and the Virgin Islands'';
                  (C) by striking the period at the end and inserting 
                ``; and''; and
                  (D) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(2) beginning with the first fiscal year for which the 
        total amount available for allotments under this section is 
        greater than the total amount available for allotments under 
        this section for fiscal year 2024, and for each succeeding 
        fiscal year, to each of the Commonwealth of the Northern 
        Mariana Islands and American Samoa, an amount which is equal to 
        one-half of the amount allotted to Guam under paragraph (1) for 
        such fiscal year.''; and
          (2) in subsection (b)(1), in the matter following 
        subparagraph (B), by inserting ``, the Commonwealth of the 
        Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa,'' after ``Guam''.
  (d) Use of Funds.--Section 7 of such Act (29 U.S.C. 49f) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ``and referral to 
        employers'' and inserting ``referral to employers, and the 
        services described in section 134(c)(2)(A)(ii) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(2)(A)(ii)) 
        when provided by the employment service office colocated with 
        the one-stop delivery system''; and
          (2) in subsection (e), by inserting before the period at the 
        end the following: ``and in accordance with the requirements of 
        section 134(c)(2)(A)(i)(I) of the Workforce Innovation and 
        Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(2)(A)(i)(I))''.
  (e) Workforce and Labor Market Information System.--Section 15 of 
such Act (29 U.S.C. 49l-2) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)(1)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by 
                        striking ``timely manner'' and inserting 
                        ``manner that is as close to real-time as 
                          (ii) in clause (i), by striking ``part-time, 
                        and seasonal workers'' and inserting ``part-
                        time, contingent, and seasonal workers, and 
                        workers engaged in alternative employment 
                          (iii) by redesignating clauses (iii) and (iv) 
                        as clauses (iv) and (v), respectively; and
                          (iv) by inserting after clause (ii), the 
                          ``(iii) real-time trends in new and emerging 
                        occupational roles, and in new and emerging 
                        skills by occupation and industry, with 
                        particular attention paid to State and local 
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)(i), by inserting 
                ``(including, to the extent practicable, real-time)'' 
                after ``current''; and
                  (C) in subparagraph (G), by striking ``user-friendly 
                manner and'' and inserting ``manner that is available 
                on-demand and is user-friendly,'';
          (2) in subsection (b)(2)(F)--
                  (A) in clause (i), by striking ``; and'' and 
                inserting ``(including, to the extent practicable, 
                provided in real time);'';
                  (B) by redesignating clause (ii) as clause (iii); and
                  (C) by inserting after clause (i), as so amended, the 
                          ``(ii) the capabilities of digital technology 
                        and modern data collection approaches are 
                        effectively utilized; and''; and
          (3) by amending subsection (g) to read as follows:
  ``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $64,532,600 for each of the 
fiscal years 2025 through 2030.''.


  Section 414(c) of the American Competitiveness and Workforce 
Improvement Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 3224a) is amended to read as 
  ``(c) Job Training Grants.--
          ``(1) Allotment.--
                  ``(A) In general.--Of the funds available under 
                section 286(s)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality 
                Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(s)(2)), the Secretary of Labor 
                          ``(i) return permanently 12 percent of such 
                        amounts in each fiscal year to the general fund 
                        of the Treasury; and
                          ``(ii) of the remainder, make allotments to 
                        each State that receives an allotment under 
                        section 132(b) of the Workforce Innovation and 
                        Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3172) for the 
                        purpose of providing training services through 
                        individual training accounts for eligible 
                        dislocated workers as described in paragraph 
                  ``(B) Reservation; allotment among states.--
                          ``(i) Reservation.--From the amount made 
                        available under subparagraph (A)(ii) for a 
                        fiscal year, the Secretary shall reserve not 
                        more than \1/4\ of 1 percent of such amount to 
                        provide assistance to the outlying areas for 
                        the purpose described in paragraph (2)(A).
                          ``(ii) Allotment among states.--The Secretary 
                        shall use the remainder of the amount made 
                        available under subparagraph (A)(ii) for a 
                        fiscal year to make allotments to States 
                        described in such subparagraph on the following 
                                  ``(I) 33 and \1/3\ percent shall be 
                                allotted on the basis of the relative 
                                number of unemployed individuals in 
                                each such State, compared to the total 
                                number of unemployed individuals in all 
                                such States.
                                  ``(II) 33 and \1/3\ percent shall be 
                                allotted based on the relative number 
                                of disadvantaged adults in each such 
                                State, compared to the total number of 
                                disadvantaged adults in all such 
                                  ``(III) 33 and \1/3\ percent shall be 
                                allotted on the basis of the relative 
                                number of individuals in the civilian 
                                labor force in each such State, 
                                compared to the total number in the 
                                civilian labor force in all such 
                          ``(iii) Disadvantaged adult defined.--For 
                        purposes of this subparagraph and subparagraph 
                        (C), the term `disadvantaged adult' has the 
                        meaning given such term in section 
                        132(b)(1)(B)(v)(IV) of the Workforce Innovation 
                        and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
                          ``(iv) Reallotment.--
                                  ``(I) In general.--The Secretary of 
                                Labor shall, in accordance with this 
                                clause, reallot to eligible States 
                                amounts that are made available to 
                                States from allotments made under this 
                                subparagraph (referred to individually 
                                in this subsection as a `State 
                                allotment') and that are available for 
                                  ``(II) Amount.--The amount available 
                                for reallotment for a program year is 
                                equal to the amount by which the 
                                unobligated balance of the State 
                                allotment, at the end of the program 
                                year prior to the program year for 
                                which the determination under this 
                                subclause is made, exceeds 20 percent 
                                of such allotment for the prior program 
                                  ``(III) Reallotment.--In making 
                                reallotments to eligible States of 
                                amounts available pursuant to subclause 
                                (II) for a program year, the Secretary 
                                shall allot to each eligible State an 
                                amount based on the relative amount of 
                                the State allotment for the program 
                                year for which the determination is 
                                made, as compared to the total amount 
                                of the State allotments for all 
                                eligible States for such program year.
                                  ``(IV) Eligibility.--For purposes of 
                                this subsection, an eligible State 
                                means a State that does not have an 
                                amount available for reallotment under 
                                subclause (II) for the program year for 
                                which the determination under subclause 
                                (II) is made.
                  ``(C) Within state allocations.--
                          ``(i) In general.--The Governor shall 
                        allocate the funds allotted to the State under 
                        subparagraph (B)(ii) for a fiscal year to the 
                        local areas in the State on the following 
                                  ``(I) 33 and \1/3\ percent of the 
                                funds on the basis described in 
                                subparagraph (B)(ii)(I).
                                  ``(II) 33 and \1/3\ percent of the 
                                funds on the basis described in 
                                subparagraph (B)(ii)(II).
                                  ``(III) 33 and \1/3\ percent of the 
                                funds on the basis described in 
                                subparagraph (B)(ii)(III).
                          ``(ii) Application.--For purposes of carrying 
                        out clause (i)--
                                  ``(I) references in subparagraph 
                                (B)(ii) to a State shall be deemed to 
                                be references to a local area; and
                                  ``(II) references in subparagraph 
                                (B)(ii) to all States shall be deemed 
                                to be references to all local areas in 
                                the State involved.
                          ``(iii) Reallocation among local areas.--
                                  ``(I) In general.--The Governor may, 
                                in accordance with this clause and 
                                after consultation with the State 
                                board, reallocate to eligible local 
                                areas within the State amounts that are 
                                made available to local areas from 
                                allocations made under this 
                                subparagraph (referred to individually 
                                in this subsection as a `local 
                                allocation') and that are available for 
                                  ``(II) Amount.--The amount available 
                                for reallocation for a program year is 
                                equal to the amount by which the 
                                unobligated balance of the local 
                                allocation, at the end of the program 
                                year prior to the program year for 
                                which the determination under this 
                                subclause is made, exceeds 20 percent 
                                of such allocation for the prior 
                                program year.
                                  ``(III) Reallocation.--In making 
                                reallocations to eligible local areas 
                                of amounts available pursuant to 
                                subclause (II) for a program year, the 
                                Governor shall allocate to each 
                                eligible local area within the State an 
                                amount based on the relative amount of 
                                the local allocation for the program 
                                year for which the determination is 
                                made, as compared to the total amount 
                                of the local allocations for all 
                                eligible local areas in the State for 
                                such program year.
                                  ``(IV) Eligibility.--For purposes of 
                                this subsection, an eligible local area 
                                means a local area that does not have 
                                an amount available for reallotment 
                                under subclause (II) for the program 
                                year for which the determination under 
                                subclause (II) is made.
          ``(2) Use of funds.--
                  ``(A) In general.--Funds allocated pursuant to 
                paragraph (1) to a local area shall be used to pay, 
                through the use of an individual training account in 
                the accordance with section 134(c)(3)(F)(iii) of the 
                Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
                3174(c)(3)(F)(iii)), an eligible provider of training 
                services from the list of eligible providers of 
                training services described in section 122(d) of such 
                Act (29 U.S.C. 3152(d)) for training services provided 
                to eligible dislocated workers in the local area.
                  ``(B) Requirements for local areas.--As a condition 
                of receipt of funds under paragraph (1), a local area 
                shall agree to each of the following:
                          ``(i) Required notice to workers.--Prior to 
                        an eligible dislocated worker selecting a 
                        program of training services from the list of 
                        eligible providers of training services under 
                        section 122(d) of the Workforce Innovation and 
                        Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3152(d)), the local 
                        area shall inform such dislocated worker of any 
                        opportunities the dislocated worker may have to 
                        participate in on-the-job training or employer-
                        directed skills development funded through such 
                        local area.
                          ``(ii) Amounts available.--Except as provided 
                        in clause (iv)(II), a local area--
                                  ``(I) may not limit the maximum 
                                amount available for an individual 
                                training account for an eligible 
                                dislocated worker under subparagraph 
                                (A) to an amount that is less than 
                                $5,000; and
                                  ``(II) may not pay an amount, through 
                                the use of an individual training 
                                account under subparagraph (A), for 
                                training services provided to an 
                                eligible dislocated worker that exceeds 
                                the costs of such services.
                          ``(iii) WIOA funds.--A local area may not use 
                        funds made available to the local area for a 
                        fiscal year pursuant to section 134(c)(1)(B) of 
                        the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 
                        (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(1)(B)) to make payments 
                        under subparagraph (A) until the funds 
                        allocated to the local area pursuant to 
                        paragraph (1) of this subsection for such 
                        fiscal year have been exhausted.
                          ``(iv) Exhaustion of allocations.--Upon the 
                        exhaustion of the funds allocated to the local 
                        area pursuant to paragraph (1) of this 
                        subsection, for the purpose of paying, through 
                        the use of individual training accounts under 
                        subparagraph (A), the costs of training 
                        services for eligible dislocated workers in the 
                        local area seeking such services, the local 
                                  ``(I) shall use any funds made 
                                available to the local area pursuant to 
                                section 134(c)(1)(B) of the Workforce 
                                Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
                                U.S.C. 3174(c)(1)(B)) to pay for such 
                                costs under subparagraph (A) (other 
                                than any costs that exceed the limit 
                                set by the local area pursuant to 
                                subclause (II)); and
                                  ``(II) for any eligible dislocated 
                                worker who is not a low-income 
                                individual, may limit the maximum 
                                amount available for the individual 
                                training account under subparagraph (A) 
                                for such worker to an amount that is 
                                less than $5,000.
          ``(3) Eligible dislocated worker.--A dislocated worker shall 
        be an eligible dislocated worker for purposes of this 
        subsection if the dislocated worker--
                  ``(A) meets the requirements under section 
                134(c)(3)(A)(i) of the Workforce Innovation and 
                Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(3)(A)(i)) to be 
                eligible for training services;
                  ``(B) has not received training services through an 
                individual training account under this subsection or 
                under section 134(c)(3)(F)(iii) of the Workforce 
                Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
                3174(c)(3)(F)(iii)) during the preceding 5-year period 
                or, if such a worker has received such training 
                services during such period, the worker has been 
                granted an exception by the local area due to an 
                exceptional circumstance, as determined by the local 
                area; and
                  ``(C) is not subject to any limitations established 
                by the local area or State involved pursuant to 
                paragraph (4), which would disqualify such dislocated 
                worker from being an eligible dislocated worker under 
                this subsection.
          ``(4) State or local area limitations.--A State or local area 
        may establish limitations on the eligibility of an otherwise 
        eligible dislocated worker who has previously received training 
        services through an individual training account under this 
        subsection or under section 134(c)(3)(F)(iii) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(3)(F)(iii)) 
        to receive a subsequent individual training account under this 
          ``(5) Excess demand.--Upon the exhaustion of the funds 
        allocated to a local area pursuant to paragraph (1) of this 
        subsection and any funds that may be available to such local 
        area pursuant to section 134(c)(1)(B) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(1)(B)) for 
        the purpose described in paragraph (2)(A) of this subsection, 
        the local area--
                  ``(A) may request additional funds for such purpose 
                from the Governor under section 134(a)(2)(A)(i)(III) of 
                the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
                3174(a)(2)(A)(i)(III)); and
                  ``(B) shall not be required to pay for training 
                services or establish an individual training account 
                for an eligible dislocated worker.
          ``(6) Definitions.--Except as otherwise specified, a term 
        used in this subsection shall have the meaning given such term 
        in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 
        (29 U.S.C. 3102).
          ``(7) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this subsection shall 
        be construed to provide an individual with an entitlement to a 
        service under this subsection or under title I of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3111 et seq.) or to 
        mandate a State or local area to provide a service if Federal 
        funds are not available for such service.''.


  Section 453(j)(8) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 653(j)(8)) is 
          (1) in paragraph (A)--
                  (A) by inserting ``or administering the performance 
                accountability system required under section 116 of the 
                Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
                3141)'' after ``State law''; and
                  (B) by inserting ``or such system'' after ``such 
                program''; and
          (2) in paragraph (C)(i), by inserting ``or system'' after 


    The purpose of H.R. 6655, A Stronger Workforce for America 
Act, is to reauthorize and reform the public workforce 
development system established by the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act (WIOA) to increase the competitiveness of our 
nation's workforce by more effectively serving workers and 
employers. It will increase the number of workers in America 
who are participating in skills development programs under the 
law, hold states and local workforce boards accountable for 
achieving positive outcomes for participants, improve program 
quality, enhance pathways into economic opportunity, and fuel 
innovation for the modern, skills-based economy.

                            Committee Action

                             117TH CONGRESS

First Session--Hearings

    On April 21, 2021, the Committee on Education and Labor 
held a bipartisan Member roundtable on the reauthorization of 
WIOA. During the roundtable, Members and panelists discussed 
challenges facing the existing workforce system and how the 
reauthorization of WIOA could address those challenges. The 
panelists were: Mr. David Bradley, Analyst in Labor Economics, 
Congressional Research Service (CRS), Washington, D.C.; Ms. 
Dawn Locke, Acting Director, Education, Workforce, and Income 
Security, Government Accountability Office (GAO), Washington, 
D.C.; Mr. Ron Painter, President and CEO, National Association 
of Workforce Boards, Washington, D.C.; and Ms. Maria Flynn, 
President and CEO, Jobs for the Future, Boston, MA.
    On May 13, 2021, the Subcommittee on Higher Education and 
Workforce Investment held a hearing entitled ``Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act Reauthorization: Creating 
Opportunities for Youth Employment.'' The purpose of the 
hearing was to examine three WIOA youth programs: youth 
workforce investment activities, YouthBuild, and Job Corps. 
Testifying before the Committee were: Ms. Deb Lindner, Human 
Resources Manager, Precor Inc., Whitsett, NC; Mr. Byron V. 
Garrett, President and CEO, National Job Corps Association, 
Washington, D.C.; Ms. Chekemma Fulmore-Townsend, President and 
CEO, Philadelphia Youth Network, Philadelphia, PA; and Mr. 
Thomas Showalter, Senior Advisor, National Youth Employment 
Coalition, Washington, D.C.
    On May 27, 2021, the Subcommittee on Higher Education and 
Workforce Investment held a hearing entitled ``Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act Reauthorization: Creating 
Employment Pathways for Dislocated Workers.'' The purpose of 
the hearing was to examine WIOA reauthorization. Testifying 
before the Committee were Mr. Joseph M. Barela, Executive 
Director of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, 
Denver, CO; Mr. PJ McGrew, Executive Director of the Indiana 
Governor's Workforce Cabinet, Indianapolis, IN; Mr. Matt 
Sigelman, CEO of Burning Glass Technologies, Boston, MA; and 
Ms. Portia Wu, Managing Director of U.S. Public Policy at 
Microsoft, Washington, D.C.
    On June 15, 2021, the Subcommittee on Higher Education and 
Workforce Investment held a hearing entitled ``Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act Reauthorization: Examining 
Successful Models of Employment for Justice-Involved 
Individuals.'' The purpose of the hearing was to examine the 
Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) program, funded through 
WIOA, which supports youth and adults previously involved in 
the criminal justice system. Testifying before the Committee 
were Ms. Traci Scott, Vice President, Workforce Development 
Division of National Urban League, New York, NY; Mr. Gregg 
Keesling, President, DBA RecycleForce Workforce, Inc., 
Indianapolis, IN; Dr. Pamela Lattimore, Senior Director for 
Research Development, Division for Applied Justice Research for 
RTI International, Chapel Hill, NC; and Ms. Wendi Safstrom, 
Executive Director, SHRM Foundation, Alexandria, VA.
    On July 20, 2021, the Subcommittees on Higher Education and 
Workforce Investment and Health, Employment, Labor, and 
Pensions held a joint hearing entitled ``Care for Our 
Communities: Investing in the Direct Care Workforce.'' The 
purpose of the hearing was to examine funding for the direct 
care workforce. Testifying before the Committee were Mr. Robert 
Espinoza, Vice President of Policy, PHI, Bronx, NY; Ms. Zulma 
Torres, Home Health Aid, Cooperative Home Care Associates, 
Waterbury, CT; Mr. Paul M. Burani, Head of Business 
Development, North America, Udacity, New York, NY; and The 
Honorable Jessica Fay, State Representative, Raymond, ME.

Legislative Action

    On April 5, 2022, the Committee on Education and Labor 
considered H.R. 7309, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
Act of 2022, sponsored by Representative Robert C. ``Bobby'' 
Scott (D-VA). The bill was referred solely to the Committee on 
Education and Labor. On April 5, 2022, the Committee considered 
H.R. 7309 in legislative session and reported it favorably, as 
amended, to the House of Representatives by a recorded vote of 
29-21. The Committee considered the following amendments to 
H.R. 7309:
           Representative Mondaire Jones (D-NY) offered 
        an Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (ANS) that 
        incorporated the provisions of H.R. 7309 and made 
        several modifications. Specifically, it would strike 
        language to allow the Labor Department to waive the age 
        limitation for the Job Corps program to allow for 
        participation of individuals up to age 28 if they have 
        a disability or have been a defendant in a criminal 
        justice proceeding. It also would add language to 
        authorize $105.5 million for fiscal years 2023 through 
        2028 for client assistance programs under the 1973 
        vocational rehabilitation services law. It also would 
        add language to authorize $73.6 million for fiscal 
        years 2023 through 2028 for the current Architectural 
        and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. It also 
        would add language to authorize $242.1 million for 
        fiscal years 2023 through 2028 for the current 
        employment opportunities for individuals with 
        disabilities programs. The amendment was adopted by 
        voice vote.
           Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-
        IA) offered a substitute amendment to the ANS that 
        would strike all of its provisions and replace it with 
        language to reduce the funding authorization, allow 
        one-stop centers to operate in person or online, create 
        employer-directed skills accounts, and establish new 
        standards for Jobs Corps Centers. The amendment failed 
        by a recorded vote of 21-29.
           Representative Bob Good (R-VA) offered an 
        amendment to the ANS that would add a requirement for 
        participants and institutions receiving federal 
        workforce investment funding to utilize the E Verify 
        program, which allows employers to confirm a person's 
        eligibility to work in the U.S. The amendment failed by 
        a recorded vote of 21-29.
           Representative Good offered an amendment to 
        the ANS that would strike language to require 
        apprenticeship programs to be a registered and 
        qualified provider as identified under the National 
        Apprenticeship Act in order to be eligible for funding 
        under the 2014 workforce law. The amendment failed by a 
        recorded vote of 21-28.
           Representative Mary Miller (R-IL) offered an 
        amendment to the ANS that would strike language 
        relating to ensuring equitable access to national, 
        state, and local workforce development boards for 
        individuals who have been historically underserved due 
        to race, ethnicity, or gender. It also would strike 
        sexual orientation and gender identity from the 
        definition of an individual with a barrier to 
        employment. The amendment failed by a recorded vote of 
           Representative Miller offered an amendment 
        to the ANS that would prohibit WIOA funds from being 
        used to reimburse health care services. The amendment 
        failed by a recorded vote of 21-29.
    On May 17, 2022, The House of Representatives considered 
H.R. 7309, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 
2022, as reported out of Committee. The bill passed on a 
recorded vote of 220-196. The Senate did not consider the bill.

                             118TH CONGRESS

First Session--Hearings

    On February 8, 2023, the Committee on Education and the 
Workforce held a hearing entitled ``American Education in 
Crisis.'' The purpose of the hearing was to examine the state 
of American education, including K-12 education, postsecondary 
education, and workforce development. During the hearing, 
witnesses made comments regarding the expansion of Pell Grants 
to cover short-term workforce programs and the need to improve 
America's workforce development system. Testifying before the 
Committee were: Mrs. Virginia Gentles, Director, Education 
Freedom Center, Independent Women's Forum, Arlington, VA; Dr. 
Monty Sullivan, President, Louisiana Community and Technical 
College System, Baton Rouge, LA; Mr. Scott Pulsipher, 
President, Western Governors University, Salt Lake City, UT; 
and the Honorable Jared Polis, Governor, State of Colorado, 
Denver, CO.
    On May 15, 2023, the Subcommittee on Higher Education and 
Workforce Development held a hearing entitled ``Examining 
America's Workforce Challenges: Looking for Ways to Improve 
Skills Development.'' The purpose of the hearing was to discuss 
challenges facing America's workforceand opportunities to 
improve skills development through a reauthorization of WIOA. 
Testifying before the Committee were: Ms. Lydia Logan, Vice President 
for Global Education and Workforce Development, IBM, Washington, D.C.; 
Mr. Bruce Ferguson, CEO, CareerSource Northeast Florida, Jacksonville, 
FL; Mr. John Pallasch, Founder and CEO, One Workforce Solutions, Aiken, 
SC; and Dr. Harry J. Holzer, John LaFarge Jr., SJ Professor of Public 
Policy, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
    On May 16, 2023, the Committee on Education and the 
Workforce held a hearing entitled ``Examining the Policies and 
Priorities of the U.S. Department of Education.'' The purpose 
of the hearing was to examine the policies and priorities of 
the U.S. Department of Education and workforce development was 
discussed. Testifying before the Committee was the Honorable 
Miguel Cardona, Secretary, U.S. Department of Education, 
Washington, D.C.
    On June 7, 2023, the Committee on Education and the 
Workforce held a hearing entitled ``Examining the Policies and 
Priorities of the Department of Labor.'' The purpose of the 
hearing was to examine the policies and priorities of the 
Department of Labor (DOL) and WIOA was discussed. Testifying 
before the Committee was the Honorable Julie A. Su, Acting 
Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.
    On June 22, 2023, the Committee on Education and the 
Workforce held a hearing entitled ``Competencies Over Degrees: 
Transitioning to a Skills-Based Economy.'' The purpose of the 
hearing was to examine the rise of skills-based hiring and 
discuss policies that can facilitate an emphasis on skills to 
prepare a stronger, more competitive workforce for the 21st 
century economy. Testifying before the Committee were: Dr. 
Karin Kimbrough, Chief Economist, LinkedIn, Sunnyvale, CA; Dr. 
Mark Smith, Director of HR Thought Leadership, SHRM, 
Alexandria, VA; Mr. Dan Healey, Head of People for Customer 
Success, SAP, Newton Square, PA; and Dr. Papia Debroy, Senior 
Vice President of Insights, Opportunity@Work, Washington, D.C.
    On September 20, 2023, the Subcommittee on Higher Education 
and Workforce Development held a hearing entitled 
``Strengthening WIOA: Improving Outcomes for Jobseekers, 
Employers, and Taxpayers.'' The purpose of this hearing was to 
identify ways to improve the quality of programming of WIOA 
services. Testifying before the Committee were: Mr. Scott B. 
Sanders, President and CEO, National Association of State 
Workforce Agencies (NASWA), Washington, D.C.; Ms. Rya Conrad-
Bradshaw, Vice President, Corporate Markets, Cengage Group, 
Boston, MA; Mr. Mason Bishop, Nonresident Fellow, American 
Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C.; and Mr. Rick Beasley, 
Executive Director, South Florida Workforce Investment Board 
(SFWIB), Miami, FL.

Legislative Action

    On December 7, 2023, Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and 
Ranking Member Scott introduced the bipartisan H.R. 6655, A 
Stronger Workforce for America Act. The bill was referred to 
the Committee on Education and the Workforce and additionally 
to the Committee on Ways and Means. On December 12, 2023, the 
Committee on Education and the Workforce considered H.R. 6655 
in legislative session and reported it favorably, as amended, 
to the House of Representatives by a recorded vote of 44-1. The 
Committee adopted the following amendment to H.R. 6655:
           Representative Burgess Owens (R-UT) offered 
        an ANS that incorporated the provisions of H.R. 6655 
        and made several modifications. Specifically, it made 
        several technical and conforming changes, including a 
        clarification of the effective date, directions to have 
        the definitions as amended reordered alphabetically, 
        and related conforming changes pertaining to the new 
        definitions. It amended section 143 to make minor 
        modifications to how basic career services are to be 
        coordinated and delivered through the one-stop delivery 
        system and makes related clarifications in section 301 
        pertaining to the use of Wagner Peyser Act funds for 
        the provision of basic career services. It amended 
        section 165 to clarify that the contracting process for 
        a Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center with repeated 
        performance failures may also be carried out by the 
        Secretary of Agriculture when appropriate. Finally, it 
        added language in section 207 to include raising public 
        awareness of career and technical education programs as 
        an allowable state leadership activity under Title II, 
        mirroring language included in section 132 of the bill 
        pertaining to the Title I youth program. The ANS was 
        adopted by voice vote.
    The following additional amendments to the ANS were 
           Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) offered an 
        amendment that would have expanded the definition of 
        supportive services to include mental health treatment, 
        substance use disorder treatment, and broadband access 
        and would have made providing such services a local 
        required activity for adult participants. The amendment 
        was withdrawn.
           Representative Bob Good (R-VA) offered an 
        amendment that would have removed the requirement that 
        apprenticeships be registered with the DOL. The 
        amendment failed by a recorded vote of 14-30.
           Representative Good offered an amendment 
        that would have removed Subtitle D and eliminated the 
        Job Corps program. The amendment failed by a recorded 
        vote of 5-38.
           Representative Good offered an amendment 
        that would have required all employers who participate 
        in WIOA programs to implement E-Verify. The amendment 
        failed by a recorded vote of 12-31.

                            Committee Views


    America's employers are struggling to fill the jobs they 
need to grow their businesses, with nearly 9 million jobs 
currently unfilled.\1\ The large number of unfulfilled jobs 
exists across broad swaths of the economy, hampering critical 
industries and undermining our nation's economic 
competitiveness. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, workers also 
began re-thinking their careers and looking for new jobs.\2\ 
Meanwhile, the skill demands of the modern economy are rapidly 
evolving, necessitating a shift towards lifelong learning and 
upskilling to help America's workers keep pace. As more 
employers remove degree requirements from the hiring process 
and shift toward the use of skills-based hiring practices, new 
opportunities for economic mobility exist for workers who 
possess the right skillsets. Equipping workers with in-demand 
skills is essential to broadening the pathways out of poverty 
and towards achieving the American Dream. The workforce system 
exists to address these challenges but needs reform to ensure 
workers--including those without a bachelor's degree--can 
access good paying jobs.
    \1\Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary--2023 M10 Results. U.S. 
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 5 Dec. 
    \2\``The Great Attrition Is Making Hiring Harder. Are You Searching 
the Right Talent Pools?'', McKinseyQuarterly, 13 July 2022,
    When the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)\3\ 
was enacted in 2014, it made crucial improvements that helped 
streamline the maze of federal workforce development programs 
and enhance accountability through a single set of performance 
metrics. However, almost a decade later, significant challenges 
persist that impede the workforce system's ability to provide 
high-quality services to job seekers and employers. H.R. 6655, 
A Stronger Workforce for America Act, makes critical updates to 
WIOA that will increase the amount of skills development 
provided under the law, strengthen connections between 
employers and the workforce system, and put more workers on the 
pathway to a successful career.
    \3\Pub. L. No. 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (2014) (codified as amended 
at 29 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 3101-3361).


    While workers reassess how to upskill in a changing 
economy, relatively few are upgrading their skills through the 
workforce system. In program year 2021, just 34.8 percent of 
the individuals receiving services through the WIOA adult, 
dislocated worker, and youth programs participated in any 
skills development activity, while a total of 108,871 
individuals nationwide completed a skills education program 
across all three programs.\4\ There is limited data available 
on local expenditures by category of service under WIOA, but 
the DOL's 2015 Gold Standard Evaluation of the Workforce 
Investment Act (WIA) found that, on average, just over one-
fifth (22 percent) of program funds were spent on education for 
participants.\5\ The minimal amount of skills development 
provided through the core WIOA programs makes skills education 
providers and employers less likely to participate in the 
system, limiting the effectiveness of these programs.
    \4\Quarterly Report for WIOA and Wagner-Peyser, U.S. Department of 
Labor, April 2023, at 6, 45,
Performance/pdfs/PY%202022%20Q2%20WIOA%20and %20Wagner-
    \5\AnnaMaria McCutcheon and Annalisa Mastri, How Do Local Workforce 
Investment Areas Spend Their Formula Funds?, Nov. 2015, at 3, https:// _Documents/ETAOP-2016-

Dedicated resources for upskilling

    A Stronger Workforce for America Act dedicates 50 percent 
of the funding that is provided to local workforce boards for 
adults and dislocated workers for skills development through 
``individual training accounts'' (ITAs) and contracts for the 
provision of training services, including ``on-the job 
training,'' ``incumbent worker training,'' employer-directed 
skills development, services provided through pay-for-
performance contracts, and the other allowable uses of 
contracts to provide for the training services described in 
section 134 of WIOA. The Committee recognizes that the 
prioritization of skills development activities will require 
many local boards to modify how the federal resources they 
receive are allocated but reiterates that such a requirement is 
not a novelty to the workforce system. Several states, 
including California, Florida,\6\ Illinois,\7\ Maine, 
Massachusetts, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Virginia,\8\ currently 
have expenditure requirements on skills development activities, 
while the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982\9\--the 
predecessor to WIA--required 70 percent of funds allocated to 
local service delivery areas to be spent on skills development 
activities. However, unlike many of these expenditure 
requirements, the provision in H.R. 6655 is intended to 
simplify recordkeeping and compliance by solely counting funds 
that are directly awarded to providers or employers through an 
ITA or contract for the provision of training services 
permitted under the law.
    \6\The 2023 Florida Statutes (including Special Session C), 
Statutes Constitution Online Sunshine, 2023, http://
    \7\Training Expenditure Requirement--WIOA Policy, Aug. 18, 2023, 
    \8\``Title 2.2. Administration of Government.'' Sec. 2.2-2472.2. 
Minimum Levels of Fiscal Support from WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker 
Funds by Local Workforce Development Boards; Incentives, https:// (last 
visited Dec. 15, 2023).
    \9\Pub. L. 97-300, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 1501, et seq. (1982).
    To provide additional resources for local boards to meet 
the upskilling needs of dislocated workers, H.R. 6655 amends 
section 414 of the American Competitiveness and Workforce 
Improvement Act of 1998\10\ to repurpose the H-1B fee revenue 
currently provided to DOL and allocate the funding through 
states to local areas by formula. The bill requires these 
supplemental funds to be used to provide ITAs for dislocated 
workers that are determined to be eligible for training 
services, which will function in the same manner as ITAs 
established for adults and dislocated workers using the formula 
funds provided to a local area. However, a local area may not 
limit the maximum amount available for an ITA to less than 
$5,000 to ensure eligible dislocated workers have sufficient 
``customer choice'' when selecting an eligible skills 
development program. Since the floor of at least $5,000 
available through an ITA is modified upon the depletion of the 
H-1B fee revenue available to a local area, H.R. 6655 requires 
local areas to exhaust these funds before turning to the 
discretionary funds available to provide ITAs to dislocated 
workers. If the demand for ITAs by eligible dislocated workers 
exceeds the funds made available to the local area for skills 
development, the local area may request additional funds from 
the amount reserved by the state for rapid-response activities 
but is under no further obligation to provide training services 
to a dislocated worker.
    \10\Pub. L. 105-277, div. C, title IV, 112 Stat. 2681 (1998).
    To mitigate the negative effects of layoffs on both workers 
and employers, the bill updates the definition of ``rapid 
response activities'' by codifying the existing practice of 
layoff aversion. Governors currently use 20 percent of funds 
afforded them through their states' dislocated worker 
allocation to ease the transition for workers from a layoff and 
into new employment opportunities. These activities aim to 
mitigate the need for layoffs and lessen the impact when 
layoffs occur by informing workers of opportunities to receive 
ITAs for dislocated workers, a skills assessment to identify 
skill adjacency to other jobs, or upskilling. Additionally, 
business services will also be afforded to the employers, such 
as connections to short time compensation programs and business 
support activities.

Employer-led Initiatives

    The Committee recognizes that employer involvement in 
skills development is essential to align workforce programs 
with industry needs and provide workers the hands-on experience 
to succeed in the job. While the workforce system is designed 
to be demand driven and to target in-demand industries and 
occupations, many WIOA participants currently end up employed 
in occupations unrelated to the skills development they 
received. In program year 2021, only 34.6 percent of 
participants in the adult program were in ``training-related'' 
employment during the second quarter after completing their 
program.\11\ To avoid this scenario where workers enroll in 
skills programs without substantive employer connections and 
hope for the best (sometimes referred to as ``train and 
pray''), more emphasis must be placed on employer-led 
initiatives that directly lead to a job upon completion.
    \11\Grantee Handbook--U.S. Department of Labor, Jun. 2020, at 1,
    Despite the importance of employer engagement in 
reskilling, the employer-connected skills development options 
in current law are underutilized. Of the over 515,000 
individuals served by the adult and dislocated worker programs 
in program year 2021, 14,523 participated in ``on-the-job 
training,'' 3,552 participated in ``incumbent worker 
training,'' 2,878 participated in ``customized training,'' and 
2,376 participated in an apprenticeship.\12\ H.R. 6655 aims to 
increase the use of the employer-connected options in the law 
by rebranding ``customized training'' as ``employer-directed 
skills development'' to clarify that it is not limited to 
programs that are developed uniquely for that employer but can 
utilize any upskilling program selected by an employer when the 
employer is responsible for a portion of the cost and commits 
to employ the participants upon successful completion of the 
program. The bill raises the cap on the percentage of funds 
local boards can use on ``incumbent worker training'' from 20 
percent to 30 percent, while allowing for further increases 
when the local area is experiencing low rates of unemployment 
and high rates of labor force participation. H.R. 6655 
streamlines participant eligibility determinations by 
encouraging employer referrals of qualified individuals to the 
workforce system and permitting enrollment in skills 
development programs while an eligibility determination is 
being made.
    \12\PY 2021 Data Book: WIOA and Wagner Peyser, Jun. 2023, https://
PY%202021%20WIOA%20and%20Wagner-Peyser%20Data%20Book .pdf.
    In addition, the bill provides governors a new tool to 
address the economic priorities of their states by permitting 
them to reserve additional funds from the amounts allocated to 
their state for a Critical Industry Skills Fund to help 
employers upskill, hire, and retain workers in priority 
industries. Through the Critical Industry Skills fund, states 
will provide partial reimbursements to employers, sector 
partnerships, and other intermediaries--such as local boards--
that have approved applications to upskill workers in the 
priority industries selected by the state, with a nonfederal 
cost sharing requirement based on the size of the participating 
employers. Reimbursements will occur only when workers complete 
their upskilling program and are employed and retained in that 
industry. The Committee has modeled this provision on similar 
initiatives currently being implemented by a handful of states, 
including Indiana's Employer Training Grant, Michigan's Going 
PRO Talent Fund, and Massachusetts' Workforce Training Fund.
    The Committee is concerned that the existing workforce 
system is not utilized enough by employers. In a pilot program 
by DOL, only 8 percent of employers actively utilized services 
under the workforce system.\13\ Not only is a low utilization 
rate by employers a failure in policy for employers, but it 
also hampers access to good-paying jobs for jobseekers. If 
employers in high-growth industries with jobs that pay high 
wages are not utilizing the workforce system, jobseekers have 
fewer opportunities to be connected to these employers. An 
increased usage of employer-connected skills development 
programs, such as on-the-job training, apprenticeships, and 
others, aims to increase connections between local workforce 
boards and local businesses.
    \13\87 Fed. Reg. 56,318 Sept. 14, 2022,

Adult education and literacy

    The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act\14\ authorized 
under Title II of WIOA is the primary source of federal support 
for adults who lack basic skills and is designed to be used for 
a wide range of activities relating to assisting eligible 
individuals (aged 16 and older) to become literate and obtain 
the skills necessary for employment, economic self-sufficiency, 
and full participation in adult life. H.R. 6655 reauthorizes 
the program and makes several updates to improve the quality of 
opportunities available to adult learners. The bill includes 
digital literacy skills as a core purpose of adult education to 
reflect that digital literacy has become a foundational skill 
for individuals to succeed in the 21st century. H.R. 6655 
places a stronger emphasis on developing and providing 
``integrated education and training'' opportunities to adult 
learners to gain basic skills while simultaneously preparing 
for an in-demand occupation or industry. The bill also expands 
the required state leadership activities to include the 
development or identification of instructional materials 
designed to meet the needs of adult and English learners, while 
expanding the allowable uses of funds to include a range of 
activities designed to strengthen the quality and elevate the 
standards used for adult education.
    \14\Pub. L. 105-220, title II, Aug. 7, 1998, 112 Stat. 1059 (20 
U.S.C. 9201 et seq.).
    The Committee recognizes the importance of adult educators 
to the success of the activities supported under this 
legislation. H.R. 6655 provides greater flexibility to local 
providers to use program funds on the professional development 
of adult educators. Additionally, the bill updates the national 
leadership activities to include developing and evaluating 
programs for the preparation of adult educators and carrying 
out initiatives to disseminate effective staffing models, 
program effectiveness standards, and accreditation requirements 
that may be voluntarily adopted by states. The bill also allows 
individuals who may lack the foundational skills needed to 
succeed in training services under Title I to be referred to, 
or co-enrolled in, adult education or literacy activities under 
Title II.


    WIOA's enactment in 2014 sought to foster an outcome-driven 
workforce system through a consistent set of performance 
measures that are applied across all federal workforce 
development programs. The law is designed to hold states, local 
workforce boards, and eligible providers of skills development 
accountable for the labor market success of the participants 
they serve. Despite the improvements made in WIOA, the 
workforce system still faces a vast landscape of eligible 
providers with little data on the outcomes they achieve, and 
the accountability provisions have been marred by delayed 
implementation and low expectations. Further challenging the 
effectiveness of the system are provisions in the law limiting 
the ability of local workforce boards to adjust the delivery of 
services to meet the evolving demands of the workforce.

Eligible providers

    The workforce system utilizes a ``consumer choice'' 
approach to pay for skills development through an ITA, making 
the effectiveness of eligible providers and the availability of 
performance data critical to the system's success. A March 2023 
report from the Harvard Project on Workforce found the 
landscape of eligible providers to be highly fragmented and 
hard to navigate.\15\ Specifically, the report identified over 
7,000 eligible providers and approximately 75,000 eligible 
programs in more than 700 occupational fields nationwide, with 
limited consumer-facing information available for over 75 
percent of programs.\16\ The report estimates that the bottom 
25 percent of programs correspond with median annual earnings 
of $23,308 or below.\17\ The Committee is concerned that lack 
of performance data at the provider and program level 
significantly undermines WIOA's consumer choice model and 
leaves jobseekers and policymakers without the information 
needed to fund high-quality programs and keep low-quality 
programs from receiving taxpayer funds.
    \15\``Navigating Public Job Training,'' Project on Workforce, Aug. 
24, 2023,
    H.R. 6655 streamlines the criteria for skills development 
programs to earn inclusion on a state's ``eligible training 
provider list'' (ETPL) to ensure programs are aligned with the 
skill and hiring demands of employers by focusing the 
eligibility process on the employment outcomes of program 
participants. The bill establishes a ``standard eligibility'' 
status that is determined by the verified outcomes of 
participants in a program on the metrics of credential 
attainment, job placement, median earnings, and value-added 
ratio (earnings increase compared to the cost of the program), 
with the minimum levels of performance on each metric set by 
the state. Eligible providers will be expected to meet these 
minimum levels, otherwise they risk being removed from the 
standard eligibility status, resulting in being ineligible for 
WIOA funds or, instead, participating under ``conditional 
eligibility'' status if they so choose. The Committee 
recognizes that in setting the thresholds, states have the 
responsibility to weigh the competing aims of maximizing 
consumer choice and protecting consumers and taxpayers, all 
with an eye toward meeting the performance levels the state 
must achieve.
    While the minimum levels of performance required under the 
standard eligibility status will streamline and raise the 
standards of the ETPL across states, jobseekers receiving ITAs 
should be empowered to identify programs that prepare 
individuals for careers that provide upward mobility and 
economic stability. To accomplish this, states and local boards 
will be allowed to encourage high-quality providers to 
participate on the ETPL by awarding additional funding linked 
to achieving high levels of performance, serving more 
individuals with barriers to employment, or connecting 
individuals with jobs with high wages or family-sustaining 
    To ensure newer programs and those in the process of 
building an outcomes base have the opportunity to participate 
in the workforce system, the bill creates a conditional 
eligibility status, under which portions of the payment for 
serving a WIOA participant will be tied to the successful 
enrollment, completion, and job placement of the participant to 
ensure the program shares the risk of unsuccessful outcomes. 
H.R. 6655 also formalizes a process for an employer or an 
industry or sector partnership to sponsor an eligible program 
by committing to pay a portion of the cost for WIOA 
participants that select the program and consider them for a 
job upon successful completion. These programs will be promoted 
to jobseekers when they select from the list of eligible 
    As the demand for online education continues to grow, H.R. 
6655 clarifies that online programs can participate in WIOA and 
are not required to have a physical presence in a state to seek 
inclusion on that state's ETPL, while asserting that WIOA 
participants may only choose programs including online 
programs--that are on the ETPL for the state through which the 
participant is receiving services.\18\ The Committee recognizes 
the challenges multi-state providers have when navigating the 
ETPL requirements of each individual state and, through H.R 
6655, encourages states to minimize the duplication of effort 
by providers seeking eligibility in multiple states, 
particularly as the reforms to the ETPL in this bill create a 
more consistent process across states.
    \18\Nadine Diaz-Infante, Michael Lazar, Samvitha Ram, and Austin 
Ray, ``Demand for Online Education Is Growing. Are Providers Ready?'' 
McKinsey Company, 20 July 2022,

Credential transparency

    With more people turning toward skills-based education, the 
credentials these programs award become vital to signal an 
individual's mastery of industry-relevant skills. There are 
over one million unique credentials offered in the U.S., 
including certificates, digital badges, diplomas, occupational 
licenses, and degrees.\19\ Navigating this vast credential 
landscape can be difficult, leaving jobseekers and employers 
without the ability to make well-informed decisions. Disparate 
sources of information and the lack of employment and earnings 
data linked to possession of specific credentials make it 
difficult for jobseekers to do apples-to-apples comparisons 
between programs and understand which credentials align with 
career opportunities. Further, inconsistent terminology on the 
skills and competencies mastered to earn a credential limits 
the ability of employers to recognize and verify jobseekers' 
skills based on the credentials they have earned.
    \19\Counting U.S. Postsecondary and Secondary, Credential Engine, 
    To equip WIOA participants with the necessary information 
to make informed choices on the career pathways they may 
pursue, H.R. 6655 provides transparency on the credentials that 
are awarded by eligible providers to include credential-
specific information on the awarding entity, industry 
recognition, the skills and competencies the credential 
signifies, and the employment and earnings outcomes of 
participants who receive the credential. The Committee 
recognizes that many private organizations, employers, and 
states have started to undertake efforts to improve 
transparency around skills-based credentials and intend for the 
provisions in the bill to complement these efforts.

Performance accountability system

    WIOA set core indicators of performance that apply to all 
workforce development programs to bring a consistent approach 
to measuring the outcomes achieved by program participants and 
hold states and local workforce boards accountable for the 
results achieved with taxpayer dollars. However, the 
implementation of the performance accountability system has 
been drawn out and has not yet been fully realized by the 
Departments, while certain aspects of the law have posed 
challenges for state and local workforce leaders. The Committee 
strongly believes in the common measurement of performance 
across all workforce development programs and recognizes the 
need for modifications to foster full implementation of the 
performance accountability system and better evaluate program 
    H.R. 6655 makes several targeted modifications to the 
primary indicators of performance in current law. The bill 
converts the indicator measuring participant employment in the 
fourth quarter after program exit into a measure of retention 
in the labor force by measuring the percentage of participants 
in employment in the second quarter after program exit that 
remain in employment during the fourth quarter after program 
exit. The Committee has heard from states and local boards 
about the disincentive for year-round enrollment that results 
from the current indicator being measured by program year, 
regardless of when a participant enters a skills development 
program. To address this issues, H.R. 6655 modifies the 
indicator on achievement of measurable skill gains by program 
participants in a program leading to a recognized postsecondary 
credential so that the measurement window is the six-month 
period after the quarter of program entry.
    Additionally, the bill restructures the indicator on the 
effectiveness in serving employers--which has yet to be 
finalized nearly a decade after the enactment of WIOA--to 
measure the percentage of program participants that received 
``training services'' and exited the program having completed 
``on-the-job training,'' ``incumbent worker training,'' 
employer-directed skills development, or an apprenticeship--or 
for participants in the youth program, the percentage who 
completed paid or unpaid work experiences. In updating the 
primary indicators of performance in the law, the Committee 
purposefully identified modifications that utilize data that is 
currently collected by the workforce system to enable a swift 
and seamless transition for states and local boards.
    H.R. 6655 revises the process under which states establish 
and agree upon state levels of performance with the Departments 
to improve transparency, reduce duplication of effort, and 
ensure states can negotiate on a level-playing field. The bill 
requires the Departments to first propose levels and publish 
the statistical adjustment model used and then gives states the 
opportunity to react to the proposed levels and offer 
counterproposals as they determine necessary. The bill 
clarifies that the statistical adjustment model must involve 
only the articulated factors found to be predictive of 
performance. The Committee recognizes that the required 
adjustment of performance levels through the statistical 
adjustment model is only one of the four factors to be used by 
states and the Secretaries and emphasizes in the bill the need 
for all factors to be given due consideration.
    In order to ensure that the performance accountability 
system leads to continuous improvement across the system, H.R. 
6655 clarifies the circumstances under which a state or local 
area is subject to performance improvement actions or fiscal 
sanctions. The bill codifies the percentage of negotiated 
levels of performance that must be achieved and differentiates 
between a performance failure on an individual indicator of 
performance and a performance failure across all indicators for 
a core program or on a specific indicator across all programs. 
Further, it aligns the improvement actions and fiscal sanctions 
accordingly so more significant action is taken when a broader 
performance failure occurs.
    The Committee recognizes that access to valid and reliable 
information on the employment and earnings outcomes of program 
participants is vital to the data-driven and accountable 
workforce system. H.R. 6655 directs each state to identify a 
designated agency or entity to assist the core programs and 
eligible providers in carrying out the performance reporting 
requirements, including facilitating data matches from state 
wage records and other sources. The bill also authorizes states 
agencies responsible for administering the performance 
accountability system to receive information from the National 
Directory of New Hires.

Local areas and one-stop delivery system

    Modernizing the workforce system so that services are 
delivered in the most effective manner is critical to meeting 
the needs of today's jobseekers and employers. WIOA supports a 
locally driven workforce system that is designed to meet the 
unique demands of the disparate regions of our country. 
However, current law does not enable systems to respond to the 
dynamic nature of the economy. Governors have limited ability 
to reassess and restructure the designations of local workforce 
areas in the state and local leaders are given an overly 
prescriptive model from the federal government for how they 
must deliver services to workers and employers in their 
communities. With the bill's shift toward prioritizing federal 
funds for upskilling workers, it is essential to equip state 
and local leaders with a greater ability to adapt their 
workforce system to effectively meet the demands of a 
constantly changing economy.
    H.R. 6655 directs governors to conduct periodic reviews of 
the alignment of local areas to the labor market or economic 
areas and propose local area designations for the next eight 
years. A governor's proposed designations must be approved by a 
majority of the local boards in the state to take effect. If 
the local boards reject the proposed designations, they must 
choose between aligning the local areas with the economic 
development areas or the planning regions of the state. The 
first review period by the governors will occur before the 
third program year after enactment, with the first designation 
of local areas occurring at the start of the fourth program 
year. The Committee believes this will result in a process that 
balances state and local interests and builds consensus around 
the best approach for each state to align its workforce system 
in a manner that leads to better outcomes for workers and 
    The Committee recognizes that many local areas across the 
country will continue to use physical comprehensive one-stop 
centers as a central location to access services but 
acknowledges there may be local boards that determine that 
greater access can be delivered by leveraging technology and 
the physical infrastructure of existing community hubs. To that 
end, the bill provides greater flexibility for local boards to 
expand access to services through the one-stop delivery system 
through the use of virtual services and a network of affiliated 
locations, such as libraries or community colleges. The bill 
also reforms the funding of one-stop infrastructure by removing 
the requirement on local boards to negotiate an 
``infrastructure funding agreement'' with the one-stop partners 
and defaulting to the state infrastructure mechanism in current 
law to effectively allocate costs by proportionate use while 
still allowing local boards to development supplemental 
agreements for any additional expenses that may exist.


Youth activities

    The workforce development activities for youth are designed 
to help youth ages 14-24 who face barriers to achieving success 
in education and the workforce. WIOA shifted the program's 
emphasis towards youth who are neither enrolled in education 
nor connected to the workforce by requiring that 75 percent of 
the funds provided to a local area be used on out-of-school 
youth. WIOA is the primary source of federal support for 
disconnected youth--commonly referred to as opportunity youth--
and plays a vital role in reengaging these youth with 
educational opportunities and the labor force. However, many 
workforce stakeholders have expressed issues with the 75 
percent spending requirement on out-of-school youth and nearly 
half of the states have received a waiver from DOL to lower the 
percentage that must be spent on out-of-school youth.\20\
    \20\WIOA Waiver Information, Dept. of Labor, Sept. 30, 2023,
    H.R. 6655 replaces ``out-of-school youth'' with 
``opportunity youth'' and includes homeless youth and those 
involved with the justice or foster care systems as opportunity 
youth, regardless of their school status. The bill revises the 
out-of-school youth priority to a 65 percent expenditure 
requirement on opportunity youth and makes this a statewide 
threshold to give states and local areas the flexibility to 
determine the appropriate allocation of funding for each local 
area based on their specific needs. The Committee believes this 
will appropriately target federal resources to youth who are in 
the greatest need of services while enabling greater support to 
reach at-risk youth before they disconnect. The bill also 
streamlines the enrollment process so at-risk youth are not 
turned away at the door simply for showing up without the right 
paperwork, allowing programs to begin serving youth while an 
eligibility determination is being made and shifting the burden 
of determining eligibility to program or one-stop operator 
staff. Further, the bill aligns the documentation requirements 
to determine foster or homeless youth status with the Higher 
Education Act.\21\
    \21\Pub. L. 89-329, 79 Stat. 1219 (1965).
    To connect more youth to work-based learning opportunities, 
the bill increases the percentage of youth funding dedicated to 
work experiences to 40 percent, while establishing core 
elements of summer and year-round employment opportunities and 
requiring that internships lasting for longer periods be paid. 
Additionally, the bill authorizes the use of ITAs for in-school 
youth to create opportunities for students to participate in 
skills development programs outside of the courses offered by 
their school district, which will expand educational choices to 
a broader set of career pathways and enhance their ability to 
gain in-demand skills. It also increases the cap on the amount 
of funding that can be used for pay-for-performance contract 
strategies to condition taxpayer dollars on achieving positive 
outcomes for youth.

National Programs

    To enhance transparency across all the national programs 
administered by DOL, H.R. 6655 clarifies that DOL must make 
arrangements with a state or other entity to use quarterly wage 
records in the performance reporting of grantees and annually 
publish the performance results on the agency's public website. 
The Committee recognizes that DOL has currently established an 
arrangement known as the Common Reporting Information System to 
access aggregate wage records for participants in the national 
grant programs and the bill has language that intends for the 
continuation of this arrangement or the development of similar 
arrangements, as appropriate, to develop valid performance 
information and limit the data collection burden on grantees.
    H.R. 6655 codifies and reforms the Reentry Employment 
Opportunities program, which is currently funded through 
appropriations and administered by DOL, to improve the reentry 
of justice-involved individuals into the workforce, including 
juveniles. The bill emphasizes the use of regional or national 
intermediaries and pay-for-performance contracts to maximize 
the impact and reach of the taxpayer funds awarded through this 
program, while prioritizing entities that will serve high-
poverty areas, use evidence-based strategies, enroll 
individuals prior to release, establish partnerships with 
businesses and institutions of higher education, and provide 
on-the-job learning. A 25 percent matching funds requirement is 
included to ensure grantees are effectively leveraging non-
federal resources and building partnerships to sustain 
successful initiatives after the federal grant period 
concludes, while allowing the matching requirement to be waived 
in the case of significant financial hardship. The reentry 
projects funded through this program will be subject to 
evaluation so effective practices and models can be identified 
and disseminated across the country.
    The Committee recognizes the important role community 
colleges can play in offering workforce development 
opportunities aligned with in-demand industries. H.R. 6655 
codifies and reforms the Strengthening Community Colleges 
Workforce Development Grant Program to facilitate the expansion 
of industry partnerships and prioritize institutions that use 
competency-based assessments to award credit for prior learning 
or will seek to get programs supported by the grant on the 
state's ETPL. Each grantee will be evaluated on the primary 
indicators of performance, the extent to which the grantee 
improves institutional capacity to offer workforce programs, 
and the completion and career advancement of participants, and 
it must meet target levels of performance to be eligible for 
subsequent grants. Additionally, the bill directs the Secretary 
of Labor to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of the 
grants, including the extent to which they developed or 
expanded industry sector strategies or career pathways.

Job Corps

    The Job Corps program provides education and skills 
development services to youth, primarily in a residential 
setting through more than 120 campuses located in all 50 
states. The Committee has previously raised concerns related to 
the safety and performance of the Job Corps program and 
recognizes updates to the law are necessary to address these 
issues. However, the Committee recognizes that, where 
successful, Job Corps can help opportunity or at-risk youth 
receive an education, prepare for the workforce, and transition 
into a sustainable career. To help Job Corps better accomplish 
this mission, H.R. 6655 raises the standards for performance 
and student safety in the Job Corps program while allowing for 
operational flexibility to give campus operators greater 
ownership of the activities and ability to make changes, when 
necessary, to fulfill the higher expectations that will be 
placed upon them.
    The bill modifies the eligibility criteria by removing the 
limitation on the percent of individuals who can be ages 22 to 
24 and requiring that an individual who is age 16 or 17 only be 
eligible upon a determination by the director of a Job Corps 
campus that the individual has the ability to succeed in the 
program. While not altering the age range of 16-24 for 
individuals who can be served by the program, this shift toward 
enrolling older students is consistent with the available 
evidence showing older enrollees are more motivated and achieve 
better outcomes.\22\
    \22\National Jobs Corps Study and Longer-Term Follow Up Study: 
Impact and Benefit-Cost Findings Using Survey and Summary Earnings 
Records Data, August 2006,
    H.R. 6655 modifies the current drug testing procedures for 
enrollees to more effectively determine if an enrollee has 
continued to use drugs after entering the program. The initial 
drug test will continue to be required within 48 hours upon 
arrival on campus. However, if the results of the initial test 
are positive, the subsequent drug test will be conducted at the 
earliest appropriate time to determine if the enrollee has 
continued using drugs since arriving on campus, considering the 
substance and potency levels identified in the initial drug 
test. It is the goal of the Committee to eliminate drug use 
among enrollees in Job Corps and to not mistakenly disenroll 
students for past drug use prior to enrollment.
    The Committee believes program quality will increase when a 
larger pool of potential operators bid for contracts and that 
emphasis on the primary indicators of performance will allow 
for new entrants to Job Corps who already serve opportunity 
youth to make competitive bids. Therefore, H.R. 6655 modifies 
the contracting process for campus operators to place a greater 
emphasis on entities' past effectiveness based on the primary 
indicators of performance.
    The Committee also believes more stability for effective 
campus operators paired with a higher standard for contract 
renewal will help improve the performance of the program and 
benefit the program's participants. The bill extends the 
initial contract period from two years to three years while 
raising the performance threshold for a renewal. Additionally, 
it modifies the performance improvement actions and thresholds 
for when such actions must occur so that the severity of the 
remedial action more appropriately matches the severity and 
pervasiveness of the performance failure. Notably, in the case 
of a chronic performance failure, the bill gives the Secretary 
of Labor the option of awarding the funding directly to the 
state in which the campus is located for operation of the 
campus while providing increased flexibility to turn around the 
performance of the campus.
    The Committee is concerned that the existing performance 
requirements are not effectively measuring the outcomes of Job 
Corps operators. Currently, operators are held to one, national 
level of expected performance applied to all campuses, 
disregarding the inherent differences in economies and 
populations across the 120 campuses. The bill includes language 
that requires the Secretary of Labor to consider such factors 
when setting expected levels of performance for each campus. 
Additionally, such levels of performance must be both ambitious 
and achievable so that campuses are given the opportunity to 
meet appropriate performance targets as they are held to higher 
    To enhance the safety of Job Corps students and staff, the 
bill codifies incident reporting requirements so that serious 
incidents are reported within two hours. The bill also requires 
the director of each Job Corps campus to enter into an 
agreement with the local law enforcement agency regarding 
procedures for the prompt reporting and investigation of 
potentially illegal activity on Job Corps campuses. H.R. 6655 
removes the overly broad ``disruptive'' activity from the list 
of zero tolerance offenses and establishes a process for the 
director of a Job Corps campus to appeal to the Secretary of 
Labor the dismissal of an enrollee who committed a zero-
tolerance violation when the director believes unique 
circumstances warrant an opportunity for the individual to 
remain enrolled.
    The Committee believes greater local authority is needed to 
facilitate community partnerships that can improve the quality 
of the Job Corps experience for students. H.R. 6655 provides 
Job Corps operators with greater authority to hire and develop 
staff, enter into agreements with educational entities and 
employers, and educate stakeholders about Job Corps activities 
without prior approval of the Secretary of Labor. The bill also 
codifies Job Corps Scholars, an initiative established under 
the previous administration, as an allowable demonstration 
project. Through Job Corps Scholars, the Secretary of Labor may 
award competitive grants to institutions of higher education to 
enroll cohorts of Job Corps eligible youth and provide a 
yearlong career and technical education component with 
intensive counseling and support, followed by up to a year of 
employment and placement support. If grants are awarded for 
this purpose, the Secretary of Labor must provide for an 
independent evaluation that compares the outcomes and cost-
effectiveness of Job Corps Scholars with those of the Job Corps 


    The economy is rapidly evolving, and for the workforce 
system under WIOA to remain relevant, the law must allow for 
innovation and new approaches. Some workforce stakeholders have 
commented that while the word ``innovation'' is in the name of 
the law, it is missing from the law itself. The improvements 
made by H.R. 6655 are designed to spark innovation and better 
align the activities under WIOA with the demands of a skills-
based economy.

Demonstration authority

    The bill establishes a state innovation demonstration 
authority to empower states and local workforce boards to 
pursue innovative reforms to its workforce systems. A state, 
local area, or consortia of multiple local areas with an 
approved demonstration project will receive its adult, 
dislocated worker, and youth funds as a consolidated grant for 
five years with increased flexibility to reimagine the delivery 
of workforce services. The Committee is interested in seeing 
alternative approaches to the model prescribed under WIOA, such 
as what Utah has developed, and the outcomes states and local 
leaders are able to achieve, through innovation, to meet the 
changing demands of the economy. The demonstration projects 
must continue to follow the priority of service requirements of 
the current law and adhere to existing workforce protections 
and will be held accountable for achieving performance 
improvement. DOL is limited to approving four statewide 
demonstration projects and six local area or consortium 
demonstration projects. In addition, statewide demonstration 
projects may only be approved for states that are designated as 
a single state local area at the time of applying or have a 
labor force participation rate of less than 60 precent and a 
population of less than six million. Rigorous evaluations of 
the approved demonstration projects will help identify and 
disseminate effective approaches and innovative models 
established through the demonstration authority.

Skills-based hiring

    The Committee supports the shift toward skills and 
competencies as the new currency in the labor market and 
recognizes that the workforce system can play an impactful role 
in expanding opportunity through skills-based hiring. A key 
tenet of skills-based hiring is recognizing all learning as 
equivalent and interchangeable, regardless of where or how an 
individual gained his or her knowledge and skills. For skills 
that are developed outside of a formal academic setting, 
individuals may lack mechanisms to identify, validate, and 
communicate these competencies to potential employers. As a 
result, their potential to contribute to the economy may not be 
fully realized.
    Under WIOA, an initial assessment of a jobseeker's skill 
level is often provided by the one-stop career center during 
the intake process to determine the services needed by the 
jobseeker. The law also authorizes comprehensive and 
specialized assessments of the skill levels of workers 
determined to need individualized career services to secure or 
retain employment. In many cases, the one-stop center is 
assessing skill levels through a combination of interview and 
selfidentification. These methods of assessment may provide 
internal value for the workforce system to identify the 
services that will be provided to the jobseeker; however, it 
provides little external value to the jobseeker in helping him 
or her validate and communicate skills to potential employers.
    H.R. 6655 aims to enhance the use of competency-based 
assessments in the workforce system to accelerate jobseekers' 
return to or advancement in the workforce. The bill directs 
states to coordinate with industry organizations, employers, 
skills development providers, local workforce boards, and 
institutions of higher education to identify or develop 
competency-based assessments that measure an individual's 
knowledge, skills, and abilities for the purposes of awarding 
recognized postsecondary credentials or credit toward such 
credentials, developing individual employment plans that 
identify jobs requiring adjacent skills, and helping 
individuals communicate their skills to prospective employers 
through skills-based resumes, profiles, or portfolios. The 
competency-based assessments identified by the state, as well 
as the industries, employers, or education and training 
providers who recognize skills validated through such 
assessments, will be disseminated to local workforce 
development boards and incorporated into the initial assessment 
of skill levels that the local one-stop centers already conduct 
for individuals who engage with the workforce system, ensuring 
those with existing skills from their prior experiences can 
leverage these skills to accelerate reemployment or advance 
their careers.
    The Committee recognizes that the transition away from 
traditional hiring practices and toward measuring the skills 
and competencies of job applicants can be a difficult task for 
businesses to undertake, particularly smaller employers. The 
bill allows states and local workforce boards to support 
employers seeking to implement skills-based hiring practices as 
an alternative to relying on postsecondary degree requirements, 
including through technical assistance on the use and 
validation of assessments in the hiring process and support in 
the creation of skills-based job descriptions.

Workforce and labor market data

    To help workers and employers keep pace with the rapidly 
changing skillsets demanded in the modern economy, it is 
critical that the workforce system can access timely and 
relevant information about the labor market and workforce 
programs. H.R. 6655 codifies and enhances the Workforce Data 
Quality Initiative (WDQI) to support state agencies or 
consortia to create and improve state workforce longitudinal 
data systems and related resources that will strengthen program 
quality, build capacity for evidence-based decision-making, 
protect individual privacy, and improve transparency. The 
enhanced WDQI will prioritize states that have not previously 
received WDQI grants and consortia of state agencies--such as 
multi-state data collaboratives that have the capacity to make 
significant contributions to data systems that will benefit 
workers and employers across the country. It also will be a 
valuable tool to help foster collaboration with private sector 
workforce and labor market entities to leverage real-time labor 
market data and improve the relevance and impact of data across 
the workforce. The bill directs DOL to provide 5 percent of the 
funding reserved by the Secretary of Labor from the dislocated 
worker allotment to ensure WDQI receives the appropriate level 
of support necessary to support the other activities of H.R. 
6655, including the updates to the performance accountability 
system and the provider eligibility process.
    Additionally, H.R. 6655 makes several updates to section 15 
of the Wagner-Peyser Act\23\ to emphasize and promote the use 
of real-time data to identify trends in emerging occupation 
roles and skills and disseminate information in a manner that 
is user-friendly.
    \23\ (29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.).


    A Stronger Workforce for America Act reauthorizes and 
improves the workforce system to equip employers with the 
talent pipelines they need to compete in the modern economy and 
provide more workers in America the opportunity to gain in-
demand skills and achieve career success. By dedicating 
resources for upskilling, raising the bar on program 
effectiveness, enhancing on-ramps to opportunity, and sparking 
the ingenuity that exists in communities across our nation, 
H.R. 6655 will deliver a modern workforce system that meets the 
moment facing America's job creators and workers. The Committee 
strongly supports this bipartisan legislation to strengthen the 
public workforce system.


    A Stronger Workforce for America Act (H.R. 6655), 
introduced by Committee on Education and the Workforce 
Chairwoman Foxx and Ranking Member Scott, amends and 
reauthorizes the programs and activities under Title I and 
Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 
(WIOA), as well as amends sections 2, 5, 6, 7, and 15 of the 
Wagner-Peyser Act, for Fiscal Years (FY) 2025 through 2030. 
Appropriations are authorized at the topline amount of $6.38 
billion, which is equal to the amount authorized in current law 
for FY 2020, and level-funded for the duration of the bill. 
Additionally, the bill amends section 414 of the American 
Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 to 
repurpose the H 1B fee revenue provided to DOL and amends 
section 453 of the Social Security Act to authorize state 
agencies responsible for administering the performance 
accountability system under WIOA to receive information from 
the National Directory of New Hires. The bill makes necessary 
reforms to strengthen the workforce system, including by:

Upgrading the skills of more Americans

           Dedicates 50 percent of the adult and 
        dislocated worker funding toward upskilling workers 
        through ``individual training accounts'' (ITAs), on-
        the-job learning, and other employer-led and industry 
        relevant initiatives.
           Provides eligible displaced workers with 
        ITAs with a value of $5,000 to enroll in highquality 
        reskilling programs and reconnect with the workforce by 
        repurposing existing resources at the Department of 
           Allows states to set-aside additional funds 
        from their state allocation to establish a ``critical 
        industry skills fund.'' Through the fund, states will 
        provide reimbursements to employers, sector 
        partnerships, and other intermediaries for upskilling 
        workers in the priority industries selected by the 
        state. Reimbursements will occur only when the workers 
        complete their program and are employed and retained in 
        that industry.
           Raises the cap on ``incumbent worker 
        training'' so local workforce boards, particularly in 
        areas with low unemployment or high labor force 
        participation, can help the currently employed 
        workforce gain new skills to avoid displacement and 
        advance their careers.
           Enhances the Adult Education and Family 
        Literacy Act (WIOA Title II) by including digital 
        literacy skills as a core component of adult education 
        and emphasizing the use of ``integrated education and 
        training'' so adult learners can develop basic skills 
        while simultaneously preparing for an in-demand 
        occupation or industry.

Delivering greater accountability and program quality

           Streamlines the ``eligible training provider 
        list'' to ensure programs are aligned with the skill 
        and hiring demands of employers by focusing the 
        eligibility process on employment outcomes, providing 
        an on-ramp for newer programs to receive eligibility 
        under a performance-funding model, and creating a 
        process for employers to ``sponsor'' a program as a 
        signal of high quality and industry-relevance.
           Updates the performance indicators to better 
        evaluate program success. The bill makes the percentage 
        employed during the fourth quarter after exiting a 
        program a labor market retention measure to hold 
        programs accountable for ensuring participants have the 
        skills to stay in the workforce. The bill also reforms 
        the ``effectiveness in serving employers'' indicator to 
        measure the percentage of participants in employer-
        connected learning such as ``on-the-job training'' or 
        an apprenticeship.
           Strengthens and fully implements the 
        performance accountability system in the law to hold 
        states and local workforce boards accountable for 
        achieving positive labor market outcomes for program 
        participants and drive continuous improvement across 
        the system.
           Modernizes the delivery of services to 
        jobseekers by directing states to periodically reassess 
        whether their WIOA ``local areas'' match the labor 
        markets and economic development initiatives of the 
        state, while encouraging the use of virtual services 
        and existing community hubs to reach more jobseekers at 
        a lower cost.
           Raises the standards for performance and 
        student safety in the Job Corps program by conditioning 
        the award and extension of campus operator contracts on 
        successful performance and enhancing the improvement 
        actions that must be taken if a Job Corps campus is not 
        achieving successful student outcomes or keeping 
        students safe while simultaneously affording campuses 
        more local control over budgeting, programming, and 
        behavioral management.

Strengthening pathways to economic opportunity

           Creates a new definition of ``opportunity 
        youth'' to replace ``out-of-school youth'' and provides 
        greater flexibility to respond to local needs by 
        requiring 65 percent of youth funds statewide be 
        dedicated towards serving opportunity youth while 
        allowing states to work with their local boards to 
        determine the appropriate percentage for each local 
           Places a greater emphasis on work-based 
        learning for youth and enhances the quality of summer 
        and year-round employment opportunities available, 
        while authorizing the use of ITAs for in-school youth 
        to participate in skills development programs outside 
        of the courses offered by their school district.
           Codifies and strengthens a program to help 
        individuals released from the nation's prisons 
        transition back to meaningful employment and access 
        skills and career pathways, while identifying and 
        disseminating effective strategies to improve outcomes 
        and reduce recidivism.
           Strengthens workforce education programs at 
        community colleges that align with indemand jobs by 
        emphasizing programs with industry partnerships and 
        those that use competency-based assessments to award 
        academic credit for prior learning.

Fueling innovation for a skills-based economy

           Authorizes a demonstration authority to 
        allow several states and local workforce boards to 
        receive their Title I funds as a consolidated grant for 
        five years, with flexibility to restructure their state 
        or local workforce system to meet the needs of their 
        workers and employers, while retaining basic workforce 
        protections and programmatic accountability.
           Provides transparency on the credentials 
        that are awarded by eligible providers to include 
        credential-specific information on the awarding entity, 
        industry recognition, the skills and competencies the 
        credential signifies, and the employment and earnings 
        outcomes of participants who receive the credential.
           Facilitates skills-based hiring by 
        authorizing state and local boards to provide on their 
        own or in partnership with industry associations 
        technical assistance to employers on implementing 
        skills-based hiring practices, while embedding 
        competency-based assessments in the participant in-take 
           Enhances Workforce Data Quality Initiative 
        grants to improve state workforce data capabilities by 
        fostering cross-state collaboration, improving the 
        timeliness and relevance of labor market data, 
        supporting the adoption of credential navigation tools, 
        and advancing the use of evidence and data to drive 
           Raises the cap on pay-for-performance 
        contracting and simplifies the process for local 
        workforce boards to contract with programs committed to 
        delivering good outcomes, while removing the 
        prohibition on states using their governor's reserve on 
        incentives for local boards using pay-for-performance 

                  H.R. 6655 Section-by-Section Summary

Section 1. Short title/table of contents

    The short title is ``A Stronger Workforce for America 

Section 2. Effective date/transition authority

    This section provides that the amendments made by this Act 
will take effect the first program year that begins after 
enactment and provides for the orderly implementation of the 


                     Subtitle A--General Provisions

Section 101. Definitions

    This section amends section 3 of the Workforce Innovation 
and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to update existing definitions and 
define the terms ``co-enrollment,'' ``digital literacy 
skills,'' ``evidence-based,'' ``labor organization,'' and 
``work-based learning.''

Section 102. Table of contents amendments

    This section amends the table of contents in WIOA to 
reflect the amendments made by this Act.

                      Subtitle B--System Alignment

Section 111. State workforce development board

    This section amends section 101 of WIOA to make a 
conforming change to reflect the new definition of 
``opportunity youth.''

Section 112. Unified State plan

    This section amends section 102 of WIOA to modify the 
required elements of the unified state plan, including by 
ensuring the analysis of economic conditions and workforce 
needs of the state are continually assessed using real-time 
labor market information, removing the requirement on states to 
submit an update to the four-year state plan after two years, 
and providing more flexibility in describing how the state 
strategy will be implemented. This section also includes new 
strategic planning elements focused on expanding economic 
mobility through skills-based hiring initiatives, reviews of 
occupational licensing policies, and assessments of the needs 
of opportunity youth.

Section 115. Workforce development areas

    This section amends section 106 of WIOA to revise the 
process used when designating local workforce development areas 
(local areas) by requiring the governor to conduct reviews 
every eight years of the alignment of local areas to labor 
market or economic areas and propose designations for the next 
eight years, which shall be subject to the approval of a 
majority of the local workforce development boards (local 
boards) in the state. If the local boards reject the proposed 
designations, they must choose between aligning the local areas 
with the economic development areas or the planning regions of 
the state. The first review period by the governors will occur 
before the third program year after enactment, with the first 
designation of local areas occurring at the start of the fourth 
program year. This section also clarifies the circumstances 
under which interim revisions to the local areas may be made, 
establishes a process for multiple local areas to form a 
regional consortium to improve operational efficiency, and 
allows the governor to provide incentives to local areas that 
choose to merge together or form a regional consortium. 
Additionally, this section clarifies that a governor may 
propose to designate the state as a ``single state local area'' 
during the alignment review, which can take effect if such 
proposal is approved by a majority of the local boards.

Section 116. Local workforce development boards

    This section amends section 107 of WIOA to modify the 
functions of the local boards, including by enhancing the 
ability of the local boards to convene local workforce 
stakeholders in the development of the local plan, emphasizing 
the alignment of career pathways with the career and technical 
education (CTE) programs of study in the area, and clarifying 
the local boards' authority over the budget and administration 
of the adult, dislocated worker, and youth workforce 
development activities of the local area.

Section 117. Local plan

    This section amends section 108 of WIOA to modify the 
required elements of the local plan to ensure the analysis of 
economic conditions and workforce needs of the region are 
continually assessed using real-time labor market information, 
remove the requirement on local boards to submit an update to 
the four-year local plan after two years, and include analysis 
of the opportunity youth in the local area and the service 
needs of this population.

Section 119. Performance accountability system

    This section amends section 116 of WIOA to revise the 
performance accountability system in several ways, including 
           Updating the primary indicators of 
        performance to convert the ``employment fourth quarter 
        after exit'' indicator into a measure of retention in 
        the labor force, calculate the ``measurable skill 
        gains'' indicator in the six-month period after program 
        entry, and revise the ``effectiveness in serving 
        employers'' indicator to measure percentage of 
        participants that exited the program having completed 
        on-the-job training, incumbent worker training, 
        employer-directed skills development, or an 
        apprenticeship--or for participants in the youth 
        program, the percentage who completed paid or unpaid 
        work experiences.
           Revising the process under which states 
        negotiate and agree upon state levels of performance 
        with the Department of Labor and Department of 
        Education (Departments) to require the Departments to 
        first propose levels based on their statistical 
        adjustment model and give states the opportunity to 
        react and offer counterproposals, as they determine 
        necessary, while requiring the Departments to publish 
        their statistical adjustment model and clarifying it 
        must involve factors found to be predictive of 
           Directing the Departments to update the 
        performance reporting templates to collect common data 
        elements across the core programs in an identical 
        manner and make the performance reports available in 
        transparent and accessible formats.
           Updating elements of the performance reports 
        to include the median earnings gain of program 
        participants in the state performance report and the 
        percentage spent on skills development and supportive 
        services in the local performance report, while 
        clarifying that states will submit one performance 
        report that includes the performance of each eligible 
        training provider in the state, as well as overall 
        analysis of the effectiveness of the skills development 
           Clarifying the circumstances under which a 
        state or local area is subject to performance 
        improvement actions or fiscal sanctions by codifying 
        the percentage of negotiated levels of performance that 
        must be achieved, differentiating between a performance 
        failure on an individual indicator of performance and a 
        performance failure across all indicators for a core 
        program or on an individual indicator across all 
        programs, while aligning the improvement actions and 
        fiscal sanctions accordingly.

       Subtitle C--Workforce Investment Activities and Providers

Section 121. One-stop delivery system

    This section amends section 121 of WIOA to modify the 
requirements for the one-stop delivery system to allow area CTE 
schools and public libraries to serve as the one-stop operator, 
while clarifying the circumstances under which the local board 
may serve as the one-stop operator and the necessary internal 
controls that must be in place to prevent a conflict of 
interest. This section also provides greater flexibility for 
local boards to expand access to services through the onestop 
delivery system through the use of virtual services and a 
network of affiliated locations, such as libraries or community 
colleges. Additionally, this section reforms the funding of 
onestop infrastructure by removing the requirement on local 
boards to negotiate an ``infrastructure funding agreement'' 
with the one-stop partners and defaulting to the state 
infrastructure mechanism in current law to effectively allocate 
costs by proportionate use, while still allowing local boards 
to development supplemental agreements for any additional 
expenses that may exist.

Section 122. Eligible training providers

    This section amends section 122 of WIOA to reform the 
process for states to determine eligible providers and programs 
of training services, including by:
           Establishing a ``standard eligibility'' 
        status that is determined by the verified outcomes of 
        participants in a program on the metrics of credential 
        attainment, job placement, median earnings, and value-
        added ratio (earnings increase compared to the cost of 
        the program), with the minimum levels of performance on 
        each metric set by the state. If a program with 
        ``standard eligibility'' status fails to meet the 
        minimum levels of performance for two consecutive 
        years, it will no longer be able to provide ``training 
        services'' using WIOA funds or can apply for 
        ``conditional eligibility'' status.
           Establishing a ``conditional eligibility'' 
        status for newer programs or programs that are building 
        a base of outcomes to achieve standard eligibility, 
        under which portions of the payment for serving a WIOA 
        participant will be tied to successful enrollment, 
        completion, and job placement of the participant to 
        ensure the programs share the risk of unsuccessful 
           Formalizing a process for an employer or an 
        industry or sector partnership to sponsor an eligible 
        program by committing to pay a portion of the cost for 
        WIOA participants that select the program and consider 
        them for a job upon successful completion, while having 
        these programs promoted to jobseekers when selecting 
        from the list of eligible programs.
           Streamlining the application process for 
        providers and requiring an eligibility determination 
        within 30 days of submitting an application, while 
        encouraging states to limit duplication of effort on 
        providers that have applied in other states and 
        clarifying how state eligibility pertains to online 
           Providing transparency on the credentials 
        that are awarded by eligible providers to include 
        credential-specific information on the awarding entity, 
        industry recognition, the skills and competencies the 
        credential signifies, and the employment and earnings 
        outcomes of participants who receive the credential.
           Allowing States or local boards to establish 
        performance incentives for providers that achieve high 
        levels of performance, serve a significant number of 
        individuals with barriers to employment, or place 
        participants into high-paying, family sustaining 

Section 131. Reservations for statewide activities

    This section amends section 131 of WIOA to authorize states 
to make an additional reservation from the state's adult, 
dislocated worker, and youth allotments of up to 10 percent to 
establish a Critical Industry Skills Fund, provided that the 
state must use an equal amount of funds from the governor's 
reserve or other sources of federal or state funds for this 

Section 132. Youth workforce activities

    This section amends section 129 of WIOA to modify the 
workforce activities for youth, including by:
           Replacing ``out-of-school youth'' with 
        ``opportunity youth'' and including homeless youth and 
        those involved with the justice or foster care systems 
        as opportunity youth, regardless of their school 
           Revising the requirement for 75 percent of 
        youth funds to be spent on out-of-school youth to be a 
        65 percent requirement for spending on opportunity 
        youth and making this a statewide threshold to give 
        states and local areas the flexibility to determine the 
        appropriate allocation of funding for each local area 
        based on their specific needs.
           Increasing the percentage of funding 
        dedicated to work experiences to 40 percent, while 
        establishing core elements of summer and year-round 
        employment opportunities and requiring that internships 
        lasting for longer periods be paid.
           Expanding the list of statewide allowable 
        activities to include raising public awareness about 
        career and technical education programs and developing 
        partnerships between educational institutions to create 
        or improve workforce development programs.
           Updating the elements of youth workforce 
        programs to include activities to develop fundamental 
        workforce readiness skills, authorize the use of 
        ``individual training accounts'' (ITAs) for in-school 
        youth, and increase the cap on the amount of funding 
        that can be used on pay-for-performance contract 
           Streamlining the enrollment process by 
        allowing programs to begin serving youth while an 
        eligibility determination is being made, shifting the 
        burden of determining eligibility to program or one-
        stop operator staff, and aligning the documentation 
        requirements to determine foster or homeless youth 
        status with the Higher Education Act.

Section 141. State allotments

    This section amends section 132 of WIOA to reflect that the 
dislocated worker funds reserved by the Secretary of Labor 
(Secretary) will also be used for the Workforce Data Quality 
Initiative established in section 174 of this Act.

Section 142. Reservations for State activities

    This section amends section 133 of WIOA to conform with the 
changes made to section 131 and allow the governor to make an 
additional reservation to establish a Critical Industry Skills 

Section 143. Adult and dislocated worker activities

    This section amends section 134 of WIOA to revise the 
statewide workforce activities for adults and dislocated 
workers, including by:
           Establishing a new statewide required 
        activity of coordinating with industry and education 
        stakeholders to identify or develop competency-based 
        assessments that measure knowledge, skills, and 
        abilities for the purposes of awarding recognized 
        postsecondary credentials or credit, developing 
        individual employment plans, or skillsbased resumes or 
           Expanding the list of statewide allowable 
        activities to include supporting employers in the state 
        seeking to implement skills-based hiring practices and 
        developing partnerships between educational 
        institutions and employers to create or improve 
        workforce development programs.
           Establishing the Critical Industry Skills 
        Fund as a statewide allowable activity with the 
        governor's reserve and any additional funds reserved by 
        the governor for this purpose under section 133. 
        Through the Critical Industry Skills fund, states will 
        provide partial reimbursements to employers, sector 
        partnerships, and other intermediaries that have 
        approved applications to upskill workers in the 
        priority industries selected by the state, with a non-
        federal cost sharing requirement based on the size of 
        the participating employers. Reimbursements will occur 
        only when workers complete their program and are 
        employed and retained in that industry.
    Additionally, this section revises the local workforce 
activities for adults and dislocated workers, including by:
           Requiring that no less than 50 percent of 
        the funds allocated to a local area be used to provide 
        eligible individuals with skills development through an 
        ITA or a contract with an employer or provider, such as 
        for ``on-the-job training,'' ``incumbent worker 
        training,'' ``employer-directed skills development,'' 
        and pay-for-performance contracts.
           Updating the initial skills assessment 
        conducted during the intake process to include, when 
        appropriate, a competency-based assessment that would 
        help an individual accelerate their earning of 
        credentials or returning to employment.
           Restructuring the existing ``career 
        services'' required under the law into basic and 
        individualized career services and directing the basic 
        career services to primarily be provided by the 
        Employment Service under the Wagner-Peyser Act to 
        reduce duplication of effort.
           Pulling the existing ``business services'' 
        out from under career services and into its own service 
        category, while allowing these services to include 
        technical assistance and support to employers seeking 
        to implement skills-based hiring practices.
           Streamlining the intake process when an 
        individual is referred to the workforce system by an 
        employer and permitting an individual to begin 
        participating in a skills development program while 
        they are waiting for an eligibility determination to be 
           Establishing the contents of an employer-
        directed skills agreement that may be developed between 
        a local board and an employer to provide a program of 
        employer-directed skills development (a revised 
        iteration of customized training).
           Increasing the cap on the amount of funds a 
        local board may use on ``incumbent worker training'' to 
        30 percent and providing for further increases if the 
        local area has been experiencing low rates of 
        unemployment or a high rate of labor force 
        participation, while authorizing the use of incumbent 
        worker upskilling accounts.
           Increasing the cap on the amount of funds a 
        local board may use on pay-for-performance contracts to 
        40 percent, while allowing a further increase to 60 
        percent upon two years of demonstrated success using 
        such contracts and approval from the governor.
           Increasing the cap on the amount of funds a 
        local board may use on transitional jobs to 15 percent.

Section 145. Authorization of appropriations

    This section amends section 136 of WIOA to authorize 
appropriations for each of the Fiscal Years 2025 through 2030 
at the amount of $976,573,900 for the youth program, 
$912,218,500 for the adult program, and $1,451,859,000 for the 
dislocated worker program.

                         Subtitle D--Job Corps

Section 151. Purposes

    This section amends section 141 of WIOA to update the 
terminology in the program to refer to each site as a Job Corps 

Section 152. Definitions

    This section amends section 142 of WIOA to update the 
terminology in the program to refer to each site as a Job Corps 

Section 153. Individuals eligible for Job Corps

    This section amends section 144 of WIOA to modify the 
eligibility criteria for the Job Corps program, including by 
revising the age criteria to remove the limitation on the 
percent of individuals that can be ages 22 to 24 and require 
that an individual who is age 16 or 17 only be eligible upon a 
determination by the director of a Job Corps campus that the 
individual has the ability to succeed in the program. 
Additionally, this section permits residents of Opportunity 
Zones to qualify without further documentation of income 
status, clarifies that transitioning servicemembers also 
qualify for the military income exemption that exists for 
veterans, and streamlines the determination of homeless or 
foster youth status to match the process described in section 
479D of the Higher Education Act.

Section 154. Recruitment, screening, selection and assignment

    This section amends section 145 of WIOA to direct the 
Secretary to assist in the development of joint applications 
for Job Corps, YouthBuild, and the youth activities program. It 
also clarifies the existing drug test procedures for enrollees 
to require an initial drug test within 48 hours upon arrival on 
campus, and if the results of the initial test are positive, 
require a subsequent drug test at the earliest appropriate time 
to determine if the enrollee has continued using drugs since 
arrival on campus. It also revises the number of days the 
results of the subsequent drug test must be received, from 45 
days after arrival to within 50 days after arrival, and if the 
test is positive, the enrollee must be terminated from the 
program and referred to a substance use disorder treatment 

Section 155. Job Corps campuses

    This section amends section 147 of WIOA to modify the 
process through which the Secretary selects entities to operate 
Job Corps campuses to require the consideration of a numeric 
metric of the entities' past effectiveness based on the primary 
indicators of performance, a description of the policies that 
will be implemented to maintain a secure campus, and agreements 
to provide off-campus work-based learning opportunities to 
enrollees. It revises the threshold for being considered a 
high-performing campus to include those that are ranked in the 
top 25 percent of all campuses and meet 100 percent or higher 
of their expected level of performance on each indicator and 
raises the percentage of enrollees that can be non-residential 
to 30 percent. Additionally, this section extends the length of 
contracts to three years while raising the threshold for a 
renewal to require the campus to have achieved at least 80 
percent of their expected levels of performance, at least 80 
percent of the contractually agreed upon level of enrollment 
and maintained a safe and secure campus.

Section 156. Program activities

    This section amends section 148 of WIOA to require campuses 
to provide residential enrollees productive activities outside 
of program hours and clarify that any eligible provider on the 
state ``eligible training provider list'' and aligned with the 
CTE the enrollee has completed may be used to provide advanced 
career education for selected enrollees.

Section 157. Support

    This section amends section 150 of WIOA to allow a Job 
Corps graduate to remain a resident on campus for up to one 
month after graduation with written approval from the director 
of the Job Corps campus and only if such individual has not had 
a behavioral infraction in the 90 days prior to graduation.

Section 158. Operations

    This section amends section 151 of WIOA to grant Job Corps 
operators authority to hire and develop staff, enter into 
agreements with educational entities and employers, and educate 
stakeholders about Job Corps activities without prior approval 
of the Secretary of Labor, while making clear that any such 
agreements that do not involve monetary compensation are not 
considered subcontracts. Additionally, this section requires 
the Secretary to solicit information on any operational costs 
that may arise prior to making changes to the operating 

Section 159. Standards of conduct

    This section amends section 152 of WIOA to update the 
standards of conduct for Job Corps campuses to require each 
campus operator to develop and implement a behavioral 
management plan, remove ``disruptive'' activity from the list 
of zero tolerance offenses, codify incident reporting 
requirements so that serious incidents are reported in within 2 
hours, and establish a zero tolerance appeal process for the 
director of a Job Corps campus to appeal the dismissal of an 
individual that committed a zero tolerance violation to the 
Secretary of Labor. Additionally, this section requires the 
director of each Job Corps campus to enter into an agreement 
with the local law enforcement agency regarding procedures for 
the prompt reporting and investigation of potentially illegal 
activity on Job Corps campuses.

Section 160. Community participation

    This section amends section 153 of WIOA to update the 
terminology in the program to refer to each site as a Job Corps 

Section 161. Workforce councils

    This section amends section 154 of WIOA to update the 
terminology in the program to refer to each site as a Job Corps 

Section 162. Advisory committees

    This section amends section 155 of WIOA to require the 
Secretary to establish an advisory committee to improve Job 
Corps safety, which will provide recommendations on effective 
or evidence-based strategies to improve campus safety, 
security, and learning conditions, in addition to 
recommendations on the required standards for campus safety.

Section 163. Experimental projects and technical assistance

    This section amends section 156 of WIOA to authorize Job 
Corps Scholars as an allowable demonstration project. Through 
this initiative, the Secretary may award competitive grants to 
institutions of higher education to enroll cohorts of Job Corps 
eligible youth and provide a yearlong CTE component with 
intensive counseling and supportive services, followed by up to 
a year of employment and placement support. If grants are 
awarded for this purpose, the Secretary must provide for an 
independent evaluation that compares the outcomes and cost-
effectiveness of Job Corps Scholars with those of the Job Corps 

Section 164. Special provisions

    This section amends section 158 of WIOA to permit Job Corps 
campus operators to accept charitable donations on behalf of an 
individual Job Corps campus and require any real property 
acquired to be directly transferred to the Secretary.

Section 165. Management information

    This section amends section 159 of WIOA to revise the 
performance assessment of Job Corps campuses by specifying how 
the Secretary is to establish expected levels of performance 
for each Job Corps campus, taking into consideration local 
conditions for such campus instead of setting one national 
level for all campuses, requiring the Secretary to establish 
campus safety standards, and directing each of the primary 
indicators of performance to be given equal weight in 
determining the overall performance of a Job Corps campus. It 
modifies the performance improvement actions and thresholds for 
when such actions must be taken by requiring the Secretary to 
develop an improvement plan for any campus that fails to meet 
an average of 90 percent of its expected levels of performance 
or is in the bottom 10 percent of all Job Corps campuses 
(referred to as ``initial failures''). This section requires 
the Secretary to take substantial action if a campus fails to 
meet 85 percent of its expected levels of performance or is in 
the bottom 10 percent of all Job Corps campuses for two 
consecutive years (referred to as ``repeat failures''), such as 
changing the management staff or CTE offered or replacing the 
operator of the campus. If a Job Corps campus that was subject 
to substantial action for a repeat failure and continues to 
fail to meet 85 percent of its expected levels of performance, 
or is in the bottom 10 percent of all Job Corps campuses for 
the two subsequent years (referred to as ``chronic failures''), 
the Secretary is required to take further action, such as 
closing or relocating the campus, or awarding the funding 
directly to the state in which the campus is located for 
operation of the campus with increased flexibility. 
Additionally, this section clarifies that a Civilian 
Conservation Center that fails to meet 90 percent of its 
expected levels of performance for three consecutive years will 
have a new operator selected competitively.

Section 166. Job Corps oversight and reporting

    This section amends section 161 of WIOA to require the 
Secretary to send annual reports to Congress on the 
implementation of all outstanding recommendations from the 
Office of the Inspector General or the Government 
Accountability Office.

Section 167. Authorization of appropriations

    This section amends section 162 of WIOA to authorize 
appropriations for the Job Corps program for each of the Fiscal 
Years 2025 to 2030 at an amount of $1,760,155,000.

                     Subtitle E--National Programs

Section 171. Native American Programs

    This section amends section 166 of WIOA to make adjustments 
to the Native American Programs by limiting the administrative 
costs to 10 percent of a grant, requiring the Secretary to make 
arrangements with a state to use wage records in the 
performance reporting of grantees, and having the performance 
of grantees published annually on the website of the Department 
of Labor. Additionally, this section clarifies how vacancies to 
the Native American Employment and Training Council are to be 
filled and extends the authorization of appropriations for 
assistance to unique populations in Alaska and Hawaii for each 
of the Fiscal Years 2025 to 2030 at $542,000.

Section 172. Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Programs

    This section amends section 167 of WIOA to make adjustments 
to the Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Programs by limiting 
the administrative costs to 10 percent of a grant, requiring 
the Secretary to make arrangements with a state to use wage 
records in the performance reporting of grantees, having the 
performance of grantees published annually on the website of 
the Department of Labor, and clarifying the timelines under 
which grant funds must be obligated and spent.

Section 173. Technical assistance

    This section amends section 168 of WIOA to update the 
activities for which the Secretary provides general technical 
assistance to include assistance integrating the Employment 
Service in the provision of basic career services, assistance 
maintaining the list of eligible providers of training 
services, and assistance to states that request support in 
transitioning to the new elements of the eligible training 
provider list. Additionally, this section makes the funds 
reserved for technical assistance available for any states that 
do not meet their performance accountability levels across all 
programs, not just for the dislocated worker program.

Section 174. Evaluations and research

    This section amends section 169 of WIOA to modify the 
evaluation and research activities to be conducted by the 
Secretary by limiting the authority to conduct evaluations of 
other programs if the required evaluations under this section 
have not been completed, striking the required or allowable 
studies that have already been completed, and including new 
studies on the employment conditions of participants after 
program exit, improving workforce services for individuals with 
disabilities, the effectiveness of pay-for-performance contract 
strategies, the usage of ITAs by dislocated workers, the 
effectiveness of the Critical Industry Skills Fund, and the 
effectiveness of employer-based upskilling. Additionally, this 
section establishes the Workforce Data Quality Initiative, 
which will receive 5 percent of the funds from the dislocated 
worker national reserve and award grants to state agencies or 
consortiums to create and improve state workforce longitudinal 
data systems and related resources.

Section 175. National Dislocated Worker Grants

    This section amends section 170 of WIOA to update the 
National Dislocated Worker Grants by fully aligning the 
definition of an emergency or disaster with the Robert T. 
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act\24\ and 
codifying the ability to award grants to entities serving areas 
with employment and upskilling needs related to widespread 
opioid addiction while clarifying that grants awarded for this 
purpose can be used to upskill individuals in health 
professions involved in the prevention and treatment of opioid 
abuse disorders.
    \24\P.L. 93-288, 42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.

Section 176. YouthBuild program

    This section amends section 171 of WIOA to modify the 
YouthBuild program by directing the Secretary to reserve 20 
percent of any amounts appropriated over $90,000,000 for grants 
to rural areas or tribes, clarifying that grantees can provide 
meals to participants in conjunction with program activities, 
requiring the Secretary to make arrangements with a state to 
use wage records in the performance reporting of grantees, 
having the performance of grantees published annually on the 
Department of Labor's website, and encouraging the Secretary to 
announce the funding opportunities at the same time each year. 
Additionally, this section authorizes appropriations for the 
YouthBuild program for each of Fiscal Years 2025 to 2030 in an 
amount of $108,150,000.

Section 178. Reentry Employment Opportunities

    This section amends WIOA to create a new section 172 and 
codify the Reentry Employment Opportunities program to improve 
the reentry of justice-involved individuals into the workforce. 
It directs the Secretary to award competitive grants and 
contracts to eligible entities, including 30 percent of awards 
for regional or national intermediaries, to conduct reentry 
projects, 30 percent of which must be pay-for-performance 
contracts, with priority given to entities that will serve 
high-poverty areas, use evidence-based strategies, enroll 
individuals prior to release, establish partnerships with 
businesses and institutions of higher education, and provide 
on-the-job learning. Eligible entities must provide a 25 
percent match of funds through non-federal sources (such as 
cash or in-kind), except in the case of significant financial 
hardship, and must meet expected levels of performance to be 
eligible for subsequent grants. Additionally, this section 
directs the Secretary to conduct an evaluation of the 
effectiveness of reentry projects.

Section 179. Strengthening Community Colleges Program

    This section amends WIOA to create a new section 173 and 
codify the Strengthening Community Colleges Workforce 
Development Grant Program to improve and expand highquality 
workforce development programs at community colleges. Community 
colleges applying for grants under this section must establish 
an industry partnership with one or more employers in in-demand 
industries in the region to carry out grant activities. 
Priority will be given to applicants who will serve individuals 
with barriers to employment or incumbent workers in need of 
foundational skills, will use competency-based assessments to 
award credit for prior learning, or will seek to get programs 
supported by the grant on the state's eligible training 
provider list. The Secretary must establish levels of 
performance for each grantee on the primary indicators of 
performance, the extent to which the grantee improves 
institutional capacity to offer workforce programs, and the 
completion and career advancement of participants, which a 
grantee must meet in order to be eligible for subsequent 
grants. Additionally, this section directs the Secretary to 
conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of the grants, 
including the extent to which they developed or expanded 
industry sector strategies or career pathways.

Section 180. Authorization of appropriations

    This section amends section 172 of WIOA (redesignated as 
section 174) to authorize appropriations for each of the Fiscal 
Years 2025 through 2030 at the amount of $61,800,000 for Native 
American Programs, $100,317,900 for Migrant and Seasonal 
Farmworker Programs, $5,000,000 for Technical Assistance, 
$12,720,000 for Evaluations and Research, $115,000,000 for 
Reentry Employment Opportunities, and $65,000,000 for the 
Strengthening Community Colleges Program.

                       Subtitle F--Administration

Section 191. Requirements and restrictions

    This section amends section 181 of WIOA to update the labor 
standards so that, if an employer provides on-the-job training, 
incumbent worker training, or employer-directed skills 
development to employees of the employer that are subject to a 
collective bargaining agreement with the employer, the employer 
must consult with the labor organization on the planning or 
creation of the skills development.

Section. 192. Secretarial administrative authorities and 

    This section amends section 189 of WIOA to revise the 
waiver authority and include requirements related to 
performance reporting and the minimum percentage of adult and 
dislocated worker funding that must be spent on skills 
development to the list of items that cannot be waived by the 

Section 193. State innovation demonstration authority

    This section amends section 190 of WIOA to establish a 
state innovation demonstration authority to empower states and 
local workforce boards to pursue innovative reforms to their 
workforce systems. A state, local area, or consortia of 
multiple local areas with an approved demonstration project 
will receive its adult, dislocated worker, and youth funds as a 
consolidated grant for five years with increased flexibility. 
The demonstration projects must continue to follow the priority 
of service requirements of the law, adhere to existing 
workforce protections, set performance targets higher than 
their current level of performance, and have a rigorous 
evaluation completed. The Secretary is limited to approving 
four statewide demonstration projects and six local area or 
consortium demonstration projects, and statewide demonstration 
projects may only be approved for states that are designated as 
a single state local area at the time of applying or have a 
labor force participation rate of less than 60 percent and a 
population of less than six million. The authority to approve 
new demonstration projects terminates after December 31, 2030.


Section 201. Purpose

    This section amends section 202 of WIOA to update the 
purpose of the Adult Education and Literacy program to include 
assisting adults in obtaining digital literacy skills.

Section 202. Definitions

    This section amends section 203 of WIOA to define ``digital 
literacy skills,'' include digital literacy skills under the 
definition of ``adult education,'' replace the term ``English 
language learner'' with ``English learner,'' and update the 
definition of ``integrated English literacy and civics 

Section 203. Authorization of appropriations

    This section amends section 206 of WIOA to authorize 
appropriations for Title II for Fiscal Years 2025 to 2030 at an 
amount of $751,042,100.

Section 204. Special rule

    This section amends section 212 of WIOA to make a 
conforming change to reflect the renumbering of the definitions 
in section 3 of WIOA.

Section 205. Performance accountability system

    This section amends section 212 of WIOA to provide that the 
primary indicator of performance measuring participant 
completion of employer-connected learning will be applied to 
Title II as the percentage of program participants who exited 
the program during the program year and completed an 
``integrated education and training'' program.

Section 206. Matching requirement

    This section amends section 222 of WIOA to direct each 
State agency to make publicly available the sources of the 
required matching funds and an explanation of how these funds 
are being distributed to eligible providers.

Section 207. State leadership activities

    This section amends section 223 of WIOA to update the 
required state leadership activities to include the 
identification of opportunities to align with activities 
supported under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical 
Education Act\25\ to expand integrated education and training 
programs, assistance to providers in reporting participant 
outcomes, and the development or identification of 
instructional materials designed to meet the needs of adult and 
English learners. Additionally, this section updates the 
allowable state leadership activities to include the 
development of policies to award recognized postsecondary 
credentials to adult educators with demonstrated effectiveness, 
performance incentive payments to eligible providers, including 
payments for increased use of ``integrated employment and 
training'' or other forms of linked instruction, and activities 
to strengthen the quality of standards and accreditation 
    \25\Perkins IV; P.L. 109-270

Section 208. Programs for corrections education

    This section amends section 225 of WIOA to require state 
agencies using funds to carry out corrections education and 
education for other institutionalized individuals to coordinate 
these activities with any funds reserved by the state under the 
Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act to serve 
this population and develop ``integrated education and 
training'' opportunities.

Section 209. Grants and contracts for eligible providers

    This section amends section 231 of WIOA to update the 
considerations state agencies must use when awarding grants and 
contracts to eligible providers to include consideration of the 
instructional materials used by the provider and clarify that 
states may consider the costs of providing learning in context, 
including ``integrated education and training'', and the extent 
to which eligible providers intend to use these strategies when 
determining the amount of funds to be awarded.

Section 210. Local application

    This section amends section 232 of WIOA to update the local 
application that must be submitted by each eligible provider to 
include a description of how the eligible provider will provide 
learning in context, including through partnerships with 
employers to offer workplace adult education and literacy 
activities and ``integrated education and training.''

Section 211. Local administrative cost limits

    This section amends section 233 of WIOA to revise the local 
administrative cost limits to move professional development for 
adult educators into its own category, subject to a 10 percent 
cost limit.

Section 212. National leadership activities

    This section amends section 242 of WIOA to update the 
national leadership required activities to include the 
dissemination of effective practices used by states to reduce 
reporting burden through the use of administrative data. 
Additionally, this section adds new allowable activities of 
developing and evaluating programs for the preparation of adult 
educators and carrying out initiatives to disseminate effective 
staffing models, program quality standards, and accreditation 
requirements that may be voluntarily adopted.

Section 213. Integrated English literacy and civics education

    This section amends section 243 of WIOA to update the terms 
to read ``English learners.''


Section 301. Amendments to the Wagner-Peyser Act

    This section amends the Wagner-Peyser Act to include the 
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa 
in the Employment Service, providing each of these territories 
one half of the amount of funding that Guam is provided, 
beginning the first fiscal year the total amount available for 
allotment is greater than the amount for Fiscal Year 2024. It 
makes adjustments to support the integrated delivery of career 
services provided by the Employment Services within the one-
stop delivery system. Additionally, this section modifies the 
workforce and labor market information system to promote the 
use of real-time data to identify trends in emerging occupation 
roles and skills and disseminate information in a manner that 
is user-friendly. This section authorizes appropriations to 
carry out section 15 of the Wagner-Peyser Act for Fiscal Years 
2025 to 2030 at an amount of $64,532,600.

Section 302. Job training grants

    This section amends section 414 of the American 
Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 to 
repurpose the H-1B fee revenue provided to the Secretary and 
allot the funding through states and down to local areas based 
on a formula that allocates one-third of the funding based on 
the relative number of unemployed individuals, one-third of the 
funding based on the relative number of disadvantaged adults, 
and one-third based on the relative number of individuals in 
the civilian labor force. It requires the funds to be used to 
provide ITAs for dislocated workers that are determined to be 
eligible for training services, have not received an ITA during 
the preceding five-year period, and are not subject to any 
other state or local limitations relating to individuals that 
have previously received an ITA. The ITAs provided under this 
section will function in the same manner as ITAs provided under 
section 134 of WIOA, except that a local area may not limit the 
maximum amount available for an ITA to less than $5,000 and 
must provide notice to an eligible dislocated worker of any 
opportunities to participate in on-the-job training or 
employer-directed skills development before selecting a program 
from the state's ``eligible training provider list.'' Local 
areas must use the funds provided under this section before 
using the funds available for skills development under section 
134 of WIOA for ITAs for dislocated workers. Once the funds 
provided under this section are exhausted, the local area must 
use the funds reserved under section 134 for any dislocated 
worker determined eligible for an ITA and may limit the maximum 
amount available to less than $5,000 if the dislocated worker 
is not a low-income individual. If the demand for ITAs by 
eligible dislocated workers exceeds the amount provided to a 
local area under this section and section 134 of WIOA, the 
local area may request additional funds from the amount 
reserved by the state for rapid-response activities.

Section 303. Access to National Directory of New Hires

    This section amends section 453 of the Social Security Act 
to authorize state agencies responsible for administering the 
performance accountability system under section 116 of WIOA to 
receive information from the National Directory of New Hires.

                       Explanation of Amendments

    The amendments, including the amendment in the nature of a 
substitute, are explained in the body of this report.

              Application of Law to the Legislative Branch

    Section 102(b)3 of Public Law 104-1 requires a description 
of the application of this bill to the legislative branch. H.R. 
6655 takes important steps to increase the competitiveness of 
our nation's workforce by more effectively serving workers and 
employers. H.R. 6655 is applicable to state and federal 
workforce programs and therefore does not affect the 
legislative branch.

                       Unfunded Mandate Statement

    Pursuant to Section 423 of the Congressional Budget and 
Impoundment Control Act (as amended by Section 101(a)(2) of the 
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, P.L. 104-4) the Committee adopts 
as its own the cost estimate prepared by the Congressional 
Budget Office (CBO) pursuant to section 402 of the 
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

                           Earmark Statement

    H.R. 6655 does not contain any congressional earmarks, 
limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits as defined in 
clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of 

                            Roll Call Votes

    Clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives requires the Committee Report to include for 
each record vote on a motion to report the measure or matter 
and on any amendments offered to the measure or matter the 
total number of votes for and against and the names of the 
Members voting for and against.

         Statement of General Performance Goals and Objectives

    In accordance with clause (3)(c) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, the goal of H.R. 6655 is to 
increase the competitiveness of our nation's workforce by more 
effectively serving workers and employers.

                    Duplication of Federal Programs

    No provision of H.R. 6655 establishes or reauthorizes a 
program of the Federal Government known to be duplicative of 
another Federal program, a program that was included in any 
report from the Government Accountability Office to Congress 
pursuant to section 21 of Public Law 111-139, or a program 
related to a program identified in the most recent Catalog of 
Federal Domestic Assistance.

  Statement of Oversight Findings and Recommendations of the Committee

    In compliance with clause 3(c)(1) of rule XIII and clause 
2(b)(1) of rule X of the Rules of the House of Representatives, 
the committee's oversight findings and recommendations are 
reflected in the body of this report.

            Required Committee Hearing and Related Hearings

    In compliance with clause 3(c)(6) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives the following hearings held 
during the 118th Congress were used to develop or consider H.R. 
6655: on February 8, 2023, the Committee on Education and the 
Workforce held a hearing entitled ``American Education in 
Crisis'''; on May 15, 2023, the Subcommittee on Higher 
Education and Workforce Development held a hearing entitled 
``Examining America's Workforce Challenges: Looking for Ways to 
Improve Skills Development''; on May 16, 2023, the Committee on 
Education and the Workforce held a hearing entitled ``Examining 
the Policies and Priorities of the U.S. Department of 
Education''; on June 7, 2023, the Committee on Education and 
the Workforce held a hearing entitled ``Examining the Policies 
and Priorities of the Department of Labor''; on June 22, 2023, 
the Committee on Education and the Workforce held a hearing 
entitled ``Competencies Over Degrees: Transitioning to a 
Skills-Based Economy''; and on September 20, 2023, the 
Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development held 
a hearing entitled ``Strengthening WIOA: Improving Outcomes for 
Jobseekers, Employers, and Taxpayers.''

               New Budget Authority and CBO Cost Estimate

    With respect to the requirements of clause 3(c)(2) of rule 
XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives and section 
308(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 and with respect 
to requirements of clause 3(c)(3) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives and section 402 of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the Committee has received 
the following estimate for H.R. 6655 from the Director of the 
Congressional Budget Office:

    The bill would
           Revise and reauthorize programs that provide 
        job training, employment, adult education, and literacy
           Authorize the appropriation of specific 
        amounts for those programs
           Authorize the Department of Labor to spend a 
        portion of the fees collected during the H-1B 
        application process on individual training accounts 
        instead of demonstration projects
    Estimated budgetary effects would mainly stem from
           Authorizing appropriations for grants and 
        job training activities
           Changing how the Department of Labor can 
        spend a portion of funds collected from H-1B fees
    Bill summary: H.R. 6655 would reauthorize and amend titles 
I and II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 
(WIOA), including the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act. 
The bill also would authorize appropriations for programs 
related to those purposes. Finally, the bill would change how 
the Department of Labor (DOL) can spend a portion of fees 
collected during the H-1B application process from 
demonstration projects to individual training accounts.
    Estimated Federal cost: The estimated budgetary effect of 
H.R. 6655 is shown in Table 1. The costs of the legislation 
fall within budget function 500 (education, employment, 
training, and social services).

                                                   TABLE 1.--ESTIMATED BUDGETARY EFFECTS OF H.R. 6655
                                                                                    By fiscal year, millions of dollars--
                                                      2024   2025    2026    2027    2028    2029    2030    2031    2032    2033   2024-2028  2024-2033
                                                     Increases in Spending Subject to Appropriation
Authorization......................................      0   6,385   6,385   6,385   6,385   6,385   6,385     751       0       0     25,540     39,061
Estimated Outlays..................................      0   2,638   5,545   6,087   6,223   6,263   6,267   3,652   1,263     330     20,493     38,268
                                                              Decreases in Direct Spending
Estimated Budget Authority.........................     -8     -24     -26     -27     -27     -28     -29     -30     -32     -31       -112       -262
Estimated Outlays..................................      0      -4     -13       *      -1      -1      -1      -1      -1      -2        -18        -24
*= between -$500,000 and zero.

    Basis of estimate: For this estimate, CBO assumes that the 
bill will be enacted early in calendar year 2024 and that the 
bill would become effective on July 1, 2024, at the start of 
the new program year for WIOA. Authorization of appropriations 
for these programs and activities expired after 2020 but funds 
have been provided in annual appropriation acts since that 
    Spending subject to appropriation: H.R. 6655 would 
authorize the appropriation of $39.1 billion over the 2025-2031 
period. Assuming appropriation of those amounts, CBO estimates 
that implementing the bill would cost $38.3 billion over the 
2024-2033 period (see Table 2).

                                                                                    By fiscal year, millions of dollars--
                                                      2024   2025    2026    2027    2028    2029    2030    2031    2032    2033   2024-2028  2024-2033
Workforce Development Activities
    Authorization..................................      0   5,569   5,569   5,569   5,569   5,569   5,569       0       0       0     22,276     33,414
    Estimated Outlays..............................      0   2,608   4,948   5,313   5,407   5,447   5,451   2,843     503     138     18,276     32,658
Adult Education and Family Literacy
      Authorization................................      0     751     751     751     751     751     751     751       0       0      3,004      5,257
      Estimated Outlays............................      0      23     563     713     751     751     751     751     729     188      2,050      5,220
Wagner-Peyser Act
    Authorization..................................      0      65      65      65      65      65      65       0       0       0        260        390
    Estimated Outlays..............................      0       7      34      61      65      65      65      58      31       4        167        390
    Total Changes
        Authorization..............................      0   6,385   6,385   6,385   6,385   6,385   6,385     751       0       0     25,540     39,061
        Estimated Outlays..........................      0   2,638   5,545   6,087   6,223   6,263   6,267   3,652   1,263     330     20,493     38,268

    Workforce development activities. Title I of the bill would 
revise and reauthorize title I of WIOA, including programs that 
make grants for employment and training services for adults, 
dislocated workers, veterans, youth, and people with barriers 
to employment. The bill would authorize the appropriation of 
$5.6 billion annually from 2025 through 2030 for those 
programs. (In 2023, $4.1 billion was appropriated for those 
purposes.) Assuming appropriation of the authorized amounts, 
CBO estimates that implementing title I would cost $32.7 
billion over the 2024-2033 period.
    Adult education and family literacy. Title II would revise 
and reauthorize the adult training services in WIOA. The bill 
would authorize the appropriation of $751 million annually from 
2025 through 2030. This authorization would automatically be 
extended for one additional year, through 2031, under the 
General Education Provisions Act. (In 2023, the Department of 
Education allocated $729 million for those purposes.) Assuming 
appropriation of the authorized amounts, CBO estimates that 
implementing title II would cost $5.2 billion over the 2024-
2033 period.
    Wagner-Peyser Act. Title III would revise and reauthorize 
the workforce and labor market information system in the 
Wagner-Peyser Act. The bill would authorize the appropriation 
of $65 million annually from 2025 through 2030. (In 2023, $63 
million was appropriated for those purposes.) Assuming 
appropriation of the authorized amounts, CBO estimates that 
implementing title III would cost $390 million over the 2024-
2033 period.
    Direct spending: Under current law, some H-1B fees are 
credited to DOL and the department may spend 50 percent of 
those funds on job training programs in specific industries, 
although a significant portion of those funds are not spent. 
The bill would permanently rescind 12 percent of the funds 
available to DOL each year and would require the department to 
spend the remainder on individual training accounts for 
dislocated workers. Those workers can use the funds credited to 
their individual training accounts to pay for training services 
they choose from a list of eligible providers. CBO estimates 
that the rescission would reduce budget authority by $262 
million over the 2024-2033 period. CBO estimates that those 
changes would only decrease direct spending by $24 million over 
the 2024-2033 period, because DOL historically does not spend 
all of the funds made available from those fees.
    Pay-As-You-Go considerations: The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go 
Act of 2010 establishes budget-reporting and enforcement 
procedures for legislation affecting direct spending or 
revenues. The net changes in outlays that are subject to those 
pay-as-you-go procedures are shown in Table 3.

                                              COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND THE WORKFORCE ON DECEMBER 12, 2023
                                                                                    By fiscal year, millions of dollars--
                                                     2024    2025    2026    2027    2028    2029    2030    2031    2032    2033   2024-2028  2024-2033
                                                               Net Decrease in the Deficit
Pay-As-You-Go Effect..............................       0      -4     -13       0      -1      -1      -1      -1      -1      -2       -18         -24

    Increase in long-term net direct spending and deficits: CBO 
estimates that enacting H.R. 6655 would not increase net direct 
spending or deficits in any of the four consecutive 10-year 
periods beginning in 2034.
    Mandates: The bill contains no intergovernmental or 
private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates 
Reform Act.
    Estimate prepared by: Federal Costs: Meredith Decker 
(Department of Labor); Garrett Quenneville (Department of 
Education); Mandates: Erich Dvorak
    Estimate reviewed by: Elizabeth Cove Delisle, Chief, Income 
Security Cost Estimates Unit; Justin Humphrey, Chief, Finance, 
Housing, and Education Cost Estimates Unit; Kathleen 
FitzGerald, Chief, Public and Private Mandates Unit; H. Samuel 
Papenfuss, Deputy Director of Budget Analysis.
    Estimate approved by: Phillip L. Swagel, Director, 
Congressional Budget Office.

                        Committee Cost Estimate

    Clause 3(d)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives requires an estimate and a comparison of the 
costs that would be incurred in carrying out H.R. 6655. 
However, clause 3(d)(2)(B) of that rule provides that this 
requirement does not apply when, as with the present report, 
the Committee adopts as its own the cost estimate of the bill 
prepared by the Director of the Congressional Budget Office 
under section 402 of the Congressional Budget Act.

         Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported

  In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by 
the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law 
proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new 
matter is printed in italics, and existing law in which no 
change is proposed is shown in roman):



  (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Workforce 
Innovation and Opportunity Act''.
  (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is 
as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
     * * * * * * *


     * * * * * * *

                      Subtitle D--National Programs

Sec. 166. Native American programs.
     * * * * * * *
Sec. 172. Reentry employment opportunities.
Sec. 173. Strengthening community colleges workforce development grants 
Sec. [172.] 174. Authorization of appropriations.

                       Subtitle E--Administration

Sec. 181. Requirements and restrictions.
     * * * * * * *
[Sec. 190. Workforce flexibility plans.]
     * * * * * * *
Sec. 190. State innovation demonstration authority.

                       TITLE V--GENERAL PROVISIONS

                    Subtitle A--Workforce Investment

Sec. 501. Privacy.
     * * * * * * *
[Sec. 503. Transition provisions.]

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  In this Act, and the core program provisions that are not in 
this Act, except as otherwise expressly provided:
          (1) Administrative costs.--The term ``administrative 
        costs'' means expenditures incurred by State boards and 
        local boards, direct recipients (including State grant 
        recipients under subtitle B of title I and recipients 
        of awards under subtitles C and D of title I), local 
        grant recipients, local fiscal agents or local grant 
        subrecipients, and one-stop operators in the 
        performance of administrative functions and in carrying 
        out activities under title I that are not related to 
        the direct provision of workforce investment services 
        (including services to participants and employers). 
        Such costs include both personnel and nonpersonnel 
        costs and both direct and indirect costs.
          (2) Adult.--Except as otherwise specified in section 
        132, the term ``adult'' means an individual who is age 
        18 or older.
          (3) Adult education; adult education and literacy 
        activities.--The terms ``adult education'' and ``adult 
        education and literacy activities'' have the meanings 
        given the terms in section 203.
          (4) Area career and technical education school.--The 
        term ``area career and technical education school'' has 
        the meaning given the term in section 3 of the Carl D. 
        Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 
        U.S.C. 2302).
          [(5) Basic skills deficient.--The term ``basic skills 
        deficient'' means, with respect to an individual--
                  [(A) who is a youth, that the individual has 
                English reading, writing, or computing skills 
                at or below the 8th grade level on a generally 
                accepted standardized test; or
                  [(B) who is a youth or adult, that the 
                individual is unable to compute or solve 
                problems, or read, write, or speak English, at 
                a level necessary to function on the job, in 
                the individual's family, or in society.]
          [(6)] (5) Career and technical education.--The term 
        ``career and technical education'' has the meaning 
        given the term in section 3 of the Carl D. Perkins 
        Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 
          [(7)] (6) Career pathway.--The term ``career 
        pathway'' means a combination of rigorous and high-
        quality education, training, and other services that--
                  (A) aligns with the skill needs of industries 
                in the economy of the State or regional economy 
                  (B) prepares an individual to be successful 
                in any of a full range of secondary or 
                postsecondary education options, including 
                apprenticeships registered under the Act of 
                August 16, 1937 (commonly known as the 
                ``National Apprenticeship Act''; 50 Stat. 664, 
                chapter 663; 29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.) (referred to 
                individually in this Act as an 
                ``apprenticeship'', except in section 171);
                  (C) includes counseling to support an 
                individual in achieving the individual's 
                education and career goals;
                  (D) includes, as appropriate, education 
                offered concurrently with and in the same 
                context as workforce preparation activities and 
                training for a specific occupation or 
                occupational cluster;
                  (E) organizes education, training, and other 
                services to meet the particular needs of an 
                individual in a manner that accelerates the 
                educational and career advancement of the 
                individual to the extent practicable;
                  (F) enables an individual to attain a 
                secondary school diploma or its recognized 
                equivalent, and at least 1 recognized 
                postsecondary credential; and
                  (G) helps an individual enter or advance 
                within a specific occupation or occupational 
          [(8)] (7) Career planning.--The term ``career 
        planning'' means the provision of a client-centered 
        approach in the delivery of services, designed--
                  (A) to prepare and coordinate comprehensive 
                employment plans, such as service strategies, 
                for participants to ensure access to necessary 
                workforce investment activities and supportive 
                services, using, where feasible, computer-based 
                technologies; and
                  (B) to provide job, education, and career 
                counseling, as appropriate during program 
                participation and after job placement.
          [(9)] (8) Chief elected official.--The term ``chief 
        elected official'' means--
                  (A) the chief elected executive officer of a 
                unit of general local government in a local 
                area; and
                  (B) in a case in which a local area includes 
                more than 1 unit of general local government, 
                the individuals designated under the agreement 
                described in section 107(c)(1)(B).
          (9) Co-enrollment.--The term ``co-enrollment'' means 
        simultaneous enrollment in more than one of the 
        programs or activities carried out by a one-stop 
        partner in section 121(b)(1)(B).
          (10) Community-based organization.--The term 
        ``community-based organization'' means a private 
        nonprofit organization (which may include a faith-based 
        organization), that is representative of a community or 
        a significant segment of a community and that has 
        demonstrated expertise and effectiveness in the field 
        of workforce development.
          (11) Competitive integrated employment.--The term 
        ``competitive integrated employment'' has the meaning 
        given the term in section 7 of the Rehabilitation Act 
        of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 705), for individuals with 
          (12) Core program.--The term ``core programs'' means 
        a program authorized under a core program provision.
          (13) Core program provision.--The term ``core program 
        provision'' means--
                  (A) chapters 2 and 3 of subtitle B of title I 
                (relating to youth workforce investment 
                activities and adult and dislocated worker 
                employment and training activities);
                  (B) title II (relating to adult education and 
                literacy activities);
                  (C) sections 1 through 13 of the Wagner-
                Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.) (relating to 
                employment services); and
                  (D) title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 
                (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.), other than section 112 
                or part C of that title (29 U.S.C. 732, 741) 
                (relating to vocational rehabilitation 
          [(14) Customized training.--The term ``customized 
        training'' means training--
                  [(A) that is designed to meet the specific 
                requirements of an employer (including a group 
                of employers);
                  [(B) that is conducted with a commitment by 
                the employer to employ an individual upon 
                successful completion of the training; and
                  [(C) for which the employer pays--
                          [(i) a significant portion of the 
                        cost of training, as determined by the 
                        local board involved, taking into 
                        account the size of the employer and 
                        such other factors as the local board 
                        determines to be appropriate, which may 
                        include the number of employees 
                        participating in training, wage and 
                        benefit levels of those employees (at 
                        present and anticipated upon completion 
                        of the training), relation of the 
                        training to the competitiveness of a 
                        participant, and other employer-
                        provided training and advancement 
                        opportunities; and
                          [(ii) in the case of customized 
                        training (as defined in subparagraphs 
                        (A) and (B)) involving an employer 
                        located in multiple local areas in the 
                        State, a significant portion of the 
                        cost of the training, as determined by 
                        the Governor of the State, taking into 
                        account the size of the employer and 
                        such other factors as the Governor 
                        determines to be appropriate.]
          (14) Digital literacy skills.--The term ``digital 
        literacy skills'' has the meaning given the term in 
        section 203.
          (15) Dislocated worker.--The term ``dislocated 
        worker'' means an individual who--
                  (A)(i) has been terminated or laid off, or 
                who has received a notice of termination or 
                layoff, from employment;
                  (ii)(I) is eligible for or has exhausted 
                entitlement to unemployment compensation; or
                          (II) has been employed for a duration 
                        sufficient to demonstrate, to the 
                        appropriate entity at a one-stop center 
                        referred to in section 121(e), 
                        attachment to the workforce, but is not 
                        eligible for unemployment compensation 
                        due to insufficient earnings or having 
                        performed services for an employer that 
                        were not covered under a State 
                        unemployment compensation law; and
                  (iii) is unlikely to return to a previous 
                industry or occupation;
                  (B)(i) has been terminated or laid off, or 
                has received a notice of termination or layoff, 
                from employment as a result of any permanent 
                closure of, or any substantial layoff at, a 
                plant, facility, or enterprise;
                  (ii) is employed at a facility at which the 
                employer has made a general announcement that 
                such facility will close within 180 days; or
                  (iii) for purposes of eligibility to receive 
                services other than training services described 
                in section 134(c)(3), career services described 
                in section 134(c)(2)(A)(xii), or supportive 
                services, is employed at a facility at which 
                the employer has made a general announcement 
                that such facility will close;
                  (C) was self-employed (including employment 
                as a farmer, a rancher, or a fisherman) but is 
                unemployed as a result of general economic 
                conditions in the community in which the 
                individual resides or because of natural 
                  (D) is a displaced homemaker; or
                  (E)(i) is the spouse of a member of the Armed 
                Forces on active duty (as defined in section 
                101(d)(1) of title 10, United States Code), and 
                who has experienced a loss of employment as a 
                direct result of relocation to accommodate a 
                permanent change in duty station of such 
                member; or
                  (ii) is the spouse of a member of the Armed 
                Forces on active duty and [who meets the 
                criteria described in paragraph (16)(B)] who 
                meets the criteria described in subparagraph 
                (B) of the definition of the term ``displaced 
                homemaker'' in this section.
          (16) Displaced homemaker.--The term ``displaced 
        homemaker'' means an individual who has been providing 
        unpaid services to [family members] a family member in 
        the home and who--
                  (A)(i) has been dependent on the income of 
                another family member but is no longer 
                supported by that income; or
                  (ii) is the dependent spouse of a member of 
                the Armed Forces on active duty (as defined in 
                section 101(d)(1) of title 10, United States 
                Code) and whose family income is significantly 
                reduced because of a deployment (as defined in 
                section 991(b) of title 10, United States Code, 
                or pursuant to paragraph (4) of such section), 
                a call or order to active duty pursuant to a 
                provision of law referred to in section 
                101(a)(13)(B) of title 10, United States Code, 
                a permanent change of station, or the service-
                connected (as defined in section 101(16) of 
                title 38, United States Code) death or 
                disability of the member; and
                  (B) is unemployed or underemployed and is 
                experiencing difficulty in obtaining or 
                upgrading employment.
          (17) Economic development agency.--The term 
        ``economic development agency'' includes a local 
        planning or zoning commission or board, a community 
        development agency, or another local agency or 
        institution responsible for regulating, promoting, or 
        assisting in local economic development.
          (18) Eligible youth.--Except as provided in subtitles 
        C and D of title I, the term ``eligible youth'' means 
        an in-school youth or [out-of-school] opportunity 
          (19) Employer-directed skills development.--The term 
        ``employer-directed skills development'' means a 
                  (A) that is selected or designed to meet the 
                specific skill demands of an employer 
                (including a group of employers);
                  (B) that is conducted pursuant to the terms 
                and conditions established under an employer-
                directed skills agreement described in section 
                134(c)(3)(I), including a commitment by the 
                employer to employ an individual upon 
                successful completion of the program; and
                  (C) for which the employer pays a portion of 
                the cost of the program, as determined by the 
                local board involved, which shall not be less 
                          (i) 10 percent of the cost, in the 
                        case of an employer with 50 or fewer 
                          (ii) 25 percent of the cost, in the 
                        case of an employer with more than 50, 
                        but fewer than 100 employees; and
                          (iii) 50 percent of the cost, in the 
                        case of an employer with 100 or more 
          [(19)] (20) Employment and training activity.--The 
        term ``employment and training activity'' means an 
        activity described in section 134 that is carried out 
        for an adult or dislocated worker.
          [(20)] (21) English language acquisition program.--
        The term ``English language acquisition program'' has 
        the meaning given the term in section 203.
          [(21)] (22) English [language] learner.--The term 
        ``English [language] learner'' has the meaning given 
        the term in section 203.
          (23) Evidence-based.--The term ``evidence-based'', 
        when used with respect to an activity, service, 
        strategy, or intervention, means an activity, service, 
        strategy, or intervention that--
                  (A) demonstrates a statistically significant 
                effect on improving participant outcomes or 
                other relevant outcomes based on--
                          (i) strong evidence from at least 1 
                        well-designed and well-implemented 
                        experimental study;
                          (ii) moderate evidence from at least 
                        1 well-designed and well-implemented 
                        quasi-experimental study; or
                          (iii) promising evidence from at 
                        least 1 well-designed and well-
                        implemented correlational study with 
                        statistical controls for selection 
                        bias; or
                  (B)(i) demonstrates a rationale based on 
                high-quality research findings or positive 
                evaluation that such activity, strategy, or 
                intervention is likely to improve student 
                outcomes or other relevant outcomes; and
                  (ii) includes ongoing efforts to examine the 
                effects of such activity, service, strategy, or 
          (24) Foundational skill needs.--The term 
        ``foundational skill needs'' means, with respect to an 
        individual who is a youth or adult, that the 
                  (A) has English reading, writing, or 
                computing skills at or below the 8th-grade 
                level on a generally accepted standardized 
                test; or
                  (B) is unable to compute or solve problems, 
                or read, write, or speak English, or does not 
                possess digital literacy skills, at a level 
                necessary to function on the job, in the 
                individual's family, or in society.
          [(22)] (25) Governor.--The term ``Governor'' means 
        the chief executive of a State or an outlying area.
          [(23)] (26) In-demand industry sector or 
                  (A) In general.--The term ``in-demand 
                industry sector or occupation'' means--
                          (i) an industry sector that has a 
                        substantial current or potential impact 
                        (including through jobs that lead to 
                        economic self-sufficiency and 
                        opportunities for advancement) on the 
                        State, regional, or local economy, as 
                        appropriate, and that contributes to 
                        the growth or stability of other 
                        supporting businesses, or the growth of 
                        other industry sectors; or
                          (ii) an occupation that currently has 
                        or is projected to have a number of 
                        positions (including positions that 
                        lead to economic self-sufficiency and 
                        opportunities for advancement) in an 
                        industry sector so as to have a 
                        significant impact on the State, 
                        regional, or local economy, as 
                  (B) Determination.--The determination of 
                whether an industry sector or occupation is in-
                demand under this paragraph shall be made by 
                the State board or local board, as appropriate, 
                using State and regional business and labor 
                market projections, including the use of labor 
                market information.
          [(24)] (27) Individual with a barrier to 
        employment.--The term ``individual with a barrier to 
        employment'' means a member of 1 or more of the 
        following populations:
                  (A) Displaced homemakers.
                  (B) Low-income individuals.
                  (C) Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native 
                Hawaiians, as such terms are defined in section 
                  (D) Individuals with disabilities, including 
                youth who are individuals with disabilities.
                  (E) Older individuals.
                  [(F) Ex-offenders.]
                  (F) Justice-involved individuals.
                  (G) Homeless individuals (as defined in 
                section 41403(6) of the Violence Against Women 
                Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 14043e-2(6))), or 
                homeless children and youths (as defined in 
                section 725(2) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless 
                Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11434a(2))).
                  (H) Youth who are in or have aged out of the 
                foster care system.
                  (I) Individuals who are English [language] 
                learners, individuals who have low levels of 
                literacy, and individuals facing substantial 
                cultural barriers.
                  (J) Eligible migrant and seasonal 
                farmworkers, as defined in section 167(i).
                  (K) Individuals within 2 years of exhausting 
                lifetime eligibility under part A of title IV 
                of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et 
                  (L) Single parents (including single pregnant 
                  (M) Long-term unemployed individuals.
                  (N) Such other groups as the Governor 
                involved determines to have barriers to 
          [(25)] (28) Individual with a disability.--
                  (A) In General.--The term ``individual with a 
                disability'' means an individual with a 
                disability as defined in section 3 of the 
                Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 
                U.S.C. 12102).
                  (B) Individuals with disabilities.--The term 
                ``individuals with disabilities'' means more 
                than 1 individual with a disability.
          [(26)] (29) Industry or sector partnership.--The term 
        ``industry or sector partnership'' means a workforce 
        collaborative, convened by or acting in partnership 
        with a State board or local board, that--
                  (A) organizes key stakeholders in an industry 
                cluster into a working group that focuses on 
                the shared goals and human resources needs of 
                the industry cluster and that includes, at the 
                appropriate stage of development of the 
                          (i) representatives of multiple 
                        businesses or other employers in the 
                        industry cluster, including small and 
                        medium-sized employers when 
                          (ii) 1 or more representatives of a 
                        recognized State labor organization or 
                        central labor council, or another labor 
                        representative, as appropriate; and
                          (iii) 1 or more representatives of an 
                        institution of higher education with, 
                        or another provider of, education or 
                        training programs that support the 
                        industry cluster; and
                  (B) may include representatives of--
                          (i) State or local government;
                          (ii) State or local economic 
                        development agencies;
                          (iii) State boards or local boards, 
                        as appropriate;
                          (iv) a State workforce agency or 
                        other entity providing employment 
                          (v) other State or local agencies;
                          (vi) business or trade associations;
                          (vii) economic development 
                          (viii) nonprofit organizations, 
                        community-based organizations, or 
                          (ix) philanthropic organizations;
                          (x) industry associations; and
                          (xi) other organizations, as 
                        determined to be necessary by the 
                        members comprising the industry or 
                        sector partnership.
          [(27)] (30) In-school youth.--The term ``in-school 
        youth'' means a youth described in section 
          [(28)] (31) Institution of higher education.--The 
        term ``institution of higher education'' has the 
        meaning given the term in section 101, and 
        subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 102(a)(1), of the 
        Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001, 
          [(29)] (32) Integrated education and training.--The 
        term ``integrated education and training'' has the 
        meaning given the term in section 203.
          [(38) Offender.--] (33) Justice-involved individual._ 
        ._The term ``[offender] justice-involved individual'' 
        means an adult or juvenile--
                  (A) who is or has been subject to any stage 
                of the criminal justice process, and for whom 
                services under this Act may be beneficial; or
                  (B) who requires assistance in overcoming 
                artificial barriers to employment resulting 
                from a record of arrest or conviction.
          [(30)] (34) Labor market area.--The term ``labor 
        market area'' means an economically integrated 
        geographic area within which individuals can reside and 
        find employment within a reasonable distance or can 
        readily change employment without changing their place 
        of residence. Such an area shall be identified in 
        accordance with criteria used by the Bureau of Labor 
        Statistics of the Department of Labor in defining such 
        areas or similar criteria established by a Governor.
          (35) Labor organization.--The term ``labor 
        organization'' has the meaning given the term in 
        section 2(5) of the National Labor Relations Act (29 
        U.S.C. 152(5)).
          [(31)] (36) Literacy.--The term ``literacy'' has the 
        meaning given the term in section 203.
          [(32)] (37) Local area.--The term ``local area'' 
        means a local workforce investment area designated 
        under section 106, subject to sections 106(c)(3)(A), 
        107(c)(4)(B)(i), and 189(i).
          [(33)] (38) Local board.--The term ``local board'' 
        means a local workforce development board established 
        under section 107, subject to section 107(c)(4)(B)(i).
          [(34)] (39) Local educational agency.--The term 
        ``local educational agency'' has the meaning given the 
        term in section 8101 of the Elementaryand Secondary 
        Education Act of 1965.
          [(35)] (40) Local plan.--The term ``local plan'' 
        means a plan submitted under section 108, subject to 
        section 106(c)(3)(B).
          [(36)] (41) Low-income individual.--
                  (A) In general.--The term ``low-income 
                individual'' means an individual who--
                          (i) receives, or in the past 6 months 
                        has received, or is a member of a 
                        family that is receiving or in the past 
                        6 months has received, assistance 
                        through the supplemental nutrition 
                        assistance program established under 
                        the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 
                        U.S.C. 2011 et seq.), the program of 
                        block grants to States for temporary 
                        assistance for needy families program 
                        under part A of title IV of the Social 
                        Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), 
                        or the supplemental security income 
                        program established under title XVI of 
                        the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1381 
                        et seq.), or State or local income-
                        based public assistance;
                          (ii) is in a family with total family 
                        income that does not exceed the higher 
                                  (I) the poverty line; or
                                  (II) 70 percent of the lower 
                                living standard income level;
                          (iii) is a homeless individual (as 
                        defined in section 41403(6) of the 
                        Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (42 
                        U.S.C. 14043e-2(6))), or a homeless 
                        child or youth (as defined under 
                        section 725(2) of the McKinney-Vento 
                        Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 
                          (iv) receives or is eligible to 
                        receive a free or reduced price lunch 
                        under the Richard B. Russell National 
                        School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et 
                          (v) is a foster child on behalf of 
                        whom State or local government payments 
                        are made; or
                          (vi) is an individual with a 
                        disability whose own income meets the 
                        income requirement of clause (ii), but 
                        who is a member of a family whose 
                        income does not meet this requirement.
                  (B) Lower living standard income level.--The 
                term ``lower living standard income level'' 
                means that income level (adjusted for regional, 
                metropolitan, urban, and rural differences and 
                family size) determined annually by the 
                Secretary of Labor based on the most recent 
                lower living family budget issued by the 
          [(37)] (42) Nontraditional employment.--The term 
        ``nontraditional employment'' refers to occupations or 
        fields of work, for which individuals from the gender 
        involved comprise less than 25 percent of the 
        individuals employed in each such occupation or field 
        of work.
          [(39)] (43) Older individual.--The term ``older 
        individual'' means an individual age 55 or older.
          [(40)] (44) One-stop center.--The term ``one-stop 
        center'' means a site described in section 121(e)(2).
          [(41)] (45) One-stop operator.--The term ``one-stop 
        operator'' means 1 or more entities designated or 
        certified under section 121(d).
          [(42)] (46) One-stop partner.--The term ``one-stop 
        partner'' means--
                  (A) an entity described in section 121(b)(1); 
                  (B) an entity described in section 121(b)(2) 
                that is participating, with the approval of the 
                local board and chief elected official, in the 
                operation of a one-stop delivery system.
          [(43)] (47) One-stop partner program.--The term 
        ``one-stop partner program'' means a program or 
        activities described in section 121(b) of a one-stop 
          [(44)] (48) On-the-job training.--The term ``on-the-
        job training'' means training by an employer that is 
        provided to a paid participant while engaged in 
        productive work in a job that--
                  (A) provides knowledge or skills essential to 
                the full and adequate performance of the job;
                  (B) is made available through a program that 
                provides reimbursement to the employer of up to 
                50 percent of the wage rate of the participant, 
                except as provided in section 134(c)(3)(H), for 
                the extraordinary costs of providing the 
                training and additional supervision related to 
                the training; and
                  (C) is limited in duration as appropriate to 
                the occupation for which the participant is 
                being trained, taking into account the content 
                of the training, the prior work experience of 
                the participant, and the service strategy of 
                the participant, as appropriate.
          [(46) Out-of-school] (49) Opportunity youth.--The 
        term ``[out-of-school] opportunity youth'' means a 
        youth described in section 129(a)(1)(B).
          [(45)] (50) Outlying area.--The term ``outlying 
        area'' means--
                  (A) American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of 
                the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United 
                States Virgin Islands; and
                  (B) the Republic of Palau, except during any 
                period for which the Secretary of Labor and the 
                Secretary of Education determine that a Compact 
                of Free Association is in effect and contains 
                provisions for training and education 
                assistance prohibiting the assistance provided 
                under this Act.
          [(47) Pay-for-performance contract strategy.--The 
        term ``pay-for-performance contract strategy'' means a 
        procurement strategy that uses pay-for-performance 
        contracts in the provision of training services 
        described in section 134(c)(3) or activities described 
        in section 129(c)(2), and includes--
                  [(A) contracts, each of which shall specify a 
                fixed amount that will be paid to an eligible 
                service provider (which may include a local or 
                national community-based organization or 
                intermediary, community college, or other 
                training provider, that is eligible under 
                section 122 or 123, as appropriate) based on 
                the achievement of specified levels of 
                performance on the primary indicators of 
                performance described in section 116(b)(2)(A) 
                for target populations as identified by the 
                local board (including individuals with 
                barriers to employment), within a defined 
                timetable, and which may provide for bonus 
                payments to such service provider to expand 
                capacity to provide effective training;
                  [(B) a strategy for independently validating 
                the achievement of the performance described in 
                subparagraph (A); and
                  [(C) a description of how the State or local 
                area will reallocate funds not paid to a 
                provider because the achievement of the 
                performance described in subparagraph (A) did 
                not occur, for further activities related to 
                such a procurement strategy, subject to section 
          (51) Pay-for-performance contract strategy.--The term 
        ``pay-for-performance contract strategy'' means a 
        specific type of performance-based acquisition that 
        uses pay-for-performance contracts in the provision of 
        services described in paragraph (2) or (3) of section 
        134(c) or activities described in section 129(c)(2), 
        and includes--
                  (A) contracts, each of which--
                          (i) shall specify a fixed amount that 
                        will be paid to an eligible service 
                        provider (which may include a local or 
                        national community-based organization 
                        or intermediary, community college, or 
                        other provider) based on the 
                        achievement of specified levels of 
                        performance on the primary indicators 
                        of performance described in section 
                        116(b)(2)(A) for target populations as 
                        identified by the local board 
                        (including individuals with barriers to 
                        employment), within a defined 
                          (ii) may not be required by the 
                        Secretary to be informed by a 
                        feasibility study; and
                          (iii) may provide for bonus payments 
                        to such service provider to expand 
                        capacity to provide effective training;
                  (B) a strategy for validating the achievement 
                of the performance described in subparagraph 
                (A); and
                  (C) a description of how the State or local 
                area will reallocate funds not paid to a 
                provider because the achievement of the 
                performance described in subparagraph (A) did 
                not occur, for further activities related to 
                such a procurement strategy, subject to section 
          [(48)] (52) Planning region.--The term ``planning 
        region'' means a region described in subparagraph (B) 
        or (C) of section 106(a)(2), subject to section 
          [(49)] (53) Poverty line.--The term ``poverty line'' 
        means the poverty line (as defined by the Office of 
        Management and Budget, and revised annually in 
        accordance with section 673(2) of the Community 
        Services Block Grant Act (42 U.S.C. 9902(2))) 
        applicable to a family of the size involved.
          [(50)] (54) Public assistance.--The term ``public 
        assistance'' means Federal, State, or local government 
        cash payments for which eligibility is determined by a 
        needs or income test.
          [(51)] (55) Rapid response activity.--The term 
        ``rapid response activity'' means an activity provided 
        by a State, or by an entity designated by a State, 
        through a rapid response unit, with funds provided by 
        the State under section 134(a)(1)(A), in the case of a 
        permanent closure or mass layoff at a plant, facility, 
        or enterprise, or a natural or other disaster, that 
        results in mass job dislocation, in order to assist 
        dislocated workers in obtaining reemployment as soon as 
        possible, with services including--
                  (A) the establishment of onsite contact with 
                employers and employee representatives--
                          (i) immediately after the State is 
                        notified of a current or projected 
                        permanent closure or mass layoff; or
                          (ii) in the case of a disaster, 
                        immediately after the State is made 
                        aware of mass job dislocation as a 
                        result of such disaster;
                  (B) the provision of information on and 
                access to available employment and training 
                activities, including individual training 
                accounts for eligible dislocated workers under 
                section 414(c) of the American Competitiveness 
                and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 (29 
                U.S.C. 3224a);
                  (C) assistance in establishing a labor-
                management committee, voluntarily agreed to by 
                labor and management, with the ability to 
                devise and implement a strategy for assessing 
                the employment and training needs of dislocated 
                workers and obtaining services to meet such 
                  (D) the provision of emergency assistance 
                adapted to the particular closure, layoff, or 
                disaster; [and]
                  (E) assistance in identifying employees 
                eligible for assistance, including workers who 
                work a majority of their time off-site or 
                  [(E)] (F) the provision of assistance to the 
                local community in developing a coordinated 
                response and in obtaining access to State 
                economic development assistance[.]; and
                  (G) business engagement or layoff aversion 
                strategies and other activities designed to 
                prevent or minimize the duration of 
                unemployment, such as--
                          (i) connecting employers to short-
                        term compensation or other programs 
                        designed to prevent layoffs;
                          (ii) conducting employee skill 
                        assessment and matching programs to 
                        different occupations;
                          (iii) establishing incumbent worker 
                        training or other upskilling 
                        approaches, including incumbent worker 
                        upskilling accounts described in 
                        section 134(d)(4)(E);
                          (iv) facilitating business support 
                        activities, such as connecting 
                        employers to programs that offer access 
                        to credit, financial support, and 
                        business consulting; and
                          (v) partnering or contracting with 
                        business-focused organizations to 
                        assess risks to companies, and to 
                        propose, implement, and measure the 
                        impact of strategies and services to 
                        address such risks.
          [(52)] (56) Recognized postsecondary credential.--The 
        term ``recognized postsecondary credential'' means a 
        credential consisting of an industry-recognized 
        certificate or certification, a certificate of 
        completion of an apprenticeship, a license recognized 
        by the State involved or Federal Government, or an 
        associate or baccalaureate degree.
          [(53)] (57) Region.--The term ``region'', used 
        without further description, means a region identified 
        under section 106(a), subject to section 
        107(c)(4)(B)(i) and except as provided in section 
          [(54)] (58) School dropout.--The term ``school 
        dropout'' means an individual who is no longer 
        attending any school and who has not received a 
        secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent.
          [(55)] (59) Secondary school.--The term ``secondary 
        school'' has the meaning given the term in section 8101 
        of the Elementaryand Secondary Education Act of 1965.
          [(56)] (60) State.--The term ``State'' means each of 
        the several States of the United States, the District 
        of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
          [(57)] (61) State board.--The term ``State board'' 
        means a State workforce development board established 
        under section 101.
          [(58)] (62) State plan.--The term ``State plan'', 
        used without further description, means a unified State 
        plan under section 102 or a combined State plan under 
        section 103.
          [(59)] (63) Supportive services.--The term 
        ``supportive services'' means services such as 
        transportation, child care, dependent care, housing, 
        and needs-related payments, that are necessary to 
        enable an individual to participate in activities 
        authorized under this Act.
          [(60)] (64) Training services.--The term ``training 
        services'' means services described in section 
          [(61)] (65) Unemployed individual.--The term 
        ``unemployed individual'' means an individual who is 
        without a job and who wants and is available for work. 
        The determination of whether an individual is without a 
        job, for purposes of this paragraph, shall be made in 
        accordance with the criteria used by the Bureau of 
        Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor in defining 
        individuals as unemployed.
          [(62)] (66) Unit of general local government.--The 
        term ``unit of general local government'' means any 
        general purpose political subdivision of a State that 
        has the power to levy taxes and spend funds, as well as 
        general corporate and police powers.
          [(63)] (67) Veteran; related definition.--
                  (A) Veteran.--The term ``veteran'' has the 
                meaning given the term in section 101 of title 
                38, United States Code.
                  (B) Recently separated veteran.--The term 
                ``recently separated veteran'' means any 
                veteran who applies for participation under 
                this Act within 48 months after the discharge 
                or release from active military, naval, or air 
          [(64)] (68) Vocational rehabilitation program.--The 
        term ``vocational rehabilitation program'' means a 
        program authorized [under a provision covered under 
        paragraph (13)(D)] under a provision covered under 
        subparagraph (D) of the definition of the term ``core 
        program provision'' under this section.
          (69) Work-based learning.--The term ``work-based 
        learning'' has the meaning given the term in section 3 
        of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education 
        Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302).
          [(65)] (70) Workforce development activity.--The term 
        ``workforce development activity'' means an activity 
        carried out through a workforce development program.
          [(66)] (71) Workforce development program.--The term 
        ``workforce development program'' means a program made 
        available through a workforce development system.
          [(67)] (72) Workforce development system.--The term 
        ``workforce development system'' means a system that 
        makes available the core programs, the other one-stop 
        partner programs, and any other programs providing 
        employment and training services as identified by a 
        State board or local board.
          [(68)] (73) Workforce investment activity.--The term 
        ``workforce investment activity'' means an employment 
        and training activity, and a youth workforce investment 
          [(69)] (74) Workforce preparation activities.--The 
        term ``workforce preparation activities'' has the 
        meaning given the term in section 203.
          [(70)] (75) Workplace learning advisor.--The term 
        ``workplace learning advisor'' means an individual 
        employed by an organization who has the knowledge and 
        skills necessary to advise other employees of that 
        organization about the education, skill development, 
        job training, career counseling services, and 
        credentials, including services provided through the 
        workforce development system, required to progress 
        toward career goals of such employees in order to meet 
        employer requirements related to job openings and 
        career advancements that support economic self-
          [(71)] (76) Youth workforce investment activity.--The 
        term ``youth workforce investment activity'' means an 
        activity described in section 129 that is carried out 
        for eligible youth (or as described in section 


                      Subtitle A--System Alignment

                      CHAPTER 1--STATE PROVISIONS


  (a) In general.--The Governor of a State shall establish a 
State workforce development board to carry out the functions 
described in subsection (d).
  (b) Membership.--
          (1) In general.--The State board shall include--
                  (A) the Governor;
                  (B) a member of each chamber of the State 
                legislature (to the extent consistent with 
                State law), appointed by the appropriate 
                presiding officers of such chamber; and
                  (C) members appointed by the Governor, of 
                          (i) a majority shall be 
                        representatives of businesses in the 
                        State, who--
                                  (I) are owners of businesses, 
                                chief executives or operating 
                                officers of businesses, or 
                                other business executives or 
                                employers with optimum 
                                policymaking or hiring 
                                authority, and who, in 
                                addition, may be members of a 
                                local board described in 
                                section 107(b)(2)(A)(i);
                                  (II) represent businesses 
                                (including small businesses), 
                                or organizations representing 
                                businesses described in this 
                                subclause, that provide 
                                employment opportunities that, 
                                at a minimum, include high-
                                quality, work-relevant training 
                                and development in in-demand 
                                industry sectors or occupations 
                                in the State; and
                                  (III) are appointed from 
                                among individuals nominated by 
                                State business organizations 
                                and business trade 
                          (ii) not less than 20 percent shall 
                        be representatives of the workforce 
                        within the State, who--
                                  (I) shall include 
                                representatives of labor 
                                organizations, who have been 
                                nominated by State labor 
                                  (II) shall include a 
                                representative, who shall be a 
                                member of a labor organization 
                                or a training director, from a 
                                joint labor-management 
                                apprenticeship program, or if 
                                no such joint program exists in 
                                the State, such a 
                                representative of an 
                                apprenticeship program in the 
                                  (III) may include 
                                representatives of community-
                                based organizations that have 
                                demonstrated experience and 
                                expertise in addressing the 
                                employment, training, or 
                                education needs of individuals 
                                with barriers to employment, 
                                including organizations that 
                                serve veterans or that provide 
                                or support competitive, 
                                integrated employment for 
                                individuals with disabilities; 
                                  (IV) may include 
                                representatives of 
                                organizations that have 
                                demonstrated experience and 
                                expertise in addressing the 
                                employment, training, or 
                                education needs of eligible 
                                youth, including 
                                representatives of 
                                organizations that serve [out-
                                of-school youth] opportunity 
                                youth; and
                          (iii) the balance--
                                  (I) shall include 
                                representatives of government, 
                                          (aa) shall include 
                                        the lead State 
                                        officials with primary 
                                        responsibility for the 
                                        core programs; and
                                          (bb) shall include 
                                        chief elected officials 
                                        representing both 
                                        cities and counties, 
                                        where appropriate); and
                                  (II) may include such other 
                                representatives and officials 
                                as the Governor may designate, 
                                such as--
                                          (aa) the State agency 
                                        officials from agencies 
                                        that are one-stop 
                                        partners not specified 
                                        in subclause (I) 
                                        (including additional 
                                        one-stop partners whose 
                                        programs are covered by 
                                        the State plan, if 
                                          (bb) State agency 
                                        officials responsible 
                                        for economic 
                                        development or juvenile 
                                        justice programs in the 
                                          (cc) individuals who 
                                        represent an Indian 
                                        tribe or tribal 
                                        organization, as such 
                                        terms are defined in 
                                        section 166(b); and
                                          (dd) State agency 
                                        officials responsible 
                                        for education programs 
                                        in the State, including 
                                        chief executive 
                                        officers of community 
                                        colleges and other 
                                        institutions of higher 
          (2) Diverse and distinct representation.--The members 
        of the State board shall represent diverse geographic 
        areas of the State, including urban, rural, and 
        suburban areas.
          (3) No representation of multiple categories.--No 
        person shall serve as a member for more than 1 of--
                  (A) the category described in paragraph 
                (1)(C)(i); or
                  (B) 1 category described in a subclause of 
                clause (ii) or (iii) of paragraph (1)(C).
  (c) Chairperson.--The Governor shall select a chairperson for 
the State board from among the representatives described in 
subsection (b)(1)(C)(i).
  (d) Functions.--The State board shall assist the Governor 
          (1) the development, implementation, and modification 
        of the State plan;
          (2) consistent with paragraph (1), the review of 
        statewide policies, of statewide programs, and of 
        recommendations on actions that should be taken by the 
        State to align workforce development programs in the 
        State in a manner that supports a comprehensive and 
        streamlined workforce development system in the State, 
        including the review and provision of comments on the 
        State plans, if any, for programs and activities of 
        one-stop partners that are not core programs;
          (3) the development and continuous improvement of the 
        workforce development system in the State, including--
                  (A) the identification of barriers and means 
                for removing barriers to better coordinate, 
                align, and avoid duplication among the programs 
                and activities carried out through the system;
                  (B) the development of strategies to support 
                the use of career pathways for the purpose of 
                providing individuals, including low-skilled 
                adults, youth, and individuals with barriers to 
                employment (including individuals with 
                disabilities), with workforce investment 
                activities, education, and supportive services 
                to enter or retain employment;
                  (C) the development of strategies for 
                providing effective outreach to and improved 
                access for individuals and employers who could 
                benefit from services provided through the 
                workforce development system;
                  (D) the development and expansion of 
                strategies for meeting the needs of employers, 
                workers, and jobseekers, particularly through 
                industry or sector partnerships related to in-
                demand industry sectors and occupations;
                  (E) the identification of regions, including 
                planning regions, for the purposes of section 
                106(a), and the designation of local areas 
                under section 106, after consultation with 
                local boards and chief elected officials;
                  (F) the development and continuous 
                improvement of the one-stop delivery system in 
                local areas, including providing assistance to 
                local boards, one-stop operators, one-stop 
                partners, and providers with planning and 
                delivering services, including training 
                services and supportive services, to support 
                effective delivery of services to workers, 
                jobseekers, and employers; and
                  (G) the development of strategies to support 
                staff training and awareness across programs 
                supported under the workforce development 
          (4) the development and updating of comprehensive 
        State performance accountability measures, including 
        State adjusted levels of performance, to assess the 
        effectiveness of the core programs in the State as 
        required under section 116(b);
          (5) the identification and dissemination of 
        information on best practices, including best practices 
                  (A) the effective operation of one-stop 
                centers, relating to the use of business 
                outreach, partnerships, and service delivery 
                strategies, including strategies for serving 
                individuals with barriers to employment;
                  (B) the development of effective local 
                boards, which may include information on 
                factors that contribute to enabling local 
                boards to exceed negotiated local levels of 
                performance, sustain fiscal integrity, and 
                achieve other measures of effectiveness; and
                  (C) effective training programs that respond 
                to real-time labor market analysis, that 
                effectively use direct assessment and prior 
                learning assessment to measure an individual's 
                prior knowledge, skills, competencies, and 
                experiences, and that evaluate such skills, and 
                competencies for adaptability, to support 
                efficient placement into employment or career 
          (6) the development and review of statewide policies 
        affecting the coordinated provision of services through 
        the State's one-stop delivery system described in 
        section 121(e), including the development of--
                  (A) objective criteria and procedures for use 
                by local boards in assessing the effectiveness 
                and continuous improvement of one-stop centers 
                described in such section;
                  (B) guidance for the allocation of one-stop 
                center infrastructure funds under section 
                121(h); and
                  (C) policies relating to the appropriate 
                roles and contributions of entities carrying 
                out one-stop partner programs within the one-
                stop delivery system, including approaches to 
                facilitating equitable and efficient cost 
                allocation in such system;
          (7) the development of strategies for technological 
        improvements to facilitate access to, and improve the 
        quality of, services and activities provided through 
        the one-stop delivery system, including such 
        improvements to--
                  (A) enhance digital literacy skills (as 
                defined in section 202 of the Museum and 
                Library Services Act (20 U.S.C. 9101); referred 
                to in this Act as ``digital literacy skills'');
                  (B) accelerate the acquisition of skills and 
                recognized postsecondary credentials by 
                  (C) strengthen the professional development 
                of providers and workforce professionals; and
                  (D) ensure such technology is accessible to 
                individuals with disabilities and individuals 
                residing in remote areas;
          (8) the development of strategies for aligning 
        technology and data systems across one-stop partner 
        programs to enhance service delivery and improve 
        efficiencies in reporting on performance accountability 
        measures (including the design and implementation of 
        common intake, data collection, case management 
        information, and performance accountability measurement 
        and reporting processes and the incorporation of local 
        input into such design and implementation, to improve 
        coordination of services across one-stop partner 
          (9) the development of allocation formulas for the 
        distribution of funds for employment and training 
        activities for adults, and youth workforce investment 
        activities, to local areas as permitted under sections 
        128(b)(3) and 133(b)(3);
          (10) the preparation of the annual reports described 
        in paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 116(d);
          (11) the development of the statewide workforce and 
        labor market information system described in section 
        15(e) of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49l-2(e)); 
          (12) the development of such other policies as may 
        promote statewide objectives for, and enhance the 
        performance of, the workforce development system in the 
  (e) Alternative Entity.--
          (1) In general.--For the purposes of complying with 
        subsections (a), (b), and (c), a State may use any 
        State entity (including a State council, State 
        workforce development board (within the meaning of the 
        Workforce Investment Act of 1998, as in effect on the 
        day before the date of enactment of this Act), 
        combination of regional workforce development boards, 
        or similar entity) that--
                  (A) was in existence on the day before the 
                date of enactment of the Workforce Investment 
                Act of 1998;
                  (B) is substantially similar to the State 
                board described in subsections (a) through (c); 
                  (C) includes representatives of business in 
                the State and representatives of labor 
                organizations in the State.
          (2) References.--A reference in this Act, or a core 
        program provision that is not in this Act, to a State 
        board shall be considered to include such an entity.
  (f) Conflict of Interest.--A member of a State board may 
          (1) vote on a matter under consideration by the State 
                  (A) regarding the provision of services by 
                such member (or by an entity that such member 
                represents); or
                  (B) that would provide direct financial 
                benefit to such member or the immediate family 
                of such member; or
          (2) engage in any other activity determined by the 
        Governor to constitute a conflict of interest as 
        specified in the State plan.
  (g) Sunshine Provision.--The State board shall make available 
to the public, on a regular basis through electronic means and 
open meetings, information regarding the activities of the 
State board, including information regarding the State plan, or 
a modification to the State plan, prior to submission of the 
plan or modification of the plan, respectively, information 
regarding membership, and, on request, minutes of formal 
meetings of the State board.
  (h) Authority To Hire Staff.--
          (1) In general.--The State board may hire a director 
        and other staff to assist in carrying out the functions 
        described in subsection (d) using funds available as 
        described in section 129(b)(3) or 134(a)(3)(B)(i).
          (2) Qualifications.--The State board shall establish 
        and apply a set of objective qualifications for the 
        position of director, that ensures that the individual 
        selected has the requisite knowledge, skills, and 
        abilities, to meet identified benchmarks and to assist 
        in effectively carrying out the functions of the State 
          (3) Limitation on rate.--The director and staff 
        described in paragraph (1) shall be subject to the 
        limitations on the payment of salary and bonuses 
        described in section 194(15).


  (a) Plan.--For a State to be eligible to receive allotments 
for the core programs, the Governor shall submit to the 
Secretary of Labor for the approval process described under 
subsection (c)(2), a unified State plan. The unified State plan 
shall outline a 4-year strategy for the core programs of the 
State and meet the requirements of this section.
  (b) Contents.--
          (1) Strategic planning elements.--The unified State 
        plan shall include strategic planning elements 
        consisting of a strategic vision and goals for 
        preparing an educated and skilled workforce, that 
                  (A) an analysis of the economic conditions in 
                the State, including--
                          (i) existing and emerging in-demand 
                        industry sectors and occupations; and
                          (ii) the employment needs of 
                        employers, including a description of 
                        the knowledge, skills, and abilities, 
                        needed in those industries and 
                  (B) an analysis of the current workforce, 
                employment and unemployment data, labor market 
                trends, and the educational and skill levels of 
                the workforce, including individuals with 
                barriers to employment (including individuals 
                with disabilities), in the State;
                  (C) a description of--
                          (i) how the State will use real-time 
                        labor market information to continually 
                        assess the economic conditions and 
                        workforce trends described in 
                        subparagraphs (A) and (B); and
                          (ii) how the State will communicate 
                        changes in such conditions or trends to 
                        the workforce system in the State;
                  [(C)] (D) an analysis of the workforce 
                development activities (including education and 
                training) in the State, including an analysis 
                of the strengths and weaknesses of such 
                activities, the extent to which such activities 
                are evidence-based, and the capacity of State 
                entities to provide such activities, in order 
                to address the identified education and skill 
                needs of the workforce and the employment needs 
                of employers in the State;
                  [(D)] (E) a description of the State's 
                strategic vision and goals for preparing an 
                educated and skilled workforce (including 
                preparing youth and individuals with barriers 
                to employment) and for meeting the skilled 
                workforce needs of employers, including goals 
                relating to performance accountability measures 
                based on primary indicators of performance 
                described in section 116(b)(2)(A), in order to 
                support economic growth and economic self-
                sufficiency, and of how the State will assess 
                the overall effectiveness of the workforce 
                investment system in the State; [and]
                  [(E)] (F) taking into account analyses 
                described in subparagraphs (A) through (C), a 
                strategy for aligning the core programs, as 
                well as other resources available to the State, 
                to achieve the strategic vision and goals 
                described in subparagraph (D)[.];
                  (G) a description of any activities the State 
                is conducting to expand economic opportunity 
                for individuals and reduce barriers to labor 
                market entry by--
                          (i) developing, in cooperation with 
                        employers, education and training 
                        providers, and other stakeholders, 
                        statewide skills-based initiatives that 
                        promote the use of demonstrated skills 
                        and competencies as an alternative to 
                        the exclusive use of degree attainment 
                        as a requirement for employment or 
                        advancement in a career; and
                          (ii) evaluating the existing 
                        occupational licensing policies in the 
                        State and identifying potential changes 
                        to recommend to the appropriate State 
                        entity to--
                                  (I) remove or streamline 
                                licensing requirements, as 
                                appropriate; and
                                  (II) improve the reciprocity 
                                of licensing, including through 
                                participating in interstate 
                                licensing compacts; and
                  (H) an analysis of the opportunity youth 
                population in the State, including the 
                estimated number of opportunity youth and any 
                gaps in services provided to such population by 
                other existing workforce development 
                activities, as identified under subparagraph 
          (2) Operational planning elements.--
                  (A) In general.--The unified State plan shall 
                include the operational planning elements 
                contained in this paragraph, which shall 
                support the strategy described in paragraph 
                (1)(E), including a description of how the 
                State board will implement the functions under 
                section 101(d).
                  (B) Implementation of state strategy.--The 
                unified State plan shall describe how the lead 
                State agency with responsibility for the 
                administration of a core program will implement 
                the strategy described in paragraph (1)(E), 
                [including a description] which may include a 
                description of--
                          (i) the activities that will be 
                        funded by the entities carrying out the 
                        respective core programs to implement 
                        the strategy and how such activities 
                        will be aligned across the programs and 
                        among the entities administering the 
                        programs, including using co-enrollment 
                        and other strategies;
                          (ii) how the activities described in 
                        clause (i) will be aligned with 
                        activities provided under employment, 
                        training, education, including career 
                        and technical education, and human 
                        services programs not covered by the 
                        plan, as appropriate, assuring 
                        coordination of, and avoiding 
                        duplication among, the activities 
                        referred to in this clause;
                          (iii) how the entities carrying out 
                        the respective core programs will 
                        coordinate activities and provide 
                        comprehensive, high-quality services 
                        including supportive services, to 
                          (iv) how the State's strategy will 
                        engage the State's community colleges 
                        and area career and technical education 
                        schools as partners in the workforce 
                        development system and enable the State 
                        to leverage other Federal, State, and 
                        local investments that have enhanced 
                        access to workforce development 
                        programs at those institutions;
                          (v) how the activities described in 
                        clause (i) will be coordinated with 
                        economic development strategies and 
                        activities in the State; and
                          (vi) how the State's strategy will 
                        improve access to activities leading to 
                        a recognized postsecondary credential 
                        (including a credential that is an 
                        industry-recognized certificate or 
                        certification, portable, and 
                  (C) State operating systems and policies.--
                The unified State plan shall describe the State 
                operating systems and policies that will 
                support the implementation of the strategy 
                described in paragraph (1)(E), including a 
                description of--
                          (i) the State board, including the 
                        activities to assist members of the 
                        State board and the staff of such board 
                        in carrying out the functions of the 
                        State board effectively (but funds for 
                        such activities may not be used for 
                        long-distance travel expenses for 
                        training or development activities 
                        available locally or regionally);
                          (ii)(I) how the respective core 
                        programs will be assessed each year, 
                        utilizing a continuous quality 
                        improvement approach, including an 
                        assessment of the quality, 
                        effectiveness, and improvement of 
                        programs (analyzed by local area, or by 
                        provider), based on State performance 
                        accountability measures described in 
                        section 116(b); and
                          (II) how other one-stop partner 
                        programs will be assessed each year;
                          (iii) the results of an assessment of 
                        the effectiveness of the core programs 
                        and other one-stop partner programs 
                        during the preceding 2-year period;
                          (iv) the methods and factors the 
                        State will use in distributing funds 
                        under the core programs, in accordance 
                        with the provisions authorizing such 
                          (v)(I) how the lead State agencies 
                        with responsibility for the 
                        administration of the core programs 
                        will align and integrate available 
                        workforce and education data on core 
                        programs, unemployment insurance 
                        programs, and education through 
                        postsecondary education;
                          (II) how such agencies will use the 
                        workforce development system to assess 
                        the progress of participants that are 
                        exiting from core programs in entering, 
                        persisting in, and completing 
                        postsecondary education, or entering or 
                        remaining in employment; and
                          (III) the privacy safeguards 
                        incorporated in such system, including 
                        safeguards required by section 444 of 
                        the General Education Provisions Act 
                        (20 U.S.C. 1232g) and other applicable 
                        Federal laws;
                          (vi) how the State will implement the 
                        priority of service provisions for 
                        veterans in accordance with the 
                        requirements of section 4215 of title 
                        38, United States Code; and
                          (vii) how the one-stop delivery 
                        system, including one-stop operators 
                        and the one-stop partners, will comply 
                        with section 188, if applicable, and 
                        applicable provisions of the Americans 
                        with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 
                        U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), regarding the 
                        physical and programmatic accessibility 
                        of facilities, programs, services, 
                        technology, and materials, for 
                        individuals with disabilities, 
                        including complying through providing 
                        staff training and support for 
                        addressing the needs of individuals 
                        with disabilities[; and].
                          [(viii) such other operational 
                        planning elements as the Secretary of 
                        Labor or the Secretary of Education, as 
                        appropriate, determines to be necessary 
                        for effective State operating systems 
                        and policies.]
                  (D) Program-specific requirements.--The 
                unified State plan shall include--
                          (i) with respect to activities 
                        carried out under subtitle B, a 
                        description of--
                                  (I) State policies or 
                                guidance, for the statewide 
                                workforce development system 
                                and for use of State funds for 
                                workforce investment 
                                  (II) the local areas 
                                designated in the State, 
                                including the process used for 
                                designating local areas, and 
                                the process used for 
                                identifying [any] planning 
                                regions under section 106(a), 
                                including a description of how 
                                the State consulted with the 
                                local boards and chief elected 
                                officials in determining the 
                                planning regions;
                                  (III) the appeals process 
                                referred to in section 
                                106(b)(6), relating to 
                                designation of local areas;
                                  (IV) the appeals process 
                                referred to in section 
                                121(h)(2)(E), relating to 
                                determinations for 
                                infrastructure funding; and
                                  (V) with respect to youth 
                                workforce investment activities 
                                authorized in section 129, 
                                information identifying the 
                                criteria to be used by local 
                                boards in awarding grants for 
                                youth workforce investment 
                                activities and describing how 
                                the local boards will take into 
                                consideration the ability of 
                                the providers to meet 
                                performance accountability 
                                measures based on primary 
                                indicators of performance for 
                                the youth program as described 
                                in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii) in 
                                awarding such grants;
                          (ii) with respect to activities 
                        carried out under title II, a 
                        description of--
                                  (I) how the eligible agency 
                                will, if applicable, align 
                                content standards for adult 
                                education with challenging 
                                State academic standards, as 
                                adopted under section 
                                1111(b)(1) of the Elementary 
                                and Secondary Education Act of 
                                1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(1));
                                  (II) how the State will fund 
                                local activities using 
                                considerations specified in 
                                section 231(e) for--
                                          (aa) activities under 
                                        section 231(b);
                                          (bb) programs for 
                                        corrections education 
                                        under section 225;
                                          (cc) programs for 
                                        integrated English 
                                        literacy and civics 
                                        education under section 
                                        243; and
                                          (dd) integrated 
                                        education and training;
                                  (III) how the State will use 
                                the funds to carry out 
                                activities under section 223;
                                  (IV) how the State will use 
                                the funds to carry out 
                                activities under section 243;
                                  (V) how the eligible agency 
                                will assess the quality of 
                                providers of adult education 
                                and literacy activities under 
                                title II and take actions to 
                                improve such quality, including 
                                providing the activities 
                                described in section 
                          (iii) with respect to programs 
                        carried out under title I of the 
                        Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 
                        720 et seq.), other than section 112 or 
                        part C of that title (29 U.S.C. 732, 
                        741), the information described in 
                        section 101(a) of that Act (29 U.S.C. 
                        721(a)); and
                          (iv) information on such additional 
                        specific requirements for a program 
                        referenced in any of clauses (i) 
                        through (iii) or the Wagner-Peyser Act 
                        (29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.) as the Secretary 
                        of Labor determines to be necessary to 
                        administer that program but cannot 
                        reasonably be applied across all such 
                  (E) Assurances.--The unified State plan shall 
                include assurances--
                          (i) that the State has established a 
                        policy identifying circumstances that 
                        may present a conflict of interest for 
                        a State board or local board member, or 
                        the entity or class of officials that 
                        the member represents, and procedures 
                        to resolve such conflicts;
                          (ii) that the State has established a 
                        policy to provide to the public 
                        (including individuals with 
                        disabilities) access to meetings of 
                        State boards and local boards, and 
                        information regarding activities of 
                        State boards and local boards, such as 
                        data on board membership and minutes;
                          (iii)(I) that the lead State agencies 
                        with responsibility for the 
                        administration of core programs 
                        reviewed and commented on the 
                        appropriate operational planning 
                        elements of the unified State plan, and 
                        approved the elements as serving the 
                        needs of the populations served by such 
                        programs; and
                          (II) that the State obtained input 
                        into the development of the unified 
                        State plan and provided an opportunity 
                        for comment on the plan by 
                        representatives of local boards and 
                        chief elected officials, businesses, 
                        labor organizations, institutions of 
                        higher education, other primary 
                        stakeholders, and the general public 
                        and that the unified State plan is 
                        available and accessible to the general 
                          (iv) that the State has established, 
                        in accordance with section 116(i), 
                        fiscal control and fund accounting 
                        procedures that may be necessary to 
                        ensure the proper disbursement of, and 
                        accounting for, funds paid to the State 
                        through allotments made for adult, 
                        dislocated worker, and youth programs 
                        to carry out workforce investment 
                        activities under chapters 2 and 3 of 
                        subtitle B;
                          (v) that the State has taken 
                        appropriate action to secure compliance 
                        with uniform administrative 
                        requirements in this Act, including 
                        that the State will annually monitor 
                        local areas to ensure compliance and 
                        otherwise take appropriate action to 
                        secure compliance with the uniform 
                        administrative requirements under 
                        section 184(a)(3);
                          (vi) that the State has taken the 
                        appropriate action to be in compliance 
                        with section 188, if applicable;
                          (vii) that the Federal funds received 
                        to carry out a core program will not be 
                        expended for any purpose other than for 
                        activities authorized with respect to 
                        such funds under that core program;
                          (viii) that the eligible agency under 
                        title II will--
                                  (I) expend the funds 
                                appropriated to carry out that 
                                title only in a manner 
                                consistent with fiscal 
                                requirements under section 
                                241(a) (regarding supplement 
                                and not supplant provisions); 
                                  (II) ensure that there is at 
                                least 1 eligible provider 
                                serving each local area; and
                          (ix) that the State will pay an 
                        appropriate share (as defined by the 
                        State board) of the costs of carrying 
                        out section 116, from funds made 
                        available through each of the core 
                        programs[; and].
                          [(x) regarding such other matters as 
                        the Secretary of Labor or the Secretary 
                        of Education, as appropriate, 
                        determines to be necessary for the 
                        administration of the core programs.]
          (3) Existing Analysis.--As appropriate, a State may 
        use an existing analysis in order to carry out the 
        requirements of paragraph (1) concerning an analysis.
  (c) Plan Submission and Approval.--
          (1) Submission.--
                  (A) Initial plan.--The initial unified State 
                plan under this section (after the date of 
                enactment of the Workforce Innovation and 
                Opportunity Act) shall be submitted to the 
                Secretary of Labor not later than 120 days 
                prior to the commencement of the second full 
                program year after the date of enactment of 
                this Act.
                  (B) Subsequent plans.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraph (A), a unified State plan shall be 
                submitted to the Secretary of Labor not later 
                than 120 days prior to the end of the 4-year 
                period covered by the preceding unified State 
          (2) Submission and approval.--
                  (A) Submission.--In approving a unified State 
                plan under this section, the Secretary shall 
                submit the portion of the unified State plan 
                covering a program or activity to the head of 
                the Federal agency that administers the program 
                or activity for the approval of such portion by 
                such head.
                  (B) Approval.--A unified State plan shall be 
                subject to the approval of both the Secretary 
                of Labor and the Secretary of Education, after 
                approval of the Commissioner of the 
                Rehabilitation Services Administration for the 
                portion of the plan described in subsection 
                (b)(2)(D)(iii). The plan shall be considered to 
                be approved at the end of the 90-day period 
                beginning on the day the plan is submitted, 
                unless the Secretary of Labor or the Secretary 
                of Education makes a written determination, 
                during the 90-day period, that the plan is 
                inconsistent with the provisions of this 
                section or the provisions authorizing the core 
                programs, as appropriate.
          (3) Modifications.--
                  (A) Modifications.--At the end of the first 
                2-year period of any 4-year unified State plan, 
                the State board shall review the unified State 
                plan, and the Governor [shall] may submit 
                modifications to the plan to reflect changes in 
                labor market and economic conditions or in 
                other factors affecting the implementation of 
                the unified State plan.
                  (B) Approval.--A modified unified State plan 
                submitted for the review [required] under 
                subparagraph (A) shall be subject to the 
                approval requirements described in paragraph 
                (2). A Governor may submit a modified unified 
                State plan at such other times as the Governor 
                determines to be appropriate, and such modified 
                unified State plan shall also be subject to the 
                approval requirements described in paragraph 
                (2), except that communicating changes in 
                economic conditions and workforce trends to the 
                workforce system in the State as described in 
                subsection (b)(1)(C) shall not be considered 
                modifications subject to approval under this 
          (4) Early implementers.--The Secretary of Labor, in 
        conjunction with the Secretary of Education, shall 
        establish a process for approving and may approve 
        unified State plans that meet the requirements of this 
        section and are submitted to cover periods commencing 
        prior to the second full program year described in 
        paragraph (1)(A).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                      CHAPTER 2--LOCAL PROVISIONS


  (a) Regions.--
          (1) Identification.--Before the second full program 
        year after the date of enactment of this Act, in order 
        for a State to receive an allotment under section 
        127(b) or 132(b) and as part of the process for 
        developing the State plan, a State shall identify 
        regions in the State after consultation with the local 
        boards and chief elected officials in the local areas 
        and consistent with the considerations described in 
        subsection (b)(1)(B).
          (2) Types of regions.--For purposes of this Act, the 
        State shall identify--
                  (A) which regions are comprised of 1 local 
                area that is aligned with the region;
                  (B) which regions are comprised of 2 or more 
                local areas that are (collectively) aligned 
                with the region (referred to as planning 
                regions, consistent with section 3); and
                  (C) which, of the regions described in 
                subparagraph (B), are interstate areas 
                contained within 2 or more States, and consist 
                of labor market areas, economic development 
                areas, or other appropriate contiguous subareas 
                of those States.
          (3) Review.--Before the second full program year 
        after the date of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce 
        for America Act, in order for a State to receive an 
        allotment under section 127(b) or 132(b) and as part of 
        the process for developing the State plan, a State 
                  (A) review each region in the State 
                identified under this subsection (as such 
                subsection was in effect on the day before the 
                date of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce 
                for America Act); and
                  (B) after consultation with the local boards 
                and chief elected officials in the local areas 
                and consistent with the considerations 
                described in subsection (b)(1)(B)--
                          (i) revise such region and any other 
                        region impacted by such revision; or
                          (ii) make a determination to maintain 
                        such region with no revision.
  (b) Local Areas.--
          (1) In general.--
                  (A) Process.--Except as provided in 
                subsection (d), [and consistent with paragraphs 
                (2) and (3),] in order for a State to receive 
                an allotment under section 127(b) or 132(b), 
                the Governor of the State shall designate local 
                workforce development areas within the State--
                          (i) through consultation with the 
                        State board; and
                          (ii) after consultation with chief 
                        elected officials and local boards, and 
                        after consideration of comments 
                        received through the public comment 
                        process as described in section 
                  (B) Considerations.--The Governor shall 
                designate local areas [(except for those local 
                areas described in paragraphs (2) and (3))] 
                based on considerations consisting of the 
                extent to which the areas--
                          (i) are consistent with labor market 
                        areas in the State;
                          (ii) are consistent with regional 
                        economic development areas in the 
                        State; and
                          (iii) have available the Federal and 
                        non-Federal resources necessary to 
                        effectively administer activities under 
                        subtitle B and other applicable 
                        provisions of this Act, including 
                        whether the areas have the appropriate 
                        education and training providers, such 
                        as institutions of higher education and 
                        area career and technical education 
          [(2) Initial designation.--During the first 2 full 
        program years following the date of enactment of this 
        Act, the Governor shall approve a request for initial 
        designation as a local area from any area that was 
        designated as a local area for purposes of the 
        Workforce Investment Act of 1998 for the 2-year period 
        preceding the date of enactment of this Act, performed 
        successfully, and sustained fiscal integrity.
          [(3) Subsequent designation.--After the period for 
        which a local area is initially designated under 
        paragraph (2), the Governor shall approve a request for 
        subsequent designation as a local area from such local 
        area, if such area--
                  [(A) performed successfully;
                  [(B) sustained fiscal integrity; and
                  [(C) in the case of a local area in a 
                planning region, met the requirements described 
                in subsection (c)(1).
          [(4) Designation on recommendation of state board.--
        The Governor may approve a request from any unit of 
        general local government (including a combination of 
        such units) for designation of an area as a local area 
        if the State board determines, based on the 
        considerations described in paragraph (1)(B), and 
        recommends to the Governor, that such area should be so 
          [(5) Areas served by rural concentrated employment 
        programs.--The Governor may approve, under paragraph 
        (2) or (3), a request for designation as a local area 
        from an area described in section 107(c)(1)(C).
          [(6) Appeals.--A unit of general local government 
        (including a combination of such units) or grant 
        recipient that requests but is not granted designation 
        of an area as a local area under paragraph (2) or (3) 
        may submit an appeal to the State board under an appeal 
        process established in the State plan. If the appeal 
        does not result in such a designation, the Secretary of 
        Labor, after receiving a request for review from the 
        unit or grant recipient and on determining that the 
        unit or grant recipient was not accorded procedural 
        rights under the appeals process described in the State 
        plan, as specified in section 102(b)(2)(D)(i)(III), or 
        that the area meets the requirements of paragraph (2) 
        or (3), may require that the area be designated as a 
        local area under such paragraph.
          [(7) Redesignation assistance.--On the request of all 
        of the local areas in a planning region, the State 
        shall provide funding from funds made available under 
        sections 128(a) and 133(a)(1) to assist the local areas 
        in carrying out activities to facilitate the 
        redesignation of the local areas to a single local 
          (2) Continuation period.--Subject to paragraph (5), 
        in order to receive an allotment under section 127(b) 
        or 132(b), the Governor shall maintain the designations 
        of local areas in the State under this subsection (as 
        in effect on the day before the date of enactment of 
        the A Stronger Workforce for America Act) until the end 
        of the third full program year after the date of 
        enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for America Act.
          (3) Initial alignment review.--
                  (A) In general.--Prior to the third full 
                program year after the date of enactment of the 
                A Stronger Workforce for America Act, the 
                Governor shall--
                          (i) review the designations of local 
                        areas in the State (as in effect on the 
                        day before the date of enactment of the 
                        A Stronger Workforce for America Act); 
                          (ii) based on the considerations 
                        described in paragraph (1)(B), issue 
                        proposed redesignations of local areas 
                        in the State through the process 
                        described in paragraph (1)(A), which 
                                  (I) include an explanation of 
                                the strategic goals and 
                                objectives that the State 
                                intends to achieve through such 
                                redesignations; and
                                  (II) be subject to the 
                                approval of the local boards in 
                                the State in accordance with 
                                the process described in 
                                subparagraph (C).
                  (B) Designation of local areas.--A 
                redesignation of local areas in a State that is 
                approved by a majority of the local boards in 
                the State through the process described in 
                subparagraph (C) shall take effect on the first 
                day of the 4th full program year after the date 
                of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for 
                America Act.
                  (C) Process to reach majority approval.--To 
                approve a designation of local areas in the 
                State, the local boards in the State shall 
                comply with the following:
                          (i) Initial vote.--Not later than 60 
                        days after the Governor issues proposed 
                        redesignations under subparagraph (A), 
                        the chairperson of each local board 
                        shall review the proposed 
                        redesignations and submit a vote on 
                        behalf of such local board to the 
                        Governor either approving or rejecting 
                        the proposed redesignations.
                          (ii) Results of initial vote.--If a 
                        majority of the local boards in the 
                        State vote under clause (i)--
                                  (I) to approve such proposed 
                                redesignations, such 
                                redesignations shall take 
                                effect in accordance with 
                                subparagraph (B); or
                                  (II) to disapprove such 
                                proposed redesignations, the 
                                chairpersons of the local 
                                boards in the State shall 
                                comply with the requirements of 
                                clause (iii).
                          (iii) Alternate redesignations.--In 
                        the case of the disapproval described 
                        in clause (ii)(II), not later than 60 
                        days after initial votes were submitted 
                        under clause (i), the chairpersons of 
                        the local boards in the State shall--
                                  (I) select 2 alternate 
                                redesignations of local areas--
                                          (aa) one of which 
                                        aligns with the 
                                        regional economic 
                                        development areas in 
                                        the State; and
                                          (bb) one of which 
                                        aligns with the regions 
                                        described in 
                                        subparagraph (A) or (B) 
                                        of subsection (a)(2); 
                                  (II) conduct a vote to 
                                approve, by majority vote, 1 of 
                                the 2 alternate redesignations 
                                described in subclause (I).
                          (iv) Effective date of alternate 
                        designations.--The alternate 
                        redesignations approved pursuant to 
                        clause (iii)(II) shall take effect in 
                        accordance with subparagraph (B).
          (4) Subsequent alignment reviews.--On the date that 
        is the first day of the 12th full program year after 
        the date of enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for 
        America Act, and every 8 years thereafter, the Governor 
        shall review the designation of local areas based on 
        the considerations described in paragraph (1)(B) and 
        conduct a process in accordance with paragraph (3).
          (5) Interim revisions.--
                  (A) Automatic approval of certain 
                redesignation requests.--
                          (i) In general.--At any time, and 
                        notwithstanding the requirements of 
                        paragraphs (2), (3), and (4), the 
                        Governor, upon receipt of a request for 
                        a redesignation of a local area 
                        described in clause (ii), shall approve 
                        such request.
                          (ii) Requests.--The following 
                        requests shall be approved pursuant to 
                        clause (i) upon request:
                                  (I) A request from multiple 
                                local areas to be redesignated 
                                as a single local area.
                                  (II) A request from multiple 
                                local areas for a revision to 
                                the designations of such local 
                                areas, which would not impact 
                                the designations of local areas 
                                that have not made such 
                                  (III) A request for 
                                designation as a local area 
                                from an area described in 
                                section 107(c)(1)(C).
                  (B) Other redesignations.--Other than the 
                redesignations described in subparagraph (A), 
                the Governor may only redesignate a local area 
                outside of the process described in paragraphs 
                (3) and (4), if the local area that will be 
                subject to such redesignation has not--
                          (i) performed successfully;
                          (ii) sustained fiscal integrity; or
                          (iii) in the case of a local area in 
                        a planning region, met the requirements 
                        described in subsection (c)(1).
                  (C) Effective date.--Any redesignation of a 
                local area approved by the Governor under 
                subparagraph (A) or (B) shall take effect on 
                the first date of the first full program year 
                after such date of approval.
          (6) Appeals.--
                  (A) In general.--A local area that is subject 
                to a redesignation of such local area under 
                paragraph (3), (4), or (5) may submit an appeal 
                to maintain its existing designation to the 
                State board under an appeal process established 
                in the State plan as specified in section 
                  (B) State board requirements.--The State 
                board shall only grant an appeal to maintain an 
                existing designation of a local area described 
                in subparagraph (A) if the local area can 
                demonstrate that the process for redesignation 
                of such local area under paragraph (3), (4), or 
                (5), as applicable, has not been followed.
                  (C) Secretarial requirements.--If a request 
                to maintain an existing designation as a local 
                area is not granted as a result of such appeal, 
                the Secretary, after receiving a request for 
                review from such local area and determining 
                that the local area was not accorded procedural 
                rights under the appeals process referred to in 
                subparagraph (A), shall--
                          (i) review the process for the 
                        redesignation of the local area under 
                        paragraph (3), (4), or (5), as 
                        applicable; and
                          (ii) upon determining that the 
                        applicable process has not been 
                        followed, require that the local area's 
                        existing designation be maintained.
          (7) Redesignation incentive.--The State may provide 
        funding from funds made available under sections 
        128(a)(1) and 133(a)(1) to provide payments to 
                  (A) groups of local areas to request to be 
                redesignated as a single local area under 
                paragraph (5)(A); or
                  (B) multiple local boards in a planning 
                region to develop an agreement to operate as a 
                regional consortium under subsection (c)(3).
  (c) Regional Coordination.--
          (1) Regional planning.--The local boards and chief 
        elected officials in each planning region described in 
        subparagraph (B) or (C) of subsection (a)(2) shall 
        engage in a regional planning process that results in--
                  (A) the preparation of a regional plan, as 
                described in paragraph (2);
                  (B) the establishment of regional service 
                strategies, including use of cooperative 
                service delivery agreements;
                  (C) the development and implementation of 
                sector initiatives for in-demand industry 
                sectors or occupations for the region;
                  (D) the collection and analysis of regional 
                labor market data (in conjunction with the 
                  (E) the establishment of administrative cost 
                arrangements, including the pooling of funds 
                for administrative costs, as appropriate, for 
                the region;
                  (F) the establishment of cost arrangements 
                for services described in subsections (c) and 
                (d) of section 134, including the pooling of 
                funds for such services, as appropriate, for 
                the region;
                  [(F)] (G) the coordination of transportation 
                and other supportive services, as appropriate, 
                for the region;
                  [(G)] (H) the coordination of services with 
                regional economic development services and 
                providers; and
                  [(H)] (I) the establishment of an agreement 
                concerning how the planning region will 
                collectively negotiate and reach agreement with 
                Governor on local levels of performance for, 
                and report on, the performance accountability 
                measures described in section 116(c), for local 
                areas or the planning region.
          (2) Regional plans.--The State, after consultation 
        with local boards and chief elected officials for the 
        planning regions, shall require the local boards and 
        chief elected officials within a planning region to 
        prepare, submit, and obtain approval of a single 
        regional plan that includes a description of the 
        activities described in paragraph (1) and that 
        incorporates local plans for each of the local areas in 
        the planning region. The State shall provide technical 
        assistance and labor market data, as requested by local 
        areas, to assist with such regional planning and 
        subsequent service delivery efforts, including to 
        assist with establishing administrative costs 
        arrangements or cost arrangements for services under 
        subparagraphs (F) and (G) of such paragraph.
          (3) Regional consortiums.--
                  (A) In general.--The local boards and chief 
                elected officials in any planning region 
                described in subparagraph (B) or (C) of 
                subsection (a)(2) may develop an agreement to 
                receive funding under section 128(b) and 
                section 133(b) as a single consortium for the 
                planning region.
                  (B) Fiscal agent.--If the local boards and 
                chief elected officials develop such an 
                          (i) one of the chief elected 
                        officials in the planning region shall 
                        be designated as the fiscal agent for 
                        the consortium;
                          (ii) the local boards shall develop a 
                        memorandum of understanding to jointly 
                        administer the activities for the 
                        consortium; and
                          (iii) the required activities for 
                        local areas under this Act, (including 
                        the required functions of the local 
                        boards described in section 107(d)) 
                        shall apply to such a consortium as a 
                        whole and may not be applied separately 
                        or differently to the local areas or 
                        local boards within such consortium.
          [(3)] (4) References.--In this Act, and the core 
        program provisions that are not in this Act:
                  (A) Local area.--Except as provided in 
                section 101(d)(9), this section, paragraph 
                (1)(B) or (4) of section 107(c), or section 
                107(d)(12)(B), or in any text that provides an 
                accompanying provision specifically for a 
                planning region, the term ``local area'' in a 
                provision includes a reference to a planning 
                region for purposes of implementation of that 
                provision by the corresponding local areas in 
                the region.
                  (B) Local plan.--Except as provided in this 
                subsection, the term ``local plan'' includes a 
                reference to the portion of a regional plan 
                developed with respect to the corresponding 
                local area within the region, and any 
                regionwide provision of that plan that impacts 
                or relates to the local area.
  (d) Single State Local Areas.--
          (1) Continuation of previous designation.--The 
        Governor of any State that was a single State local 
        area for purposes of title I of the Workforce 
        Investment Act of 1998, as in effect on July 1, 2013, 
        may designate the State as a single State local area 
        for purposes of this title. In the case of such 
        designation, the Governor shall identify the State as a 
        local area in the State plan.
          (2) New designation.--
                  (A) In general.--Consistent with the process 
                described in subsection (b)(1)(A) and during a 
                review of designations described in paragraph 
                (3) or (4) of subsection (b), the Governor may 
                propose to designate a State as a single State 
                local area for the purposes of this title.
                  (B) Process for approval.--If the Governor 
                proposes a single State local area, the 
                chairpersons of the existing local boards shall 
                vote to approve or reject such designation 
                through the process described in subsection 
                  (C) Designation as a single state local 
                area.--If the majority of the chairpersons of 
                the local boards in the State vote to approve 
                such proposed designation, the State shall be 
                designated as a single State local area and the 
                Governor shall identify the State as a local 
                area in the State plan.
          [(2)] (3) Effect on local plan and local functions.--
        In any case in which a State is designated as a local 
        area pursuant to this subsection, the local plan 
        prepared under section 108 for the area shall be 
        submitted for approval as part of the State plan. In 
        such a State, the State board shall carry out the 
        functions of a local board, as specified in this Act or 
        the provisions authorizing a core program, but the 
        State shall not be required to meet and report on a set 
        of local performance accountability measures.
  (e) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
          (1) Performed successfully.--The term ``performed 
        successfully'', used with respect to a local area, 
        means the local area met or exceeded the [adjusted 
        levels of performance] adjusted levels of performance 
        described in section 116(g)(1) for primary indicators 
        of performance described in section 116(b)(2)(A) (or, 
        if applicable, core indicators of performance described 
        in section 136(b)(2)(A) of the Workforce Investment Act 
        of 1998, as in effect the day before the date of 
        enactment of this Act) for each of the last 2 
        consecutive years for which data are available 
        preceding the determination of performance under this 
          (2) Sustained fiscal integrity.--The term ``sustained 
        fiscal integrity'', used with respect to a local area, 
        means that the Secretary has not made a formal 
        determination, during either of the last 2 consecutive 
        years preceding the determination regarding such 
        integrity, that either the grant recipient or the 
        administrative entity of the area misexpended funds 
        provided under subtitle B (or, if applicable, title I 
        of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 as in effect 
        prior to the effective date of such subtitle B) due to 
        willful disregard of the requirements of the provision 
        involved, gross negligence, or failure to comply with 
        accepted standards of administration.


  (a) Establishment.--Except as provided in subsection 
(c)(2)(A), there shall be established, and certified by the 
Governor of the State, a local workforce development board in 
each local area of a State to carry out the functions described 
in subsection (d) (and any functions specified for the local 
board under this Act or the provisions establishing a core 
program) for such area.
  (b) Membership.--
          (1) State criteria.--The Governor, in partnership 
        with the State board, shall establish criteria for use 
        by chief elected officials in the local areas for 
        appointment of members of the local boards in such 
        local areas in accordance with the requirements of 
        paragraph (2).
          (2) Composition.--Such criteria shall require that, 
        at a minimum--
                  (A) a majority of the members of each local 
                board shall be representatives of business in 
                the local area, who--
                          (i) are owners of businesses, chief 
                        executives or operating officers of 
                        businesses, or other business 
                        executives or employers with optimum 
                        policymaking or hiring authority;
                          (ii) represent businesses, including 
                        small businesses, or organizations 
                        representing businesses described in 
                        this clause, that provide employment 
                        opportunities that, at a minimum, 
                        include high-quality, work-relevant 
                        training and development in in-demand 
                        industry sectors or occupations in the 
                        local area; and
                          (iii) are appointed from among 
                        individuals nominated by local business 
                        organizations and business trade 
                  (B) not less than 20 percent of the members 
                of each local board shall be representatives of 
                the workforce within the local area, who--
                          (i) shall include representatives of 
                        labor organizations (for a local area 
                        in which employees are represented by 
                        labor organizations), who have been 
                        nominated by local labor federations, 
                        or (for a local area in which no 
                        employees are represented by such 
                        organizations) other representatives of 
                          (ii) shall include a representative, 
                        who shall be a member of a labor 
                        organization or a training director, 
                        from a joint labor-management 
                        apprenticeship program, or if no such 
                        joint program exists in the area, such 
                        a representative of an apprenticeship 
                        program in the area, if such a program 
                          (iii) may include representatives of 
                        community-based organizations that have 
                        demonstrated experience and expertise 
                        in addressing the employment needs of 
                        individuals with barriers to 
                        employment, including organizations 
                        that serve veterans or that provide or 
                        support competitive integrated 
                        employment for individuals with 
                        disabilities; and
                          (iv) may include representatives of 
                        organizations that have demonstrated 
                        experience and expertise in addressing 
                        the employment, training, or education 
                        needs of eligible youth, including 
                        representatives of organizations that 
                        serve [out-of-school youth] opportunity 
                  (C) each local board shall include 
                representatives of entities administering 
                education and training activities in the local 
                area, who--
                          (i) shall include a representative of 
                        eligible providers administering adult 
                        education and literacy activities under 
                        title II;
                          (ii) shall include a representative 
                        of institutions of higher education 
                        providing workforce investment 
                        activities (including community 
                          (iii) may include representatives of 
                        local educational agencies, and of 
                        community-based organizations with 
                        demonstrated experience and expertise 
                        in addressing the education or training 
                        needs of individuals with barriers to 
                  (D) each local board shall include 
                representatives of governmental and economic 
                and community development entities serving the 
                local area, who--
                          (i) shall include a representative of 
                        economic and community development 
                          (ii) shall include an appropriate 
                        representative from the State 
                        employment service office under the 
                        Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et 
                        seq.) serving the local area;
                          (iii) shall include an appropriate 
                        representative of the programs carried 
                        out under title I of the Rehabilitation 
                        Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.), 
                        other than section 112 or part C of 
                        that title (29 U.S.C. 732, 741), 
                        serving the local area;
                          (iv) may include representatives of 
                        agencies or entities administering 
                        programs serving the local area 
                        relating to transportation, housing, 
                        and public assistance; and
                          (v) may include representatives of 
                        philanthropic organizations serving the 
                        local area; and
                  (E) each local board may include such other 
                individuals or representatives of entities as 
                the chief elected official in the local area 
                may determine to be appropriate.
          (3) Chairperson.--The members of the local board 
        shall elect a chairperson for the local board from 
        among the representatives described in paragraph 
          (4) Standing committees.--
                  (A) In general.--The local board may 
                designate and direct the activities of standing 
                committees to provide information and to assist 
                the local board in carrying out activities 
                under this section. Such standing committees 
                shall be chaired by a member of the local 
                board, may include other members of the local 
                board, and shall include other individuals 
                appointed by the local board who are not 
                members of the local board and who the local 
                board determines have appropriate experience 
                and expertise. At a minimum, the local board 
                may designate each of the following:
                          (i) A standing committee to provide 
                        information and assist with operational 
                        and other issues relating to the one-
                        stop delivery system, which may include 
                        as members representatives of the one-
                        stop partners.
                          (ii) A standing committee to provide 
                        information and to assist with 
                        planning, operational, and other issues 
                        relating to the provision of services 
                        to youth, which shall include 
                        community-based organizations with a 
                        demonstrated record of success in 
                        serving eligible youth.
                          (iii) A standing committee to provide 
                        information and to assist with 
                        operational and other issues relating 
                        to the provision of services to 
                        individuals with disabilities, 
                        including issues relating to compliance 
                        with section 188, if applicable, and 
                        applicable provisions of the Americans 
                        with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 
                        U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) regarding 
                        providing programmatic and physical 
                        access to the services, programs, and 
                        activities of the one-stop delivery 
                        system, as well as appropriate training 
                        for staff on providing supports for or 
                        accommodations to, and finding 
                        employment opportunities for, 
                        individuals with disabilities.
                  (B) Additional committees.--The local board 
                may designate standing committees in addition 
                to the standing committees specified in 
                subparagraph (A).
                  (C) Designation of entity.--Nothing in this 
                paragraph shall be construed to prohibit the 
                designation of an existing (as of the date of 
                enactment of this Act) entity, such as an 
                effective youth council, to fulfill the 
                requirements of this paragraph as long as the 
                entity meets the requirements of this 
          (5) Authority of board members.--Members of the board 
        that represent organizations, agencies, or other 
        entities shall be individuals with optimum policymaking 
        authority within the organizations, agencies, or 
        entities. The members of the board shall represent 
        diverse geographic areas within the local area.
          (6) Special Rule.--If there are multiple eligible 
        providers serving the local area by administering adult 
        education and literacy activities under title II, or 
        multiple institutions of higher education serving the 
        local area by providing workforce investment 
        activities, each representative on the local board 
        described in clause (i) or (ii) of paragraph (2)(C), 
        respectively, shall be appointed from among individuals 
        nominated by local providers representing such 
        providers or institutions, respectively.
  (c) Appointment and Certification of Board.--
          (1) Appointment of board members and assignment of 
                  (A) In general.--The chief elected official 
                in a local area is authorized to appoint the 
                members of the local board for such area, in 
                accordance with the State criteria established 
                under subsection (b).
                  (B) Multiple units of local government in 
                          (i) In general.--In a case in which a 
                        local area includes more than 1 unit of 
                        general local government, the chief 
                        elected officials of such units may 
                        execute an agreement that specifies the 
                        respective roles of the individual 
                        chief elected officials--
                                  (I) in the appointment of the 
                                members of the local board from 
                                the individuals nominated or 
                                recommended to be such members 
                                in accordance with the criteria 
                                established under subsection 
                                (b); and
                                  (II) in carrying out any 
                                other responsibilities assigned 
                                to such officials under this 
                          (ii) Lack of agreement.--If, after a 
                        reasonable effort, the chief elected 
                        officials are unable to reach agreement 
                        as provided under clause (i), the 
                        Governor may appoint the members of the 
                        local board from individuals so 
                        nominated or recommended.
                  (C) Concentrated employment programs.--In the 
                case of an area that was designated as a local 
                area in accordance with section 116(a)(2)(B) of 
                the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (as in 
                effect on the day before the date of enactment 
                of this Act), and that remains a local area on 
                that date, the governing body of the 
                concentrated employment program involved shall 
                act in consultation with the chief elected 
                official in the local area to appoint members 
                of the local board, in accordance with the 
                State criteria established under subsection 
                (b), and to carry out any other responsibility 
                relating to workforce investment activities 
                assigned to such official under this Act.
          (2) Certification.--
                  (A) In general.--The Governor shall, once 
                every 2 years, certify 1 local board for each 
                local area in the State.
                  (B) Criteria.--Such certification shall be 
                based on criteria established under subsection 
                (b), and for a second or subsequent 
                certification, the extent to which the local 
                board has ensured that workforce investment 
                activities carried out in the local area have 
                enabled the local area to meet the 
                corresponding performance accountability 
                measures and achieve sustained fiscal 
                integrity, as defined in section 106(e)(2).
                  (C) Failure to achieve certification.--
                Failure of a local board to achieve 
                certification shall result in appointment and 
                certification of a new local board for the 
                local area pursuant to the process described in 
                paragraph (1) and this paragraph.
          (3) Decertification.--
                  (A) Fraud, abuse, failure to carry out 
                functions.--Notwithstanding paragraph (2), the 
                Governor shall have the authority to decertify 
                a local board at any time after providing 
                notice and an opportunity for comment, for--
                          (i) fraud or abuse; or
                          (ii) failure to carry out the 
                        functions specified for the local board 
                        in subsection (d).
                  (B) Nonperformance.--Notwithstanding 
                paragraph (2), the Governor may decertify a 
                local board if a local area fails to meet the 
                local performance accountability measures for 
                such local area in accordance with section 
                116(c) for 2 consecutive program years.
                  (C) Reorganization plan.--If the Governor 
                decertifies a local board for a local area 
                under subparagraph (A) or (B), the Governor may 
                require that a new local board be appointed and 
                certified for the local area pursuant to a 
                reorganization plan developed by the Governor, 
                in consultation with the chief elected official 
                in the local area and in accordance with the 
                criteria established under subsection (b).
          (4) Single state local area.--
                  (A) State board.--Notwithstanding subsection 
                (b) and paragraphs (1) and (2), if a State 
                described in section 106(d) indicates in the 
                State plan that the State will be treated as a 
                single State local area, for purposes of the 
                application of this Act or the provisions 
                authorizing a core program, the State board 
                shall carry out any of the functions of a local 
                board under this Act or the provisions 
                authorizing a core program, including the 
                functions described in subsection (d).
                  (B) References.--
                          (i) In general.--Except as provided 
                        in clauses (ii) and (iii), with respect 
                        to such a State, a reference in this 
                        Act or a core program provision to a 
                        local board shall be considered to be a 
                        reference to the State board, and a 
                        reference in the Act or provision to a 
                        local area or region shall be 
                        considered to be a reference to the 
                          (ii) Plans.--The State board shall 
                        prepare a local plan under section 108 
                        for the State, and submit the plan for 
                        approval as part of the State plan.
                          (iii) Performance Accountability 
                        Measures.--The State shall not be 
                        required to meet and report on a set of 
                        local performance accountability 
  (d) Functions of Local Board.--Consistent with section 108, 
the functions of the local board shall include the following:
          (1) Local plan.--The local board, in partnership with 
        the chief elected official for the local area involved, 
        shall develop and submit a local plan to the Governor 
        that meets the requirements in section 108. If the 
        local area is part of a planning region that includes 
        other local areas, the local board shall collaborate 
        with the other local boards and chief elected officials 
        from such other local areas in the preparation and 
        submission of a regional plan as described in section 
          (2) Workforce research and regional labor market 
        analysis.--In order to assist in the development and 
        implementation of the local plan, the local board 
                  (A) carry out analyses of the economic 
                conditions in the region, the needed knowledge 
                and skills for the region, the workforce in the 
                region, and workforce development activities 
                (including education and training) in the 
                region described in section 108(b)(1)(D), and 
                regularly update such information;
                  (B) assist the Governor in developing the 
                statewide workforce and labor market 
                information system described in section 15(e) 
                of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49l-2(e)), 
                specifically in the collection, analysis, and 
                utilization of workforce and labor market 
                information for the region; and
                  (C) conduct such other research, data 
                collection, and analysis related to the 
                workforce needs of the regional economy as the 
                board, after receiving input from a wide array 
                of stakeholders, determines to be necessary to 
                carry out its functions.
          (3) Convening, brokering, leveraging.--The local 
        board shall convene local workforce development system 
        stakeholders, including, to the extent practicable, 
        local representatives of the core programs and the 
        programs described in section 102(a)(2), to assist in 
        the development of the local plan under section 108 and 
        in identifying non-Federal expertise and resources to 
        leverage support for workforce development activities. 
        The local board, including standing committees, may 
        engage such stakeholders in carrying out the functions 
        described in this subsection.
          (4) Employer engagement.--The local board shall lead 
        efforts to engage with a diverse range of employers and 
        with entities in the region involved--
                  (A) to promote business representation 
                (particularly representatives with optimal 
                policymaking or hiring authority from employers 
                whose employment opportunities reflect existing 
                and emerging employment opportunities in the 
                region) on the local board;
                  (B) to develop effective linkages (including 
                the use of intermediaries) with employers in 
                the region to support employer utilization of 
                the local workforce development system and to 
                support local workforce investment activities;
                  (C) to ensure that workforce investment 
                activities meet the needs of employers and 
                support economic growth in the region, by 
                enhancing communication, coordination, and 
                collaboration among employers, economic 
                development entities, and service providers; 
                  (D) to develop and implement [proven] 
                evidence-based or promising strategies for 
                meeting the employment and skill needs of 
                individual workers and employers from a variety 
                of industries and occupations (such as the 
                establishment of industry and sector 
                partnerships), that provide the skilled 
                workforce needed by employers in the region, 
                and that expand employment and career 
                advancement opportunities for workforce 
                development system participants in in-demand 
                industry sectors or occupations.
          (5) Career pathways development.--The local board, 
        with representatives of secondary and postsecondary 
        education programs, shall lead efforts in the local 
        area to develop and implement career pathways within 
        the local area by aligning the employment, training, 
        education, and supportive services that are needed by 
        adults and youth, particularly individuals with 
        barriers to employment and which, to the extent 
        practicable, shall be aligned with career and technical 
        education programs of study (as defined in section 3 of 
        the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act 
        of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302(3)) offered within the local 
          (6)  [Proven] Evidence-based and promising 
        practices.--The local board shall lead efforts in the 
        local area to--
                  (A) identify and promote [proven] evidence-
                based and promising strategies and initiatives 
                for meeting the needs of employers, and workers 
                and jobseekers (including individuals with 
                barriers to employment and covered veterans (as 
                defined in section 4212(a)(3)(A) of title 38, 
                United States Code)) in the local workforce 
                development system, including providing 
                physical and programmatic accessibility, in 
                accordance with section 188, if applicable, and 
                applicable provisions of the Americans with 
                Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et 
                seq.), to the one-stop delivery system, and 
                prioritize covered veterans as described in 
                section 4212(a)(2) of title 38, United States 
                Code; and
                  (B) identify and disseminate information on 
                [proven] evidence-based and promising practices 
                carried out in other local areas for meeting 
                such needs.
          (7) Technology.--The local board shall develop 
        strategies for using technology to maximize the 
        accessibility and effectiveness of the local workforce 
        development system for employers, and workers and 
        jobseekers, by--
                  (A) facilitating connections among the intake 
                and case management information systems of the 
                one-stop partner programs to support a 
                comprehensive workforce development system in 
                the local area;
                  (B) facilitating access to services provided 
                through the one-stop delivery system involved, 
                including facilitating the access in remote 
                  (C) identifying strategies for better meeting 
                the needs of individuals with barriers to 
                employment, including strategies that augment 
                traditional service delivery, and increase 
                access to services and programs of the one-stop 
                delivery system, such as improving digital 
                literacy skills; and
                  (D) leveraging resources and capacity within 
                the local workforce development system, 
                including resources and capacity for services 
                for individuals with barriers to employment.
          (8) Program oversight.--The local board, in 
        partnership with the chief elected official for the 
        local area, shall--
                  (A)(i) conduct oversight for local youth 
                workforce investment activities authorized 
                under section 129(c), local employment and 
                training activities authorized under 
                subsections (c) and (d) of section 134, and the 
                one-stop delivery system in the local area; and
                  (ii) ensure the appropriate use and 
                management of the funds provided under subtitle 
                B for the activities and system described in 
                clause (i); and
                  (B) for workforce development activities, 
                ensure the appropriate use, management, and 
                investment of funds to maximize performance 
                outcomes under section 116.
          (9) Negotiation of local performance accountability 
        measures.--The local board, the chief elected official, 
        and the Governor shall negotiate and reach agreement on 
        local performance accountability measures as described 
        in section 116(c).
          (10) Selection of operators and providers.--
                  (A) Selection of one-stop operators.--
                Consistent with section 121(d), the local 
                board, with the agreement of the chief elected 
                official for the local area--
                          (i) shall designate or certify one-
                        stop operators as described in section 
                        121(d)(2)(A); and
                          (ii) may terminate for cause the 
                        eligibility of such operators.
                  (B) Selection of youth providers.--Consistent 
                with section 123, the local board--
                          (i) shall identify eligible providers 
                        of youth workforce investment 
                        activities in the local area by 
                        awarding grants or contracts on a 
                        competitive basis (except as provided 
                        in section 123(b)), based on the 
                        recommendations of the youth standing 
                        committee, if such a committee is 
                        established for the local area under 
                        subsection (b)(4); and
                          (ii) may terminate for cause the 
                        eligibility of such providers.
                  (C) Identification of eligible providers of 
                training services.--Consistent with section 
                122, the local board shall identify, on the 
                State eligible training provider list, eligible 
                providers of training services that operate in 
                or are accessible to individuals in the local 
                  (D) Identification of eligible providers of 
                career services.--If the one-stop operator does 
                not provide career services described in 
                section 134(c)(2) in a local area, the local 
                board shall identify eligible providers of 
                those career services in the local area by 
                awarding contracts.
                  (E) Consumer choice requirements.--Consistent 
                with section 122 and paragraphs (2) and (3) of 
                section 134(c), the local board shall work with 
                the State to ensure there are sufficient 
                numbers and types of providers of career 
                services and training services (including 
                eligible providers with expertise in assisting 
                individuals with disabilities and eligible 
                providers with expertise in assisting adults in 
                need of adult education and literacy 
                activities) serving the local area and 
                providing the services involved in a manner 
                that maximizes consumer choice, as well as 
                providing opportunities that lead to 
                competitive integrated employment for 
                individuals with disabilities.
          (11) Coordination with education providers.--
                  (A) In general.--The local board shall 
                coordinate activities with education and 
                training providers in the local area, including 
                providers of workforce investment activities, 
                providers of adult education and literacy 
                activities under title II, providers of career 
                and technical education (as defined in section 
                3 of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical 
                Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302)) and 
                local agencies administering plans under title 
                I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 
                720 et seq.), other than section 112 or part C 
                of that title (29 U.S.C. 732, 741).
                  (B) Applications and agreements.--The 
                coordination described in subparagraph (A) 
                shall include--
                          (i) consistent with section 232--
                                  (I) reviewing the 
                                applications to provide adult 
                                education and literacy 
                                activities under title II for 
                                the local area, submitted under 
                                such section to the eligible 
                                agency by eligible providers, 
                                to determine whether such 
                                applications are consistent 
                                with the local plan; and
                                  (II) making recommendations 
                                to the eligible agency to 
                                promote alignment with such 
                                plan; and
                          (ii) replicating cooperative 
                        agreements in accordance with 
                        subparagraph (B) of section 101(a)(11) 
                        of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 
                        U.S.C. 721(a)(11)), and implementing 
                        cooperative agreements in accordance 
                        with that section with the local 
                        agencies administering plans under 
                        title I of that Act (29 U.S.C. 720 et 
                        seq.) (other than section 112 or part C 
                        of that title (29 U.S.C. 732, 741) and 
                        subject to section 121(f)), with 
                        respect to efforts that will enhance 
                        the provision of services to 
                        individuals with disabilities and other 
                        individuals, such as cross training of 
                        staff, technical assistance, use and 
                        sharing of information, cooperative 
                        efforts with employers, and other 
                        efforts at cooperation, collaboration, 
                        and coordination.
                  (C) Cooperative agreement.--In this 
                paragraph, the term ``cooperative agreement'' 
                means an agreement entered into by a State 
                designated agency or State designated unit 
                under subparagraph (A) of section 101(a)(11) of 
                the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
          (12) Budget and administration.--
                  (A) Budget.--The local board shall develop a 
                budget for the [activities] funds allocated to 
                the local area under section 128(b) and section 
                133(b) for the youth workforce development 
                activities described in section 129 and local 
                employment and training activities described in 
                section 134(b), and the activities of the local 
                board in the local area, consistent with the 
                local plan and the duties of the local board 
                under this section, subject to the approval of 
                the chief elected official.
                  (B) Administration.--
                          (i) Grant recipient.--
                                  (I) In general.--The chief 
                                elected official in a local 
                                area shall serve as the local 
                                grant recipient for, and shall 
                                be liable for any misuse of, 
                                the grant funds allocated to 
                                the local area under sections 
                                128 and 133, unless the chief 
                                elected official reaches an 
                                agreement with the Governor for 
                                the Governor to act as the 
                                local grant recipient and bear 
                                such liability.
                                  (II) Designation.--In order 
                                to assist in administration of 
                                the grant funds, the chief 
                                elected official or the 
                                Governor, where the Governor 
                                serves as the local grant 
                                recipient for a local area, may 
                                designate an entity to serve as 
                                a local grant subrecipient for 
                                such funds or as a local fiscal 
                                agent. Such designation shall 
                                not relieve the chief elected 
                                official or the Governor of the 
                                liability for any misuse of 
                                grant funds as described in 
                                subclause (I).
                                  (III) Disbursal.--The local 
                                grant recipient or an entity 
                                designated under subclause (II) 
                                shall disburse the grant funds 
                                for workforce investment 
                                activities at the direction of 
                                the local board, pursuant to 
                                the requirements of this title. 
                                The local grant recipient or 
                                entity designated under 
                                subclause (II) shall disburse 
                                the funds immediately on 
                                receiving such direction from 
                                the local board.
                          (ii) Grants and donations.--The local 
                        board may solicit and accept grants and 
                        donations from sources other than 
                        Federal funds made available under this 
                          (iii) Tax-exempt status.--For 
                        purposes of carrying out duties under 
                        this Act, local boards may incorporate, 
                        and may operate as entities described 
                        in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 
                        Revenue Code of 1986 that are exempt 
                        from taxation under section 501(a) of 
                        such Code.
          (13) Accessibility for individuals with 
        disabilities.--The local board shall annually assess 
        the physical and programmatic accessibility, in 
        accordance with section 188, if applicable, and 
        applicable provisions of the Americans with 
        Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), of 
        all one-stop centers in the local area.
  (e) Sunshine Provision.--The local board shall make available 
to the public, on a regular basis through electronic means and 
open meetings, information regarding the activities of the 
local board, including information regarding the local plan 
prior to submission of the plan, and regarding membership, the 
designation and certification of one-stop operators, and the 
award of grants or contracts to eligible providers of youth 
workforce investment activities, and on request, minutes of 
formal meetings of the local board.
  (f) Staff.--
          (1) In general.--The local board may hire a director 
        and other staff to assist in carrying out the functions 
        described in subsection (d) using funds available under 
        sections 128(b) and 133(b) as described in section 
          (2) Qualifications.--The local board shall establish 
        and apply a set of objective qualifications for the 
        position of director, that ensures that the individual 
        selected has the requisite knowledge, skills, and 
        abilities, to meet identified benchmarks and to assist 
        in effectively carrying out the functions of the local 
          (3) Limitation on rate.--The director and staff 
        described in paragraph (1) shall be subject to the 
        limitations on the payment of salaries and bonuses 
        described in section 194(15).
  (g) Limitations.--
          (1) Training services.--
                  (A) In general.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraph (B), no local board may provide 
                training services.
                  (B) Waivers of training prohibition.--The 
                Governor of the State in which a local board is 
                located may, pursuant to a request from the 
                local board, grant a written waiver of the 
                prohibition set forth in subparagraph (A) 
                (relating to the provision of training 
                services) for a program of training services, 
                if the local board--
                          (i) submits to the Governor a 
                        proposed request for the waiver that 
                                  (I) satisfactory evidence 
                                that there is an insufficient 
                                number of eligible providers of 
                                such a program of training 
                                services to meet local demand 
                                in the local area;
                                  (II) information 
                                demonstrating that the board 
                                meets the requirements for an 
                                eligible provider of training 
                                services under section 122; and
                                  (III) information 
                                demonstrating that the program 
                                of training services prepares 
                                participants for an in-demand 
                                industry sector or occupation 
                                in the local area;
                          (ii) makes the proposed request 
                        available to eligible providers of 
                        training services and other interested 
                        members of the public for a public 
                        comment period of not less than 30 
                        days; and
                          (iii) includes, in the final request 
                        for the waiver, the evidence and 
                        information described in clause (i) and 
                        the comments received pursuant to 
                        clause (ii).
                  (C) Duration.--A waiver granted to a local 
                board under subparagraph (B) shall apply for a 
                period that shall not exceed the duration of 
                the local plan. The waiver may be renewed for 
                additional periods under subsequent local 
                plans, not to exceed the durations of such 
                subsequent plans, pursuant to requests from the 
                local board, if the board meets the 
                requirements of subparagraph (B) in making the 
                  (D) Revocation.--The Governor shall have the 
                authority to revoke the waiver during the 
                appropriate period described in subparagraph 
                (C) if the Governor determines the waiver is no 
                longer needed or that the local board involved 
                has engaged in a pattern of inappropriate 
                referrals to training services operated by the 
                local board.
          (2) Career services; designation or certification as 
        one-stop operators.--A local board may provide career 
        services described in section 134(c)(2) through a one-
        stop delivery system or be designated or certified as a 
        one-stop operator only with the agreement of the chief 
        elected official in the local area and the Governor.
          (3) Limitation on authority.--Nothing in this Act 
        shall be construed to provide a local board with the 
        authority to mandate curricula for schools.
  (h) Conflict of Interest.--A member of a local board, or a 
member of a standing committee, may not--
          (1) vote on a matter under consideration by the local 
                  (A) regarding the provision of services by 
                such member (or by an entity that such member 
                represents); or
                  (B) that would provide direct financial 
                benefit to such member or the immediate family 
                of such member; or
          (2) engage in any other activity determined by the 
        Governor to constitute a conflict of interest as 
        specified in the State plan.
  (i) Alternative Entity.--
          (1) In general.--For purposes of complying with 
        subsections (a), (b), and (c), a State may use any 
        local entity (including a local council, regional 
        workforce development board, or similar entity) that--
                  (A) is established to serve the local area 
                (or the service delivery area that most closely 
                corresponds to the local area);
                  (B) was in existence on the day before the 
                date of enactment of the Workforce Investment 
                Act of 1998, pursuant to State law; and
                  (C) includes--
                          (i) representatives of business in 
                        the local area; and
                          (ii)(I) representatives of labor 
                        organizations (for a local area in 
                        which employees are represented by 
                        labor organizations), nominated by 
                        local labor federations; or
                          (II) other representatives of 
                        employees in the local area (for a 
                        local area in which no employees are 
                        represented by such organizations).
          (2) References.--A reference in this Act or a core 
        program provision to a local board, shall include a 
        reference to such an entity.


  (a) In general.--Each local board shall develop and submit to 
the Governor a comprehensive 4-year local plan, in partnership 
with the chief elected official. The local plan shall support 
the strategy described in the State plan in accordance with 
section 102(b)(1)(E), and otherwise be consistent with the 
State plan. If the local area is part of a planning region, the 
local board shall comply with section 106(c) in the preparation 
and submission of a regional plan. At the end of the first 2-
year period of the 4-year local plan, each local board shall 
review the local plan and the local board, in partnership with 
the chief elected official, [shall prepare] may prepare and 
submit modifications to the local plan to reflect changes in 
labor market and economic conditions or in other factors 
affecting the implementation of the local plan.
  (b) Contents.--The local plan shall include--
          (1) a description of the strategic planning elements 
        consisting of--
                  (A) an analysis of the regional economic 
                conditions including--
                          (i) existing and emerging in-demand 
                        industry sectors and occupations; and
                          (ii) the employment needs of 
                        employers in those industry sectors and 
                  (B) an analysis of the knowledge and skills 
                needed to meet the employment needs of the 
                employers in the region, including employment 
                needs in in-demand industry sectors and 
                  (C) an analysis of the workforce in the 
                region, including current labor force 
                employment (and unemployment) data, and 
                information on labor market trends, and the 
                educational and skill levels of the workforce 
                in the region, including individuals with 
                barriers to employment;
                  (D) a description of--
                          (i) how the local area will use real-
                        time labor market information to 
                        continually assess the economic 
                        conditions and workforce trends 
                        described in subparagraphs (A), (B), 
                        and (C); and
                          (ii) how changes in such conditions 
                        or trends will be communicated to 
                        jobseekers, education and training 
                        providers, and employers in the local 
                  [(D)] (E) an analysis of the workforce 
                development activities (including education and 
                training) in the region, including an analysis 
                of the strengths and weaknesses of such 
                services, and the capacity to provide such 
                services, to address the identified education 
                and skill needs of the workforce and the 
                employment needs of employers in the region;
                  [(E)] (F) a description of the local board's 
                strategic vision and goals for preparing an 
                educated and skilled workforce (including youth 
                and individuals with barriers to employment), 
                including goals relating to the performance 
                accountability measures based on primary 
                indicators of performance described in section 
                116(b)(2)(A) in order to support regional 
                economic growth and economic self-sufficiency; 
                  (G) an analysis of the opportunity youth 
                population in the local area, including the 
                estimated number of such youth and any gaps in 
                services for such population from other 
                existing workforce development activities, as 
                identified under paragraph (9); and
                  [(F)] (H) taking into account analyses 
                described in subparagraphs (A) through (D), a 
                strategy to work with the entities that carry 
                out the core programs to align resources 
                available to the local area, to achieve the 
                strategic vision and goals described in 
                subparagraph (E);
          (2) a description of the workforce development system 
        in the local area that identifies the programs that are 
        included in that system and how the local board will 
        work with the entities carrying out core programs and 
        other workforce development programs to support 
        alignment to provide services, including programs of 
        study authorized under the Carl D. Perkins Career and 
        Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et 
        seq.), that support the strategy identified in the 
        State plan under section 102(b)(1)(E);
          (3) a description of how the local board, working 
        with the entities carrying out core programs, will 
        expand access to employment, training, education, and 
        supportive services for eligible individuals, 
        particularly eligible individuals with barriers to 
        employment, including how the local board will 
        facilitate the development of career pathways and co-
        enrollment, as appropriate, in core programs, and 
        improve access to activities leading to a recognized 
        postsecondary credential (including a credential that 
        is an industry-recognized certificate or certification, 
        portable, and stackable);
          (4) a description of the strategies and services that 
        will be used in the local area--
                  (A) in order to--
                          (i) facilitate engagement of 
                        employers, including small employers 
                        and employers in in-demand industry 
                        sectors and occupations, in workforce 
                        development programs;
                          (ii) support a local workforce 
                        development system that meets the needs 
                        of businesses in the local area;
                          (iii) better coordinate workforce 
                        development programs and economic 
                        development; [and]
                          (iv) strengthen linkages between the 
                        one-stop delivery system and 
                        unemployment insurance programs; and
                          (v) carry out any statewide skills-
                        based initiatives identified in the 
                        State plan that promote the use of 
                        demonstrated skills and competencies as 
                        an alternative to the exclusive use of 
                        degree attainment as a requirement for 
                        employment or advancement in a career; 
                  (B) that may include the implementation of 
                initiatives such as incumbent worker training 
                programs, on-the-job training programs, 
                [customized training] employer-directed skills 
                development programs, industry and sector 
                strategies, career pathways initiatives, 
                utilization of effective business 
                intermediaries, and other business services and 
                strategies, designed to meet the needs of 
                employers in the corresponding region in 
                support of the strategy described in paragraph 
          (5) a description of how the local board will 
        coordinate workforce investment activities carried out 
        in the local area with economic development activities 
        carried out in the region in which the local area is 
        located (or planning region), and promote 
        entrepreneurial skills training and microenterprise 
          (6) a description of the one-stop delivery system in 
        the local area, including--
                  (A) a description of how the local board will 
                ensure the continuous improvement of eligible 
                providers of services through the system and 
                ensure that such providers meet the employment 
                needs of local employers, and workers and 
                  (B) a description of how the local board will 
                facilitate access to services provided through 
                the one-stop delivery system, including in 
                remote areas, through the use of technology and 
                through other means, such as the use of 
                affiliated sites;
                  (C) a description of how entities within the 
                one-stop delivery system, including one-stop 
                operators and the one-stop partners, will 
                comply with section 188, if applicable, and 
                applicable provisions of the Americans with 
                Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et 
                seq.) regarding the physical and programmatic 
                accessibility of facilities, programs and 
                services, technology, and materials for 
                individuals with disabilities, including 
                providing staff training and support for 
                addressing the needs of individuals with 
                disabilities; and
                  (D) a description of the roles and resource 
                contributions of the one-stop partners;
          (7) a description and assessment of the type and 
        availability of adult and dislocated worker employment 
        and training activities in the local area;
          (8) a description of how the local board will 
        coordinate workforce investment activities carried out 
        in the local area with statewide rapid response 
        activities, as described in section 134(a)(2)(A);
          (9) a description and assessment of the type and 
        availability of youth workforce investment activities 
        in the local area, [including activities] including--
                  (A) the availability of community based 
                organizations that serve youth primarily during 
                nonschool time hours to carry out activities 
                under section 129; and
                  (B) activities for youth who are individuals 
                with disabilities, which description and 
                assessment shall include an identification of 
                successful or evidence-based models of such 
                youth workforce investment activities;
          (10) a description of how the local board will 
        coordinate education and workforce investment 
        activities carried out in the local area with relevant 
        secondary and postsecondary education programs and 
        activities to coordinate strategies, enhance services, 
        and avoid duplication of services;
          (11) a description of how the local board will 
        coordinate workforce investment activities carried out 
        under this title in the local area with the provision 
        of transportation, including public transportation, and 
        other appropriate supportive services in the local 
          (12) a description of plans and strategies for, and 
        assurances concerning, maximizing coordination of 
        services provided by the State employment service under 
        the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.) and 
        services provided in the local area through the one-
        stop delivery system, including as described in section 
        134(c)(2), to improve service delivery and avoid 
        duplication of services;
          (13) a description of how the local board will 
        coordinate workforce investment activities carried out 
        under this title in the local area with the provision 
        of adult education and literacy activities under title 
        II in the local area, including a description of how 
        the local board will carry out, consistent with 
        subparagraphs (A) and (B)(i) of section 107(d)(11) and 
        section 232, the review of local applications submitted 
        under title II;
          (14) a description of the replicated cooperative 
        agreements (as defined in section 107(d)(11)) between 
        the local board or other local entities described in 
        section 101(a)(11)(B) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 
        (29 U.S.C. 721(a)(11)(B)) and the local office of a 
        designated State agency or designated State unit 
        administering programs carried out under title I of 
        such Act (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.) (other than section 
        112 or part C of that title (29 U.S.C. 732, 741) and 
        subject to section 121(f)) in accordance with section 
        101(a)(11) of such Act (29 U.S.C. 721(a)(11)) with 
        respect to efforts that will enhance the provision of 
        services to individuals with disabilities and to other 
        individuals, such as cross training of staff, technical 
        assistance, use and sharing of information, cooperative 
        efforts with employers, and other efforts at 
        cooperation, collaboration, and coordination;
          (15) an identification of the entity responsible for 
        the disbursal of grant funds described in section 
        107(d)(12)(B)(i)(III), as determined by the chief 
        elected official or the Governor under section 
          (16) a description of the competitive process to be 
        used to award the subgrants and contracts in the local 
        area for activities carried out under this title;
          (17) a description of the local levels of performance 
        negotiated with the Governor and chief elected official 
        pursuant to section 116(c), to be used to measure the 
        performance of the local area and to be used by the 
        local board for measuring the performance of the local 
        fiscal agent (where appropriate), eligible providers 
        under subtitle B, and the one-stop delivery system, in 
        the local area;
          (18) a description of the actions the local board 
        will take toward becoming or remaining a high-
        performing board, consistent with the factors developed 
        by the State board pursuant to section 101(d)(6);
          (19) a description of how training services under 
        chapter 3 of subtitle B will be provided in accordance 
        with section 134(c)(3)(G), including, if contracts for 
        the training services will be used, how the use of such 
        contracts will be coordinated with the use of 
        individual training accounts under that chapter and how 
        the local board will ensure informed customer choice in 
        the selection of training programs regardless of how 
        the training services are to be provided;
          (20) a description of the process used by the local 
        board, consistent with subsection (d), to provide an 
        opportunity for public comment, including comment by 
        representatives of businesses and comment by 
        representatives of labor organizations, and input into 
        the development of the local plan, prior to submission 
        of the plan;
          (21) a description of how one-stop centers are 
        implementing and transitioning to an integrated, 
        technology-enabled intake and case management 
        information system for programs carried out under this 
        Act and programs carried out by one-stop partners; and
          (22) such other information as the Governor may 
  (c) Existing analysis.--As appropriate, a local area may use 
an existing analysis in order to carry out the requirements of 
subsection (b)(1) concerning an analysis.
  (d) Process.--Prior to the date on which the local board 
submits a local plan under this section, the local board 
          (1) make available copies of a proposed local plan to 
        the public through electronic and other means, such as 
        public hearings and local news media;
          (2) allow members of the public, including 
        representatives of business, representatives of labor 
        organizations, and representatives of education to 
        submit to the local board comments on the proposed 
        local plan, not later than the end of the 30-day period 
        beginning on the date on which the proposed local plan 
        is made available; and
          (3) include with the local plan submitted to the 
        Governor under this section any such comments that 
        represent disagreement with the plan.
  (e) Plan Submission and Approval.--A local plan submitted to 
the Governor under this section (including a modification to 
such a local plan) shall be considered to be approved by the 
Governor at the end of the 90-day period beginning on the day 
the Governor receives the plan (including such a modification), 
unless the Governor makes a written determination during the 
90-day period that--
          (1) deficiencies in activities carried out under this 
        subtitle or subtitle B have been identified, through 
        audits conducted under section 184 or otherwise, and 
        the local area has not made acceptable progress in 
        implementing corrective measures to address the 
          (2) the plan does not comply with the applicable 
        provisions of this Act; or
          (3) the plan does not align with the State plan, 
        including failing to provide for alignment of the core 
        programs to support the strategy identified in the 
        State plan in accordance with section 102(b)(1)(E).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



  (a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to establish 
performance accountability measures that apply across the core 
programs to assess the effectiveness of States and local areas 
(for core programs described in subtitle B) in achieving 
positive outcomes for individuals served by those programs.
  (b) State Performance Accountability Measures.--
          (1) In general.--For each State, the performance 
        accountability measures for the core programs shall 
        consist of--
                  (A)(i) the primary indicators of performance 
                described in paragraph (2)(A); and
                  (ii) the additional indicators of performance 
                (if any) identified by the State under 
                paragraph (2)(B); and
                  (B) a State adjusted level of performance for 
                each indicator described in subparagraph (A).
          (2) Indicators of performance.--
                  (A) Primary indicators of performance.--
                          (i) In general.--The State primary 
                        indicators of performance for 
                        activities provided under the adult and 
                        dislocated worker programs authorized 
                        under chapter 3 of subtitle B, the 
                        program of adult education and literacy 
                        activities authorized under title II, 
                        the employment services program 
                        authorized under sections 1 through 13 
                        of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 
                        et seq.) (except that subclauses (IV) 
                        and (V) shall not apply to such 
                        program), and the program authorized 
                        under title I of the Rehabilitation Act 
                        of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.), other 
                        than section 112 or part C of that 
                        title (29 U.S.C. 732, 741), shall 
                        consist of--
                                  (I) the percentage of program 
                                participants who are in 
                                unsubsidized employment during 
                                the second quarter after exit 
                                from the program;
                                  (II) the percentage of 
                                program participants who are in 
                                unsubsidized employment during 
                                the [fourth] second quarter 
                                after exit from the program and 
                                remain in unsubsidized 
                                employment during the fourth 
                                quarter after exit from the 
                                  (III) the median earnings of 
                                program participants who are in 
                                unsubsidized employment during 
                                the second quarter after exit 
                                from the program;
                                  (IV) the percentage of 
                                program participants who obtain 
                                a recognized postsecondary 
                                credential, or a secondary 
                                school diploma or its 
                                recognized equivalent (subject 
                                to clause (iii)), during 
                                participation in or within 1 
                                year after exit from the 
                                  (V) the percentage of program 
                                participants who[, during a 
                                program year,] [are in] enter 
                                into an education or training 
                                program that leads to a 
                                recognized postsecondary 
                                credential or employment and 
                                who are achieving measurable 
                                skill gains toward such a 
                                credential or employment within 
                                6 months after the quarter in 
                                which the participant enters 
                                into the education and training 
                                program; and
                                  [(VI) the indicators of 
                                effectiveness in serving 
                                employers established pursuant 
                                to clause (iv).]
                                  (VI) of the program 
                                participants who received 
                                training services and who 
                                exited the program during a 
                                program year, the percentage of 
                                such program participants who 
                                completed, prior to such exit, 
                                on-the-job training, employer-
                                directed skills development, 
                                incumbent worker training, or 
                                an apprenticeship.
                          (ii) Primary indicators for eligible 
                        youth.--The primary indicators of 
                        performance for the youth program 
                        authorized under chapter 2 of subtitle 
                        B shall consist of--
                                  (I) the percentage of program 
                                participants who are in 
                                education or training 
                                activities, or in unsubsidized 
                                employment, during the second 
                                quarter after exit from the 
                                  (II) the percentage of 
                                program participants who are in 
                                education or training 
                                activities, or in unsubsidized 
                                employment, during the fourth 
                                quarter after exit from the 
                                program; [and]
                                  (III) the primary indicators 
                                of performance described in 
                                subclauses (III) through (VI) 
                                of subparagraph (A)(i)[.]; and
                                  (IV) the percentage of 
                                program participants who, 
                                during a program year, 
                                participate in paid or unpaid 
                                work experiences as described 
                                in section 129(c)(2)(C).
                          (iii) Indicator relating to 
                        credential.--For purposes of clause 
                        (i)(IV), or clause (ii)(III) with 
                        respect to clause (i)(IV), program 
                        participants who obtain a secondary 
                        school diploma or its recognized 
                        equivalent shall be included in the 
                        percentage counted as meeting the 
                        criterion under such clause only if 
                        such participants, in addition to 
                        obtaining such diploma or its 
                        recognized equivalent, have obtained or 
                        retained employment or are in an 
                        education or training program leading 
                        to a recognized postsecondary 
                        credential within 1 year after exit 
                        from the program.
                          [(iv) Indicator for services to 
                        employers.--Prior to the commencement 
                        of the second full program year after 
                        the date of enactment of this Act, for 
                        purposes of clauses (i)(VI), or clause 
                        (ii)(III) with respect to clause 
                        (i)(VI), the Secretary of Labor and the 
                        Secretary of Education, after 
                        consultation with the representatives 
                        described in paragraph (4)(B), shall 
                        jointly develop and establish, for 
                        purposes of this subparagraph, 1 or 
                        more primary indicators of performance 
                        that indicate the effectiveness of the 
                        core programs in serving employers.]
                  (B) Additional indicators.--A State may 
                identify in the State plan additional 
                performance accountability indicators.
          (3) Levels of performance.--
                  (A) State adjusted levels of performance for 
                primary indicators.--
                          (i) In general.--For each State 
                        submitting a State plan, there shall be 
                        established, in accordance with this 
                        subparagraph, levels of performance for 
                        each of the corresponding primary 
                        indicators of performance described in 
                        paragraph (2) for each of the programs 
                        described in clause (ii).
                          (ii) Included programs.--The programs 
                        included under clause (i) are--
                                  (I) the youth program 
                                authorized under chapter 2 of 
                                subtitle B;
                                  (II) the adult program 
                                authorized under chapter 3 of 
                                subtitle B;
                                  (III) the dislocated worker 
                                program authorized under 
                                chapter 3 of subtitle B;
                                  (IV) the program of adult 
                                education and literacy 
                                activities authorized under 
                                title II;
                                  (V) the employment services 
                                program authorized under 
                                sections 1 through 13 of the 
                                Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 
                                et seq.); and
                                  (VI) the program authorized 
                                under title I of the 
                                Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 
                                U.S.C. 720 et seq.), other than 
                                section 112 or part C of that 
                                title (29 U.S.C. 732, 741).
                          [(iii) Identification in state 
                        plan.--Each State shall identify, in 
                        the State plan, expected levels of 
                        performance for each of the 
                        corresponding primary indicators of 
                        performance for each of the programs 
                        described in clause (ii) for the first 
                        2 program years covered by the State 
                          (iii) Identification in state plan.--
                                  (I) Secretaries.--For each 
                                State submitting a State plan, 
                                the Secretaries of Labor and 
                                Education shall, not later than 
                                December 1 of the year prior to 
                                the year in which such State 
                                plan is submitted, for the 
                                first 2 program years covered 
                                by the State plan, and not 
                                later than December 1 of the 
                                year prior to the third program 
                                year covered by the State plan, 
                                for the third and fourth 
                                program years covered by the 
                                State plan--
                                          (aa) propose expected 
                                        levels of performance 
                                        for each of the 
                                        corresponding primary 
                                        indicators of 
                                        performance for each of 
                                        the programs described 
                                        in clause (ii) for such 
                                        State, which shall--
                                                  (AA) be 
                                                consistent with 
                                                the factors 
                                                listed in 
                                                clause (v); and
                                                  (BB) be 
                                                proposed in a 
                                                manner that 
                                                sufficient time 
                                                is provided for 
                                                the State to 
                                                evaluate and 
                                                respond to such 
                                                proposals; and
                                          (bb) publish, on a 
                                        public website of the 
                                        Department of Labor, 
                                        the statistical model 
                                        developed under clause 
                                        (viii) and the 
                                        methodology used to 
                                        develop each such 
                                        proposed level of 
                                  (II) States.--Each State 
                                          (aa) evaluate each of 
                                        the expected levels of 
                                        performance proposed 
                                        under subclause (I) 
                                        with respect to such 
                                          (bb) based on such 
                                        evaluation of each such 
                                        proposed level of 
                                                  (AA) accept 
                                                the expected 
                                                level of 
                                                performance as 
                                                so proposed; or
                                                  (BB) provide 
                                                for such 
                                                expected level 
                                                of performance, 
                                                including an 
                                                analysis of how 
                                                factors or 
                                                unique to the 
                                                State that may 
                                                not have been 
                                                accounted for 
                                                in the proposed 
                                                expected level 
                                                of performance; 
                                          (cc) include in the 
                                        State plan, with 
                                        respect to each of the 
                                        corresponding primary 
                                        indicators of 
                                        performance for each of 
                                        the programs described 
                                        in clause (ii) for such 
                                                  (AA) the 
                                                expected level 
                                                of performance 
                                                proposed under 
                                                subclause (I);
                                                  (BB) the 
                                                for such 
                                                proposed level, 
                                                if any; and
                                                  (CC) the 
                                                expected level 
                                                of performance 
                                                that is agreed 
                                                to under clause 
                          (iv) Agreement on state adjusted 
                        levels of performance.--
                                  (I) First 2 years.--The State 
                                shall reach agreement with the 
                                Secretary of Labor, in 
                                conjunction with the Secretary 
                                of Education on levels of 
                                performance for each indicator 
                                described in clause (iii) for 
                                each of the programs described 
                                in clause (ii) for each of the 
                                first 2 program years covered 
                                by the State plan. In reaching 
                                the agreement, the State and 
                                the Secretary of Labor in 
                                conjunction with the Secretary 
                                of Education shall take into 
                                account the levels identified 
                                in the State plan under clause 
                                (iii) and the factors described 
                                in clause (v). The levels 
                                agreed to shall be considered 
                                to be the State adjusted levels 
                                of performance for the State 
                                for such program years and 
                                shall be incorporated into the 
                                State plan prior to the 
                                approval of such plan.
                                  (II) Third and fourth year.--
                                The State and the Secretary of 
                                Labor, in conjunction with the 
                                Secretary of Education, shall 
                                reach agreement, prior to the 
                                third program year covered by 
                                the State plan, on levels of 
                                performance for each indicator 
                                described in clause (iii) for 
                                each of the programs described 
                                in clause (ii) for each of the 
                                third and fourth program years 
                                covered by the State plan. In 
                                reaching the agreement, the 
                                State and Secretary of Labor, 
                                in conjunction with the 
                                Secretary of Education, shall 
                                take into account the factors 
                                described in clause (v). The 
                                levels agreed to shall be 
                                considered to be the State 
                                adjusted levels of performance 
                                for the State for such program 
                                years and shall be incorporated 
                                into the State plan as a 
                                modification to the plan.
                          (v) Factors.--In reaching the 
                        agreements described in clause (iv), 
                        the State and Secretaries shall--
                                  (I) take into account how the 
                                levels involved compare with 
                                the State adjusted levels of 
                                performance established for 
                                other States;
                                  (II) ensure that the levels 
                                involved are adjusted, using 
                                the objective statistical model 
                                established by the Secretaries 
                                pursuant to clause (viii), 
                                [based on] based on each of the 
                                following considerations that 
                                are found to be predictive of 
                                performance on an indicator for 
                                a program--
                                          (aa) the differences 
                                        among States in actual 
                                        economic conditions 
                                        (including differences 
                                        in unemployment rates 
                                        and job losses or gains 
                                        in particular 
                                        industries); and
                                          (bb) the 
                                        characteristics of 
                                        participants when the 
                                        participants entered 
                                        the program involved, 
                                        including indicators of 
                                        poor work history, lack 
                                        of work experience, 
                                        lack of educational or 
                                        occupational skills 
                                        attainment, dislocation 
                                        from high-wage and 
                                        employment, low levels 
                                        of literacy or English 
                                        proficiency, disability 
                                        status, homelessness, 
                                        [ex-offender status] 
                                        individual status, 
                                        foster care status, 
                                        school status, 
                                        education level, 
                                        highest grade level 
                                        completed, low-income 
                                        status, and welfare 
                                  (III) take into account the 
                                extent to which the levels 
                                involved promote continuous 
                                improvement in performance 
                                accountability on the 
                                performance accountability 
                                measures by such State and 
                                ensure optimal return on the 
                                investment of Federal funds; 
                                  (IV) take into account the 
                                extent to which the levels 
                                involved will assist the State 
                                in meeting the goals described 
                                in clause (vi).
                          (vi) Goals.--In order to promote 
                        enhanced performance outcomes and to 
                        facilitate the process of reaching 
                        agreements with the States under clause 
                        (iv), the Secretary of Labor, in 
                        conjunction with the Secretary of 
                        Education, shall establish performance 
                        goals for the core programs, in 
                        accordance with the Government 
                        Performance and Results Act of 1993 
                        (Public Law 103-62; 107 Stat. 285) and 
                        the amendments made by that Act, and in 
                        consultation with States and other 
                        appropriate parties. Such goals shall 
                        be long-term goals for the adjusted 
                        levels of performance to be achieved by 
                        each of the programs described in 
                        clause (ii) regarding the corresponding 
                        primary indicators of performance 
                        described in paragraph (2)(A).
                          (vii) Revisions based on economic 
                        conditions and individuals served 
                        during the program year.--The Secretary 
                        of Labor, in conjunction with the 
                        Secretary of Education, shall, in 
                        accordance with the objective 
                        statistical model developed pursuant to 
                        clause (viii), revise the State 
                        adjusted levels of performance 
                        applicable for each of the programs 
                        described in clause (ii), for a program 
                        year and a State, to reflect the actual 
                        economic conditions and characteristics 
                        of participants (as described in clause 
                        (v)(II)) in that program during such 
                        program year in such State.
                          (viii) Statistical adjustment 
                        model.--The Secretary of Labor and the 
                        Secretary of Education, after 
                        consultation with the representatives 
                        described in paragraph (4)(B), shall 
                        develop and disseminate an objective 
                        statistical model that will be used to 
                        make the adjustments in the State 
                        adjusted levels of performance for 
                        actual economic conditions and 
                        characteristics of participants under 
                        clauses (v) and (vii).
                  (B) Levels of performance for additional 
                indicators.--The State may identify, in the 
                State plan, State levels of performance for 
                each of the additional indicators identified 
                under paragraph (2)(B). Such levels shall be 
                considered to be State adjusted levels of 
                performance for purposes of this section.
          (4) Definitions of indicators of performance.--
                  (A) In general.--In order to ensure 
                nationwide comparability of performance data, 
                the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of 
                Education, after consultation with 
                representatives described in subparagraph (B), 
                shall issue definitions for the indicators 
                described in paragraph (2).
                  (B) Representatives.--The representatives 
                referred to in subparagraph (A) are 
                representatives of States and political 
                subdivisions, business and industry, employees, 
                eligible providers of activities carried out 
                through the core programs, educators, 
                researchers, participants, the lead State 
                agency officials with responsibility for the 
                programs carried out through the core programs, 
                individuals with expertise in serving 
                individuals with barriers to employment, and 
                other interested parties.
  (c) Local Performance Accountability Measures for Subtitle 
          (1) In general.--For each local area in a State 
        designated under section 106, the local performance 
        accountability measures for each of the programs 
        described in subclauses (I) through (III) of subsection 
        (b)(3)(A)(ii) shall consist of--
                  (A)(i) the primary indicators of performance 
                described in subsection (b)(2)(A) that are 
                applicable to such programs; and
                  (ii) additional indicators of performance, if 
                any, identified by the State for such programs 
                under subsection (b)(2)(B); and
                  (B) the local level of performance for each 
                indicator described in subparagraph (A).
          (2) Local level of performance.--The local board, the 
        chief elected official, and the Governor shall 
        negotiate and reach agreement on local levels of 
        performance based on the State adjusted levels of 
        performance established under subsection (b)(3)(A).
          (3) Adjustment factors.--In negotiating the local 
        levels of performance, the local board, the chief 
        elected official, and the Governor shall make 
        adjustments for the expected economic conditions and 
        the expected characteristics of participants to be 
        served in the local area, using the statistical 
        adjustment model developed pursuant to subsection 
        (b)(3)(A)(viii). In addition, the negotiated local 
        levels of performance applicable to a program year 
        shall be revised to reflect the actual economic 
        conditions experienced and the characteristics of the 
        populations served in the local area during such 
        program year using the statistical adjustment model.
  (d) Performance Reports.--
          [(1) In general.--Not later than 12 months after the 
        date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Labor, 
        in conjunction with the Secretary of Education, shall 
        develop a template for performance reports that shall 
        be used by States, local boards, and eligible providers 
        of training services under section 122 to report on 
        outcomes achieved by the core programs. In developing 
        such templates, the Secretary of Labor, in conjunction 
        with the Secretary of Education, will take into account 
        the need to maximize the value of the templates for 
        workers, jobseekers, employers, local elected 
        officials, State officials, Federal policymakers, and 
        other key stakeholders.]
          (1) In general.--
                  (A) Template for performance reports.--Not 
                later than 12 months after the date of 
                enactment of the A Stronger Workforce for 
                America Act, the Secretary of Labor, in 
                conjunction with the Secretary of Education, 
                shall develop, or review and modify, as 
                appropriate, to comply with the requirements of 
                this subsection, the template for performance 
                reports that shall be used by States (including 
                by States on behalf of eligible providers of 
                training services under section 122) and local 
                boards to produce a report on outcomes achieved 
                by the core programs. In developing, or 
                reviewing and modifying, such templates, the 
                Secretary of Labor, in conjunction with the 
                Secretary of Education, shall take into account 
                the need to maximize the value of the templates 
                for workers, jobseekers, employers, local 
                elected officials, State officials, Federal 
                policymakers, and other key stakeholders.
                  (B) Standardized reporting.--In developing, 
                or reviewing and modifying, the template under 
                subparagraph (A), the Secretary of Labor, in 
                conjunction with the Secretary of Education, 
                shall ensure that performance reports produced 
                by States and local areas for core programs and 
                eligible training providers collect and report, 
                in a comparable and uniform format, common data 
                elements, which use terms that are assigned 
                identical meanings across all such reports.
                  (C) Additional reporting.--The Secretary of 
                Labor, in conjunction with the Secretary of 
                          (i) in addition to the common data 
                        elements described under subparagraph 
                        (B), may require a core program to 
                        provide additional information as 
                        necessary for effective reporting; and
                          (ii) shall periodically review any 
                        requirement for additional information 
                        to ensure the requirement is necessary 
                        and does not impose an undue reporting 
          (2) Contents of state performance reports.--The 
        performance report for a State shall include, subject 
        to paragraph (5)(C)--
                  (A) information specifying the levels of 
                performance achieved with respect to the 
                primary indicators of performance described in 
                subsection (b)(2)(A) for each of the programs 
                described in subsection (b)(3)(A)(ii) and the 
                State adjusted levels of performance with 
                respect to such indicators for each program;
                  (B) information specifying the levels of 
                performance achieved with respect to the 
                primary indicators of performance described in 
                subsection (b)(2)(A) for each of the programs 
                described in subsection (b)(3)(A)(ii) with 
                respect to individuals with barriers to 
                employment, disaggregated by each subpopulation 
                of such individuals, and by race, ethnicity, 
                sex, and age;
                  (C) the total number of participants served 
                by each of the programs described in subsection 
                  (D) the number of participants who received 
                career and training services, respectively, 
                during the most recent program year and the 3 
                preceding program years, and the amount of 
                funds spent on each type of service;
                  (E) the number of participants who exited 
                from career and training services, 
                respectively, during the most recent program 
                year and the 3 preceding program years;
                  (F) the average cost per participant of those 
                participants who received career and training 
                services, respectively, during the most recent 
                program year and the 3 preceding program years;
                  (G) the percentage of participants in a 
                program authorized under this subtitle who 
                received training services and obtained 
                unsubsidized employment in a field related to 
                the training received;
                  (H) the number of individuals with barriers 
                to employment served by each of the programs 
                described in subsection (b)(3)(A)(ii), 
                disaggregated by each subpopulation of such 
                  (I) the number of participants who are 
                enrolled in more than 1 of the programs 
                described in subsection (b)(3)(A)(ii);
                  (J) the median earnings gain of participants 
                who received training services, calculated as 
                the difference between--
                          (i) median participant earnings in 
                        unsubsidized employment during the 
                        second quarter after program exit; and
                          (ii) median participant earnings in 
                        the second quarter prior to entering 
                        the program;
                  [(J)] (K) the percentage of the State's 
                annual allotment under section 132(b) that the 
                State spent on administrative costs;
                  [(K)] (L) in the case of a State in which 
                local areas are implementing pay-for-
                performance contract [strategies for programs--
                          [(i) the performance] strategies for 
                        programs, the performance of service 
                        providers entering into contracts for 
                        such strategies, measured against the 
                        levels of performance specified in the 
                        contracts for such strategies; and
                          [(ii) an evaluation of the design of 
                        the programs and performance of the 
                        strategies, and, where possible, the 
                        level of satisfaction with the 
                        strategies among employers and 
                        participants benefitting from the 
                        strategies; and]
                  [(L)] (M) other information that facilitates 
                comparisons of programs with programs in other 
          (3) Contents of local area performance reports.--The 
        performance reports for a local area shall include, 
        subject to paragraph (6)(C)--
                  (A) the information specified in 
                subparagraphs (A) through (L) of paragraph (2), 
                for each of the programs described in 
                subclauses (I) through (III) of subsection 
                  (B) the percentage of the local area's 
                allocation under sections 128(b) and 133(b) 
                that the local area spent on administrative 
                costs; [and]
                  (C) the percentage of a local area's 
                allocation under section 133(b) that the local 
                area spent on services paid for through an 
                individual training account described in 
                section 134(c)(3)(F)(iii) or a training 
                contract described in section 134(c)(3)(G)(ii);
                  (D) the percentage of a local area's 
                allocation under section 133(b) that the local 
                area spent on supportive services; and
                  [(C)] (E) other information that facilitates 
                comparisons of programs with programs in other 
                local areas (or planning regions, as 
          [(4) Contents of eligible training providers 
        performance reports.--The performance report for an 
        eligible provider of training services under section 
        122 shall include, subject to paragraph (6)(C), with 
        respect to each program of study (or the equivalent) of 
        such provider--
                  [(A) information specifying the levels of 
                performance achieved with respect to the 
                primary indicators of performance described in 
                subclauses (I) through (IV) of subsection 
                (b)(2)(A)(i) with respect to all individuals 
                engaging in the program of study (or the 
                  [(B) the total number of individuals exiting 
                from the program of study (or the equivalent);
                  [(C) the total number of participants who 
                received training services through each of the 
                adult program and the dislocated worker program 
                authorized under chapter 3 of subtitle B, 
                disaggregated by the type of entity that 
                provided the training, during the most recent 
                program year and the 3 preceding program years;
                  [(D) the total number of participants who 
                exited from training services, disaggregated by 
                the type of entity that provided the training, 
                during the most recent program year and the 3 
                preceding program years;
                  [(E) the average cost per participant for the 
                participants who received training services, 
                disaggregated by the type of entity that 
                provided the training, during the most recent 
                program year and the 3 preceding program years; 
                  [(F) the number of individuals with barriers 
                to employment served by each of the adult 
                program and the dislocated worker program 
                authorized under chapter 3 of subtitle B, 
                disaggregated by each subpopulation of such 
                individuals, and by race, ethnicity, sex, and 
          (4) Contents of eligible training providers 
        performance report.--
                  (A) In general.--The State shall use the 
                information submitted by the eligible providers 
                of training services under section 122 and 
                administrative records, including quarterly 
                wage records, of the participants of the 
                programs offered by the providers to produce a 
                performance report on the eligible providers of 
                training services in the State, which shall 
                include, subject to paragraph (6)(C)--
                          (i) with respect to each program of 
                        study (or the equivalent) of such a 
                                  (I) information specifying 
                                the levels of performance 
                                achieved with respect to the 
                                primary indicators of 
                                performance described in 
                                subclauses (I) through (IV) of 
                                subsection (b)(2)(A)(i) with 
                                respect to all individuals 
                                engaging in the program of 
                                study (or the equivalent); and
                                  (II) the total number of 
                                individuals exiting from the 
                                program of study (or the 
                                equivalent); and
                          (ii) with respect to all such 
                                  (I) the total number of 
                                participants who received 
                                training services through each 
                                adult and dislocated worker 
                                program authorized under 
                                chapter 3 of subtitle B, 
                                disaggregated by the type of 
                                entity that provided the 
                                training, during the most 
                                recent program year and the 3 
                                preceding program years;
                                  (II) the total number of 
                                participants who exited from 
                                training services, 
                                disaggregated by the type of 
                                entity that provided the 
                                training, during the most 
                                recent program year and the 3 
                                preceding program years;
                                  (III) the average cost per 
                                participant for the 
                                participants who received 
                                training services, 
                                disaggregated by the type of 
                                entity that provided the 
                                training, during the most 
                                recent program year and the 3 
                                preceding program years; and
                                  (IV) the number of 
                                individuals with barriers to 
                                employment served by each adult 
                                and dislocated worker program 
                                authorized under chapter 3 of 
                                subtitle B, disaggregated by 
                                each subpopulation of such 
                                individuals, and by race, 
                                ethnicity, sex, and age.
                          (iii) with respect to each recognized 
                        postsecondary credential on the list of 
                        credentials awarded by eligible 
                        providers in the State described in 
                        section 116(d)(2)--
                                  (I) information specifying 
                                the levels of performance 
                                achieved with respect to the 
                                primary indicators of 
                                performance described in 
                                subclauses (I) through (IV) of 
                                subsection (b)(2)(A)(i) for all 
                                participants in the State 
                                receiving such credential; and
                                  (II) information specifying 
                                the levels of performance 
                                achieved with respect to the 
                                primary indicators of 
                                performance described in 
                                subclauses (I) through (IV) of 
                                subsection (b)(2)(A)(i) for 
                                participants in the State 
                                receiving such credential with 
                                respect to individuals with 
                                barriers to employment, 
                                disaggregated by each 
                                subpopulation of such 
                                individuals, and by race, 
                                ethnicity, sex, and age.
          (5) Data validation.--In preparing the State reports 
        described in this subsection, each State shall 
        establish procedures, consistent with guidelines issued 
        by the Secretary, in conjunction with the Secretary of 
        Education, to ensure the information contained in the 
        reports is valid and reliable.
          (6) Publication.--
                  [(A) State performance reports.--The 
                Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of 
                Education shall annually make available 
                (including by electronic means), in an easily 
                understandable format, the performance reports 
                for States containing the information described 
                in paragraph (2).]
                  (A) State performance reports.--The Secretary 
                of Labor and the Secretary of Education shall 
                annually make available the performance reports 
                for States containing the information described 
                in paragraph (2), which shall include making 
                such reports available--
                          (i) digitally using transparent, 
                        linked, open, and interoperable data 
                        formats that are human readable and 
                        machine actionable such that the data 
                        from these reports--
                                  (I) are easily 
                                understandable; and
                                  (II) can be easily included 
                                in web-based tools and services 
                                supporting search, discovery, 
                                comparison, analysis, 
                                navigation, and guidance; and
                          (ii) in a printable format.
                  (B) Local area and eligible training provider 
                performance reports.--The State shall make 
                available [(including by electronic means), in 
                an easily understandable format,] the 
                performance reports for the local areas 
                containing the information described in 
                paragraph (3) and the performance reports for 
                eligible providers of training services 
                containing the information described in 
                paragraph (4). The Secretary of Labor and the 
                Secretary of Education shall include, on the 
                website where the State performance reports 
                required under subparagraph (A) are made 
                available, a link to local area performance 
                reports and the eligible training provider 
                report for each State. Such reports shall be 
                made available in each of the formats described 
                in subparagraph (A).
                  (C) Rules for reporting of data.--The 
                disaggregation of data under this subsection 
                shall not be required when the number of 
                participants in a category is insufficient to 
                yield statistically reliable information or 
                when the results would reveal personally 
                identifiable information about an individual 
                  (D) Dissemination to congress.--The Secretary 
                of Labor and the Secretary of Education shall 
                make available (including by electronic means) 
                a summary of the reports, and the reports, 
                required under this subsection to the Committee 
                on Education and the Workforce of the House of 
                Representatives and the Committee on Health, 
                Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate. 
                The Secretaries shall prepare and make 
                available with the reports a set of 
                recommendations for improvements in and 
                adjustments to pay-for-performance contract 
                strategies used under subtitle B.
  (e) Evaluation of State Programs.--
          (1) In general.--Using funds authorized under a core 
        program and made available to carry out this section, 
        the State, in coordination with local boards in the 
        State and the State agencies responsible for the 
        administration of the core programs, [shall conduct 
        ongoing] shall use data to conduct analyses and ongoing 
        evaluations of activities carried out in the State 
        under such programs. The State, local boards, and State 
        agencies shall [conduct the] conduct such analyses and 
        evaluations in order to promote, establish, implement, 
        and utilize methods for continuously improving core 
        program activities in order to achieve high-level 
        performance within, and high-level outcomes from, the 
        workforce development system. The State shall 
        coordinate the evaluations with the evaluations 
        provided for by the Secretary of Labor and the 
        Secretary of Education under section 169, section 
        242(c)(2)(D), and sections 12(a)(5), 14, and 107 of the 
        Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 709(a)(5), 711, 
        727) (applied with respect to programs carried out 
        under title I of that Act (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.)) and 
        the investigations provided for by the Secretary of 
        Labor under section 10(b) of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 
        U.S.C. 49i(b)).
          (2) Design.--The evaluations conducted under this 
        subsection shall be designed in conjunction with the 
        State board, State agencies responsible for the 
        administration of the core programs, and local boards 
        and shall include analysis of customer feedback and 
        outcome and process measures in the statewide workforce 
        development system. The evaluations shall use designs 
        that employ the most rigorous analytical and 
        statistical methods that are reasonably feasible, such 
        as the use of control groups. A State may use other 
        forms of analysis, such as machine learning or other 
        advanced analytics, to improve program operations and 
        outcomes and to identify areas for further evaluation.
          (3) Results.--The State shall annually prepare, 
        submit to the State board and local boards in the 
        State, and make available to the public (including by 
        electronic means), reports containing the results of 
        evaluations conducted under this subsection, to promote 
        the efficiency and effectiveness of the workforce 
        development system.
          (4) Cooperation with federal evaluations.--The State 
        shall, to the extent practicable, cooperate in the 
        conduct of evaluations (including related research 
        projects) provided for by the Secretary of Labor or the 
        Secretary of Education under the provisions of Federal 
        law identified in paragraph (1). Such cooperation shall 
        include the provision of data (in accordance with 
        appropriate privacy protections established by the 
        Secretary of Labor), the provision of responses to 
        surveys, and allowing site visits in a timely manner, 
        for the Secretaries or their agents.
  [(f) Sanctions for State Failure To Meet State Performance 
Accountability Measures.--
          [(1) States.--
                  [(A) Technical Assistance.--If a State fails 
                to meet the State adjusted levels of 
                performance relating to indicators described in 
                subsection (b)(2)(A) for a program for any 
                program year, the Secretary of Labor and the 
                Secretary of Education shall provide technical 
                assistance, including assistance in the 
                development of a performance improvement plan.
                  [(B) Reduction in amount of grant.--If such 
                failure continues for a second consecutive 
                year, or (except in the case of exceptional 
                circumstances as determined by the Secretary of 
                Labor or the Secretary of Education, as 
                appropriate) a State fails to submit a report 
                under subsection (d) for any program year, the 
                percentage of each amount that would (in the 
                absence of this paragraph) be reserved by the 
                Governor under section 128(a) for the 
                immediately succeeding program year shall be 
                reduced by 5 percentage points until such date 
                as the Secretary of Labor or the Secretary of 
                Education, as appropriate, determines that the 
                State meets such State adjusted levels of 
                performance and has submitted such reports for 
                the appropriate program years.]
  (f) Sanctions for State Failure to Meet State Performance 
Accountability Measures.--
          (1) Targeted support and assistance.--
                  (A) In general.--If a State fails to meet 80 
                percent of the State adjusted level of 
                performance for an indicator described in 
                subsection (b)(2)(A) for a program for any 
                program year, the Secretary of Labor and the 
                Secretary of Education shall provide technical 
                  (B) Sanctions.--
                          (i) In general.--If the State fails 
                        in the manner described in subclause 
                        (I) or (II) of clause (ii) with respect 
                        to a program year, the percentage of 
                        each amount that would (in the absence 
                        of this paragraph) be reserved by the 
                        Governor under section 128(a)(1) for 
                        the immediately succeeding program year 
                        shall be reduced by 5 percentage points 
                        until such date as the Secretary of 
                        Labor or the Secretary of Education, as 
                        appropriate, determines that the State 
                        meets the State adjusted level of 
                        performance, in the case of a failure 
                        described in clause (ii)(I), or has 
                        submitted the reports for the 
                        appropriate program years, in the case 
                        of a failure described in clause 
                          (ii) Failures.--A State shall be 
                        subject to clause (i)--
                                  (I) if (except in the case of 
                                exceptional circumstances as 
                                determined by the Secretary of 
                                Labor or the Secretary of 
                                Education, as appropriate), 
                                such State fails to submit a 
                                report under subsection (d) for 
                                any program year; or
                                  (II) for a failure under 
                                subparagraph (A) that continues 
                                for a second consecutive year.
          (2) Comprehensive support and assistance.--
                  (A) In general.--If a State fails to meet an 
                average of 90 percent of the State adjusted 
                levels of performance for a program across all 
                performance indicators for any program year, or 
                if a State fails to meet an average of 90 
                percent of the State adjusted levels of 
                performance for a single performance indicator 
                across all programs for any program year, the 
                Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of 
                Education shall provide technical assistance, 
                as described and authorized under section 
                168(b), including assistance in the development 
                of a comprehensive performance improvement 
                  (B) Second consecutive year failure.--If such 
                failure under subparagraph (A) continues for a 
                second consecutive year, the percentage of each 
                amount that would (in the absence of this 
                subsection) be reserved by the Governor under 
                section 128(a)(1) for the immediately 
                succeeding program year shall be reduced by 10 
                percentage points until such date as the 
                Secretary of Labor or the Secretary of 
                Education, as appropriate, determines that the 
                State meets such State adjusted levels of 
          (3) Reallotment of reductions.--Any amounts not 
        reserved under section 128(a)(1) for a State for a 
        program year pursuant to paragraph (1)(B) or (2)(B) of 
        this subsection shall be realloted to other States in a 
        manner consistent with paragraph (1)(B) or (2)(B) of 
        section 132(b).
  (g) Sanctions for Local Area Failure To Meet Local 
Performance Accountability Measures.--
          (1) Technical assistance.--If a local area fails to 
        meet 80 percent of the local performance 
        [accountability measures] accountability levels of 
        performance on an indicator of performance, an average 
        of 90 percent of the local levels of performance across 
        indicators for a single program, or an average of 90 
        percent for a single performance indicator across all 
        programs established under subsection (c) for the 
        youth, adult, or dislocated worker program authorized 
        under chapter 2 or 3 of subtitle B for any program 
        year, the Governor, or upon request by the Governor, 
        the Secretary of Labor, shall provide technical 
        assistance, which may include assistance in the 
        development of a performance improvement plan or the 
        development of a modified local plan (or regional 
          (2) Corrective actions.--
                  [(A) In general.--If such failure continues 
                for a third consecutive year, the Governor 
                shall take corrective actions, which shall 
                include development of a reorganization plan 
                through which the Governor shall--
                          [(i) require the appointment and 
                        certification of a new local board, 
                        consistent with the criteria 
                        established under section 107(b);
                          [(ii) prohibit the use of eligible 
                        providers and one-stop partners 
                        identified as achieving a poor level of 
                        performance; or
                          [(iii) take such other significant 
                        actions as the Governor determines are 
                  (A) In general.--If such failure continues, 
                the Governor shall take corrective actions, 
                which shall include--
                          (i) in the case of a failure, for a 
                        second consecutive year, on any 
                        individual indicator, across indicators 
                        for a single program, or on a single 
                        indicator across programs, a 5-percent 
                        reduction in the amount that would have 
                        otherwise been provided (in the absence 
                        of this clause) to the local area for 
                        the immediately succeeding program year 
                        under chapter 2 or 3 of subtitle B for 
                        the program subject to the performance 
                          (ii) in the case of a failure, as 
                        described in paragraph (1), for a third 
                        consecutive year, the development of a 
                        reorganization plan through which the 
                        Governor shall--
                                  (I) require the appointment 
                                and certification of a new 
                                local board, consistent with 
                                the criteria established under 
                                section 107(b);
                                  (II) prohibit the use of one-
                                stop partners identified as 
                                achieving a poor level of 
                                performance; and
                                  (III) revise or redesignate a 
                                local area, which may include 
                                merging a local area with 
                                another local area if the 
                                Governor determines that the 
                                likely cause of such continued 
                                performance failure of a local 
                                area is due to such local 
                                area's designation being 
                                granted without the appropriate 
                                consideration of parameters 
                                described under section 
                                106(b)(1)(B); or
                          (iii) other significant actions 
                        determined appropriate by the Governor.
                  (B) Appeal by local area.--
                          (i) Appeal to governor.--The local 
                        board and chief elected official for a 
                        local area that is subject to a 
                        reorganization plan under subparagraph 
                        (A)(ii) may, not later than 30 days 
                        after receiving notice of the 
                        reorganization plan, appeal to the 
                        Governor to rescind or revise such 
                        plan. In such case, the Governor shall 
                        make a final decision not later than 30 
                        days after the receipt of the appeal.
                          (ii) Subsequent action.--The local 
                        board and chief elected official for a 
                        local area may, not later than 30 days 
                        after receiving a decision from the 
                        Governor pursuant to clause (i), appeal 
                        such decision to the Secretary of 
                        Labor. In such case, the Secretary 
                        shall make a final decision not later 
                        than 30 days after the receipt of the 
                  (C) Effective Date.--The decision made by the 
                Governor under subparagraph (B)(i) shall become 
                effective at the time the Governor issues the 
                decision pursuant to such clause. Such decision 
                shall remain effective unless the Secretary of 
                Labor rescinds or revises such plan pursuant to 
                subparagraph (B)(ii).
                  (D) Reallocation of reductions.--Any amounts 
                not allocated under chapter 2 or 3 of subtitle 
                B to a local area for a program year pursuant 
                to subparagraph (A)(i) shall be reallocated to 
                other local areas in a manner consistent with 
                subparagraph (A) or (B) of section 133(b)(2) or 
                subparagraph (A) of section 128(b)(2), as 
  (h) Establishing Pay-for-Performance Contract Strategy 
Incentives.--Using [non-Federal funds] the funds reserved under 
section 128(a)(1), the Governor may establish incentives for 
local boards to implement pay-for-performance contract 
strategies for the delivery of training services described in 
section 134(c)(3) or activities described in section 129(c)(2) 
in the local areas served by the local boards.
  (i) Fiscal and Management Accountability Information 
          (1) In general.--Using funds authorized under a core 
        program and made available to carry out this chapter, 
        the Governor, in coordination with the State board, the 
        State agencies administering the core programs, local 
        boards, and chief elected officials in the State, shall 
        establish and operate a fiscal and management 
        accountability information system based on guidelines 
        established by the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary 
        of Education after consultation with the Governors of 
        States, chief elected officials, and one-stop partners. 
        Such guidelines shall promote efficient collection and 
        use of fiscal and management information for reporting 
        and monitoring the use of funds authorized under the 
        core programs and for preparing the annual report 
        described in subsection (d).
          (2) Wage records.--In measuring the progress of the 
        State on State and local performance accountability 
        measures, a State shall utilize quarterly wage records, 
        consistent with State law, and may use information 
        provided from the National Directory of New Hires in 
        accordance with section 453(j)(8) of the Social 
        Security Act (42 U.S.C. 653(j)(8)). The Secretary of 
        Labor shall make arrangements, consistent with State 
        law, to ensure that the wage records of any State are 
        available to any other State to the extent that such 
        wage records are required by the State in carrying out 
        the State plan of the State or completing the annual 
        report described in subsection (d).
          (3) Designated entity.--The Governor shall designate 
        a State agency (or appropriate State entity) to assist 
        in carrying out the performance reporting requirements 
        for core programs and eligible training providers. The 
        designated State agency (or appropriate State entity) 
        shall be responsible for--
                  (A) facilitating data matches using quarterly 
                wage record information, including wage record 
                information made available by other States, to 
                measure employment and earnings outcomes;
                  (B) data validation and reliability, as 
                described in subsection (d)(5); and
                  (C) protection against disaggregation that 
                would violate applicable privacy standards, as 
                described in subsection (d)(6)(C).
          [(3)] (4) Confidentiality.--In carrying out the 
        requirements of this Act, the State shall comply with 
        section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 
        U.S.C. 1232g).

       Subtitle B--Workforce Investment Activities and Providers



  (a) In general.--Consistent with an approved State plan, the 
local board for a local area, with the agreement of the chief 
elected official for the local area, shall--
          (1) develop and enter into the memorandum of 
        understanding described in subsection (c) with one-stop 
          (2) designate or certify one-stop operators under 
        subsection (d); and
          (3) conduct oversight with respect to the one-stop 
        delivery system in the local area.
  (b) One-stop Partners.--
          (1) Required partners.--
                  (A) Roles and responsibilities of one-stop 
                partners.--Each entity that carries out a 
                program or activities described in subparagraph 
                (B) in a local area shall--
                          (i) provide access through the one-
                        stop delivery system to such program or 
                        activities carried out by the entity, 
                        including making the career services 
                        described in section 134(c)(2) that are 
                        applicable to the program or activities 
                        available at the one-stop centers (in 
                        addition to any other appropriate 
                          (ii) use a portion of the funds 
                        available for the program and 
                        activities to maintain the one-stop 
                        delivery system, including payment of 
                        the infrastructure costs of one-stop 
                        centers in accordance with subsection 
                          (iii) enter into a local memorandum 
                        of understanding with the local board, 
                        relating to the operation of the one-
                        stop system, that meets the 
                        requirements of subsection (c);
                          (iv) participate in the operation of 
                        the one-stop system consistent with the 
                        terms of the memorandum of 
                        understanding, the requirements of this 
                        title, and the requirements of the 
                        Federal laws authorizing the program or 
                        activities; and
                          (v) provide representation on the 
                        State board to the extent provided 
                        under section 101.
                  (B) Programs and activities.--The programs 
                and activities referred to in subparagraph (A) 
                consist of--
                          (i) programs authorized under this 
                          (ii) programs authorized under the 
                        Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et 
                          (iii) adult education and literacy 
                        activities authorized under title II;
                          (iv) programs authorized under title 
                        I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 
                        U.S.C. 720 et seq.) (other than section 
                        112 or part C of title I of such Act 
                        (29 U.S.C. 732, 741);
                          (v) activities authorized under title 
                        V of the Older Americans Act of 1965 
                        (42 U.S.C. 3056 et seq.);
                          (vi) career and technical education 
                        programs at the postsecondary level 
                        authorized under the Carl D. Perkins 
                        Career and Technical Education Act of 
                        2006 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.);
                          (vii) activities authorized under 
                        chapter 2 of title II of the Trade Act 
                        of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2271 et seq.);
                          (viii) activities authorized under 
                        chapter 41 of title 38, United States 
                          (ix) employment and training 
                        activities carried out under the 
                        Community Services Block Grant Act (42 
                        U.S.C. 9901 et seq.);
                          (x) employment and training 
                        activities carried out by the 
                        Department of Housing and Urban 
                          (xi) programs authorized under State 
                        unemployment compensation laws (in 
                        accordance with applicable Federal 
                        law); and
                          [(xii) programs authorized under 
                        section 212 of the Second Chance Act of 
                        2007 (42 U.S.C. 17532); and]
                          (xiii) programs authorized under part 
                        A of title IV of the Social Security 
                        Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), subject to 
                        subparagraph (C).
                  (C) Determination by the governor.--
                          (i) In general.--An entity that 
                        carries out a program referred to in 
                        subparagraph (B)(xiii) shall be 
                        included in the one-stop partners for 
                        the local area, as a required partner, 
                        for purposes of this Act and the other 
                        core program provisions that are not 
                        part of this Act, unless the Governor 
                        provides the notification described in 
                        clause (ii).
                          (ii) Notification.--The notification 
                        referred to in clause (i) is a 
                        notification that--
                                  (I) is made in writing of a 
                                determination by the Governor 
                                not to include such entity in 
                                the one-stop partners described 
                                in clause (i); and
                                  (II) is provided to the 
                                Secretary of Labor (referred to 
                                in this subtitle, and subtitles 
                                C through E, as the 
                                ``Secretary'') and the 
                                Secretary of Health and Human 
          (2) Additional partners.--
                  (A) In general.--[With] At the direction of 
                the Governor or with the approval of the local 
                board and chief elected official, in addition 
                to the entities described in paragraph (1), 
                other entities that carry out workforce 
                development programs described in subparagraph 
                (B) may be one-stop partners for the local area 
                and carry out the responsibilities described in 
                paragraph (1)(A).
                  (B) Programs.--The programs referred to in 
                subparagraph (A) may include--
                          (i) employment and training programs 
                        administered by the Social Security 
                        Administration, including the Ticket to 
                        Work and Self-Sufficiency Program 
                        established under section 1148 of the 
                        Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-
                          (ii) employment and training programs 
                        carried out by the Small Business 
                          (iii) programs authorized under 
                        section 6(d)(4) of the Food and 
                        Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 
                          (iv) work programs authorized under 
                        section 6(o) of the Food and Nutrition 
                        Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2015(o));
                          (v) programs carried out under 
                        section 112 of the Rehabilitation Act 
                        of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 732);
                          (vi) programs authorized under the 
                        National and Community Service Act of 
                        1990 (42 U.S.C. 12501 et seq.); [and]
                          (vii) workforce and economic 
                        development programs carried out by the 
                        Economic Development Administration; 
                          [(vii)] (viii) other appropriate 
                        Federal, State, or local programs, 
                        including employment, education, and 
                        training programs provided by public 
                        libraries or in the private sector.
  (c) Memorandum of Understanding.--
          (1) Development.--The local board, with the agreement 
        of the chief elected official, shall develop and enter 
        into a memorandum of understanding (between the local 
        board and the one-stop partners), consistent with 
        paragraph (2), concerning the operation of the one-stop 
        delivery system in the local area.
          (2) Contents.--Each memorandum of understanding shall 
                  (A) provisions describing--
                          (i) the services to be provided 
                        through the one-stop delivery system 
                        consistent with the requirements of 
                        this section, including the manner in 
                        which the services will be coordinated 
                        and delivered through such system;
                          (ii) how the costs of such services 
                        and the operating costs of such system 
                        will be funded, including--
                                  (I) funding through cash and 
                                in-kind contributions (fairly 
                                evaluated), which contributions 
                                may include funding from 
                                philanthropic organizations or 
                                other private entities, or 
                                through other alternative 
                                financing options, to provide a 
                                stable and equitable funding 
                                stream for ongoing one-stop 
                                delivery system operations; and
                                  (II) funding of the 
                                infrastructure costs of one-
                                stop centers in accordance with 
                                subsection (h);
                          (iii) methods of referral of 
                        individuals between the one-stop 
                        operator and the one-stop partners for 
                        appropriate services and activities;
                          (iv) methods to ensure the needs of 
                        workers and youth, and individuals with 
                        barriers to employment, including 
                        individuals with disabilities, are 
                        addressed in the provision of necessary 
                        and appropriate access to services, 
                        including access to technology and 
                        materials, made available through the 
                        one-stop delivery system; and
                          (v) the duration of the memorandum of 
                        understanding and the procedures for 
                        amending the memorandum during the 
                        duration of the memorandum, and 
                        assurances that such memorandum shall 
                        be reviewed not less than once every 3-
                        year period to ensure appropriate 
                        funding and delivery of services; and
                  (B) such other provisions, consistent with 
                the requirements of this title, as the parties 
                to the agreement determine to be appropriate.
  (d) One-stop Operators.--
          (1) Local designation and certification.--Consistent 
        with paragraphs (2) and (3), the local board, with the 
        agreement of the chief elected official, is authorized 
        to designate or certify one-stop operators and to 
        terminate for cause the eligibility of such operators.
          (2) Eligibility.--To be eligible to receive funds 
        made available under this subtitle to operate a one-
        stop center referred to in subsection (e), an entity 
        (which may be a consortium of entities)--
                  (A) shall be designated or certified as a 
                one-stop operator through a competitive 
                process; and
                  (B) shall be an entity (public, private, or 
                nonprofit), or consortium of entities 
                (including a consortium of entities that, at a 
                minimum, includes 3 or more of the one-stop 
                partners described in subsection (b)(1)), of 
                demonstrated effectiveness, located in the 
                local area, which may include--
                          (i) an institution of higher 
                        education or an area career and 
                        technical education school;
                          (ii) an employment service State 
                        agency established under the Wagner-
                        Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.), on 
                        behalf of the local office of the 
                          (iii) a community-based organization, 
                        nonprofit organization, or 
                          (iv) a private for-profit entity;
                          (v) a government agency; [and]
                          (vi) a public library;
                          (vii) a local board that meets the 
                        requirements of paragraph (4); and
                          [(vi)] (viii) another interested 
                        organization or entity, which may 
                        include a local chamber of commerce or 
                        other business organization, or a labor 
                        organization joint labor-management 
          (3) Responsibilities.--
                  (A) In general.--In operating a one-stop 
                system referred to in subsection (e), a one-
                stop operator--
                          (i) shall--
                                  (I) manage the physical and 
                                virtual infrastructure and 
                                operations of the one-stop 
                                system in the local area; and
                                  (II) facilitate coordination 
                                among the partners in such one-
                                stop system; and
                          (ii) may, subject to the requirements 
                        under subparagraph (B), directly 
                        provide services to job seekers and 
                  (B) Internal controls.--In a case in which a 
                one-stop operator seeks to operate as a service 
                provider pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii), the 
                local board shall establish internal controls 
                (which shall include written policies and 
                          (i) with respect to the competition 
                        in which the one-stop operator will 
                        compete to be selected as such service 
                        provider, and the subsequent oversight, 
                        monitoring, and evaluation of the 
                        performance of such one-stop operator 
                        as such service provider; and
                          (ii) which--
                                  (I) require compliance with--
                                          (aa) relevant Office 
                                        of Management and 
                                        Budget circulars 
                                        relating to conflicts 
                                        of interest; and
                                          (bb) any applicable 
                                        State conflict of 
                                        interest policy; and
                                  (II) prohibit a one-stop 
                                operator from developing, 
                                managing, or conducting the 
                                competition in which the 
                                operator intends to compete to 
                                be selected as a service 
          (4) Local boards as one-stop operators.--Subject to 
        approval from the chief elected official and Governor 
        and in accordance with any other eligibility criteria 
        established by the State, a local board may serve as a 
        one-stop operator, if the local board--
                  (A) enters into a written agreement with the 
                chief elected official that clarifies how the 
                local board will carry out the functions and 
                responsibilities as a one-stop operator in a 
                manner that complies with the appropriate 
                internal controls to prevent any conflicts of 
                interest, which shall include how the local 
                board, while serving as a one-stop operator, 
                          (i) comply with the relevant Office 
                        of Management and Budget circulars 
                        relating to conflicts of interest; and
                          (ii) any applicable State conflict of 
                        interest policy; and
                  (B) complies with the other applicable 
                requirements of this subsection.
          [(3)] (5) Exception.--Elementary schools and 
        secondary schools shall not be eligible for designation 
        or certification as one-stop operators, except that 
        nontraditional public secondary schools and area career 
        and technical education schools may be eligible for 
        such designation or certification.
          [(4)] (6) Additional requirements.--The State and 
        local boards shall ensure that in carrying out 
        activities under this title, one-stop operators--
                  (A) disclose any potential conflicts of 
                interest arising from the relationships of the 
                operators with particular training service 
                providers or other service providers;
                  (B) do not establish practices that create 
                disincentives to providing services to 
                individuals with barriers to employment who may 
                require longer-term services, such as intensive 
                employment, training, and education services; 
                  (C) comply with Federal regulations, and 
                procurement policies, relating to the 
                calculation and use of profits.
  (e) Establishment of One-stop Delivery System.--
          (1) In general.--There shall be established in each 
        local area in a State that receives an allotment under 
        section 132(b) a one-stop delivery system, which 
                  (A) provide the career services described in 
                section 134(c)(2);
                  (B) provide access to training services as 
                described in section 134(c)(3), including 
                serving as the point of access to training 
                services for participants in accordance with 
                section 134(c)(3)(G);
                  (C) provide access to the employment and 
                training activities carried out under section 
                134(d), if any;
                  (D) provide access to programs and activities 
                carried out by one-stop partners described in 
                subsection (b); and
                  (E) provide access to the data, information, 
                and analysis described in section 15(a) of the 
                Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49l-2(a)) and all 
                job search, placement, recruitment, and other 
                labor exchange services authorized under the 
                Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.).
          (2) One-stop delivery.--The one-stop delivery 
                  [(A) at a minimum, shall make each of the 
                programs, services, and activities described in 
                paragraph (1) accessible at not less than 1 
                physical center in each local area of the 
                State; and]
                  (A) shall make each of the programs, 
                services, and activities described in paragraph 
                (1) accessible--
                          (i) to individuals through electronic 
                        means, in a single, virtually 
                        accessible location, and in a manner 
                        that improves efficiency, coordination, 
                        and quality, as determined by the 
                        State, in the delivery of such 
                        programs, services, and activities; or
                          (ii) at not less than 1 physical 
                        center in each local area of the State; 
                  (B) may also make programs, services, and 
                activities described in paragraph (1) 
                          (i) through a network of affiliated 
                        sites (such as any of the entities 
                        described in subsection (d)(2)(B)) that 
                        can provide 1 or more of the programs, 
                        services, and activities to 
                        individuals; and
                          (ii) through a network of eligible 
                        one-stop partners--
                                  (I) in which each partner 
                                provides 1 or more of the 
                                programs, services, and 
                                activities to such individuals 
                                and is accessible at an 
                                affiliated site that consists 
                                of a physical location or an 
                                electronically or 
                                technologically linked access 
                                point; and
                                  (II) that assures individuals 
                                that information on the 
                                availability of the career 
                                services will be available 
                                regardless of where the 
                                individuals initially enter the 
                                statewide workforce development 
                                system, including information 
                                made available through an 
                                access point described in 
                                subclause (I);
                  (C) may have specialized centers (which may 
                be virtual or physical centers) to address 
                special needs, such as the needs of dislocated 
                workers, youth, or key industry sectors or 
                clusters; and
                  (D) [as applicable and practicable, shall] in 
                the case of a one-stop delivery system that is 
                making each of the programs, services, and 
                activities described in paragraph (1) 
                accessible at not less than 1 physical center, 
                as described in subparagraph (A)(ii), the one-
                stop delivery system shall, as applicable and 
                practicable, make programs, services, and 
                activities accessible to individuals through 
                electronic means in a manner that improves 
                efficiency, coordination, and quality in the 
                delivery of one-stop partner services[.]; and
                  (E) in the case of a one-stop delivery system 
                that is making each of the programs, services, 
                and activities accessible through electronic 
                means, as described in subparagraph (A)(i), the 
                one-stop delivery system shall have not less 
                than two affiliated sites with a physical 
                location where individuals can access, 
                virtually, each of the programs, services, and 
                activities described in paragraph (1) that are 
                virtually accessible.
          (3) Colocation of wagner-peyser services.--Consistent 
        with section 3(d) of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 
        49b(d)), and in order to improve service delivery, 
        avoid duplication of services, and enhance coordination 
        of services, including location of staff to ensure 
        access to services in underserved areas, the employment 
        service offices in each State shall be colocated with 
        one-stop centers established under this title.
          (4) Use of common one-stop delivery system 
        identifier.--In addition to using any State or locally 
        developed identifier, each one-stop delivery system 
        shall include in the identification of products, 
        programs, activities, services, facilities, and related 
        property and materials, a common one-stop delivery 
        system identifier. The identifier shall be developed by 
        the Secretary, in consultation with heads of other 
        appropriate departments and agencies, and 
        representatives of State boards and local boards and of 
        other stakeholders in the one-stop delivery system, not 
        later than the beginning of the second full program 
        year after the date of enactment of this Act. Such 
        common identifier may consist of a logo, phrase, or 
        other identifier that informs users of the one-stop 
        delivery system that such products, programs, 
        activities, services, facilities, property, or 
        materials are being provided through such system. 
        Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to 
        prohibit one-stop partners, States, or local areas from 
        having additional identifiers.
  (f) Application to Certain Vocational Rehabilitation 
          (1) Limitation.--Nothing in this section shall be 
        construed to apply to part C of title I of the 
        Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 741).
          (2) Client assistance.--Nothing in this Act shall be 
        construed to require that any entity carrying out a 
        client assistance program authorized under section 112 
        of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 732)--
                  (A) be included as a mandatory one-stop 
                partner under subsection (b)(1); or
                  (B) if the entity is included as an 
                additional one-stop partner under subsection 
                          (i) violate the requirement of 
                        section 112(c)(1)(A) of that Act (29 
                        U.S.C. 732(c)(1)(A)) that the entity be 
                        independent of any agency that provides 
                        treatment, services, or rehabilitation 
                        to individuals under that Act; or
                          (ii) carry out any activity not 
                        authorized under section 112 of that 
                        Act (including appropriate Federal 
  (g) Certification and Continuous Improvement of One-stop 
          (1) In general.--In order to be eligible to receive 
        infrastructure funding described in subsection (h), the 
        State board, in consultation with chief elected 
        officials and local boards, shall establish objective 
        criteria and procedures for use by local boards in 
        assessing at least once every 3 years the 
        effectiveness, physical and programmatic accessibility 
        in accordance with section 188, if applicable, and the 
        Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 
        12101 et seq.), and continuous improvement of one-stop 
        centers and the one-stop delivery system, consistent 
        with the requirements of section 101(d)(6).
          (2) Criteria.--The criteria and procedures developed 
        under this subsection shall include standards relating 
        to service coordination achieved by the one-stop 
        delivery system with respect to the programs 
        administered by the one-stop partners at the one-stop 
        centers. Such criteria and procedures shall--
                  (A) be developed in a manner that is 
                consistent with the guidelines, guidance, and 
                policies provided by the Governor and by the 
                State board, in consultation with the chief 
                elected officials and local boards, for such 
                partners' participation [under subsections 
                (h)(1)] under subsections (h)(1)(C) and (i); 
                  (B) include such factors relating to the 
                effectiveness, accessibility, and improvement 
                of the one-stop delivery system as the State 
                board determines to be appropriate, including 
                at a minimum how well the one-stop center--
                          (i) supports the achievement of the 
                        negotiated local levels of performance 
                        for the indicators of performance 
                        described in section 116(b)(2) for the 
                        local area;
                          (ii) integrates available services; 
                          (iii) meets the workforce development 
                        and employment needs of local employers 
                        and participants.
          (3) Local criteria.--Consistent with the criteria 
        developed under paragraph (1) by the State, a local 
        board in the State may develop additional criteria (or 
        higher levels of service coordination than required for 
        the State-developed criteria) relating to service 
        coordination achieved by the one-stop delivery system, 
        for purposes of assessments described in paragraph (1), 
        in order to respond to labor market, economic, and 
        demographic, conditions and trends in the local area.
          (4) Effect of certification.--One-stop centers 
        certified under this subsection shall be eligible to 
        receive the infrastructure funding described in 
        subsection (h).
          (5) Review and update.--The criteria and procedures 
        established under this subsection shall be reviewed and 
        updated by the State board or the local board, as the 
        case may be, as part of the biennial process for review 
        and modification of State and local plans described in 
        sections 102(c)(2) and 108(a).
  (h) Funding of One-stop Infrastructure.--
          [(1) In general.--
                  [(A) Options for infrastructure funding.--
                          [(i) Local options.--The local board, 
                        chief elected officials, and one-stop 
                        partners described in subsection (b)(1) 
                        in a local area may fund the costs of 
                        infrastructure of one-stop centers in 
                        the local area through--
                                  [(I) methods agreed on by the 
                                local board, chief elected 
                                officials, and one-stop 
                                partners (and described in the 
                                memorandum of understanding 
                                described in subsection (c)); 
                                  [(II) if no consensus 
                                agreement on methods is reached 
                                under subclause (I), the State 
                                infrastructure funding 
                                mechanism described in 
                                paragraph (2).
                          [(ii) Failure to reach consensus 
                        agreement on funding methods.--
                        Beginning July 1, 2016, if the local 
                        board, chief elected officials, and 
                        one-stop partners described in 
                        subsection (b)(1) in a local area fail 
                        to reach consensus agreement on methods 
                        of sufficiently funding the costs of 
                        infrastructure of one-stop centers for 
                        a program year, the State 
                        infrastructure funding mechanism 
                        described in paragraph (2) shall be 
                        applicable to such local area for that 
                        program year and for each subsequent 
                        program year for which those entities 
                        and individuals fail to reach such 
                  [(B) Guidance for infrastructure funding.--In 
                addition to carrying out the requirements 
                relating to the State infrastructure funding 
                mechanism described in paragraph (2), the 
                Governor, after consultation with chief elected 
                officials, local boards, and the State board, 
                and consistent with the guidance and policies 
                provided by the State board under subparagraphs 
                (B) and (C)(i) of section 101(d)(7), shall 
                provide, for the use of local areas under 
                subparagraph (A)(i)(I)--
                          [(i) guidelines for State-
                        administered one-stop partner programs, 
                        for determining such programs' 
                        contributions to a one-stop delivery 
                        system, based on such programs' 
                        proportionate use of such system 
                        consistent with chapter II of title 2, 
                        Code of Federal Regulations (or any 
                        corresponding similar regulation or 
                        ruling), including determining funding 
                        for the costs of infrastructure, which 
                        contributions shall be negotiated 
                        pursuant to the memorandum of 
                        understanding under subsection (c); and
                          [(ii) guidance to assist local 
                        boards, chief elected officials, and 
                        one-stop partners in local areas in 
                        determining equitable and stable 
                        methods of funding the costs of 
                        infrastructure of one-stop centers in 
                        such areas.]
          [(2)] (1) State one-stop infrastructure funding.--
                  (A) Definition.--In this paragraph, the term 
                ``covered portion'', used with respect to 
                funding for a fiscal year for a program 
                described in subsection (b)(1), means a portion 
                determined under subparagraph (C) of the 
                Federal funds provided to a State (including 
                local areas within the State) under the Federal 
                law authorizing that program described in 
                subsection (b)(1) for the fiscal year (taking 
                into account the availability of funding for 
                purposes related to infrastructure from 
                philanthropic organizations, private entities, 
                or other alternative financing options).
                  [(B) Partner contributions.--Subject to 
                subparagraph (D), for local areas in a State 
                that are not covered by paragraph (1)(A)(i)(I), 
                the covered portions of funding for a fiscal 
                year shall be provided to the Governor from the 
                programs described in subsection (b)(1), to 
                assist in paying the costs of infrastructure of 
                one-stop centers in those local areas of the 
                State not adequately funded under the option 
                described in paragraph (1)(A)(i)(I).]
                  (B) Partner contributions.--Subject to 
                subparagraph (D), the covered portions of 
                funding for a fiscal year shall be provided to 
                the Governor from the programs described in 
                subsection (b)(1) to pay the costs of 
                infrastructure of one-stop centers in local 
                areas of the State.
                  (C) Determination of governor.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (ii) and subparagraph (D), the 
                        Governor, after consultation with chief 
                        elected officials, local boards, and 
                        the State board, shall determine the 
                        portion of funds to be provided under 
                        subparagraph (B) by each one-stop 
                        partner from each program described in 
                        subparagraph (B). In making such 
                        determination for the purpose of 
                        determining funding contributions, [for 
                        funding pursuant to clause (i)(II) or 
                        (ii) of paragraph (1)(A) by each 
                        partner,] the Governor shall calculate 
                        amounts for the proportionate use of 
                        the one-stop centers in the State, 
                        consistent with chapter II of title 2, 
                        Code of Federal Regulations (or any 
                        corresponding similar regulation or 
                        ruling), taking into account the costs 
                        of administration of the one-stop 
                        delivery system for purposes not 
                        related to one-stop centers, for each 
                        partner. The Governor shall exclude 
                        from such determination of funds the 
                        amounts for proportionate use of one-
                        stop centers attributable to the 
                        programs of one-stop partners for those 
                        local areas of the State where the 
                        costs of infrastructure of one-stop 
                        centers are funded under the option 
                        described in paragraph (1)(A)(i)(I). 
                        [The Governor shall also take into 
                        account the statutory requirements for 
                        each partner program and the partner 
                        program's ability to fulfill such 
                          (ii) Special Rule.--In a State in 
                        which the State constitution or a State 
                        statute places policymaking authority 
                        that is independent of the authority of 
                        the Governor in an entity or official 
                        with respect to the funds provided for 
                        adult education and literacy activities 
                        authorized under title II, 
                        postsecondary career and technical 
                        education activities authorized under 
                        the Carl D. Perkins Career and 
                        Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 
                        U.S.C. 2301 et seq.), or vocational 
                        rehabilitation services offered [under 
                        a provision covered by section 
                        3(13)(D)] under a provision covered by 
                        subparagraph (D) of the definition of 
                        the term ``core program provision'' 
                        under section 3, the determination 
                        described in clause (i) with respect to 
                        the programs authorized under that 
                        title, Act, or provision shall be made 
                        by the chief officer of the entity, or 
                        the official, with such authority in 
                        consultation with the Governor.
                  (D) Limitations.--
                          (i) Provision from administrative 
                                  (I) In general.--Subject to 
                                subclause (II), the funds 
                                provided under this paragraph 
                                by each one-stop partner shall 
                                be provided only from funds 
                                available for the costs of 
                                administration under the 
                                program administered by such 
                                partner, and shall be subject 
                                to the program's limitations 
                                with respect to the portion of 
                                funds under such program that 
                                may be used for administration.
                                  (II) Exceptions.--Nothing in 
                                this clause shall be construed 
                                to apply to the programs 
                                carried out under this title, 
                                or under title V of the Older 
                                Americans Act of 1965 (42 
                                U.S.C. 3056 et seq.).
                          (ii) Cap on required contributions.--
                        [For local areas in a State that are 
                        not covered by paragraph (1)(A)(i)(I), 
                        the] The following rules shall apply:
                                  (I)  [WIA] WIOA formula 
                                programs and employment 
                                service.--The portion of funds 
                                required to be contributed 
                                under this paragraph from a 
                                program authorized under 
                                chapter 2 or 3, or the Wagner-
                                Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et 
                                seq.) shall not exceed [3 
                                percent] 5 percent of the 
                                amount of Federal funds 
                                provided to carry out that 
                                program in the State for a 
                                fiscal year.
                                  (II) Other one-stop 
                                partners.--The portion of funds 
                                required to be contributed 
                                under this paragraph from a 
                                program described in subsection 
                                (b)(1) other than the programs 
                                described in subclause (I) 
                                shall not exceed 1.5 percent of 
                                the amount of Federal funds 
                                provided to carry out that 
                                program in the State for a 
                                fiscal year.
                                  [(III) Vocational 
                                Notwithstanding subclauses (I) 
                                and (II), an entity 
                                administering a program 
                                described in subsection 
                                (b)(1)(B)(iv) shall not be 
                                required to provide from that 
                                program, under this paragraph, 
                                a portion that exceeds--
                                          [(aa) 0.75 percent of 
                                        the amount of Federal 
                                        funds provided to carry 
                                        out such program in the 
                                        State for the second 
                                        full program year that 
                                        begins after the date 
                                        of enactment of this 
                                          [(bb) 1.0 percent of 
                                        the amount provided to 
                                        carry out such program 
                                        in the State for the 
                                        third full program year 
                                        that begins after such 
                                          [(cc) 1.25 percent of 
                                        the amount provided to 
                                        carry out such program 
                                        in the State for the 
                                        fourth full program 
                                        year that begins after 
                                        such date; and
                                          [(dd) 1.5 percent of 
                                        the amount provided to 
                                        carry out such program 
                                        in the State for the 
                                        fifth and each 
                                        succeeding full program 
                                        year that begins after 
                                        such date.]
                          (iii) Federal direct spending 
                        programs.--[For local areas in a State 
                        that are not covered by paragraph 
                        (1)(A)(i)(I), an] An entity 
                        administering a program funded with 
                        direct spending as defined in section 
                        250(c)(8) of the Balanced Budget and 
                        Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, 
                        as in effect on February 15, 2014 (2 
                        U.S.C. 900(c)(8)) shall not be required 
                        to provide, for purposes of this 
                        paragraph, an amount in excess of the 
                        amount determined under subparagraph 
                        (C)(i) to be equivalent to the cost of 
                        the proportionate use of the one-stop 
                        centers for the one-stop partner for 
                        such program in the State.
                          (iv) Native American Programs.--One-
                        stop partners for Native American 
                        programs established under section 166 
                        shall not be subject to the provisions 
                        of this subsection (other than this 
                        clause) or subsection (i). For purposes 
                        of subsection (c)(2)(A)(ii)(II), the 
                        method for determining the appropriate 
                        portion of funds to be provided by such 
                        partners to pay for the costs of 
                        infrastructure of a one-stop center 
                        shall be determined as part of the 
                        development of the memorandum of 
                        understanding under subsection (c) for 
                        the one-stop center and shall be stated 
                        in the memorandum.
                  (E) Appeal by one-stop partners.--The 
                Governor shall establish a process, described 
                under section 102(b)(2)(D)(i)(IV), for a one-
                stop partner administering a program described 
                in subsection (b)(1) to appeal a determination 
                regarding the portion of funds to be provided 
                under this paragraph. Such a determination may 
                be appealed under the process on the basis that 
                such determination is inconsistent with the 
                requirements of this paragraph. Such process 
                shall ensure prompt resolution of the appeal in 
                order to ensure the funds are distributed in a 
                timely manner, consistent with the requirements 
                of section 182(e).
          [(3)] (2) Allocation by governor.--
                  (A) In general.--From the funds provided 
                under paragraph (1), the Governor shall 
                allocate the funds to local areas described in 
                subparagraph (B) in accordance with the formula 
                established under subparagraph (B) for the 
                [purposes of assisting in] purpose of paying 
                the costs of infrastructure of one-stop 
                  (B) Allocation formula.--The State board 
                shall develop a formula to be used by the 
                Governor to allocate the funds provided under 
                paragraph (1) to local areas [not funding costs 
                of infrastructure under the option described in 
                paragraph (1)(A)(i)(I)]. The formula shall be 
                based on factors including the number of one-
                stop centers in a local area, the intensity of 
                services provided by such centers, the 
                population served by such centers, the services 
                provided by such centers, and other factors 
                relating to the performance of such centers 
                that the State board determines are 
          (3) Supplemental infrastructure funding.--For any 
        fiscal year in which the allocation received by a local 
        area under paragraph (2) is insufficient to cover the 
        total costs of infrastructure of one-stop centers in 
        such local area, the local board, the chief elected 
        official, and the one-stop partners that have entered 
        into the local memorandum of understanding with the 
        local board under subsection (c) may agree to fund any 
        such remaining costs using a method described in such 
          (4) Costs of infrastructure.--In this subsection, the 
        term ``costs of infrastructure'', used with respect to 
        a one-stop center, means the nonpersonnel costs that 
        are necessary for the general operation of the one-stop 
        center (whether for in-person or virtual service 
        delivery), including the rental costs of the 
        facilities, the costs of utilities and maintenance, 
        equipment (including assessment-related products and 
        assistive technology for individuals with 
        disabilities), and technology to facilitate access to 
        the one-stop center, including the center's planning 
        and outreach activities.
  (i) Other funds.--
          (1) In general.--Subject to the memorandum of 
        understanding described in subsection (c) for the one-
        stop delivery system involved, in addition to the funds 
        provided to carry out subsection (h), a portion of 
        funds made available under Federal law authorizing the 
        programs described in subsection (b) and administered 
        by one-stop partners, or the noncash resources 
        available under such programs, shall be used to pay the 
        additional costs relating to the operation of the one-
        stop delivery system that are not paid from the funds 
        provided under subsection (h), as determined in 
        accordance with paragraph (3), to the extent not 
        inconsistent with the Federal law involved. Such costs 
        shall include the costs of the provision of career 
        services described in section 134(c)(2) applicable to 
        each program and may include common costs that are not 
        paid from the funds provided under subsection (h).
          (2) Shared services.--The costs described under 
        paragraph (1) may include costs of services that are 
        authorized for and may be commonly provided through the 
        one-stop partner programs to any individual, such as 
        initial intake, assessment of needs, appraisal of basic 
        skills, identification of appropriate services to meet 
        such needs, referrals to other one-stop partners, and 
        other similar services.
          (3) Determination and guidance.--The method for 
        determining the appropriate portion of funds and 
        noncash resources to be provided by the one-stop 
        partner for each program under paragraph (1) for a one-
        stop center shall be determined as part of the 
        development of the memorandum of understanding under 
        subsection (c) for the one-stop center and shall be 
        stated in the memorandum. The State board shall provide 
        guidance to facilitate the determination, for purposes 
        of the memorandum of understanding, of an appropriate 
        allocation of the funds and noncash resources in local 
        areas, consistent with the requirements of section 


  (a) Eligibility.--
          [(1) In general.--Except as provided in subsection 
        (h), the Governor, after consultation with the State 
        board, shall establish criteria, information 
        requirements, and procedures regarding the eligibility 
        of providers of training services to receive funds 
        provided under section 133(b) for the provision of 
        training services in local areas in the State.]
          (1) In general.--Except as provided in subsection 
        (i), the Governor, after consultation with the State 
        board and considering the State's adjusted levels of 
        performance described in section 116(b)(3)(A)(iv), 
        shall establish--
                  (A) procedures regarding the eligibility of 
                providers of training services to receive funds 
                provided under section 133(b) for the provision 
                of training services by programs with standard 
                eligibility or conditional eligibility under 
                this section (in this section referred to as 
                ``eligible programs'') in local areas in the 
                State; and
                  (B) the minimum levels of performance on the 
                criteria for a program to receive such standard 
                or conditional eligibility.
          (2) Providers.--Subject to the provisions of this 
        section, to be eligible to receive those funds for the 
        provision of training services, the provider shall be--
                  (A) an institution of higher education that 
                provides a program that leads to a recognized 
                postsecondary credential (other than an 
                institution of higher education described in 
                subparagraph (C));
                  (B) an entity that carries out programs 
                registered under the Act of August 16, 1937 
                (commonly known as the ``National 
                Apprenticeship Act''; 50 Stat. 664, chapter 
                663; 29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.); [or]
                  (C) an institution of higher education that 
                offers a program that--
                          (i) is of at least 150 clock hours of 
                        instruction, but less than 600 clock 
                        hours of instruction, or an equivalent 
                        number of credit hours;
                          (ii) is offered during a minimum of 8 
                        weeks, but less than 15 weeks; and
                          (iii) is an eligible program for 
                        purposes of the Federal Pell Grant 
                        program; or
                  [(C)] (D) another public or private provider 
                of a program of training services (including 
                providers of such a program that is conducted 
                (in whole or in part) online), which may 
                include joint labor-management organizations, 
                providers of entrepreneurial skills development 
                programs, industry or sector partnerships, 
                groups of employers, trade or professional 
                associations, and eligible providers of adult 
                education and literacy activities under title 
                II if such activities are provided in 
                combination with occupational skills training.
          (3) Inclusion in list of eligible providers.--A 
        provider described in subparagraph (A) or [(C)] (D) of 
        paragraph (2) shall comply with the criteria, 
        information requirements, and procedures established 
        under this section to be included on the list of 
        eligible providers of training services described in 
        subsection (d). A provider described in [paragraph 
        (2)(B)] subparagraph (B) or (C) of paragraph (2) shall 
        be included and maintained on the list of eligible 
        providers of training services described in subsection 
        (d) for so long as the corresponding program of the 
        provider remains registered as described in paragraph 
        (2)(B) or remains eligible for the Federal Pell Grant 
        program as described in paragraph (2)(C).
  [(b) Criteria and Information Requirements.--
          [(1) State criteria.--In establishing criteria 
        pursuant to subsection (a), the Governor shall take 
        into account each of the following:
                  [(A) The performance of providers of training 
                services with respect to--
                          [(i) the performance accountability 
                        measures and other matters for which 
                        information is required under paragraph 
                        (2); and
                          [(ii) other appropriate measures of 
                        performance outcomes determined by the 
                        Governor for those participants 
                        receiving training services under this 
                        subtitle (taking into consideration the 
                        characteristics of the population 
                        served and relevant economic 
                        conditions), and the outcomes of the 
                        program through which those training 
                        services were provided for students in 
                        general with respect to employment and 
                        earnings as defined under section 
                  [(B) The need to ensure access to training 
                services throughout the State, including in 
                rural areas, and through the use of technology.
                  [(C) Information reported to State agencies 
                with respect to Federal and State programs 
                involving training services (other than the 
                program carried out under this subtitle), 
                including one-stop partner programs.
                  [(D) The degree to which the training 
                programs of such providers relate to in-demand 
                industry sectors and occupations in the State.
                  [(E) The requirements for State licensing of 
                providers of training services, and the 
                licensing status of providers of training 
                services if applicable.
                  [(F) Ways in which the criteria can 
                encourage, to the extent practicable, the 
                providers to use industry-recognized 
                certificates or certifications.
                  [(G) The ability of the providers to offer 
                programs that lead to recognized postsecondary 
                  [(H) The quality of a program of training 
                services, including a program of training 
                services that leads to a recognized 
                postsecondary credential.
                  [(I) The ability of the providers to provide 
                training services to individuals who are 
                employed and individuals with barriers to 
                  [(J) Such other factors as the Governor 
                determines are appropriate to ensure--
                          [(i) the accountability of the 
                          [(ii) that the one-stop centers in 
                        the State will ensure that such 
                        providers meet the needs of local 
                        employers and participants;
                          [(iii) the informed choice of 
                        participants among training services 
                        providers; and
                          [(iv) that the collection of 
                        information required to demonstrate 
                        compliance with the criteria is not 
                        unduly burdensome or costly to 
          [(2) State information requirements.--The information 
        requirements established by the Governor shall require 
        that a provider of training services submit 
        appropriate, accurate, and timely information to the 
        State, to enable the State to carry out subsection (d), 
        with respect to participants receiving training 
        services under this subtitle in the applicable program, 
                  [(A) information on the performance of the 
                provider with respect to the performance 
                accountability measures described in section 
                116 for such participants (taking into 
                consideration the characteristics of the 
                population served and relevant economic 
                conditions), and information specifying the 
                percentage of such participants who entered 
                unsubsidized employment in an occupation 
                related to the program, to the extent 
                  [(B) information on recognized postsecondary 
                credentials received by such participants;
                  [(C) information on cost of attendance, 
                including costs of tuition and fees, for 
                participants in the program;
                  [(D) information on the program completion 
                rate for such participants; and
                  [(E) information on the criteria described in 
                paragraph (1).
          [(3) Local criteria and information requirements.--A 
        local board in the State may establish criteria and 
        information requirements in addition to the criteria 
        and information requirements established by the 
        Governor, or may require higher levels of performance 
        than required for the criteria established by the 
        Governor, for purposes of determining the eligibility 
        of providers of training services to receive funds 
        described in subsection (a) for the provision of 
        training services in the local area involved.
          [(4) Criteria and information requirements to 
        establish initial eligibility.--
                  [(A) Purpose.--The purpose of this paragraph 
                is to enable the providers of programs carried 
                out under chapter 3 to offer the highest 
                quality training services and be responsive to 
                in-demand and emerging industries by providing 
                training services for those industries.
                  [(B) Initial eligibility.--Providers may seek 
                initial eligibility under this paragraph as 
                providers of training services and may receive 
                that initial eligibility for only 1 fiscal year 
                for a particular program. The criteria and 
                information requirements established by the 
                Governor under this paragraph shall require 
                that a provider who has not previously been an 
                eligible provider of training services under 
                this section (or section 122 of the Workforce 
                Investment Act of 1998, as in effect on the day 
                before the date of enactment of this Act) 
                provide the information described in 
                subparagraph (C).
                  [(C) Information.--The provider shall provide 
                verifiable program-specific performance 
                information based on criteria established by 
                the State as described in subparagraph (D) that 
                supports the provider's ability to serve 
                participants under this subtitle.
                  [(D) Criteria.--The criteria described in 
                subparagraph (C) shall include at least--
                          [(i) a factor related to indicators 
                        described in section 116;
                          [(ii) a factor concerning whether the 
                        provider is in a partnership with 
                          [(iii) other factors that indicate 
                        high-quality training services, 
                        including the factor described in 
                        paragraph (1)(H); and
                          [(iv) a factor concerning alignment 
                        of the training services with in-demand 
                        industry sectors and occupations, to 
                        the extent practicable.
                  [(E) Provision.--The provider shall provide 
                the information described in subparagraph (C) 
                to the Governor and the local board in a manner 
                that will permit the Governor and the local 
                board to make a decision on inclusion of the 
                provider on the list of eligible providers 
                described in subsection (d).
                  [(F) Limitation.--A provider that receives 
                initial eligibility under this paragraph for a 
                program shall be subject to the requirements 
                under subsection (c) for that program after 
                such initial eligibility expires.]
  (b) Criteria and Information Requirements.--
          (1) General requirements.--
                  (A) General criteria for programs.--Each 
                provider shall demonstrate that the program for 
                which the provider is seeking eligibility under 
                this section--
                          (i) prepares participants to meet the 
                        hiring requirements of potential 
                        employers in the State or a local area 
                        within the State for employment that--
                                  (I) is high skill and high 
                                wage; or
                                  (II) is in in-demand industry 
                                sectors or occupations;
                          (ii) leads to a recognized 
                        postsecondary credential;
                          (iii) has been offered by the 
                        provider for not less than 1 year; and
                          (iv)(I) meets the performance 
                        requirements for standard eligibility 
                        described in paragraph (2); or
                          (II) has received conditional 
                        eligibility described in paragraph (3).
                  (B) Provider eligibility election.--Any 
                provider may elect to seek standard eligibility 
                under paragraph (2) or conditional eligibility 
                under paragraph (3).
          (2) Performance criteria for standard eligibility.--
                  (A) In general.--The Governor shall--
                          (i) establish and publicize minimum 
                        levels of performance for each of the 
                        criteria listed in subparagraph (B) 
                        that a program offered by a provider of 
                        training services shall achieve to 
                        receive and maintain standard 
                        eligibility under this section; and
                          (ii) verify the performance achieved 
                        by such a program with respect to each 
                        such criteria to determine whether the 
                        program meets the corresponding minimum 
                        level of performance established under 
                        clause (i)--
                                  (I) in the case of the 
                                criteria described in (ii) 
                                through (iv) of subparagraph 
                                (B), using State administrative 
                                data (such as quarterly wage 
                                records); and
                                  (II) in the case of the 
                                criteria described in 
                                subparagraph (B)(i), using any 
                                applicable method for such 
                                verification; and
                          (iii) in verifying the performance 
                        achievement of a program, verify that 
                        such program included a sufficient 
                        number of program participants to 
                        protect participant personally 
                        identifiable information, and to be a 
                        reliable indicator of performance 
                  (B) Performance criteria.--The performance 
                criteria to receive and maintain standard 
                eligibility for a program under this section 
                are as follows:
                          (i) The credential attainment rate of 
                        program participants calculated as the 
                        percentage of program participants who 
                        obtain the recognized postsecondary 
                        credential for which the program 
                        prepares participants to earn within 6 
                        months of exit from the program.
                          (ii) The job placement rate of 
                        program participants calculated as the 
                        percentage of program participants in 
                        unsubsidized employment during the 
                        second quarter after exit from the 
                          (iii) The median earnings of program 
                        participants who are in unsubsidized 
                        employment during the second quarter 
                        after exit from the program.
                          (iv) The ratio of median earnings 
                        increase to the total cost of program, 
                        calculated as follows:
                                  (I) The difference between--
                                          (aa) the median 
                                        participant wages from 
                                        unsubsidized employment 
                                        during the second 
                                        quarter after program 
                                        exit; and
                                          (bb) the median 
                                        earnings of 
                                        participants wages 
                                        during the quarter 
                                        prior to entering the 
                                        program, to
                                  (II) The total cost of the 
                                program (as described in 
                                paragraph (5)(B)(iii)).
                  (C) Local criteria.--With respect to any 
                program receiving standard eligibility under 
                this section from a Governor, a local board in 
                the State may require higher levels of 
                performance than the minimum performance levels 
                established by the Governor under this 
                paragraph, but may not--
                          (i) require any information or 
                        application from the provider that is 
                        not required for such standard 
                        eligibility; or
                          (ii) establish a performance 
                        requirement with respect to any 
                        criteria not listed in subparagraph 
          (3) Conditional eligibility.--
                  (A) Requirements.--
                          (i) In general.--The Governor shall 
                        establish procedures and criteria for 
                        conditional eligibility for a program 
                        of a provider of training services that 
                        does not meet the requirements under 
                        subparagraph (2).
                          (ii) Procedures and criteria.--In 
                        establishing the procedures and 
                        criteria under this subparagraph for 
                        conditional eligibility under this 
                        paragraph, the Governor--
                                  (I) shall establish the 
                                maximum period, not to exceed a 
                                4-year period, that a program 
                                may receive and maintain such 
                                conditional eligibility;
                                  (II) with respect to a 
                                program that has received 
                                conditional eligibility for the 
                                maximum period established 
                                under subclause (I) and that is 
                                seeking approval for an 
                                additional period of 
                                conditional eligibility, may 
                                not consider such program for 
                                such conditional eligibility 
                                during the 3-year period that 
                                begins on the day after the end 
                                of most recent period for which 
                                the program received 
                                conditional eligibility; and
                                  (III) may establish other 
                                requirements related to program 
                                performance, including setting 
                                separate minimum levels of 
                                performance on the criteria 
                                described in paragraph (2) for 
                                a program to maintain such 
                                conditional eligibility.
                  (B) Payments.--Payments under this Act for 
                the provision of training services by a program 
                with conditional eligibility shall be made to 
                the provider of such program, on the basis of 
                the achievement of successful outcomes by a 
                participant of such training services, in 
                accordance with the following:
                          (i) Upon participant enrollment, the 
                        provider shall receive not less than 25 
                        percent of the total funds to be 
                        provided under section 133(b) for the 
                        provision of training services by such 
                        program to such participant.
                          (ii) Upon participant completion and 
                        credential attainment, the provider 
                        shall receive not less than 25 percent 
                        of such total funds.
                          (iii) Upon verification of the 
                        participant's employment during the 
                        second quarter after program 
                        completion, the provider shall receive 
                        not less than 25 percent of such total 
                          (iv) The remainder of such total 
                        funds may be awarded at any of the 
                        intervals described in clauses (i) 
                        through (iii) as determined by the 
                        Governor in accordance with the 
                        procedures established under 
                        subparagraph (A).
                  (C) Limitation on billing participants.--With 
                respect to a program participant for whom a 
                provider expects to be paid pursuant to 
                subparagraph (B), the provider may not--
                          (i) charge such participant tuition 
                        and refund such charges after receiving 
                        such payments; or
                          (ii) if such program participant does 
                        not achieve the outcomes necessary for 
                        the provider to receive the provider's 
                        full payment pursuant to subparagraph 
                        (B) for such participant, bill a 
                        participant for any of the amounts 
                        described in subparagraph (B).
          (4) Employer-sponsored or industry or sectoral 
        partnership designation.--
                  (A) In general.--The Governor shall establish 
                procedures and criteria for providers to apply 
                for an employer-sponsored designation for a 
                program that has received standard or 
                conditional eligibility under this paragraph, 
                which shall include a commitment from an 
                employer or an industry or sectoral partnership 
                          (i) pay to the provider, on behalf of 
                        each participant enrolled in such 
                        program under this Act, not less than 
                        25 percent of the cost of the program 
                        (as described in paragraph 
                        (5)(B)(iii)), which shall be provided 
                        in lieu of 25 percent of the amount 
                        that the provider would have otherwise 
                        received under section 133(b) for the 
                        provision of training services by such 
                        program to such participant; and
                          (ii) guarantee an interview and 
                        consideration for a job with the 
                        employer, or in the case of an industry 
                        or sectoral partnership, an employer 
                        within such partnership, for each such 
                        participant that successfully completes 
                        the program.
                  (B) Restriction on financial arrangement.--A 
                provider receiving an employer-sponsored 
                designation under this paragraph may not--
                          (i) have an ownership stake in the 
                        employer or industry or sectoral 
                        partnership making a commitment 
                        described in subparagraph (A); or
                          (ii) enter into an arrangement to 
                        reimburse an employer or partnership 
                        for the costs of a participant paid by 
                        such employer or partnership.
          (5) Information requirements.--An eligible provider 
        shall submit appropriate, accurate, and timely 
        information to the Governor, to enable the Governor to 
        carry out subsection (d), with respect to all 
        participants of each eligible program (including 
        participants for whom the provider receives payments 
        under this title) offered by the provider, which 
                  (A) be made available by the State in a 
                common, linked, open, and interoperable data 
                  (B) include information on--
                          (i) the performance of the program 
                        with respect to the performance 
                        accountability measures described in 
                        section 116 for such participants;
                          (ii) the recognized postsecondary 
                        credentials received by such 
                        participants, including, in relation to 
                        each such credential, the issuing 
                        entity, any third-party endorsements, 
                        the occupations for which the 
                        credential prepares individuals, the 
                        competencies achieved, the level of 
                        mastery of such competencies (including 
                        how mastery is assessed), and any 
                        transfer value or stackability;
                          (iii) the total cost of the program, 
                        including the costs of the published 
                        tuition and fees, supplies, books, and 
                        any other costs required by the 
                        provider for participants in the 
                          (iv) the percentage of such 
                        participants that complete the program 
                        within the number of weeks that full-
                        time participants would take to 
                        complete the program; and
                          (v) in the case of a provider 
                        offering programs seeking or 
                        maintaining standard eligibility, the 
                        criteria described in paragraph (2) and 
                        not otherwise included in clause (i) of 
                        this subparagraph; and
                  (C) with respect to employment and earnings 
                measures described in subclauses (I) through 
                (III) of section 116(b)(2)(A)(i) for such 
                          (i) the necessary information for the 
                        State to develop program performance 
                        data using State administrative data 
                        (such as wage records); and
                          (ii) the necessary information to 
                        determine the percentage of such 
                        participants who entered unsubsidized 
                        employment in an occupation related to 
                        the program, to the extent practicable.
  (c) Procedures.--
          (1) Application procedures.--The procedures 
        established under subsection (a) shall identify the 
        application process for a provider of training services 
        to become eligible to receive funds provided under 
        section 133(b) for the provision of training services, 
        which shall be implemented in a manner that minimizes 
        the financial and administrative burden on the provider 
        and shall not require the submission of information in 
        excess of the information required to determine a 
        program's eligibility under subsection (b). The 
        procedures shall identify the respective roles of the 
        State and local areas in receiving and reviewing the 
        applications and in making determinations of such 
        eligibility based on the criteria, information, and 
        procedures established under this section. The 
        procedures shall also establish a process for a 
        provider of training services to appeal a denial or 
        termination of eligibility under this section that 
        includes an opportunity for a hearing and prescribes 
        appropriate time limits to ensure prompt resolution of 
        the appeal.
          (2) Approval.--A Governor shall make an eligibility 
        determination with respect to a provider of training 
        services and the program for which the provider is 
        seeking eligibility under this section not later than 
        30 days after receipt of an application submitted by 
        such provider consistent with the procedures in 
        paragraph (1).
          [(2)] (3) Renewal procedures.--The procedures 
        established by the Governor shall also provide for 
        [biennial] annual review and renewal of eligibility 
        under this section for providers of training services 
        that continue to meet the requirements under subsection 
        (b). Any program with standard or conditional 
        eligibility that, upon such review, does not meet the 
        eligibility criteria established under subsection (b) 
        for standard or conditional eligibility, respectively, 
        shall, except as otherwise provided in subsection 
        (g)(1)(E), no longer be an eligible program and shall 
        be removed from the list described in subsection (d).
          (4) Multistate providers.--The procedures established 
        under subsection (a) shall specify the process for any 
        provider of training services offering a program in 
        multiple States to establish eligibility in such 
        States, which shall, to the extent practicable, 
        minimize financial and administrative burdens on any 
        such provider by authorizing the provider to submit the 
        same application materials and information to the 
        Governor of each State in which such program will be 
        providing services, as long as the program meets the 
        applicable State requirements established under 
        subsection (b) for each such State.
          (5) Online providers.--If a participant chooses a 
        provider that delivers training services exclusively 
        online and is not located in the State of the local 
        area that approved such training services for the 
        participant in accordance with section 133(c)(3)(A)(i), 
        such provider shall be ineligible to receive payment 
        for such participant from funds allocated to such State 
        unless such provider is on the list of eligible 
        providers of training services described in subsection 
        (d) for such State.
  (d) List and Information to Assist Participants in Choosing 
          (1) In general.--In order to facilitate and assist 
        participants in choosing employment and training 
        activities and in choosing providers of training 
        services, the Governor shall ensure that an appropriate 
        list of providers determined to be eligible under this 
        section to offer a program in the State (and, as 
        appropriate, in a local area), accompanied by 
        information identifying the recognized postsecondary 
        credential offered by the provider and other 
        appropriate information, is prepared. The list shall be 
        provided to the local boards in the State, and made 
        available to such participants and to members of the 
        public through the one-stop delivery system in the 
          (2) Credential navigation feature.--In order to 
        enhance the ability of participants and employers to 
        understand and compare the value of the recognized 
        postsecondary credentials awarded by eligible programs 
        offered by providers of training services in a State, 
        the Governor shall establish (or develop in partnership 
        with other States), a credential navigation feature 
        that allows participants and the public to search a 
        list of such recognized postsecondary credentials, and 
        the providers and programs awarding such a credential, 
        which shall include, with respect to each such 
        credential (aggregated for all participants in the 
        State that have received such credential)--
                  (A) the information required under subsection 
                (b)(5)(B)(ii); and
                  (B) the employment and earnings outcomes 
                described in subclause (I) through (III) of 
                section 116(b)(2)(i).
          [(2)] (3) Accompanying information.--The accompanying 
        information shall--
                  (A) with respect to providers described in 
                subparagraphs (A) and [(C)] (D) of subsection 
                (a)(2), consist of information provided by such 
                providers, disaggregated by local areas served, 
                as applicable, in accordance with subsection 
                  [(B) with respect to providers described in 
                subsection (b)(4), consist of information 
                provided by such providers in accordance with 
                subsection (b)(4); and
                  [(C) such other information as the Governor 
                determines to be appropriate.]
                  (B) with respect to a program described in 
                subsection (b)(3) that is offered by a 
                provider, consist of information designating 
                the program as having conditional eligibility;
                  (C) with respect to a program described in 
                subsection (b)(4) that is offered by a 
                provider, consist of the information promoting 
                the program as having an employer-sponsored 
                designation and identifying the employer or 
                partnership sponsoring the program.
          [(3) Availability.--The list and the accompanying 
        information shall be made available to such 
        participants and to members of the public through the 
        one-stop delivery system in the State, in a manner that 
        does not reveal personally identifiable information 
        about an individual participant.]
          (4) Availability.--The list (including the credential 
        navigation feature described in paragraph (2)), and the 
        accompanying information shall be made available to 
        such participants and to members of the public through 
        the one-stop delivery system in the State--
                  (A) on a publicly accessible website that--
                          (i) is consumer-tested; and
                          (ii) is searchable, easily 
                        understandable, and navigable, and 
                        allows for the comparison of eligible 
                        programs through the use of common, 
                        linked, open-data descriptive language; 
                  (B) in a manner that does not reveal 
                personally identifiable information about an 
                individual participant.
          (5) Website technical assistance.--The Secretary 
                  (A) upon request, provide technical 
                assistance to a State on establishing a website 
                that meets the requirements of paragraph (4); 
                  (B) disseminate to each State effective 
                practices or resources from States and private 
                sector entities related to establishing a 
                website that is consumer-tested to ensure that 
                the website is easily understood, searchable, 
                and navigable.
          [(4)] (6) Limitation.--In carrying out the 
        requirements of this subsection, no personally 
        identifiable information regarding a student, including 
        a Social Security number, student identification 
        number, or other identifier, may be disclosed without 
        the prior written consent of the parent or student in 
        compliance with section 444 of the General Education 
        Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g).
  (e) Opportunity to submit comments.--In establishing, under 
this section, criteria, [information requirements,] procedures, 
and the list of eligible providers described in subsection (d), 
the Governor shall provide an opportunity for interested 
members of the public to make recommendations and submit 
comments regarding such criteria, [information requirements,] 
procedures, and list.
  (f) Provider Performance Incentives.--
          (1) In general.--The Governor or a local board may 
        establish a system of performance incentive payments to 
        be awarded to providers in addition to the amount paid 
        under section 133(b) to such providers for the 
        provision of training services to participants of 
        eligible programs. Such system of performance 
        incentives may be established to award eligible 
        programs that--
                  (A) achieve performance levels above the 
                minimum levels established by the Governor 
                under subsection (b)(2);
                  (B) serve a significantly higher number of 
                individuals with barriers to employment 
                compared to training providers offering similar 
                training services; or
                  (C) achieve other performance successes, 
                including those related to jobs that provide 
                economic stability and upward mobility (such as 
                leading to jobs with high wages and family 
                sustainable benefits) as determined by the 
                State or the local board.
          (2) Incentive payments.--Incentive payments to 
        providers established under paragraph (1) shall be 
        awarded to providers from the following allotments:
                  (A) In the case of a system of performance 
                incentive payments established by the Governor, 
                from funds reserved by the Governor under 
                section 128(a).
                  (B) In the case of a system of performance 
                incentive payments established by a local 
                board, from the allocations made to the local 
                area for youth under section 128(b), for adults 
                under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of section 
                133(b), or for dislocated workers under section 
                133(b)(2)(B), as appropriate.
  [(f)] (g) Enforcement.--
          (1) In general.--The procedures established under 
        this section shall provide the following:
                  (A) Intentionally supplying inaccurate 
                information.--Upon a determination, by an 
                individual or entity specified in the 
                procedures, that a provider of training 
                services, or individual providing information 
                on behalf of the provider, violated this 
                section (or section 122 of the Workforce 
                Investment Act of 1998, as in effect on the day 
                before the date of enactment of this Act) by 
                intentionally supplying inaccurate information 
                under this section, the eligibility of such 
                provider to receive funds under chapter 3 shall 
                be terminated for a period of time that is not 
                less than 2 years.
                  (B) Substantial violations.--Upon a 
                determination, by an individual or entity 
                specified in the procedures, that a provider of 
                training services substantially violated any 
                requirement under this title (or title I of the 
                Workforce Investment Act of 1998, as in effect 
                on the day before such date of enactment), the 
                eligibility of such provider to receive funds 
                under chapter 3 for the program involved shall 
                be terminated for a period of not less than 2 
                  (C) Repayment.--A provider of training 
                services whose eligibility is terminated under 
                subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be liable for the 
                repayment of funds received under chapter 5 of 
                subtitle B of title I of the Workforce 
                Investment Act of 1998, as in effect on the day 
                before such date of enactment, or chapter 3 of 
                this subtitle during a period of violation 
                described in such subparagraph.
                  (D) Failure to provide required 
                information.--With respect to a provider of 
                training services that is eligible under this 
                section for a program year with respect to an 
                eligible program, but that does not provide the 
                information described in subsection (b)(5) with 
                respect to such program for such program year 
                (including information on performance necessary 
                to determine if the program meets the minimum 
                levels on the criteria to maintain 
                eligibility), the provider shall be ineligible 
                under this section with respect to such program 
                for the program year after the program year for 
                which the provider fails to provide such 
                  (E) Failure to meet performance criteria.--
                          (i) First year.--An eligible program 
                        that has received standard eligibility 
                        under subsection (c)(2) for a program 
                        year but fails to meet the minimum 
                        levels of performance on the criteria 
                        described in subsection (b)(2) during 
                        the most recent program year for which 
                        performance data on such criteria are 
                        available shall be notified of such 
                        failure by the Governor.
                          (ii) Second consecutive year.--A 
                        program that fails to meet the minimum 
                        levels of performance for a second 
                        consecutive program year shall lose 
                        standard eligibility for such program 
                        for at least the program year following 
                        such second consecutive program year.
                          (iii) Reapplication.--
                                  (I) Standard eligibility.--A 
                                provider may reapply to receive 
                                standard eligibility for the 
                                program according to the 
                                criteria described in 
                                subsection (c) if the program 
                                performance for the most recent 
                                program year for which 
                                performance data is available 
                                meets the minimum levels of 
                                performance required to receive 
                                such standard eligibility.
                                  (II) Conditional 
                                eligibility.--A program that 
                                loses standard eligibility may 
                                apply to receive conditional 
                                eligibility under the process 
                                and criteria established by the 
                                Governor under subsection 
          (2) Construction.--Paragraph (1) shall be construed 
        to provide remedies and penalties that supplement, but 
        shall not supplant, civil and criminal remedies and 
        penalties specified in other provisions of law.
  [(g)] (h) Agreements With Other States.--States may enter 
into agreements, on a reciprocal basis, to permit eligible 
providers of training services to accept individual training 
accounts provided in another State.
  [(h)] (i) On-the-job Training, Customized Training, Incumbent 
Worker Training, and Other Training Exceptions.--
          (1) In general.--Providers of on-the-job training, 
        [customized training] employer-directed skills 
        development, incumbent worker training, internships, 
        and paid or unpaid work experience opportunities, or 
        transitional employment shall not be subject to the 
        requirements of [subsections (a) through (f)] 
        subsections (a) through (g).
          (2) Collection and dissemination of information.--[A 
        one-stop operator in a local area shall collect such 
        performance information from providers of on-the-job 
        training, customized training, incumbent worker 
        training, internships, paid or unpaid work experience 
        opportunities, and transitional employment as the 
        Governor may require, and use the information to 
        determine whether the providers meet such performance 
        criteria as the Governor may require.] A one-stop 
        operator in a local area shall collect the minimum 
        amount of information from providers of on-the-job 
        training, employer-directed skills development, 
        incumbent worker training, internships, paid or unpaid 
        work experience opportunities, and transitional 
        employment as necessary to enable the use of State 
        administrative data to generate such performance 
        information as the Governor may require. The one-stop 
        operator shall disseminate information identifying such 
        providers that meet the criteria as eligible providers, 
        and the performance information, through the one-stop 
        delivery system. Providers determined to meet the 
        criteria shall be considered to be identified as 
        eligible providers of training services.
  [(i)] (j) Transition Period for Implementation.--The Governor 
and local boards shall implement the requirements of this 
section not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of 
this Act. In order to facilitate early implementation of this 
section, the Governor may establish transition procedures under 
which providers eligible to provide training services under 
chapter 5 of subtitle B of title I of the Workforce Investment 
Act of 1998, as such chapter was in effect on the day before 
the date of enactment of this Act, may continue to be eligible 
to provide such services until December 31, 2015, or until such 
earlier date as the Governor determines to be appropriate.
  (k) Technical Assistance.--The Governor may apply to the 
Secretary for technical assistance, as described in section 
168(c), for purposes of carrying out the requirements of 
subsection (c)(4), or paragraph (2) or (5) of subsection (d), 
or any other amendments made by the A Stronger Workforce for 
America Act to this section, and the Secretary shall provide 
such technical assistance in a timely manner.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) Reservations for Statewide Activities.--
          (1) In general.--The Governor shall reserve not more 
        than 15 percent of each of the amounts allotted to the 
        State under section 127(b)(1)(C) and paragraphs (1)(B) 
        and (2)(B) of section 132(b) for a fiscal year for 
        statewide workforce investment activities.
          (2) Use of funds.--Regardless of whether the 
        [reserved amounts] reserved amounts under paragraph (1) 
        were allotted under section 127(b)(1)(C), or under 
        paragraph (1)(B) or (2)(B) of section 132(b), the 
        Governor may use the [reserved amounts] reserved 
        amounts under paragraph (1) to carry out statewide 
        activities under section 129(b) or statewide employment 
        and training activities, for adults or dislocated 
        workers, under section 134(a).
          (3) Statewide critical industry skills fund.--
                  (A) Authorized reservation.--In addition to 
                the reservations required under paragraph (1) 
                and section 133(a)(2), and subject to 
                subparagraph (B), the Governor may reserve not 
                more than 10 percent of each of the amounts 
                allotted to the State under section 
                127(b)(1)(C) and paragraphs (1)(B) and (2)(B) 
                of section 132(b) for a fiscal year to 
                establish and administer a critical industry 
                skills fund described in section 134(a)(4).
                  (B) Matching funds.--
                          (i) Requirement.--The amount of funds 
                        reserved by a Governor under 
                        subparagraph (A) for a fiscal year may 
                        not exceed the amount of funds that 
                        such Governor commits to using from any 
                        of the funds listed in clause (ii) for 
                        such fiscal year for the purposes of 
                        establishing and administering the 
                        critical industry skills fund for which 
                        funds are reserved under subparagraph 
                          (ii) Sources of matching funds.--The 
                        funds listed in this clause are as 
                                  (I) Funds reserved by the 
                                Governor under paragraph (1) of 
                                this subsection.
                                  (II) Other Federal funds not 
                                described in subclause (I).
                                  (III) State funds.
  (b) Within State Allocations.--
          (1) Methods.--The Governor, acting in accordance with 
        the State plan, and after consulting with chief elected 
        officials and local boards in the local areas, shall 
        allocate the funds that are allotted to the State for 
        youth activities and statewide workforce investment 
        activities under section 127(b)(1)(C) and are not 
        reserved under subsection (a), in accordance with 
        paragraph (2) or (3).
          (2) Formula allocation.--
                  (A) Youth activities.--
                          (i) Allocation.--In allocating the 
                        funds described in paragraph (1) to 
                        local areas, a State may allocate--
                                  (I) 33\1/3\ percent of the 
                                funds on the basis described in 
                                section 127(b)(1)(C)(ii)(I);
                                  (II) 33\1/3\ percent of the 
                                funds on the basis described in 
                                section 127(b)(1)(C)(ii)(II); 
                                  (III) 33\1/3\ percent of the 
                                funds on the basis described in 
                                clauses (ii)(III) and (iii) of 
                                section 127(b)(1)(C).
                          (ii) Minimum percentage.--The local 
                        area shall not receive an allocation 
                        percentage for a fiscal year that is 
                        less than 90 percent of the average 
                        allocation percentage of the local area 
                        for the 2 preceding fiscal years. 
                        Amounts necessary for increasing such 
                        allocations to local areas to comply 
                        with the preceding sentence shall be 
                        obtained by ratably reducing the 
                        allocations to be made to other local 
                        areas under this subparagraph.
                          (iii) Definition.--In this 
                        subparagraph, the term ``allocation 
                        percentage'', used with respect to 
                        fiscal year 2015 or a subsequent fiscal 
                        year, means a percentage of the funds 
                        referred to in clause (i), received 
                        through an allocation made under this 
                        subparagraph, for the fiscal year. The 
                        term, used with respect to fiscal year 
                        2013 or 2014, means a percentage of the 
                        funds referred to in section 128(b)(1) 
                        of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 
                        (as in effect on the day before the 
                        date of enactment of this Act), 
                        received through an allocation made 
                        under paragraph (2) or (3) of section 
                        128(b) of the Workforce Investment Act 
                        of 1998 (as so in effect), for the 
                        fiscal year 2013 or 2014, respectively.
                  (B) Application.--For purposes of carrying 
                out subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) references in section 127(b) to a 
                        State shall be deemed to be references 
                        to a local area;
                          (ii) references in section 127(b) to 
                        all States shall be deemed to be 
                        references to all local areas in the 
                        State involved; and
                          (iii) except as described in clause 
                        (i), references in section 127(b)(1) to 
                        the term ``excess number'' shall be 
                        considered to be references to the term 
                        as defined in section 127(b)(2).
          (3) Youth discretionary allocation.--In lieu of 
        making the allocation described in paragraph (2), in 
        allocating the funds described in paragraph (1) to 
        local areas, a State may distribute--
                  (A) a portion equal to not less than 70 
                percent of the funds in accordance with 
                paragraph (2)(A); and
                  (B) the remaining portion of the funds on the 
                basis of a formula that--
                          (i) incorporates additional factors 
                        (other than the factors described in 
                        paragraph (2)(A)) relating to--
                                  (I) excess youth poverty in 
                                urban, rural, and suburban 
                                local areas; and
                                  (II) excess unemployment 
                                above the State average in 
                                urban, rural, and suburban 
                                local areas; and
                          (ii) was developed by the State board 
                        and approved by the Secretary as part 
                        of the State plan.
          (4) Local administrative cost limit.--
                  (A) In general.--Of the amount allocated to a 
                local area under this subsection and section 
                133(b) for a fiscal year, not more than 10 
                percent of the amount may be used by the local 
                board involved for the administrative costs of 
                carrying out local workforce investment 
                activities under this chapter or chapter 3.
                  (B) Use of funds.--Funds made available for 
                administrative costs under subparagraph (A) may 
                be used for the administrative costs of any of 
                the local workforce investment activities 
                described in this chapter or chapter 3, 
                regardless of whether the funds were allocated 
                under this subsection or section 133(b).
  (c) Reallocation Among Local Areas.--
          (1) In general.--The Governor may, in accordance with 
        this subsection and after consultation with the State 
        board, reallocate to eligible local areas within the 
        State amounts that are made available to local areas 
        from allocations made under this section or a 
        corresponding provision of the Workforce Investment Act 
        of 1998 for youth workforce investment activities 
        (referred to individually in this subsection as a 
        ``local allocation'') and that are available for 
          (2) Amount.--The amount available for reallocation 
        for a program year is equal to the amount by which the 
        unobligated balance of the local allocation, at the end 
        of the program year prior to the program year for which 
        the determination under this paragraph is made, exceeds 
        20 percent of such allocation for the prior program 
          (3) Reallocation.--In making reallocations to 
        eligible local areas of amounts available pursuant to 
        paragraph (2) for a program year, the Governor shall 
        allocate to each eligible local area within the State 
        an amount based on the relative amount of the local 
        allocation for the program year for which the 
        determination is made, as compared to the total amount 
        of the local allocations for all eligible local areas 
        in the State for such program year.
          (4) Eligibility.--For purposes of this subsection, an 
        eligible local area means a local area that does not 
        have an amount available for reallocation under 
        paragraph (2) for the program year for which the 
        determination under paragraph (2) is made.


  (a) Youth Participant Eligibility.--
          (1) Eligibility.--
                  [(A) In general.--To be eligible to 
                participate in activities carried out under 
                this chapter during any program year an 
                individual shall, at the time the eligibility 
                determination is made, be an out-of-school 
                youth or an in-school youth.]
                  (A) Eligibility determination.--
                          (i) In general.--To be eligible to 
                        participate in activities carried out 
                        under this chapter during any program 
                        year, an individual shall, at the time 
                        the eligibility determination is made, 
                        be an opportunity youth or an in-school 
                          (ii) Enrollment.--If a one-stop 
                        operator or eligible provider of youth 
                        workforce activities carrying out 
                        activities under this chapter 
                        reasonably believes that an individual 
                        is eligible to participate in such 
                        activities, the operator or provider 
                        may allow such individual to 
                        participate in such activities for not 
                        more than a 30-day period during which 
                        the operator or provider shall obtain 
                        the necessary information to make an 
                        eligibility determination with respect 
                        to such individual (which may involve 
                        working with such individual, other 
                        entities in the local area, and 
                        available sources of administrative 
                        data to obtain the necessary 
                          (iii) Determination of 
                        ineligibility.--With respect to an 
                        individual who is determined to be 
                        ineligible for activities under this 
                        chapter by a one-stop operator or a 
                        service provider during the period 
                        described in clause (ii) and who does 
                        not qualify for an exception under 
                        paragraph (3)(A)(ii) applicable to the 
                        local area involved, such operator or 
                        service provider--
                                  (I) may--
                                          (aa) continue serving 
                                        such individual using 
                                        non-Federal funds; or
                                          (bb) end the 
                                        participation of such 
                                        individual in 
                                        activities under this 
                                        chapter and refer the 
                                        individual to other 
                                        services that may be 
                                        available in the local 
                                        area for which the 
                                        individual may be 
                                        eligible; and
                                  (II) shall be paid for any 
                                services provided to such 
                                individual under this chapter 
                                during the period described in 
                                clause (ii) by the local area 
                                involved using funds allocated 
                                to such area under section 
                          (iv) Determination process for 
                        homeless and foster youth.--In 
                        determining whether an individual is 
                        eligible to participate in activities 
                        carried out under this chapter on the 
                        basis of being an individual who is a 
                        homeless child or youth, or a youth in 
                        foster care, as described in 
                        subparagraph (B)(iii)(V), the one-stop 
                        operator or service provider involved 
                                  (I) if determining whether 
                                the individual is a homeless 
                                child or youth, use a process 
                                that is in compliance with the 
                                requirements of subsection (a) 
                                of section 479D of the Higher 
                                Education Act of 1965, as added 
                                by section 702(l) of the FAFSA 
                                Simplification Act (Public Law 
                                116-260), for financial aid 
                                administrators; and
                                  (II) if determining whether 
                                the individual is a youth in 
                                foster care, use a process that 
                                is in compliance with the 
                                requirements of subsection (b) 
                                of section 479D of the Higher 
                                Education Act of 1965, as added 
                                by section 702(l) of the FAFSA 
                                Simplification Act (Public Law 
                                116-260), for financial aid 
                  (B)  [Out-of-school] Opportunity youth.--In 
                this title, the term ``[out-of-school] 
                opportunity youth'' means an individual who 
                          (i) not attending any school (as 
                        defined under State law), except that 
                        an individual described in subparagraph 
                        (IV) or (V) of clause (iii) may be 
                        attending school;
                          (ii) not younger than age 16 or older 
                        than age 24; and
                          (iii) one or more of the following:
                                  (I) A school dropout.
                                  (II) A youth who is within 
                                the age of compulsory school 
                                attendance, but has not 
                                attended school for at least 
                                the most recent complete school 
                                year calendar quarter.
                                  (III) A recipient of a 
                                secondary school diploma or its 
                                recognized equivalent who is a 
                                low-income individual and is--
                                          (aa) basic skills 
                                        deficient; or
                                          (bb) an English 
                                        [language] learner.
                                  (IV) An individual who is 
                                subject to the juvenile or 
                                adult justice system.
                                  (V) A homeless individual (as 
                                defined in section 41403(6) of 
                                the Violence Against Women Act 
                                of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 14043e-
                                2(6))), a homeless child or 
                                youth (as defined in section 
                                725(2) of the McKinney-Vento 
                                Homeless Assistance Act (42 
                                U.S.C. 11434a(2))), a runaway, 
                                in foster care or has aged out 
                                of the foster care system, a 
                                child eligible for assistance 
                                under section 477 of the Social 
                                Security Act (42 U.S.C. 677), 
                                or in an out-of-home placement.
                                  (VI) An individual who is 
                                pregnant or parenting.
                                  (VII) A youth who is an 
                                individual with a disability.
                                  (VIII) A low-income 
                                individual who requires 
                                additional assistance to enter 
                                or complete an educational 
                                program or to secure or hold 
                  (C) In-school youth.--In this section, the 
                term ``in-school youth'' means an individual 
                who is--
                          (i) attending school (as defined by 
                        State law);
                          (ii) not younger than age 14 or 
                        (unless an individual with a disability 
                        who is attending school under State 
                        law) older than age 21;
                          (iii) a low-income individual; and
                          (iv) one or more of the following:
                                  (I) Basic skills deficient.
                                  (II) An English [language] 
                                  [(III) An offender.
                                  [(IV) A homeless individual 
                                (as defined in section 41403(6) 
                                of the Violence Against Women 
                                Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 14043e-
                                2(6))), a homeless child or 
                                youth (as defined in section 
                                725(2) of the McKinney-Vento 
                                Homeless Assistance Act (42 
                                U.S.C. 11434a(2))), a runaway, 
                                in foster care or has aged out 
                                of the foster care system, a 
                                child eligible for assistance 
                                under section 477 of the Social 
                                Security Act (42 U.S.C. 677), 
                                or in an out-of-home 
                                  [(V)] (III) Pregnant or 
                                  [(VI)] (IV) A youth who is an 
                                individual with a disability.
                                  [(VII)] (V) An individual who 
                                requires additional assistance 
                                to complete an educational 
                                program or to secure or hold 
          (2) Special rule.--For the purpose of this 
        subsection, the term ``low-income'', used with respect 
        to an individual, also includes a youth living in a 
        high-poverty area.
          (3) Exception and limitation.--
                  (A) Exception for persons who are not low-
                income individuals.--
                          (i) Definition.--In this 
                        subparagraph, the term ``covered 
                        individual'' means an in-school youth, 
                        or an [out-of-school] opportunity youth 
                        who is described in subclause (III) or 
                        (VIII) of paragraph (1)(B)(iii).
                          (ii) Exception.--In each local area, 
                        not more than [5] 10 percent of the 
                        individuals assisted under this section 
                        may be persons who would be covered 
                        individuals, except that the persons 
                        are not low-income individuals.
                  (B) Limitation.--In each local area, not more 
                than [5] 10 percent of the in-school youth 
                assisted under this section may be eligible 
                under paragraph (1) because the youth are in-
                school youth described in [paragraph 
                (1)(C)(iv)(VII)] paragraph (1)(C)(iv)(V).
          (4)  [Out-of-school] Opportunity priority.--
                  (A) In general.--For any program year, not 
                less than [75] 65 percent of the funds allotted 
                under section 127(b)(1)(C), reserved under 
                section 128(a), and available for statewide 
                activities under subsection (b), and not less 
                than [75] 65 percent of the total amount of 
                funds available to local areas under subsection 
                (c) in the State, shall be used to provide 
                youth workforce investment activities for [out-
                of-school] opportunity youth.
                  (B) Local area targets.--The local board, the 
                chief elected official, and the Governor shall 
                negotiate and reach agreement on the minimum 
                amount of funds provided to a local area under 
                subsection (c) that shall be used to provide 
                youth workforce investment activities for 
                opportunity youth based on the needs of youth 
                in the local area, as necessary for the State 
                to meet the percentage described in 
                subparagraph (A).
                  [(B)] (C) Exception.--A State that receives a 
                minimum allotment under section 127(b)(1) in 
                accordance with section 127(b)(1)(C)(iv) or 
                under section 132(b)(1) in accordance with 
                section 132(b)(1)(B)(iv) may decrease the 
                percentage described in subparagraph (A) to not 
                less than 50 percent for a local area in the 
                State, if--
                          (i) after an analysis of the in-
                        school youth and [out-of-school] 
                        opportunity youth populations in the 
                        local area, the State determines that 
                        the local area will be unable to use at 
                        least [75] 65 percent of the funds 
                        available for activities under 
                        subsection (c) to serve [out-of-school] 
                        opportunity youth due to a low number 
                        of [out-of-school] opportunity youth; 
                          (ii)(I) the State submits to the 
                        Secretary, for the local area, a 
                        request including a proposed percentage 
                        decreased to not less than 50 percent 
                        for purposes of subparagraph (A), and a 
                        summary of the analysis described in 
                        clause (i); and
                          (II) the request is approved by the 
          (5) Consistency with compulsory school attendance 
        laws.--In providing assistance under this section to an 
        individual who is required to attend school under 
        applicable State compulsory school attendance laws, the 
        priority in providing such assistance shall be for the 
        individual to attend school regularly.
  (b) Statewide Activities.--
          (1) Required statewide youth activities.--Funds 
        reserved by a Governor as described in [sections 
        128(a)] sections 128(a)(1) and 133(a)(1) shall be used, 
        regardless of whether the funds were allotted to the 
        State under section 127(b)(1)(C) or under paragraph 
        (1)(B) or (2)(B) of section 132(b) for statewide 
        activities, which shall include--
                  (A) conducting evaluations under section 
                116(e) of activities authorized under this 
                chapter and chapter 3 in coordination with 
                evaluations carried out by the Secretary under 
                section 169(a);
                  (B) disseminating a list of eligible 
                providers of youth workforce investment 
                activities, as determined under section 123 
                through a website that is consumer-tested to 
                ensure that the website is easily understood, 
                searchable, and navigable and allows for 
                comparison of eligible providers based on the 
                program elements offered by such providers and 
                the performance of such providers on the 
                primary indicators of performance for the youth 
                program as described in section 
                  (C) providing assistance to local areas as 
                described in subsections (b)(7) and (c)(2) of 
                section 106, for local coordination of 
                activities carried out under this title;
                  (D) operating a fiscal and management 
                accountability information system under section 
                  (E) carrying out monitoring and oversight of 
                activities carried out under this chapter and 
                chapter 3, which may include a review comparing 
                the services provided to male and female youth; 
                  (F) providing additional assistance to local 
                areas that have high concentrations of eligible 
          (2) Allowable statewide youth activities.--Funds 
        reserved by a Governor as described in [sections 
        128(a)] sections 128(a)(1) and 133(a)(1) may be used, 
        regardless of whether the funds were allotted to the 
        State under section 127(b)(1)(C) or under paragraph 
        (1)(B) or (2)(B) of section 132(b), for statewide 
        activities, which may include--
                  (A) conducting--
                          (i) research related to meeting the 
                        education and employment needs of 
                        eligible youth; and
                          (ii) demonstration projects related 
                        to meeting the education and employment 
                        needs of eligible youth;
                  (B) supporting the development of 
                alternative, evidence-based programs and other 
                activities that enhance the choices available 
                to eligible youth and encourage such youth to 
                reenter and complete secondary education, 
                enroll in postsecondary education and advanced 
                training, progress through a career pathway, 
                and enter into unsubsidized employment that 
                leads to economic self-sufficiency;
                  (C) supporting the provision of career 
                services described in section 134(c)(2) in the 
                one-stop delivery system in the State, which 
                may include providing guidance on career 
                options in in-demand industry sectors or 
                  (D) supporting financial literacy, 
                          (i) supporting the ability of 
                        participants to create household 
                        budgets, initiate savings plans, and 
                        make informed financial decisions about 
                        education, retirement, home ownership, 
                        wealth building, or other savings 
                          (ii) supporting the ability to manage 
                        spending, credit, and debt, including 
                        credit card debt, effectively;
                          (iii) increasing awareness of the 
                        availability and significance of credit 
                        reports and credit scores in obtaining 
                        credit, including determining their 
                        accuracy (and how to correct 
                        inaccuracies in the reports and 
                        scores), and their effect on credit 
                          (iv) supporting the ability to 
                        understand, evaluate, and compare 
                        financial products, services, and 
                        opportunities; [and]
                          (v) supporting activities that 
                        address the particular financial 
                        literacy needs of non-English speakers, 
                        including providing the support through 
                        the development and distribution of 
                        multilingual financial literacy and 
                        education materials; and
                          (vi) supporting the ability to 
                        understand relevant tax information and 
                  (E) providing technical assistance to, as 
                appropriate, local boards, chief elected 
                officials, one-stop operators, one-stop 
                partners, and eligible providers, in local 
                areas, which provision of technical assistance 
                shall include the development and training of 
                staff, the development of exemplary program 
                activities, the provision of technical 
                assistance to local areas that fail to meet 
                local performance accountability measures 
                described in section 116(c), and the provision 
                of technology to facilitate remote access to 
                services provided through the one-stop delivery 
                system in the State[.];
                  (F) establishing, supporting, and expanding 
                work-based learning opportunities, including 
                transitional jobs, that are aligned with career 
                  (G) raising public awareness (including 
                through public service announcements, such as 
                social media campaigns and elementary and 
                secondary school showcases and school visits) 
                about career and technical education programs 
                and community-based and youth services 
                organizations, and other endeavors focused on 
                programs that prepare students for in-demand 
                industry sectors or occupations; and
                  (H) developing partnerships between 
                educational institutions (including area career 
                and technical schools and institutions of 
                higher education) and employers to create or 
                improve workforce development programs to 
                address the identified education and skill 
                needs of the workforce and the employment needs 
                of employers in the regions or local areas of 
                the State, as determined based on the most 
                recent analysis conducted under subparagraphs 
                (B) and (C) of section 102(b)(1).
          (3) Limitation.--Not more than 5 percent of the funds 
        allotted to a State under section 127(b)(1)(C) shall be 
        used by the State for administrative activities carried 
        out under this subsection or section 134(a).
  (c) Local Elements and Requirements.--
          (1) Program design.--Funds allocated to a local area 
        for eligible youth under section 128(b) shall be used 
        to carry out, for eligible youth, programs that--
                  (A) provide an objective assessment of the 
                academic levels, skill levels, and service 
                needs of each participant, which assessment 
                shall include a review of basic skills, 
                occupational skills, prior work experience, 
                employability, interests, aptitudes (including 
                interests and aptitudes for nontraditional 
                jobs), supportive service needs, and 
                developmental needs of such participant, for 
                the purpose of identifying appropriate services 
                and career pathways for participants, except 
                that a new assessment of a participant is not 
                required if the provider carrying out such a 
                program determines it is appropriate to use a 
                recent assessment of the participant conducted 
                pursuant to another education or training 
                  (B) develop service strategies for each 
                participant that are directly linked to 1 or 
                more of the indicators of performance described 
                in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii), and that shall 
                identify career pathways that include education 
                and employment goals (including, in appropriate 
                circumstances, nontraditional employment), 
                appropriate achievement objectives, and 
                appropriate services for the participant 
                (which, in the case of a participant 18 years 
                or older, may include co-enrollment in any 
                employment or training activity provided under 
                section 134 for adults) taking into account the 
                assessment conducted pursuant to subparagraph 
                (A), except that a new service strategy for a 
                participant is not required if the provider 
                carrying out such a program determines it is 
                appropriate to use a recent service strategy 
                developed for the participant under another 
                education or training program;
                  (C) provide--
                          (i) activities leading to the 
                        attainment of a secondary school 
                        diploma or its recognized equivalent, 
                        or a recognized postsecondary 
                          (ii) preparation for postsecondary 
                        educational and training opportunities;
                          (iii) strong linkages between 
                        academic instruction (based on 
                        challenging State academic standards 
                        established under section 1111(b)(1) of 
                        the Elementary and Secondary Education 
                        Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(1)) and 
                        occupational education that lead to the 
                        attainment of recognized postsecondary 
                          (iv) preparation for unsubsidized 
                        employment opportunities, in 
                        appropriate cases; and
                          (v) effective connections to 
                        employers, including small employers, 
                        in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand 
                        industry sectors and occupations of the 
                        local and regional labor markets; and
                  (D) at the discretion of the local board, 
                implement a pay-for-performance contract 
                strategy for elements described in paragraph 
                (2), for which the local board may reserve and 
                use not more than [10] 40 percent of the total 
                funds allocated to the local area under section 
                128(b), except that after 2 consecutive years 
                of the local board implementing such a pay-for-
                performance contract strategy, the local board 
                may reserve and use not more than 60 percent of 
                such total funds allocated to the local area 
                for such strategy if--
                          (i) the local board demonstrates to 
                        the Governor that such strategy 
                        resulted in performance improvements; 
                          (ii) the Governor approves a request 
                        to use such percentage of total funds.
          (2) Program elements.--In order to support the 
        attainment of a secondary school diploma or its 
        recognized equivalent, entry into postsecondary 
        education, and career readiness for participants, the 
        programs described in paragraph (1) shall provide 
        elements consisting of--
                  (A) tutoring, study skills training, 
                instruction, and evidence-based dropout 
                prevention and recovery strategies that lead to 
                completion of the requirements for a secondary 
                school diploma or its recognized equivalent 
                (including a recognized certificate of 
                attendance or similar document for individuals 
                with disabilities) or for a recognized 
                postsecondary credential;
                  (B) alternative secondary school services, or 
                dropout recovery services, as appropriate;
                  (C) paid and unpaid work experiences that 
                have as a component academic and occupational 
                education, which may include--
                          (i) summer employment opportunities 
                        and [other] year-round employment 
                        opportunities available throughout the 
                        school year that meet the requirements 
                        of paragraph (10);
                          (ii) pre-apprenticeship programs;
                          (iii) internships [and job shadowing; 
                        and] that, to the extent practicable, 
                        are aligned with in-demand industry 
                        sectors or occupations in the State or 
                        local area and for which participants 
                        shall be paid (by the entity providing 
                        the internship, through funds allocated 
                        to the local area pursuant to paragraph 
                        (1) for the program, or by another 
                        entity) if such internships are longer 
                                  (I) 4 weeks in the summer or 
                                8 weeks during the school year 
                                for in-school youth and 
                                opportunity youth who are 
                                enrolled in school; or 
                                  (II) 8 weeks for opportunity 
                                youth who are not enrolled in 
                          (iv) job shadowing; and
                          [(iv)] (v) on-the-job training 
                  (D) occupational skill training, which shall 
                include priority consideration for training 
                programs that lead to recognized postsecondary 
                credentials that are aligned with in-demand 
                industry sectors or occupations in the local 
                area involved, if the local board determines 
                that the programs meet the quality criteria 
                described in section 123;
                  (E) education offered concurrently with and 
                in the same context as workforce preparation 
                activities and training for a specific 
                occupation or occupational cluster;
                  (F) leadership development opportunities, 
                which may include community service and peer-
                centered activities encouraging responsibility 
                and other positive social and civic behaviors, 
                as appropriate;
                  (G) supportive services;
                  (H) [adult mentoring] coaching and adult 
                mentoring services for the period of 
                participation and a subsequent period, for a 
                total of not less than 12 months;
                  (I) followup services for not less than 12 
                months after the completion of participation, 
                as appropriate;
                  (J) comprehensive guidance and counseling, 
                which may include drug and alcohol abuse 
                counseling and referral, as appropriate;
                  (K) financial literacy education;
                  (L) entrepreneurial skills training;
                  (M) services that provide labor market and 
                employment information about high-skill, high-
                wage, or in-demand industry sectors or 
                occupations available in the local area, such 
                as career awareness, career counseling, and 
                career exploration services; [and]
                  (N) activities that help youth prepare for 
                and transition to postsecondary education and 
                training[.]; and
                  (O) activities to develop fundamental 
                workforce readiness, which may include 
                creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, 
                digital literacy, persistence, and other 
                relevant skills.
          (3) Additional requirements.--
                  (A) Information and referrals.--Each local 
                board shall ensure that each participant shall 
                be provided--
                          (i) information on the full array of 
                        applicable or appropriate services that 
                        are available through the local board 
                        or other eligible providers or one-stop 
                        partners, including those providers or 
                        partners receiving funds under this 
                        subtitle; and
                          (ii) referral to appropriate training 
                        and educational programs that have the 
                        capacity to serve the participant 
                        either on a sequential or concurrent 
                  (B) Applicants not meeting enrollment 
                requirements.--Each eligible provider of a 
                program of youth workforce investment 
                activities shall ensure that an eligible 
                applicant who does not meet the enrollment 
                requirements of the particular program or who 
                cannot be served shall be referred for further 
                assessment, as necessary, and referred to 
                appropriate programs in accordance with 
                subparagraph (A) to meet the basic skills and 
                training needs of the applicant.
                  (C) Involvement in design and 
                implementation.--The local board shall ensure 
                that parents, participants, and other members 
                of the community with experience relating to 
                programs for youth are involved in the design 
                and implementation of the programs described in 
                paragraph (1).
          (4) Priority.--Not less than [20] 40 percent of the 
        funds allocated to the local area as described in 
        paragraph (1) shall be used to provide in-school youth 
        and [out-of-school] opportunity youth with activities 
        under paragraph (2)(C).
          (5) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this chapter 
        shall be construed to require that each of the elements 
        described in subparagraphs of paragraph (2) be offered 
        by each provider of youth services or local area.
          (6) Prohibitions.--
                  (A) Prohibition against federal control of 
                education.--No provision of this Act shall be 
                construed to authorize any department, agency, 
                officer, or employee of the United States to 
                exercise any direction, supervision, or control 
                over the curriculum, program of instruction, 
                administration, or personnel of any educational 
                institution, school, or school system, or over 
                the selection of library resources, textbooks, 
                or other printed or published instructional 
                materials by any educational institution, 
                school, or school system.
                  (B) Noninterference and nonreplacement of 
                regular academic requirements.--No funds 
                described in paragraph (1) shall be used to 
                provide an activity for eligible youth who are 
                not school dropouts if participation in the 
                activity would interfere with or replace the 
                regular academic requirements of the youth.
          (7) Linkages.--In coordinating the programs 
        authorized under this section, local boards shall 
        establish linkages with local educational agencies 
        responsible for services to participants as 
          (8) Volunteers.--The local board shall make 
        opportunities available for individuals who have 
        successfully participated in programs carried out under 
        this section to volunteer assistance to participants in 
        the form of mentoring, tutoring, and other activities.
          (9) Individual training accounts.--Funds allocated 
        pursuant to paragraph (1) to a local area may be used 
        to pay, through an individual training account, an 
        eligible provider of training services described in 
        section 122(d) for training services described in 
        section 134(c)(3) provided to in-school youth who are 
        not younger than age 16 and not older than age 21 and 
        opportunity youth, in the same manner that an 
        individual training account is used to pay an eligible 
        provider of training services under section 
        134(c)(3)(F)(iii) for training services provided to an 
        adult or dislocated worker.
          (10) Summer and year-round employment opportunities 
                  (A) In general.--A summer employment 
                opportunity or a year-round employment 
                opportunity referred to in paragraph (2)(C)(i) 
                shall be a program that matches eligible youth 
                participating in such program with an 
                appropriate employer (based on factors 
                including the needs of the employer and the 
                age, skill, and informed aspirations of the 
                eligible youth) that--
                          (i) shall include--
                                  (I) a component of 
                                occupational skills education; 
                                  (II) not less than 2 of the 
                                activities described in 
                                subparagraphs (G), (H), (I), 
                                (K), (M), and (O) of paragraph 
                          (ii) may not use funds allocated 
                        under this chapter to subsidize more 
                        than 50 percent of the wages of each 
                        eligible youth participant in such 
                          (iii) in the case of a summer 
                        employment opportunity, complies with 
                        the requirements of subparagraph (B); 
                          (iv) in the case of a year-round 
                        employment opportunity, complies with 
                        the requirements of subparagraph (C).
                  (B) Summer employment opportunity.--In 
                addition to the applicable requirements 
                described in subparagraph (A), a summer 
                employment opportunity--
                          (i) may not be less than 4 weeks; and
                          (ii) may not pay less than the 
                        greater of the applicable Federal, 
                        State, or local minimum wage.
                  (C) Year-round employment opportunity.--In 
                addition to the applicable requirements 
                described in subparagraph (B), a year-round 
                employment opportunity--
                          (i) may not be shorter than 180 days 
                        or longer than 1 year;
                          (ii) may not pay less than the 
                        greater of the applicable Federal, 
                        State, or local minimum wage; and
                          (iii) may not employ the eligible 
                        youth for less than 20 hours per week, 
                        except in instances when the eligible 
                        youth are under the age of 18 or 
                        enrolled in school.
                  (D) Priority.--In selecting summer employment 
                opportunities or year-round employment 
                opportunities for purposes of paragraph 
                (2)(C)(i), a local area shall give priority to 
                programs that meet the requirements of this 
                paragraph, which are in existing or emerging 
                high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry 
                sectors or occupations.


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) In general.--The Secretary shall--
          (1) make allotments and grants from the amount 
        appropriated under section 136(b) for a fiscal year in 
        accordance with subsection (b)(1); and
          (2)(A) reserve 20 percent of the amount appropriated 
        under section 136(c) for the fiscal year for use under 
        subsection (b)(2)(A), and under sections 168(b) 
        (relating to dislocated worker technical assistance)[, 
        169(c) (relating to dislocated worker projects),] and 
        170 (relating to national dislocated worker grants), 
        and under subsections (c) (related to dislocated worker 
        projects) and (d) (related to workforce data quality 
        initiatives) of section 169; and
          (B) make allotments from 80 percent of the amount 
        appropriated under section 136(c) for the fiscal year 
        in accordance with subsection (b)(2)(B).
  (b) Allotment Among States.--
          (1) Adult Employment and Training Activities.--
                  (A) Reservation for outlying areas.--
                          (i) In general.--From the amount made 
                        available under subsection (a)(1) for a 
                        fiscal year, the Secretary shall 
                        reserve not more than \1/4\ of 1 
                        percent of such amount to provide 
                        assistance to the outlying areas.
                          (ii) Applicability of additional 
                        requirements.--From the amount reserved 
                        under clause (i), the Secretary shall 
                        provide assistance to the outlying 
                        areas for adult employment and training 
                        activities and statewide workforce 
                        investment activities in accordance 
                        with the requirements of section 
                  (B) States.--
                          (i) In general.--After determining 
                        the amount to be reserved under 
                        subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall 
                        allot the remainder of the amount made 
                        available under subsection (a)(1) for 
                        that fiscal year to the States pursuant 
                        to clause (ii) for adult employment and 
                        training activities and statewide 
                        workforce investment activities.
                          (ii) Formula.--Subject to clauses 
                        (iii) and (iv), of the remainder--
                                  (I) 33\1/3\ percent shall be 
                                allotted on the basis of the 
                                relative number of unemployed 
                                individuals in areas of 
                                substantial unemployment in 
                                each State, compared to the 
                                total number of unemployed 
                                individuals in areas of 
                                substantial unemployment in all 
                                  (II) 33\1/3\ percent shall be 
                                allotted on the basis of the 
                                relative excess number of 
                                unemployed individuals in each 
                                State, compared to the total 
                                excess number of unemployed 
                                individuals in all States; and
                                  (III) 33\1/3\ percent shall 
                                be allotted on the basis of the 
                                relative number of 
                                disadvantaged adults in each 
                                State, compared to the total 
                                number of disadvantaged adults 
                                in all States, except as 
                                described in clause (iii).
                          (iii) Calculation.--In determining an 
                        allotment under clause (ii)(III) for 
                        any State in which there is an area 
                        that was designated as a local area as 
                        described in section 107(c)(1)(C), the 
                        allotment shall be based on the higher 
                                  (I) the number of adults in 
                                families with an income below 
                                the low-income level in such 
                                area; or
                                  (II) the number of 
                                disadvantaged adults in such 
                          (iv) Minimum and maximum percentages 
                        and minimum allotments.--In making 
                        allotments under this subparagraph, the 
                        Secretary shall ensure the following:
                                  (I) Minimum percentage and 
                                allotment.--Subject to 
                                subclause (IV), the Secretary 
                                shall ensure that no State 
                                shall receive an allotment for 
                                a fiscal year that is less than 
                                an amount based on 90 percent 
                                of the allotment percentage of 
                                the State for the preceding 
                                fiscal year.
                                  (II) Small state minimum 
                                allotment.--Subject to 
                                subclauses (I), (III), and 
                                (IV), the Secretary shall 
                                ensure that no State shall 
                                receive an allotment under this 
                                subparagraph that is less than 
                                the total of--
                                          (aa) \3/10\ of 1 
                                        percent of $960,000,000 
                                        of the remainder 
                                        described in clause (i) 
                                        for the fiscal year; 
                                          (bb) if the remainder 
                                        described in clause (i) 
                                        for the fiscal year 
                                        exceeds $960,000,000, 
                                        \2/5\ of 1 percent of 
                                        the excess.
                                  (III) Maximum percentage.--
                                Subject to subclause (I), the 
                                Secretary shall ensure that no 
                                State shall receive an 
                                allotment percentage for a 
                                fiscal year that is more than 
                                130 percent of the allotment 
                                percentage of the State for the 
                                preceding fiscal year.
                                  (IV) Minimum funding.--In any 
                                fiscal year in which the 
                                remainder described in clause 
                                (i) does not exceed 
                                $960,000,000, the minimum 
                                allotments under subclauses (I) 
                                and (II) shall be calculated by 
                                the methodology specified in 
                                section 132(b)(1)(B)(iv)(IV) of 
                                the Workforce Investment Act of 
                                1998 (as in effect on the day 
                                before the date of enactment of 
                                this Act).
                          (v) Definitions.--For the purpose of 
                        the formula specified in this 
                                  (I) Adult.--The term 
                                ``adult'' means an individual 
                                who is not less than age 22 and 
                                not more than age 72.
                                  (II) Allotment percentage.--
                                The term ``allotment 
                                percentage'', used with respect 
                                to fiscal year 2015 or a 
                                subsequent fiscal year, means a 
                                percentage of the remainder 
                                described in clause (i) that is 
                                received through an allotment 
                                made under this subparagraph 
                                for the fiscal year. The term, 
                                used with respect to fiscal 
                                year 2014, means the percentage 
                                of the amount allotted to 
                                States under section 
                                132(b)(1)(B) of the Workforce 
                                Investment Act of 1998 (as in 
                                effect on the day before the 
                                date of enactment of this Act) 
                                that is received under such 
                                section by the State involved 
                                for fiscal year 2014.
                                  (III) Area of substantial 
                                unemployment.--The term ``area 
                                of substantial unemployment'' 
                                means any area that is of 
                                sufficient size and scope to 
                                sustain a program of workforce 
                                investment activities carried 
                                out under this subtitle and 
                                that has an average rate of 
                                unemployment of at least 6.5 
                                percent for the most recent 12 
                                months, as determined by the 
                                Secretary. For purposes of this 
                                subclause, determinations of 
                                areas of substantial 
                                unemployment shall be made once 
                                each fiscal year.
                                  (IV) Disadvantaged adult.--
                                Subject to subclause (V), the 
                                term ``disadvantaged adult'' 
                                means an adult who received an 
                                income, or is a member of a 
                                family that received a total 
                                family income, that, in 
                                relation to family size, does 
                                not exceed the higher of--
                                          (aa) the poverty 
                                        line; or
                                          (bb) 70 percent of 
                                        the lower living 
                                        standard income level.
                                  (V) Disadvantaged adult 
                                special rule.--The Secretary 
                                shall, as appropriate and to 
                                the extent practicable, exclude 
                                college students and members of 
                                the Armed Forces from the 
                                determination of the number of 
                                disadvantaged adults.
                                  (VI) Excess number.--The term 
                                ``excess number'' means, used 
                                with respect to the excess 
                                number of unemployed 
                                individuals within a State, the 
                                higher of--
                                          (aa) the number that 
                                        represents the number 
                                        of unemployed 
                                        individuals in excess 
                                        of 4.5 percent of the 
                                        civilian labor force in 
                                        the State; or
                                          (bb) the number that 
                                        represents the number 
                                        of unemployed 
                                        individuals in excess 
                                        of 4.5 percent of the 
                                        civilian labor force in 
                                        areas of substantial 
                                        unemployment in such 
                                  (VII) Low-income level.--The 
                                term ``low-income level'' means 
                                $7,000 with respect to income 
                                in 1969, and for any later year 
                                means that amount that bears 
                                the same relationship to $7,000 
                                as the Consumer Price Index for 
                                that year bears to the Consumer 
                                Price Index for 1969, rounded 
                                to the nearest $1,000.
          (2) Dislocated Worker Employment and Training 
                  (A) Reservation for outlying areas.--
                          (i) In general.--From the amount made 
                        available under subsection (a)(2)(A) 
                        for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall 
                        reserve not more than \1/4\ of 1 
                        percent of the amount appropriated 
                        under section 136(c) for the fiscal 
                        year to provide assistance to the 
                        outlying areas.
                          (ii) Applicability of additional 
                        requirements.--From the amount reserved 
                        under clause (i), the Secretary shall 
                        provide assistance to the outlying 
                        areas for dislocated worker employment 
                        and training activities and statewide 
                        workforce investment activities in 
                        accordance with the requirements of 
                        section 127(b)(1)(B).
                  (B) States.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                        allot the amount referred to in 
                        subsection (a)(2)(B) for a fiscal year 
                        to the States pursuant to clause (ii) 
                        for dislocated worker employment and 
                        training activities and statewide 
                        workforce investment activities.
                          (ii) Formula.--Subject to clause 
                        (iii), of the amount--
                                  (I) 33\1/3\ percent shall be 
                                allotted on the basis of the 
                                relative number of unemployed 
                                individuals in each State, 
                                compared to the total number of 
                                unemployed individuals in all 
                                  (II) 33\1/3\ percent shall be 
                                allotted on the basis of the 
                                relative excess number of 
                                unemployed individuals in each 
                                State, compared to the total 
                                excess number of unemployed 
                                individuals in all States; and
                                  (III) 33\1/3\ percent shall 
                                be allotted on the basis of the 
                                relative number of individuals 
                                in each State who have been 
                                unemployed for 15 weeks or 
                                more, compared to the total 
                                number of individuals in all 
                                States who have been unemployed 
                                for 15 weeks or more.
                          (iii) Minimum and maximum percentages 
                        and minimum allotments.--In making 
                        allotments under this subparagraph, for 
                        fiscal year 2016 and each subsequent 
                        fiscal year, the Secretary shall ensure 
                        the following:
                                  (I) Minimum percentage and 
                                allotment.--The Secretary shall 
                                ensure that no State shall 
                                receive an allotment for a 
                                fiscal year that is less than 
                                an amount based on 90 percent 
                                of the allotment percentage of 
                                the State for the preceding 
                                fiscal year.
                                  (II) Maximum percentage.--
                                Subject to subclause (I), the 
                                Secretary shall ensure that no 
                                State shall receive an 
                                allotment percentage for a 
                                fiscal year that is more than 
                                130 percent of the allotment 
                                percentage of the State for the 
                                preceding fiscal year.
                          (iv) Definitions.--For the purpose of 
                        the formula specified in this 
                                  (I) Allotment percentage.--
                                The term ``allotment 
                                percentage'', used with respect 
                                to fiscal year 2015 or a 
                                subsequent fiscal year, means a 
                                percentage of the amount 
                                described in clause (i) that is 
                                received through an allotment 
                                made under this subparagraph 
                                for the fiscal year.
                                  (II) Excess number.--The term 
                                ``excess number'' means, used 
                                with respect to the excess 
                                number of unemployed 
                                individuals within a State, the 
                                number that represents the 
                                number of unemployed 
                                individuals in excess of 4.5 
                                percent of the civilian labor 
                                force in the State.
  (c) Reallotment.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall, in accordance 
        with this subsection, reallot to eligible States 
        amounts that are made available to States from 
        allotments made under this section or a corresponding 
        provision of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 for 
        employment and training activities and statewide 
        workforce investment activities (referred to 
        individually in this subsection as a ``State 
        allotment'') and that are available for reallotment.
          (2) Amount.--The amount available for reallotment for 
        a program year for programs funded under subsection 
        (b)(1)(B) (relating to adult employment and training) 
        or for programs funded under subsection (b)(2)(B) 
        (relating to dislocated worker employment and training) 
        is equal to the amount by which the unobligated balance 
        of the State allotments for adult employment and 
        training activities or dislocated worker employment and 
        training activities, respectively, at the end of the 
        program year prior to the program year for which the 
        determination under this paragraph is made, exceeds 20 
        percent of such allotments for the prior program year.
          (3) Reallotment.--In making reallotments to eligible 
        States of amounts available pursuant to paragraph (2) 
        for a program year, the Secretary shall allot to each 
        eligible State an amount based on the relative amount 
        of the State allotment under paragraph (1)(B) or 
        (2)(B), respectively, of subsection (b) for the program 
        year for which the determination is made, as compared 
        to the total amount of the State allotments under 
        paragraph (1)(B) or (2)(B), respectively, of subsection 
        (b) for all eligible States for such program year.
          (4) Eligibility.--For purposes of this subsection, an 
        eligible State means--
                  (A) with respect to funds allotted through a 
                State allotment for adult employment and 
                training activities, a State that does not have 
                an amount of such funds available for 
                reallotment under paragraph (2) for the program 
                year for which the determination under 
                paragraph (2) is made; and
                  (B) with respect to funds allotted through a 
                State allotment for dislocated worker 
                employment and training activities, a State 
                that does not have an amount of such funds 
                available for reallotment under paragraph (2) 
                for the program year for which the 
                determination under paragraph (2) is made.
          (5) Procedures.--The Governor shall prescribe uniform 
        procedures for the obligation of funds by local areas 
        within the State in order to avoid the requirement that 
        funds be made available for reallotment under this 
        subsection. The Governor shall further prescribe 
        equitable procedures for making funds available from 
        the State and local areas in the event that a State is 
        required to make funds available for reallotment under 
        this subsection.


  (a) Reservations for State Activities.--
          (1) Statewide workforce investment activities.--The 
        Governor shall make the reservation required under 
        [section 128(a)] section 128(a)(1).
          (2) Statewide rapid response activities.--The 
        Governor shall reserve not more than 25 percent of the 
        total amount allotted to the State under section 
        132(b)(2)(B) for a fiscal year for statewide rapid 
        response activities described in section 134(a)(2)(A).
          (3) Statewide critical industry skills fund.--In 
        addition to the reservations required under paragraphs 
        (1) and (2) of this subsection, the Governor may make 
        the reservation authorized under section 128(a)(3).
  (b) Within State Allocation.--
          (1) Methods.--The Governor, acting in accordance with 
        the State plan, and after consulting with chief elected 
        officials and local boards in the local areas, shall 
                  (A) the funds that are allotted to the State 
                for adult employment and training activities 
                and statewide workforce investment activities 
                under section 132(b)(1)(B) and are not reserved 
                under [subsection (a)(1)] paragraph (1) or (3) 
                of subsection (a), in accordance with paragraph 
                (2) or (3); and
                  (B) the funds that are allotted to the State 
                for dislocated worker employment and training 
                activities and statewide workforce investment 
                activities under section 132(b)(2)(B) and are 
                not reserved under [paragraph (1) or (2) of 
                subsection (a)] paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of 
                subsection (a), in accordance with paragraph 
          (2) Formula allocations.--
                  (A) Adult employment and training 
                          (i) Allocation.--In allocating the 
                        funds described in paragraph (1)(A) to 
                        local areas, a State may allocate--
                                  (I) 33\1/3\ percent of the 
                                funds on the basis described in 
                                section 132(b)(1)(B)(ii)(I);
                                  (II) 33\1/3\ percent of the 
                                funds on the basis described in 
                                section 132(b)(1)(B)(ii)(II); 
                                  (III) 33\1/3\ percent of the 
                                funds on the basis described in 
                                clauses (ii)(III) and (iii) of 
                                section 132(b)(1)(B).
                          (ii) Minimum percentage.--The local 
                        area shall not receive an allocation 
                        percentage for a fiscal year that is 
                        less than 90 percent of the average 
                        allocation percentage of the local area 
                        for the 2 preceding fiscal years. 
                        Amounts necessary for increasing such 
                        allocations to local areas to comply 
                        with the preceding sentence shall be 
                        obtained by ratably reducing the 
                        allocations to be made to other local 
                        areas under this subparagraph.
                          (iii) Definition.--In this 
                        subparagraph, the term ``allocation 
                        percentage'', used with respect to 
                        fiscal year 2015 or a subsequent fiscal 
                        year, means a percentage of the funds 
                        referred to in clause (i), received 
                        through an allocation made under this 
                        subparagraph, for the fiscal year. The 
                        term, used with respect to fiscal year 
                        2013 or 2014, means a percentage of the 
                        amount allocated to local areas under 
                        paragraphs (2)(A) and (3) of section 
                        133(b) of the Workforce Investment Act 
                        of 1998 (as in effect on the day before 
                        the date of enactment of this Act), 
                        received through an allocation made 
                        under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of that 
                        section for fiscal year 2013 or 2014, 
                  (B) Dislocated worker employment and training 
                          (i) Allocation.--In allocating the 
                        funds described in paragraph (1)(B) to 
                        local areas, a State shall allocate the 
                        funds based on an allocation formula 
                        prescribed by the Governor of the 
                        State. Such formula may be amended by 
                        the Governor not more than once for 
                        each program year. Such formula shall 
                        utilize the most appropriate 
                        information available to the Governor 
                        to distribute amounts to address the 
                        State's worker readjustment assistance 
                          (ii) Information.--The information 
                        described in clause (i) shall include 
                        insured unemployment data, unemployment 
                        concentrations, plant closing and mass 
                        layoff data, declining industries data, 
                        farmer-rancher economic hardship data, 
                        and long-term unemployment data.
                          (iii) Minimum percentage.--The local 
                        area shall not receive an allocation 
                        percentage for fiscal year 2016 or a 
                        subsequent fiscal year that is less 
                        than 90 percent of the average 
                        allocation percentage of the local area 
                        for the 2 preceding fiscal years. 
                        Amounts necessary for increasing such 
                        allocations to local areas to comply 
                        with the preceding sentence shall be 
                        obtained by ratably reducing the 
                        allocations to be made to other local 
                        areas under this subparagraph.
                          (iv) Definition.--In this 
                        subparagraph, the term ``allocation 
                        percentage'', used with respect to 
                        fiscal year 2015 or a subsequent fiscal 
                        year, means a percentage of the funds 
                        referred to in clause (i), received 
                        through an allocation made under this 
                        subparagraph for the fiscal year. The 
                        term, used with respect to fiscal year 
                        2014, means a percentage of the amount 
                        allocated to local areas under section 
                        133(b)(2)(B) of the Workforce 
                        Investment Act of 1998 (as in effect on 
                        the day before the date of enactment of 
                        this Act), received through an 
                        allocation made under that section for 
                        fiscal year 2014.
                  (C) Application.--For purposes of carrying 
                out subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) references in section 132(b) to a 
                        State shall be deemed to be references 
                        to a local area;
                          (ii) references in section 132(b) to 
                        all States shall be deemed to be 
                        references to all local areas in the 
                        State involved; and
                          (iii) except as described in clause 
                        (i), references in section 132(b)(1) to 
                        the term ``excess number'' shall be 
                        considered to be references to the term 
                        as defined in section 132(b)(1).
          (3) Adult employment and training discretionary 
        allocations.--In lieu of making the allocation 
        described in paragraph (2)(A), in allocating the funds 
        described in paragraph (1)(A) to local areas, a State 
        may distribute--
                  (A) a portion equal to not less than 70 
                percent of the funds in accordance with 
                paragraph (2)(A); and
                  (B) the remaining portion of the funds on the 
                basis of a formula that--
                          (i) incorporates additional factors 
                        (other than the factors described in 
                        paragraph (2)(A)) relating to--
                                  (I) excess poverty in urban, 
                                rural, and suburban local 
                                areas; and
                                  (II) excess unemployment 
                                above the State average in 
                                urban, rural, and suburban 
                                local areas; and
                          (ii) was developed by the State board 
                        and approved by the Secretary as part 
                        of the State plan.
          (4) Transfer authority.--A local board may transfer, 
        if such a transfer is approved by the Governor, up to 
        and including 100 percent of the funds allocated to the 
        local area under paragraph (2)(A) or (3), and up to and 
        including 100 percent of the funds allocated to the 
        local area under paragraph (2)(B), for a fiscal year 
                  (A) adult employment and training activities; 
                  (B) dislocated worker employment and training 
          (5) Allocation.--
                  (A) In general.--The Governor shall allocate 
                the funds described in paragraph (1) to local 
                areas under paragraphs (2) and (3) for the 
                purpose of providing a single system of 
                employment and training activities for adults 
                and dislocated workers in accordance with 
                subsections (c) and (d) of section 134.
                  (B) Additional requirements.--
                          (i) Adults.--Funds allocated under 
                        paragraph (2)(A) or (3) shall be used 
                        by a local area to contribute to the 
                        costs of the one-stop delivery system 
                        described in section 121(e) as 
                        determined under section 121(h) and to 
                        pay for employment and training 
                        activities provided to adults in the 
                        local area, consistent with section 
                          (ii) Dislocated workers.--Funds 
                        allocated under paragraph (2)(B) shall 
                        be used by a local area to contribute 
                        to the costs of the one-stop delivery 
                        system described in section 121(e) as 
                        determined under section 121(h) and to 
                        pay for employment and training 
                        activities provided to dislocated 
                        workers in the local area, consistent 
                        with section 134.
  (c) Reallocation Among Local Areas.--
          (1) In general.--The Governor may, in accordance with 
        this subsection and after consultation with the State 
        board, reallocate to eligible local areas within the 
        State amounts that are made available to local areas 
        from allocations made under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of 
        subsection (b) or a corresponding provision of the 
        Workforce Investment Act of 1998 for adult employment 
        and training activities, or under subsection (b)(2)(B) 
        or a corresponding provision of the Workforce 
        Investment Act of 1998 for dislocated worker employment 
        and training activities (referred to individually in 
        this subsection as a ``local allocation'') and that are 
        available for reallocation.
          (2) Amount.--The amount available for reallocation 
        for a program year--
                  (A) for adult employment and training 
                activities is equal to the amount by which the 
                unobligated balance of the local allocation 
                under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of subsection (b) 
                for such activities, at the end of the program 
                year prior to the program year for which the 
                determination under this subparagraph is made, 
                exceeds 20 percent of such allocation for the 
                prior program year; and
                  (B) for dislocated worker employment and 
                training activities is equal to the amount by 
                which the unobligated balance of the local 
                allocation under subsection (b)(2)(B) for such 
                activities, at the end of the program year 
                prior to the program year for which the 
                determination under this subparagraph is made, 
                exceeds 20 percent of such allocation for the 
                prior program year.
          (3) Reallocation.--In making reallocations to 
        eligible local areas of amounts available pursuant to 
        paragraph (2) for a program year, the Governor shall 
        allocate to each eligible local area within the State--
                  (A) with respect to such available amounts 
                that were allocated under paragraph (2)(A) or 
                (3) of subsection (b), an amount based on the 
                relative amount of the local allocation under 
                paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of subsection (b), as 
                appropriate, for the program year for which the 
                determination is made, as compared to the total 
                amount of the local allocations under paragraph 
                (2)(A) or (3) of subsection (b), as 
                appropriate, for all eligible local areas in 
                the State for such program year; and
                  (B) with respect to such available amounts 
                that were allocated under subsection (b)(2)(B), 
                an amount based on the relative amount of the 
                local allocation under subsection (b)(2)(B) for 
                the program year for which the determination is 
                made, as compared to the total amount of the 
                local allocations under subsection (b)(2)(B) 
                for all eligible local areas in the State for 
                such program year.
          (4) Eligibility.--For purposes of this subsection, an 
        eligible local area means--
                  (A) with respect to funds allocated through a 
                local allocation for adult employment and 
                training activities, a local area that does not 
                have an amount of such funds available for 
                reallocation under paragraph (2) for the 
                program year for which the determination under 
                paragraph (2) is made; and
                  (B) with respect to funds allocated through a 
                local allocation for dislocated worker 
                employment and training activities, a local 
                area that does not have an amount of such funds 
                available for reallocation under paragraph (2) 
                for the program year for which the 
                determination under paragraph (2) is made.


  (a) Statewide employment and training activities.--
          (1) In general.--Funds reserved by a Governor--
                  (A) as described in section 133(a)(2) shall 
                be used to carry out the statewide rapid 
                response activities described in paragraph 
                (2)(A); [and]
                  (B) as described in sections [128(a)] 
                128(a)(1) and 133(a)(1)--
                          (i) shall be used to carry out the 
                        statewide employment and training 
                        activities described in paragraph 
                        (2)(B); and
                          (ii) may be used to carry out any of 
                        the statewide employment and training 
                        activities described in paragraph 
                        (3)[,] or to establish and administer a 
                        critical skills fund under paragraph 
                        (4); and
                  (C) as described in section 128(a)(3), shall 
                be used to establish and administer a critical 
                industry skills fund described in paragraph 
                regardless of whether the funds were allotted 
                to the State under section 127(b)(1) or under 
                paragraph (1) or (2) of section 132(b).
          (2) Required statewide employment and training 
                  (A) Statewide rapid response activities.--
                          (i) In general.--A State shall carry 
                        out statewide rapid response activities 
                        using funds reserved by the Governor 
                        for the State under section 133(a)(2), 
                        which activities shall include--
                                  (I) provision of rapid 
                                response activities, carried 
                                out in local areas by the State 
                                or by an entity designated by 
                                the State, [working] as a rapid 
                                response unit working in 
                                conjunction with the local 
                                boards and the chief elected 
                                officials for the local areas; 
                                  (II) provision of additional 
                                assistance to local areas that 
                                experience disasters, mass 
                                layoffs, or plant closings, or 
                                other events that precipitate 
                                substantial increases in the 
                                number of unemployed 
                                individuals, carried out in 
                                local areas by the State, 
                                working in conjunction with the 
                                local boards and the chief 
                                elected officials for the local 
                                areas[.]; and
                                  (III) provision of additional 
                                assistance to a local area that 
                                has excess demand for 
                                individual training accounts 
                                for dislocated workers in such 
                                local area and requests such 
                                assistance under paragraph (5) 
                                of section 414(c) of the 
                                American Competitiveness and 
                                Workforce Improvement Act of 
                                1998 (29 U.S.C. 3224a(5)), upon 
                                a determination by the State 
                                that, in using funds allocated 
                                to such local area pursuant to 
                                paragraph (1) of such section 
                                414(c) and subsection (c)(1)(B) 
                                of this section for the purpose 
                                described in paragraph (2)(A) 
                                of such section 414(c), the 
                                local area was in compliance 
                                with the requirements of such 
                                section 414(c).
                          (ii) Use of unobligated funds.--Funds 
                        reserved by a Governor under section 
                        133(a)(2), and section 133(a)(2) of the 
                        Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (as in 
                        effect on the day before the date of 
                        enactment of this Act), to carry out 
                        this subparagraph that remain 
                        unobligated after the first program 
                        year for which such funds were allotted 
                        may be used by the Governor to carry 
                        out statewide activities authorized 
                        under subparagraph (B) or paragraph 
                        (3)(A), in addition to activities under 
                        this subparagraph.
                          (iii) Insufficient funds to meet 
                        excess demand.--If a State determines 
                        that a local area with excess demand as 
                        described in clause (i)(III) met the 
                        compliance requirements described in 
                        such clause, but the State does not 
                        have sufficient funds reserved under 
                        section 133(a)(2) to meet such excess 
                        demand, the State--
                                  (I) shall notify the 
                                Secretary of such excess 
                                demand; and
                                  (II) if eligible, may apply 
                                for a national dislocated 
                                worker grant under section 170 
                                of this Act.
                  (B) Statewide Employment and Training 
                Activities.--Funds reserved by a Governor under 
                sections 128(a)(1) and 133(a)(1) and not used 
                under paragraph (1)(A) (regardless of whether 
                the funds were allotted to the States under 
                section 127(b)(1)(C) or paragraph (1)(B) or 
                (2)(B) of section 132(b)) shall be used for 
                statewide employment and training activities, 
                          (i) providing assistance to--
                                  (I) State entities and 
                                agencies, local areas, and one-
                                stop partners in carrying out 
                                the activities described in the 
                                State plan, including the 
                                coordination and alignment of 
                                data systems used to carry out 
                                the requirements of this Act;
                                  (II) local areas for carrying 
                                out the regional planning and 
                                service delivery efforts 
                                required under section 106(c);
                                  (III) local areas by 
                                providing information on and 
                                support for the effective 
                                development, convening, and 
                                implementation of industry or 
                                sector partnerships; [and]
                                  (IV) local areas, one-stop 
                                operators, one-stop partners, 
                                and eligible providers, 
                                including the development and 
                                training of staff, which may 
                                include the development and 
                                training of staff to provide 
                                opportunities for individuals 
                                with barriers to employment to 
                                enter in-demand industry 
                                sectors or occupations and 
                                nontraditional occupations, the 
                                development of exemplary 
                                program activities, the 
                                development and education of 
                                staff to increase expertise in 
                                providing opportunities for 
                                covered veterans (as defined in 
                                section 4212(a)(3)(A) of title 
                                38, United States Code) to 
                                enter in-demand industry 
                                sectors or occupations and 
                                nontraditional occupations), 
                                and the provision of technical 
                                assistance to local areas that 
                                fail to meet local performance 
                                accountability measures 
                                described in section 116(c); 
                                  (V) local boards and eligible 
                                training providers in carrying 
                                out the performance reporting 
                                required under section 116(d), 
                                including facilitating data 
                                matches for program 
                                participants using quarterly 
                                wage record information 
                                (including the wage records 
                                made available by any other 
                                State) and other sources of 
                                information, as necessary to 
                                measure the performance of 
                                programs and activities 
                                conducted under chapter 2 or 
                                chapter 3 of this subtitle;
                          (ii) providing assistance to local 
                        areas as described in section 
                        106(b)[(7)] (6);
                          (iii) operating a fiscal and 
                        management accountability information 
                        system in accordance with section 
                          (iv) carrying out monitoring and 
                        oversight of activities carried out 
                        under this chapter and chapter 2;
                          (v) disseminating--
                                  (I) the State list of 
                                eligible providers of training 
                                services, including eligible 
                                providers of nontraditional 
                                training services and eligible 
                                providers of apprenticeship 
                                programs described in section 
                                  (II) information identifying 
                                eligible providers of on-the-
                                job training, [customized 
                                training] employer-directed 
                                skills development, incumbent 
                                worker training, internships, 
                                paid or unpaid work experience 
                                opportunities, or transitional 
                                  (III) information on 
                                effective outreach to, 
                                partnerships with, and services 
                                for, business;
                                  (IV) information on effective 
                                service delivery strategies to 
                                serve workers and job seekers;
                                  (V) performance information 
                                and information on the cost of 
                                attendance (including tuition 
                                and fees) for participants in 
                                applicable programs, as 
                                described in subsections (d) 
                                and (h) of section 122; and
                                  (VI) information on physical 
                                and programmatic accessibility, 
                                in accordance with section 188, 
                                if applicable, and the 
                                Americans with Disabilities Act 
                                of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et 
                                seq.), for individuals with 
                                disabilities; [and]
                          (vi) conducting evaluations under 
                        section 116(e) of activities authorized 
                        under this chapter and chapter 2 in 
                        coordination with evaluations carried 
                        out by the Secretary under section 
                          (vii) coordinating (which may be done 
                        in partnership with other States) with 
                        industry organizations, employers 
                        (including small and mid-sized 
                        employers), industry or sector 
                        partnerships, training providers, local 
                        boards, and institutions of higher 
                        education to identify or develop 
                        competency-based assessments that are a 
                        valid and reliable method of collecting 
                        information with respect to, and 
                        measuring, the prior knowledge, skills, 
                        and abilities of individuals who are 
                        adults or dislocated workers for the 
                        purpose of--
                                  (I) awarding, based on the 
                                knowledge, skills, and 
                                abilities of such an individual 
                                validated by such assessments--
                                          (aa) a recognized 
                                        credential that is used 
                                        by employers in the 
                                        State for recruitment, 
                                        hiring, retention, or 
                                        advancement purposes;
                                          (bb) postsecondary 
                                        credit toward a 
                                        credential aligned with 
                                        in-demand industry 
                                        sectors and occupations 
                                        in the State for the 
                                        purpose of accelerating 
                                        attainment of such 
                                        credential; and
                                          (cc) postsecondary 
                                        credit for progress 
                                        along a career pathway 
                                        developed by the State 
                                        or a local area within 
                                        the State;
                                  (II) developing individual 
                                employment plans under 
                                subsection (c)(2)(B)(vii)(II) 
                                that incorporate the knowledge, 
                                skills, and abilities of such 
                                an individual to identify--
                                          (aa) in-demand 
                                        industry sectors or 
                                        occupations that 
                                        require similar 
                                        knowledge, skills, and 
                                        abilities; and
                                          (bb) any upskilling 
                                        needed for the 
                                        individual to secure 
                                        employment in such a 
                                        sector or occupation; 
                                  (III) helping such an 
                                individual communicate such 
                                knowledge, skills, and 
                                abilities to prospective 
                                employers through a skills-
                                based resume, profile, or 
                                portfolio; and
                          (viii) disseminating to local areas 
                        and employers information relating to 
                        the competency-based assessments 
                        identified or developed pursuant to 
                        clause (vii), including--
                                  (I) any credential or credit 
                                awarded pursuant to items (aa) 
                                through (cc) of clause 
                                  (II) the industry 
                                organizations, employers, 
                                training providers, and 
                                institutions of higher 
                                education located within the 
                                State that recognize the 
                                knowledge, skills, and 
                                abilities of an individual 
                                validated by such assessments;
                                  (III) how such assessments 
                                may be provided to, and 
                                accessed by, individuals 
                                through the one-stop delivery 
                                system; and
                                  (IV) information on the 
                                extent to which such 
                                assessments are being used by 
                                employers and local areas in 
                                the State.
          (3) Allowable statewide employment and training 
                  (A) In general.--Funds reserved by a Governor 
                under sections 128(a)(1) and 133(a)(1) and not 
                used under paragraph (1)(A) or (2)(B) 
                (regardless of whether the funds were allotted 
                to the State under section 127(b)(1)(C) or 
                paragraph (1)(B) or (2)(B) of section 132(b)) 
                may be used to carry out additional statewide 
                employment and training activities, which may 
                          (i) implementing innovative or 
                        evidence-based programs and strategies 
                        designed to meet the needs of all 
                        employers (including small employers) 
                        in the State, which programs and 
                        strategies may include incumbent worker 
                        training programs, [customized 
                        training] employer-directed skills 
                        development, sectoral and industry 
                        cluster strategies and implementation 
                        of industry or sector partnerships, 
                        career pathway programs, 
                        microenterprise and entrepreneurial 
                        training and support programs, 
                        utilization of effective business 
                        intermediaries, layoff aversion 
                        strategies, activities to improve 
                        linkages between the one-stop delivery 
                        system in the State and all employers 
                        (including small employers) in the 
                        State, and other business services and 
                        strategies that better engage employers 
                        in workforce investment activities and 
                        make the workforce development system 
                        more relevant to the needs of State and 
                        local businesses, consistent with the 
                        objectives of this title;
                          (ii) developing strategies, or 
                        bringing evidence-based strategies to 
                        scale, for effectively serving 
                        individuals with barriers to employment 
                        and for coordinating programs and 
                        services among one-stop partners;
                          (iii) the development or 
                        identification of education and 
                        training programs that respond to real-
                        time labor market analysis, that 
                        utilize direct assessment [and prior 
                        learning assessment to], prior learning 
                        assessment, or a competency-based 
                        assessment identified or developed by 
                        the State under paragraph (2)(B)(vii), 
                        to measure and provide credit for prior 
                        knowledge, skills, competencies, and 
                        experiences, that evaluate such skills 
                        and competencies for adaptability, that 
                        ensure credits are portable and 
                        stackable for more skilled employment, 
                        and that accelerate course or 
                        credential completion;
                          (iv) implementing programs to 
                        increase the number of individuals 
                        training for and placed in 
                        nontraditional employment;
                          (v) carrying out activities to 
                        facilitate remote access to services, 
                        including training services described 
                        in subsection (c)(3), provided through 
                        a one-stop delivery system, including 
                        facilitating access through the use of 
                          (vi) supporting the provision of 
                        career services described in subsection 
                        (c)(2) in the one-stop delivery systems 
                        in the State;
                          (vii) coordinating activities with 
                        the child welfare system to facilitate 
                        provision of services for children and 
                        youth who are eligible for assistance 
                        under section 477 of the Social 
                        Security Act (42 U.S.C. 677);
                          (viii) activities--
                                  (I) to improve coordination 
                                of workforce investment 
                                activities with economic 
                                development activities;
                                  (II) to improve coordination 
                                of employment and training 
                                activities with--
                                          (aa) child support 
                                        services, and 
                                        assistance provided by 
                                        State and local 
                                        agencies carrying out 
                                        part D of title IV of 
                                        the Social Security Act 
                                        (42 U.S.C. 651 et 
                                          (bb) cooperative 
                                        extension programs 
                                        carried out by the 
                                        Department of 
                                          (cc) programs carried 
                                        out in local areas for 
                                        individuals with 
                                        disabilities, including 
                                        programs carried out by 
                                        State agencies relating 
                                        to intellectual 
                                        disabilities and 
                                        activities carried out 
                                        by Statewide 
                                        Independent Living 
                                        Councils established 
                                        under section 705 of 
                                        the Rehabilitation Act 
                                        of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 
                                        796d), programs funded 
                                        under part B of chapter 
                                        1 of title VII of such 
                                        Act (29 U.S.C. 796e et 
                                        seq.), and activities 
                                        carried out by centers 
                                        for independent living, 
                                        as defined in section 
                                        702 of such Act (29 
                                        U.S.C. 796a);
                                          (dd) adult education 
                                        [and literacy], 
                                        literacy, and digital 
                                        literacy activities, 
                                        including those 
                                        provided by public 
                                          (ee) activities in 
                                        the corrections system 
                                        that assist [ex-
                                        offenders in reentering 
                                        the workforce; and] 
                                        individuals in 
                                        reentering the 
                                          (ff) financial 
                                        literacy activities 
                                        including those 
                                        described in section 
                                        129(b)(2)(D); and
                                          (gg) programs under 
                                        the Older Americans Act 
                                        of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3001 
                                        et seq.) that support 
                                        employment and economic 
                                        security; and
                                  (III) consisting of 
                                development and dissemination 
                                of workforce and labor market 
                          (ix) conducting research and 
                        demonstration projects related to 
                        meeting the employment and education 
                        needs of adult and dislocated workers;
                          (x) implementing promising services 
                        for workers and businesses, which may 
                        include providing support for 
                        education, training, skill upgrading, 
                        and statewide networking for employees 
                        to become workplace learning advisors 
                        and maintain proficiency in carrying 
                        out the activities associated with such 
                          (xi) providing incentive grants to 
                        local areas for performance by the 
                        local areas on local performance 
                        accountability measures described in 
                        section 116(c);
                          (xii) adopting, calculating, or 
                        commissioning for approval an economic 
                        self-sufficiency standard for the State 
                        that specifies the income needs of 
                        families, by family size, the number 
                        and ages of children in the family, and 
                        substate geographical considerations;
                          (xiii) developing and disseminating 
                        common intake procedures and related 
                        items, including registration 
                        processes, materials, or software; 
                          (xiv) providing technical assistance 
                        to local areas that are implementing 
                        pay-for-performance contract 
                        strategies, which technical assistance 
                        may include providing assistance with 
                        data collection, meeting data entry 
                        requirements, identifying levels of 
                        performance, and conducting evaluations 
                        of such strategies[.];
                          (xv) supporting employers seeking to 
                        implement skills-based hiring 
                        practices, which may include technical 
                        assistance on the use and validation of 
                        employment assessments (including 
                        competency-based assessments developed 
                        or identified by the State pursuant to 
                        paragraph (2)(B)(vii)), and support in 
                        the creation of skills-based job 
                          (xvi) developing partnerships between 
                        educational institutions (including 
                        area career and technical education 
                        schools, local educational agencies, 
                        and institutions of higher education) 
                        and employers to create or improve 
                        workforce development programs to 
                        address the identified education and 
                        skill needs of the workforce and the 
                        employment needs of employers in 
                        regions of the State, as determined by 
                        the most recent analysis conducted 
                        under subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) 
                        of section 102(b)(1);
                          (xvii) identifying and making 
                        available to residents of the State, 
                        free or reduced cost access to online 
                        skills development programs that are 
                        aligned with in-demand industries or 
                        occupations in the State and lead to 
                        attainment of a recognized 
                        postsecondary credential valued by 
                        employers in such industries or 
                        occupations; and
                          (xviii) establishing and 
                        administering critical skills fund 
                        under paragraph (4).
                  (B) Limitation.--
                          (i) In general.--Of the funds 
                        allotted to a State under sections 
                        127(b) and 132(b) and reserved as 
                        described in sections 128(a) and 
                        133(a)(1) for a fiscal year--
                                  (I) not more than 5 percent 
                                of the amount allotted under 
                                section 127(b)(1);
                                  (II) not more than 5 percent 
                                of the amount allotted under 
                                section 132(b)(1); and
                                  (III) not more than 5 percent 
                                of the amount allotted under 
                                section 132(b)(2),
                        may be used by the State for the 
                        administration of statewide youth 
                        workforce investment activities carried 
                        out under section 129 and statewide 
                        employment and training activities 
                        carried out under this section.
                          (ii) Use of funds.--Funds made 
                        available for administrative costs 
                        under clause (i) may be used for the 
                        administrative cost of any of the 
                        statewide youth workforce investment 
                        activities or statewide employment and 
                        training activities, regardless of 
                        whether the funds were allotted to the 
                        State under section 127(b)(1) or 
                        paragraph (1) or (2) of section 132(b).
          (4) Critical industry skills fund.--
                  (A) Performance-based payments.--A State 
                shall use funds reserved under paragraph (3)(A) 
                of section 128(a), and any funds reserved under 
                paragraph (3)(B) of section 128(a), to 
                establish and administer a critical industry 
                skills fund to award performance-based payments 
                on a per-worker basis to eligible entities that 
                provide eligible skills development programs to 
                prospective workers or incumbent workers (which 
                may include youth age 18 through age 24) in 
                industries and occupations identified by the 
                Governor under subparagraph (B) that will 
                result in employment or retention with a 
                participating employer.
                  (B) Industries and occupations.--
                          (i) In general.--The Governor (in 
                        consultation with the State board)--
                                  (I) shall identify the 
                                industries and occupations for 
                                which an eligible skills 
                                development program carried out 
                                by an eligible entity in the 
                                State may receive funds under 
                                this paragraph; and
                                  (II) may select the 
                                industries and occupations 
                                identified under subclause (I) 
                                that will receive priority for 
                                funds under this paragraph.
                          (ii) High growth and high wage.--In 
                        selecting industries or occupations to 
                        prioritize pursuant to clause (i)(II), 
                        the Governor may consider--
                                  (I) industries that have, or 
                                are expected to have, a high 
                                rate of growth and an unmet 
                                demand for skilled workers; and
                                  (II) occupations--
                                          (aa) with wages that 
                                        are significantly 
                                        higher than an 
                                        occupation of similar 
                                        level of skill or 
                                        needed skill 
                                        development; or
                                          (bb) that are aligned 
                                        with career pathways 
                                        into higher wage 
                  (C) Submission of proposals.--
                          (i) In general.--To be eligible to 
                        receive a payment under the critical 
                        industry skills fund established under 
                        this paragraph by a State, an eligible 
                        entity shall submit a proposal to the 
                        Governor in such form and at such time 
                        as the Governor may require (subject to 
                        the requirements of clause (ii)), which 
                        shall include--
                                  (I) a description of the 
                                industries or occupations in 
                                which the participating 
                                employer is seeking to fill 
                                jobs, the specific skills or 
                                credentials necessary for an 
                                individual to obtain such a 
                                job, and the salary range of 
                                such a job;
                                  (II) the expected number of 
                                individuals who will 
                                participate in the skills 
                                development program to be 
                                carried out by the eligible 
                                  (III) a description of the 
                                eligible skills development 
                                program, including the 
                                provider, the length of the 
                                program, the skills to be 
                                gained, and any recognized 
                                postsecondary credentials that 
                                will be awarded;
                                  (IV) the total cost of 
                                providing the program;
                                  (V) for purposes of receiving 
                                a payment pursuant to 
                                subparagraph (D)(i)(II)(bb), a 
                                commitment from the 
                                participating employer in the 
                                eligible entity to employ each 
                                participant of the program for 
                                not less than a 6-month period 
                                (or a longer period as 
                                determined by the State) after 
                                successful completion of the 
                                program; and
                                  (VI) an assurance that the 
                                entity will--
                                          (aa) establish the 
                                        written agreements 
                                        described in 
                                          (bb) maintain and 
                                        submit the 
                                        documentation described 
                                        in subparagraph 
                                        (D)(ii)(II); and
                                          (cc) maintain and 
                                        submit the necessary 
                                        documentation for the 
                                        State to verify 
                                        participant outcomes 
                                        and report such 
                                        outcomes as described 
                                        in subparagraph (F).
                          (ii) Administrative burden.--The 
                        Governor shall ensure that the form and 
                        manner in which a proposal required to 
                        be submitted under clause (i) is 
                        designed to minimize paperwork and 
                        administrative burden for entities.
                          (iii) Approval of subsequent 
                        proposals.--With respect to an eligible 
                        entity that has had a proposal approved 
                        by the Governor under this subparagraph 
                        and that submits a subsequent proposal 
                        under this subparagraph, the eligible 
                        entity may only receive approval from 
                        the Governor for the subsequent 
                        proposal if--
                                  (I) with respect to the most 
                                recent proposal approved under 
                                this subparagraph--
                                          (aa) the skills 
                                        development program has 
                                          (bb) for any 
                                        participants employed 
                                        by the participating 
                                        employer in accordance 
                                        with subparagraph 
                                        (C)(i)(V), the minimum 
                                        periods of such 
                                        employment described in 
                                        such subparagraph have 
                                          (cc) all the payments 
                                        under subparagraph (D) 
                                        owed to the eligible 
                                        entity have been made; 
                                          (dd) not fewer than 
                                        70 percent of the 
                                        participants who 
                                        enrolled in the skills 
                                        development program--
                                                completed such 
                                                program; and
                                                  (BB) after 
                                                were employed 
                                                by the 
                                                employer for 
                                                the minimum 
                                                described in 
                                                (C)(i)(V); and
                                  (II) the eligible entity 
                                meets any other requirements 
                                that the Governor may establish 
                                with respect to eligible 
                                entities submitting subsequent 
                  (D) Reimbursement for approved proposals.--
                          (i) State requirements.--
                                  (I) In general.--With respect 
                                to each eligible entity whose 
                                proposal under subparagraph (C) 
                                has been approved by the 
                                Governor, the Governor shall 
                                make payments (in an amount 
                                determined by the Governor and 
                                subject to the requirements of 
                                subclause (II) of this clause, 
                                subparagraphs (E) and (G), and 
                                any other limitations 
                                determined necessary by the 
                                State) from the critical 
                                industry skills fund 
                                established under this 
                                paragraph to such eligible 
                                entity for each participant of 
                                the eligible skills development 
                                program described in such 
                                proposal and with respect to 
                                whom the eligible entity meets 
                                the requirements of clause 
                                  (II) Payments.--In making 
                                payments to an eligible entity 
                                under subclause (I) with 
                                respect to a participant--
                                          (aa) 50 percent of 
                                        the total payment shall 
                                        be made after the 
                                        participant completes 
                                        the eligible skills 
                                        development program 
                                        offered by the eligible 
                                        entity; and
                                          (bb) the remaining 50 
                                        percent of such total 
                                        payment shall be made 
                                        after the participant 
                                        has been employed by 
                                        the participating 
                                        employer for the 
                                        minimum period 
                                        described in 
                                        subparagraph (C)(i)(V).
                          (ii) Eligible entity requirements.--
                        To be eligible to receive the payments 
                        described in clause (i) with respect to 
                        a participant, an eligible entity 
                        described in such clause shall--
                                  (I) establish a written 
                                agreement with the participant 
                                that includes the information 
                                described in subclauses (I) and 
                                (III) of subparagraph (C)(i); 
                                  (II) submit documentation as 
                                the Governor determines 
                                necessary to verify that such 
                                participant has completed the 
                                skills development program 
                                offered by the eligible entity 
                                and has been employed by the 
                                participating employer for the 
                                minimum period described in 
                                subparagraph (C)(i)(V).
                  (E) Non-federal cost sharing.--
                          (i) Limits on federal share.--An 
                        eligible entity may not receive funds 
                        under subparagraph (D) with respect to 
                        a participant of the eligible skills 
                        development program offered by the 
                        eligible entity in excess of the 
                        following costs of such program:
                                  (I) In the case of a 
                                participating employer of such 
                                eligible entity with 25 or 
                                fewer employees, 90 percent of 
                                the costs.
                                  (II) In the case of a 
                                participating employer of such 
                                eligible entity with more than 
                                25 employees, but fewer than 
                                100 employees, 75 percent of 
                                the costs.
                                  (III) In the case of a 
                                participating employer of such 
                                eligible entity with 100 or 
                                more employees, 50 percent of 
                                the costs.
                          (ii) Non-federal share.--
                                  (I) In general.--Any costs of 
                                the skills development program 
                                offered to a participant by 
                                such eligible entity that are 
                                not covered by the funds 
                                received under subparagraph (D) 
                                shall be the non-Federal share 
                                provided by the eligible entity 
                                (in cash or in-kind).
                                  (II) Employer cost sharing.--
                                If the eligible skills 
                                development program is being 
                                provided on-the-job, the non-
                                Federal share provided by an 
                                eligible entity may include the 
                                amount of the wages paid by the 
                                participating employer of the 
                                eligible entity to a 
                                participant while such 
                                participant is receiving the 
                  (F) Performance reporting.--
                          (i) In general.--The State shall use 
                        the participant information provided by 
                        eligible entities to submit to the 
                        Secretary a report, on an annual basis, 
                        with respect to the participants of the 
                        eligible skills development programs 
                        for which the eligible entities 
                        received funds under this paragraph for 
                        the most recent program year, which 
                                  (I) be made digitally 
                                available by the Secretary 
                                using linked, open, and 
                                interoperable data, which shall 
                                include; and
                                  (II) include--
                                          (aa) the number of 
                                        individuals who 
                                        participated in 
                                        programs, unless such 
                                        information would 
                                        reveal personally 
                                        information about an 
                                        individual); and
                                          (bb) performance 
                                        outcomes on the 
                                        measures listed in 
                                        clause (ii).
                          (ii) Measures.--The measures listed 
                        below are as follows:
                                  (I) The percentage of 
                                participants who completed the 
                                skills development program.
                                  (II) The percentage of 
                                participants who were employed 
                                by the participating employer 
                                for a 6-month period after 
                                program completion.
                                  (III) The percentage of 
                                participants who were employed 
                                by the participating employer 
                                as described in subclause (II), 
                                and who remained employed by 
                                the participating employer 1 
                                year after program completion.
                                  (IV) The median earnings of 
                                program participants who are in 
                                unsubsidized employment during 
                                the second quarter after 
                                program completion.
                                  (V) The median earnings 
                                increase of program 
                                participants, measured by 
                                comparing the earning of a 
                                participant in the second 
                                quarter prior to entry into the 
                                program to the earnings of such 
                                participant in the second 
                                quarter following completion of 
                                the program.
                  (G) Definitions.--In this paragraph:
                          (i) Eligible entity.--The term 
                        ``eligible entity'' means an employer, 
                        a group of employers, an industry or 
                        sector partnership, or another entity 
                        serving as an intermediary (such as a 
                        local board) that is in a partnership 
                        with at least one employer in an 
                        industry or occupation identified by 
                        the Governor under subparagraph (B)(i) 
                        (referred to in this paragraph as the 
                        ``participating employer'').
                          (ii) Eligible skills development 
                        program.--The term ``eligible skills 
                        development program'', with respect to 
                        which a State may set a maximum and 
                        minimum length (in weeks)--
                                  (I) includes work-based 
                                education or related 
                                occupational skills instruction 
                                          (aa) develops the 
                                        specific technical 
                                        skills necessary for 
                                        successful performance 
                                        of the occupations in 
                                        which participants are 
                                        to be employed upon 
                                        completion; and
                                          (bb) may be provided 
                                        by the eligible entity 
                                        or by any training 
                                        provider selected by 
                                        the eligible entity and 
                                        that is not required to 
                                        be on a list of 
                                        eligible providers of 
                                        training services 
                                        described in section 
                                        122(d); and
                                  (II) may not include employee 
                                onboarding, orientation, or 
                                professional development 
                                generally provided to 
          (5) State-imposed requirements.--Whenever a State or 
        outlying area implements any rule or policy relating to 
        the administration or operation of activities 
        authorized under this title that has the effect of 
        imposing a requirement that is not imposed under 
        Federal law, or is not a requirement, process, or 
        criteria that the Governor or State is directed to 
        establish under Federal law, the State or outlying area 
        shall identify to local areas and eligible providers 
        the requirement as being imposed by the State or 
        outlying area.
  (b) Local Employment and Training Activities.--Funds 
allocated to a local area for adults under paragraph (2)(A) or 
(3), as appropriate, of section 133(b), and funds allocated to 
a local area for dislocated workers under section 
          (1) shall be used to carry out employment and 
        training activities described in subsection (c) for 
        adults or dislocated workers, respectively; and
          (2) may be used to carry out employment and training 
        activities described in subsection (d) for adults or 
        dislocated workers, respectively.
  (c) Required Local Employment and Training Activities.--
          (1) In general.--
                  (A) Allocated funds.--Funds allocated to a 
                local area for adults under paragraph (2)(A) or 
                (3), as appropriate, of section 133(b), and 
                funds allocated to the local area for 
                dislocated workers under section 133(b)(2)(B), 
                shall be used--
                          (i) to establish a one-stop delivery 
                        system described in section 121(e);
                          (ii) to provide the career services 
                        described in paragraph (2) to adults 
                        and dislocated workers, respectively, 
                        through the one-stop delivery system in 
                        accordance with such paragraph;
                          (iii) to provide training services 
                        described in paragraph (3) to adults 
                        and dislocated workers, respectively, 
                        described in such paragraph;
                          (iv) [to] to provide business 
                        services described in paragraph (4) and 
                        provide business services described in 
                        paragraph (4) and establish and develop 
                        relationships and networks with large 
                        and small employers and their 
                        intermediaries; and
                          (v) to develop, convene, or implement 
                        industry or sector partnerships.
                  (B) Minimum amount for skills development.--
                Not less than 50 percent of the funds described 
                in subparagraph (A) shall be used by the local 
                          (i) for the payment of training 
                                  (I) provided to adults under 
                                paragraph (3)(F)(iii); and
                                  (II) provided to adults and 
                                dislocated workers under 
                                paragraph (3)(G)(ii); and
                          (ii) for the payment of training 
                        services under paragraph (2)(A) of 
                        section 414(c) of the American 
                        Competitiveness and Workforce 
                        Improvement Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 
                        3224a(c)) after funds allocated to such 
                        local area under paragraph (1) of such 
                        section 414(c) have been exhausted.
                  [(B)] (C) Other Funds.--Consistent with 
                subsections (h) and (i) of section 121, a 
                portion of the funds made available under 
                Federal law authorizing the programs and 
                activities described in section 121(b)(1)(B), 
                including the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 
                et seq.), shall be used as described in clauses 
                (i) [and (ii)], (ii), and (iv) of subparagraph 
                (A), to the extent not inconsistent with the 
                Federal law involved.
          (2) Career services.--
                  (A) Basic career services.--
                          (i) In general.--The one-stop 
                        delivery system--
                                  (I) shall coordinate with the 
                                Employment Service office 
                                colocated with the one-stop 
                                delivery system for such 
                                Employment Service office to 
                                provide, using the funds 
                                allotted to the State under 
                                section 6 of the Wagner-Peyser 
                                Act (29 U.S.C. 49e), basic 
                                career services, which shall--
                                          (aa) include, at a 
                                        minimum, the services 
                                        listed in clause (ii); 
                                          (bb) be available to 
                                        individuals who are 
                                        adults or dislocated 
                                        workers in an 
                                        integrated manner to 
                                        streamline access to 
                                        assistance for such 
                                        individuals, to avoid 
                                        duplication of 
                                        services, and to 
                                        enhance coordination of 
                                        services; and
                                  (II) may use funds allocated 
                                under paragraph (1)(A), as 
                                necessary, to supplement the 
                                services that are provided 
                                pursuant to subclause (I) to 
                                individuals who are adults or 
                                dislocated workers.
                          (ii) Services.--The basic career 
                        services provided pursuant to clause 
                        (i) shall include--
                                  (I) provision of workforce 
                                and labor market employment 
                                statistics information, 
                                including the provision of 
                                accurate (and, to the extent 
                                practicable, real-time) 
                                information relating to local, 
                                regional, and national labor 
                                market areas, including--
                                          (aa) job vacancy 
                                        listings in such labor 
                                        market areas;
                                          (bb) information on 
                                        job skills necessary to 
                                        obtain the jobs 
                                        described in item (aa); 
                                          (cc) information 
                                        relating to local 
                                        occupations in demand 
                                        (which may include 
                                        opportunities), and the 
                                        earnings, skill 
                                        requirements, and 
                                        opportunities for 
                                        advancement for such 
                                  (II) labor exchange services, 
                                including job search and 
                                placement assistance and, in 
                                appropriate cases, career 
                                counseling, including--
                                          (aa) provision of 
                                        information on in-
                                        demand industry sectors 
                                        and occupations;
                                          (bb) provision of 
                                        information on 
                                        employment; and
                                          (cc) provision of 
                                        information on 
                                        entrepreneurship, as 
                                  (III)(aa) provision of 
                                information, in formats that 
                                are usable by and 
                                understandable to one-stop 
                                center customers, relating to 
                                the availability of supportive 
                                services or assistance, 
                                including child care, child 
                                support, medical or child 
                                health assistance under title 
                                XIX or XXI of the Social 
                                Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et 
                                seq. and 1397aa et seq.), 
                                benefits under the supplemental 
                                nutrition assistance program 
                                established under the Food and 
                                Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 
                                2011 et seq.), assistance 
                                through the earned income tax 
                                credit under section 32 of the 
                                Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 
                                and assistance under a State 
                                program for temporary 
                                assistance for needy families 
                                funded under part A of title IV 
                                of the Social Security Act (42 
                                U.S.C. 601 et seq.) and other 
                                supportive services and 
                                transportation provided through 
                                funds made available under such 
                                part, available in the local 
                                area; and
                                  (bb) referral to the services 
                                or assistance described in item 
                                (aa), as appropriate;
                                  (IV) provision of information 
                                and assistance regarding filing 
                                claims for unemployment 
                                compensation; and
                                  (V) assistance in 
                                establishing eligibility for 
                                programs of financial aid 
                                assistance for training and 
                                education programs that are not 
                                funded under this Act.
                  [(A) Services provided.--] (B) Individualized 
                career._ Funds described in paragraph (1) shall 
                be used to provide individualized career 
                services, which shall be available to 
                individuals who are adults or dislocated 
                workers through the one-stop delivery system 
                shall, to the extent practicable, be evidence-
                based, and shall, at a minimum, include_
                          (i) determinations of whether the 
                        individuals are eligible to receive 
                        assistance under this subtitle;
                          (ii) outreach, intake (which may 
                        include worker profiling), and 
                        orientation to the information and 
                        other services available through the 
                        one-stop delivery system;
                          (iii) initial assessment of skill 
                        levels (including literacy, numeracy, 
                        and English language proficiency), 
                        aptitudes, abilities (including skills 
                        gaps), and supportive service needs, 
                        and a determination (considering 
                        factors including prior work 
                        experience, military service, 
                        education, and in-demand industry 
                        sectors and occupations in the local 
                        area) of whether such an individual 
                        would benefit from a competency-based 
                        assessment developed or identified by 
                        the State pursuant to subsection 
                        (a)(2)(B)(vii) to accelerate the time 
                        to obtaining employment that leads to 
                        economic self-sufficiency or career 
                          [(iv) labor exchange services, 
                                  [(I) job search and placement 
                                assistance and, in appropriate 
                                cases, career counseling, 
                                          [(aa) provision of 
                                        information on in-
                                        demand industry sectors 
                                        and occupations; and
                                          [(bb) provision of 
                                        information on 
                                        employment; and
                                  [(II) appropriate recruitment 
                                and other business services on 
                                behalf of employers, including 
                                small employers, in the local 
                                area, which services may 
                                include services described in 
                                this subsection, such as 
                                providing information and 
                                referral to specialized 
                                business services not 
                                traditionally offered through 
                                the one-stop delivery system;]
                          [(v)] (iv) provision of referrals to 
                        and coordination of activities with 
                        other programs and services, including 
                        programs and services within the one-
                        stop delivery system and, in 
                        appropriate cases, other workforce 
                        development programs;
                          [(vi) provision of workforce and 
                        labor market employment statistics 
                        information, including the provision of 
                        accurate information relating to local, 
                        regional, and national labor market 
                        areas, including--
                                  [(I) job vacancy listings in 
                                such labor market areas;
                                  [(II) information on job 
                                skills necessary to obtain the 
                                jobs described in subclause 
                                (I); and
                                  [(III) information relating 
                                to local occupations in demand 
                                and the earnings, skill 
                                requirements, and opportunities 
                                for advancement for such 
                                occupations; and]
                          [(vii)] (v) provision of performance 
                        information and program cost 
                        information on eligible providers of 
                        training services as described in 
                        section 122, provided by program and 
                        credential, and eligible providers of 
                        youth workforce investment activities 
                        described in section 123, providers of 
                        adult education described in title II, 
                        providers of career and technical 
                        education activities at the 
                        postsecondary level, and career and 
                        technical education activities 
                        available to school dropouts, under the 
                        Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical 
                        Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2301 
                        et seq.), and providers of vocational 
                        rehabilitation services described in 
                        title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 
                        1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.);
                          [(viii)] (vi) provision of 
                        information, in formats that are usable 
                        by and understandable to one-stop 
                        center customers, regarding how the 
                        local area is performing on the local 
                        performance accountability measures 
                        described in section 116(c) and any 
                        additional performance information with 
                        respect to the one-stop delivery system 
                        in the local area;
                          [(ix)(I) provision of information, in 
                        formats that are usable by and 
                        understandable to one-stop center 
                        customers, relating to the availability 
                        of supportive services or assistance, 
                        including child care, child support, 
                        medical or child health assistance 
                        under title XIX or XXI of the Social 
                        Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq. 
                        and 1397aa et seq.), benefits under the 
                        supplemental nutrition assistance 
                        program established under the Food and 
                        Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et 
                        seq.), assistance through the earned 
                        income tax credit under section 32 of 
                        the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and 
                        assistance under a State program for 
                        temporary assistance for needy families 
                        funded under part A of title IV of the 
                        Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et 
                        seq.) and other supportive services and 
                        transportation provided through funds 
                        made available under such part, 
                        available in the local area; and
                          [(II) referral to the services or 
                        assistance described in subclause (I), 
                        as appropriate;
                          [(x) provision of information and 
                        assistance regarding filing claims for 
                        unemployment compensation;
                          [(xi) assistance in establishing 
                        eligibility for programs of financial 
                        aid assistance for training and 
                        education programs that are not funded 
                        under this Act;]
                          [(xii)] (vii) services, if determined 
                        to be appropriate in order for an 
                        individual to obtain or retain 
                        employment, that consist of--
                                  (I) comprehensive and 
                                specialized assessments of the 
                                skill levels and service needs 
                                of adults and dislocated 
                                workers, which may include--
                                          (aa) diagnostic 
                                        testing and use of 
                                        other assessment tools, 
                                        including a competency-
                                        based assessment 
                                        developed or identified 
                                        by the State pursuant 
                                        to subsection 
                                        (a)(2)(B)(vii); and
                                          (bb) in-depth 
                                        interviewing and 
                                        evaluation to identify 
                                        employment barriers and 
                                        appropriate employment 
                                  (II) development of an 
                                individual employment plan, to 
                                identify the employment goals, 
                                appropriate achievement 
                                objectives, and appropriate 
                                combination of services for the 
                                participant to achieve the 
                                employment goals, including 
                                providing information on 
                                eligible providers of training 
                                services pursuant to paragraph 
                                (3)(F)(ii), and career pathways 
                                to attain career objectives;
                                  (III) group counseling;
                                  (IV) individual counseling;
                                  (V) career planning;
                                  (VI) short-term prevocational 
                                services, including development 
                                of learning skills, 
                                communication skills, 
                                interviewing skills, 
                                punctuality, personal 
                                maintenance skills, and 
                                professional conduct, to 
                                prepare individuals for 
                                unsubsidized employment or 
                                  (VII) internships and work 
                                experiences that are linked to 
                                  (VIII) workforce preparation 
                                  (IX) financial literacy 
                                services, such as the 
                                activities described in section 
                                  (X) out-of-area job search 
                                assistance and relocation 
                                assistance; or
                                  (XI) English language 
                                acquisition and integrated 
                                education and training 
                                programs; and
                          [(xiii)] (viii) followup services, 
                        including counseling regarding the 
                        workplace, for participants in 
                        workforce investment activities 
                        authorized under this subtitle who are 
                        placed in unsubsidized employment, for 
                        not less than 12 months after the first 
                        day of the employment, as appropriate.
                  [(B) Use of previous assessments.--A one-stop 
                operator or one-stop partner shall not be 
                required to conduct a new interview, 
                evaluation, or assessment of a participant 
                under subparagraph (A)(xii) if the one-stop 
                operator or one-stop partner determines that it 
                is appropriate to use a recent interview, 
                evaluation, or assessment of the participant 
                conducted pursuant to another education or 
                training program.]
                  (C) Use of previous assessments.--A one-stop 
                operator or one-stop partner shall not be 
                required to conduct a new interview, 
                evaluation, or assessment of a participant 
                under subparagraph (B)(vii) if the one-stop 
                operator or one-stop partner determines that--
                          (i) it is appropriate to use a recent 
                        interview, evaluation, or assessment of 
                        the participant conducted pursuant to 
                        another education or training program; 
                          (ii) using such recent interview, 
                        evaluation, or assessment will 
                        accelerate an eligibility 
                  [(C)] (D) Delivery of services.--The 
                individualized career services described in 
                subparagraph (A) shall be provided through the 
                one-stop delivery system--
                          (i) directly through one-stop 
                        operators identified pursuant to 
                        section 121(d); or
                          (ii) through contracts with service 
                        providers, which may include contracts 
                        with public, private for-profit, and 
                        private nonprofit service providers, 
                        libraries, and community-based 
                        organizations, approved by the local 
          (3) Training services.--
                  (A) In general.--
                          (i) Eligibility.--Except as provided 
                        in [clause (ii)] clause (ii) or (iii), 
                        funds allocated to a local area for 
                        adults under paragraph (2)(A) or (3), 
                        as appropriate, of section 133(b), and 
                        funds allocated to the local area for 
                        dislocated workers under section 
                        133(b)(2)(B), shall be used to provide 
                        training services to adults and 
                        dislocated workers, respectively--
                                  (I) who, after an interview, 
                                evaluation, or assessment, and 
                                career planning, have been 
                                determined by a one-stop 
                                operator or one-stop partner, 
                                as appropriate, to--
                                          (aa) be unlikely or 
                                        unable to obtain or 
                                        retain employment, that 
                                        leads to economic self-
                                        sufficiency or wages 
                                        comparable to or higher 
                                        than wages from 
                                        previous employment, 
                                        through the career 
                                        services described in 
                                        paragraph (2)(A)(xii);
                                          (bb) be in need of 
                                        training services to 
                                        obtain or retain 
                                        employment that leads 
                                        to economic self-
                                        sufficiency or wages 
                                        comparable to or higher 
                                        than wages from 
                                        previous employment; 
                                          (cc) have the skills 
                                        and qualifications to 
                                        participate in the 
                                        selected program of 
                                        training services;
                                  (II) who select programs of 
                                training services that are 
                                directly linked to the 
                                employment opportunities in the 
                                local area or the planning 
                                region, [or in] in another area 
                                to which the adults or 
                                dislocated workers are willing 
                                to commute or relocate, or that 
                                may be performed remotely;
                                  (III) who meet the 
                                requirements of subparagraph 
                                (B); and
                                  (IV) who are determined to be 
                                eligible in accordance with the 
                                priority system in effect under 
                                subparagraph (E).
                          (ii) Use of previous assessments.--A 
                        one-stop operator or one-stop partner 
                        shall not be required to conduct a new 
                        interview, evaluation, or assessment of 
                        a participant under clause (i) if the 
                        one-stop operator or one-stop partner 
                        determines that it is appropriate to 
                        use a recent interview, evaluation, or 
                        assessment of the participant conducted 
                        pursuant to another education or 
                        training program.
                          (iii) Employer referral.--
                                  (I) In general.--A one-stop 
                                operator or one-stop partner 
                                shall not be required to 
                                conduct an interview, 
                                evaluation, or assessment of an 
                                individual under clause (i)(I) 
                                if such individual--
                                          (aa) is referred by 
                                        an employer to receive 
                                        on-the-job training or 
                                        skills development in 
                                        connection with that 
                                        employer; and
                                          (bb) has been 
                                        certified by the 
                                        employer as being in 
                                        need of training 
                                        services to obtain 
                                        unsubsidized employment 
                                        with such employer and 
                                        having the skills and 
                                        qualifications to 
                                        participate in the 
                                        selected program of 
                                        training services.
                                  (II) Priority.--A one-stop 
                                operator or one-stop partner 
                                shall follow the priority 
                                described in subparagraph (E) 
                                to determine whether an 
                                individual that meets the 
                                requirements of subclause (I) 
                                of this clause is eligible to 
                                receive training services.
                          [(iii)] (iv) Rule of construction.--
                        Nothing in this subparagraph shall be 
                        construed to mean an individual is 
                        required to receive career services 
                        prior to receiving training services.
                          (v) Adult education and family 
                        literacy activities.--In the case of an 
                        individual who is determined to not 
                        have the skills and qualifications to 
                        successfully participate in the 
                        selected program of training services 
                        under clause (i)(I)(cc), the one-stop 
                        operator or one-stop partner shall 
                        refer such individual to adult 
                        education and literacy activities under 
                        title II, including for co-enrollment 
                        in such activities, as appropriate.
                  (B) Qualification.--
                          (i) Requirement.--Notwithstanding 
                        section 479B of the Higher Education 
                        Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087uu) and 
                        except as provided in clause (ii), 
                        provision of such training services 
                        shall be limited to individuals who--
                                  (I) are unable to obtain 
                                [other grant assistance for 
                                such services, including] 
                                assistance for such services 
                                under Federal Pell Grants 
                                established under subpart 1 of 
                                part A of title IV of the 
                                Higher Education Act of 1965 
                                (20 U.S.C. 1070a et seq.); or
                                  (II) require assistance 
                                beyond the assistance made 
                                available [under other grant 
                                assistance programs, including] 
                                under Federal Pell Grants.
                          (ii) Reimbursements.--Training 
                        services may be provided under this 
                        paragraph to an individual who 
                        otherwise meets the requirements of 
                        this paragraph while an application for 
                        a Federal Pell Grant is pending, except 
                        that if such individual is subsequently 
                        awarded a Federal Pell Grant, 
                        appropriate reimbursement shall be made 
                        to the local area from such Federal 
                        Pell Grant.
                          (iii) Consideration.--In determining 
                        whether an individual requires 
                        assistance under clause (i)(II), a one-
                        stop operator (or one-stop partner, 
                        where appropriate) may take into 
                        consideration the full cost of 
                        participating in training services, 
                        including the costs of dependent care 
                        and transportation, and other 
                        appropriate costs.
                          (iv) Participation during eligibility 
                        determination.--An individual may 
                        participate in a program of training 
                        services during the period which such 
                        individual's eligibility for training 
                        services under clause (i) is being 
                        determined, except that the provider of 
                        such a program shall only receive 
                        reimbursement under this Act for the 
                        individual's participation during such 
                        period if such individual is determined 
                        to be eligible under clause (i).
                  (C) Provider qualification.--Training 
                services shall be provided through providers 
                identified in accordance with section 122.
                  (D) Training services.--Training services may 
                          (i) occupational skills training, 
                        including training for nontraditional 
                          (ii) on-the-job training;
                          (iii) incumbent worker training in 
                        accordance with subsection (d)(4);
                          (iv) programs that combine workplace 
                        training with related instruction, 
                        which may include cooperative education 
                          (v) training programs operated by the 
                        private sector;
                          (vi) skill upgrading and retraining;
                          (vii) entrepreneurial training;
                          (viii) transitional jobs in 
                        accordance with subsection (d)(5);
                          (ix) job readiness training provided 
                        in combination with services described 
                        in any of clauses (i) through (viii);
                          (x) adult education and literacy 
                        activities, including activities of 
                        English language acquisition and 
                        integrated education and training 
                        programs, provided concurrently or in 
                        combination with services described in 
                        any of clauses (i) through (vii); and
                          (xi) [customized training] employer-
                        directed skills development conducted 
                        with a commitment by an employer or 
                        group of employers to employ an 
                        individual upon successful completion 
                        of the training.
                  (E) Priority.--With respect to funds 
                allocated to a local area for adult employment 
                and training activities under paragraph (2)(A) 
                or (3) of section 133(b), priority shall be 
                given to recipients of public assistance, other 
                low-income individuals, and individuals who 
                [are basic skills deficient] have foundational 
                skill needs for receipt of career services 
                described in [paragraph (2)(A)(xii)] paragraph 
                (2)(B)(vii) and training services. The 
                appropriate local board and the Governor shall 
                direct the one-stop operators in the local area 
                with regard to making determinations related to 
                such priority.
                  (F) Consumer choice requirements.--
                          (i) In general.--Training services 
                        provided under this paragraph shall be 
                        provided in a manner that maximizes 
                        consumer choice in the selection of an 
                        eligible provider of such services.
                          (ii) Eligible providers.--Each local 
                        board, through one-stop centers, shall 
                        make available the list of eligible 
                        providers of training services 
                        described in section 122(d), and 
                        accompanying information, in accordance 
                        with section 122(d).
                          (iii) Individual training accounts.--
                        An individual who seeks training 
                        services and who is eligible pursuant 
                        to subparagraph (A), may, in 
                        consultation with a career planner, 
                        select an eligible provider of training 
                        services from the list of providers 
                        described in clause (ii). Upon such 
                        selection, the one-stop operator 
                        involved shall, to the extent 
                        practicable, refer such individual to 
                        the eligible provider of training 
                        services, and arrange for payment for 
                        such services through an individual 
                        training account.
                          (iv) Coordination.--Each local board 
                        may, through one-stop centers, 
                        coordinate funding for individual 
                        training accounts with funding from 
                        other Federal, State, local, or private 
                        job training programs or sources to 
                        assist the individual in obtaining 
                        training services.
                          (v) Additional Information.--Priority 
                        consideration shall, consistent with 
                        clause (i), be given to programs that 
                        lead to recognized postsecondary 
                        credentials that are aligned with in-
                        demand industry sectors or occupations 
                        in the local area involved.
                  (G) Use of individual training accounts.--
                          (i) In general.--Except as provided 
                        in clause (ii), training services 
                        provided under this paragraph shall be 
                        provided through the use of individual 
                        training accounts in accordance with 
                        this paragraph, and shall be provided 
                        to eligible individuals through the 
                        one-stop delivery system.
                          (ii) Training contracts.--Training 
                        services authorized under this 
                        paragraph may be provided pursuant to a 
                        contract for services in lieu of an 
                        individual training account if--
                                  (I) the requirements of 
                                subparagraph (F) are met;
                                  (II) such services are on-
                                the-job training, [customized 
                                training] employer-directed 
                                skills development, incumbent 
                                worker training, or 
                                transitional employment;
                                  (III) the local board 
                                determines there are an 
                                insufficient number of eligible 
                                providers of training services 
                                in the local area involved 
                                (such as in a rural area) to 
                                accomplish the purposes of a 
                                system of individual training 
                                  (IV) the local board 
                                determines that there [is a] is 
                                an evidence-based training 
                                services program of 
                                demonstrated effectiveness 
                                offered in the local area by a 
                                community-based organization or 
                                another private organization to 
                                serve individuals with barriers 
                                to employment;
                                  (V) the local board 
                                determines that--
                                          (aa) it would be most 
                                        appropriate to award a 
                                        contract to an 
                                        institution of higher 
                                        education or other 
                                        eligible provider of 
                                        training services in 
                                        order to facilitate the 
                                        training of multiple 
                                        individuals in in-
                                        demand industry sectors 
                                        or occupations; and
                                          (bb) such contract 
                                        does not limit customer 
                                        choice; or
                                  (VI) the contract is a pay-
                                for-performance contract.
                          (iii) Linkage to occupations in 
                        demand.--Training services provided 
                        under this paragraph shall be directly 
                        linked to an in-demand industry sector 
                        or occupation in the local area or the 
                        planning region, or in another area to 
                        which an adult or dislocated worker 
                        receiving such services is willing to 
                        relocate, except that a local board may 
                        approve training services for 
                        occupations determined by the local 
                        board to be in sectors of the economy 
                        that have a high potential for 
                        sustained demand or growth in the local 
                          (iv) Rule of construction.--Nothing 
                        in this paragraph shall be construed to 
                        preclude the combined use of individual 
                        training accounts and contracts in the 
                        provision of training services, 
                        including arrangements that allow 
                        individuals receiving individual 
                        training accounts to obtain training 
                        services that are contracted for under 
                        clause (ii).
                  (H) Reimbursement for on-the-job training.--
                          (i) Reimbursement level.--For 
                        purposes of the provision of on-the-job 
                        training under this paragraph, the 
                        Governor or local board involved may 
                        increase the amount of the 
                        [reimbursement described in section 
                        3(44)] reimbursement described in the 
                        definition of the term ``on-the-job 
                        training'' in section 3 to an amount of 
                        up to 75 percent of the wage rate of a 
                        participant for a program carried out 
                        under chapter 2 or this chapter, if, 
                                  (I) the Governor approves the 
                                increase with respect to a 
                                program carried out with funds 
                                reserved by the State under 
                                that chapter, taking into 
                                account the factors described 
                                in clause (ii); or
                                  (II) the local board approves 
                                the increase with respect to a 
                                program carried out with funds 
                                allocated to a local area under 
                                such chapter, taking into 
                                account those factors.
                          (ii) Factors.--For purposes of clause 
                        (i), the Governor or local board, 
                        respectively, shall take into account 
                        factors consisting of--
                                  (I) the characteristics of 
                                the participants, such as the 
                                extent to which participants 
                                are individuals with barriers 
                                to employment;
                                  (II) the size of the 
                                  (III) the quality of 
                                employer-provided training and 
                                advancement opportunities, 
                                including whether the skills a 
                                participant will obtain are 
                                transferable to other 
                                employers, occupations, or 
                                industries in the local area or 
                                the State; and
                                  (IV) such other factors as 
                                the Governor or local board, 
                                respectively, may determine to 
                                be appropriate, which may 
                                include the number of employees 
                                participating in the training, 
                                wage and benefit levels of 
                                those employees (at present and 
                                anticipated upon completion of 
                                the training), and relation of 
                                the training to the 
                                competitiveness of a 
                  (I) Employer-directed skills development.--An 
                employer may receive a contract from a local 
                board to provide employer-directed skills 
                development to a participant or group of 
                participants if the employer submits to the 
                local board an agreement that establishes--
                          (i) the provider of the skills 
                        development program, which may be the 
                          (ii) the length of the skills 
                        development program;
                          (iii) the recognized postsecondary 
                        credentials that will be awarded to, or 
                        the occupational skills that will be 
                        gained by, program participants;
                          (iv) the cost of the skills 
                        development program;
                          (v) the amount of such cost that will 
                        be paid by the employer, which shall 
                        not be less than the amount specified 
                        in section 3(14)(C); and
                          (vi) a commitment by the employer to 
                        employ the participating individual or 
                        individuals upon successful completion 
                        of the program.
          (4) Business services.--Funds described in paragraph 
        (1) shall be used to provide appropriate recruitment 
        and other business services and strategies on behalf of 
        employers, including small employers, that meet the 
        workforce investment needs of area employers, as 
        determined by the local board and consistent with the 
        local plan under section 108, which services--
                  (A) may be provided through effective 
                business intermediaries working in conjunction 
                with the local board, and may also be provided 
                on a fee-for-service basis or through the 
                leveraging of economic development, 
                philanthropic, and other public and private 
                resources in a manner determined appropriate by 
                the local board; and
                  (B) may include one or more of the following:
                          (i) Developing and implementing 
                        industry sector strategies (including 
                        strategies involving industry 
                        partnerships, regional skills 
                        alliances, industry skill panels, and 
                        sectoral skills partnerships).
                          (ii) Developing and delivering 
                        innovative workforce investment 
                        services and strategies for area 
                        employers, which may include career 
                        pathways, skills upgrading, skill 
                        standard development and certification 
                        for recognized postsecondary credential 
                        or other employer use, apprenticeship, 
                        and other effective initiatives for 
                        meeting the workforce investment needs 
                        of area employers and workers.
                          (iii) Assistance to area employers in 
                        managing reductions in force in 
                        coordination with rapid response 
                        activities provided under subsection 
                        (a)(2)(A) and developing strategies for 
                        the aversion of layoffs, which 
                        strategies may include early 
                        identification of firms at risk of 
                        layoffs, use of feasibility studies to 
                        assess the needs of and options for at-
                        risk firms, and the delivery of 
                        employment and training activities to 
                        address risk factors.
                          (iv) The marketing of business 
                        services offered under this title to 
                        appropriate area employers, including 
                        small and mid-sized employers.
                          (v) Technical assistance or other 
                        support to employers seeking to 
                        implement skills-based hiring 
                        practices, which may include technical 
                        assistance on the use and validation of 
                        employment assessments, including 
                        competency-based assessments developed 
                        or identified by the State pursuant to 
                        paragraph (2)(B)(vii), and support in 
                        the creation of skills-based job 
                          (vi) Other services described in this 
                        subsection, including providing 
                        information and referral to 
                        microenterprise services, as 
                        appropriate, and specialized business 
                        services not traditionally offered 
                        through the one-stop delivery system.
  (d) Permissible Local Employment and Training Activities.--
          (1) In general.--
                  (A) Activities.--Funds allocated to a local 
                area for adults under paragraph (2)(A) or (3), 
                as appropriate, of section 133(b), and funds 
                allocated to the local area for dislocated 
                workers under section 133(b)(2)(B), may be used 
                to provide, through the one-stop delivery 
                system involved (and through collaboration with 
                the local board, for the purpose of the 
                activities described in clauses (vii) and 
                          (i) customized screening and referral 
                        of qualified participants in training 
                        services described in subsection (c)(3) 
                        to employers;
                          (ii) customized employment-related 
                        services to employers, employer 
                        associations, or other such 
                        organizations on a fee-for-service 
                          [(iii) implementation of a pay-for-
                        performance contract strategy for 
                        training services, for which the local 
                        board may reserve and use not more than 
                        10 percent of the total funds allocated 
                        to the local area under paragraph (2) 
                        or (3) of section 133(b);]
                          (iii) implementation of a pay-for-
                        performance contract strategy for 
                        training services, for which the local 
                        board may reserve and use not more than 
                        40 percent of the total funds allocated 
                        to the local area under paragraph (2) 
                        or (3) of section 133(b), except that 
                        after 2 fiscal years of a local board 
                        implementing such pay-for-performance 
                        contract strategy, the local board may 
                        request approval from the Governor to 
                        reserve and use not more than 60 
                        percent of the total funds allocated to 
                        the local area under paragraph (2) or 
                        (3) of section 133(b) for such strategy 
                        for the following fiscal year if the 
                        local board can demonstrate to the 
                        Governor the performance improvements 
                        achieved through the use of such 
                          (iv) customer support to enable 
                        individuals with barriers to employment 
                        (including individuals with 
                        disabilities) and veterans, to navigate 
                        among multiple services and activities 
                        for such populations;
                          (v) technical assistance for one-stop 
                        operators, one-stop partners, and 
                        eligible providers of training 
                        services, regarding the provision of 
                        services to individuals with 
                        disabilities in local areas, including 
                        the development and training of staff, 
                        the provision of outreach, intake, 
                        assessments, and service delivery, the 
                        coordination of services across 
                        providers and programs, and the 
                        development of performance 
                        accountability measures;
                          (vi) employment and training 
                        activities provided in coordination 
                                  (I) child support enforcement 
                                activities of the State and 
                                local agencies carrying out 
                                part D of title IV of the 
                                Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
                                651 et seq.);
                                  (II) child support services, 
                                and assistance, provided by 
                                State and local agencies 
                                carrying out part D of title IV 
                                of the Social Security Act (42 
                                U.S.C. 651 et seq.);
                                  (III) cooperative extension 
                                programs carried out by the 
                                Department of Agriculture; and
                                  (IV) activities to facilitate 
                                remote access to services 
                                provided through a one-stop 
                                delivery system, including 
                                facilitating access through the 
                                use of technology;
                          (vii) activities--
                                  (I) to improve coordination 
                                between workforce investment 
                                activities and economic 
                                development activities carried 
                                out within the local area 
                                involved, and to promote 
                                entrepreneurial skills training 
                                and microenterprise services;
                                  (II) to improve services and 
                                linkages between the local 
                                workforce investment system 
                                (including the local one-stop 
                                delivery system) and employers, 
                                including small employers, in 
                                the local area, through 
                                services described in this 
                                section; [and]
                                  (III) to strengthen linkages 
                                between the one-stop delivery 
                                system and unemployment 
                                insurance programs; and
                                  (IV) to strengthen, through 
                                professional development 
                                activities, the knowledge and 
                                capacity of staff to use the 
                                latest digital technologies, 
                                tools, and strategies to 
                                deliver high quality services 
                                and outcomes for jobseekers, 
                                workers, and employers;
                          (viii) training programs for 
                        displaced homemakers and for 
                        individuals training for nontraditional 
                        occupations, in conjunction with 
                        programs operated in the local area;
                          (ix) activities to provide business 
                        services and strategies that meet the 
                        workforce investment needs of area 
                        employers, as determined by the local 
                        board, consistent with the local plan 
                        under section 108, which services--
                                  (I) may be provided through 
                                effective business 
                                intermediaries working in 
                                conjunction with the local 
                                board, and may also be provided 
                                on a fee-for-service basis or 
                                through the leveraging of 
                                economic development, 
                                philanthropic, and other public 
                                and private resources in a 
                                manner determined appropriate 
                                by the local board; and
                                  (II) may include--
                                          (aa) developing and 
                                        implementing industry 
                                        sector strategies 
                                        (including strategies 
                                        involving industry 
                                        partnerships, regional 
                                        skills alliances, 
                                        industry skill panels, 
                                        and sectoral skills 
                                          (bb) developing and 
                                        delivering innovative 
                                        workforce investment 
                                        services and strategies 
                                        for area employers, 
                                        which may include 
                                        career pathways, skills 
                                        upgrading, skill 
                                        standard development 
                                        and certification for 
                                        credential or other 
                                        employer use, 
                                        apprenticeship, and 
                                        other effective 
                                        initiatives for meeting 
                                        the workforce 
                                        investment needs of 
                                        area employers and 
                                          (cc) assistance to 
                                        area employers in 
                                        managing reductions in 
                                        force in coordination 
                                        with rapid response 
                                        activities provided 
                                        under subsection 
                                        (a)(2)(A) and with 
                                        strategies for the 
                                        aversion of layoffs, 
                                        which strategies may 
                                        include early 
                                        identification of firms 
                                        at risk of layoffs, use 
                                        of feasibility studies 
                                        to assess the needs of 
                                        and options for at-risk 
                                        firms, and the delivery 
                                        of employment and 
                                        training activities to 
                                        address risk factors; 
                                          (dd) the marketing of 
                                        business services 
                                        offered under this 
                                        title, to appropriate 
                                        area employers, 
                                        including small and 
                                        mid-sized employers; 
                                          (ee) technical 
                                        assistance or other 
                                        support to employers 
                                        seeking to implement 
                                        skills-based hiring 
                                        practices, which may 
                                        include technical 
                                        assistance on the use 
                                        and validation of 
                                        employment assessments, 
                                        including competency-
                                        based assessments 
                                        developed or identified 
                                        by the State pursuant 
                                        to paragraph 
                                        (2)(B)(vii), and 
                                        support in the creation 
                                        of skills-based job 
                          (x) activities to adjust the economic 
                        self-sufficiency standards referred to 
                        in subsection (a)(3)(A)(xii) for local 
                        factors, or activities to adopt, 
                        calculate, or commission for approval, 
                        economic self-sufficiency standards for 
                        the local areas that specify the income 
                        needs of families, by family size, the 
                        number and ages of children in the 
                        family, and substate geographical 
                          (xi) improved coordination between 
                        employment and training activities and 
                        programs carried out in the local area 
                        for individuals with disabilities, 
                        including programs carried out by State 
                        agencies relating to intellectual 
                        disabilities and developmental 
                        disabilities, activities carried out by 
                        Statewide Independent Living Councils 
                        established under section 705 of the 
                        Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 
                        796d), programs funded under part B of 
                        chapter 1 of title VII of such Act (29 
                        U.S.C. 796e et seq.), and activities 
                        carried out by centers for independent 
                        living, as defined in section 702 of 
                        such Act (29 U.S.C. 796a); [and]
                          (xii) implementation of promising 
                        services to workers and businesses, 
                        which may include support for 
                        education, training, skill upgrading, 
                        and statewide networking for employees 
                        to become workplace learning advisors 
                        and maintain proficiency in carrying 
                        out the activities associated with such 
                          (xiii) the use of competency-based 
                        assessments for individuals upon 
                        initial assessment of skills (pursuant 
                        to subsection (c)(2)(A)(iii)) or 
                        completion of training services or 
                        other learning experiences; and
                          (xiv) the development of partnerships 
                        between educational institutions 
                        (including area career and technical 
                        education schools, local educational 
                        agencies, and institutions of higher 
                        education) and employers to create or 
                        improve workforce development programs 
                        to address the identified education and 
                        skill needs of the workforce and the 
                        employment needs of employers in a 
                        region, as determined based on the most 
                        recent analysis conducted by the local 
                        board under section 107(d)(2).
                  (B) Work support activities for low-wage 
                          (i) In general.--Funds allocated to a 
                        local area for adults under paragraph 
                        (2)(A) or (3), as appropriate, of 
                        section 133(b), and funds allocated to 
                        the local area for dislocated workers 
                        under section 133(b)(2)(B), may be used 
                        to provide, through the one-stop 
                        delivery system involved, work support 
                        activities designed to assist low-wage 
                        workers in retaining and enhancing 
                        employment. The one-stop partners of 
                        the system shall coordinate the 
                        appropriate programs and resources of 
                        the partners with the activities and 
                        resources provided under this 
                          (ii) Activities.--The work support 
                        activities described in clause (i) may 
                        include the provision of activities 
                        described in this section through the 
                        one-stop delivery system in a manner 
                        that enhances the opportunities of such 
                        workers to participate in the 
                        activities, such as the provision of 
                        activities described in this section 
                        during nontraditional hours and the 
                        provision of onsite child care while 
                        such activities are being provided.
          (2) Supportive services.--Funds allocated to a local 
        area for adults under paragraph (2)(A) or (3), as 
        appropriate, of section 133(b), and funds allocated to 
        the local area for dislocated workers under section 
        133(b)(2)(B), may be used to provide supportive 
        services to adults and dislocated workers, 
                  (A) who are participating in programs with 
                activities authorized in paragraph (2) or (3) 
                of subsection (c); and
                  (B) who are unable to obtain such supportive 
                services through other programs providing such 
          (3) Needs-related payments.--
                  (A) In general.--Funds allocated to a local 
                area for adults under paragraph (2)(A) or (3), 
                as appropriate, of section 133(b), and funds 
                allocated to the local area for dislocated 
                workers under section 133(b)(2)(B), may be used 
                to provide needs-related payments to adults and 
                dislocated workers, respectively, who are 
                unemployed and do not qualify for (or have 
                ceased to qualify for) unemployment 
                compensation for the purpose of enabling such 
                individuals to participate in programs of 
                training services under subsection (c)(3).
                  (B) Additional eligibility requirements.--In 
                addition to the requirements contained in 
                subparagraph (A), a dislocated worker who has 
                ceased to qualify for unemployment compensation 
                may be eligible to receive needs-related 
                payments under this paragraph only if such 
                worker was enrolled in the training services--
                          (i) by the end of the 13th week after 
                        the most recent layoff that resulted in 
                        a determination of the worker's 
                        eligibility for employment and training 
                        activities for dislocated workers under 
                        this subtitle; or
                          (ii) if later, by the end of the 8th 
                        week after the worker is informed that 
                        a short-term layoff will exceed 6 
                  (C) Level of payments.--The level of a needs-
                related payment made to a dislocated worker 
                under this paragraph shall not exceed the 
                greater of--
                          (i) the applicable level of 
                        unemployment compensation; or
                          (ii) if such worker did not qualify 
                        for unemployment compensation, an 
                        amount equal to the poverty line, for 
                        an equivalent period, which amount 
                        shall be adjusted to reflect changes in 
                        total family income.
          (4) Incumbent worker training programs.--
                  (A) In general.--
                          (i) Standard reservation of funds.--
                        The local board may reserve and use not 
                        more than [20] 30 percent of the funds 
                        allocated to the local area involved 
                        under section 133(b) to pay for the 
                        Federal share of the cost of providing 
                        training through a training program for 
                        incumbent workers, carried out in 
                        accordance with this paragraph.
                          (ii) Increase in reservation of 
                        funds.--Notwithstanding clause (i)--
                                  (I) with respect to a local 
                                area that had a rate of 
                                unemployment of not more than 3 
                                percent for not less than 6 
                                months during the preceding 
                                program year, clause (i) shall 
                                be applied by substituting ``40 
                                percent'' for ``30 percent''; 
                                  (II) with respect to a local 
                                area that meets the requirement 
                                in subclause (I) and is located 
                                in a State that had a labor 
                                force participation rate of not 
                                less than 68 percent for not 
                                less than 6 months during the 
                                preceding program year, clause 
                                (i) shall be applied by 
                                substituting ``45 percent'' for 
                                ``30 percent''.
                          [(ii)] (iii) Determination of 
                        eligibility.--For the purpose of 
                        determining the eligibility of an 
                        employer to receive funding under 
                        clause (i), the local board shall take 
                        into account factors consisting of--
                                  (I) the characteristics of 
                                the participants in the 
                                  (II) the relationship of the 
                                training to the competitiveness 
                                of a participant and the 
                                employer; and
                                  (III) such other factors as 
                                the local board may determine 
                                to be appropriate, which may 
                                include the number of employees 
                                participating in the training, 
                                the wage and benefit levels of 
                                those employees (at present and 
                                anticipated upon completion of 
                                the training), and the 
                                existence of other training and 
                                advancement opportunities 
                                provided by the employer.
                          [(iii)] (iv) Statewide impact.--The 
                        Governor or State board involved may 
                        make recommendations to the local board 
                        for providing incumbent worker training 
                        that has statewide impact.
                  (B) Training activities.--The training 
                program for incumbent workers carried out under 
                this paragraph shall be carried out by the 
                local board in conjunction with the employers 
                or groups of employers of such workers (which 
                may include employers in partnership with other 
                entities for the purposes of delivering 
                training) for the purpose of assisting such 
                workers in obtaining the skills necessary to 
                retain employment or avert layoffs.
                  (C) Employer payment of non-federal share.--
                Employers participating in the program carried 
                out under this paragraph shall be required to 
                pay for the non-Federal share of the cost of 
                providing the training to incumbent workers of 
                the employers.
                  (D) Non-federal share.--
                          (i) Factors.--Subject to clause (ii), 
                        the local board shall establish the 
                        non-Federal share of such cost (taking 
                        into consideration such other factors 
                        as the number of employees 
                        participating in the training, the wage 
                        and benefit levels of the employees (at 
                        the beginning and anticipated upon 
                        completion of the training), the 
                        relationship of the training to the 
                        competitiveness of the employer and 
                        employees, and the availability of 
                        other employer-provided training and 
                        advancement opportunities.
                          (ii) Limits.--The non-Federal share 
                        shall not be less than--
                                  (I) 10 percent of the cost, 
                                for employers with not more 
                                than 50 employees;
                                  (II) 25 percent of the cost, 
                                for employers with more than 50 
                                employees but not more than 100 
                                employees; and
                                  (III) 50 percent of the cost, 
                                for employers with more than 
                                100 employees.
                          (iii) Calculation of employer 
                        share.--The non-Federal share provided 
                        by an employer participating in the 
                        program may include the amount of the 
                        wages paid by the employer to a worker 
                        while the worker is attending a 
                        training program under this paragraph. 
                        The employer may provide the share in 
                        cash or in kind, fairly evaluated.
                  (E) Incumbent worker upskilling accounts.--
                          (i) In general.--To establish 
                        incumbent worker upskilling accounts 
                        through which an eligible provider of 
                        training services under section 122 may 
                        be paid for the program of training 
                        services provided to an incumbent 
                        worker, a local board--
                                  (I) may use up to 5 percent 
                                of the funds reserved by the 
                                local area under subparagraph 
                                (A)(i) or, if the local area 
                                reserved funds under 
                                subparagraph (A)(ii), up to 10 
                                percent of such reserved funds; 
                                  (II) may use funds reserved 
                                under section 134(a)(2)(A) for 
                                statewide rapid response 
                                activities and provided by the 
                                State to local area to 
                                establish such accounts.
                          (ii) Eligibility.--
                                  (I) In general.--Subject to 
                                subclause (II), a local board 
                                that seeks to establish 
                                incumbent worker upskilling 
                                accounts under clause (i) shall 
                                establish criteria for 
                                determining the eligibility of 
                                an incumbent worker to receive 
                                such an account, which shall 
                                take into account factors of--
                                          (aa) the wages of the 
                                        incumbent worker as of 
                                        the date of determining 
                                        such worker's 
                                        eligibility under this 
                                          (bb) the career 
                                        opportunities for the 
                                        incumbent worker in the 
                                        occupation of such 
                                        worker as of such date; 
                                          (cc) the ability of 
                                        the incumbent worker 
                                        to, upon completion of 
                                        the program of training 
                                        services selected by 
                                        such worker, secure 
                                        employment in an in-
                                        demand industry or 
                                        occupation in the local 
                                        area that will lead to 
                                        economic self-
                                        sufficiency and wages 
                                        higher than the current 
                                        wages of the incumbent 
                                  (II) Limitation.--
                                          (aa) In general.--An 
                                        incumbent worker 
                                        described in item (bb) 
                                        shall be ineligible to 
                                        receive an incumbent 
                                        worker upskilling 
                                        account under this 
                                          (bb) Ineligibility.--
                                        Item (aa) shall apply 
                                        to an incumbent 
                                                  (AA) whose 
                                                total annual 
                                                wages for the 
                                                most recent 
                                                year are 
                                                greater than 
                                                the median 
                                                income of the 
                                                State; or
                                                  (BB) who has 
                                                earned a 
                                                or professional 
                          (iii) Cost sharing for certain 
                        incumbent workers.--With respect to an 
                        incumbent worker determined to be 
                        eligible to receive an incumbent worker 
                        upskilling account who is not a low-
                        income individual--
                                  (I) such incumbent worker 
                                shall pay not less than 25 
                                percent of the cost of the 
                                program of training services 
                                selected by such worker; and
                                  (II) funds provided through 
                                the incumbent worker upskilling 
                                account established for such 
                                worker shall cover the 
                                remaining 75 percent of the 
                                cost of the program.
          (5) Transitional jobs.--The local board may use not 
        more than 10 percent of the funds allocated to the 
        local area involved under section 133(b) to provide 
        transitional jobs under subsection (c)(3) that--
                  (A) are time-limited work experiences that 
                are subsidized and are in the public, private, 
                or nonprofit sectors for individuals with 
                barriers to employment who are chronically 
                unemployed or have an inconsistent work 
                  (B) are combined with comprehensive 
                employment and supportive services; and
                  (C) are designed to assist the individuals 
                described in subparagraph (A) to establish a 
                work history, demonstrate success in the 
                workplace, and develop the skills that lead to 
                entry into and retention in unsubsidized 



  [(a) Youth workforce investment activities.--There are 
authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities 
described in section 127(a), $820,430,000 for fiscal year 2015, 
$883,800,000 for fiscal year 2016, $902,139,000 for fiscal year 
2017, $922,148,000 for fiscal year 2018, $943,828,000 for 
fiscal year 2019, and $963,837,000 for fiscal year 2020.
  [(b) Adult employment and training activities.--There are 
authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities 
described in section 132(a)(1), $766,080,000 for fiscal year 
2015, $825,252,000 for fiscal year 2016, $842,376,000 for 
fiscal year 2017, $861,060,000 for fiscal year 2018, 
$881,303,000 for fiscal year 2019, and $899,987,000 for fiscal 
year 2020.
  [(c) Dislocated worker employment and training activities.--
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out the 
activities described in section 132(a)(2), $1,222,457,000 for 
fiscal year 2015, $1,316,880,000 for fiscal year 2016, 
$1,344,205,000 for fiscal year 2017, $1,374,019,000 for fiscal 
year 2018, $1,406,322,000 for fiscal year 2019, and 
$1,436,137,000 for fiscal year 2020.]


  (a) Youth Workforce Investment Activities.--There are 
authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities 
described in section 127(a) $976,573,900 for each of the fiscal 
years 2025 through 2030.
  (b) Adult Employment and Training Activities.--There are 
authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities 
described in section 132(a)(1) $912,218,500 for each of the 
fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  (c) Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities.--
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out the 
activities described in section 132(a)(2) $1,451,859,000 for 
each of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.

                         Subtitle C--Job Corps


  The purposes of this subtitle are--
          (1) to maintain a national Job Corps program, carried 
        out in partnership with States and communities, to--
                  (A) assist eligible youth to connect to the 
                labor force by providing them with intensive 
                social, academic, career and technical 
                education, and service-learning opportunities, 
                in primarily residential [centers] campuses, in 
                order for such youth to obtain secondary school 
                diplomas or recognized postsecondary 
                credentials leading to--
                          (i) successful careers, in in-demand 
                        industry sectors or occupations or the 
                        Armed Forces, that will result in 
                        economic self-sufficiency and 
                        opportunities for advancement; or
                          (ii) enrollment in postsecondary 
                        education, including an apprenticeship 
                        program; and
                  (B) support responsible citizenship;
          (2) to set forth standards and procedures for 
        selecting individuals as enrollees in the Job Corps;
          (3) to authorize the establishment of Job Corps 
        [centers] campuses in which enrollees will participate 
        in intensive programs of activities described in this 
        subtitle; and
          (4) to prescribe various other powers, duties, and 
        responsibilities incident to the operation and 
        continuing development of the Job Corps.


  In this subtitle:
          (1) Applicable local board.--The term ``applicable 
        local board'' means a local board--
                  (A) that provides information for a Job Corps 
                [center] campus on local employment 
                opportunities and the job skills needed to 
                obtain the opportunities; and
                  (B) that serves communities in which the 
                graduates of the Job Corps [center] campus seek 
          (2) Applicable one-stop center.--The term 
        ``applicable one-stop center'' means a one-stop center 
        that provides services, such as referral, assessment, 
        recruitment, and placement, to support the purposes of 
        the Job Corps.
          (3) Enrollee.--The term ``enrollee'' means an 
        individual who has voluntarily applied for, been 
        selected for, and enrolled in the Job Corps program, 
        and remains with the program, but has not yet become a 
          (4) Former enrollee.--The term ``former enrollee'' 
        means an individual who has voluntarily applied for, 
        been selected for, and enrolled in the Job Corps 
        program, but left the program prior to becoming a 
          (5) Graduate.--The term ``graduate'' means an 
        individual who has voluntarily applied for, been 
        selected for, and enrolled in the Job Corps program and 
        who, as a result of participation in the Job Corps 
        program, has received a secondary school diploma or 
        recognized equivalent, or completed the requirements of 
        a career and technical education and training program 
        that prepares individuals for employment leading to 
        economic self-sufficiency or entrance into 
        postsecondary education or training.
          (6) Job Corps.--The term ``Job Corps'' means the Job 
        Corps described in section 143.
          (7) Job corps [center] campus.--The term ``Job Corps 
        [center] campus'' means a [center] campus described in 
        section 147.
          (8) Operator.--The term ``operator'' means an entity 
        selected under this subtitle to operate a Job Corps 
        [center] campus.
          (9) Region.--The term ``region'' means an area 
        defined by the Secretary.
          (10) Service provider.--The term ``service provider'' 
        means an entity selected under this subtitle to provide 
        services described in this subtitle to a Job Corps 
        [center] campus.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) In general.--To be eligible to become an enrollee, an 
individual shall be--
          (1) not less than age 16 and not more than age [21] 
        24 on the date of enrollment, except that--
                  [(A) not more than 20 percent of the 
                individuals enrolled in the Job Corps may be 
                not less than age 22 and not more than age 24 
                on the date of enrollment; and]
                  (A) an individual who is age 16 or 17 shall 
                be eligible only upon an individual 
                determination by the director of a Job Corps 
                campus that such individual meets the criteria 
                described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of section 
                145(b)(1); and
                  (B) [either] such maximum age limitation may 
                be waived by the Secretary, in accordance with 
                regulations of the Secretary, in the case of an 
                individual with a disability;
          (2) a low-income individual or a resident of a 
        qualified opportunity zone as defined in section 1400Z-
        1(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; and
          (3) an individual who is one or more of the 
                  [(A) Basic skills deficient.]
                  (A) Has foundational skill needs.
                  (B) A school dropout.
                  (C) A homeless individual (as defined in 
                section 41403(6) of the Violence Against Women 
                Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 14043e-2(6))), a 
                homeless child or youth (as defined in section 
                725(2) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless 
                Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11434a(2))), a 
                runaway, an individual in foster care, or an 
                individual who was in foster care and has aged 
                out of the foster care system.
                  (D) A parent.
                  (E) An individual who requires additional 
                education, career and technical education or 
                training, or workforce preparation skills to be 
                able to obtain and retain employment that leads 
                to economic self-sufficiency.
                  (F) A victim of a severe form of trafficking 
                in persons (as defined in section 103 of the 
                Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection 
                Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7102)). Notwithstanding 
                paragraph (2), an individual described in this 
                subparagraph shall not be required to 
                demonstrate eligibility under such paragraph.
  (b) Special Rule for Veterans.--Notwithstanding the 
requirement of subsection (a)(2), a veteran or a member of the 
Armed Forces eligible for preseparation counseling of the 
Transition Assistance Program under section 1142 of title 10, 
United States Code shall be eligible to become an enrollee 
under subsection (a) if the individual--
          (1) meets the requirements of paragraphs (1) and (3) 
        of such subsection; and
          (2) does not meet the requirement of subsection 
        (a)(2) because the military income earned by such 
        individual within the 6-month period prior to the 
        individual's application for Job Corps prevents the 
        individual from meeting such requirement.
  (c)  Special Rule for Homeless and Foster Youth.--In 
determining whether an individual is eligible to enroll for 
services under this subtitle on the basis of being an 
individual who is a homeless child or youth, or a youth in 
foster care, as described in subsection (a)(3)(C), staff 
          (1) if determining whether the individual is a 
        homeless child or youth, use a process that is in 
        compliance with the requirements of subsection (a) of 
        section 479D of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as 
        added by section 702(l) of the FAFSA Simplification Act 
        (Public Law 116-260), for financial aid administrators; 
          (2) if determining whether the individual is a youth 
        in foster care, use a process that is in compliance 
        with the requirements of subsection (b) of such section 
        479D of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as added by 
        section 702(l) of the FAFSA Simplification Act (Public 
        Law 116-260), for financial aid administrators.


  (a) Standards and Procedures.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall prescribe 
        specific standards and procedures for the recruitment, 
        screening, and selection of eligible applicants for the 
        Job Corps, after considering recommendations from 
        Governors of States, local boards, and other interested 
          (2) Methods.--In prescribing standards and procedures 
        under paragraph (1), the Secretary, at a minimum, 
                  [(A) prescribe procedures for informing 
                enrollees that drug tests will be administered 
                to the enrollees and the results received 
                within 45 days after the enrollees enroll in 
                the Job Corps;]
                  (A) prescribe procedures for--
                          (i) administering drug tests to 
                        enrollees; and
                          (ii) informing such enrollees that 
                        drug tests will be administered;
                  (B) establish standards for recruitment of 
                Job Corps applicants;
                  (C) establish standards and procedures for--
                          (i) determining, for each applicant, 
                        whether the educational and career and 
                        technical education and training needs 
                        of the applicant can best be met 
                        through the Job Corps program or an 
                        alternative program in the community in 
                        which the applicant resides; and
                          (ii) obtaining from each applicant 
                        pertinent data relating to background, 
                        needs, and interests for determining 
                        eligibility and potential assignment;
                  (D) where appropriate, take measures to 
                improve the professional capability of the 
                individuals conducting screening of the 
                applicants; [and]
                  (E) assure appropriate representation of 
                enrollees from urban areas and from rural 
                areas[.]; and
                  (F) assist applicable one-stop centers and 
                other entities identified in paragraph (3) in 
                developing joint applications for Job Corps, 
                YouthBuild, and the youth activities described 
                in section 129.
          (3) Implementation.--The standards and procedures 
        shall be implemented through arrangements with--
                  (A) applicable one-stop centers;
                  (B) organizations that have a demonstrated 
                record of effectiveness in serving at-risk 
                youth and placing such youth into employment, 
                including community action agencies, business 
                organizations, or labor organizations; and
                  (C) child welfare agencies that are 
                responsible for children and youth eligible for 
                benefits and services under section 477 of the 
                Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 677).
          (4) Consultation.--The standards and procedures shall 
        provide for necessary consultation with individuals and 
        organizations, including court, probation, parole, law 
        enforcement, education, welfare, and medical 
        authorities and advisers.
          (5) Reimbursement.--The Secretary is authorized to 
        enter into contracts with and make payments to 
        individuals and organizations for the cost of 
        conducting recruitment, screening, and selection of 
        eligible applicants for the Job Corps, as provided for 
        in this section. The Secretary shall make no payment to 
        any individual or organization solely as compensation 
        for referring the names of applicants for the Job 
          (6) Drug test procedures.--The procedures prescribed 
        under paragraph (2)(A)(i) shall require that--
                  (A) each enrollee take a drug test not more 
                than 48 hours after such enrollee arrives on 
                  (B) if the result of the drug test taken by 
                an enrollee pursuant to subparagraph (A) is 
                positive, the enrollee take a subsequent drug 
                test at the earliest appropriate time 
                (considering the substance and potency levels 
                identified in the initial test) to determine if 
                the enrollee has continued to use drugs since 
                arriving on campus, the results of which must 
                be received not later than 50 days after the 
                enrollee arrived on campus; and
                  (C) if the result of the subsequent test 
                administered under subparagraph (B) is 
                positive, the enrollee be terminated from the 
                program and referred to a substance use 
                disorder treatment program.
  (b) Special Limitations on Selection.--
          (1) In general.--No individual shall be selected as 
        an enrollee unless the individual or organization 
        implementing the standards and procedures described in 
        subsection (a) determines that--
                  (A) there is a reasonable expectation that 
                the individual considered for selection can 
                participate successfully in group situations 
                and activities, and is not likely to engage in 
                behavior that would prevent other enrollees 
                from receiving the benefit of the Job Corps 
                program or be incompatible with the maintenance 
                of sound discipline and satisfactory 
                relationships between the Job Corps [center] 
                campus to which the individual might be 
                assigned and communities surrounding the Job 
                Corps [center] campus;
                  (B) the individual manifests a basic 
                understanding of both the rules to which the 
                individual will be subject and of the 
                consequences of failure to observe the rules, 
                and agrees to comply with such rules; and
                  (C) the individual has passed a background 
                check conducted in accordance with procedures 
                established by the Secretary and with 
                applicable State and local laws.
          (2) Individuals on probation, parole, or supervised 
        release.--An individual on probation, parole, or 
        supervised release may be selected as an enrollee only 
        if release from the supervision of the probation or 
        parole official involved is satisfactory to the 
        official and the Secretary and does not violate 
        applicable laws (including regulations). No individual 
        shall be denied a position in the Job Corps solely on 
        the basis of individual contact with the criminal 
        justice system except for a disqualifying conviction as 
        specified in paragraph (3).
          (3) Individuals convicted of certain crimes.--An 
        individual shall not be selected as an enrollee if the 
        individual has been convicted of a felony consisting of 
        murder (as described in section 1111 of title 18, 
        United States Code), child abuse, or a crime involving 
        rape or sexual assault.
  (c) Assignment Plan.--
          (1) In general.--Every 2 years, the Secretary shall 
        develop and implement a plan for assigning enrollees to 
        Job Corps [centers] campus. In developing the plan, the 
        Secretary shall, based on the analysis described in 
        paragraph (2), establish targets, applicable to each 
        Job Corps [center] campus, for--
                  (A) the maximum attainable percentage of 
                enrollees at the Job Corps [center] campus that 
                reside in the State in which the [center] 
                campus is located; and
                  (B) the maximum attainable percentage of 
                enrollees at the Job Corps [center] campus that 
                reside in the region in which the [center] 
                campus is located, and in surrounding regions.
          (2) Analysis.--In order to develop the plan described 
        in paragraph (1), every 2 years the Secretary, in 
        consultation with operators of Job Corps [centers] 
        campus, shall analyze relevant factors relating to each 
        Job Corps [center] campus, including--
                  (A) the size of the population of individuals 
                eligible to participate in Job Corps in the 
                State and region in which the Job Corps 
                [center] campus is located, and in surrounding 
                  (B) the relative demand for participation in 
                the Job Corps in the State and region, and in 
                surrounding regions;
                  (C) the capacity and utilization of the Job 
                Corps [center] campus, including the education, 
                training, and supportive services provided 
                through the [center] campus; and
                  (D) the performance of the Job Corps [center] 
                campus relating to the expected levels of 
                performance for the indicators described in 
                section 159(c)(1), and whether any actions have 
                been taken with respect to such [center] campus 
                pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 
  (d) Assignment of Individual Enrollees.--
          (1) In general.--After an individual has been 
        selected for the Job Corps in accordance with the 
        standards and procedures of the Secretary under 
        subsection (a), the enrollee shall be assigned to the 
        Job Corps [center] campus that offers the type of 
        career and technical education and training selected by 
        the individual and, among the [centers] campus that 
        offer such education and training, is closest to the 
        home of the individual. The Secretary may waive this 
        requirement if--
                  (A) the enrollee would be unduly delayed in 
                participating in the Job Corps program because 
                the closest [center] campus is operating at 
                full capacity; or
                  (B) the parent or guardian of the enrollee 
                requests assignment of the enrollee to another 
                Job Corps [center] campus due to circumstances 
                in the community of the enrollee that would 
                impair prospects for successful participation 
                in the Job Corps program.
          (2) Enrollees who are younger than 18.--An enrollee 
        who is younger than 18 shall not be assigned to a Job 
        Corps [center] campus other than the [center] campus 
        closest to the home that offers the career and 
        technical education and training desired by the 
        enrollee pursuant to paragraph (1) if the parent or 
        guardian of the enrollee objects to the assignment.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) Operators and Service Providers.--
          (1) Eligible Entities.--
                  (A) Operators.--The Secretary shall enter 
                into an agreement with a Federal, State, or 
                local agency, an area career and technical 
                education school, an institution of higher 
                education, a residential career and technical 
                education school, or a private organization, 
                for the operation of each Job Corps [center] 
                  (B) Providers.--The Secretary may enter into 
                an agreement with a local entity, or other 
                entity with the necessary capacity, to provide 
                activities described in this subtitle to a Job 
                Corps [center] campus.
          (2) Selection process.--
                  (A) Competitive basis.--Except as provided in 
                subsections (a) and (b) of section 3304 of 
                title 41, United States Code, and paragraph 
                (2)(C)(iii) of section 159(f), the Secretary 
                shall select on a competitive basis an entity 
                to operate a Job Corps [center] campus and 
                entities to provide activities described in 
                this subtitle to the Job Corps [center] campus. 
                In developing a solicitation for an operator or 
                service provider, the Secretary shall consult 
                with the Governor of the State in which the 
                [center] campus is located, the workforce 
                council for the Job Corps [center] campus (if 
                established), and the applicable local board 
                regarding the contents of such solicitation, 
                including elements that will promote the 
                consistency of the activities carried out 
                through the [center] campus with the objectives 
                set forth in the State plan or in a local plan.
                  (B) Recommendations and considerations.--
                          (i) Operators.--In selecting an 
                        entity to [operate a Job Corps center] 
                        operate a Job Corps campus, the 
                        Secretary shall consider--
                                  (I)(aa) in the case of an 
                                entity that has previously 
                                operated a Job Corps campus, a 
                                numeric metric of the past 
                                achievement on the primary 
                                indicators of performance for 
                                eligible youth described in 
                                section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii); or
                                  (bb) in the case of an entity 
                                that has not previously 
                                operated a Job Corps campus, an 
                                alternative numeric metric on 
                                the past effectiveness of the 
                                entity in successfully 
                                assisting at-risk youth to 
                                connect to the labor force, 
                                based on such primary 
                                indicators of performance for 
                                eligible youth;
                                  (II) in the case of an entity 
                                that has previously operated a 
                                Job Corps campus, any 
                                information regarding the 
                                entity included in any report 
                                developed by the Office of 
                                Inspector General of the 
                                Department of Labor;
                                  [(I)] (III) the ability of 
                                the entity to coordinate the 
                                activities carried out through 
                                the Job Corps [center] campus 
                                with activities carried out 
                                under the appropriate State 
                                plan and local plans;
                                  [(II)] (IV) the ability of 
                                the entity to offer career and 
                                technical education and 
                                training that has been proposed 
                                by the workforce council under 
                                section 154(c), and the degree 
                                to which such education and 
                                training reflects employment 
                                opportunities in the local 
                                areas in which enrollees at the 
                                [center] campus intend to seek 
                                  [(III)] (V) the degree to 
                                which the entity demonstrates 
                                relationships with the 
                                surrounding communities, 
                                employers, labor organizations, 
                                State boards, local boards, 
                                applicable one-stop centers, 
                                and the State and region in 
                                which the [center is located] 
                                campus is located, including 
                                agreements to provide off-
                                campus work-based learning 
                                opportunities aligned with the 
                                career and technical education 
                                provided to enrollees;
                                  [(IV) the performance of the 
                                entity, if any, relating to 
                                operating or providing 
                                activities described in this 
                                subtitle to a Job Corps center, 
                                including information regarding 
                                the entity in any reports 
                                developed by the Office of 
                                Inspector General of the 
                                Department of Labor and the 
                                entity's demonstrated 
                                effectiveness in assisting 
                                individuals in achieving the 
                                primary indicators of 
                                performance for eligible youth 
                                described in section 
                                116(b)(2)(A)(ii); and
                                  [(V) the ability of the 
                                entity to demonstrate a record 
                                of successfully assisting at-
                                risk youth to connect to the 
                                workforce, including providing 
                                them with intensive academics 
                                and career and technical 
                                education and training.]
                                  (VI) the ability of the 
                                entity to implement an 
                                effective behavior management 
                                plan, as described in section 
                                152(a), and maintain a safe and 
                                secure learning environment for 
                          (ii) Providers.--In selecting a 
                        service provider for a Job Corps 
                        [center] campus, the Secretary shall 
                        consider the factors described in 
                        clause (i).
          (3) Additional selection factors.--To be eligible to 
        operate a Job Corps [center] campus, an entity shall 
        submit to the Secretary, at such time and in such 
        manner as the Secretary may require, information 
        related to additional selection factors, which shall 
        include the following:
                  (A) A description of the program activities 
                that will be offered at the [center] campus and 
                how the academics and career and technical 
                education and training reflect State and local 
                employment opportunities, including 
                opportunities in in-demand industry sectors and 
                occupations recommended by the workforce 
                council under section 154(c)(2)(A).
                  (B) A description of the counseling, 
                placement, and support activities that will be 
                offered at the [center] campus, including a 
                description of the strategies and procedures 
                the entity will use to place graduates into 
                unsubsidized employment or education leading to 
                a recognized postsecondary credential upon 
                completion of the program.
                  (C) A description of the demonstrated record 
                of effectiveness that the entity has in placing 
                at-risk youth into employment and postsecondary 
                education, including past performance of 
                operating a Job Corps [center] campus under 
                this subtitle or subtitle C of title I of the 
                Workforce Investment Act of 1998, and as 
                appropriate, the entity's demonstrated 
                effectiveness in assisting individuals in 
                achieving the indicators of performance for 
                eligible youth described in section 
                  (D) A description of the relationships that 
                the entity has developed with State boards, 
                local boards, applicable one-stop centers, 
                employers, labor organizations, State and local 
                educational agencies, and the surrounding 
                communities in which the [center] campus is 
                located, including agreements to provide off-
                campus work-based learning opportunities 
                aligned with the career and technical education 
                provided to enrollees, in an effort to promote 
                a comprehensive statewide workforce development 
                  (E) A description of the policies that will 
                be implemented at the campus regarding security 
                and access to campus facilities, including 
                procedures to report on and respond to criminal 
                actions and other emergencies occurring on 
                  [(E)] (F) A description of the entity's 
                ability to coordinate the activities carried 
                out through the Job Corps [center] campus with 
                activities carried out under the appropriate 
                State plan and local plans.
                  [(F)] (G) A description of the strong fiscal 
                controls the entity has in place to ensure 
                proper accounting of Federal funds, and a 
                description of how the entity will meet the 
                requirements of section 159(a).
                  [(G)] (H) A description of the steps to be 
                taken to control costs in accordance with 
                section 159(a)(3).
                  [(H)] (I) A detailed budget of the activities 
                that will be supported using funds under this 
                subtitle and non-Federal resources.
                  [(I)] (J) An assurance the entity is licensed 
                to operate in the State in which the [center] 
                campus is located.
                  [(J)] (K) An assurance the entity will comply 
                with basic health and safety codes, which shall 
                include the disciplinary measures described in 
                section 152(b).
                  [(K)] (L) Any other information on additional 
                selection factors that the Secretary may 
  (b) High-performing [Centers] Campuses.--
          (1) In general.--If an entity meets the requirements 
        described in paragraph (2) as applied to a particular 
        Job Corps [center] campus, such entity shall be allowed 
        to compete in any competitive selection process carried 
        out for an award to operate such [center] campus.
          (2) High performance.--An entity shall be considered 
        to be an operator of a high-performing [center] campus 
        if the Job Corps [center] campus operated by the 
                  (A) is ranked among the top [20 percent] 25 
                percent of Job Corps [centers] campuses for the 
                most recent preceding program year; and
                  (B) meets the expected levels of performance 
                established under section 159(c)(1) and, with 
                respect to each of the primary indicators of 
                performance for eligible youth described in 
                section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii)--
                          (i) for the period of the most recent 
                        preceding 3 program years for which 
                        information is available at the time 
                        the determination is made, achieved an 
                        average of 100 percent, or higher, of 
                        the expected level of performance 
                        established under section 159(c)(1) for 
                        the indicator; and
                          (ii) for the most recent preceding 
                        program year for which information is 
                        available at the time the determination 
                        is made, achieved 100 percent, or 
                        higher, of the expected level of 
                        performance established under such 
                        section for the indicator.
          [(3) Transition.--If any of the program years 
        described in paragraph (2)(B) precedes the 
        implementation of the establishment of expected levels 
        of performance under section 159(c) and the application 
        of the primary indicators of performance for eligible 
        youth described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii), an entity 
        shall be considered an operator of a high-performing 
        center during that period if the Job Corps center 
        operated by the entity--
                  [(A) meets the requirements of paragraph 
                (2)(B) with respect to such preceding program 
                years using the performance of the Job Corps 
                center regarding the national goals or targets 
                established by the Office of the Job Corps 
                under the previous performance accountability 
                system for--
                          [(i) the 6-month follow-up placement 
                        rate of graduates in employment, the 
                        military, education, or training;
                          [(ii) the 12-month follow-up 
                        placement rate of graduates in 
                        employment, the military, education, or 
                          [(iii) the 6-month follow-up average 
                        weekly earnings of graduates;
                          [(iv) the rate of attainment of 
                        secondary school diplomas or their 
                        recognized equivalent;
                          [(v) the rate of attainment of 
                        completion certificates for career and 
                        technical training;
                          [(vi) average literacy gains; and
                          [(vii) average numeracy gains; or
                  [(B) is ranked among the top 5 percent of Job 
                Corps centers for the most recent preceding 
                program year.]
  (c) Character and Activities.--Job Corps [centers] campuses 
may be residential or nonresidential in character, and shall be 
designed and operated so as to provide enrollees, in a well-
supervised setting, with access to activities described in this 
subtitle. In any year, no more than [20 percent] 30 percent of 
the individuals enrolled in the Job Corps may be nonresidential 
participants in the Job Corps.
  (d) Civilian conservation centers.--
          (1) In general.--The Job Corps [centers] campuses may 
        include Civilian Conservation Centers, operated under 
        an agreement between the Secretary of Labor and the 
        Secretary of Agriculture, that are located primarily in 
        rural areas. Such [centers] campuses shall provide, in 
        addition to academics, career and technical education 
        and training, and workforce preparation skills 
        training, programs of work experience to conserve, 
        develop, or manage public natural resources or public 
        recreational areas or to develop community projects in 
        the public interest.
          (2) Assistance during disasters.--Enrollees in 
        Civilian Conservation Centers may provide assistance in 
        addressing national, State, and local disasters, 
        consistent with current child labor laws (including 
        regulations). The Secretary of Agriculture shall ensure 
        that with respect to the provision of such assistance 
        the enrollees are properly trained, equipped, 
        supervised, and dispatched consistent with standards 
        for the conservation and rehabilitation of wildlife 
        established under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination 
        Act (16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.).
          (3) National liaison.--The Secretary of Agriculture 
        shall designate a Job Corps National Liaison to support 
        the agreement under this section between the 
        Departments of Labor and Agriculture.
  (e) Indian Tribes.--
          (1) General authority.--The Secretary may enter into 
        agreements with Indian tribes to operate Job Corps 
        [centers] campuses for Indians.
          (2) Definitions.--In this subsection, the terms 
        ``Indian'' and ``Indian tribe'' have the meanings given 
        such terms in subsections (d) and (e), respectively, of 
        section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and 
        Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b).
  (f) Length of Agreement.--The agreement described in 
subsection (a)(1)(A) shall be for not more than a [2-year 
period] 3-year period. The Secretary may exercise any 
contractual option to renew the agreement in 1-year increments 
for not more than 3 additional years, consistent with the 
requirements of subsection (g).
  (g) Renewal Conditions.--
          (1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), the 
        Secretary shall not renew the terms of an agreement for 
        any 1-year additional period described in subsection 
        (f) for an entity to operate a particular Job Corps 
        [center] campus if, for both of the 2 most recent 
        preceding program years for which information is 
        available at the time the determination is made, or if 
        a second program year is not available, the preceding 
        year for which information is available, such [center] 
                  [(A) has been ranked in the lowest 10 percent 
                of Job Corps centers; and]
                  [(B)] (A) failed to achieve an average of [50 
                percent] 80 percent or higher of the expected 
                level of performance under section 159(c)(1) 
                with respect to each of the primary indicators 
                of performance for eligible youth described in 
                section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii)[.]; or
                  (B) failed to achieve an average of 80 
                percent of the level of enrollment that was 
                agreed to in the agreement described in 
                subsection (a)(1)(A).
          (2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the 
        Secretary may exercise an option to renew the agreement 
        for no more than 2 additional years if the Secretary 
        determines such renewal would be in the best interest 
        of the Job Corps program, taking into account factors 
                  (A) significant improvements in program 
                performance in carrying out a performance 
                improvement plan under section 159(f)(2);
                  (B) that the performance is due to 
                circumstances beyond the control of the entity, 
                such as an emergency or disaster, as defined in 
                section 170(a)(1);
                  (C) a significant disruption in the 
                operations of the [center] campus, including in 
                the ability to continue to provide services to 
                students, or significant increase in the cost 
                of such operations; or
                  (D) a significant disruption in the 
                procurement process with respect to carrying 
                out a competition for the selection of a 
                [center] campus operator.
          (3) Detailed explanation.--If the Secretary exercises 
        an option under paragraph (2), the Secretary [shall 
        provide] shall provide, at least 30 days prior to 
        renewing the agreement, to the Committee on Education 
        and the Workforce of the House of Representatives and 
        the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
        of the Senate, a detailed explanation of the rationale 
        for exercising such option.
          (4) Additional considerations.--The Secretary shall 
        only renew the agreement of an entity to operate a Job 
        Corps [center] campus if the entity--
                  (A) has a satisfactory record of integrity 
                and business ethics;
                  (B) has adequate financial resources to 
                perform the agreement;
                  (C) has the necessary organization, 
                experience, accounting and operational 
                controls, and technical skills; [and]
                  (D) has maintained a safe and secure campus 
                environment; and
                  [(D)] (E) is otherwise qualified and eligible 
                under applicable laws and regulations, 
                including that the contractor is not under 
                suspension or debarred from eligibility for 
                Federal contracts.


  (a) Activities Provided by Job Corps Centers.--
          (1) In general.--Each Job Corps [center] campus shall 
        provide enrollees with an intensive, well organized, 
        and fully supervised program of education, including 
        English language acquisition programs, career and 
        technical education and training, work experience, 
        work-based learning, recreational activities, physical 
        rehabilitation and development, driver's education, and 
        counseling, which may include information about 
        financial literacy. Each Job Corps [center] campus 
        shall provide enrollees assigned to the [center] campus 
        with access to career services described in clauses (i) 
        through (xi) of section 134(c)(2)(A), and productive 
        activities, such as tutoring or other skills 
        development opportunities, for residential enrollees to 
        participate in outside of regular class time and work 
        hours in order to increase supervision of enrollees and 
        reduce behavior infractions.
          (2) Relationship to opportunities.--The activities 
        provided under this subsection shall be targeted to 
        helping enrollees, on completion of their enrollment--
                  (A) secure and maintain meaningful 
                unsubsidized employment;
                  (B) enroll in and complete secondary 
                education or postsecondary education or 
                training programs, including other suitable 
                career and technical education and training, 
                and apprenticeship programs; or
                  (C) satisfy Armed Forces requirements.
          (3) Link to employment opportunities.--The career and 
        technical education and training provided shall be 
        linked to employment opportunities in in-demand 
        industry sectors and occupations in the State or local 
        area in which the Job Corps [center] campus is located 
        and, to the extent practicable, in the State or local 
        area in which the enrollee intends to seek employment 
        after graduation.
  (b) Academic and Career and Technical Education and 
Training.--The Secretary may arrange for career and technical 
education and training of enrollees through local public or 
private educational agencies, career and technical educational 
institutions, technical institutes, or national service 
providers, whenever such entities provide education and 
training substantially equivalent in cost and quality to that 
which the Secretary could provide through other means.
  (c) Advanced Career Training Programs.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary may arrange for 
        programs of advanced career training for selected 
        enrollees in which the enrollees may continue to 
        participate for a period of not to exceed 1 year in 
        addition to the period of participation to which the 
        enrollees would otherwise be limited. The advanced 
        career training may be provided through [the eligible 
        providers] any eligible provider of training services 
        identified under section 122 that is aligned with the 
        career and technical education an enrollee has 
          (2) Benefits.--During the period of participation in 
        an advanced career training program, an enrollee shall 
        be eligible for full Job Corps benefits, or a monthly 
        stipend equal to the average value of the residential 
        support, food, allowances, and other benefits provided 
        to enrollees assigned to residential Job Corps 
        [centers] campuses.
          (3) Demonstration.--The Secretary shall develop 
        standards by which any operator seeking to enroll 
        additional enrollees in an advanced career training 
        program shall demonstrate, before the operator may 
        carry out such additional enrollment, that--
                  (A) participants in such program have 
                achieved a satisfactory rate of completion and 
                placement in training-related jobs; and
                  (B) for the most recently preceding 2 program 
                years, such operator has, on average, met or 
                exceeded the expected levels of performance 
                under section 159(c)(1) for each of the primary 
                indicators of performance for eligible youth 
                described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii).
  (d) Graduate Services.--In order to promote the retention of 
graduates in employment or postsecondary education, the 
Secretary shall arrange for the provision of job placement and 
support services to graduates for up to 12 months after the 
date of graduation. Multiple resources, including one-stop 
partners, may support the provision of these services, 
including services from the State vocational rehabilitation 
agency, to supplement job placement and job development efforts 
for Job Corps graduates who are individuals with disabilities.
  (e) Child Care.--The Secretary shall, to the extent 
practicable, provide child care at or near Job Corps centers, 
for individuals who require child care for their children in 
order to participate in the Job Corps.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) Personal Allowances.--The Secretary may provide enrollees 
assigned to Job Corps [centers] campuses with such personal 
allowances as the Secretary may determine to be necessary or 
appropriate to meet the needs of the enrollees.
  (b) Transition Allowances.--The Secretary shall arrange for a 
transition allowance to be paid to graduates. The transition 
allowance shall be incentive-based to reflect a graduate's 
completion of academic, career and technical education or 
training, and attainment of recognized postsecondary 
  (c) Transition Support.--The Secretary may arrange for the 
provision of 3 months of employment services for former 
  (d) Period of Transition.--Notwithstanding the requirements 
of section 146(b), a Job Corps graduate may remain an enrollee 
and a resident of a Job Corps campus for not more than one 
month after graduation as such graduate transitions into 
independent living and employment if such graduate--
          (1) has not had a behavioral infraction in the 90 
        days prior to graduation; and
          (2) receives written approval from the director of 
        the Job Corps campus to remain such a resident.


  (a) Operating Plan.--The provisions of the contract between 
the Secretary and an entity selected to operate a Job Corps 
[center] campus shall, at a minimum, serve as an operating plan 
for the Job Corps [center] campus.
  (b) Additional Information.--The Secretary may require the 
operator, in order to remain eligible to operate the Job Corps 
[center] campus, to submit such additional information as the 
Secretary may require, which shall be considered part of the 
operating plan.
  (c) Availability.--The Secretary shall make the operating 
plan described in subsections (a) and (b), excluding any 
proprietary information, available to the public.
  (d) Local Authority.--
          (1) In general.--Subject to the limitations of the 
        budget approved by the Secretary for a Job Corps 
        campus, the operator of a Job Corps campus shall have 
        the authority, without prior approval from the 
        Secretary, to--
                  (A) hire staff and provide staff professional 
                  (B) set terms and enter into agreements with 
                Federal, State, or local educational partners, 
                such as secondary schools, institutions of 
                higher education, child development centers, 
                units of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps 
                programs established under section 2031 of 
                title 10, United States Code, or employers; and
                  (C) engage with and educate stakeholders 
                about Job Corps operations and activities.
          (2) Limitation of liability.--In the case of an 
        agreement described in paragraph (1)(B) that does not 
        involve the Job Corps operator providing monetary 
        compensation to the entity involved in such agreement 
        from the funds made available under this subtitle, such 
        agreement shall not be considered a subcontract (as 
        defined in section 8701 of title 41, United States 
  (e) Prior Notice.--Prior to making a change to the agreement 
described in section 147(a) or an operating plan described in 
this section, the Secretary shall solicit from the operators of 
the Job Corps campuses information on any operational costs the 
operators expect to result from such change.


  (a) Provision and Enforcement.--The Secretary shall provide, 
and directors of Job Corps [centers] campuses shall stringently 
enforce, standards of conduct within the [centers] campuses. 
Such standards of conduct shall include provisions forbidding 
the actions described in subsection (b)(2)(A). As part of the 
operating plan required under section 151(a), the director of 
each Job Corps campus shall develop and implement a behavior 
management plan consistent with the standards of conduct and 
subject to the approval of the Secretary.
  (b) Disciplinary Measures.--
          (1) In general.--To promote the proper behavioral 
        standards in the Job Corps, the directors of Job Corps 
        [centers] campuses shall have the authority to take 
        appropriate disciplinary measures against enrollees if 
        such a director determines that an enrollee has 
        committed a violation of the standards of conduct. The 
        director shall dismiss the enrollee from the Job Corps 
        if the director determines that the retention of the 
        enrollee in the Job Corps will jeopardize the 
        enforcement of such standards, threaten the safety of 
        staff, students, or the local community, or diminish 
        the opportunities of other enrollees.
          (2) Zero tolerance policy and drug testing.--
                  (A) Guidelines.--The Secretary shall adopt 
                guidelines establishing a zero tolerance policy 
                for an act of violence, for use, sale, or 
                possession of a controlled substance, for abuse 
                of alcohol, or for other illegal [or 
                disruptive] activity.
                  (B) Drug testing.--The Secretary shall 
                require drug testing of all enrollees for 
                controlled substances in accordance with 
                procedures prescribed by the Secretary under 
                section 145(a).
                  (C) Definitions.--In this paragraph:
                          (i) Controlled substance.--The term 
                        ``controlled substance'' has the 
                        meaning given the term in section 102 
                        of the Controlled Substances Act (21 
                        U.S.C. 802).
                          (ii) Zero tolerance policy.--The term 
                        ``zero tolerance policy'' means a 
                        policy under which an enrollee shall be 
                        automatically dismissed from the Job 
                        Corps after a determination by the 
                        director that the enrollee has carried 
                        out an action described in subparagraph 
  [(c) Appeal.--A disciplinary measure taken by a director 
under this section shall be subject to expeditious appeal in 
accordance with procedures established by the Secretary.]
  (c) Appeal Process.--
          (1) Enrollee appeals.--A disciplinary measure taken 
        by a director under this section shall be subject to 
        expeditious appeal in accordance with procedures 
        established by the Secretary.
          (2) Director appeals.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                establish an appeals process under which the 
                director of a Job Corps campus may submit a 
                request that an enrollee who has engaged in an 
                activity which is a violation of the guidelines 
                established pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(A) 
                remain enrolled in the program, but be subject 
                to other disciplinary actions.
                  (B) Contents.--An request under paragraph (A) 
                shall include--
                          (i) a signed certification from the 
                        director attesting that, to the belief 
                        of the director, the continued 
                        enrollment of such enrollee would not 
                        impact the safety or learning 
                        environment of the campus; and
                          (ii) the behavioral records of such 
                  (C) Timeline.--The Secretary shall review 
                such appeal and either approve or deny the 
                appeal within 30 days of receiving such appeal.
                  (D) Ineligibility for appeal.--The Secretary 
                shall reject an appeal made by a director of a 
                Job Corps campus if such campus has been found 
                out of compliance with the requirements under 
                subsection (d) at any time during the previous 
                5 years.
  (d) Incident Reporting.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall require that the 
        director of a Job Corps campus report to the 
        appropriate regional office--
                  (A) not later than 2 hours after the campus 
                management becomes aware of the occurrence of--
                          (i) an enrollee or on-duty staff 
                          (ii) any incident--
                                  (I) requiring law enforcement 
                                  (II) involving a missing 
                                minor student; or
                                  (III) where substantial 
                                property damage has occurred; 
                          (iii) a level 1 infraction;
                  (B) in the case of a level 2 infraction, on a 
                quarterly basis, including the number and type 
                of such infractions that occurred during such 
                time period; and
                  (C) in the case of a minor infraction, as 
                determined necessary by the Secretary.
          (2) Infractions defined.--In this subsection:
                  (A) Level 1 infraction.--The term ``level 1 
                infraction'' means an activity described in 
                subsection (b)(2)(A).
                  (B) Level 2 infraction.--The term ``level 2 
                infraction'' means an activity, other than a 
                level 1 infraction, determined by the Secretary 
                to be a serious infraction.
                  (C) Minor infraction.--The term ``minor 
                infraction'' means an activity, other than a 
                level 1 or 2 infraction, determined by the 
                Secretary to be an infraction.
          (3) Law enforcement agreements.--The director of each 
        Job Corps campus shall enter into an agreement with the 
        local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction 
        regarding procedures for the prompt reporting and 
        investigation of potentially illegal activity on Job 
        Corps campuses.


  (a) Business and Community Participation.--The director of 
each Job Corps [center] campus shall ensure the establishment 
and development of the mutually beneficial business and 
community relationships and networks described in subsection 
(b), including the use of local boards, in order to enhance the 
effectiveness of such [centers] campuses.
  (b) Networks.--The activities carried out by each Job Corps 
[center] campus under this section shall include--
          (1) establishing and developing relationships and 
        networks with--
                  (A) local and distant employers, to the 
                extent practicable, in coordination with 
                entities carrying out other Federal and non-
                Federal programs that conduct similar outreach 
                to employers;
                  (B) applicable one-stop [centers] campuses 
                and applicable local boards, for the purpose of 
                          (i) information to, and referral of, 
                        potential enrollees; and
                          (ii) job opportunities for Job Corps 
                        graduates; and
                  (C)(i) entities carrying out relevant 
                apprenticeship programs and youth programs;
                  (ii) labor-management organizations and local 
                labor organizations;
                  (iii) employers and contractors that support 
                national training contractor programs; and
                  (iv) community-based organizations, non-
                profit organizations, and intermediaries 
                providing workforce development-related 
                services; and
          (2) establishing and developing relationships with 
        members of the community in which the Job Corps 
        [center] campus is located, informing members of the 
        community about the projects of the Job Corps [center] 
        campus and changes in the rules, procedures, or 
        activities of the [center] campus that may affect the 
        community, and planning events of mutual interest to 
        the community and the Job Corps [center] campus.
  (c) New [Centers] Campuses.--The director of a Job Corps 
[center] campus that is not yet operating shall ensure the 
establishment and development of the relationships and networks 
described in subsection (b) at least 3 months prior to the date 
on which the [center] campus accepts the first enrollee at the 
[center] campus.


  (a) In general.--Each Job Corps [center] campus shall have a 
workforce council, appointed by the director of the [center] 
campus, in accordance with procedures established by the 
  (b) Workforce Council Composition.--
          (1) In general.--A workforce council shall be 
        comprised of--
                  (A) a majority of members who shall be owners 
                of business concerns, chief executives or chief 
                operating officers of nongovernmental 
                employers, or other private sector employers, 
                          (i) have substantial management, 
                        hiring, or policy responsibility; and
                          (ii) represent businesses with 
                        employment opportunities that reflect 
                        the employment opportunities of the 
                        applicable local areas in which 
                        enrollees will be seeking employment;
                  (B) representatives of labor organizations 
                (where present) and representatives of 
                employees; and
                  (C) enrollees and graduates of the Job Corps.
          (2) Local board.--The workforce council may include 
        members of the applicable local boards who meet the 
        requirements described in paragraph (1).
          (3) Employers outside of local area.--The workforce 
        council for a Job Corps [center] campus may include, or 
        otherwise provide for consultation with, employers from 
        outside the local area who are likely to hire a 
        significant number of enrollees from the Job Corps 
        [center] campus.
          (4) Special rule for single state local areas.--In 
        the case of a single State local area designated under 
        section 106(d), the workforce council shall include a 
        representative of the State Board.
  (c) Responsibilities.--The responsibilities of the workforce 
council shall be--
          (1) to work closely with all applicable local boards 
        in order to determine, and recommend to the Secretary, 
        appropriate career and technical education and training 
        for the [center] campus;
          (2) to review all the relevant labor market 
        information, including related information in the State 
        plan or the local plan, to--
                  (A) recommend the in-demand industry sectors 
                or occupations in the area in which the Job 
                Corps [center] campus operates;
                  (B) determine the employment opportunities in 
                the local areas in which the enrollees intend 
                to seek employment after graduation;
                  (C) determine the skills and education that 
                are necessary to obtain the employment 
                opportunities; and
                  (D) recommend to the Secretary the type of 
                career and technical education an[center]d 
                training that should be implemented at the 
                [center] campus to enable the enrollees to 
                obtain the employment opportunities; and
          (3) to meet at least once every 6 months to 
        reevaluate the labor market information, and other 
        relevant information, to determine, and recommend to 
        the Secretary, any necessary changes in the career and 
        technical education and training provided at the 
        [center] campus.
  (d) New [Centers] Campuses.--The workforce council for a Job 
Corps campus that is not yet operating shall carry out the 
responsibilities described in subsection (c) at least 3 months 
prior to the date on which the [center] campus accepts the 
first enrollee at the [center] campus.


   [The Secretary] (a) In General._The Secretary  may establish 
and use advisory committees in connection with the operation of 
the Job Corps program, and the operation of Job Corps [centers] 
campuses, whenever the Secretary determines that the 
availability of outside advice and counsel on a regular basis 
would be of substantial benefit in identifying and overcoming 
problems, in planning program or [center] campus development, 
or in strengthening relationships between the Job Corps and 
agencies, institutions, or groups engaged in related 
  (b) Advisory Committee to Improve Job Corps Safety.--Not 
later than 6 months after the date of enactment of the A 
Stronger Workforce for America Act, the Secretary shall 
establish an advisory committee to provide recommendations on 
effective or evidence-based strategies to improve--
          (1) safety, security, and learning conditions on Job 
        Corps campuses; and
          (2) the standards for campus safety established under 
        section 159(c)(4).


  (a) Projects.--The Secretary may carry out experimental, 
research, or demonstration projects relating to carrying out 
the Job Corps program. The Secretary may waive any provisions 
of this subtitle that the Secretary finds would prevent the 
Secretary from carrying out the projects if the Secretary 
informs the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the 
House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, 
Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate, in writing, not 
less than 90 days in advance of issuing such waiver.
  (b) Job Corps Scholars.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary may award grants, on a 
        competitive basis, to institutions of higher education 
        to enroll cohorts of Job Corps eligible youth in Job 
        Corps Scholars activities for a 24-month period and pay 
        the tuition and necessary costs for enrollees for such 
          (2) Activities.--Job Corps Scholar activities shall 
                  (A) intensive counseling services and 
                supportive services;
                  (B) a 12-month career and technical education 
                component aligned with in-demand industries and 
                occupations in the State where the institution 
                of higher education that is receiving the grant 
                is located; and
                  (C) a 12-month employment placement period 
                that follows the component described in 
                subparagraph (B).
          (3) Performance data.--The Secretary shall collect 
        performance information from institutions of higher 
        education receiving grants under this subsection on the 
        primary indicators of performance for eligible youth 
        described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii), the cost per 
        participant and cost per graduate, and other 
        information as necessary to evaluate the success of Job 
        Corps Scholars grantees in improving outcomes for at-
        risk youth.
          (4) Evaluation.--At the end of each 2-year period for 
        which the Secretary awards grants under this 
        subsection, the Secretary shall provide for an 
        independent, robust evaluation that compares--
                  (A) the outcomes achieved by Job Corps 
                Scholars participants with the outcomes 
                achieved by other participants in the Job Corps 
                program during such 2-year period; and
                  (B) the costs of the Job Corps Scholars 
                programs with the costs of other Job Corps 
                programs during such 2-year period.
  [(b)] (c) Technical assistance.--From the funds provided 
under section 162 (for the purposes of administration), the 
Secretary may reserve \1/4\ of 1 percent to provide, directly 
or through grants, contracts, or other agreements or 
arrangements as the Secretary considers appropriate, technical 
assistance for the Job Corps program for the purpose of 
improving program quality. Such assistance shall include--
          (1) assisting Job Corps [centers] campuses and 
                  (A) in correcting deficiencies under, and 
                violations of, this subtitle;
                  (B) in meeting or exceeding the expected 
                levels of performance under section 159(c)(1) 
                for the indicators of performance described in 
                section 116(b)(2)(A);
                  (C) in the development of sound management 
                practices, including financial management 
                procedures; [and]
                  (D) in the development and implementation of 
                a behavior management plan under section 
                152(a); and
                  (E) maintaining a safe and secure learning 
                environment; and
          (2) assisting entities, including entities not 
        currently operating a Job Corps [center] campus, in 
        developing the additional selection factors information 
        described in section 147(a)(3).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) Enrollment.--The Secretary shall ensure that women and 
men have an equal opportunity to participate in the Job Corps 
program, consistent with section 145.
  (b) Studies, Evaluations, Proposals, and Data.--The Secretary 
shall assure that all studies, evaluations, proposals, and data 
produced or developed with Federal funds in the course of 
carrying out the Job Corps program shall become the property of 
the United States.
  (c) Transfer of Property.--
          (1) In general.--Notwithstanding chapter 5 of title 
        40, United States Code, and any other provision of law, 
        the Secretary and the Secretary of Education shall 
        receive priority by the Secretary of Defense for the 
        direct transfer, on a nonreimbursable basis, of the 
        property described in paragraph (2) for use in carrying 
        out programs under this Act or under any other Act.
          (2) Property.--The property described in this 
        paragraph is real and personal property under the 
        control of the Department of Defense that is not used 
        by such Department, including property that the 
        Secretary of Defense determines is in excess of current 
        and projected requirements of such Department.
  (d) Gross Receipts.--Transactions conducted by a private for-
profit or nonprofit entity that is an operator or service 
provider for a Job Corps [center] campus shall not be 
considered to be generating gross receipts. Such an operator or 
service provider shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, 
to any State or subdivision of a State (nor to any person 
acting on behalf of such a State or subdivision) for any gross 
receipts taxes, business privilege taxes measured by gross 
receipts, or any similar taxes imposed on, or measured by, 
gross receipts in connection with any payments made to or by 
such entity for operating or providing services to a Job Corps 
[center] campus. Such an operator or service provider shall not 
be liable to any State or subdivision of a State to collect or 
pay any sales, excise, use, or similar tax imposed on the sale 
to or use by such operator or service provider of any property, 
service, or other item in connection with the operation of or 
provision of services to a Job Corps [center] campus.
  (e) Management Fee.--The Secretary shall provide each 
operator and (in an appropriate case, as determined by the 
Secretary) service provider with an equitable and negotiated 
management fee of not less than 1 percent of the amount of the 
funding provided under the appropriate agreement specified in 
section 147.
  (f) Donations.--The Secretary [may accept on behalf of the 
Job Corps or individual Job Corps centers charitable donations 
of cash], on behalf of the Job Corps or Job Corps campus 
operators, may accept grants, charitable donations of cash, or 
other assistance, including equipment and materials, if such 
donations are available for appropriate use for the purposes 
set forth in this subtitle. Notwithstanding sections 501(b) and 
522 of title 40, United States Code, any property acquired by a 
Job Corps campus shall be directly transferred, on a 
nonreimbursable basis, to the Secretary.
  (g) Sale of Property.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 
law, if the Administrator of General Services sells a Job Corps 
[center] campus facility, the Administrator shall transfer the 
proceeds from the sale to the Secretary, who shall use the 
proceeds to carry out the Job Corps program.


  (a) Financial Management Information System.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall establish 
        procedures to ensure that each operator, and each 
        service provider, maintains a financial management 
        information system that will provide--
                  (A) accurate, complete, and current 
                disclosures of the costs of Job Corps 
                operations; and
                  (B) sufficient data for the effective 
                evaluation of activities carried out through 
                the Job Corps program.
          (2) Accounts.--Each operator and service provider 
        shall maintain funds received under this subtitle in 
        accounts in a manner that ensures timely and accurate 
        reporting as required by the Secretary.
          (3) Fiscal responsibility.--Operators shall remain 
        fiscally responsible and control costs, regardless of 
        whether the funds made available for Job Corps 
        [centers] campuses are incrementally increased or 
        decreased between fiscal years.
  (b) Audit.--
          (1) Access.--The Secretary, the Inspector General of 
        the Department of Labor, the Comptroller General of the 
        United States, and any of their duly authorized 
        representatives, shall have access to any books, 
        documents, papers, and records of the operators and 
        service providers described in subsection (a) that are 
        pertinent to the Job Corps program, for purposes of 
        conducting surveys, audits, and evaluations of the 
        operators and service providers.
          (2) Surveys, audits, and evaluations.--The Secretary 
        shall survey, audit, or evaluate, or arrange for the 
        survey, audit, or evaluation of, the operators and 
        service providers, using Federal auditors or 
        independent public accountants. The Secretary shall 
        conduct such surveys, audits, or evaluations not less 
        often than once every 3 years.
  (c) Information on Indicators of Performance.--
          (1) Levels of Performance and Indicators.--[The 
                  (A) In general._The Secretary  shall annually 
                establish expected levels of performance for a 
                Job Corps [center] campus and the Job Corps 
                program that are ambitious yet achievable and 
                relating to each of the primary indicators of 
                performance for eligible youth described in 
                section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii).
                  (B) Levels of performance.--In establishing 
                the expected performance levels under 
                subparagraph (A) for a Job Corps campus, the 
                Secretary shall take into account--
                          (i) how the levels involved compare 
                        with the recent performance of such 
                        campus and the performance of other 
                        campuses within the same State or 
                        geographic region;
                          (ii) the levels of performance set 
                        for the primary indicators of 
                        performance for eligible youth 
                        described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii) 
                        for the State in which the campus is 
                          (iii) the differences in actual 
                        economic conditions (including 
                        differences in unemployment rates and 
                        job losses or gains in particular 
                        industries) between the local area of 
                        such campus and other local areas with 
                        a campus; and
                          (iv) the extent to which the levels 
                        involved promote continuous improvement 
                        in performance on the primary 
                        indicators of performance by such 
                        campus and ensure optimal return on the 
                        use of Federal funds.
                  (C) Performance per contract.--The Secretary 
                shall ensure the expected levels of performance 
                are established in the relevant contract or 
                  (D) Revisions based on economic conditions 
                and individuals served during the program 
                          (i) In general.--In the event of a 
                        significant economic downturn, the 
                        Secretary may revise the applicable 
                        adjusted levels of performance for each 
                        of the campuses for a program year to 
                        reflect the actual economic conditions 
                        during such program year.
                          (ii) Report to congress.--Prior to 
                        implementing the revisions described in 
                        clause (i), the Secretary shall submit 
                        to the Committee on Education and the 
                        Workforce of the House of 
                        Representatives and the Committee on 
                        Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
                        of the Senate a report explaining the 
                        reason for such revisions.
                  (E) Review of performance levels.--The Office 
                of Inspector General of the Department of Labor 
                shall, every 5 years, submit to the Committee 
                on Education and the Workforce of the House of 
                Representatives and the Committee on Health, 
                Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate, 
                and publish in the Federal Register and on a 
                publicly available website of the Department, a 
                report containing--
                          (i) a quadrennial review of the 
                        expected levels of performance; and
                          (ii) an evaluation of whether--
                                  (I) the Secretary is 
                                establishing such expected 
                                levels of performance in good 
                                faith; and
                                  (II) such expected levels 
                                have led to continued 
                                improvement of the Job Corps 
          (2) Performance of recruiters.--The Secretary shall 
        also establish performance indicators, and expected 
        levels of performance on the performance indicators, 
        for recruitment service providers serving the Job Corps 
        program. The performance indicators shall relate to--
                  (A) the number of enrollees recruited, 
                compared to the established goals for such 
                recruitment, and the number of enrollees who 
                remain committed to the program for 90 days 
                after enrollment; and
                  (B) the measurements described in 
                subparagraphs (I), (L), and (M) of subsection 
          (3) Performance of career transition service 
        providers.--The Secretary shall also establish 
        performance indicators, and expected performance levels 
        on the performance indicators, for career transition 
        service providers serving the Job Corps program. The 
        performance indicators shall relate to--
                  (A) the primary indicators of performance for 
                eligible youth described in section 
                116(b)(2)(A)(ii); and
                  (B) the measurements described in 
                subparagraphs (D), (E), (H), (J), and (K) of 
                subsection (d)(1).
          (4) Campus safety.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                establish campus and student safety standards. 
                A Job Corps campus failing to achieve such 
                standards shall be required to take the 
                performance improvement actions described in 
                subsection (f).
                  (B) Considerations.--In establishing the 
                campus and student safety standards under 
                subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall take into 
                          (i) incidents reported under section 
                          (ii) survey data from enrollees, 
                        faculty, staff, and community members; 
                          (iii) any other considerations 
                        identified by the Secretary after 
                        reviewing the recommendations of the 
                        advisory group described in section 
          [(4)] (5) Report.--The Secretary shall collect, and 
        annually submit to the Committee on Education and the 
        Workforce of the House of Representatives and the 
        Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of 
        the Senate, a report including--
                  (A) information on the performance of each 
                Job Corps [center] campus, and the Job Corps 
                program, based on the performance indicators 
                described in paragraph (1), as compared to the 
                expected level of performance established under 
                such paragraph for each performance indicator; 
                  (B) information on the performance of the 
                service providers described in paragraphs (2) 
                and (3) on the performance indicators 
                established under such paragraphs, as compared 
                to the expected level of performance 
                established for each performance indicator[.];
                  (C) the number of contracts that were awarded 
                a renewal compared to those eligible for a 
                  (D) the number of campuses where the contract 
                was awarded to a new operator; and
                  (E) the number of campuses that were required 
                to receive performance improvement, as 
                described under subsection (f)(2), including 
                whether any actions were taken as described in 
                subparagraphs (B) and (C) of such subsection.
          (6) Wage records.--The Secretary shall make 
        arrangements with a State or other appropriate entity 
        to facilitate the use of State wage records to evaluate 
        the performance of Job Corps campuses on the employment 
        and earnings indicators described in clause (i)(III) of 
        subparagraph (A) of section 116(b)(2)(A) and subclauses 
        (I) and (II) of clause (ii) of such subparagraph for 
        the purposes of the report required under paragraph 
  (d) Additional Information.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall also collect, 
        and submit in the report described in subsection 
        (c)(4), and make available on the website of the 
        Department pertaining to the Job Corps program in a 
        manner that is consumer-tested to ensure it is easily 
        understood, searchable, and navigable, information on 
        the performance of each Job Corps [center] campus, and 
        the Job Corps program, regarding--
                  (A) the number of enrollees served;
                  (B) demographic information on the enrollees 
                served, including age, race, [gender] sex, and 
                education and income level;
                  (C) the number of graduates of a Job Corps 
                [center] campus;
                  (D) the number of graduates who entered the 
                Armed Forces;
                  (E) the number of graduates who entered 
                apprenticeship programs;
                  (F) the number of graduates who received a 
                regular secondary school diploma;
                  (G) the number of graduates who received a 
                State recognized equivalent of a secondary 
                school diploma;
                  (H) the number of graduates who entered 
                unsubsidized employment related to the career 
                and technical education and training received 
                through the Job Corps program and the number 
                who entered unsubsidized employment not related 
                to the education and training received;
                  (I) the percentage and number of former 
                enrollees, including the number dismissed under 
                the zero tolerance policy described in section 
                  (J) the number of appeals under section 
                152(c) and a description of each appeal that 
                was approved;
                  [(J)] (K) the percentage and number of 
                graduates who enter postsecondary education;
                  [(K)] (L) the average wage of graduates who 
                enter unsubsidized employment--
                          (i) on the first day of such 
                        employment; and
                          (ii) on the day that is 6 months 
                        after such first day;
                  [(L)] (M) the percentages of enrollees 
                described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of 
                section 145(c)(1), as compared to the 
                percentage targets established by the Secretary 
                under such section for the [center] campus;
                  [(M)] (N) the cost per enrollee, which is 
                calculated by comparing the number of enrollees 
                at the [center] campus in a program year to the 
                total budget for such [center] campus in the 
                same program year;
                  [(N)] (O) the cost per graduate, which is 
                calculated by comparing the number of graduates 
                of the [center] campus in a program year 
                compared to the total budget for such [center] 
                campus in the same program year; and
                  [(O)] (P) any additional information required 
                by the Secretary.
          (2) Rules for reporting of data.--The disaggregation 
        of data under this subsection shall not be required 
        when the number of individuals in a category is 
        insufficient to yield statistically reliable 
        information or when the results would reveal personally 
        identifiable information about an individual.
  (e) Methods.--The Secretary shall collect the information 
described in subsections (c) and (d), using methods described 
in section 116(i)(2) and consistent with State law, by entering 
into agreements with the States to access such data for Job 
Corps enrollees, former enrollees, and graduates.
  [(f) Performance Assessments and Improvements.--
          [(1) Assessments.--The Secretary shall conduct an 
        annual assessment of the performance of each Job Corps 
        center. Based on the assessment, the Secretary shall 
        take measures to continuously improve the performance 
        of the Job Corps program.
          [(2) Performance improvement.--With respect to a Job 
        Corps center that fails to meet the expected levels of 
        performance relating to the primary indicators of 
        performance specified in subsection (c)(1), the 
        Secretary shall develop and implement a performance 
        improvement plan. Such a plan shall require action to 
        be taken during a 1-year period, including--
                  [(A) providing technical assistance to the 
                  [(B) changing the career and technical 
                education and training offered at the center;
                  [(C) changing the management staff of the 
                  [(D) replacing the operator of the center;
                  [(E) reducing the capacity of the center;
                  [(F) relocating the center; or
                  [(G) closing the center.
          [(3) Additional performance improvement.--In addition 
        to the performance improvement plans required under 
        paragraph (2), the Secretary may develop and implement 
        additional performance improvement plans. Such a plan 
        shall require improvements, including the actions 
        described in such paragraph, for a Job Corps center 
        that fails to meet criteria established by the 
        Secretary other than the expected levels of performance 
        described in such paragraph.
          [(4) Civilian Conservation Centers.--With respect to 
        a Civilian Conservation Center that fails to meet the 
        expected levels of performance relating to the primary 
        indicators of performance specified in subsection 
        (c)(1) or fails to improve performance as described in 
        paragraph (2) after 3 program years, the Secretary, in 
        consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture, shall 
        select an entity to operate the Civilian Conservation 
        Center on a competitive basis, in accordance with the 
        requirements of section 147.]
  (f) Performance Assessments and Improvements.--
          (1) Assessments.--The Secretary shall conduct an 
        annual assessment of the performance of each Job Corps 
        campus on the primary indicators of performance 
        described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii), where each 
        indicator shall be given equal weight in determining 
        the overall performance of the campus. Based on the 
        assessment, the Secretary shall take measures to 
        continuously improve the performance of the Job Corps 
          (2) Performance improvement.--
                  (A) Initial failure.--With respect to a Job 
                Corps campus that fails to meet an average of 
                90 percent on the expected levels of 
                performance across all the primary indicators 
                of performance specified in subsection (c)(1) 
                or is ranked among the lowest 10 percent of Job 
                Corps campuses, the Secretary shall, after each 
                program year of such performance failure, 
                develop and implement a performance improvement 
                plan for such campus. Such a plan shall require 
                action to be taken during a 1-year program year 
                period, which shall include providing technical 
                assistance to the campus.
                  (B) Repeat failure.--With respect to a Job 
                Corps campus that, for two consecutive program 
                years, fails to meet an average of 85 percent 
                on the expected levels of performance across 
                all the primary indicators of performance or is 
                ranked among the lowest 10 percent of Job Corps 
                campuses, the Secretary shall take substantial 
                action to improve the performance of such 
                campus, which shall include--
                          (i) changing the management staff of 
                        the campus;
                          (ii) changing the career and 
                        technical education and training 
                        offered at the campus;
                          (iii) replacing the operator of the 
                        campus; or
                          (iv) reducing the capacity of the 
                  (C) Chronic failure.--With respect to a Job 
                Corps campus that, for the two consecutive 
                program years immediately following the 
                Secretary taking substantial performance action 
                under subparagraph (B), fails to meet an 
                average of 85 percent on the expected levels of 
                performance across all the primary indicators 
                or is ranked among the lowest 10 percent of Job 
                Corps campuses, the Secretary shall take 
                further substantial action to improve the 
                performance of such campus, which shall 
                          (i) relocating the campus;
                          (ii) closing the campus; or
                          (iii) awarding funding directly to 
                        the State in which the campus is 
                        located for operation of the campus, 
                        and for which the Secretary shall enter 
                        into a memorandum of understanding with 
                        such State for purposes of operating 
                        the campus in its current location and 
                        may encourage innovation in such 
                        memorandum of understanding by waiving 
                        any statutory or regulatory requirement 
                        of this subtitle except for those 
                        related to participant eligibility 
                        under section 144, standards of conduct 
                        under section 152, and performance 
                        reporting and accountability under this 
          (3) Additional performance improvement.--In addition 
        to the performance improvement plans required under 
        paragraph (2), the Secretary may develop and implement 
        additional performance improvement plans for a Job 
        Corps campus that fails to meet criteria established by 
        the Secretary other than the expected levels of 
        performance described in subsection (c)(1).
          (4) Civilian conservation centers.--With respect to a 
        Civilian Conservation Center that, for 3 consecutive 
        program years, fails to meet an average of 90 percent 
        of the expected levels of performance across all the 
        primary indicators of performance specified in 
        subsection (c)(1), the Secretary of Labor or, if 
        appropriate, the Secretary of Agriculture shall select, 
        on a competitive basis, an entity to operate part or 
        all of the Civilian Conservation Center in accordance 
        with the requirements of section 147.
  (g) Participant Health and Safety.--
          (1)  [Center] Campus.--The Secretary shall ensure 
        that a review by an appropriate Federal, State, or 
        local entity of the physical condition and health-
        related activities of each Job Corps [center] campus 
        occurs annually.
          (2) Work-based learning locations.--The Secretary 
        shall require that an entity that has entered into a 
        contract to provide work-based learning activities for 
        any Job Corps enrollee under this subtitle shall 
        [comply] attest to compliance with the Occupational 
        Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 651 et seq.) 
        or, as appropriate, under the corresponding State 
        Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requirements 
        in the State in which such activities occur.
  (h) Buildings and Facilities.--The Secretary shall collect, 
and submit in the report described in subsection (c)(4), 
information regarding the state of Job Corps buildings and 
facilities. Such report shall include--
          (1) a review of requested construction, 
        rehabilitation, and acquisition projects, by each Job 
        Corps [center] campus; and
          (2) a review of new facilities under construction.
  (i) National and Community Service.--The Secretary shall 
include in the report described in subsection (c)(4) available 
information regarding the national and community service 
activities of enrollees, particularly those enrollees at 
Civilian Conservation Centers.
  (j) Closure of Job Corps Center.--Prior to the closure of any 
Job Corps [center] campus, the Secretary shall ensure--
          (1) that the proposed decision to close the [center] 
        campus is announced in advance to the general public 
        through publication in the Federal Register or other 
        appropriate means;
          (2) the establishment of a reasonable comment period, 
        not to exceed 30 days, for interested individuals to 
        submit written comments to the Secretary; and
          (3) that the Member of Congress who represents the 
        district in which such [center] campus is located is 
        notified within a reasonable period of time in advance 
        of any final decision to close the [center] campus.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) Temporary Financial Reporting.--
          (1) In general.--During the periods described in 
        paragraphs (2) and (3)(B), the Secretary shall prepare 
        and submit to the applicable committees financial 
        reports regarding the Job Corps program under this 
        subtitle. Each such financial report shall include--
                  (A) information regarding the implementation 
                of the financial oversight measures suggested 
                in the May 31, 2013, report of the Office of 
                Inspector General of the Department of Labor 
                entitled ``The U.S. Department of Labor's 
                Employment and Training Administration Needs to 
                Strengthen Controls over Job Corps Funds'';
                  (B) a description of any budgetary shortfalls 
                for the program for the period covered by the 
                financial report, and the reasons for such 
                shortfalls; and
                  (C) a description and explanation for any 
                approval for contract expenditures that are in 
                excess of the amounts provided for under the 
          (2) Timing of Reports.--The Secretary shall submit a 
        financial report under paragraph (1) once every 6 
        months beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, 
        for a 3-year period. After the completion of such 3-
        year period, the Secretary shall submit a financial 
        report under such paragraph once a year for the next 2 
        years, unless additional reports are required under 
        paragraph (3)(B).
          (3) Reporting requirements in cases of budgetary 
        shortfalls.--If any financial report required under 
        this subsection finds that the Job Corps program under 
        this subtitle has a budgetary shortfall for the period 
        covered by the report, the Secretary shall--
                  (A) not later than 90 days after the 
                budgetary shortfall was identified, submit a 
                report to the applicable committees explaining 
                how the budgetary shortfall will be addressed; 
                  (B) submit an additional financial report 
                under paragraph (1) for each 6-month period 
                subsequent to the finding of the budgetary 
                shortfall until the Secretary demonstrates, 
                through such report, that the Job Corps program 
                has no budgetary shortfall.
  (b) Third-party Review.--Every 5 years after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall provide for a third-
party review of the Job Corps program under this subtitle that 
addresses all of the areas described in subparagraphs (A) 
through (G) of section 169(a)(2). The results of the review 
shall be submitted to the Committee on Education and the 
Workforce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on 
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate.
  (c) Criteria for Job Corps Center Closures.--By not later 
than December 1, 2014, the Secretary shall establish written 
criteria that the Secretary shall use to determine when a Job 
Corps center supported under this subtitle is to be closed and 
how to carry out such closure, and shall submit such criteria 
to the applicable committees.
  (d) Report on Implementation of Recommendations.--The 
Secretary shall, on an annual basis, prepare and submit to the 
appropriate committees a report regarding the implementation of 
all outstanding recommendations from the Office of Inspector 
General of the Department of Labor or the Government 
Accountability Office.
  [(d)] (e) Definition of Applicable Committees.--In this 
section, the term ``applicable committees'' means--
          (1) the Committee on Education and the Workforce of 
        the House of Representatives;
          (2) the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human 
        Services, Education, and Related Agencies of the 
        Committee of Appropriations of the House of 
          (3) the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and 
        Pensions of the Senate; and
          (4) the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human 
        Services, Education, and Related Agencies of the 
        Committee of Appropriations of the Senate.


  [There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
          [(1) $1,688,155,000 for fiscal year 2015;
          [(2) $1,818,548,000 for fiscal year 2016;
          [(3) $1,856,283,000 for fiscal year 2017;
          [(4) $1,897,455,000 for fiscal year 2018;
          [(5) $1,942,064,000 for fiscal year 2019; and
          [(6) $1,983,236,000 for fiscal year 2020.]


  There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
subtitle $1,760,155,000 for each of the fiscal years 2025 
through 2030.

                     Subtitle D--National Programs


  (a) Purpose.--
          (1) In general.--The purpose of this section is to 
        support employment and training activities for Indian, 
        Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian individuals in 
                  (A) to develop more fully the academic, 
                occupational, and literacy skills of such 
                  (B) to make such individuals more competitive 
                in the workforce and to equip them with the 
                entrepreneurial skills necessary for successful 
                self-employment; and
                  (C) to promote the economic and social 
                development of Indian, Alaska Native, and 
                Native Hawaiian communities in accordance with 
                the goals and values of such communities.
          (2) Indian policy.--All programs assisted under this 
        section shall be administered in a manner consistent 
        with the principles of the Indian Self-Determination 
        and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.) 
        and the government-to-government relationship between 
        the Federal Government and Indian tribal governments.
  (b) Definitions.--As used in this section:
          (1) Alaska native.--The term ``Alaska Native'' 
        includes a Native and a descendant of a Native, as such 
        terms are defined in subsections (b) and (r) of section 
        3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 
        1602(b), (r)).
          (2) Indian, indian tribe, and tribal organization.--
        The terms ``Indian'', ``Indian tribe'', and ``tribal 
        organization'' have the meanings given such terms in 
        subsections (d), (e), and (l), respectively, of section 
        4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education 
        Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b).
          (3) Native hawaiian and native hawaiian 
        organization.--The terms ``Native Hawaiian'' and 
        ``Native Hawaiian organization'' have the meanings 
        given such terms in section 6207 of the NativeHawaiian 
        Education Act.
  (c) Program Authorized.--Every 4 years, the Secretary shall, 
on a competitive basis, make grants to, or enter into contracts 
or cooperative agreements with, Indian tribes, tribal 
organizations, Alaska Native entities, Indian-controlled 
organizations serving Indians, or Native Hawaiian organizations 
to carry out the authorized activities described in subsection 
  (d) Authorized Activities.--
          (1) In general.--Funds made available under 
        subsection (c) shall be used to carry out the 
        activities described in paragraph (2) that--
                  (A) are consistent with this section; [and]
                  (B) are necessary to meet the needs of 
                Indians, Alaska Natives, or Native Hawaiians 
                preparing to enter, reenter, or retain 
                unsubsidized employment leading to self-
                sufficiency[.]; and
                  (C) are evidence-based, to the extent 
          (2) Workforce development activities and supplemental 
                  (A) In general.--Funds made available under 
                subsection (c) shall be used for--
                          (i) comprehensive workforce 
                        development activities for Indians, 
                        Alaska Natives, or Native Hawaiians, 
                        including training on entrepreneurial 
                        skills; or
                          (ii) supplemental services for 
                        Indian, Alaska Native, or Native 
                        Hawaiian youth on or near Indian 
                        reservations and in Oklahoma, Alaska, 
                        or Hawaii.
                  (B) Administrative costs.--Not more than 10 
                percent of the funds provided to an entity 
                under this section may be used for the 
                administrative costs of the activities and 
                services carried out under subparagraph (A).
                  [(B)] (C) Special rule.--Notwithstanding any 
                other provision of this section, individuals 
                who were eligible to participate in programs 
                under section 401 of the Job Training 
                Partnership Act (as such section was in effect 
                on the day before the date of enactment of the 
                Workforce Investment Act of 1998) shall be 
                eligible to participate in an activity assisted 
                under this section.
  (e) Program Plan.--In order to receive a grant or enter into 
a contract or cooperative agreement under this section, an 
entity described in subsection (c) shall submit to the 
Secretary a program plan that describes a 4-year strategy for 
meeting the needs of Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian 
individuals, as appropriate, in the area served by such entity. 
Such plan shall--
          (1) be consistent with the purpose of this section;
          (2) identify the population to be served;
          (3) identify the education and employment needs of 
        the population to be served and the manner in which the 
        activities to be provided will strengthen the ability 
        of the individuals served to obtain or retain 
        unsubsidized employment leading to self-sufficiency;
          (4) describe the activities to be provided and the 
        manner in which such activities are to be integrated 
        with other appropriate activities; and
          (5) describe, after the entity submitting the plan 
        consults with the Secretary, the performance 
        accountability measures to be used to assess the 
        performance of entities in carrying out the activities 
        assisted under this section, which shall include the 
        primary indicators of performance described in section 
        116(b)(2)(A) and expected levels of performance for 
        such indicators, in accordance with subsection (h).
  (f) Consolidation of Funds.--Each entity receiving assistance 
under subsection (c) may consolidate such assistance with 
assistance received from related programs in accordance with 
the provisions of the Indian Employment, Training and Related 
Services Demonstration Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3401 et seq.).
  (g) Nonduplicative and Nonexclusive Services.--Nothing in 
this section shall be construed--
          (1) to limit the eligibility of any entity described 
        in subsection (c) to participate in any activity 
        offered by a State or local entity under this Act; or
          (2) to preclude or discourage any agreement, between 
        any entity described in subsection (c) and any State or 
        local entity, to facilitate the provision of services 
        by such entity or to the population served by such 
  (h) Performance accountability measures.--
          (1) Additional performance indicators and 
                  (A) Development of indicators and 
                standards.--The Secretary, in consultation with 
                the Native American Employment and Training 
                Council, shall develop a set of performance 
                indicators and standards that is in addition to 
                the primary indicators of performance described 
                in section 116(b)(2)(A) and that shall be 
                applicable to programs under this section.
                  (B) Special considerations.--Such performance 
                indicators and standards shall take into 
                          (i) the purpose of this section as 
                        described in subsection (a)(1);
                          (ii) the needs of the groups served 
                        by this section, including the 
                        differences in needs among such groups 
                        in various geographic service areas; 
                          (iii) the economic circumstances of 
                        the communities served, including 
                        differences in circumstances among 
                        various geographic service areas.
          (2) Agreement on adjusted levels of performance.--The 
        Secretary and the entity described in subsection (c) 
        shall reach agreement on the levels of performance for 
        each of the primary indicators of performance described 
        in section 116(b)(2)(A), taking into account economic 
        conditions, characteristics of the individuals served, 
        and other appropriate factors and using, to the extent 
        practicable, the statistical adjustment model under 
        section 116(b)(3)(A)(viii). The levels agreed to shall 
        be the adjusted levels of performance and shall be 
        incorporated in the program plan.
          (3) Wage records.--The Secretary shall make 
        arrangements with a State or other appropriate entity 
        to facilitate the use of State wage records to evaluate 
        the performance of entities funded under this section 
        on the employment and earnings indicators described in 
        subclauses (I) through (III) of section 116(b)(2)(A)(i) 
        for the purposes of the report required under paragraph 
          (4) Performance results.--For each program year, the 
        Secretary shall make available on a publicly accessible 
        website of the Department a report on the performance, 
        during such program year, of entities funded under this 
        section on--
                  (A) the primary indicators of performance 
                described in section 116(b)(2)(A);
                  (B) any additional indicators established 
                under paragraph (1)(A); and
                  (C) the adjusted levels of performance for 
                such entities as described in paragraph (2).
  (i) Administrative Provisions.--
          (1) Organizational unit established.--The Secretary 
        shall designate a single organizational unit within the 
        Department of Labor that shall have primary 
        responsibility for the administration of the activities 
        authorized under this section.
          (2) Regulations.--The Secretary shall consult with 
        the entities described in subsection (c) in--
                  (A) establishing regulations to carry out 
                this section, including regulations relating to 
                the performance accountability measures for 
                entities receiving assistance under this 
                section; and
                  (B) developing a funding distribution plan 
                that takes into consideration previous levels 
                of funding (prior to the date of enactment of 
                this Act) to such entities.
          (3) Waivers.--
                  (A) In general.--With respect to an entity 
                described in subsection (c), the Secretary, 
                notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
                may, pursuant to a request submitted by such 
                entity that meets the requirements established 
                under subparagraph (B), waive any of the 
                statutory or regulatory requirements of this 
                title that are inconsistent with the specific 
                needs of the entity described in such 
                subsection, except that the Secretary may not 
                waive requirements relating to wage and labor 
                standards, worker rights, participation and 
                protection of workers and participants, 
                grievance procedures, [and judicial review.] 
                judicial review, and performance accountability 
                pertaining to the primary indicators of 
                performance described in section 116(b)(2)(A).
                  (B) Request and approval.--An entity 
                described in subsection (c) that requests a 
                waiver under subparagraph (A) shall submit a 
                plan to the Secretary to improve the program of 
                workforce investment activities carried out by 
                the entity, which plan shall meet the 
                requirements established by the Secretary and 
                shall be generally consistent with the 
                requirements of section 189(i)(3)(B).
          (4) Advisory council.--
                  (A) In general.--Using funds made available 
                to carry out this section, the Secretary shall 
                establish a Native American Employment and 
                Training Council to facilitate the consultation 
                described in paragraph (2) and to provide the 
                advice described in subparagraph (C).
                  (B) Composition.--[The Council]
                          (i) In general._The Council  shall be 
                        composed of individuals, appointed by 
                        the Secretary, who are representatives 
                        of the entities described in subsection 
                          (ii) Vacancies.--An individual 
                        appointed to fill a vacancy on the 
                        Council occurring before the expiration 
                        of the term for which the predecessor 
                        of such individual was appointed shall 
                        be appointed only for the remainder of 
                        that term. Such an individual may serve 
                        on the Council after the expiration of 
                        such term until a successor is 
                  (C) Duties.--The Council shall advise the 
                Secretary on the operation and administration 
                of the programs assisted under this section, 
                including the selection of the individual 
                appointed as head of the unit established under 
                paragraph (1).
                  (D) Personnel matters.--
                          (i) Compensation of members.--Members 
                        of the Council shall serve without 
                          (ii) Travel expenses.--The members of 
                        the Council shall be allowed travel 
                        expenses, including per diem in lieu of 
                        subsistence, at rates authorized for 
                        employees of agencies under subchapter 
                        I of chapter 57 of title 5, United 
                        States Code, while away from their 
                        homes or regular places of business in 
                        the performance of services for the 
                          (iii) Administrative support.--The 
                        Secretary shall provide the Council 
                        with such administrative support as may 
                        be necessary to perform the functions 
                        of the Council.
                  (E) Chairperson.--The Council shall select a 
                chairperson from among its members.
                  (F) Meetings.--The Council shall meet not 
                less than twice each year.
                  (G) Application.--Section 1013 of title 5, 
                United States Code, shall not apply to the 
          (5) Technical assistance.--The Secretary, acting 
        through the unit established under paragraph (1), is 
        authorized to provide technical assistance to entities 
        described in subsection (c) that receive assistance 
        under such subsection to enable such entities to 
        improve the activities authorized under this section 
        that are provided by such entities.
          (6) Agreement for certain federally recognized indian 
        tribes to transfer funds to the program.--A federally 
        recognized Indian tribe that administers funds provided 
        under this section and funds provided by more than one 
        State under other sections of this title may enter into 
        an agreement with the Secretary and the Governors of 
        the affected States to transfer the funds provided by 
        the States to the program administered by the tribe 
        under this section.
  (j) Compliance With Single Audit Requirements; Related 
Requirement.--Grants made and contracts and cooperative 
agreements entered into under this section shall be subject to 
the requirements of chapter 75 of subtitle V of title 31, 
United States Code, and charging of costs under this section 
shall be subject to appropriate circulars issued by the Office 
of Management and Budget.
  (k) Assistance to Unique Populations in Alaska and Hawaii.--
          (1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision 
        of law, the Secretary is authorized to award grants, on 
        a competitive basis, to entities with demonstrated 
        experience and expertise in developing and implementing 
        programs for the unique populations who reside in 
        Alaska or Hawaii, including public and private 
        nonprofit organizations, tribal organizations, American 
        Indian tribal colleges or universities, institutions of 
        higher education, or consortia of such organizations or 
        institutions, to improve job training and workforce 
        investment activities for such unique populations.
          [(2) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are 
        authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
                  [(A) $461,000 for fiscal year 2015;
                  [(B) $497,000 for fiscal year 2016;
                  [(C) $507,000 for fiscal year 2017;
                  [(D) $518,000 for fiscal year 2018;
                  [(E) $530,000 for fiscal year 2019; and
                  [(F) $542,000 for fiscal year 2020.]
          (2) Authorization of appropriations.--There are 
        authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
        subsection $542,000 for each of the fiscal years 2025 
        through 2030.


  (a) In general.--Every 4 years, the Secretary shall, on a 
competitive basis, make grants to, or enter into contracts 
with, eligible entities to carry out the activities described 
in subsection (d).
  (b) Eligible entities.--To be eligible to receive a grant or 
enter into a contract under this section, an entity shall have 
an understanding of the problems of eligible migrant and 
seasonal farmworkers (including dependents), a familiarity with 
the area to be served, and the ability to demonstrate a 
capacity to administer and deliver effectively a diversified 
program of workforce investment activities (including youth 
workforce investment activities) and related assistance for 
eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers.
  (c) Program Plan.--
          (1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant or 
        enter into a contract under this section, an entity 
        described in subsection (b) shall submit to the 
        Secretary a plan that describes a 4-year strategy for 
        meeting the needs of eligible migrant and seasonal 
        farmworkers in the area to be served by such entity.
          (2) Contents.--Such plan shall--
                  (A) describe the population to be served and 
                identify the education and employment needs of 
                the population to be served and the manner in 
                which the services to be provided will 
                strengthen the ability of the eligible migrant 
                and seasonal farmworkers and dependents to 
                obtain or retain unsubsidized employment, or 
                stabilize their unsubsidized employment, 
                including upgraded employment in agriculture;
                  (B) describe the related assistance and 
                supportive services to be provided and the 
                manner in which such assistance and services 
                are to be integrated and coordinated with other 
                appropriate services;
                  (C) describe the performance accountability 
                measures to be used to assess the performance 
                of such entity in carrying out the activities 
                assisted under this section, which shall 
                include the expected levels of performance for 
                the primary indicators of performance described 
                in section 116(b)(2)(A);
                  (D) describe the availability and 
                accessibility of local resources, such as 
                supportive services, services provided through 
                one-stop delivery systems, and education and 
                training services, and how the resources can be 
                made available to the population to be served; 
                  (E) describe the plan for providing services 
                under this section, including strategies and 
                systems for outreach, career planning, 
                assessment, and delivery through one-stop 
                delivery systems.
          (3) Agreement on adjusted levels of performance.--The 
        Secretary and the entity described in subsection (b) 
        shall reach agreement on the levels of performance for 
        each of the primary indicators of performance described 
        in section 116(b)(2)(A), taking into account economic 
        conditions, characteristics of the individuals served, 
        and other appropriate factors, and using, to the extent 
        practicable, the statistical adjustment model under 
        section 116(b)(3)(A)(viii). The levels agreed to shall 
        be the adjusted levels of performance and shall be 
        incorporated in the program plan.
          (4) Administration.--Grants and contracts awarded 
        under this section shall be centrally administered by 
        the Department of Labor and competitively awarded by 
        the Secretary using procedures consistent with standard 
        Federal Government competitive procurement policies.
          (5) Wage records.--The Secretary shall make 
        arrangements with a State or other appropriate entity 
        to facilitate the use of State wage records to evaluate 
        the performance of entities funded under this section 
        on the employment and earnings indicators described in 
        subclauses (I) through (III) of section 116(b)(2)(A)(i) 
        for the purposes of the report required under paragraph 
          (6) Performance results.--For each program year, the 
        Secretary shall make available on a publicly accessible 
        website of the Department a report on the performance, 
        during such program year, of entities funded under this 
        section on--
                  (A) the primary indicators of performance 
                described in section 116(b)(2)(A); and
                  (B) the adjusted levels of performance for 
                such entities as described in paragraph (3).
  (d) Authorized Activities.--Funds made available under this 
section and section 127(a)(1) shall be used to carry out 
workforce investment activities (including youth workforce 
investment activities) and provide related assistance for 
eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers, which may include--
          (1) outreach, employment, training, educational 
        assistance, literacy assistance, English language and 
        literacy instruction, pesticide and worker safety 
        training, housing (including permanent housing), 
        supportive services, and school dropout prevention and 
        recovery activities;
          (2) followup services for those individuals placed in 
          (3) self-employment and related business or micro-
        enterprise development or education as needed by 
        eligible individuals as identified pursuant to the plan 
        required by subsection (c);
          (4) customized career and technical education in 
        occupations that will lead to higher wages, enhanced 
        benefits, and long-term employment in agriculture or 
        another area; and
          (5) technical assistance to improve coordination of 
        services and implement best practices relating to 
        service delivery through one-stop delivery systems.
  (e) Administrative Costs.--Not more than 10 percent of the 
funds provided to an entity under this section may be used for 
the administrative costs of the activities and services carried 
out under subsection (d).
  [(e)] (f) Consultation With Governors and Local Boards.--In 
making grants and entering into contracts under this section, 
the Secretary shall consult with the Governors and local boards 
of the States in which the eligible entities will carry out the 
activities described in subsection (d).
  [(f)] (g) Regulations.--The Secretary shall consult with 
eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers groups and States in 
establishing regulations to carry out this section, including 
regulations relating to how economic and demographic barriers 
to employment of eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers 
should be considered and included in the negotiations leading 
to the adjusted levels of performance described in subsection 
  [(g)] (h) Compliance With Single Audit Requirements; Related 
Requirement.--Grants made and contracts entered into under this 
section shall be subject to the requirements of chapter 75 of 
subtitle V of title 31, United States Code and charging of 
costs under this section shall be subject to appropriate 
circulars issued by the Office of Management and Budget.
  [(h) Funding Allocation.--From the funds appropriated and 
made available to carry out this section, the Secretary shall 
reserve not more than 1 percent for discretionary purposes, 
such as providing technical assistance to eligible entities.]
  (i) Funding Allocation; Funding Obligation.--
          (1) Funding allocation.--From the funds appropriated 
        and made available to carry out this section, the 
        Secretary shall reserve not more than 1 percent for 
        discretionary purposes, such as providing technical 
        assistance to eligible entities.
          (2) Funding obligation.--
                  (A) In general.--Funds appropriated and made 
                available to carry out this section for any 
                fiscal year may be obligated by the Secretary 
                during the period beginning on April 1 of the 
                calendar year that begins during such fiscal 
                year and ending on June 30 of the following 
                calendar year to be made available to an entity 
                described in subsection (b) for the period 
                described in subparagraph (B).
                  (B) Obligated amount.--Funds made available 
                under this section for a fiscal year to any 
                entity described in subsection (b) may be spent 
                or reserved for spending by such entity during 
                the period beginning on July 1 of the calendar 
                year that begins during such fiscal year, and 
                ending on June 30 of the following calendar 
  [(i)] (j) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers.--The 
        term ``eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers'' 
        means individuals who are eligible migrant farmworkers 
        or are eligible seasonal farmworkers.
          (2) Eligible migrant farmworker.--The term ``eligible 
        migrant farmworker'' means--
                  (A) an eligible seasonal farmworker described 
                in paragraph (3)(A) whose agricultural labor 
                requires travel to a job site such that the 
                farmworker is unable to return to a permanent 
                place of residence within the same day; and
                  (B) a dependent of the farmworker described 
                in subparagraph (A).
          (3) Eligible seasonal farmworker.--The term 
        ``eligible seasonal farmworker'' means--
                  (A) a low-income individual who--
                          (i) for 12 consecutive months out of 
                        the 24 months prior to application for 
                        the program involved, has been 
                        primarily employed in agricultural or 
                        fish farming labor that is 
                        characterized by chronic unemployment 
                        or underemployment; and
                          (ii) faces multiple barriers to 
                        economic self-sufficiency; and
                  (B) a dependent of the person described in 
                subparagraph (A).


  (a) General Technical Assistance.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall ensure that the 
        Department has sufficient capacity to, and does, 
        provide, coordinate, and support the development of, 
        [appropriate training, technical assistance, staff 
        development] appropriate education, technical 
        assistance, professional development for staff, and 
        other activities, including--
                  (A) assistance in replicating programs of 
                demonstrated effectiveness, to States and 
                  (B) the [training] professional development 
                of staff providing rapid response services;
                  (C) the [training] professional development 
                of other staff of recipients of funds under 
                this title, including the staff of local boards 
                and State boards;
                  (D) the [training] professional development 
                of members of State boards and local boards;
                  (E) assistance in the development and 
                implementation of integrated, technology-
                enabled intake and case management information 
                systems for programs carried out under this Act 
                and programs carried out by one-stop partners, 
                such as standard sets of technical requirements 
                for the systems, offering interfaces that 
                States could use in conjunction with their 
                current (as of the first date of implementation 
                of the systems) intake and case management 
                information systems that would facilitate 
                shared registration across programs;
                  (F) assistance regarding accounting and 
                program operations to States and localities 
                (when such assistance would not supplant 
                assistance provided by the State);
                  (G) assistance to the one-stop delivery 
                system and the Employment Service established 
                under the Wagner-Peyser Act for the integration 
                of basic career service activities pursuant to 
                section 134(c)(2)(A);
                  (H) assistance to States with maintaining, 
                and making accessible to jobseekers and 
                employers, the lists of eligible providers of 
                training services required under section 122;
                  (I) assistance to States that apply for such 
                assistance under section 122(k) for the 
                purposes described in such subsection;
                  [(G)] (J) peer review activities under this 
                title; and
                  [(H)] (K) in particular, assistance to States 
                in making transitions to implement the 
                provisions of this Act.
          (2) Form of assistance.--
                  (A) In general.--In order to carry out 
                paragraph (1) on behalf of a State or recipient 
                of financial assistance under section 166 or 
                167, the Secretary, after consultation with the 
                State or grant recipient, may award grants or 
                enter into contracts or cooperative agreements.
                  (B) Limitation.--Grants or contracts awarded 
                under paragraph (1) to entities other than 
                States or local units of government that are 
                for amounts in excess of $100,000 shall only be 
                awarded on a competitive basis.
  (b)  [Dislocated Worker] Performance Accountability Technical 
          (1) Authority.--Of the amounts available pursuant to 
        section 132(a)(2)(A), the Secretary shall reserve not 
        more than 5 percent of such amounts to provide 
        technical assistance, pursuant to paragraphs (1) and 
        (2) of section 116(f), to States that do not meet the 
        State performance accountability measures for the 
        primary indicators of performance described in section 
        116(b)(2)(A)(i) [with respect to employment and 
        training activities for dislocated workers] with 
        respect to the core programs. Using such reserved 
        funds, the Secretary may provide such assistance to 
        other States, local areas, and other entities involved 
        in providing assistance to dislocated workers, to 
        promote the continuous improvement of assistance 
        provided to dislocated workers, under this title.
          (2) Training.--Amounts reserved under this subsection 
        may be used to provide for the training of staff, 
        including specialists, who provide rapid response 
        services. Such training shall include instruction in 
        proven methods of promoting, establishing, and 
        assisting labor-management committees. Such projects 
        shall be administered through the Employment and 
        Training Administration of the Department.
  (c) Promising and Proven Practices Coordination.--The 
Secretary shall--
          (1) establish a system through which States may share 
        information regarding promising and proven practices 
        with regard to the operation of workforce investment 
        activities under this Act;
          (2) evaluate and disseminate information regarding 
        such promising and proven practices and identify 
        knowledge gaps; and
          (3) commission research under section 169(b) to 
        address knowledge gaps identified under paragraph (2).
  (d) Communities Impacted by Opioid Use Disorders.--The 
Secretary shall, as part of the activities described in 
subsection (c)(2), evaluate and disseminate to States and local 
areas information regarding evidence-based and promising 
practices for addressing the economic workforce impacts 
associated with high rates of opioid use disorders, which 
information shall--
          (1) be updated annually to reflect the most recent 
        and available research; and
          (2) include information--
                  (A) shared by States and local areas 
                regarding effective practices for addressing 
                such impacts; and
                  (B) on how to apply for any funding that may 
                be available under section 170(b)(1)(E).


  (a) Evaluations.--
          (1) Evaluations of programs and activities carried 
        out under this title.--
                  (A) In general.--For the purpose of improving 
                the management and effectiveness of programs 
                and activities carried out under this title, 
                the Secretary, through grants, contracts, or 
                cooperative agreements, shall provide for the 
                continuing evaluation of the programs and 
                activities under this title, including those 
                programs and activities carried out under this 
                  (B) Periodic independent evaluation.--The 
                evaluations carried out under this paragraph 
                shall include an independent evaluation, at 
                least once every 4 years, of the programs and 
                activities carried out under this title.
          (2) Evaluation subjects.--Each evaluation carried out 
        under paragraph (1) shall address--
                  (A) the general effectiveness of such 
                programs and activities in relation to their 
                cost, including the extent to which the 
                programs and activities--
                          (i) improve the employment 
                        competencies of participants in 
                        comparison to comparably-situated 
                        individuals who did not participate in 
                        such programs and activities; and
                          (ii) to the extent feasible, increase 
                        the level of total employment over the 
                        level that would have existed in the 
                        absence of such programs and 
                  (B) the effectiveness of the performance 
                accountability measures relating to such 
                programs and activities;
                  (C) the effectiveness of the structure and 
                mechanisms for delivery of services through 
                such programs and activities, including the 
                coordination and integration of services 
                through such programs and activities;
                  (D) the impact of such programs and 
                activities on the community, businesses, and 
                participants involved;
                  (E) the impact of such programs and 
                activities on related programs and activities; 
                  (F) the extent to which such programs and 
                activities meet the needs of various 
                demographic groups[; and].
                  [(G) such other factors as may be 
          (3) Evaluations of other programs and activities.--
        [The Secretary]
                  (A) In general._The Secretary  may conduct 
                evaluations of other federally funded 
                employment-related programs and activities 
                under other provisions of law.
                  (B) Limitation.--The Secretary may not use 
                the authority described in subparagraph (A) if 
                the evaluations required under paragraph (1) 
                have not been initiated or completed in the 
                time period required.
          (4) Techniques.--Evaluations conducted under this 
        subsection shall utilize appropriate and rigorous 
        methodology and research designs, including the use of 
        control groups chosen by scientific random assignment 
        methodologies. The Secretary shall conduct at least 1 
        multisite control group evaluation under this 
        subsection by the end of fiscal year [2019] 2028, and 
        thereafter shall ensure that such an analysis is 
        included in the independent evaluation described in 
        paragraph (1)(B) that is conducted at least once every 
        4 years.
          (5) Reports.--The entity carrying out an evaluation 
        described in paragraph (1) or (2) shall prepare and 
        submit to the Secretary a draft report and a final 
        report containing the results of the evaluation.
          (6) Reports to congress.--Not later than 30 days 
        after the completion of a draft report under paragraph 
        (5), the Secretary shall transmit the draft report to 
        the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the 
        House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, 
        Education, Labor and Pensions of the Senate. Not later 
        than 60 days after the completion of a final report 
        under such paragraph, the Secretary shall transmit the 
        final report to such committees.
          (7) Public availability.--Not later than 30 days 
        after the date the Secretary transmits the final report 
        as described in paragraph (6), the Secretary shall make 
        that final report available to the general public on 
        the Internet, on the Web site of the Department of 
          (8) Publication of reports.--If an entity that enters 
        into a contract or other arrangement with the Secretary 
        to conduct an evaluation of a program or activity under 
        this subsection requests permission from the Secretary 
        to publish a report resulting from the evaluation, such 
        entity may publish the report unless the Secretary 
        denies the request during the 90-day period beginning 
        on the date the Secretary receives such request.
          (9) Coordination.--The Secretary shall ensure the 
        coordination of evaluations carried out by States 
        pursuant to section 116(e) with the evaluations carried 
        out under this subsection.
  (b) Research, Studies, and Multistate Projects.--
          (1) In general.--After consultation with States, 
        localities, and other interested parties, the Secretary 
        shall, every 2 years, publish in the Federal Register, 
        a plan that describes the research, studies, and 
        multistate project priorities of the Department of 
        Labor concerning employment and training for the 5-year 
        period following the submission of the plan. The plan 
        shall be consistent with the purposes of this title, 
        including the purpose of aligning and coordinating core 
        programs with other one-stop partner programs. Copies 
        of the plan shall be transmitted to the Committee on 
        Education and the Workforce of the House of 
        Representatives, the Committee on Health, Education, 
        Labor, and Pensions of the Senate, the Department of 
        Education, and other relevant Federal agencies.
          (2) Factors.--The plan published under paragraph (1) 
        shall contain strategies to address national employment 
        and training problems and take into account factors 
        such as--
                  (A) the availability of existing research (as 
                of the date of the publication);
                  (B) the need to ensure results that have 
                interstate validity;
                  (C) the benefits of economies of scale and 
                the efficiency of proposed projects; and
                  (D) the likelihood that the results of the 
                projects will be useful to policymakers and 
                stakeholders in addressing employment and 
                training problems.
          (3) Research projects.--The Secretary shall, through 
        grants or contracts, carry out research projects that 
        will contribute to the solution of employment and 
        training problems in the United States and that are 
        consistent with the priorities specified in the plan 
        published under paragraph (1).
          [(4) Studies and reports.--
                  [(A) Net impact studies and reports.--The 
                Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the 
                Secretary of Education and other relevant 
                Federal agencies, may conduct studies to 
                determine the net impact and best practices of 
                programs, services, and activities carried out 
                under this Act.
                  [(B) Study on resources available to assist 
                disconnected youth.--The Secretary of Labor, in 
                coordination with the Secretary of Education, 
                may conduct a study examining the 
                characteristics of eligible youth that result 
                in such youth being significantly disconnected 
                from education and workforce participation, the 
                ways in which such youth could have greater 
                opportunities for education attainment and 
                obtaining employment, and the resources 
                available to assist such youth in obtaining the 
                skills, credentials, and work experience 
                necessary to become economically self-
                  [(C) Study of effectiveness of workforce 
                development system in meeting business needs.--
                Using funds available to carry out this 
                subsection jointly with funds available to the 
                Secretary of Commerce, the Administrator of the 
                Small Business Administration, and the 
                Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Labor, 
                in coordination with the Secretary of Commerce, 
                the Administrator of the Small Business 
                Administration, and the Secretary of Education, 
                may conduct a study of the effectiveness of the 
                workforce development system in meeting the 
                needs of business, such as through the use of 
                industry or sector partnerships, with 
                particular attention to the needs of small 
                business, including in assisting workers to 
                obtain the skills needed to utilize emerging 
                  [(D) Study on participants entering 
                nontraditional occupations.--The Secretary of 
                Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of 
                Education, may conduct a study examining the 
                number and percentage of individuals who 
                receive employment and training activities and 
                who enter nontraditional occupations, 
                successful strategies to place and support the 
                retention of individuals in nontraditional 
                employment (such as by providing post-placement 
                assistance to participants in the form of exit 
                interviews, mentoring, networking, and 
                leadership development), and the degree to 
                which recipients of employment and training 
                activities are informed of the possibility of, 
                or directed to begin, training or education 
                needed for entrance into nontraditional 
                  [(E) Study on performance indicators.--The 
                Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the 
                Secretary of Education, may conduct studies to 
                determine the feasibility of, and potential 
                means to replicate, measuring the compensation, 
                including the wages, benefits, and other 
                incentives provided by an employer, received by 
                program participants by using data other than 
                or in addition to data available through wage 
                records, for potential use as a performance 
                  [(F) Study on job training for recipients of 
                public housing assistance.--The Secretary of 
                Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of 
                Housing and Urban Development, may conduct 
                studies to assist public housing authorities to 
                provide, to recipients of public housing 
                assistance, job training programs that 
                successfully upgrade job skills and employment 
                in, and access to, jobs with opportunity for 
                advancement and economic self-sufficiency for 
                such recipients.
                  [(G) Study on improving employment prospects 
                for older individuals.--The Secretary of Labor, 
                in coordination with the Secretary of Education 
                and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, 
                may conduct studies that lead to better design 
                and implementation of, in conjunction with 
                employers, local boards or State boards, 
                community colleges or area career and technical 
                education schools, and other organizations, 
                effective evidence-based strategies to provide 
                services to workers who are low-income, low-
                skilled older individuals that increase the 
                workers' skills and employment prospects.
                  [(H) Study on prior learning.--The Secretary 
                of Labor, in coordination with other heads of 
                Federal agencies, as appropriate, may conduct 
                studies that, through convening stakeholders 
                from the fields of education, workforce, 
                business, labor, defense, and veterans 
                services, and experts in such fields, develop 
                guidelines for assessing, accounting for, and 
                utilizing the prior learning of individuals, 
                including dislocated workers and veterans, in 
                order to provide the individuals with 
                postsecondary educational credit for such prior 
                learning that leads to the attainment of a 
                recognized postsecondary credential identified 
                under section 122(d) and employment.
                  [(I) Study on career pathways for health care 
                providers and providers of early education and 
                child care.--The Secretary of Labor, in 
                coordination with the Secretary of Education 
                and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, 
                shall conduct a multistate study to develop, 
                implement, and build upon career advancement 
                models and practices for low-wage health care 
                providers or providers of early education and 
                child care, including faculty education and 
                distance education programs.
                  [(J) Study on equivalent pay.--The Secretary 
                shall conduct a multistate study to develop and 
                disseminate strategies for ensuring that 
                programs and activities carried out under this 
                Act are placing individuals in jobs, education, 
                and training that lead to equivalent pay for 
                men and women, including strategies to increase 
                the participation of women in high-wage, high-
                demand occupations in which women are 
                  [(K) Reports.--The Secretary shall prepare 
                and disseminate to the Committee on Health, 
                Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate 
                and the Committee on Education and the 
                Workforce of the House of Representatives, and 
                to the public, including through electronic 
                means, reports containing the results of the 
                studies conducted under this paragraph.]
          (4) Studies and reports.--
                  (A) Study on employment conditions.--The 
                Secretary, in coordination with other heads of 
                Federal agencies, as appropriate, may conduct a 
                study examining the nature of participants' 
                unsubsidized employment after exit from 
                programs carried out under this Act, including 
                factors such as availability of paid time off, 
                health and retirement benefits, workplace 
                safety standards, predictable and stable work 
                schedule, stackable credentials, and 
                advancement opportunities.
                  (B) Study on improving workforce services for 
                individuals with disabilities.--The Secretary 
                of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of 
                Education and the Secretary of Health and Human 
                Services, may conduct studies that analyze the 
                access to services by individuals with 
                disabilities, including whether an individual 
                who is unable to receive services under title 
                IV due to a wait list for such services is able 
                to receive services under titles I through III.
                  (C) Study on the effectiveness of pay for 
                performance.--The Secretary shall, not more 
                than 4 years after the date of enactment of A 
                Stronger Workforce for America Act, conduct a 
                study that compares the effectiveness of the 
                pay-for-performance strategies used under 
                sections 129, 134, and 172 after such date of 
                enactment to the awarding of grants and 
                contracts under such sections as in effect on 
                the day before the date of enactment of such 
                  (D) Study on individual training accounts for 
                dislocated workers.--The Secretary shall, not 
                more than 4 years after the date of enactment 
                of the A Stronger Workforce for America Act, 
                conduct a study that compares the usage of 
                Individual Training Accounts for dislocated 
                workers after such date of enactment to the 
                usage of such accounts prior to such date of 
                enactment, including--
                          (i) the types of training services 
                        and occupations targeted by dislocated 
                        workers when using their Individual 
                        Training Accounts; and
                          (ii) the effectiveness of such skills 
                  (E) Study on statewide critical industry 
                skills funds.--The Secretary shall, not more 
                than 4 years after the date of enactment of the 
                A Stronger Workforce for America Act, conduct a 
                study that will review the usage of statewide 
                critical industry skills funds established by 
                States under section 134(a)(4) and identify, 
                for purposes of measuring the overall 
                effectiveness of the program--
                          (i) the industries targeted by such 
                          (ii) the occupations workers are 
                        being upskilled for;
                          (iii) how frequently skills 
                        development is provided to prospective 
                        workers and incumbent workers, and
                          (iv) the reported performance 
                  (F) Study on the effectiveness of employer-
                based training.--The Secretary shall, not more 
                than 4 years after the date of enactment of the 
                A Stronger Workforce for America Act, conduct a 
                study that measures the effectiveness of on-
                the-job training, employer-directed skills 
                training, apprenticeship, and incumbent worker 
                training under this title in preparing 
                jobseekers and workers, including those with 
                barriers to employment, for unsubsidized 
                employment. Such study shall include the cost 
                per participant and wage and employment 
                outcomes, as compared to other methods of 
                  (G) Reports.--The Secretary shall prepare and 
                disseminate to the Committee on Health, 
                Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate 
                and the Committee on Education and the 
                Workforce of the House of Representatives, and 
                on the publicly available website of the 
                Department, reports containing the results of 
                the studies conducted under this paragraph.
          (5) Multistate projects.--
                  (A) Authority.--The Secretary may, through 
                grants or contracts, carry out multistate 
                projects that require demonstrated expertise 
                that is available at the national level to 
                effectively disseminate best practices and 
                models for implementing employment and training 
                services, address the specialized employment 
                and training needs of particular service 
                populations, or address industry-wide skill 
                shortages, to the extent such projects are 
                consistent with the priorities specified in the 
                plan published under paragraph (1).
                  (B) Design of grants.--Agreements for grants 
                or contracts awarded under this paragraph shall 
                be designed to obtain information relating to 
                the provision of services under different 
                economic conditions or to various demographic 
                groups in order to provide guidance at the 
                national and State levels about how best to 
                administer specific employment and training 
                  (C) Evaluation of grants.--
                          (i) In general.--For each grant or 
                        contract awarded under this paragraph, 
                        the Secretary shall conduct a rigorous 
                        evaluation of the multistate project to 
                        determine the impact of the activities 
                        supported by the project, including the 
                        impact on the employment and earnings 
                        of program participants.
                          (ii) Report.--The Secretary shall 
                        prepare and disseminate to the 
                        Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
                        and Pensions of the Senate and the 
                        Committee on Education and the 
                        Workforce of the House of 
                        Representatives, and to the public, 
                        including through electronic means, 
                        reports containing the results of 
                        evaluations conducted under this 
          (6) Limitations.--
                  (A) Competitive awards.--A grant or contract 
                awarded for carrying out a project under this 
                subsection in an amount that exceeds $100,000 
                shall be awarded only on a competitive basis, 
                except that a noncompetitive award may be made 
                in the case of a project that is funded jointly 
                with other public or private sector entities 
                that provide a substantial portion of 
                assistance under the grant or contract for the 
                  (B) Time limits.--A grant or contract shall 
                not be awarded under this subsection to the 
                same organization for more than 3 consecutive 
                years unless such grant or contract is 
                competitively reevaluated within such period.
                  (C) Peer review.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                        utilize a peer review process--
                                  (I) to review and evaluate 
                                all applications for grants in 
                                amounts that exceed $500,000 
                                that are submitted under this 
                                section; and
                                  (II) to review and designate 
                                exemplary and promising 
                                programs under this section.
                          (ii) Availability of Funds.--The 
                        Secretary is authorized to use funds 
                        provided under this section to carry 
                        out peer review activities under this 
                  (D) Priority.--In awarding grants or 
                contracts under this subsection, priority shall 
                be provided to entities with recognized 
                expertise in the methods, techniques, and 
                knowledge of workforce investment activities. 
                The Secretary shall establish appropriate time 
                limits for the duration of such projects.
  (c) Dislocated Worker Projects.--Of the amount made available 
pursuant to section 132(a)(2)(A) for any program year, the 
Secretary shall use not more than 10 percent of such amount to 
carry out demonstration and pilot projects, multiservice 
projects, and multistate projects relating to the employment 
and training needs of dislocated workers. Of the requirements 
of this section, such projects shall be subject only to the 
provisions relating to review and evaluation of applications 
under subsection (b)(6)(C). Such projects may include 
demonstration and pilot projects relating to promoting self-
employment, promoting job creation, averting dislocations, 
assisting dislocated farmers, assisting dislocated fishermen, 
and promoting public works. Such projects shall be administered 
by the Secretary, acting through the Assistant Secretary for 
Employment and Training.
  (d) Workforce Data Quality Initiative.--
          (1) Grant program.--Of amount made available pursuant 
        to section 132(a)(2)(A) for any program year, the 
        Secretary shall use 5 percent of such amount, and may 
        also use funds authorized for purposes of carrying out 
        this section, to award grants to eligible entities to 
        create workforce longitudinal data systems and 
        associated resources for the purposes of strengthening 
        program quality, building State capacity to produce 
        evidence for decisionmaking, meeting performance 
        reporting requirements, protecting privacy, and 
        improving transparency.
          (2) Application.--To be eligible to receive a grant 
        under this subsection, an eligible entity shall submit 
        an application to the Secretary at such time and in 
        such manner as the Secretary may require, which shall 
                  (A) a description of the proposed activities 
                that will be conducted by the eligible entity, 
                including a description of the need for such 
                activities and a detailed budget for such 
                  (B) a description of the expected outcomes 
                and outputs (such as systems or products) that 
                will result from the proposed activities and 
                the proposed uses of such outputs;
                  (C) a description of how the proposed 
                activities will support the reporting of 
                performance data, including employment and 
                earnings outcomes, for the performance 
                accountability requirements under section 116, 
                including outcomes for eligible training 
                  (D) a description of the methods and 
                procedures the eligible entity will use to 
                ensure the security and privacy of the 
                collection, storage, and use of all data 
                involved in the systems and resources supported 
                through the grant, including compliance with 
                State and Federal privacy and confidentiality 
                statutes and regulations; and
                  (E) a plan for how the eligible entity will 
                continue the activities or sustain the use of 
                the outputs created with the grant funds after 
                the grant period ends.
          (3) Priority.--In awarding grants under the 
        subsection, the Secretary shall give priority to--
                  (A) eligible entities that are--
                          (i) a State agency of a State that 
                        has not previously received a grant 
                        from the Secretary for the purposes of 
                        this subsection and demonstrates a 
                        substantial need to improve its data 
                        infrastructure; or
                          (ii) a consortium of State agencies 
                        that is comprised of State agencies 
                        from multiple States and includes at 
                        least one State agency described in 
                        clause (i) and has the capacity to make 
                        significant contributions toward 
                        building interoperable, cross-State 
                        data infrastructure; and
                  (B) eligible entities that will use grant 
                funds to--
                          (i) expand the adoption and use of 
                        linked, open, and interoperable data on 
                        credentials, including through the 
                        development of a credential registry or 
                        other tools and services designed to 
                        help learners and workers make informed 
                        decisions, such as the credential 
                        navigation feature described in section 
                          (ii) participate in and contribute 
                        data to a multistate data 
                        collaborative, including data that 
                        provide participating States the 
                        ability to better understand--
                                  (I) earnings and employment 
                                outcomes of individuals who 
                                work out-of-State; and
                                  (II) cross-State earnings and 
                                employment trends;
                          (iii) enhance collaboration with 
                        private sector workforce and labor 
                        market data entities and the end-users 
                        of workforce and labor market data, 
                        including individuals, employers, 
                        economic development agencies, and 
                        workforce development providers; or
                          (iv) leverage the use of non-Federal 
                        contributions to improve workforce data 
                        infrastructure, including staff 
                        capacity building.
          (4) Use of funds.--In addition to the activities 
        described in paragraph (3)(B), an eligible entity 
        awarded a grant under this subsection may use funds to 
        carry out any of the following activities:
                  (A) Developing or enhancing a State's 
                workforce longitudinal data system, including 
                by participating and contributing data to the 
                State's data system, if applicable, that links 
                with elementary and secondary school and 
                postsecondary data.
                  (B) Accelerating the replication and adoption 
                of data systems, projects, products, or 
                practices already in use in one or more States 
                to other States.
                  (C) Research and labor market data 
                improvement activities to improve the 
                timeliness, relevance, and accessibility of 
                such data through pilot projects that are 
                developed locally but designed to scale to 
                other regions or States.
                  (D) Establishing, enhancing, or connecting to 
                a system of interoperable learning and 
                employment records that provides individuals 
                who choose to participate in such system 
                ownership of a verified and secure record of 
                their skills and achievements and the ability 
                to share such record with employers and 
                education providers.
                  (E) Developing policies, guidelines, and 
                security measures for data collection, storing, 
                and sharing to ensure compliance with relevant 
                Federal and State privacy laws and regulations.
                  (F) Increasing local board access to and 
                integration with the State's workforce 
                longitudinal data system in a secure manner.
                  (G) Creating or participating in a data 
                exchange for collecting and using standards-
                based jobs and employment data including, at a 
                minimum, job titles or occupation codes.
                  (H) Improving State and local staff capacity 
                to understand, use, and analyze data to improve 
                decisionmaking and improve participant 
          (5) Administration.--
                  (A) Duration.--A grant awarded under this 
                subsection may be for a period of up to 3 
                  (B) Supplement, not supplant.--Funds made 
                available under this subsection shall be used 
                to supplement, and not supplant, other Federal, 
                State, or local funds used for development of 
                State data systems.
                  (C) Report.--Each eligible entity that 
                receives a grant under this subsection shall 
                submit a report to the Secretary not later than 
                180 days after the conclusion of the grant 
                period on the activities supported through the 
                grant and improvements in the use of workforce 
                and labor market information that have resulted 
                from such activities.
          (6) Definitions.--In this subsection, the term 
        ``eligible entity'' means a State agency or consortium 
        of State agencies, including a multistate data 
        collaborative, that is or includes the State agencies 
        responsible for--
                  (A) State employer wage records used by the 
                State's unemployment insurance programs in 
                labor market information reporting and analysis 
                and for fulfilling the reporting requirements 
                of this Act;
                  (B) the production of labor market 
                information; and
                  (C) the direct administration of one or more 
                of the core programs.


  (a) Definitions.--In this section:
          [(1) Emergency or disaster.--The term ``emergency or 
        disaster'' means--
                  [(A) an emergency or a major disaster, as 
                defined in paragraphs (1) and (2), 
                respectively, of section 102 of the Robert T. 
                Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency 
                Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122 (1) and (2)); or
                  [(B) an emergency or disaster situation of 
                national significance that could result in a 
                potentially large loss of employment, as 
                declared or otherwise recognized by the chief 
                official of a Federal agency with authority for 
                or jurisdiction over the Federal response to 
                the emergency or disaster situation.]
          (1) Emergency or disaster.--The term ``emergency or 
        disaster'' means an emergency or a major disaster, as 
        defined in paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively, of 
        section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief 
        and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122 (1) and 
          (2) Disaster area.--The term ``disaster area'' means 
        an area that has suffered or in which has occurred an 
        emergency or disaster.
  (b) In general.--
          (1) Grants.--The Secretary is authorized to award 
        national dislocated worker grants--
                  (A) to an entity described in subsection 
                (c)(1)(B) to provide employment and training 
                assistance to workers affected by major 
                economic dislocations, such as plant closures, 
                mass layoffs, or closures and realignments of 
                military installations;
                  (B) to provide assistance to--
                          (i) the Governor of any State within 
                        the boundaries of which is a disaster 
                        area, to provide disaster relief 
                        employment in the disaster area; or
                          (ii) the Governor of any State to 
                        which a substantial number of workers 
                        from an area in which an emergency or 
                        disaster has been declared or otherwise 
                        recognized have relocated;
                  (C) to provide additional assistance to a 
                State board or local board for eligible 
                dislocated workers in a case in which the State 
                board or local board has expended the funds 
                provided under this section to carry out 
                activities described in subparagraphs (A) and 
                (B) and can demonstrate the need for additional 
                funds to provide appropriate services for such 
                workers, in accordance with requirements 
                prescribed by the Secretary; [and]
                  (D) to provide additional assistance to a 
                State board or local board serving an area 
                          (i) a higher-than-average demand for 
                        employment and training activities for 
                        dislocated members of the Armed Forces, 
                        [spouses described in section 3(15)(E)] 
                        spouses described in subparagraph (E) 
                        of the definition of the term 
                        ``dislocated worker'' in section 3, or 
                        members of the Armed Forces described 
                        in subsection (c)(2)(A)(iv), exceeds 
                        State and local resources for providing 
                        such activities; and
                          (ii) such activities are to be 
                        carried out in partnership with the 
                        Department of Defense and Department of 
                        Veterans Affairs transition assistance 
                        programs[.]; and
                  (E) to an entity described in subsection 
                (c)(1)(B) to provide employment and training 
                activities related to the prevention and 
                treatment of opioid use disorders, including 
                addiction treatment, mental health treatment, 
                and pain management, in an area that, as a 
                result of widespread opioid use, addiction, and 
                overdoses, has higher-than-average demand for 
                such activities that exceeds the availability 
                of State and local resources to provide such 
          (2) Decisions and obligations.--The Secretary shall 
        issue a final decision on an application for a national 
        dislocated worker grant under this subsection not later 
        than 45 calendar days after receipt of the application. 
        The Secretary shall issue a notice of obligation for 
        such grant not later than 10 days after the award of 
        such grant.
          (3) Performance results.--The Secretary shall collect 
        the necessary information from each entity receiving a 
        grant under this section to determine the performance 
        of such entity on the primary indicators of performance 
        described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(i) and make such 
        information available on the publicly accessible 
        website of the Department in a format that does not 
        reveal personally identifiable information.
  (c) Employment and Training Assistance Requirements.--
          (1) Grant recipient eligibility.--
                  (A) Application.--To be eligible to receive a 
                grant under [subsection (b)(1)(A)] subparagraph 
                (A) or (E) of subsection (b)(1), an entity 
                shall submit an application to the Secretary at 
                such time[, in such manner, and containing such 
                information] and in such manner as the 
                Secretary may require.
                  (B) Eligible entity.--In this paragraph, the 
                term ``entity'' means a State, a local board, 
                an entity described in section 166(c), an 
                entity determined to be eligible by the 
                Governor of the State involved, and any other 
                entity that demonstrates to the Secretary the 
                capability to effectively respond to the 
                circumstances relating to particular 
          (2) Participant eligibility.--
                  (A) In general.--In order to be eligible to 
                receive employment and training assistance 
                under a national dislocated worker grant 
                awarded pursuant to subsection (b)(1)(A), an 
                individual shall be--
                          (i) a dislocated worker;
                          (ii) a civilian employee of the 
                        Department of Defense or the Department 
                        of Energy employed at a military 
                        installation that is being closed, or 
                        that will undergo realignment, within 
                        the next 24 months after the date of 
                        the determination of eligibility;
                          (iii) an individual who is employed 
                        in a nonmanagerial position with a 
                        Department of Defense contractor, who 
                        is determined by the Secretary of 
                        Defense to be at risk of termination 
                        from employment as a result of 
                        reductions in defense expenditures, and 
                        whose employer is converting operations 
                        from defense to nondefense applications 
                        in order to prevent worker layoffs; or
                          (iv) a member of the Armed Forces 
                                  (I) was on active duty or 
                                full-time National Guard duty;
                                  (II)(aa) is involuntarily 
                                separated (as defined in 
                                section 1141 of title 10, 
                                United States Code) from active 
                                duty or full-time National 
                                Guard duty; or
                                  (bb) is separated from active 
                                duty or full-time National 
                                Guard duty pursuant to a 
                                special separation benefits 
                                program under section 1174a of 
                                title 10, United States Code, 
                                or the voluntary separation 
                                incentive program under section 
                                1175 of that title;
                                  (III) is not entitled to 
                                retired or retained pay 
                                incident to the separation 
                                described in subclause (II); 
                                  (IV) applies for such 
                                employment and training 
                                assistance before the end of 
                                the 180-day period beginning on 
                                the date of that separation.
                  (B)  [Retraining] Reskilling assistance.--The 
                individuals described in subparagraph (A)(iii) 
                shall be eligible for [retraining] reskilling 
                assistance to upgrade skills by obtaining 
                marketable skills needed to support the 
                conversion described in subparagraph (A)(iii).
                  (C) Opioid-related grants.--In order to be 
                eligible to receive employment and training 
                assistance under a national dislocated worker 
                grant awarded pursuant to subsection (b)(1)(E), 
                an individual shall be--
                          (i) a dislocated worker;
                          (ii) a long-term unemployed 
                          (iii) an individual who is unemployed 
                        or significantly underemployed as a 
                        result of widespread opioid use in the 
                        area; or
                          (iv) an individual who is employed or 
                        seeking employment in a health care 
                        profession involved in the prevention 
                        and treatment of opioid use disorders, 
                        including such professions that provide 
                        addiction treatment, mental health 
                        treatment, or pain management.
                  [(C)] (D) Additional requirements.--The 
                Secretary shall establish and publish 
                additional requirements related to eligibility 
                for employment and training assistance under 
                the national dislocated worker grants to ensure 
                effective use of the funds available for this 
                  [(D)] (E) Definitions.--In this paragraph, 
                the terms ``military installation'' and 
                ``realignment'' have the meanings given the 
                terms in section 2910 of the Defense Base 
                Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (Public Law 
                101-510; 10 U.S.C. 2687 note).
  (d) Disaster Relief Employment Assistance Requirements.--
          (1) In general.--Funds made available under 
        subsection (b)(1)(B)--
                  (A) shall be used, in coordination with the 
                Administrator of the Federal Emergency 
                Management Agency, as applicable, to provide 
                disaster relief employment on projects that 
                provide food, clothing, shelter, and other 
                humanitarian assistance for emergency and 
                disaster victims, and projects regarding 
                demolition, cleaning, repair, renovation, and 
                reconstruction of damaged and destroyed 
                structures, facilities, and lands located 
                within the disaster area and in offshore areas 
                related to the emergency or disaster;
                  (B) may be expended through public and 
                private agencies and organizations engaged in 
                such projects; and
                  (C) may be expended to provide employment and 
                training activities.
          (2) Eligibility.--An individual shall be eligible to 
        be offered disaster relief employment under subsection 
        (b)(1)(B) if such individual--
                  (A) is a dislocated worker;
                  (B) is a long-term unemployed individual;
                  (C) is temporarily or permanently laid off as 
                a consequence of the emergency or disaster; or
                  (D) in the case of an individual who is self-
                employed, becomes unemployed or significantly 
                underemployed as a result of the emergency or 
          (3) Limitations on disaster relief employment.--
                  (A) In general.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraph (B), no individual shall be 
                employed under subsection (b)(1)(B) for more 
                than 12 months for work related to recovery 
                from a single emergency or disaster.
                  (B) Extension.--At the request of a State, 
                the Secretary may extend such employment, 
                related to recovery from a single emergency or 
                disaster involving the State, for not more than 
                an additional 12 months.
          (4) Use of available funds.--Funds made available 
        under subsection (b)(1)(B) shall be available to assist 
        workers described in paragraph (2) who are affected by 
        an emergency or disaster, including workers who have 
        relocated from an area in which an emergency or 
        disaster has been declared or otherwise recognized, as 
        appropriate. Under conditions determined by the 
        Secretary and following notification to the Secretary, 
        a State may use such funds, that are appropriated for 
        any fiscal year and available for expenditure under any 
        grant awarded to the State under this section, to 
        provide any assistance authorized under this 
        subsection. Funds used pursuant to the authority 
        provided under this paragraph shall be subject to the 
        liability and reimbursement requirements described in 
        paragraph (5).
          (5) Liability and reimbursement.--Nothing in this Act 
        shall be construed to relieve liability, by a 
        responsible party that is liable under Federal law, for 
        any costs incurred by the United States under 
        subsection (b)(1)(B) or this subsection, including the 
        responsibility to provide reimbursement for such costs 
        to the United States.


  (a) Statement of Purpose.--The purposes of this section are--
          (1) to enable disadvantaged youth to obtain the 
        education and employment skills necessary to achieve 
        economic self-sufficiency in occupations in demand and 
        postsecondary education and training opportunities;
          (2) to provide disadvantaged youth with opportunities 
        for meaningful work and service to their communities;
          (3) to foster the development of employment and 
        leadership skills and commitment to community 
        development among youth in low-income communities;
          (4) to expand the supply of permanent affordable 
        housing for homeless individuals and low-income 
        families by utilizing the energies and talents of 
        disadvantaged youth; and
          (5) to improve the quality and energy efficiency of 
        community and other nonprofit and public facilities, 
        including those facilities that are used to serve 
        homeless and low-income families.
  (b) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Adjusted income.--The term ``adjusted income'' 
        has the meaning given the term in section 3(b) of the 
        United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437a(b)).
          (2) Applicant.--The term ``applicant'' means an 
        eligible entity that has submitted an application under 
        subsection (c).
          (3) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity'' 
        means a public or private nonprofit agency or 
        organization (including a consortium of such agencies 
        or organizations), including--
                  (A) a community-based organization;
                  (B) a faith-based organization;
                  (C) an entity carrying out activities under 
                this title, such as a local board;
                  (D) a community action agency;
                  (E) a State or local housing development 
                  (F) an Indian tribe or other agency primarily 
                serving Indians;
                  (G) a community development corporation;
                  (H) a State or local youth service or 
                conservation corps; and
                  (I) any other entity eligible to provide 
                education or employment training under a 
                Federal program (other than the program carried 
                out under this section).
          (4) Homeless individual.--The term ``homeless 
        individual'' means a homeless individual (as defined in 
        section 41403(6) of the Violence Against Women Act of 
        1994 (42 U.S.C. 14043e-2(6))) or a homeless child or 
        youth (as defined in section 725(2) of the McKinney-
        Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11434a(2))).
          (5) Housing development agency.--The term ``housing 
        development agency'' means any agency of a State or 
        local government, or any private nonprofit 
        organization, that is engaged in providing housing for 
        homeless individuals or low-income families.
          (6) Income.--The term ``income'' has the meaning 
        given the term in section 3(b) of the United States 
        Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437a(b)).
          (7) Indian; indian tribe.--The terms ``Indian'' and 
        ``Indian tribe'' have the meanings given such terms in 
        section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and 
        Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b).
          (8) Low-income family.--The term ``low-income 
        family'' means a family described in section 3(b)(2) of 
        the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 
          (9) Qualified national nonprofit agency.--The term 
        ``qualified national nonprofit agency'' means a 
        nonprofit agency that--
                  (A) has significant national experience 
                providing services consisting of training, 
                information, technical assistance, and data 
                management to YouthBuild programs or similar 
                projects; and
                  (B) has the capacity to provide those 
          (10) Registered apprenticeship program.--The term 
        ``registered apprenticeship program'' means an 
        apprenticeship program--
                  (A) registered under the Act of August 16, 
                1937 (commonly known as the ``National 
                Apprenticeship Act''; 50 Stat. 664, chapter 
                663; 29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.); and
                  (B) that meets such other criteria as may be 
                established by the Secretary under this 
          (11) Transitional housing.--The term ``transitional 
        housing'' has the meaning given the term in section 
        401(29) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act 
        (42 U.S.C. 11360(29)).
          (12) Youthbuild program.--The term ``YouthBuild 
        program'' means any program that receives assistance 
        under this section and provides disadvantaged youth 
        with opportunities for employment, education, 
        leadership development, and training through the 
        rehabilitation (which, for purposes of this section, 
        shall include energy efficiency enhancements) or 
        construction of housing for homeless individuals and 
        low-income families, and of public facilities.
  (c) YouthBuild Grants.--
          [(1) Amounts of grants.--The Secretary is authorized 
        to make grants to applicants for the purpose of 
        carrying out YouthBuild programs approved under this 
          (1) Amount of grants; reservation.--
                  (A) Amount of grants.--Subject to 
                subparagraph (B), the Secretary is authorized 
                to make grants to applicants for the purpose of 
                carrying out YouthBuild programs approved under 
                this section.
                  (B) Reservation for rural areas and indian 
                tribes.--In any fiscal year in which the amount 
                appropriated to carry out this section is 
                greater than $90,000,000, the Secretary shall 
                reserve 20 percent of the amount appropriated 
                that is in excess of $90,000,000 and use such 
                reserved amount to make grants, for the purpose 
                of carrying out YouthBuild programs approved 
                under this section, to applicants that--
                          (i) are located in rural areas; or
                          (ii) are Indian Tribes, or are 
                        carrying out such programs for the 
                        benefit of members of an Indian Tribe.
          (2) Eligible activities.--An entity that receives a 
        grant under this subsection shall use the funds made 
        available through the grant to carry out a YouthBuild 
        program, which may include the following activities:
                  (A) Education and workforce investment 
                activities including--
                          (i) work experience and skills 
                        training (coordinated, to the maximum 
                        extent feasible, with preapprenticeship 
                        and registered apprenticeship programs) 
                        in the activities described in 
                        subparagraphs (B) and (C) related to 
                        rehabilitation or construction, and, if 
                        approved by the Secretary, in 
                        additional in-demand industry sectors 
                        or occupations in the region in which 
                        the program operates;
                          (ii) occupational skills training;
                          (iii) other paid and unpaid work 
                        experiences, including internships and 
                        job shadowing;
                          (iv) services and activities designed 
                        to meet the educational needs of 
                        participants, including--
                                  (I) basic skills instruction 
                                and remedial education;
                                  (II) language instruction 
                                educational programs for 
                                participants who are English 
                                [language learners] learners;
                                  (III) secondary education 
                                services and activities, 
                                including tutoring, study 
                                skills training, and school 
                                dropout prevention and recovery 
                                activities, designed to lead to 
                                the attainment of a secondary 
                                school diploma or its 
                                recognized equivalent 
                                (including recognized 
                                certificates of attendance or 
                                similar documents for 
                                individuals with disabilities);
                                  (IV) counseling and 
                                assistance in obtaining 
                                postsecondary education and 
                                required financial aid; and
                                  (V) alternative secondary 
                                school services;
                          (v) counseling services and related 
                        activities, such as comprehensive 
                        guidance and counseling on drug and 
                        alcohol abuse and referral;
                          (vi) activities designed to develop 
                        employment and leadership skills, which 
                        may include community service and peer-
                        centered activities encouraging 
                        responsibility and other positive 
                        social behaviors, and activities 
                        related to youth policy committees that 
                        participate in decision-making related 
                        to the program;
                          (vii) supportive services and 
                        provision of need-based stipends 
                        necessary to enable individuals, 
                        including those with disabilities, to 
                        participate in the program and to 
                        assist individuals, for a period not to 
                        exceed 12 months after the completion 
                        of training, in obtaining or retaining 
                        employment, or applying for and 
                        transitioning to postsecondary 
                        education or training; and
                          (viii) job search and assistance.
                  (B) Supervision and training for participants 
                in the rehabilitation or construction of 
                housing, including residential housing for 
                homeless individuals or low-income families, or 
                transitional housing for homeless individuals, 
                and, if approved by the Secretary, in 
                additional in-demand industry sectors or 
                occupations in the region in which the program 
                  (C) Supervision and training for 
                          (i) in the rehabilitation or 
                        construction of community and other 
                        public facilities, except that not more 
                        than 15 percent of funds appropriated 
                        to carry out this section may be used 
                        for such supervision and training; and
                          (ii) if approved by the Secretary, in 
                        additional in-demand industry sectors 
                        or occupations in the region in which 
                        the program operates.
                  (D) Payment of administrative costs of the 
                applicant, including recruitment and selection 
                of participants, except that not more than 10 
                percent of the amount of assistance provided 
                under this subsection to the grant recipient 
                may be used for such costs.
                  (E) Adult mentoring.
                  (F) Provision of wages, stipends, or benefits 
                to participants in the program.
                  (G) Ongoing training and technical assistance 
                that are related to developing and carrying out 
                the program.
                  (H) Follow-up services.
                  (I) Provision of meals and other food 
                assistance to participants in conjunction with 
                another activity described in this paragraph.
          (3) Application.--
                  (A) Form and procedure.--To be qualified to 
                receive a grant under this subsection, an 
                eligible entity shall submit an application at 
                [such time, in such manner, and containing such 
                information] such time and in such manner as 
                the Secretary may require.
                  (B)  [Minimum requirements] Requirements.--
                The Secretary shall require that the 
                application contain[, at a minimum]--
                          (i) labor market information for the 
                        labor market area where the proposed 
                        program will be implemented, including 
                        both current data (as of the date of 
                        submission of the application) and 
                        projections on career opportunities in 
                        construction and in-demand industry 
                        sectors or occupations;
                          (ii) a request for the grant, 
                        specifying the amount of the grant 
                        requested and its proposed uses;
                          (iii) a description of the applicant 
                        and a statement of its qualifications, 
                        including a description of the 
                        applicant's relationship with local 
                        boards, one-stop operators, local 
                        unions, entities carrying out 
                        registered apprenticeship programs, 
                        other community groups, and employers, 
                        and the applicant's past experience, if 
                        any, with rehabilitation or 
                        construction of housing or public 
                        facilities, and with youth education 
                        and employment training programs;
                          (iv) a description of the proposed 
                        site for the proposed program;
                          (v) a description of the educational 
                        and job training activities, work 
                        opportunities, postsecondary education 
                        and training opportunities, and other 
                        services that will be provided to 
                        participants, and how those activities, 
                        opportunities, and services will 
                        prepare youth for employment in in-
                        demand industry sectors or occupations 
                        in the labor market area described in 
                        clause (i);
                          (vi)(I) a description of the proposed 
                        activities to be undertaken under the 
                        grant related to rehabilitation or 
                        construction, and, in the case of an 
                        applicant requesting approval from the 
                        Secretary to also carry out additional 
                        activities related to in-demand 
                        industry sectors or occupations, a 
                        description of such additional proposed 
                        activities; and
                          (II) the anticipated schedule for 
                        carrying out all activities proposed 
                        under subclause (I);
                          (vii) a description of the manner in 
                        which eligible youth will be recruited 
                        and selected as participants, including 
                        a description of arrangements that will 
                        be made with local boards, one-stop 
                        operators, faith- and community-based 
                        organizations, State educational 
                        agencies or local educational agencies 
                        (including agencies of Indian tribes), 
                        public assistance agencies, the courts 
                        of jurisdiction, agencies operating 
                        shelters for homeless individuals and 
                        other agencies that serve youth who are 
                        homeless individuals, foster care 
                        agencies, and other appropriate public 
                        and private agencies;
                          (viii) a description of the special 
                        outreach efforts that will be 
                        undertaken to recruit eligible young 
                        women (including young women with 
                        dependent children) as participants;
                          (ix) a description of the specific 
                        role of employers in the proposed 
                        program, such as their role in 
                        developing the proposed program and 
                        assisting in service provision and in 
                        placement activities;
                          (x) a description of how the proposed 
                        program will be coordinated with other 
                        Federal, State, and local activities 
                        and activities conducted by Indian 
                        tribes, such as local workforce 
                        investment activities, career and 
                        technical education and training 
                        programs, adult and language 
                        instruction educational programs, 
                        activities conducted by public schools, 
                        activities conducted by community 
                        colleges, national service programs, 
                        and other job training provided with 
                        funds available under this title;
                          (xi) assurances that there will be a 
                        sufficient number of adequately trained 
                        supervisory personnel in the proposed 
                          (xii) a description of the levels of 
                        performance to be achieved with respect 
                        to the primary indicators of 
                        performance for eligible youth 
                        described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii);
                          (xiii) a description of the 
                        applicant's relationship with local 
                        building trade unions regarding their 
                        involvement in training to be provided 
                        through the proposed program, the 
                        relationship of the proposed program to 
                        established registered apprenticeship 
                        programs and employers, the ability of 
                        the applicant to grant an industry-
                        recognized certificate or certification 
                        through the program, and the quality of 
                        the program leading to the certificate 
                        or certification;
                          (xiv) a description of activities 
                        that will be undertaken to develop the 
                        leadership skills of participants;
                          (xv) a detailed budget and a 
                        description of the system of fiscal 
                        controls, and auditing and 
                        accountability procedures, that will be 
                        used to ensure fiscal soundness for the 
                        proposed program;
                          (xvi) a description of the 
                        commitments for any additional 
                        resources (in addition to the funds 
                        made available through the grant) to be 
                        made available to the proposed program 
                                  (I) the applicant;
                                  (II) recipients of other 
                                Federal, State, or local 
                                housing and community 
                                development assistance that 
                                will sponsor any part of the 
                                rehabilitation or construction, 
                                operation and maintenance, or 
                                other housing and community 
                                development activities 
                                undertaken as part of the 
                                proposed program; or
                                  (III) entities carrying out 
                                other Federal, State, or local 
                                activities or activities 
                                conducted by Indian tribes, 
                                including career and technical 
                                education and training 
                                programs, adult and language 
                                instruction educational 
                                programs, and job training 
                                provided with funds available 
                                under this title;
                          (xvii) information identifying, and a 
                        description of, the financing proposed 
                        for any--
                                  (I) rehabilitation of the 
                                property involved;
                                  (II) acquisition of the 
                                property; or
                                  (III) construction of the 
                          (xviii) information identifying, and 
                        a description of, the entity that will 
                        operate and manage the property;
                          (xix) information identifying, and a 
                        description of, the data collection 
                        systems to be used;
                          (xx) a certification, by a public 
                        official responsible for the housing 
                        strategy for the State or unit of 
                        general local government within which 
                        the proposed program is located, that 
                        the proposed program is consistent with 
                        the housing strategy; [and]
                          (xxi) a certification that the 
                        applicant will comply with the 
                        requirements of the Fair Housing Act 
                        (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) and will 
                        affirmatively further fair housing[.]; 
                          (xxii) a description of the levels of 
                        performance the applicant expects to 
                        achieve on the primary indicators of 
                        performance described in section 
          (4) Selection criteria.--For an applicant to be 
        eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, the 
        applicant and the applicant's proposed program shall 
        meet [such selection criteria as the Secretary shall 
        establish under this section, which shall include 
        criteria] selection criteria relating to--
                  (A) the qualifications or potential 
                capabilities of an applicant;
                  (B) an applicant's potential for developing a 
                successful YouthBuild program;
                  (C) the need for an applicant's proposed 
                program, as determined by the degree of 
                economic distress of the community from which 
                participants would be recruited (measured by 
                indicators such as poverty, youth unemployment, 
                and the number of individuals who have dropped 
                out of secondary school) and of the community 
                in which the housing and community and public 
                facilities proposed to be rehabilitated or 
                constructed is located (measured by indicators 
                such as incidence of homelessness, shortage of 
                affordable housing, and poverty);
                  (D) the commitment of an applicant to 
                providing skills training, leadership 
                development, and education to participants;
                  (E) the focus of a proposed program on 
                preparing youth for in-demand industry sectors 
                or occupations, or postsecondary education and 
                training opportunities;
                  (F) the extent of an applicant's coordination 
                of activities to be carried out through the 
                proposed program with local boards, one-stop 
                operators, and one-stop partners participating 
                in the operation of the one-stop delivery 
                system involved, or the extent of the 
                applicant's good faith efforts in achieving 
                such coordination;
                  (G) the extent of the applicant's 
                coordination of activities with public 
                education, criminal justice, housing and 
                community development, national service, or 
                postsecondary education or other systems that 
                relate to the goals of the proposed program;
                  (H) the extent of an applicant's coordination 
                of activities with employers in the local area 
                  (I) the extent to which a proposed program 
                provides for inclusion of tenants who were 
                previously homeless individuals in the rental 
                housing provided through the program;
                  (J) the commitment of additional resources 
                (in addition to the funds made available 
                through the grant) to a proposed program by--
                          (i) an applicant;
                          (ii) recipients of other Federal, 
                        State, or local housing and community 
                        development assistance who will sponsor 
                        any part of the rehabilitation or 
                        construction, operation and 
                        maintenance, or other housing and 
                        community development activities 
                        undertaken as part of the proposed 
                        program; or
                          (iii) entities carrying out other 
                        Federal, State, or local activities or 
                        activities conducted by Indian tribes, 
                        including career and technical 
                        education and training programs, adult 
                        and language instruction educational 
                        programs, and job training provided 
                        with funds available under this title; 
                  (K) the applicant's potential to serve 
                different regions, including rural areas and 
                States that have not previously received grants 
                for YouthBuild programs[; and].
                  [(L) such other factors as the Secretary 
                determines to be appropriate for purposes of 
                carrying out the proposed program in an 
                effective and efficient manner.]
          (5) Approval.--To the extent practicable, the 
        Secretary shall notify each applicant, not later than 5 
        months after the date of receipt of the application by 
        the Secretary, whether the application is approved or 
        not approved.
  (d) Use of Housing Units.--Residential housing units 
rehabilitated or constructed using funds made available under 
subsection (c), shall be available solely--
          (1) for rental by, or sale to, homeless individuals 
        or low-income families; or
          (2) for use as transitional or permanent housing, for 
        the purpose of assisting in the movement of homeless 
        individuals to independent living.
  (e) Additional Program Requirements.--
          (1) Eligible participants.--
                  (A) In general.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraph (B), an individual may participate 
                in a YouthBuild program only if such individual 
                          (i) not less than age 16 and not more 
                        than age 24, on the date of enrollment;
                          (ii) a member of a low-income family, 
                        a youth in foster care (including youth 
                        aging out of foster care), a youth 
                        [offender] who is a justice-involved 
                        individual, a youth who is an 
                        individual with a disability, a child 
                        of incarcerated parents, or a migrant 
                        youth; and
                          (iii) a school dropout, or an 
                        individual who was a school dropout and 
                        has subsequently reenrolled.
                  (B) Exception for individuals not meeting 
                income or educational need requirements.--Not 
                more than 25 percent of the participants in 
                such program may be individuals who do not meet 
                the requirements of clause (ii) or (iii) of 
                subparagraph (A), but who--
                          (i) [are basic skills deficient] have 
                        foundational skill needs, despite 
                        attainment of a secondary school 
                        diploma or its recognized equivalent 
                        (including recognized certificates of 
                        attendance or similar documents for 
                        individuals with disabilities); or
                          (ii) have been referred by a local 
                        secondary school for participation in a 
                        YouthBuild program leading to the 
                        attainment of a secondary school 
          (2) Participation limitation.--An eligible individual 
        selected for participation in a YouthBuild program 
        shall be offered full-time participation in the program 
        for a period of not less than 6 months and not more 
        than 24 months.
          (3) Minimum time devoted to educational services and 
        activities.--A YouthBuild program receiving assistance 
        under subsection (c) shall be structured so that 
        participants in the program are offered--
                  (A) education and related services and 
                activities designed to meet educational needs, 
                such as those specified in clauses (iv) through 
                (vii) of subsection (c)(2)(A), during at least 
                50 percent of the time during which the 
                participants participate in the program; and
                  (B) work and skill development activities, 
                such as those specified in clauses (i), (ii), 
                (iii), and (viii) of subsection (c)(2)(A), 
                during at least 40 percent of the time during 
                which the participants participate in the 
          (4) Authority restriction.--No provision of this 
        section may be construed to authorize any agency, 
        officer, or employee of the United States to exercise 
        any direction, supervision, or control over the 
        curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or 
        personnel of any educational institution (including a 
        school) or school system, or over the selection of 
        library resources, textbooks, or other printed or 
        published instructional materials by any educational 
        institution or school system.
          (5) State and local standards.--All educational 
        programs and activities supported with funds provided 
        under subsection (c) shall be consistent with 
        applicable State and local educational standards. 
        Standards and procedures for the programs and 
        activities that relate to awarding academic credit for 
        and certifying educational attainment in such programs 
        and activities shall be consistent with applicable 
        State and local educational standards.
  (f) Levels of performance and indicators.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall annually 
        establish expected levels of performance for YouthBuild 
        programs relating to each of the primary indicators of 
        performance for eligible youth activities described in 
        section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii).
          [(2) Additional indicators.--The Secretary may 
        establish expected levels of performance for additional 
        indicators for YouthBuild programs, as the Secretary 
        determines appropriate.]
          (2) Use of wage records.--The Secretary shall make 
        arrangements with a State or other appropriate entity 
        to facilitate the use of State wage records to evaluate 
        the performance of YouthBuild programs funded under 
        this section on the employment and earnings indicators 
        described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii) for the purposes 
        of the report required under paragraph (3).
          (3) Performance results.--For each program year, the 
        Secretary shall make available, on a publicly 
        accessible website of the Department, a report on the 
        performance of YouthBuild programs, during such program 
        year, funded under this section on--
                  (A) the primary indicators of performance 
                described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii); and
                  (B) the expected levels of performance for 
                such programs as described in paragraph (1).
  (g) Management and Technical Assistance.--
          (1) Secretary assistance.--The Secretary may enter 
        into contracts with 1 or more entities to provide 
        assistance to the Secretary in the management, 
        supervision, and coordination of the program carried 
        out under this section.
          (2) Technical assistance.--
                  (A) Contracts and grants.--The Secretary 
                shall enter into contracts with or make grants 
                to 1 or more qualified national nonprofit 
                agencies, in order to provide training, 
                information, technical assistance, program 
                evaluation, and data management to recipients 
                of grants under subsection (c).
                  (B) Reservation of Funds.--Of the amounts 
                available under subsection (i) to carry out 
                this section for a fiscal year, the Secretary 
                shall reserve 5 percent to carry out 
                subparagraph (A).
          (3) Capacity building grants.--
                  (A) In general.--In each fiscal year, the 
                Secretary may use not more than 3 percent of 
                the amounts available under subsection (i) to 
                award grants to 1 or more qualified national 
                nonprofit agencies to pay for the Federal share 
                of the cost of capacity building activities.
                  (B) Federal share.--The Federal share of the 
                cost described in subparagraph (A) shall be 25 
                percent. The non-Federal share shall be 
                provided from private sources.
          (4) Annual release of funding opportunity 
        announcement.--The Secretary shall, to the greatest 
        extent practicable, announce new funding opportunities 
        for grants under this section during the same time 
        period each year for which such grants are available.
  (h) Subgrants and Contracts.--Each recipient of a grant under 
subsection (c) to carry out a YouthBuild program shall provide 
the services and activities described in this section directly 
or through subgrants, contracts, or other arrangements with 
local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, 
State or local housing development agencies, other public 
agencies, including agencies of Indian tribes, or private 
  [(i) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out this section--
          [(1) $77,534,000 for fiscal year 2015;
          [(2) $83,523,000 for fiscal year 2016;
          [(3) $85,256,000 for fiscal year 2017;
          [(4) $87,147,000 for fiscal year 2018;
          [(5) $89,196,000 for fiscal year 2019; and
          [(6) $91,087,000 for fiscal year 2020.]
  (i) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out this section $108,150,000 for each 
of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.


  (a) Purposes.--The purposes of this section are--
          (1) to improve the employment, earnings, and skill 
        attainment, and reduce recidivism, of adults and youth 
        who have been involved with the justice system;
          (2) to prompt innovation and improvement in the 
        reentry of justice-involved individuals into the 
        workforce so that successful initiatives can be 
        established or continued and replicated; and
          (3) to further develop the evidence on how to improve 
        employment, earnings, and skill attainment, and reduce 
        recidivism, of justice-involved individuals, through 
        rigorous evaluations of specific services provided, 
        including how they affect different populations and how 
        they are best combined and sequenced, and disseminate 
        such evidence to entities supporting the reentry of 
        justice-involved individuals into the workforce.
  (b) Reentry Employment Competitive Grants, Contracts, and 
Cooperative Agreements Authorized.--
          (1) In general.--From the amounts appropriated under 
        section 174(e) and not reserved under subsection (h), 
        the Secretary--
                  (A) shall, on a competitive basis, make 
                grants to, or enter into contracts or 
                cooperative agreements with, eligible entities 
                to implement reentry projects that serve 
                eligible adults or eligible youth;
                  (B) may use not more than 30 percent of such 
                amounts to award funds under subparagraph (A) 
                to eligible entities to serve as national or 
                regional intermediaries to provide such funds 
                to other eligible entities to--
                          (i) implement reentry projects 
                        described in subparagraph (A); and
                          (ii) monitor and support such 
                  (C) shall use 30 percent of such amounts to 
                award funds under subparagraph (A) to eligible 
                entities using pay-for-performance contracts--
                          (i) that specify a fixed amount that 
                        will be paid to the entity based on the 
                        achievement of specified levels of 
                        performance on the indicators of 
                        performance described in subsections 
                        (e)(1)(A)(i) and (e)(2)(A) within a 
                        defined timetable; and
                          (ii) which may provide for bonus 
                        payments to such entity to expand 
                        capacity to provide effective services; 
                  (D) shall ensure grants awarded under this 
                section are awarded to eligible entities from 
                geographically diverse areas, in addition to 
                the priorities described in paragraph (4).
          (2) Award periods.--The Secretary shall award funds 
        under this section for an initial period of not more 
        than 4 years.
          (3) Additional awards.--The Secretary may award, for 
        a period of not more than 4 years, one or more 
        additional grants to an eligible entity that received a 
        grant under this section if the eligible entity 
        achieved the performance levels agreed upon with the 
        Secretary (as described in subsection (e)(3)) for the 
        most recent award period.
          (4) Priority.--In awarding funds under this section, 
        the Secretary shall give priority to eligible entities 
        whose applications submitted under subsection (c) 
        demonstrate a commitment to use such funds to implement 
        reentry projects--
                  (A) that will serve high-poverty areas;
                  (B) that will enroll eligible youth or 
                eligible adults--
                          (i) prior to the release of such 
                        individuals from incarceration in a 
                        correctional institution; or
                          (ii) not later than 90 days after 
                        such release;
                  (C) whose strategy and design are evidence-
                  (D) that establish partnerships with--
                          (i) businesses; or
                          (ii) institutions of higher education 
                        or providers under section 122 (as 
                        determined by the State where services 
                        are being provided) to provide project 
                        participants with programs of study 
                        leading to recognized postsecondary 
                        credentials in in-demand occupations; 
                  (E) that provide training services, including 
                customized training and on-the-job training, 
                that are designed to meet the specific 
                requirements of an employer (including a group 
                of employers) and are conducted with a 
                commitment by the employer to employ 
                individuals upon successful completion of the 
  (c) Application.--
          (1) Form and procedure.--To be qualified to receive 
        funds under this section, an eligible entity shall 
        submit an application at such time, and in such manner, 
        as determined by the Secretary, and containing the 
        information described in paragraph (2).
          (2) Contents.--An application submitted by an 
        eligible entity under paragraph (1) shall contain the 
                  (A) A description of the eligible entity, 
                including the experience of the eligible entity 
                in providing employment and training services 
                for justice-involved individuals.
                  (B) A description of the needs that will be 
                addressed by the reentry project supported by 
                the funds received under this section, and the 
                target participant population and the 
                geographic area to be served.
                  (C) A description of the proposed employment 
                and training activities and supportive 
                services, if applicable, to be provided under 
                such reentry project, and how such activities 
                and services will prepare participants for 
                employment in in-demand industry sectors and 
                occupations within the geographic area to be 
                served by such reentry project.
                  (D) The anticipated schedule for carrying out 
                the activities proposed under the reentry 
                  (E) A description of--
                          (i) the partnerships the eligible 
                        entity will establish with agencies and 
                        entities within the criminal justice 
                        system, local boards and one-stops, 
                        community-based organizations, and 
                        employers (including local businesses) 
                        to provide participants of the reentry 
                        project with work-based learning, job 
                        placement, and recruitment (if 
                        applicable); and
                          (ii) how the eligible entity will 
                        coordinate its activities with other 
                        services and benefits available to 
                        justice-involved individuals in the 
                        geographic area to be served by the 
                        reentry project.
                  (F) A description of the manner in which 
                individuals will be recruited and selected for 
                participation for the reentry project.
                  (G) A detailed budget and a description of 
                the system of fiscal controls, and auditing and 
                accountability procedures, that will be used to 
                ensure fiscal soundness for the reentry 
                  (H) A description of the expected levels of 
                performance to be achieved with respect to the 
                performance measures described in subsection 
                  (I) A description of the evidence-based 
                practices the eligible entity will use in 
                administration of the reentry project.
                  (J) An assurance that the eligible entity 
                will collect, disaggregate by each 
                subpopulation of individuals with barriers to 
                employment, and by race, ethnicity, sex, and 
                age, and report to the Secretary the data 
                required with respect to the reentry project 
                carried out by the eligible entity for purposes 
                of determining levels of performance achieved 
                and conducting the evaluation under this 
                  (K) An assurance that the eligible entity 
                will provide matching funds, as described in 
                subsection (d)(4).
                  (L) A description of how the eligible entity 
                plans to continue the reentry project after the 
                award period.
          (3) Additional content for intermediary applicants.--
        An application submitted by an eligible entity seeking 
        to serve as a national or regional intermediary as 
        described in subsection (b)(1)(B) shall also contain 
        the following:
                  (A) An identification and description of the 
                eligible entities that will be subgrantees of 
                such intermediary and implement the reentry 
                projects, which shall include subgrantees in--
                          (i) three or more noncontiguous 
                        metropolitan areas or rural areas; and
                          (ii) not less than 2 States.
                  (B) A description of the services and 
                supports the intermediary will provide to the 
                subgrantees, including administrative and 
                fiscal support to ensure the subgrantees comply 
                with all grant requirements.
                  (C) A description of how the intermediary 
                will facilitate the replication of evidence-
                based practices or other best practices 
                identified by the intermediary across all 
                  (D) If such intermediary is currently 
                receiving, or has previously received, funds 
                under this section as an intermediary to 
                implement a reentry project, an assurance that 
                none of the subgrantees identified under 
                subparagraph (A) were previous subgrantees of 
                the intermediary for such reentry project and 
                failed to meet the levels of performance 
                established for such reentry project.
  (d) Uses of Funds.--
          (1) Required activities.--An eligible entity that 
        receives funds under this section shall use such funds 
        to implement a reentry project for eligible adults, 
        eligible youth, or both that provides each of the 
                  (A) One or more of the individualized career 
                services listed in subclauses (I) through (IX) 
                of section 134(c)(2)(A)(xii).
                  (B) One or more of the training services 
                listed in clauses (i) through (x)(i) in section 
                134(c)(3)(D), including subsidized employment 
                opportunities through transitional jobs.
                  (C) For participants who are eligible youth, 
                one or more of the program elements listed in 
                subparagraphs (A) through (N) of section 
          (2) Allowable activities.--An eligible entity that 
        receives funds under this section may use such funds to 
        provide to eligible adults or eligible youth the 
                  (A) Followup services after placement in 
                unsubsidized employment as described in section 
                  (B) Apprenticeship programs.
                  (C) Education in digital literacy skills.
                  (D) Mentoring.
                  (E) Assistance in obtaining employment, 
                including as a result of the eligible entity--
                          (i) establishing and developing 
                        relationships and networks with large 
                        and small employers; and
                          (ii) coordinating with employers to 
                        develop customized training programs 
                        and on-the-job training.
                  (F) Assistance with driver's license 
                reinstatement and fees for driver's licenses 
                and other necessary documents for employment.
                  (G) Provision of or referral to evidence-
                based mental health treatment by licensed 
                  (H) Provision of or referral to substance use 
                disorder treatment services, provided that 
                funds awarded under this section are only used 
                to provide such services to participants who 
                are unable to obtain such services through 
                other programs providing such services.
                  (I) Provisions of or referral to supportive 
                services, provided that no more than 5 percent 
                of funds awarded to an eligible entity under 
                this section may be used to provide such 
                services to participants who are able to obtain 
                such services through other programs providing 
                such services.
          (3) Administrative cost limit.--An eligible entity 
        may not use more than 7 percent of the funds received 
        under this section for administrative costs, including 
        for costs related to collecting information, analysis, 
        and coordination for purposes of subsection (e) or (f).
          (4) Matching funds.--An eligible entity shall provide 
        a non-Federal contribution, which may be provided in 
        cash or in-kind, for the costs of the project in an 
        amount that is not less than 25 percent of the total 
        amount of funds awarded to the entity for such period, 
        except that the Secretary may waive the matching funds 
        requirement, on a case-by-case basis and for not more 
        than 20 percent of all grants awarded, if the eligible 
        entity demonstrates significant financial hardship.
  (e) Levels of Performance.--
          (1) Establishment of levels.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                establish expected levels of performance for 
                reentry projects funded under this section 
                          (i) each of the primary indicators of 
                        performance for adults and youth 
                        described in section 116(b); and
                          (ii) an indicator of performance 
                        established by the Secretary with 
                        respect to participant recidivism.
                  (B) Updates.--The levels established under 
                subparagraph (A) shall be updated for each 4-
                year-award period.
          (2) Agreement on performance levels.--In establishing 
        and updating performance levels under paragraph (1), 
        the Secretary shall reach agreement on such levels with 
        the eligible entities receiving awards under this 
        section that will be subject to such levels, based on, 
        as the Secretary determines relevant for each indicator 
        of performance, the following factors:
                  (A) The expected performance levels of each 
                such eligible entity described in the 
                application submitted under subsection 
                  (B) The local economic conditions of the 
                geographic area to be served by each such 
                eligible entity, including differences in 
                unemployment rates and job losses or gains in 
                particular industries.
                  (C) The characteristics of project 
                participants when entering the project 
                involved, including--
                          (i) criminal records;
                          (ii) indicators of poor work history;
                          (iii) lack of work experience;
                          (iv) lack of educational or 
                        occupational skills attainment;
                          (v) low levels of literacy or English 
                          (vi) disability status;
                          (vii) homelessness; and
                          (viii) receipt of public assistance.
          (3) Failure to meet performance levels.--In the case 
        of an eligible entity that fails to meet the 
        performance levels established under paragraph (1) and 
        updated to reflect the actual economic conditions and 
        characteristics of participants (as described in 
        paragraph (2)(C)) served by the reentry project 
        involved for any award year, the Secretary shall 
        provide technical assistance to the eligible entity, 
        including the development of a performance improvement 
  (f) Evaluation of Reentry Projects.--
          (1) In general.--Not later than 5 years after the 
        first award of funds under this section is made, the 
        Secretary (acting through the Chief Evaluation Officer) 
        shall meet each of the following requirements:
                  (A) Design and conduct of evaluation.--Design 
                and conduct an evaluation to evaluate the 
                effectiveness of the reentry projects funded 
                under this section, which meets the 
                requirements of paragraph (2), and includes an 
                evaluation of each of the following:
                          (i) The effectiveness of such 
                        projects in assisting individuals with 
                        finding employment and maintaining 
                        employment at the second quarter and 
                        fourth quarter after unsubsidized 
                        employment is obtained.
                          (ii) The effectiveness of such 
                        projects in assisting individuals with 
                        earning recognized postsecondary 
                          (iii) The effectiveness of such 
                        projects in relation to their cost, 
                        including the extent to which the 
                        projects improve reentry outcomes, 
                        including in employment, compensation 
                        (which may include wages earned and 
                        benefits), career advancement, 
                        measurable skills gains, credentials 
                        earned, and recidivism of participants 
                        in comparison to comparably situated 
                        individuals who did not participate in 
                        such projects.
                          (iv) The effectiveness of specific 
                        services and interventions provided and 
                        of the overall project design.
                          (v) If applicable, the extent to 
                        which such projects effectively serve 
                        various demographic groups, including 
                        people of different geographic 
                        locations, ages, races, national 
                        origins, sex, and criminal records, and 
                        individuals with disabilities.
                          (vi) If applicable, the appropriate 
                        sequencing, combination, or concurrent 
                        structure, of services for each 
                        subpopulation of individuals who are 
                        participants of such projects, such as 
                        the order, combination, or concurrent 
                        structure and services in which 
                        transitional jobs and occupational 
                        skills development are provided, to 
                        ensure that such participants are 
                        prepared to fully benefit from 
                        employment and training services 
                        provided under the project.
                          (vii) Limitations or barriers to 
                        education and employment as a result of 
                        occupational or educational licensing 
                  (B) Data accessibility.--Make available, on 
                the publicly accessible website of the 
                Department of Labor, data collected during the 
                course of evaluation under this subsection, in 
                an aggregated format that does not disclose 
                personally identifiable information.
          (2) Design requirements.--An evaluation under this 
                  (A) shall--
                          (i) be designed by the Secretary 
                        (acting through the Chief Evaluation 
                        Officer) in conjunction with the 
                        eligible entities carrying out the 
                        reentry projects being evaluated;
                          (ii) include analysis of participant 
                        feedback and outcome and process 
                        measures; and
                          (iii) use designs that employ the 
                        most rigorous analytical and 
                        statistical methods that are reasonably 
                        feasible, such as the use of control 
                        groups; and
                  (B) may not--
                          (i) collect personally identifiable 
                        information, except to the extent such 
                        information is necessary to conduct the 
                        evaluation; or
                          (ii) reveal or share personally 
                        identifiable information.
          (3) Publication and reporting of evaluation 
        findings.--The Secretary (acting through the Chief 
        Evaluation Officer) shall--
                  (A) in accordance with the timeline 
                determined to be appropriate by the Chief 
                Evaluation Officer, publish an interim report 
                on such evaluation;
                  (B) not later than 90 days after the date on 
                which any evaluation is completed under this 
                subsection, publish and make publicly available 
                such evaluation; and
                  (C) not later than 60 days after the 
                completion date described in subparagraph (B), 
                submit to the Committee on Education and the 
                Workforce of the House of Representatives and 
                the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and 
                Pensions of the Senate a report on such 
  (g) Annual Report.--
          (1) Contents.--Subject to paragraph (2), the 
        Secretary shall post, using transparent, linked, open, 
        and interoperable data formats, on its publicly 
        accessible website, an annual report on--
                  (A) the number of individuals who 
                participated in projects assisted under this 
                section for the preceding year;
                  (B) the percentage of such individuals who 
                successfully completed the requirements of such 
                  (C) the performance of eligible entities on 
                such projects as measured by the performance 
                indicators set forth in subsection (e); and
                  (D) an explanation of any waivers granted by 
                the Secretary of the matching requirement under 
                subsection (d)(4).
          (2) Disaggregation.--The information provided under 
        subparagraphs (A) through (C) of paragraph (1) with 
        respect to a year shall be disaggregated by each 
        project assisted under this section for such year.
  (h) Reservation of Funds.--Of the funds appropriated under 
section 174(e) for a fiscal year, the Secretary--
          (1) may reserve not more than 5 percent for the 
        administration of grants, contracts, and cooperative 
        agreements awarded under this section, of which not 
        more than 2 percent may be reserved for the provision 
                  (A) technical assistance to eligible entities 
                that receive funds under this section; and
                  (B) outreach and technical assistance to 
                eligible entities desiring to receive such 
                funds, including assistance with application 
                development and submission; and
          (2) shall reserve not less than 1 percent and not 
        more than 2.5 percent for the evaluation activities 
        under subsection (f) or to support eligible entities 
        with any required data collection, analysis, and 
        coordination related to such evaluation activities.
  (i) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Chief evaluation officer.--The term ``Chief 
        Evaluation Officer'' means the head of the independent 
        evaluation office located in the Office of the 
        Assistant Secretary for Policy of the Department of 
          (2) Community supervision.--The term ``community 
        supervision'' means mandatory oversight (including 
        probation and parole) of a formerly incarcerated 
                  (A) who was convicted of a crime by a judge 
                or parole board; and
                  (B) who is living outside a secure facility.
          (3) Correctional institution.--The term 
        ``correctional institution'' has the meaning given the 
        term in section 225(e).
          (4) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity'' 
                  (A) a private nonprofit organization under 
                section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code 
                of 1986, including a community-based or faith-
                based organization;
                  (B) a local board;
                  (C) a State or local government;
                  (D) an Indian or Native American entity 
                eligible for grants under section 166;
                  (E) a labor organization or joint labor-
                management organization;
                  (F) an industry or sector partnership;
                  (G) an institution of higher education; or
                  (H) a consortium of the entities described in 
                subparagraphs (A) through (H).
          (5) Eligible adult.--The term ``eligible adult'' 
        means a justice-involved individual who--
                  (A) is age 25 or older; and
                  (B) in the case of an individual that was 
                previously incarcerated, was released from 
                incarceration not more than 3 years prior to 
                enrollment in a project funded under this 
          (6) Eligible youth.--The term ``eligible youth'' 
        means a justice-involved individual who is not younger 
        than age 14 or older than age 24.
          (7) High-poverty.--The term ``high-poverty'', when 
        used with respect to a geographic area, means an area 
        with a poverty rate of at least 20 percent as 
        determined based on the most recently available data 
        from the American Community Survey conducted by the 
        Bureau of the Census.
          (8) Justice-involved individual.--The term ``justice-
        involved individual'' means an individual who has been 
        convicted as a juvenile or an adult and imprisoned 
        under Federal or State law.


  (a) Purposes.--The purposes of this section are--
          (1) to establish, improve, or expand high-quality 
        workforce development programs at community colleges; 
          (2) to expand opportunities for individuals to obtain 
        recognized postsecondary credentials that are 
        nationally or regionally portable and stackable for 
        high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors or 
  (b) Strengthening Community Colleges Workforce Development 
Grants Program.--
          (1) In general.--From the amounts appropriated to 
        carry out this section under section 174(f) and not 
        reserved under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall, on a 
        competitive basis, make grants to eligible institutions 
        to carry out the activities described in subsection 
          (2) Reservation.--Of the amounts appropriated to 
        carry out this section under section 174(f), the 
        Secretary may reserve not more than two percent for the 
        administration of grants awarded under this section, 
                  (A) providing technical assistance and 
                targeted outreach to support eligible 
                institutions serving a high number or high 
                percentage of low-income individuals or 
                individuals with barriers to employment, and 
                rural-serving eligible institutions, to provide 
                guidance and assistance in the process of 
                applying for grants under this section; and
                  (B) evaluating and reporting on the 
                performance and impact of programs funded under 
                this section in accordance with subsections (f) 
                through (h).
  (c) Award Period.--
          (1) Initial grant period.--Each grant under this 
        section shall be awarded for an initial period of not 
        more than 4 years.
          (2) Subsequent grants.--An eligible institution that 
        receives an initial grant under this section may 
        receive one or more additional grants under this 
        section for additional periods of not more than 4 years 
        each if the eligible institution demonstrates that, 
        during the most recently completed grant period for a 
        grant received under this section, such eligible 
        institution achieved the levels of performance agreed 
        to by the eligible institution with respect to the 
        performance indicators specified in subsection (f).
  (d) Application.--
          (1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant 
        under this section, an eligible institution shall 
        submit an application to the Secretary at such time and 
        in such manner as the Secretary may require.
          (2) Contents.--An application submitted by an 
        eligible institution under paragraph (1) shall include 
        a description of each the following:
                  (A) The extent to which the eligible 
                institution has demonstrated success building 
                partnerships with employers in in-demand 
                industry sectors or occupations to provide 
                students with the skills needed for occupations 
                in such industries and an explanation of the 
                results of any such partnerships.
                  (B) The methods and strategies the eligible 
                institution will use to engage with employers 
                in in-demand industry sectors or occupations, 
                including any arrangements to place individuals 
                who complete the workforce development programs 
                supported by the grant into employment with 
                such employers.
                  (C) The proposed eligible institution and 
                industry partnership that the eligible 
                institution will establish or maintain to 
                comply with subsection (e)(1), including--
                          (i) the roles and responsibilities of 
                        each employer, organization, agency, or 
                        institution of higher education that 
                        the eligible institution will partner 
                        with to carry out the activities under 
                        this section; and
                          (ii) the needs that will be addressed 
                        by such eligible institution and 
                        industry partnership.
                  (D) One or more industries that such 
                partnership will target and real-time labor 
                market data demonstrating that those industries 
                are aligned with employer demand in the 
                geographic area to be served by the eligible 
                  (E) The extent to which the eligible 
                institution can--
                          (i) leverage additional resources to 
                        support the programs to be funded with 
                        the grant, which shall include written 
                        commitments of any leveraged or 
                        matching funds for the proposed 
                        programs; and
                          (ii) demonstrate the future 
                        sustainability of each such program.
                  (F) The steps the institution will take to 
                ensure the high quality of each program to be 
                funded with the grant, including the career 
                pathways within such programs.
                  (G) The population and geographic area to be 
                served by the eligible institution, including 
                the number of individuals the eligible 
                institution intends to serve during the grant 
                  (H) The workforce development programs to be 
                supported by the grant.
                  (I) The recognized postsecondary credentials 
                that are expected to be earned by participants 
                in such workforce development programs and the 
                related in-demand industry sectors or 
                occupations for which such programs will 
                prepare participants.
                  (J) The evidence upon which the education and 
                skills development strategies to be used in 
                such workforce development programs are based 
                and an explanation of how such evidence 
                influenced the design of the programs to 
                improve education and employment outcomes.
                  (K) How activities of the eligible 
                institution are expected to align with the 
                workforce strategies identified in--
                          (i) any State plan or local plan 
                        submitted under this Act by the State, 
                        outlying area, or locality in which the 
                        eligible institution is expected to 
                          (ii) any State plan submitted under 
                        section 122 of the Carl D. Perkins 
                        Career and Technical Education Act of 
                        2006 (20 U.S.C. 2342) by such State or 
                        outlying area; and
                          (iii) any economic development plan 
                        of the chief executive of such State or 
                        outlying area.
                  (L) The goals of the eligible institution 
                with respect to--
                          (i) capacity building (as described 
                        in subsection (f)(1)(B)); and
                          (ii) the expected performance of 
                        individuals participating in the 
                        programs to be offered by the eligible 
                        institution, including with respect to 
                        any performance indicators applicable 
                        under section 116 or subsection (f) of 
                        this section.
          (3) Consideration of previous experience.--The 
        Secretary may not disqualify an eligible institution 
        from receiving a grant under this section solely 
        because such institution lacks previous experience in 
        building partnerships, as described in paragraph 
          (4) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section, 
        the Secretary shall give priority to eligible 
        institutions that--
                  (A) will use the grant to serve--
                          (i) individuals with barriers to 
                        employment; or
                          (ii) incumbent workers who need to 
                        gain or improve foundational skills to 
                        enhance their employability;
                  (B) use competency-based assessments, such as 
                the competency-based assessment identified by 
                the State in which the eligible institution is 
                located under section 134(a)(2)(B)(vii), to 
                award academic credit for prior learning for 
                programs supported by the grant; or
                  (C) have, or will seek to have, the career 
                education programs supported by the grant 
                included on the list of eligible providers of 
                training services under section 122 for the 
                State in which the eligible institution is 
  (e) Uses of Funds.--
          (1) Eligible institution and industry partnership.--
        For the purpose of carrying out the activities 
        specified in paragraphs (2) and (3), an eligible 
        institution that receives a grant under this section 
        shall establish a partnership (or continue an existing 
        partnership) with one or more employers in an in-demand 
        industry sector or occupation (in this section referred 
        to as an ``eligible institution and industry 
        partnership'') and shall maintain such partnership for 
        the duration of the grant period. The eligible 
        institution shall ensure that the partnership--
                  (A) targets one or more specific high-skill, 
                high-wage, or in-demand industries;
                  (B) includes collaboration with the workforce 
                development system;
                  (C) serves adult and dislocated workers, 
                incumbent workers, and new entrants to the 
                  (D) uses an evidence-based program design 
                that is appropriate for the activities carried 
                out by the partnership;
                  (E) incorporates work-based learning 
                opportunities, as defined in section 3 of the 
                Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education 
                Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302); and
                  (F) incorporates, to the extent appropriate, 
                virtual service delivery to facilitate 
                technology-enabled learning.
          (2) Required activities.--An eligible institution 
        that receives a grant under this section shall, in 
        consultation with the employers in the eligible 
        institution and industry partnership described in 
        paragraph (1)--
                  (A) establish, improve, or expand high 
                quality, evidence-based workforce development 
                programs, career pathway programs, or work-
                based learning programs (including 
                apprenticeship programs or preapprenticeships);
                  (B) provide career services to individuals 
                participating in the programs funded with the 
                grant to facilitate retention and program 
                completion, which may include--
                          (i) career navigation, coaching, 
                        mentorship, and case management 
                        services, including providing 
                        information and outreach to individuals 
                        with barriers to employment to 
                        encourage such individuals to 
                        participate in programs funded with the 
                        grant; and
                          (ii) providing access to course 
                        materials, technological devices, 
                        required equipment, and other supports 
                        necessary for participation in and 
                        successful completion of such programs; 
                  (C) make available, in a format that is open, 
                searchable, and easily comparable, information 
                          (i) curricula and recognized 
                        postsecondary credentials offered 
                        through programs funded with the grant, 
                        including any curricula or credentials 
                        created or further developed using such 
                        grant, which for each recognized 
                        postsecondary credential, shall 
                                  (I) the issuing entity of 
                                such credential;
                                  (II) any third-party 
                                endorsements of such 
                                  (III) the occupations for 
                                which the credential prepares 
                                  (IV) the skills and 
                                competencies necessary to 
                                achieve to earn such 
                                  (V) the level of mastery of 
                                such skills and competencies 
                                (including how mastery is 
                                assessed); and
                                  (VI) any transfer value or 
                                stackability of the credential;
                          (ii) any skills or competencies 
                        developed by individuals who 
                        participate in such programs beyond the 
                        skills and competencies identified as 
                        part of the recognized postsecondary 
                        credential awarded; and
                          (iii) related employment and earnings 
                        outcomes on the primary indicators of 
                        performance described in subclauses (I) 
                        through (III) of section 
          (3) Additional activities.--In addition to the 
        activities required under paragraph (2), an eligible 
        institution that receives a grant under this section 
        shall, in consultation with the employers in the 
        eligible institution and industry partnership described 
        in paragraph (1), carry out one or more of the 
        following activities:
                  (A) Establish, improve, or expand--
                          (i) articulation agreements (as 
                        defined in section 486A(a) of the 
                        Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 
                          (ii) credit transfer agreements;
                          (iii) corequisite remediation 
                        programs that enable a student to 
                        receive remedial education services 
                        while enrolled in a postsecondary 
                        course rather than requiring the 
                        student to receive remedial education 
                        before enrolling in a such a course;
                          (iv) dual or concurrent enrollment 
                          (v) competency-based education and 
                        assessment; or
                          (vi) policies and processes to award 
                        academic credit for prior learning or 
                        for the programs described in paragraph 
                  (B) Establish or implement plans for 
                providers of the programs described in 
                paragraph (2)(A) to meet the criteria and carry 
                out the procedures necessary to be included on 
                the eligible training services provider list 
                described in section 122(d).
                  (C) Purchase, lease, or refurbish specialized 
                equipment as necessary to carry out such 
                programs, provided that not more than 15 
                percent of the funds awarded to the eligible 
                institution under this section may be used for 
                activities described in this subparagraph.
                  (D) Reduce or eliminate unmet financial need 
                relating to the cost of attendance (as defined 
                under section 472 of the Higher Education Act 
                of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087ll)) of participants in 
                such programs.
          (4) Administrative cost limit.--An eligible 
        institution may use not more than 7 percent of the 
        funds awarded under this section for administrative 
        costs, including costs related to collecting 
        information, analysis, and coordination for purposes of 
        subsection (f).
  (f) Performance Levels and Performance Reviews.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall develop and 
        implement guidance that establishes the levels of 
        performance that are expected to be achieved by each 
        eligible institution receiving a grant under this 
        section. Such performance levels shall be established 
        on the following indicators:
                  (A) Each of the primary indicators of 
                performance for adults described in section 
                116(b), which shall be applied for all 
                individuals who participated in a program that 
                received funding from a grant under this 
                  (B) The extent to which the eligible 
                institution built capacity by--
                          (i) increasing the breadth and depth 
                        of employer engagement and investment 
                        in workforce development programs in 
                        the in-demand industry sectors and 
                        occupations targeted by the eligible 
                        institution and industry partnership 
                        established or maintained by the 
                        eligible institution under subsection 
                          (ii) designing or implementing new 
                        and accelerated instructional 
                        techniques or technologies, including 
                        the use of advanced online and 
                        technology-enabled learning (such as 
                        immersive technology); and
                          (iii) increasing program and policy 
                        alignment across systems and decreasing 
                        duplicative services or service gaps.
                  (C) With respect to individuals who 
                participated in a workforce development program 
                funded with the grant--
                          (i) the percentage of participants 
                        who successfully completed the program; 
                          (ii) of the participants who were 
                        incumbent workers at the time of 
                        enrollment in the program, the 
                        percentage who advanced into higher 
                        level positions during or after 
                        completing the program.
          (2) Consultation and determination of performance 
                  (A) Consideration.--In developing performance 
                levels in accordance with paragraph (1), the 
                Secretary shall take into consideration the 
                goals of the eligible institution pursuant to 
                subsection (d)(2)(L).
                  (B) Determination.--After completing the 
                consideration required under subparagraph (A), 
                the Secretary shall separately determine the 
                performance levels that will apply to each 
                eligible institution, taking into account--
                          (i) the expected performance levels 
                        of each eligible institution with 
                        respect to the goals described by the 
                        eligible institution pursuant to 
                        subsection (d)(2)(L); and
                          (ii) local economic conditions in the 
                        geographic area to be served by the 
                        eligible institution, including 
                        differences in unemployment rates and 
                        job losses or gains in particular 
                  (C) Notice and acknowledgment.--
                          (i) Notice.--The Secretary shall 
                        provide each eligible institution with 
                        a written notification that sets forth 
                        the performance levels that will apply 
                        to the eligible institution, as 
                        determined under subparagraph (B).
                          (ii) Acknowledgment.--After receiving 
                        the notification described in clause 
                        (i), each eligible institution shall 
                        submit to the Secretary written 
                        confirmation that the eligible 
                                  (I) received the 
                                notification; and
                                  (II) agrees to be evaluated 
                                in accordance with the 
                                performance levels determined 
                                by the Secretary.
          (3) Performance reviews.--On an annual basis during 
        each year of the grant period, the Secretary shall 
        evaluate the performance during such year of each 
        eligible institution receiving a grant under this 
        section in a manner consistent with the performance 
        levels determined for such institution pursuant to 
        paragraph (2).
          (4) Failure to meet performance levels.--After 
        conducting an evaluation under paragraph (3), if the 
        Secretary determines that an eligible institution did 
        not achieve the performance levels applicable to the 
        eligible institution under paragraph (2), the Secretary 
                  (A) provide technical assistance to the 
                eligible institution; and
                  (B) develop a performance improvement plan 
                for the eligible institution.
  (g) Evaluations and Reports.--
          (1) In general.--Not later than 4 years after the 
        date on which the first grant is made under this 
        section, the Secretary shall design and conduct an 
        evaluation to determine the overall effectiveness of 
        the eligible institutions receiving a grant under this 
          (2) Elements.--The evaluation of the effectiveness of 
        eligible institutions conducted under paragraph (1) 
        shall include an assessment of the general 
        effectiveness of programs and activities supported by 
        the grants awarded to such eligible institutions under 
        this section, including the extent to which the 
        programs and activities--
                  (A) developed new, or expanded existing, 
                successful industry sector strategies, 
                including the extent to which such eligible 
                institutions deepened employer engagement and 
                developed workforce development programs that 
                met industry skill needs;
                  (B) created, expanded, or enhanced career 
                pathways, including the extent to which the 
                eligible institutions developed or improved 
                competency-based education and assessment, 
                credit for prior learning, modularized and 
                self-paced curricula, integrated education and 
                workforce development, dual enrollment in 
                secondary and postsecondary career pathways, 
                stacked and latticed credentials, and online 
                and distance learning;
                  (C) created alignment between eligible 
                institutions and the workforce development 
                  (D) assisted individuals with finding, 
                retaining, or advancing in employment;
                  (E) assisted individuals with earning 
                recognized postsecondary credentials; and
                  (F) provided equal access to various 
                demographic groups, including people of 
                different geographic locations, ages, races, 
                national origins, and sexes.
          (3) Design requirements.--The evaluation under this 
        subsection shall--
                  (A) be designed by the Secretary (acting 
                through the Chief Evaluation Officer) in 
                conjunction with the eligible institutions 
                being evaluated;
                  (B) include analysis of program participant 
                feedback and outcome and process measures; and
                  (C) use designs that employ the most rigorous 
                analytical and statistical methods that are 
                reasonably feasible, such as the use of control 
          (4) Data accessibility.--The Secretary shall make 
        available on a publicly accessible website of the 
        Department of Labor any data collected as part of the 
        evaluation under this subsection. Such data shall be 
        made available in an aggregated format that does not 
        reveal personally identifiable information and that 
        ensures compliance with relevant Federal laws, 
        including section 444 of the General Education 
        Provisions Act (commonly known as the ``Family 
        Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974'') (20 
        U.S.C. 1232g).
          (5) Publication and reporting of evaluation 
        findings.--The Secretary (acting through the Chief 
        Evaluation Officer) shall--
                  (A) in accordance with the timeline 
                determined to be appropriate by the Chief 
                Evaluation Officer, publish an interim report 
                on the preliminary results of the evaluation 
                conducted under this subsection;
                  (B) not later than 60 days after the date on 
                which the evaluation is completed under this 
                subsection, submit to the Committee on 
                Education and the Workforce of the House of 
                Representatives and the Committee on Health, 
                Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate a 
                report on such evaluation; and
                  (C) not later than 90 days after such 
                completion date, publish and make the results 
                of such evaluation available on a publicly 
                accessible website of the Department of Labor.
  (h) Annual Reports.--The Secretary shall make available on a 
publicly accessible website of the Department of Labor, in 
transparent, linked, open, and interoperable data formats, the 
following information:
          (1) The performance of eligible institutions on the 
        capacity-building performance indicator set forth under 
        subsection (f)(1)(B).
          (2) The performance of eligible institutions on the 
        workforce development participant outcome performance 
        indicators set forth under subsection (f)(1)(C).
          (3) The number of individuals enrolled in workforce 
        development programs funded with a grant under this 
  (i) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Community college.--The term ``community 
        college'' means--
                  (A) a public institution of higher education 
                (as defined in section 101(a) of the Higher 
                Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1001(a)), at which--
                          (i) the highest degree awarded is an 
                        associate degree; or
                          (ii) an associate degree is the most 
                        frequently awarded degree;
                  (B) a branch campus of a 4-year public 
                institution of higher education (as defined in 
                section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 
                (20 U.S.C. 1001)), if, at such branch campus--
                          (i) the highest degree awarded is an 
                        associate degree; or
                          (ii) an associate degree is the most 
                        frequently awarded degree;
                  (C) a 2-year Tribal College or University (as 
                defined in section 316(b)(3) of the Higher 
                Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059c(b)(3))); 
                  (D) a degree-granting Tribal College or 
                University (as defined in section 316(b)(3) of 
                the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 
                1059c(b)(3))) at which--
                          (i) the highest degree awarded is an 
                        associate degree; or
                          (ii) an associate degree is the most 
                        frequently awarded degree.
          (2) Eligible institution.--The term ``eligible 
        institution'' means--
                  (A) a community college;
                  (B) a postsecondary vocational institution 
                (as defined in section 102(c) of the Higher 
                Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002(c))); or
                  (C) a consortium of such colleges or 
  (j) Supplement Not Supplant.--Funds made available under this 
section shall be used to supplement, and not supplant, other 
Federal, State, and local public funds made available for 
carrying out the activities described in this section.


  [(a) Native american programs.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out section 166 (not including subsection 
(k) of such section)--
          [(1) $46,082,000 for fiscal year 2015;
          [(2) $49,641,000 for fiscal year 2016;
          [(3) $50,671,000 for fiscal year 2017;
          [(4) $51,795,000 for fiscal year 2018;
          [(5) $53,013,000 for fiscal year 2019; and
          [(6) $54,137,000 for fiscal year 2020.
  [(b) Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Programs.--There are 
authorized to be appropriated to carry out section 167--
          [(1) $81,896,000 for fiscal year 2015;
          [(2) $88,222,000 for fiscal year 2016;
          [(3) $90,052,000 for fiscal year 2017;
          [(4) $92,050,000 for fiscal year 2018;
          [(5) $94,214,000 for fiscal year 2019; and
          [(6) $96,211,000 for fiscal year 2020.
  [(c) Technical assistance.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out section 168--
          [(1) $3,000,000 for fiscal year 2015;
          [(2) $3,232,000 for fiscal year 2016;
          [(3) $3,299,000 for fiscal year 2017;
          [(4) $3,372,000 for fiscal year 2018;
          [(5) $3,451,000 for fiscal year 2019; and
          [(6) $3,524,000 for fiscal year 2020.
  [(d) Evaluations and Research.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out section 169--
          [(1) $91,000,000 for fiscal year 2015;
          [(2) $98,029,000 for fiscal year 2016;
          [(3) $100,063,000 for fiscal year 2017;
          [(4) $102,282,000 for fiscal year 2018;
          [(5) $104,687,000 for fiscal year 2019; and
          [(6) $106,906,000 for fiscal year 2020.]
  (a) Native American Programs.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out section 166 (not including subsection 
(k) of such section) $61,800,000 for each of the fiscal years 
2025 through 2030.
  (b) Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Programs.--There are 
authorized to be appropriated to carry out section 167 
$100,317,900 for each of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  (c) Technical Assistance.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out section 168 $5,000,000 for each of 
the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  (d) Evaluations and Research.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out section 169 $12,720,000 for each of 
the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  (e) Reentry Program.--There are authorized to be appropriated 
to carry out section 172 $115,000,000 for each of the fiscal 
years 2025 through 2030.
  (f) Strengthening Community Colleges Program.--There are 
authorized to be appropriated to carry out section 173 
$65,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  [(e)] (g) Assistance for Veterans.--If, as of the date of 
enactment of this Act, any unobligated funds appropriated to 
carry out section 168 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, 
as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of this 
Act, remain available, the Secretary of Labor shall continue to 
use such funds to carry out such section, as in effect on such 
day, until all of such funds are expended.
  [(f)] (h) Assistance for Eligible Workers.--If, as of the 
date of enactment of this Act, any unobligated funds 
appropriated to carry out subsections (f) and (g) of section 
173 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, as in effect on 
the day before the date of enactment of this Act, remain 
available, the Secretary of Labor shall continue to use such 
funds to carry out such subsections, as in effect on such day, 
until all of such funds are expended.

                       Subtitle E--Administration


  (a) Benefits.--
          (1) Wages.--
                  (A) In general.--Individuals in on-the-job 
                training or individuals employed in activities 
                under this title shall be compensated at the 
                same rates, including periodic increases, as 
                trainees or employees who are similarly 
                situated in similar occupations by the same 
                employer and who have similar training, 
                experience, and skills, and such rates shall be 
                in accordance with applicable law, but in no 
                event less than the higher of the rate 
                specified in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor 
                Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(a)(1)) or 
                the applicable State or local minimum wage law.
                  (B) Rule of construction.--The reference in 
                subparagraph (A) to section 6(a)(1) of the Fair 
                Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 
                206(a)(1)) shall not be applicable for 
                individuals in territorial jurisdictions in 
                which section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor 
                Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(a)(1)) 
                does not apply.
          (2) Treatment of allowances, earnings, and 
        payments.--Allowances, earnings, and payments to 
        individuals participating in programs under this title 
        shall not be considered as income for the purposes of 
        determining eligibility for and the amount of income 
        transfer and in-kind aid furnished under any Federal or 
        federally assisted program based on need, other than as 
        provided under the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 301 
        et seq.).
  (b) Labor Standards.--
          (1) Limitations on activities that impact wages of 
        employees.--No funds provided under this title shall be 
        used to pay the wages of incumbent employees during 
        their participation in economic development activities 
        provided through a statewide workforce development 
          (2) Displacement.--
                  (A) Prohibition.--A participant in a program 
                or activity authorized under this title 
                (referred to in this section as a ``specified 
                activity'') shall not displace (including a 
                partial displacement, such as a reduction in 
                the hours of nonovertime work, wages, or 
                employment benefits) any currently employed 
                employee (as of the date of the participation).
                  (B) Prohibition on impairment of contracts.--
                A specified activity shall not impair an 
                existing contract for services or collective 
                bargaining agreement, and no such activity that 
                would be inconsistent with the terms of a 
                collective bargaining agreement shall be 
                undertaken without the written concurrence of 
                the labor organization and employer concerned.
          (3) Other prohibitions.--A participant in a specified 
        activity shall not be employed in a job if--
                  (A) any other individual is on layoff from 
                the same or any substantially equivalent job;
                  (B) the employer has terminated the 
                employment of any regular employee or otherwise 
                reduced the workforce of the employer with the 
                intention of filling the vacancy so created 
                with the participant; or
                  (C) the job is created in a promotional line 
                that will infringe in any way upon the 
                promotional opportunities of currently employed 
                individuals (as of the date of the 
          (4) Health and safety.--Health and safety standards 
        established under Federal and State law otherwise 
        applicable to working conditions of employees shall be 
        equally applicable to working conditions of 
        participants engaged in specified activities. To the 
        extent that a State workers' compensation law applies, 
        workers' compensation shall be provided to participants 
        on the same basis as the compensation is provided to 
        other individuals in the State in similar employment.
          (5) Employment conditions.--Individuals in on-the-job 
        training or individuals employed in programs and 
        activities under this title shall be provided benefits 
        and working conditions at the same level and to the 
        same extent as other trainees or employees working a 
        similar length of time and doing the same type of work.
          (6) Opportunity to Submit Comments.--Interested 
        members of the public, including representatives of 
        businesses and of labor organizations, shall be 
        provided an opportunity to submit comments to the 
        Secretary with respect to programs and activities 
        proposed to be funded under subtitle B.
          (7) No impact on union organizing.--Each recipient of 
        funds under this title shall provide to the Secretary 
        assurances that none of such funds will be used to 
        assist, promote, or deter union organizing.
          (8) Consultation.--If an employer provides on-the-job 
        training, incumbent worker training, or employer-
        directed skills development with funds made available 
        under this title directly to employees of such employer 
        that are subject to a collective bargaining agreement 
        with the employer, the employer shall consult with the 
        labor organization that represents such employees on 
        the planning and design of such training or 
  (c) Grievance Procedure.--
          (1) In general.--Each State and local area receiving 
        an allotment or allocation under this title shall 
        establish and maintain a procedure for grievances or 
        complaints alleging violations of the requirements of 
        this title from participants and other interested or 
        affected parties. Such procedure shall include an 
        opportunity for a hearing and be completed within 60 
        days after the filing of the grievance or complaint.
          (2) Investigation.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                investigate an allegation of a violation 
                described in paragraph (1) if--
                          (i) a decision relating to such 
                        violation has not been reached within 
                        60 days after the date of the filing of 
                        the grievance or complaint and either 
                        party appeals to the Secretary; or
                          (ii) a decision relating to such 
                        violation has been reached within such 
                        60 days and the party to which such 
                        decision is adverse appeals such 
                        decision to the Secretary.
                  (B) Additional requirement.--The Secretary 
                shall make a final determination relating to an 
                appeal made under subparagraph (A) no later 
                than 120 days after receiving such appeal.
          (3) Remedies.--Remedies that may be imposed under 
        this section for a violation of any requirement of this 
        title shall be limited--
                  (A) to suspension or termination of payments 
                under this title;
                  (B) to prohibition of placement of a 
                participant with an employer that has violated 
                any requirement under this title;
                  (C) where applicable, to reinstatement of an 
                employee, payment of lost wages and benefits, 
                and reestablishment of other relevant terms, 
                conditions, and privileges of employment; and
                  (D) where appropriate, to other equitable 
          (4) Rule of construction.--Nothing in paragraph (3) 
        shall be construed to prohibit a grievant or 
        complainant from pursuing a remedy authorized under 
        another Federal, State, or local law for a violation of 
        this title.
  (d) Relocation.--
          (1) Prohibition on use of funds to encourage or 
        induce relocation.--No funds provided under this title 
        shall be used, or proposed for use, to encourage or 
        induce the relocation of a business or part of a 
        business if such relocation would result in a loss of 
        employment for any employee of such business at the 
        original location and such original location is within 
        the United States.
          (2) Prohibition on use of funds after relocation.--No 
        funds provided under this title for an employment or 
        training activity shall be used for customized or skill 
        training, on-the-job training, [incumbent worker 
        training,] incumbent worker training, employer-directed 
        skills development, transitional employment, or 
        company-specific assessments of job applicants or 
        employees, for any business or part of a business that 
        has relocated, until the date that is 120 days after 
        the date on which such business commences operations at 
        the new location, if the relocation of such business or 
        part of a business results in a loss of employment for 
        any employee of such business at the original location 
        and such original location is within the United States.
          (3) Repayment.--If the Secretary determines that a 
        violation of paragraph (1) or (2) has occurred, the 
        Secretary shall require the State that has violated 
        such paragraph (or that has provided funding to an 
        entity that has violated such paragraph) to repay to 
        the United States an amount equal to the amount 
        expended in violation of such paragraph.
  (e) Limitation on Use of Funds.--No funds available to carry 
out an activity under this title shall be used for employment 
generating activities, investment in revolving loan funds, 
capitalization of businesses, investment in contract bidding 
resource centers, economic development activities, or similar 
activities, that are not directly related to training for 
eligible individuals under this title. No funds received to 
carry out an activity under subtitle B shall be used for 
foreign travel.
  (f) Testing and Sanctioning for Use of Controlled 
          (1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision 
        of law, a State shall not be prohibited by the Federal 
        Government from--
                  (A) testing participants in programs under 
                subtitle B for the use of controlled 
                substances; and
                  (B) sanctioning such participants who test 
                positive for the use of such controlled 
          (2) Additional requirements.--
                  (A) Period of sanction.--In sanctioning 
                participants in a program under subtitle B who 
                test positive for the use of controlled 
                          (i) with respect to the first 
                        occurrence for which a participant 
                        tests positive, a State may exclude the 
                        participant from the program for a 
                        period not to exceed 6 months; and
                          (ii) with respect to the second 
                        occurrence and each subsequent 
                        occurrence for which a participant 
                        tests positive, a State may exclude the 
                        participant from the program for a 
                        period not to exceed 2 years.
                  (B) Appeal.--The testing of participants and 
                the imposition of sanctions under this 
                subsection shall be subject to expeditious 
                appeal in accordance with due process 
                procedures established by the State.
                  (C) Privacy.--A State shall establish 
                procedures for testing participants for the use 
                of controlled substances that ensure a maximum 
                degree of privacy for the participants.
          (3) Funding requirement.--In testing and sanctioning 
        of participants for the use of controlled substances in 
        accordance with this subsection, the only Federal funds 
        that a State may use are the amounts made available for 
        the administration of statewide workforce investment 
        activities under section 134(a)(3)(B).
  (g) Subgrant Authority.--A recipient of grant funds under 
this title shall have the authority to enter into subgrants in 
order to carry out the grant, subject to such conditions as the 
Secretary may establish.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) In general.--In accordance with chapter 5 of title 5, 
United States Code, the Secretary may prescribe rules and 
regulations to carry out this title, only to the extent 
necessary to administer and ensure compliance with the 
requirements of this title. Such rules and regulations may 
include provisions making adjustments authorized by section 
6504 of title 31, United States Code. All such rules and 
regulations shall be published in the Federal Register at least 
30 days prior to their effective dates. Copies of each such 
rule or regulation shall be transmitted to the appropriate 
committees of Congress on the date of such publication and 
shall contain, with respect to each material provision of such 
rule or regulation, a citation to the particular substantive 
section of law that is the basis for the provision.
  (b) Acquisition of Certain Property and Services.--The 
Secretary is authorized, in carrying out this title, to accept, 
purchase, or lease in the name of the Department of Labor, and 
employ or dispose of in furtherance of the purposes of this 
title, any money or property, real, personal, or mixed, 
tangible or intangible, received by gift, devise, bequest, or 
otherwise, and to accept voluntary and uncompensated services 
notwithstanding the provisions of section 1342 of title 31, 
United States Code.
  (c) Authority To Enter Into Certain Agreements and To Make 
Certain Expenditures.--The Secretary may make such grants, 
enter into such contracts or agreements, establish such 
procedures, and make such payments, in installments and in 
advance or by way of reimbursement, or otherwise allocate or 
expend such funds under this title, as may be necessary to 
carry out this title, including making expenditures for 
construction, repairs, and capital improvements, and including 
making necessary adjustments in payments on account of over-
payments or underpayments.
  (d) Annual Report.--The Secretary shall prepare and submit to 
the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate an annual report regarding the 
programs and activities funded under this title. The Secretary 
shall include in such report--
          (1) a summary of the achievements, failures, and 
        challenges of the programs and activities in meeting 
        the objectives of this title;
          (2) a summary of major findings from research, 
        evaluations, pilot projects, and experiments conducted 
        under this title in the fiscal year prior to the 
        submission of the report;
          (3) recommendations for modifications in the programs 
        and activities based on analysis of such findings; and
          (4) such other recommendations for legislative or 
        administrative action as the Secretary determines to be 
  (e) Utilization of Services and Facilities.--The Secretary is 
authorized, in carrying out this title, under the same 
procedures as are applicable under subsection (c) or to the 
extent permitted by law other than this title, to accept and 
use the services and facilities of departments, agencies, and 
establishments of the United States. The Secretary is also 
authorized, in carrying out this title, to accept and use the 
services and facilities of the agencies of any State or 
political subdivision of a State, with the consent of the State 
or political subdivision.
  (f) Obligational Authority.--Notwithstanding any other 
provision of this title, the Secretary shall have no authority 
to enter into contracts, grant agreements, or other financial 
assistance agreements under this title, except to such extent 
and in such amounts as are provided in advance in 
appropriations Acts.
  (g) Program year.--
          (1) In general.--
                  (A) Program Year.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraph (B), appropriations for any fiscal 
                year for programs and activities funded under 
                this title shall be available for obligation 
                only on the basis of a program year. The 
                program year shall begin on July 1 in the 
                fiscal year for which the appropriation is 
                  (B) Youth workforce investment activities.--
                The Secretary may make available for 
                obligation, beginning April 1 of any fiscal 
                year, funds appropriated for such fiscal year 
                to carry out youth workforce investment 
                activities under subtitle B and activities 
                under section 171.
          (2) Availability.--
                  (A) In general.--Funds obligated for any 
                program year for a program or activity funded 
                under subtitle B may be expended by each State 
                receiving such funds during that program year 
                and the 2 succeeding program years. Funds 
                received by local areas from States under 
                subtitle B during a program year may be 
                expended during that program year and the 
                succeeding program year.
                  (B) Certain national activities.--
                          (i) In general.--Funds obligated for 
                        any program year for any program or 
                        activity carried out under section 169 
                        shall remain available until expended.
                          (ii) Incremental funding basis.--A 
                        contract or arrangement entered into 
                        under the authority of subsection (a) 
                        or (b) of section 169 (relating to 
                        evaluations, research projects, studies 
                        and reports, and multistate projects), 
                        including a long-term, nonseverable 
                        services contract, may be funded on an 
                        incremental basis with annual 
                        appropriations or other available 
                  (C) Special rule.--No amount of the funds 
                obligated for a program year for a program or 
                activity funded under this title shall be 
                deobligated on account of a rate of expenditure 
                that is consistent with a State plan, an 
                operating plan described in section 151, or a 
                plan, grant agreement, contract, application, 
                or other agreement described in subtitle D, as 
                  (D) Funds for pay-for-performance contract 
                strategies.--Funds used to carry out pay-for-
                performance contract strategies by local areas 
                shall remain available until expended.
  (h) Enforcement of Military Selective Service Act.--The 
Secretary shall ensure that each individual participating in 
any program or activity established under this title, or 
receiving any assistance or benefit under this title, has not 
violated section 3 of the Military Selective Service Act (50 
U.S.C. App. 453) by not presenting and submitting to 
registration as required pursuant to such section. The Director 
of the Selective Service System shall cooperate with the 
Secretary to enable the Secretary to carry out this subsection.
  (i) Waivers.--
          (1) Special rule regarding designated areas.--A State 
        that has enacted, not later than December 31, 1997, a 
        State law providing for the designation of service 
        delivery areas for the delivery of workforce investment 
        activities, may use such areas as local areas under 
        this title, notwithstanding section 106.
          (2) Special rule regarding sanctions.--A State that 
        has enacted, not later than December 31, 1997, a State 
        law providing for the sanctioning of such service 
        delivery areas for failure to meet performance 
        accountability measures for workforce investment 
        activities, may use the State law to sanction local 
        areas for failure to meet State performance 
        accountability measures under this title.
          (3) General waivers of statutory or regulatory 
                  (A) General authority.--Notwithstanding any 
                other provision of law, the Secretary may waive 
                for a State, or a local area in a State, 
                pursuant to a request submitted by the Governor 
                of the State (in consultation with appropriate 
                local elected officials) with a plan that meets 
                the requirements of subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) any of the statutory or 
                        regulatory requirements of subtitle A, 
                        subtitle B, or this subtitle (except 
                        for requirements relating to wage and 
                        labor standards, including 
                        nondisplacement protections, worker 
                        rights, participation and protection of 
                        workers and participants, grievance 
                        procedures and judicial review, 
                        nondiscrimination, allocation of funds 
                        to local areas, eligibility of 
                        providers or participants, the 
                        establishment and functions of local 
                        areas and local boards, the funding of 
                        infrastructure costs for one-stop 
                        centers, and [procedures for review and 
                        approval of plans] the procedures for 
                        review and approval of plans, the 
                        performance reports described in 
                        section 116(d), and the requirement 
                        described in section 134(c)(1)(B), and 
                        other requirements relating to the 
                        basic purposes of this title); and
                          (ii) any of the statutory or 
                        regulatory requirements of sections 8 
                        through 10 of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 
                        U.S.C. 49g through 49i) (excluding 
                        requirements relating to the provision 
                        of services to unemployment insurance 
                        claimants and veterans, and 
                        requirements relating to universal 
                        access to basic labor exchange services 
                        without cost to jobseekers).
                  (B) Requests.--A Governor requesting a waiver 
                under subparagraph (A) shall submit a plan to 
                the Secretary to improve the statewide 
                workforce development system that--
                          (i) identifies the statutory or 
                        regulatory requirements that are 
                        requested to be waived and the goals 
                        that the State or local area in the 
                        State, as appropriate, intends to 
                        achieve as a result of the waiver;
                          (ii) describes the actions that the 
                        State or local area, as appropriate, 
                        has undertaken to remove State or local 
                        statutory or regulatory barriers;
                          (iii) describes the goals of the 
                        waiver and the expected programmatic 
                        outcomes if the request is granted;
                          (iv) describes the individuals 
                        impacted by the waiver; and
                          (v) describes the process used to 
                        monitor the progress in implementing 
                        such a waiver, and the process by which 
                        notice and, in the case of a waiver for 
                        a local area, an opportunity to comment 
                        on such request has been provided to 
                        the local board for the local area for 
                        which the waiver is requested.
                  (C) Conditions.--Not later than 90 days after 
                the date of the original submission of a 
                request for a waiver under subparagraph (A), 
                the Secretary shall provide a waiver under this 
                subsection if and only to the extent that--
                          (i) the Secretary determines that the 
                        requirements requested to be waived 
                        impede the ability of the State or 
                        local area, as appropriate, to 
                        implement the plan described in 
                        subparagraph (B); and
                          (ii) the State has executed a 
                        memorandum of understanding with the 
                        Secretary requiring such State to meet, 
                        or ensure that the local area for which 
                        the waiver is requested meets, agreed-
                        upon outcomes and to implement other 
                        appropriate measures to ensure 
                  (D) Expedited determination regarding 
                provision of waivers.--If the Secretary has 
                approved a waiver of statutory or regulatory 
                requirements for a State or local area pursuant 
                to this subsection, the Secretary shall 
                expedite the determination regarding the 
                provision of that waiver, for another State or 
                local area if such waiver is in accordance with 
                the approved State or local plan, as 


  [(a) Plans.--A State may submit to the Secretary, and the 
Secretary may approve, a workforce flexibility plan under which 
the State is authorized to waive, in accordance with the plan--
          [(1) any of the statutory or regulatory requirements 
        applicable under this title to local areas, pursuant to 
        applications for such waivers from the local areas, 
        except for requirements relating to the basic purposes 
        of this title, wage and labor standards, grievance 
        procedures and judicial review, nondiscrimination, 
        eligibility of participants, allocation of funds to 
        local areas, establishment and functions of local areas 
        and local boards, procedures for review and approval of 
        local plans, and worker rights, participation, and 
          [(2) any of the statutory or regulatory requirements 
        applicable under sections 8 through 10 of the Wagner-
        Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49g through 49i) to the State 
        (excluding requirements relating to the provision of 
        services to unemployment insurance claimants and 
        veterans, and requirements relating to universal access 
        to basic labor exchange services without cost to 
        jobseekers); and
          [(3) any of the statutory or regulatory requirements 
        applicable under the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 
        U.S.C. 3001 et seq.) to State agencies on aging with 
        respect to activities carried out using funds allotted 
        under section 506(b) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 3056d(b)), 
        except for requirements relating to the basic purposes 
        of such Act, wage and labor standards, eligibility of 
        participants in the activities, and standards for grant 
  [(b) Content of Plans.--A workforce flexibility plan 
implemented by a State under subsection (a) shall include 
descriptions of--
          [(1)(A) the process by which local areas in the State 
        may submit and obtain approval by the State of 
        applications for waivers of requirements applicable 
        under this title; and
          [(B) the requirements described in subparagraph (A) 
        that are likely to be waived by the State under the 
          [(2) the requirements applicable under sections 8 
        through 10 of the Wagner-Peyser Act that are proposed 
        to be waived, if any;
          [(3) the requirements applicable under the Older 
        Americans Act of 1965 that are proposed to be waived, 
        if any;
          [(4) the outcomes to be achieved by the waivers 
        described in paragraphs (1) through (3); and
          [(5) other measures to be taken to ensure appropriate 
        accountability for Federal funds in connection with the 
  [(c) Periods.--The Secretary may approve a workforce 
flexibility plan for a period of not more than 5 years.
  [(d) Opportunity for Public Comments.--Prior to submitting a 
workforce flexibility plan to the Secretary for approval, the 
State shall provide to all interested parties and to the 
general public adequate notice of and a reasonable opportunity 
for comment on the waiver requests proposed to be implemented 
pursuant to such plan.]


  (a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to--
          (1) authorize States to apply under this section, in 
        the case of an eligible State, on behalf of the entire 
        State, or for any State, on behalf of a local area or a 
        consortium of local areas in the State, to receive the 
        allotments or allocations of the State or the local 
        areas, respectively, for youth workforce investment 
        activities and adult and dislocated worker employment 
        and training activities under this Act, as a 
        consolidated grant for 5 years for the purpose of 
        carrying out a demonstration project to pursue 
        innovative reforms to achieve better outcomes for 
        jobseekers, employers, and taxpayers; and
          (2) require that rigorous evaluations be conducted to 
        demonstrate if better outcomes and associated 
        innovative reforms were achieved as a result of such 
        demonstration projects.
  (b) General Authority.--
          (1) Waivers and demonstration grant amounts.--
        Notwithstanding any other provision of law, during the 
        demonstration period applicable to a demonstration 
        project approved for a State pursuant to subsection 
        (d)(3), the Secretary shall comply with each of the 
                  (A) Waivers.--Subject to paragraph (2), waive 
                for the State as a whole, or for the local area 
                or the consortium of local areas in such State 
                selected by the State to carry out such 
                demonstration project, all the statutory and 
                regulatory requirements of subtitle A and 
                subtitle B.
                  (B) Demonstration grant amounts.--For each 
                fiscal year applicable to such demonstration 
                          (i) State as a whole.--In a case of a 
                        State approved to carry out a 
                        demonstration project under this 
                        section on behalf of the State as a 
                        whole, distribute as a consolidated sum 
                        to the State, for purposes of carrying 
                        out the project, the State's total 
                        allotment for such fiscal year under--
                                  (I) subsections (b)(1)(C) and 
                                subsection (c) of section 127; 
                                  (II) paragraphs (1)(B) and 
                                (2)(B) of section 132(b); and
                                  (III) section 132(c).
                          (ii) Local area.--In a case of a 
                        local area selected by a State to carry 
                        out a demonstration project under this 
                        section, require the State to--
                                  (I) distribute as a 
                                consolidated sum to the local 
                                board for such local area, for 
                                purposes of carrying out the 
                                project, the local area's 
                                allocation for such fiscal year 
                                          (aa) subsections (b) 
                                        and (c) of section 128; 
                                          (bb) subsections (b) 
                                        and (c) of section 133; 
                                  (II) if the local board of 
                                the local area enters into a 
                                written agreement with the 
                                State for the State to serve as 
                                the fiscal agent for the local 
                                board during the demonstration 
                                project, use the funds 
                                described in subclause (I) for 
                                purposes of carrying out the 
                                project on behalf of the local 
                          (iii) Consortium of local areas.--In 
                        a case of a consortium of local areas 
                        selected by a State to carry out a 
                        demonstration project under this 
                        section, require the State to--
                                  (I) distribute as a 
                                consolidated sum to the 
                                consortium, for purposes of 
                                carrying out the project, the 
                                total amount of the allocations 
                                for the local areas in such 
                                consortium for such fiscal year 
                                          (aa) subsections (b) 
                                        and (c) of section 128; 
                                          (bb) subsections (b) 
                                        and (c) of section 133; 
                                  (II) if the consortium enters 
                                into a written agreement with 
                                the State for the State to 
                                serve as the fiscal agent for 
                                the consortium during the 
                                demonstration project, use the 
                                funds described in subclause 
                                (I) for purposes of carrying 
                                out the project on behalf of 
                                such consortium.
          (2) Exceptions.--
                  (A) In general.--A State, local area, or 
                consortium of local areas carrying out a 
                demonstration project under this section shall 
                comply with statutory or regulatory 
                requirements of this Act relating to--
                          (i) performance accountability and 
                        reporting, except as otherwise provided 
                        in this section;
                          (ii) the membership of local or State 
                        boards in instances where a State 
                        carrying out a demonstration project 
                        will maintain the use of such boards 
                        during the demonstration period; and
                          (iii) the priority of service 
                        described in section 134(c)(3)(E).
                  (B) Applicability of defined terms.--In 
                carrying out a demonstration project under this 
                section, a State, local area, or consortium of 
                local areas may only use a term defined in 
                section 3 to describe an activity carried out 
                under such demonstration project if the State, 
                local area, or consortium of local areas gives 
                such term the same meaning as such term is 
                given under such section.
          (3) Authority for third-party evaluation.--
                  (A) In general.--Not later than 180 days 
                after the issuance of the first demonstration 
                project awarded under this section, the 
                Secretary shall contract with a third-party 
                evaluator to conduct a rigorous evaluation of 
                each demonstration project for each State, 
                local area, or consortium of local areas 
                awarded a demonstration project. The evaluation 
                          (i) cover the 5-year period of each 
                        demonstration project;
                          (ii) compare the employment and 
                        earnings outcomes of participants in 
                        activities carried out under the 
                        demonstration project to--
                                  (I) the outcomes of similarly 
                                situated individuals that do 
                                not participate in such 
                                activities who are located in 
                                such State, local area, or a 
                                local area in such consortium; 
                                  (II) the outcomes of 
                                participants in activities 
                                under this chapter in the 
                                State, local area, or a local 
                                area in the consortium that was 
                                awarded a waiver prior to the 
                                award of such waiver;
                          (iii) conduct a qualitative analysis 
                        that identifies any promising practices 
                        or innovate strategies that--
                                  (I) would not have been 
                                conducted without the waiving 
                                of statutory or regulatory 
                                provisions through the 
                                demonstration project; and
                                  (II) lead to positive 
                                employment and earnings 
                                outcomes for the participants; 
                          (iv) compare the outcomes for 
                        subclauses (I) and (II) of clause (i) 
                        with respect to the subpopulations 
                        described in section 116(d)(2)(B).
                  (B) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the 
                fifth year of the demonstration project the 
                Secretary shall submit to the Committee on 
                Education and the Workforce of the House of 
                Representatives and the Committee on Health, 
                Education, Labor, and Pensions the results of 
                the evaluation conducted on such project.
  (c) Demonstration Period; Limitations.--
          (1) In general.--A demonstration project approved 
        under this section for a State, local area, or 
                  (A) shall be carried out for a 5-year 
                demonstration period; and
                  (B) may be renewed for an additional 5-year 
                demonstration period if the State, local area, 
                or consortium meets its expected levels of 
                performance established under subsection (f)(1) 
                for each of the final 3 years of the preceding 
                5-year period and achieves a performance 
                improvement of not less than an average of a 5-
                percent increase across all of the primary 
                indicators of performance on the final year of 
                the preceding 5-year period compared with the 
                expected levels of performance.
          (2) Limitations.--
                  (A) Demonstration period limitations.--For 
                each 5-year demonstration period (including 
                renewals of such period) the Secretary may not 
                          (i) more than 4 demonstration 
                        projects to eligible States for the 
                        State as a whole under this section; 
                          (ii) more than 6 demonstration 
                        projects to local areas (or consortia 
                        of local areas) for a local area (or a 
                        consortium) under this section.
                  (B) State limitations.--No more than 1 
                demonstration project may be approved under 
                this section per State. For purposes of this 
                paragraph, a demonstration project approved for 
                a local area or a consortium of local areas in 
                a State shall be considered a demonstration 
                project approved under this section for the 
          (3) Eligible states.--The Secretary may not approve a 
        statewide demonstration project under subsection 
        (b)(1)(B)(i) to a State unless, at the time of 
        submission of the application, such State is--
                  (A) a State designated as a single State 
                local area; or
                  (B) a State with a labor force participation 
                rate that is less than 60 percent for the most 
                recent program year and a population of less 
                than 6,000,000, as determined by the most 
                recent data released by the Census Bureau.
  (d) Application.--
          (1) In general.--To be eligible to carry out a 
        demonstration project under this section, a State shall 
        submit to the Secretary an application at such time and 
        in such manner as the Secretary may reasonably require, 
        and containing the information described in paragraph 
          (2) Content.--Each application submitted by a State 
        under this subsection shall include the following:
                  (A) A description of the demonstration 
                project to be carried out under this section, 
                          (i) whether the project will be 
                        carried out--
                                  (I) by the State as a whole;
                                  (II) by a local area, and if 
                                          (aa) an 
                                        identification of--
                                                  (AA) such 
                                                local area;
                                                  (BB) whether 
                                                the local board 
                                                for such local 
                                                area is the 
                                                fiscal agent 
                                                for the 
                                                project, or 
                                                whether the 
                                                local board has 
                                                entered into a 
                                                agreement with 
                                                the State for 
                                                the State to 
                                                serve as the 
                                                fiscal agent 
                                                during the 
                                                project; and
                                          (bb) written 
                                        verification from the 
                                        local board for such 
                                        local area that such 
                                        local board agrees--
                                                  (AA) to carry 
                                                out such 
                                                project; and
                                                  (BB) to the 
                                                fiscal agent 
                                                identified in 
                                                item (aa)(BB); 
                                  (III) by a consortium of 
                                local areas in the State, and 
                                if so--
                                          (aa) an 
                                        identification of--
                                                  (AA) each 
                                                local area that 
                                                comprises the 
                                                consortium; and
                                                  (BB) the 
                                                local area that 
                                                will serve as 
                                                the fiscal 
                                                agent for the 
                                                during the 
                                                project, or 
                                                whether the 
                                                consortium has 
                                                entered into a 
                                                agreement with 
                                                the State for 
                                                the State to 
                                                serve as the 
                                                fiscal agent; 
                                          (bb) written 
                                        verification from each 
                                        local board of each 
                                        local area identified 
                                        in item (aa)(AA) that 
                                        such local board 
                                                  (AA) to carry 
                                                out such 
                                                project as a 
                                                consortium; and
                                                  (BB) to the 
                                                fiscal agent 
                                                for the 
                                                identified in 
                                                item (aa)(BB);
                          (ii) a description of the activities 
                        to be carried out under the project; 
                          (iii) the goals the State, local 
                        area, or consortium intends to achieve 
                        through such activities, which shall be 
                        aligned with purpose described in 
                        subsection (a).
                  (B) A description of the performance outcomes 
                the State, the local area, or consortium 
                expects to achieve for such activities for each 
                year of the demonstration period as described 
                in subsection (f)(1).
                  (C) A description of how the State, local 
                area, or consortium consulted with employers, 
                the State board, and the local boards in the 
                State in determining the activities to carry 
                out under the demonstration project.
                  (D) A description of how the State will make 
                such activities available to jobseekers and 
                employers in each of the local areas in the 
                State or, in a case of a project that will be 
                carried out by a local area or a consortium, a 
                description of how such services will be made 
                available to jobseekers and employers in such 
                local area or each of the local areas in the 
                  (E) A description, if appropriate, of how the 
                State, local area, or consortium will integrate 
                the funds received, and the activities carried 
                out, under the demonstration project under this 
                section with State workforce development 
                programs and other Federal, State, or local 
                workforce, education, or social service 
                programs (including the programs and activities 
                listed in section 103(a)(2), the program of 
                adult education and literacy activities 
                authorized under title II, and the program 
                authorized under title I of the Rehabilitation 
                Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.)).
                  (F) An assurance that the State, local area, 
                or consortium will meet the requirements of 
                this section.
          (3) Secretarial approval.--
                  (A) In general.--Not later than 60 days after 
                the date on which a State submits an 
                application under this subsection, the 
                Secretary shall--
                          (i) in a case in which the 
                        application meets the requirements of 
                        this section and is not subject to the 
                        limitations described in subsection 
                        (c)(2), approve such application and 
                        the demonstration project described in 
                        such application; or
                          (ii) provide to the State a written 
                        explanation of initial disapproval that 
                        meets the requirements of subparagraph 
                  (B) Default approval.--With respect to an 
                application submitted by a State under this 
                subsection that is not subject to the 
                limitations described in subsection (c), if the 
                Secretary fails to approve such application or 
                provide an explanation of initial disapproval 
                for such application as required under 
                subparagraph (A), the application and the 
                demonstration project described in such 
                application shall be deemed approved by the 
                  (C) Initial disapproval.--An explanation of 
                initial disapproval provided by the Secretary 
                to a State under subparagraph (A)(ii) shall 
                provide the State--
                          (i) a detailed explanation of why the 
                        application does not meet the 
                        requirements of this section; and
                          (ii) if the State is not subject to 
                        the limitations described in subsection 
                        (c), an opportunity to revise and 
                        resubmit the State's application under 
                        this section.
  (e) State Demonstration Project Requirements.--A State, local 
area, or consortium that has been approved to carry out a 
demonstration project under this section shall meet each of the 
following requirements:
          (1) Use of funds.--Use the funds received pursuant to 
        subsection (b)(1)(B) solely to carry out the activities 
        of the demonstration project to achieve the goals 
        described in subsection (d)(2)(A).
          (2) Administrative costs limitation.--Use not more 
        than 10 percent of the funds received pursuant to 
        subsection (b)(1)(B) for a fiscal year for the 
        administrative costs of carrying out the demonstration 
          (3) Priority for services.--Give priority for 
        services under the project to veterans and their 
        eligible spouses in accordance with the requirements of 
        section 4215 of title 38, United States Code, 
        recipients of public assistance, low-income 
        individuals, and individuals who have foundational 
        skills needs.
          (4) Number of participants.--Serve a number of 
        participants under the activities of the demonstration 
        project for each year of the demonstration period 
                  (A) is greater than the number of 
                participants served by such State, local area, 
                or consortium under the programs described in 
                subparagraphs (A) and (C) of section 3(13) for 
                the most recent program year that ended prior 
                to the beginning of the first year of the 
                demonstration period; or
                  (B) is not less than the number of 
                participants to be served under the activities 
                of the demonstration project that is agreed 
                upon between the State, local area, or 
                consortium, and the Secretary--
                          (i) prior to the Secretary's approval 
                        of the application submitted under 
                        subsection (d); and
                          (ii) after the Secretary takes into 
                                  (I) the goals the State, 
                                local area, or consortium 
                                intends to achieve through the 
                                demonstration project; and
                                  (II) the participants the 
                                State, local area, or 
                                consortium intends to serve 
                                under such project; and
                          (iii) prior to approval of the 
                        application submitted under subsection 
          (5) Reporting outcomes.--Submit, on an annual basis, 
        to the Secretary a report, with respect to such State, 
        local area, or consortium, on--
                  (A) participant outcomes for each indicator 
                of performance described in subsection 
                (f)(1)(A) for the activities carried out under 
                the project; and
                  (B) the applicable requirements of section 
                116(d)(2), including subparagraphs (B) through 
                (G) and subparagraph (J), as such subparagraphs 
                are applicable to activities under the 
                demonstration project.
          (6) Compliance with certain existing requirements.--
        Comply with the statutory or regulatory requirements 
        listed in subsection (b)(2).
  (f) Performance Accountability.--
          (1) Establishment of baseline level for 
                  (A) In general.--Each State shall describe in 
                the application submitted under subsection (d), 
                for each year of the demonstration period--
                          (i) with respect to participants who 
                        are at least 25 years old, the expected 
                        levels of performance for each of the 
                        indicators of performance under section 
                        116(b)(2)(A)(i) for the activities 
                        carried out under the project under 
                        this section, which shall meet the 
                        requirements of subparagraph (B); and
                          (ii) with respect to participants who 
                        are at least 16 years old and no older 
                        than 24 years old, the expected levels 
                        of performance for each of the 
                        indicators of performance under section 
                        116(b)(2)(A)(ii) for the activities 
                        carried out under the project under 
                        this section, which shall meet the 
                        requirements of subparagraph (B).
                  (B) 5th year.--Each of the expected levels of 
                performance established pursuant to 
                subparagraph (A) for each of the indicators of 
                performance for the 5th year of the 
                demonstration period shall be higher than--
                          (i) the highest level of performance 
                        for the corresponding indicator of 
                        performance for the programs described 
                        in subparagraph (A) of section 3(13) 
                        for the most recent program year that 
                        ended prior to the beginning of the 
                        first year of the demonstration period; 
                          (ii) an alternate baseline level of 
                        performance that is agreed upon between 
                        the State and the Secretary--
                                  (I) prior to the Secretary's 
                                approval of the application 
                                submitted under subsection (d); 
                                  (II) after the Secretary 
                                takes into account--
                                          (aa) the goals the 
                                        State intends to 
                                        achieve through the 
                                        demonstration project; 
                                          (bb) the participants 
                                        the State intends to 
                                        serve under such 
                  (C) Agreed level for performance on expected 
                levels of performance.--Prior to approving an 
                application for a demonstration project 
                submitted by a State, and using the expected 
                levels of performance described in such 
                application, the Secretary shall reach an 
                agreement with such State on the expected 
                levels of performance for each of the 
                indicators of performance. In reaching an 
                agreement on such expected levels of 
                performance, the Secretary and the State may 
                consider the factors described in section 
          (2) Sanctions.--
                  (A) In general.--The sanctions described in 
                section 116(f)(1)(B) shall apply to a State, 
                local area, or consortium beginning on the 3rd 
                year of the demonstration period for such 
                State, local area, or consortium, except that 
                the levels of performance established under 
                subsection (f)(1) of this section shall be--
                          (i) deemed to be the State negotiated 
                        levels of performance for purposes of 
                        this paragraph; and
                          (ii) adjusted at the end of each 
                        program year to reflect the actual 
                        characteristics of participants served 
                        and the actual economic conditions 
                        experienced using a statistical 
                        adjustment model similar to the model 
                        described in section 
                  (B) Ineligibility for renewal.--A State, 
                local area, or consortium that is subject to 
                such sanctions shall be ineligible to renew its 
                demonstration period under subsection (c).
          (3) Impact of local or consortium demonstrations on 
        statewide accountability.--With respect to a State with 
        an approved demonstration project for a local area or 
        consortium of local areas in the State--
                  (A) the performance of such local area or 
                consortium for the programs described in 
                subparagraphs (A) and (C) of section 3(13) 
                shall not be included in the levels of 
                performance for such State for any of such 
                programs for purposes of section 116 for any 
                program year that is applicable to any year of 
                the demonstration period; and
                  (B) with respect to any local areas of the 
                State that are not part of the demonstration 
                project, the State shall reach a new agreement 
                with the Secretary, for purposes of section 
                116(b)(3)(A), on levels of performance for such 
                programs for such program years.
  (g) Termination.--Except as provided under subsection 
(c)(1)(B), the Secretary may not approve a demonstration 
project after December 31, 2030.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  It is the purpose of this title to create a partnership among 
the Federal Government, States, and localities to provide, on a 
voluntary basis, adult education and literacy activities, in 
order to--
          (1) assist adults to become literate and obtain the 
        knowledge and skills (including digital literacy 
        skills) necessary for employment and economic self-
          (2) assist adults who are parents or family members 
        to obtain the education and skills that--
                  (A) are necessary to becoming full partners 
                in the educational development of their 
                children; and
                  (B) lead to sustainable improvements in the 
                economic opportunities for their family;
          (3) assist adults in attaining a secondary school 
        diploma and in the transition to postsecondary 
        education and training, including through career 
        pathways; and
          (4) assist immigrants and other individuals who are 
        [English language learners] English learners in--
                  (A) improving their--
                          (i) reading, writing, speaking, and 
                        comprehension skills in English; and
                          (ii) mathematics skills; and
                  (B) acquiring an understanding of the 
                American system of Government, individual 
                freedom, and the responsibilities of 


  In this title:
          (1) Adult education.--The term ``adult education'' 
        means academic instruction and education services below 
        the postsecondary level that increase an individual's 
        ability to--
                  (A) read, write, listen, and speak in English 
                and perform mathematics or other activities 
                necessary for the attainment of a secondary 
                school diploma or its recognized equivalent;
                  (B) transition to postsecondary education and 
                training; [and]
                  (C) develop and use digital literacy skills; 
                  [(C)] (D) obtain employment.
          (2) Adult education and literacy activities.--The 
        term ``adult education and literacy activities'' means 
        programs, activities, and services that include adult 
        education, literacy, workplace adult education and 
        literacy activities, family literacy activities, 
        English language acquisition activities, integrated 
        English literacy and civics education, workforce 
        preparation activities, or integrated education and 
          (3) Digital literacy skills.--The term ``digital 
        literacy skills'' means the skills associated with 
        using existing and emerging technologies to find, 
        evaluate, organize, create, communicate information, 
        and to complete tasks.
          [(3)] (4) Eligible agency.--The term ``eligible 
        agency'' means the sole entity or agency in a State or 
        an outlying area responsible for administering or 
        supervising policy for adult education and literacy 
        activities in the State or outlying area, respectively, 
        consistent with the law of the State or outlying area, 
          [(4)] (5) Eligible individual.--The term ``eligible 
        individual'' means an individual--
                  (A) who has attained 16 years of age;
                  (B) who is not enrolled or required to be 
                enrolled in secondary school under State law; 
                  (C) who--
                          [(i) is basic skills deficient;]
                          (i) has foundational skills needs;
                          (ii) does not have a secondary school 
                        diploma or its recognized equivalent, 
                        and has not achieved an equivalent 
                        level of education; or
                          (iii) is an [English language 
                        learner] English learner.
          [(5)] (6) Eligible provider.--The term ``eligible 
        provider'' means an organization that has demonstrated 
        effectiveness in providing adult education and literacy 
        activities that may include--
                  (A) a local educational agency;
                  (B) a community-based organization or faith-
                based organization;
                  (C) a volunteer literacy organization;
                  (D) an institution of higher education;
                  (E) a public or private nonprofit agency;
                  (F) a library;
                  (G) a public housing authority;
                  (H) a nonprofit institution that is not 
                described in any of subparagraphs (A) through 
                (G) and has the ability to provide adult 
                education and literacy activities to eligible 
                  (I) a consortium or coalition of the 
                agencies, organizations, institutions, 
                libraries, or authorities described in any of 
                subparagraphs (A) through (H); and
                  (J) a partnership between an employer and an 
                entity described in any of subparagraphs (A) 
                through (I).
          [(6)] (7) English language acquisition program.--The 
        term ``English language acquisition program'' means a 
        program of instruction--
                  (A) designed to help eligible individuals who 
                are [English language learners] English 
                learners achieve competence in reading, 
                writing, speaking, and comprehension of the 
                English language; and
                  (B) that leads to--
                          (i)(I) attainment of a secondary 
                        school diploma or its recognized 
                        equivalent; and
                          (II) transition to postsecondary 
                        education and training; or
                          (ii) employment.
          [(7)] (8) English [language] learner.--The term 
        ``[English language learner] English learner'' when 
        used with respect to an eligible individual, means an 
        eligible individual who has limited ability in reading, 
        writing, speaking, or comprehending the English 
        language, and--
                  (A) whose native language is a language other 
                than English; or
                  (B) who lives in a family or community 
                environment where a language other than English 
                is the dominant language.
          [(8)] (9) Essential components of reading 
        instruction.--The term ``essential components of 
        reading instruction'' means explicit and systematic 
        instruction in--
                  (A) phonemic awareness;
                  (B) phonics;
                  (C) vocabulary development;
                  (D) reading fluency, including oral reading 
                skills; and
                  (E) reading comprehension strategies.
          [(9)] (10) Family literacy activities.--The term 
        ``family literacy activities'' means activities that 
        are of sufficient intensity and quality, to make 
        sustainable improvements in the economic and 
        educational prospects for a family and that better 
        enable parents or family members to support their 
        children's learning needs, and that integrate all of 
        the following activities:
                  (A) Parent or family adult education and 
                literacy activities that lead to readiness for 
                postsecondary education or training, career 
                advancement, and economic self-sufficiency.
                  (B) Interactive literacy activities between 
                parents or family members and their children.
                  (C) Training for parents or family members 
                regarding how to be the primary teacher for 
                their children and full partners in the 
                education of their children.
                  (D) An age-appropriate education to prepare 
                children for success in school and life 
          [(10)] (11) Institution of higher education.--The 
        term ``institution of higher education'' has the 
        meaning given the term in section 101 of the Higher 
        Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001).
          [(11)] (12) Integrated education and training.--The 
        term ``integrated education and training'' means a 
        service approach that provides adult education and 
        literacy activities concurrently and contextually with 
        workforce preparation activities and workforce training 
        for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for 
        the purpose of educational and career advancement.
          [(12)] (13) Integrated english literacy and civics 
        education.--The term ``integrated English literacy and 
        civics education'' means education services provided to 
        [English language learners] English learners who are 
        adults, including professionals with degrees and 
        credentials in their native countries, that enables 
        such adults to achieve competency in the English 
        language and acquire the basic and more advanced skills 
        needed to function effectively as parents, workers, and 
        citizens in the United States. Such services shall 
        include instruction in literacy and English language 
        acquisition and instruction on the rights and 
        responsibilities of citizenship and civic 
        participation, and may include [workforce training] 
        skills development, preparation for postsecondary 
        education or employment, and financial literacy 
          [(13)] (14) Literacy.--The term ``literacy'' means an 
        individual's ability to read, write, and speak in 
        English, compute, [and solve] solve problems, and use 
        digital technology, at levels of proficiency necessary 
        to function on the job, in the family of the 
        individual, and in society.
          [(14)] (15) Postsecondary educational institution.--
        The term ``postsecondary educational institution'' 
                  (A) an institution of higher education that 
                provides not less than a 2-year program of 
                instruction that is acceptable for credit 
                toward a bachelor's degree;
                  (B) a tribally controlled college or 
                university; or
                  (C) a nonprofit educational institution 
                offering certificate or apprenticeship programs 
                at the postsecondary level.
          [(15)] (16) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means 
        the Secretary of Education.
          [(16)] (17) Workplace adult education and literacy 
        activities.--The term ``workplace adult education and 
        literacy activities'' means adult education and 
        literacy activities offered by an eligible provider in 
        collaboration with an employer or employee organization 
        at a workplace or an off-site location that is designed 
        to improve the productivity of the workforce.
          [(17)] (18) Workforce preparation activities.--The 
        term ``workforce preparation activities'' means 
        activities, programs, or services designed to help an 
        individual acquire a combination of basic academic 
        skills, critical thinking skills, digital literacy 
        skills, and self-management skills, including 
        competencies in utilizing resources, using information, 
        working with others, understanding systems, and 
        obtaining skills necessary for successful transition 
        into and completion of postsecondary education or 
        training, or employment.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  [There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
title $577,667,000 for fiscal year 2015, $622,286,000 for 
fiscal year 2016, $635,198,000 for fiscal year 2017, 
$649,287,000 for fiscal year 2018, $664,552,000 for fiscal year 
2019, and $678,640,000 for fiscal year 2020.]


  There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
title $751,042,100 for each of the fiscal years 2025 through 

                     Subtitle A--Federal Provisions


  (a) Reservation of funds.--From the sum appropriated under 
section 206 for a fiscal year, the Secretary--
          (1) shall reserve 2 percent to carry out section 242, 
        except that the amount so reserved shall not exceed 
        $15,000,000; and
          (2) shall reserve 12 percent of the amount that 
        remains after reserving funds under paragraph (1) to 
        carry out section 243.
  (b) Grants to Eligible Agencies.--
          (1) In general.--From the sum appropriated under 
        section 206 and not reserved under subsection (a) for a 
        fiscal year, the Secretary shall award a grant to each 
        eligible agency having a unified State plan approved 
        under section 102 or a combined State plan approved 
        under section 103 in an amount equal to the sum of the 
        initial allotment under subsection (c)(1) and the 
        additional allotment under subsection (c)(2) for the 
        eligible agency for the fiscal year, subject to 
        subsections (f) and (g), to enable the eligible agency 
        to carry out the activities assisted under this title.
          (2) Purpose of grants.--The Secretary may award a 
        grant under paragraph (1) only if the eligible entity 
        involved agrees to expend the grant for adult education 
        and literacy activities in accordance with the 
        provisions of this title.
  (c) Allotments.--
          (1) Initial allotments.--From the sum appropriated 
        under section 206 and not reserved under subsection (a) 
        for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot to each 
        eligible agency having a unified State plan approved 
        under section 102 or a combined State plan approved 
        under section 103--
                  (A) $100,000, in the case of an eligible 
                agency serving an outlying area; and
                  (B) $250,000, in the case of any other 
                eligible agency.
          (2) Additional allotments.--From the sum appropriated 
        under section 206, not reserved under subsection (a), 
        and not allotted under paragraph (1), for a fiscal 
        year, the Secretary shall allot to each eligible agency 
        that receives an initial allotment under paragraph (1) 
        an additional amount that bears the same relationship 
        to such sum as the number of qualifying adults in the 
        State or outlying area served by the eligible agency 
        bears to the number of such adults in all States and 
        outlying areas.
  (d) Qualifying Adult.--For the purpose of subsection (c)(2), 
the term ``qualifying adult'' means an adult who--
          (1) is at least 16 years of age;
          (2) is beyond the age of compulsory school attendance 
        under the law of the State or outlying area;
          (3) does not have a secondary school diploma or its 
        recognized equivalent; and
          (4) is not enrolled in secondary school.
  (e) Special rule.--
          (1) In general.--From amounts made available under 
        subsection (c) for the Republic of Palau, the Secretary 
        shall award grants to Guam, American Samoa, the 
        Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or the 
        Republic of Palau to carry out activities described in 
        this title in accordance with the provisions of this 
        title, as determined by the Secretary.
          (2) Award basis.--The Secretary shall award grants 
        pursuant to paragraph (1) on a competitive basis and 
        pursuant to the recommendations from the Pacific Region 
        Educational Laboratory in Honolulu, Hawaii.
          (3) Termination of eligibility.--Notwithstanding any 
        other provision of law, the Republic of Palau shall be 
        eligible to receive a grant under this title except 
        during the [period described in section 3(45)] period 
        described in subparagraph (B) of the definition of the 
        term ``outlying area'' in section 3.
          (4) Administrative costs.--The Secretary may provide 
        not more than 5 percent of the funds made available for 
        grants under this subsection to pay the administrative 
        costs of the Pacific Region Educational Laboratory 
        regarding activities assisted under this subsection.
  (f) Hold-harmless Provisions.--
          (1) In general.--Notwithstanding subsection (c), for 
        fiscal year 2015 and each succeeding fiscal year, no 
        eligible agency shall receive an allotment under this 
        section that is less than 90 percent of the allotment 
        the eligible agency received for the preceding fiscal 
        year under this section.
          (2) Ratable reduction.--If for any fiscal year the 
        amount available for allotment under this title is 
        insufficient to satisfy the provisions of paragraph (1) 
        the Secretary shall ratably reduce the payments to all 
        eligible agencies, as necessary.
  (g) Reallotment.--The portion of any eligible agency's 
allotment under this title for a fiscal year that the Secretary 
determines will not be required for the period such allotment 
is available for carrying out activities under this title, 
shall be available for reallotment from time to time, on such 
dates during such period as the Secretary shall fix, to other 
eligible agencies in proportion to the original allotments to 
such agencies under this title for such year.


  Programs and activities authorized in this title are subject 
to the performance accountability provisions described in 
[section 116.] section 116, except that the indicator described 
in subsection (b)(2)(A)(i)(VI) of such section shall be applied 
as if it were the percentage of program participants who exited 
the program during the program year and completed an integrated 
education and training program.

Subtitle B--State Provisions

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) State Distribution of Funds.--Each eligible agency 
receiving a grant under section 211(b) for a fiscal year--
          (1) shall use not less than 82.5 percent of the grant 
        funds to award grants and contracts under section 231 
        and to carry out section 225, of which not more than 20 
        percent of such amount shall be available to carry out 
        section 225;
          (2) shall use not more than 12.5 percent of the grant 
        funds to carry out State leadership activities under 
        section 223; and
          (3) shall use not more than 5 percent of the grant 
        funds, or $85,000, whichever is greater, for the 
        administrative expenses of the eligible agency.
  (b) Matching Requirement.--
          (1) In general.--In order to receive a grant from the 
        Secretary under section 211(b) each eligible agency 
        shall provide, for the costs to be incurred by the 
        eligible agency in carrying out the adult education and 
        literacy activities for which the grant is awarded, a 
        non-Federal contribution in an amount that is not less 
                  (A) in the case of an eligible agency serving 
                an outlying area, 12 percent of the total 
                amount of funds expended for adult education 
                and literacy activities in the outlying area, 
                except that the Secretary may decrease the 
                amount of funds required under this 
                subparagraph for an eligible agency; and
                  (B) in the case of an eligible agency serving 
                a State, 25 percent of the total amount of 
                funds expended for adult education and literacy 
                activities in the State.
          (2) Non-federal contribution.--An eligible agency's 
        non-Federal contribution required under paragraph (1) 
        may be provided in cash or in kind, fairly evaluated, 
        and shall include only non-Federal funds that are used 
        for adult education and literacy activities in a manner 
        that is consistent with the purpose of this title.
          (3) Public availability of information on matching 
        funds.--Each eligible agency shall maintain, on a 
        publicly accessible website of such agency and in an 
        easily accessible format, information documenting the 
        non-Federal contributions made available to adult 
        education and family literacy programs pursuant to this 
        subsection, including--
                  (A) the sources of such contributions, except 
                that in the case of private contributions, 
                names of the individuals or entities providing 
                such contributions may not be disclosed; and
                  (B) in the case of funds made available by a 
                State or outlying area, an explanation of how 
                such funds are distributed to eligible 


  (a) Activities.--
          (1) Required.--Each eligible agency shall use funds 
        made available under section 222(a)(2) for the 
        following adult education and literacy activities to 
        develop or enhance the adult education system of the 
        State or outlying area:
                  (A) The alignment of adult education and 
                literacy activities with other core programs 
                and one-stop partners, including eligible 
                providers, to implement the strategy identified 
                in the unified State plan under section 102 or 
                the combined State plan under section 103, 
                including the development of career pathways to 
                provide access to employment and training 
                services for individuals in adult education and 
                literacy [activities.] activities and the 
                identification of opportunities to coordinate 
                with activities supported under the Carl D. 
                Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 
                2006 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.) to expand 
                integrated education and training programs.
                  (B) The establishment or operation of high 
                quality professional development programs to 
                improve the instruction provided pursuant to 
                local activities required under section 231(b), 
                including instruction incorporating the 
                essential components of reading instruction as 
                such components relate to adults, instruction 
                related to the specific needs of adult 
                learners, instruction provided by volunteers or 
                by personnel of a State or outlying area, and 
                dissemination of information about models and 
                promising practices related to such programs.
                  (C) The provision of technical assistance to 
                eligible providers of adult education and 
                literacy activities receiving funds under this 
                title, including--
                          (i) the development and dissemination 
                        of instructional and programmatic 
                        practices based on the most rigorous or 
                        scientifically valid research available 
                        and appropriate, in reading, writing, 
                        speaking, mathematics, English language 
                        acquisition programs, distance 
                        education, and staff training;
                          (ii) the role of eligible providers 
                        as a one-stop partner to provide access 
                        to employment, education, and training 
                        services; [and]
                          (iii) assistance in the use of 
                        technology, including for staff 
                        training, to eligible providers, 
                        especially the use of technology to 
                        improve system efficiencies[.]; and
                          (iv) assistance in reporting 
                        participant outcomes for the 
                        performance accountability system 
                        described in section 212, including 
                        facilitating partnerships with the 
                        appropriate State entities to conduct 
                        matches with State administrative data 
                        (such as wage records) to determine 
                        program performance on the indicators 
                        of performance described in subclauses 
                        (I) through (III) of section 
                  (D) The development or identification (which 
                may be done in coordination with other States) 
                of instructional materials that--
                          (i) are designed to meet the needs of 
                        adult learners and English learners;
                          (ii) to the extent practicable, are 
                        evidence-based; and
                          (iii) will improve the instruction 
                        provided pursuant to the local 
                        activities required under section 
                  (E) The dissemination of instructional 
                materials described in subparagraph (D) to 
                eligible providers to improve the instruction 
                provided pursuant to the local activities 
                required under section 231(b), including 
                instructional materials that--
                          (i) were developed for integrated 
                        education and training in an in-demand 
                        industry or occupation within the 
                        State; and
                          (ii) lead to English language 
                        acquisition, a recognized postsecondary 
                        credential, or both.
                  [(D)] (F) The monitoring and evaluation of 
                the quality of, and the improvement in, adult 
                education and literacy activities and the 
                dissemination of information about models and 
                proven or promising practices within the State.
          (2) Permissible activities.--Each eligible agency may 
        use funds made available under section 222(a)(2) for 1 
        or more of the following adult education and literacy 
                  (A) The support of State or regional networks 
                of literacy resource centers.
                  (B) The development and implementation of 
                technology applications, translation 
                technology, or distance education, including 
                professional development to support the use of 
                instructional technology.
                  (C) Developing and disseminating curricula, 
                including curricula incorporating the essential 
                components of reading instruction as such 
                components relate to adults.
                  (D) Developing content and models for 
                integrated education and training and career 
                  (E) The provision of assistance to eligible 
                providers in developing and implementing 
                programs that achieve the objectives of this 
                title and in measuring the progress of those 
                programs in achieving such objectives, 
                including meeting the State adjusted levels of 
                performance described in section 116(b)(3).
                  (F) The development and implementation of a 
                system to assist in the transition from adult 
                education to postsecondary education, including 
                linkages with postsecondary educational 
                institutions or institutions of higher 
                  (G) Integration of literacy and English 
                language instruction with occupational skill 
                training, including promoting linkages with 
                  (H) Activities to promote workplace adult 
                education and literacy activities.
                  (I) Identifying curriculum frameworks and 
                aligning rigorous content standards that--
                          (i) specify what adult learners 
                        should know and be able to do in the 
                        areas of reading and language arts, 
                        [mathematics, and English] mathematics, 
                        English language [acquisition;] 
                        acquisition, and digital literacy 
                        skills; and
                          (ii) take into consideration the 
                                  (I) State adopted academic 
                                  (II) The current adult skills 
                                and literacy assessments used 
                                in the State or outlying area.
                                  (III) The primary indicators 
                                of performance described in 
                                section 116.
                                  (IV) Standards and academic 
                                requirements for enrollment in 
                                nonremedial, for-credit courses 
                                in postsecondary educational 
                                institutions or institutions of 
                                higher education supported by 
                                the State or outlying area.
                                  (V) Where appropriate, the 
                                content of occupational and 
                                industry skill standards widely 
                                used by business and industry 
                                in the State or outlying area.
                  (J) Developing and piloting of strategies for 
                improving teacher quality and [retention.] 
                retention, such as the development and 
                maintenance of policies for awarding recognized 
                postsecondary credentials to adult educators 
                who demonstrate effectiveness at improving the 
                achievement of adult students.
                  (K) The development and implementation of 
                programs and services to meet the needs of 
                adult learners with learning disabilities or 
                [English language learners,] English learners, 
                which may include new and promising assessment 
                tools and strategies that are based on 
                scientifically valid research, where 
                appropriate, and identify the needs and capture 
                the gains of such students at the lowest 
                achievement levels.
                  (L) Outreach to instructors, students, and 
                  (M) Performance incentive payments to 
                eligible providers, including incentive 
                payments linked to increased use of integrated 
                employment and training or other forms of 
                instruction linking adult education with the 
                development of occupational skills for an in-
                demand occupation in the State.
                  (N) Strengthening the quality and 
                effectiveness of adult education and family 
                literacy programs in the State through support 
                for program quality standards and accreditation 
                  (O) Raising public awareness (including 
                through public service announcements, such as 
                social media campaigns) about career and 
                technical education programs and community-
                based organizations, and other endeavors 
                focused on programs that prepare individuals 
                for in-demand industry sectors or occupations.
                  [(M)] (P) Other activities of statewide 
                significance that promote the purpose of this 
  (b) Collaboration.--In carrying out this section, eligible 
agencies shall collaborate where possible, and avoid 
duplicating efforts, in order to maximize the impact of the 
activities described in subsection (a).
  (c) State-imposed Requirements.--Whenever a State or outlying 
area implements any rule or policy relating to the 
administration or operation of a program authorized under this 
title that has the effect of imposing a requirement that is not 
imposed under Federal law (including any rule or policy based 
on a State or outlying area interpretation of a Federal 
statute, regulation, or guideline), the State or outlying area 
shall identify, to eligible providers, the rule or policy as 
being imposed by the State or outlying area.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) Program Authorized.--From funds made available under 
section 222(a)(1) for a fiscal year, each eligible agency shall 
carry out corrections education and education for other 
institutionalized individuals.
  (b) Uses of Funds.--The funds described in subsection (a) 
shall be used for the cost of educational programs for criminal 
offenders in correctional institutions and for other 
institutionalized individuals, including academic programs 
          (1) adult education and literacy activities;
          (2) special education, as determined by the eligible 
          (3) secondary school credit;
          (4) integrated education and training;
          (5) career pathways;
          (6) concurrent enrollment;
          (7) peer tutoring; and
          (8) transition to re-entry initiatives and other 
        postrelease services with the goal of reducing 
  (c) Priority.--Each eligible agency that is using assistance 
provided under this section to carry out a program for criminal 
offenders within a correctional institution shall give priority 
to serving individuals who are likely to leave the correctional 
institution within 5 years of participation in the program.
  (d) Coordination.--Each eligible agency that is using 
assistance provided under this section to carry out a program 
for criminal offenders within a correctional institution 
          (1) coordinate such educational programs with career 
        and technical education activities provided to 
        individuals in State institutions from funds reserved 
        under section 112(a)(2)(A) of the Carl D. Perkins 
        Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 
        2322(a)(2)(A)); and
          (2) identify opportunities to develop integrated 
        education and training opportunities for such 
  [(d)] (e) Report.--In addition to any report required under 
section 116, each eligible agency that receives assistance 
provided under this section shall annually prepare and submit 
to the Secretary a report on the progress, as described in 
section 116, of the eligible agency with respect to the 
programs and activities carried out under this section, 
including the relative rate of recidivism for the criminal 
offenders served.
  [(e)] (f) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Correctional institution.--The term 
        ``correctional institution'' means any--
                  (A) prison;
                  (B) jail;
                  (C) reformatory;
                  (D) work farm;
                  (E) detention center; or
                  (F) halfway house, community-based 
                rehabilitation center, or any other similar 
                institution designed for the confinement or 
                rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
          (2) Criminal offender.--The term ``criminal 
        offender'' means any individual who is charged with or 
        convicted of any criminal offense.

                      Subtitle C--Local Provisions


  (a) Grants and Contracts.--From grant funds made available 
under section 222(a)(1), each eligible agency shall award 
multiyear grants or contracts, on a competitive basis, to 
eligible providers within the State or outlying area to enable 
the eligible providers to develop, implement, and improve adult 
education and literacy activities within the State.
  (b) Required Local Activities.--The eligible agency shall 
require that each eligible provider receiving a grant or 
contract under subsection (a) use the grant or contract to 
establish or operate programs that provide adult education and 
literacy activities, including programs that provide such 
activities concurrently.
  (c) Direct and Equitable Access; Same Process.--Each eligible 
agency receiving funds under this title shall ensure that--
          (1) all eligible providers have direct and equitable 
        access to apply and compete for grants or contracts 
        under this section; and
          (2) the same grant or contract announcement process 
        and application process is used for all eligible 
        providers in the State or outlying area.
  (d) Special rule.--Each eligible agency awarding a grant or 
contract under this section shall not use any funds made 
available under this title for adult education and literacy 
activities for the purpose of supporting or providing programs, 
services, or activities for individuals who are not individuals 
described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 203(4), 
except that such agency may use such funds for such purpose if 
such programs, services, or activities are related to family 
literacy activities. In providing family literacy activities 
under this title, an eligible provider shall attempt to 
coordinate with programs and services that are not assisted 
under this title prior to using funds for adult education and 
literacy activities under this title for activities other than 
activities for eligible individuals.
  (e) Considerations.--In awarding grants or contracts under 
this section, the eligible agency shall consider--
          (1) the degree to which the eligible provider would 
        be responsive to--
                  (A) regional needs as identified in the local 
                plan under section 108; and
                  (B) serving individuals in the community who 
                were identified in such plan as most in need of 
                adult education and literacy activities, 
                including individuals--
                          (i) who have low levels of literacy 
                        skills; or
                          (ii) who are [English language 
                        learners] English learners;
          (2) the ability of the eligible provider to serve 
        eligible individuals with disabilities, including 
        eligible individuals with learning disabilities;
          (3) past effectiveness of the eligible provider in 
        improving the literacy of eligible individuals, to meet 
        State-adjusted levels of performance for the primary 
        indicators of performance described in section 116, 
        especially with respect to eligible individuals who 
        have low levels of literacy;
          (4) the extent to which the eligible provider 
        demonstrates alignment between proposed activities and 
        services and the strategy and goals of the local plan 
        under section 108, as well as the activities and 
        services of the one-stop partners;
          (5) whether the eligible provider's program--
                  (A) is of sufficient intensity and quality, 
                and based on the most rigorous research 
                available so that participants achieve 
                substantial learning gains; [and]
                  (B) uses instructional practices that include 
                the essential components of reading 
                instruction; and
                  (C) uses instructional materials that are 
                designed to meet the needs of adult learners 
                and English learners and are evidence-based (to 
                the extent practicable), which may include, but 
                shall not be required to include, the 
                instructional materials disseminated by the 
                State under section 223(a)(1)(D);
          (6) whether the eligible provider's activities, 
        including whether reading, writing, [speaking,] 
        speaking and listening, mathematics, and English 
        language acquisition instruction delivered by the 
        eligible provider, are based on the best practices 
        derived from the most rigorous research available and 
        appropriate, including scientifically valid research 
        and effective educational practice, which may include 
        the application of the principles of universal design 
        for learning;
          (7) whether the eligible provider's activities 
        effectively use technology, services, and delivery 
        systems, including distance education in a manner 
        sufficient to increase the amount and quality of 
        learning and how such technology, services, and systems 
        lead to improved performance;
          (8) whether the eligible provider's activities 
        provide learning in context, including through 
        integrated education and training, so that an 
        individual acquires the skills needed to transition to 
        and complete postsecondary education and training 
        programs, obtain and advance in employment leading to 
        economic self-sufficiency, and to exercise the rights 
        and responsibilities of citizenship;
          (9) whether the eligible provider's activities are 
        delivered by well-trained instructors, counselors, and 
        administrators who meet any minimum qualifications 
        established by the State, where applicable, and who 
        have access to high quality professional development, 
        including through electronic means;
          (10) whether the eligible provider's activities 
        coordinate with other available education, training, 
        and social service resources in the community, such as 
        by establishing strong links with elementary schools 
        and secondary schools, postsecondary educational 
        institutions, institutions of higher education, local 
        workforce investment boards, one-stop centers, job 
        training programs, and social service agencies, 
        business, industry, labor organizations, community-
        based organizations, nonprofit organizations, and 
        intermediaries, for the development of career pathways;
          (11) whether the eligible provider's activities offer 
        flexible schedules and coordination with Federal, 
        State, and local support services (such as child care, 
        transportation, mental health services, and career 
        planning) that are necessary to enable individuals, 
        including individuals with disabilities or other 
        special needs, to attend and complete programs;
          (12) whether the eligible provider maintains a high-
        quality information management system that has the 
        capacity to report measurable participant outcomes 
        (consistent with section 116) and to monitor program 
        performance; and
          (13) whether the local areas in which the eligible 
        provider is located have a demonstrated need for 
        additional English language acquisition programs and 
        civics education programs.
  (f) Cost Analysis.--In determining the amount of funds to be 
awarded in grants or contracts under this section, the eligible 
agency may consider the costs of providing learning in context, 
including integrated education and training and workplace adult 
education and literacy activities, and the extent to which the 
eligible provider intends to serve individuals using such 
activities, in order to align the amount of funds awarded with 
such costs.


  Each eligible provider desiring a grant or contract from an 
eligible agency shall submit an application to the eligible 
agency containing such information and assurances as the 
eligible agency may require, including--
          (1) a description of how funds awarded under this 
        title will be spent consistent with the requirements of 
        this title;
          (2) a description of any cooperative arrangements the 
        eligible provider has with other agencies, 
        institutions, or organizations for the delivery of 
        adult education and literacy activities;
          (3) a description of how the eligible provider will 
        provide services in alignment with the local plan under 
        section 108, including how such provider will promote 
        concurrent enrollment in programs and activities under 
        title I, as appropriate;
          (4) a description of how the eligible provider will 
        meet the State adjusted levels of performance described 
        in section 116(b)(3), including how such provider will 
        collect data and coordinate with the appropriate State 
        entity to report on such performance indicators;
          (5) a description of how the eligible provider will 
        fulfill one-stop partner responsibilities as described 
        in section 121(b)(1)(A), as appropriate;
          (6) a description of how the eligible provider will 
        provide services in a manner that meets the needs of 
        eligible individuals; [and]
          (7) a description of how the eligible provider will 
        provide learning in context, including through 
        partnerships with employers to offer workplace adult 
        education and literacy activities and integrated 
        education and training; and
          [(7)] (8) information that addresses the 
        considerations described under section 231(e), as 


  (a) In general.--Subject to subsection (b), of the amount 
that is made available under this title to an eligible 
          (1) not less than [95] 85 percent shall be expended 
        for carrying out adult education and literacy 
        activities; and
          [(2) the remaining amount, not to exceed 5 percent, 
        shall be used for planning, administration (including 
        carrying out the requirements of section 116), 
        professional development, and the activities described 
        in paragraphs (3) and (5) of section 232.]
          (2) of the remaining amount--
                  (A) not more than 10 percent may be used for 
                professional development for adult educators; 
                  (B) not more than 5 percent shall be used for 
                planning, administration (including carrying 
                out the requirements of section 116), 
                professional development of administrative 
                staff, and the activities described in 
                paragraphs (3) and (5) of section 232.
  (b) Special rule.--In cases where the cost limits described 
in subsection (a) are too restrictive to allow for the 
activities described in subsection (a)(2), the eligible 
provider shall negotiate with the eligible agency in order to 
determine an adequate level of funds to be used for 
noninstructional purposes.

Subtitle D--General Provisions

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) In general.--The Secretary shall establish and carry out 
a program of national leadership activities to enhance the 
quality and outcomes of adult education and literacy activities 
and programs nationwide.
  (b) Required Activities.--The national leadership activities 
described in subsection (a) shall include technical assistance, 
          (1) assistance to help States meet the requirements 
        of section [116;] 116, including the dissemination of 
        effective practices used by States to use 
        administrative data to determine program performance 
        and reduce the data collection and reporting burden on 
        eligible providers;
          (2) upon request by a State, assistance provided to 
        eligible providers in using performance accountability 
        measures based on indicators described in section 116, 
        and data systems for the improvement of adult education 
        and literacy activities;
          (3) carrying out rigorous research and evaluation on 
        effective adult education and literacy activities, as 
        well as estimating the number of adults functioning at 
        the lowest levels of literacy proficiency, which shall 
        be coordinated across relevant Federal agencies, 
        including the Institute of Education Sciences; and
          (4) carrying out an independent evaluation at least 
        once every 4 years of the programs and activities under 
        this title, taking into consideration the evaluation 
        subjects referred to in section 169(a)(2).
  (c) Allowable Activities.--The national leadership activities 
described in subsection (a) may include the following:
          (1) Technical assistance, including--
                  (A) assistance related to professional 
                development activities, and assistance for the 
                purposes of developing, improving, identifying, 
                and disseminating the most successful methods 
                and techniques for providing adult education 
                and literacy activities, based on 
                scientifically valid research where available;
                  (B) assistance in distance education and 
                promoting and improving the use of technology 
                in the classroom, including instruction in 
                English language acquisition for [English 
                language learners] English learners;
                  (C) assistance in the development and 
                dissemination of proven models for addressing 
                the digital literacy needs of adults, including 
                older adults; and
                  (D) supporting efforts aimed at strengthening 
                programs at the State and local levels, such as 
                technical assistance in program planning, 
                assessment, evaluation, and monitoring of 
                activities carried out under this title.
          (2) Funding national leadership activities either 
        directly or through grants, contracts, or cooperative 
        agreements awarded on a competitive basis to or with 
        postsecondary educational institutions, institutions of 
        higher education, public or private organizations or 
        agencies (including public libraries), or consortia of 
        such institutions, organizations, or agencies, which 
        may include--
                  (A) developing, improving, and identifying 
                the most successful methods and techniques for 
                addressing the education needs of adults, 
                including instructional practices using the 
                essential components of reading instruction 
                based on the work of the National Institute of 
                Child Health and Human Development;
                  (B) supporting national, regional, or local 
                networks of private nonprofit organizations, 
                public libraries, or institutions of higher 
                education to strengthen the ability of such 
                networks' members to meet the performance 
                requirements described in section 116 of 
                eligible providers;
                  (C) increasing the effectiveness, and 
                improving the quality, of adult education and 
                literacy activities, which may include--
                          (i) carrying out rigorous research;
                          (ii) carrying out demonstration 
                          (iii) accelerating learning outcomes 
                        for eligible individuals with the 
                        lowest literacy levels;
                          (iv) developing and promoting career 
                        pathways for eligible individuals;
                          (v) promoting concurrent enrollment 
                        programs in adult education and credit 
                        bearing postsecondary coursework;
                          (vi) developing high-quality 
                        professional development activities for 
                        eligible providers; and
                          (vii) developing, replicating, and 
                        disseminating information on best 
                        practices and innovative programs, such 
                                  (I) the identification of 
                                effective strategies for 
                                working with adults with 
                                learning disabilities and with 
                                adults who are [English 
                                language learners] English 
                                  (II) integrated education and 
                                training programs;
                                  (III) workplace adult 
                                education and literacy 
                                activities; and
                                  (IV) postsecondary education 
                                and training transition 
                  (D) providing for the conduct of an 
                independent evaluation and assessment of adult 
                education and literacy activities through 
                grants and contracts awarded on a competitive 
                basis, which shall include descriptions of--
                          (i) the effect of performance 
                        accountability measures and other 
                        measures of accountability on the 
                        delivery of adult education and 
                        literacy activities;
                          (ii) the extent to which the adult 
                        education and literacy activities 
                        increase the literacy skills of 
                        eligible individuals, lead to 
                        involvement in education and training, 
                        enhance the employment and earnings of 
                        such participants, and, if applicable, 
                        lead to other positive outcomes, such 
                        as success in re-entry and reductions 
                        in recidivism in the case of prison-
                        based adult education and literacy 
                          (iii) the extent to which the 
                        provision of support services to 
                        eligible individuals enrolled in adult 
                        education and literacy activities 
                        increase the rate of enrollment in, and 
                        successful completion of, such 
                        programs; and
                          (iv) the extent to which different 
                        types of providers measurably improve 
                        the skills of eligible individuals in 
                        adult education and literacy 
                  (E) collecting data, such as data regarding 
                the improvement of both local and State data 
                systems, through technical assistance and 
                development of model performance data 
                collection systems;
                  (F) determining how participation in adult 
                education and literacy activities prepares 
                eligible individuals for entry into 
                postsecondary education and employment and, in 
                the case of programs carried out in 
                correctional institutions, has an effect on 
                recidivism; [and]
                  (G) developing and rigorously evaluating 
                programs for the preparation of effective adult 
                educators and disseminating the results of such 
                  (H) carrying out initiatives to support the 
                effectiveness and impact of adult education, 
                that States may adopt on a voluntary basis, 
                          (i) the development and dissemination 
                        of staffing models that prioritize 
                        demonstrated effectiveness and 
                        continuous improvement in supporting 
                        the learning of adult students; and
                          (ii) the evaluation and improvement 
                        of program quality standards and 
                        accreditation requirements; and
                  [(G)] (I) other activities designed to 
                enhance the quality of adult education and 
                literacy activities nationwide.


  (a) In general.--From funds made available under section 
211(a)(2) for each fiscal year, the Secretary shall award 
grants to States, from allotments under subsection (b), for 
integrated English literacy and civics education, in 
combination with integrated education and training activities.
  (b) Allotment.--
          (1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), from 
        amounts made available under section 211(a)(2) for a 
        fiscal year, the Secretary shall allocate--
                  (A) 65 percent to the States on the basis of 
                a State's need for integrated English literacy 
                and civics education, as determined by 
                calculating each State's share of a 10-year 
                average of the data of the Office of 
                Immigration Statistics of the Department of 
                Homeland Security for immigrants admitted for 
                legal permanent residence for the 10 most 
                recent years; and
                  (B) 35 percent to the States on the basis of 
                whether the State experienced growth, as 
                measured by the average of the 3 most recent 
                years for which the data of the Office of 
                Immigration Statistics of the Department of 
                Homeland Security for immigrants admitted for 
                legal permanent residence are available.
          (2) Minimum.--No State shall receive an allotment 
        under paragraph (1) in an amount that is less than 
  (c) Goal.--Each program that receives funding under this 
section shall be designed to--
          (1) prepare adults who are [English language 
        learners] English learners for, and place such adults 
        in, unsubsidized employment in in-demand industries and 
        occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency; and
          (2) integrate with the local workforce development 
        system and its functions to carry out the activities of 
        the program.
  (d) Report.--The Secretary shall prepare and submit to the 
Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of 
Representatives, and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate and make available to the public, a 
report on the activities carried out under this section.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                      TITLE V--GENERAL PROVISIONS

Subtitle A--Workforce Investment

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  [(a) Workforce Development Systems and Investment 
Activities.--The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of 
Education shall take such actions as the Secretaries determine 
to be appropriate to provide for the orderly transition from 
any authority under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 
U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) to any authority under subtitle A of title 
I. Such actions shall include the provision of guidance related 
to unified State planning, combined State planning, and the 
performance accountability system described in such subtitle.
  [(b) Workforce Investment Activities.--The Secretary of Labor 
shall take such actions as the Secretary determines to be 
appropriate to provide for the orderly transition from any 
authority under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to any 
authority under subtitles B through E of title I.
  [(c) Adult Education and Literacy Programs.--The Secretary of 
Education shall take such actions as the Secretary determines 
to be appropriate to provide for the orderly transition from 
any authority under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act 
(20 U.S.C. 9201 et seq.), as in effect on the day before the 
date of enactment of this Act, to any authority under the Adult 
Education and Family Literacy Act, as amended by this Act.
  [(d) Employment Services Activities.--The Secretary of Labor 
shall take such actions as the Secretary determines to be 
appropriate to provide for the orderly transition from any 
authority under the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.), 
as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of this 
Act, to any authority under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended 
by this Act.
  [(e) Vocational Rehabilitation Programs.--The Secretary of 
Education and the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall 
take such actions as the Secretaries determine to be 
appropriate to provide for the orderly transition from any 
authority under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 701 
et seq.), as in effect on the day before the date of enactment 
of this Act, to any authority under the Rehabilitation Act of 
1973, as amended by this Act.
  [(f) Regulations.--
          [(1) Proposed regulations.--Not later than 180 days 
        after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
        of Labor, the Secretary of Education, and the Secretary 
        of Health and Human Services, as appropriate, shall 
        develop and publish in the Federal Register proposed 
        regulations relating to the transition to, and 
        implementation of, this Act (including the amendments 
        made by this Act).
          [(2) Final regulations.--Not later than 18 months 
        after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
        Secretaries described in paragraph (1), as appropriate, 
        shall develop and publish in the Federal Register final 
        regulations relating to the transition to, and 
        implementation of, this Act (including the amendments 
        made by this Act).
  [(g) Expenditure of Funds During Transition.--
          [(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2) and in 
        accordance with regulations developed under subsection 
        (f), States, grant recipients, administrative entities, 
        and other recipients of financial assistance under the 
        Workforce Investment Act of 1998 may expend funds 
        received under such Act in order to plan and implement 
        programs and activities authorized under this Act.
          [(2) Additional requirements.--Not more than 2 
        percent of any allotment to any State from amounts 
        appropriated under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 
        for fiscal year 2014 may be made available to carry out 
        activities authorized under paragraph (1) and not less 
        than 50 percent of any amount used to carry out 
        activities authorized under paragraph (1) shall be made 
        available to local entities for the purposes of the 
        activities described in such paragraph.]

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


                           WAGNER-PEYSER ACT

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *
  Sec. 2. For purposes of this Act--
          (1) the terms ``chief elected official'', 
        ``institution of higher education'', ``one-stop 
        center'', ``one-stop partner'', ``training services'', 
        ``workforce development activity'', and ``workplace 
        learning advisor'', have the meaning given the terms in 
        section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
          (2) the term ``local workforce development board'' 
        means a local workforce development board established 
        under section 107 of the Workforce Innovation and 
        Opportunity Act;
          (3) the term ``one-stop delivery system'' means a 
        one-stop delivery system described in section 121(e) of 
        the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act;
          (4) the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of 
          (5) the term ``State'' means any of the several 
        States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of 
        Puerto Rico, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern 
        Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and the Virgin 
        Islands; and
          (6) the term ``employment service office'' means a 
        local office of a State agency; and
          (7) except in section 15, the term ``State agency'', 
        used without further description, means an agency 
        designated or authorized under section 4.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

  Sec. 5. (a) There is authorized to be appropriated, out of 
any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such 
amounts from time to time as the Congress may deem necessary to 
carry out the purposes of this Act.
  (b) The Secretary shall from time to time certify to the 
Secretary of the Treasury for payment to each State which--
          (1) except in the case of Guam, the Commonwealth of 
        the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, has an 
        unemployment compensation law approved by the Secretary 
        under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act and is found to 
        be in compliance with section 303 of the Social 
        Security Act, as amended,
          (2) is found to have coordinated the public 
        employment services with the provision of unemployment 
        insurance claimant services, and
          (3) is found to be in compliance with this Act,
such amounts as the Secretary determines to be necessary for 
allotment in accordance with section 6.
  (c)(1) Beginning with fiscal year 1985 and thereafter 
appropriations for any fiscal year for programs and activities 
assisted or conducted under this Act shall be available for 
obligation only on the basis of a program year. The program 
year shall begin on July 1 in the fiscal year for which the 
appropriation is made.
  (2) Funds obligated for any program year may be expended by 
the State during that program year and the two succeeding 
program years and no amount shall be deobligated on account of 
a rate of expenditure which is consistent with the program 
  (3)(A) Appropriations for fiscal year 1984 shall be available 
both to fund activities for the period between October 1, 1983, 
and July 1, 1984, and for the program year beginning July 1, 
  (B) There are authorized to be appropriated such additional 
sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this 
paragraph for the transition to program year funding.
  Sec. 6. (a) From the funds appropriated and ([except for 
Guam] except for Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana 
Islands, and American Samoa) certified under section 5 and made 
available for allotments under this section for each fiscal 
year, the Secretary shall [first allot to Guam and the Virgin 
Islands] first allot--
          (1) to Guam and the Virgin Islands  an amount which, 
        in relation to the total amount available for the 
        fiscal year, is equal to the allotment percentage which 
        each received of amounts available under this Act in 
        fiscal year 1983[.]; and
          (2) beginning with the first fiscal year for which 
        the total amount available for allotments under this 
        section is greater than the total amount available for 
        allotments under this section for fiscal year 2024, and 
        for each succeeding fiscal year, to each of the 
        Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and 
        American Samoa, an amount which is equal to one-half of 
        the amount allotted to Guam under paragraph (1) for 
        such fiscal year.
  (b)(1) Subject to paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this 
subsection, after making the allotments required by subsection 
(a), the Secretary shall allot the remainder of the funds 
described in subsection (a) for each fiscal year among the 
States as follows:
          (A) two-thirds of such remainder shall be allotted on 
        the basis of the relative number of individuals in the 
        civilian labor force in each State as compared to the 
        total number of such individuals in all States; and
          (B) one-third of such remainder shall be allotted on 
        the basis of the relative number of unemployed 
        individuals in each State as compared to the total 
        number of such individuals in all States.
For purposes of this paragraph, the number of individuals in 
the civilian labor force and the number of unemployed 
individuals shall be based on data for the most recent calendar 
year available, as determined by the Secretary. For purposes of 
this paragraph, the term ``State'' does not include Guam, the 
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, 
or the Virgin Islands.
  Sec. 7. (a) Ninety percent of the sums allotted to each State 
pursuant to section 6 may be used--
          (1) for job search and placement services to job 
        seekers, includingunemployment insurance claimants, 
        including counseling, testing, occupational and labor 
        market information, assessment, [and referral to 
        employers] referral to employers, and the services 
        described in section 134(c)(2)(A)(ii) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
        3174(c)(2)(A)(ii)) when provided by the employment 
        service office colocated with the one-stop delivery 
          (2) for appropriate recruitment services and special 
        technical services for employers; and
          (3) for any of the following activities:
                  (A) evaluation of programs;
                  (B) developing linkages between services 
                funded under this Act and related Federal or 
                State legislation, including the provision of 
                labor exchange services at education sites;
                  (C) providing services for workers who have 
                received notice of permanent layoff or 
                impending layoff, or workers in occupations 
                which are experiencing limited demand due to 
                technological change, impact of imports, or 
                plant closures;
                  (D) developing and providing labor market and 
                occupational information;
                  (E) developing a management information 
                system and compiling and analyzing reports 
                  (F) administering the work test for the State 
                unemployment compensation system, including 
                making eligibility assessments, and providing 
                job finding and placement services for 
                unemployment insurance claimants; and
                  (G) providing unemployment insurance 
                claimants with referrals to, and application 
                assistance for, training and education 
                resources and programs, including Federal Pell 
                Grants under subpart 1 of part A of title IV of 
                the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 
                1070a et seq.), educational assistance under 
                chapter 30 of title 38, United States Code 
                (commonly referred to as the Montgomery GI 
                Bill), and chapter 33 of that title (Post-9/11 
                Veterans Educational Assistance), student 
                assistance under title IV of the Higher 
                Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.), 
                State student higher education assistance, and 
                training and education programs provided under 
                titles I and II of the Workforce Innovation and 
                Opportunity Act, and title I of the 
                Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et 
  (b) Ten percent of the sums allotted to each State pursuant 
to section 6 shall be reserved for use in accordance with this 
subsection by the Governor of each such State to provide--
          (1) performance incentives for public employment 
        service offices and programs, consistent with the 
        performance accountability measures that are based on 
        indicators described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(i) of the 
        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, taking into 
        account direct or indirect placements (including those 
        resulting from self-directed job search or group job 
        search activities assisted by such offices or 
        programs), wages on entered employment, retention, and 
        other appropriate factors;
          (2) services for groups with special needs, carried 
        out pursuant to joint agreements between the employment 
        service offices and the appropriate local workforce 
        investment board and chief elected official or 
        officials or other public agencies or private nonprofit 
        organizations; and
          (3) the extra costs of exemplary models for 
        delivering services of the types described in 
        subsection (a), and models for enhancing professional 
        development and career advancement opportunities of 
        State agency staff, as described in section 3(c)(4).
  (c)(1) Funds made available to States under this section may 
be used to provide additional funds under an applicable program 
          (A) such program otherwise meets the requirements of 
        this Act and the requirements of the applicable 
          (B) such program serves the same individuals that are 
        served under this Act;
          (C) such program provides services in a coordinated 
        manner with services provided under this Act; and
          (D) such funds would be used to supplement, and not 
        supplant, funds provided from non-Federal sources.
  (2) For purposes of this subsection, the term ``applicable 
program'' means any workforce investment activity carried out 
under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
  (d) In addition to the services and activities otherwise 
authorized by this Act, the Secretary or any State agency 
designated under this Act may perform such other services and 
activities as shall be specified in contracts for payment or 
reimbursement of the costs thereof made with the Secretary or 
with any Federal, State, or local public agency, or 
administrative entity under the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act, or private nonprofit organization.
  (e) All job search, placement, recruitment, workforce and 
labor market information, and other labor exchange services 
authorized under subsection (a) shall be provided, consistent 
with the other requirements of this Act, as part of the one-
stop delivery system established by the State and in accordance 
with the requirements of section 134(c)(2)(A)(i)(I) of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) System Content.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary, in accordance with 
        the provisions of this section, shall oversee the 
        development, maintenance, and continuous improvement of 
        a nationwide workforceand labor market information 
        system that includes--
                  (A) statistical data from cooperative 
                statistical survey and projection programs and 
                data from administrative reporting systems 
                that, taken together, enumerate, estimate, and 
                project employment opportunities and conditions 
                at national, State, and local levels in a 
                [timely manner] manner that is as close to 
                real-time as practicable, including statistics 
                          (i) employment and unemployment 
                        status of national, State, and local 
                        populations, including self-employed, 
                        [part-time, and seasonal workers] part-
                        time, contingent, and seasonal workers, 
                        and workers engaged in alternative 
                        employment arrangements;
                          (ii) industrial distribution of 
                        occupations, as well as current and 
                        projected employment opportunities, 
                        wages, benefits (where data is 
                        available), and skill trends by 
                        occupation and industry, with 
                        particular attention paid to State and 
                        local conditions;
                          (iii) real-time trends in new and 
                        emerging occupational roles, and in new 
                        and emerging skills by occupation and 
                        industry, with particular attention 
                        paid to State and local conditions;
                          [(iii)] (iv) the incidence of, 
                        industrial and geographical location 
                        of, and number of workers displaced by, 
                        permanent layoffs and plant closings; 
                          [(iv)] (v) employment and earnings 
                        information maintained in a 
                        longitudinal manner to be used for 
                        research and program evaluation;
                  (B) information on State and local employment 
                opportunities, and other appropriate 
                statistical data related to labor market 
                dynamics, which--
                          (i) shall be current (including, to 
                        the extent practicable, real-time) and 
                          (ii) shall meet the needs identified 
                        through the consultations described in 
                        subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection 
                        (e)(2); and
                          (iii) shall meet the needs for the 
                        information identified in section 
                  (C) technical standards (which the Secretary 
                shall publish annually) for data and 
                information described in subparagraphs (A) and 
                (B) that, at a minimum, meet the criteria of 
                chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code;
                  (D) procedures to ensure compatibility and 
                additivity of the data and information 
                described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) from 
                national, State, and local levels;
                  (E) procedures to support standardization and 
                aggregation of data from administrative 
                reporting systems described in subparagraph (A) 
                of employment-related programs;
                  (F) analysis of data and information 
                described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) for uses 
                such as--
                          (i) national, State, and local 
                          (ii) implementation of Federal 
                        policies (including allocation 
                          (iii) program planning and 
                        evaluation; and
                          (iv) researching labor market 
                  (G) wide dissemination of such data, 
                information, and analysis in a [user-friendly 
                manner and] manner that is available on-demand 
                and is user-friendly, voluntary technical 
                standards for dissemination mechanisms; and
                  (H) programs of--
                          (i) training for effective data 
                          (ii) research and demonstration; and
                          (iii) programs and technical 
          (2) Information to be confidential.--
                  (A) In general.--No officer or employee of 
                the Federal Government or agent of the Federal 
                Government may--
                          (i) use any submission that is 
                        furnished for exclusively statistical 
                        purposes under the provisions of this 
                        section for any purpose other than the 
                        statistical purposes for which the 
                        submission is furnished;
                          (ii) make any publication or media 
                        transmittal of the data contained in 
                        the submission described in clause (i) 
                        that permits information concerning 
                        individual subjects to be reasonably 
                        inferred by either direct or indirect 
                        means; or
                          (iii) permit anyone other than a 
                        sworn officer, employee, or agent of 
                        any Federal department or agency, or a 
                        contractor (including an employee of a 
                        contractor) of such department or 
                        agency, to examine an individual 
                        submission described in clause (i);
                without the consent of the individual, agency, 
                or other person who is the subject of the 
                submission or provides that submission.
                  (B) Immunity from legal process.--Any 
                submission (including any data derived from the 
                submission) that is collected and retained by a 
                Federal department or agency, or an officer, 
                employee, agent, or contractor of such a 
                department or agency, for exclusively 
                statistical purposes under this section shall 
                be immune from the legal process and shall not, 
                without the consent of the individual, agency, 
                or other person who is the subject of the 
                submission or provides that submission, be 
                admitted as evidence or used for any purpose in 
                any action, suit, or other judicial or 
                administrative proceeding.
                  (C) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this 
                section shall be construed to provide immunity 
                from the legal process for such submission 
                (including any data derived from the 
                submission) if the submission is in the 
                possession of any person, agency, or entity 
                other than the Federal Government or an 
                officer, employee, agent, or contractor of the 
                Federal Government, or if the submission is 
                independently collected, retained, or produced 
                for purposes other than the purposes of this 
  (b) System Responsibilities.--
          (1) In general.--
                  (A) Structure.--The workforce and labor 
                market information system described in 
                subsection (a) shall be evaluated and improved 
                by the Secretary, in consultation with the 
                Workforce Information Advisory Council 
                established in subsection (d).
                  (B) Grants and responsibilities.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                        carry out the provisions of this 
                        section in a timely manner, through 
                        grants to or agreements with States.
                          (ii) Distribution of funds.--Using 
                        amounts appropriated under subsection 
                        (g), the Secretary shall provide funds 
                        through those grants and agreements. In 
                        distributing the funds (relating to 
                        workforce and labor market information 
                        funding) for fiscal years 2015 through 
                        2020, the Secretary shall continue to 
                        distribute the funds to States in the 
                        manner in which the Secretary 
                        distributed funds to the States under 
                        this section for fiscal years 2004 
                        through 2008.
          (2) Duties.--The Secretary, with respect to data 
        collection, analysis, and dissemination of workforce 
        and labor market information for the system, shall 
        carry out the following duties:
                  (A) Assign responsibilities within the 
                Department of Labor for elements of the 
                workforce and labor market information system 
                described in subsection (a) to ensure that the 
                statistical and administrative data collected 
                is consistent with appropriate Bureau of Labor 
                Statistics standards and definitions, and that 
                the information is accessible and 
                understandable to users of such data.
                  (B) Actively seek the cooperation of heads of 
                other Federal agencies to establish and 
                maintain mechanisms for ensuring 
                complementarity and nonduplication in the 
                development and operation of statistical and 
                administrative data collection activities.
                  (C) Solicit, receive, and evaluate the 
                recommendations from the Workforce Information 
                Advisory Council established in subsection (d) 
                concerning the evaluation and improvement of 
                the workforce and labor market information 
                system described in subsection (a) and respond 
                in writing to the Council regarding the 
                  (D) Eliminate gaps and duplication in 
                statistical undertakings.
                  (E) Through the Bureau of Labor Statistics 
                and the Employment and Training Administration, 
                and in collaboration with States, develop and 
                maintain the elements of the workforce and 
                labor market information system described in 
                subsection (a), including the development of 
                consistent procedures and definitions for use 
                by the States in collecting the data and 
                information described in subparagraphs (A) and 
                (B) of subsection (a)(1).
                  (F) Establish procedures for the system to 
                ensure that--
                          (i) such data and information are 
                        timely[; and] (including, to the extent 
                        practicable, provided in real time);
                          (ii) the capabilities of digital 
                        technology and modern data collection 
                        approaches are effectively utilized; 
                          [(ii)] (iii) paperwork and reporting 
                        for the system are reduced to a 
  (c) Two-year Plan.--The Secretary, acting through the 
Commissioner of Labor Statistics and the Assistant Secretary 
for Employment and Training, and in consultation with the 
Workforce Information Advisory Council described in subsection 
(d) and heads of other appropriate Federal agencies, shall 
prepare a 2-year plan for the workforce and labor market 
information system. The plan shall be developed and implemented 
in a manner that takes into account the activities described in 
State plans submitted by States under section 102 or 103 of the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and shall be submitted 
to the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate. The plan shall include--
          (1) a description of how the Secretary will work with 
        the States to manage the nationwide workforce and labor 
        market information system described in subsection (a) 
        and the statewide workforce and labor market 
        information systems that comprise the nationwide 
          (2) a description of the steps to be taken in the 
        following 2 years to carry out the duties described in 
        subsection (b)(2);
          (3) an evaluation of the performance of the system, 
        with particular attention to the improvements needed at 
        the State and local levels;
          (4) a description of the involvement of States in the 
        development of the plan, through consultation by the 
        Secretary with the Workforce Information Advisory 
        Council in accordance with subsection (d); and
          (5) a description of the written recommendations 
        received from the Workforce Information Advisory 
        Council established under subsection (d), and the 
        extent to which those recommendations were incorporated 
        into the plan.
  (d) Workforce Information Advisory Council.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary, through the 
        Commissioner of Labor Statistics and the Assistant 
        Secretary for Employment and Training, shall formally 
        consult at least twice annually with the Workforce 
        Information Advisory Council established in accordance 
        with paragraph (2). Such consultations shall address 
        the evaluation and improvement of the nationwide 
        workforce and labor market information system described 
        in subsection (a) and the statewide workforce and labor 
        market information systems that comprise the nationwide 
        system and how the Department of Labor and the States 
        will cooperate in the management of such systems. The 
        Council shall provide written recommendations to the 
        Secretary concerning the evaluation and improvement of 
        the nationwide system, including any recommendations 
        regarding the 2-year plan described in subsection (c).
          (2) Establishment of council.--
                  (A) Establishment.--The Secretary shall 
                establish an advisory council that shall be 
                known as the Workforce Information Advisory 
                Council (referred to in this section as the 
                ``Council'') to participate in the 
                consultations and provide the recommendations 
                described in paragraph (1).
                  (B) Membership.--The Secretary shall appoint 
                the members of the Council, which shall consist 
                          (i) 4 members who are representatives 
                        of lead State agencies with 
                        responsibility for workforce investment 
                        activities, or State agencies described 
                        in section 4, who have been nominated 
                        by such agencies or by a national 
                        organization that represents such 
                          (ii) 4 members who are 
                        representatives of the State workforce 
                        and labor market information directors 
                        affiliated with the State agencies that 
                        perform the duties described in 
                        subsection (e)(2), who have been 
                        nominated by the directors;
                          (iii) 1 member who is a 
                        representative of providers of training 
                        services under section 122 of the 
                        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
                          (iv) 1 member who is a representative 
                        of economic development entities;
                          (v) 1 member who is a representative 
                        of businesses, who has been nominated 
                        by national business organizations or 
                        trade associations;
                          (vi) 1 member who is a representative 
                        of labor organizations, who has been 
                        nominated by a national labor 
                          (vii) 1 member who is a 
                        representative of local workforce 
                        development boards, who has been 
                        nominated by a national organization 
                        representing such boards; and
                          (viii) 1 member who is a 
                        representative of research entities 
                        that utilize workforce and labor market 
                  (C) Geographic diversity.--The Secretary 
                shall ensure that the membership of the Council 
                is geographically diverse and that no 2 of the 
                members appointed under clauses (i), (ii), and 
                (vii) represent the same State.
                  (D) Period of appointment; vacancies.--
                          (i) In general.--Each member of the 
                        Council shall be appointed for a term 
                        of 3 years, except that the initial 
                        terms for members may be 1, 2, or 3 
                        years in order to establish a rotation 
                        in which one-third of the members are 
                        selected each year. Any such member may 
                        be appointed for not more than 2 
                        consecutive terms.
                          (ii) Vacancies.--Any member appointed 
                        to fill a vacancy occurring before the 
                        expiration of the term for which the 
                        member's predecessor was appointed 
                        shall be appointed only for the 
                        remainder of that term. A member may 
                        serve after the expiration of that 
                        member's term until a successor has 
                        taken office.
                  (E) Travel expenses.--The members of the 
                Council shall not receive compensation for the 
                performance of services for the Council, but 
                shall be allowed travel expenses, including per 
                diem in lieu of subsistence, at rates 
                authorized for employees of agencies under 
                subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United 
                States Code, while away from their homes or 
                regular places of business in the performance 
                of services for the Council. Notwithstanding 
                section 1342 of title 31, United States Code, 
                the Secretary may accept the voluntary and 
                uncompensated services of members of the 
                  (F) Permanent council.--Section 1013 of title 
                5, United States Code, shall not apply to the 
  (e) State Responsibilities.--
          (1) Designation of state agency.--In order to receive 
        Federal financial assistance under this section, the 
        Governor of a State shall--
                  (A) designate a single State agency to be 
                responsible for the management of the portions 
                of the workforce and labor market information 
                system described in subsection (a) that 
                comprise a statewide workforce and labor market 
                information system and for the State's 
                participation in the development of the plan 
                described in subsection (c); and
                  (B) establish a process for the oversight of 
                such system.
          (2) Duties.--In order to receive Federal financial 
        assistance under this section, the State agency shall--
                  (A) consult with State and local employers, 
                participants, and local workforce investment 
                boards about the labor market relevance of the 
                data to be collected and disseminated through 
                the statewide workforce and labor market 
                information system;
                  (B) consult with eligible agencies (defined 
                in section 3 of the Carl D. Perkins Career and 
                Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 
                2302)), State educational agencies, and local 
                educational agencies concerning the provision 
                of workforce and labor market information in 
                order to--
                          (i) meet the needs of secondary 
                        school and postsecondary school 
                        students who seek such information; and
                          (ii) annually inform the development 
                        and implementation of programs of study 
                        defined in section 3 of the Carl D. 
                        Perkins Career and Technical Education 
                        Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302), and 
                        career pathways;
                  (C) collect and disseminate for the system, 
                on behalf of the State and localities in the 
                State, the information and data described in 
                subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (a)(1);
                  (D) maintain and continuously improve the 
                statewide workforce and labor market 
                information system in accordance with this 
                  (E) perform contract and grant 
                responsibilities for data collection, analysis, 
                and dissemination for such system;
                  (F) conduct such other data collection, 
                analysis, and dissemination activities as will 
                ensure an effective statewide workforce and 
                labor market information system;
                  (G) actively seek the participation of other 
                State and local agencies in data collection, 
                analysis, and dissemination activities in order 
                to ensure complementarity, compatibility, and 
                usefulness of data;
                  (H) utilize the quarterly records described 
                in section 116(i)(2) of the Workforce 
                Innovation and Opportunity Act to assist the 
                State and other States in measuring State 
                progress on State performance measures; and
                  (I) provide, on an annual and timely basis to 
                each eligible agency (defined in section 3 of 
                the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical 
                Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302)), the 
                data and information described in subparagraphs 
                (A) and (B) of subsection (a)(1).
          (3) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this section 
        shall be construed as limiting the ability of a State 
        agency to conduct additional data collection, analysis, 
        and dissemination activities with State funds or with 
        Federal funds from sources other than this section.
  (f) Nonduplication Requirement.--None of the functions and 
activities carried out pursuant to this section shall duplicate 
the functions and activities carried out under the Carl D. 
Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 
2301 et seq.).
  [(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out this section $60,153,000 for 
fiscal year 2015,$64,799,000 for fiscal year 2016, $66,144,000 
for fiscal year 2017,$67,611,000 for fiscal year 2018, 
$69,200,000 for fiscal year 2019,and $70,667,000 for fiscal 
year 2020.]
  (g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out this section $64,532,600 for each 
of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
  (h) Definition.--In this section, the term ``local area'' 
means the smallest geographical area for which data can be 
produced with statistical reliability.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


                              ACT OF 1998


  (a) [Omitted--Amends another Act]
  (b) [Omitted--Amends another Act]
  [(c) Job Training Grants.--
          [(1) In general.--The Secretary of Labor shall use 
        funds available under section 286(s)(2) of the 
        Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(s)(2)) 
        to award grants to eligible entities to provide job 
        training and related activities for workers to assist 
        them in obtaining or upgrading employment in industries 
        and economic sectors identified pursuant to paragraph 
        (4) that are projected to experience significant growth 
        and ensure that job training and related activities 
        funded by such grants are coordinated with the public 
        workforce investment system.
          [(2) Use of funds.--
                  [(A) Training provided.--Funds under this 
                subsection may be used to provide job training 
                services and related activities that are 
                designed to assist workers (including 
                unemployed and employed workers) in gaining the 
                skills and competencies needed to obtain or 
                upgrade career ladder employment positions in 
                the industries and economic sectors identified 
                pursuant to paragraph (4).
                  [(B) Enhanced training programs and 
                information.--In order to facilitate the 
                provision of job training services described in 
                subparagraph (A), funds under this subsection 
                may be used to assist in the development and 
                implementation of model activities such as 
                developing appropriate curricula to build core 
                competencies and train workers, identifying and 
                disseminating career and skill information, and 
                increasing the integration of community and 
                technical college activities with activities of 
                businesses and the public workforce investment 
                system to meet the training needs for the 
                industries and economic sectors identified 
                pursuant to paragraph (4).
          [(3) Eligible entities.--Grants under this subsection 
        may be awarded to partnerships of private and public 
        sector entities, which may include--
                  [(A) businesses or business-related nonprofit 
                organizations, such as trade associations;
                  [(B) education and training providers, 
                including community colleges and other 
                community-based organizations; and
                  [(C) entities involved in administering the 
                workforce development system, as defined in 
                section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and 
                Opportunity Act, and economic development 
          [(4) High growth industries and economic sectors.--
        For purposes of this subsection, the Secretary of 
        Labor, in consultation with State workforce investment 
        boards, shall identify industries and economic sectors 
        that are projected to experience significant growth, 
        taking into account appropriate factors, such as the 
        industries and sectors that--
                  [(A) are projected to add substantial numbers 
                of new jobs to the economy;
                  [(B) are being transformed by technology and 
                innovation requiring new skill sets for 
                  [(C) are new and emerging businesses that are 
                projected to grow; or
                  [(D) have a significant impact on the economy 
                overall or on the growth of other industries 
                and economic sectors.
          [(5) Equitable distribution.--In awarding grants 
        under this subsection, the Secretary of Labor shall 
        ensure an equitable distribution of such grants across 
        geographically diverse areas.
          [(6) Leveraging of resources and authority to require 
                  [(A) Leveraging of resources.--In awarding 
                grants under this subsection, the Secretary of 
                Labor shall take into account, in addition to 
                other factors the Secretary determines are 
                          [(i) the extent to which resources 
                        other than the funds provided under 
                        this subsection will be made available 
                        by the eligible entities applying for 
                        grants to support the activities 
                        carried out under this subsection; and
                          [(ii) the ability of such entities to 
                        continue to carry out and expand such 
                        activities after the expiration of the 
                  [(B) Authority to require match.--The 
                Secretary of Labor may require the provision of 
                specified levels of a matching share of cash or 
                noncash resources from resources other than the 
                funds provided under this subsection for 
                projects funded under this subsection.
          [(7) Performance accountability.--The Secretary of 
        Labor shall require grantees to report on the 
        employment outcomes obtained by workers receiving 
        training under this subsection using indicators of 
        performance that are consistent with other indicators 
        used for employment and training programs administered 
        by the Secretary, such as entry into employment, 
        retention in employment, and increases in earnings. The 
        Secretary of Labor may also require grantees to 
        participate in evaluations of projects carried out 
        under this subsection.]
  (c) Job Training Grants.--
          (1) Allotment.--
                  (A) In general.--Of the funds available under 
                section 286(s)(2) of the Immigration and 
                Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(s)(2)), the 
                Secretary of Labor shall--
                          (i) return permanently 12 percent of 
                        such amounts in each fiscal year to the 
                        general fund of the Treasury; and
                          (ii) of the remainder, make 
                        allotments to each State that receives 
                        an allotment under section 132(b) of 
                        the Workforce Innovation and 
                        Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3172) for 
                        the purpose of providing training 
                        services through individual training 
                        accounts for eligible dislocated 
                        workers as described in paragraph 
                  (B) Reservation; allotment among states.--
                          (i) Reservation.--From the amount 
                        made available under subparagraph 
                        (A)(ii) for a fiscal year, the 
                        Secretary shall reserve not more than 
                        \1/4\ of 1 percent of such amount to 
                        provide assistance to the outlying 
                        areas for the purpose described in 
                        paragraph (2)(A).
                          (ii) Allotment among states.--The 
                        Secretary shall use the remainder of 
                        the amount made available under 
                        subparagraph (A)(ii) for a fiscal year 
                        to make allotments to States described 
                        in such subparagraph on the following 
                                  (I) 33 and \1/3\ percent 
                                shall be allotted on the basis 
                                of the relative number of 
                                unemployed individuals in each 
                                such State, compared to the 
                                total number of unemployed 
                                individuals in all such States.
                                  (II) 33 and \1/3\ percent 
                                shall be allotted based on the 
                                relative number of 
                                disadvantaged adults in each 
                                such State, compared to the 
                                total number of disadvantaged 
                                adults in all such States.
                                  (III) 33 and \1/3\ percent 
                                shall be allotted on the basis 
                                of the relative number of 
                                individuals in the civilian 
                                labor force in each such State, 
                                compared to the total number in 
                                the civilian labor force in all 
                                such States.
                          (iii) Disadvantaged adult defined.--
                        For purposes of this subparagraph and 
                        subparagraph (C), the term 
                        ``disadvantaged adult'' has the meaning 
                        given such term in section 
                        132(b)(1)(B)(v)(IV) of the Workforce 
                        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
                        U.S.C. 3172(b)(1)(B)(v)(IV)).
                          (iv) Reallotment.--
                                  (I) In general.--The 
                                Secretary of Labor shall, in 
                                accordance with this clause, 
                                reallot to eligible States 
                                amounts that are made available 
                                to States from allotments made 
                                under this subparagraph 
                                (referred to individually in 
                                this subsection as a ``State 
                                allotment'') and that are 
                                available for reallotment.
                                  (II) Amount.--The amount 
                                available for reallotment for a 
                                program year is equal to the 
                                amount by which the unobligated 
                                balance of the State allotment, 
                                at the end of the program year 
                                prior to the program year for 
                                which the determination under 
                                this subclause is made, exceeds 
                                20 percent of such allotment 
                                for the prior program year.
                                  (III) Reallotment.--In making 
                                reallotments to eligible States 
                                of amounts available pursuant 
                                to subclause (II) for a program 
                                year, the Secretary shall allot 
                                to each eligible State an 
                                amount based on the relative 
                                amount of the State allotment 
                                for the program year for which 
                                the determination is made, as 
                                compared to the total amount of 
                                the State allotments for all 
                                eligible States for such 
                                program year.
                                  (IV) Eligibility.--For 
                                purposes of this subsection, an 
                                eligible State means a State 
                                that does not have an amount 
                                available for reallotment under 
                                subclause (II) for the program 
                                year for which the 
                                determination under subclause 
                                (II) is made.
                  (C) Within state allocations.--
                          (i) In general.--The Governor shall 
                        allocate the funds allotted to the 
                        State under subparagraph (B)(ii) for a 
                        fiscal year to the local areas in the 
                        State on the following basis:
                                  (I) 33 and \1/3\ percent of 
                                the funds on the basis 
                                described in subparagraph 
                                  (II) 33 and \1/3\ percent of 
                                the funds on the basis 
                                described in subparagraph 
                                  (III) 33 and \1/3\ percent of 
                                the funds on the basis 
                                described in subparagraph 
                          (ii) Application.--For purposes of 
                        carrying out clause (i)--
                                  (I) references in 
                                subparagraph (B)(ii) to a State 
                                shall be deemed to be 
                                references to a local area; and
                                  (II) references in 
                                subparagraph (B)(ii) to all 
                                States shall be deemed to be 
                                references to all local areas 
                                in the State involved.
                          (iii) Reallocation among local 
                                  (I) In general.--The Governor 
                                may, in accordance with this 
                                clause and after consultation 
                                with the State board, 
                                reallocate to eligible local 
                                areas within the State amounts 
                                that are made available to 
                                local areas from allocations 
                                made under this subparagraph 
                                (referred to individually in 
                                this subsection as a ``local 
                                allocation'') and that are 
                                available for reallocation.
                                  (II) Amount.--The amount 
                                available for reallocation for 
                                a program year is equal to the 
                                amount by which the unobligated 
                                balance of the local 
                                allocation, at the end of the 
                                program year prior to the 
                                program year for which the 
                                determination under this 
                                subclause is made, exceeds 20 
                                percent of such allocation for 
                                the prior program year.
                                  (III) Reallocation.--In 
                                making reallocations to 
                                eligible local areas of amounts 
                                available pursuant to subclause 
                                (II) for a program year, the 
                                Governor shall allocate to each 
                                eligible local area within the 
                                State an amount based on the 
                                relative amount of the local 
                                allocation for the program year 
                                for which the determination is 
                                made, as compared to the total 
                                amount of the local allocations 
                                for all eligible local areas in 
                                the State for such program 
                                  (IV) Eligibility.--For 
                                purposes of this subsection, an 
                                eligible local area means a 
                                local area that does not have 
                                an amount available for 
                                reallotment under subclause 
                                (II) for the program year for 
                                which the determination under 
                                subclause (II) is made.
          (2) Use of funds.--
                  (A) In general.--Funds allocated pursuant to 
                paragraph (1) to a local area shall be used to 
                pay, through the use of an individual training 
                account in the accordance with section 
                134(c)(3)(F)(iii) of the Workforce Innovation 
                and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
                3174(c)(3)(F)(iii)), an eligible provider of 
                training services from the list of eligible 
                providers of training services described in 
                section 122(d) of such Act (29 U.S.C. 3152(d)) 
                for training services provided to eligible 
                dislocated workers in the local area.
                  (B) Requirements for local areas.--As a 
                condition of receipt of funds under paragraph 
                (1), a local area shall agree to each of the 
                          (i) Required notice to workers.--
                        Prior to an eligible dislocated worker 
                        selecting a program of training 
                        services from the list of eligible 
                        providers of training services under 
                        section 122(d) of the Workforce 
                        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
                        U.S.C. 3152(d)), the local area shall 
                        inform such dislocated worker of any 
                        opportunities the dislocated worker may 
                        have to participate in on-the-job 
                        training or employer-directed skills 
                        development funded through such local 
                          (ii) Amounts available.--Except as 
                        provided in clause (iv)(II), a local 
                                  (I) may not limit the maximum 
                                amount available for an 
                                individual training account for 
                                an eligible dislocated worker 
                                under subparagraph (A) to an 
                                amount that is less than 
                                $5,000; and
                                  (II) may not pay an amount, 
                                through the use of an 
                                individual training account 
                                under subparagraph (A), for 
                                training services provided to 
                                an eligible dislocated worker 
                                that exceeds the costs of such 
                          (iii) WIOA funds.--A local area may 
                        not use funds made available to the 
                        local area for a fiscal year pursuant 
                        to section 134(c)(1)(B) of the 
                        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
                        Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(1)(B)) to make 
                        payments under subparagraph (A) until 
                        the funds allocated to the local area 
                        pursuant to paragraph (1) of this 
                        subsection for such fiscal year have 
                        been exhausted.
                          (iv) Exhaustion of allocations.--Upon 
                        the exhaustion of the funds allocated 
                        to the local area pursuant to paragraph 
                        (1) of this subsection, for the purpose 
                        of paying, through the use of 
                        individual training accounts under 
                        subparagraph (A), the costs of training 
                        services for eligible dislocated 
                        workers in the local area seeking such 
                        services, the local area--
                                  (I) shall use any funds made 
                                available to the local area 
                                pursuant to section 
                                134(c)(1)(B) of the Workforce 
                                Innovation and Opportunity Act 
                                (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(1)(B)) to 
                                pay for such costs under 
                                subparagraph (A) (other than 
                                any costs that exceed the limit 
                                set by the local area pursuant 
                                to subclause (II)); and
                                  (II) for any eligible 
                                dislocated worker who is not a 
                                low-income individual, may 
                                limit the maximum amount 
                                available for the individual 
                                training account under 
                                subparagraph (A) for such 
                                worker to an amount that is 
                                less than $5,000.
          (3) Eligible dislocated worker.--A dislocated worker 
        shall be an eligible dislocated worker for purposes of 
        this subsection if the dislocated worker--
                  (A) meets the requirements under section 
                134(c)(3)(A)(i) of the Workforce Innovation and 
                Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3174(c)(3)(A)(i)) to 
                be eligible for training services;
                  (B) has not received training services 
                through an individual training account under 
                this subsection or under section 
                134(c)(3)(F)(iii) of the Workforce Innovation 
                and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
                3174(c)(3)(F)(iii)) during the preceding 5-year 
                period or, if such a worker has received such 
                training services during such period, the 
                worker has been granted an exception by the 
                local area due to an exceptional circumstance, 
                as determined by the local area; and
                  (C) is not subject to any limitations 
                established by the local area or State involved 
                pursuant to paragraph (4), which would 
                disqualify such dislocated worker from being an 
                eligible dislocated worker under this 
          (4) State or local area limitations.--A State or 
        local area may establish limitations on the eligibility 
        of an otherwise eligible dislocated worker who has 
        previously received training services through an 
        individual training account under this subsection or 
        under section 134(c)(3)(F)(iii) of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
        3174(c)(3)(F)(iii)) to receive a subsequent individual 
        training account under this subsection.
          (5) Excess demand.--Upon the exhaustion of the funds 
        allocated to a local area pursuant to paragraph (1) of 
        this subsection and any funds that may be available to 
        such local area pursuant to section 134(c)(1)(B) of the 
        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
        3174(c)(1)(B)) for the purpose described in paragraph 
        (2)(A) of this subsection, the local area--
                  (A) may request additional funds for such 
                purpose from the Governor under section 
                134(a)(2)(A)(i)(III) of the Workforce 
                Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 
                3174(a)(2)(A)(i)(III)); and
                  (B) shall not be required to pay for training 
                services or establish an individual training 
                account for an eligible dislocated worker.
          (6) Definitions.--Except as otherwise specified, a 
        term used in this subsection shall have the meaning 
        given such term in section 3 of the Workforce 
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102).
          (7) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this subsection 
        shall be construed to provide an individual with an 
        entitlement to a service under this subsection or under 
        title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 
        (29 U.S.C. 3111 et seq.) or to mandate a State or local 
        area to provide a service if Federal funds are not 
        available for such service.
  (d) Low-Income Scholarship Program.--
          (1) Establishment.--The Director of the National 
        Science Foundation (referred to in this subsection as 
        the ``Director'') shall award scholarships to low-
        income individuals to enable such individuals to pursue 
        associate, undergraduate, or graduate level degrees in 
        mathematics, engineering, computer science, or 
          (2) Eligibility.--
                  (A) In general.--To be eligible to receive a 
                scholarship under this subsection, an 
                          (i) must be a citizen of the United 
                        States, a national of the United States 
                        (as defined in section 101(a) of the 
                        Immigration and Nationality Act), an 
                        alien admitted as a refugee under 
                        section 207 of the Immigration and 
                        Nationality, or an alien lawfully 
                        admitted to the United States for 
                        permanent residence;
                          (ii) shall prepare and submit to the 
                        Director an application at such time, 
                        in such manner, and containing such 
                        information as the Director may 
                        require; and
                          (iii) shall certify to the Director 
                        that the individual intends to use 
                        amounts received under the scholarship 
                        to enroll or continue enrollment at an 
                        institution of higher education (as 
                        defined in section 101(a) of the Higher 
                        Education Act of 1965) in order tc 
                        pursue an associate, undergraduate, or 
                        graduate level degree in mathematics, 
                        engineering, computer science, 
                        cybersecurity, or other technology and 
                        science programs designated by the 
                  (B) Ability.--Awards of scholarships under 
                this subsection shall be made by the Director 
                solely on the basis of the ability of the 
                applicant, except that in any case in which 2 
                or more applicants for scholarships are deemed 
                by the Director to be possessed of 
                substantially equal ability, and there are not 
                sufficient scholarships available to grant one 
                to each of such applicants, the available 
                scholarship or scholarships shall be awarded to 
                the applicants in a manner that will tend to 
                result in a geographically wide distribution 
                throughout the United States of recipients' 
                places of permanent residence.
          (3) Limitation.--The amount of a scholarship awarded 
        under this subsection shall be determined by the 
        Director. The Director may renew scholarships for up to 
        5 years.
          (4) Funding.--The Director shall carry out this 
        subsection only with funds made available under section 
        286(s)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The 
        Director may use no more than 50 percent of such funds 
        for undergraduate programs for curriculum development, 
        professional and workforce development, and to advance 
        technological education. Funds for these other programs 
        may be used for purposes other than scholarships.
          (5) Federal register.--Not later than 60 days after 
        the date of enactment of the L-1 Visa and H-1B Visa 
        Reform Act, the Director shall publish in the Federal 
        Register a list of eligible programs of study.
  (e) Reporting Requirement.--The Secretary of Labor and the 
Director of the National Science Foundation shall--
          (1) track and monitor the performance of programs 
        receiving H-1B Nonimmigrant Fee grant money; and
          (2) not later than one year after the date of 
        enactment of this subsection, submit a report to the 
        Committees on the Judiciary of the House of 
        Representatives and the Senate--
                  (A) the tracking system to monitor the 
                performance of programs receiving H-1B grant 
                funding; and
                  (B) the number of individuals who have 
                completed training and have entered the high-
                skill workforce through these programs.

                          SOCIAL SECURITY ACT

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           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Part D--Child Support and Establishment of Paternity

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  Sec. 453. (a)(1) The Secretary shall establish and conduct a 
Federal Parent Locator Service, under the direction of the 
designee of the Secretary referred to in section 452(a), which 
shall be used for the purposes specified in paragraphs (2) and 
  (2) For the purpose of establishing parentage or 
establishing, setting the amount of, modifying, or enforcing 
child support obligations, the Federal Parent Locator Service 
shall obtain and transmit to any authorized person specified in 
subsection (c)--
          (A) information on, or facilitating the discovery of, 
        the location of any individual--
                  (i) who is under an obligation to pay child 
                  (ii) against whom such an obligation is 
                  (iii) to whom such an obligation is owed; or
                  (iv) who has or may have parental rights with 
                respect to a child,
        including the individual's social security number (or 
        numbers), most recent address, and the name, address, 
        and employer identification number of the individual's 
          (B) information on the individual's wages (or other 
        income) from, and benefits of, employment (including 
        rights to or enrollment in group health care coverage); 
          (C) information on the type, status, location, and 
        amount of any assets of, or debts owed by or to, any 
        such individual.
  (3) For the purpose of enforcing any Federal or State law 
with respect to the unlawful taking or restraint of a child, or 
making or enforcing a child custody or visitation 
determination, as defined in section 463(d)(1), the Federal 
Parent Locator Service shall be used to obtain and transmit the 
information specified in section 463(c) to the authorized 
persons specified in section 463(d)(2).
  (b)(1) Upon request, filed in accordance with subsection (d), 
of any authorized person, as defined in subsection (c) for the 
information described in subsection (a)(2), or of any 
authorized person, as defined in section 463(d)(2) for the 
information described in section 463(c), the Secretary shall, 
notwithstanding any other provision of law, provide through the 
Federal Parent Locator Service such information to such person, 
if such information--
          (A) is contained in any files or records maintained 
        by the Secretary or by the Department of Health and 
        Human Services; or
          (B) is not contained in such files or records, but 
        can be obtained by the Secretary, under the authority 
        conferred by subsection (e), from any other department, 
        agency, or instrumentality of the United States or of 
        any State,
and is not prohibited from disclosure under paragraph (2).
  (2) No information shall be disclosed to any person if the 
disclosure of such information would contravene the national 
policy or security interests of the United States or the 
confidentiality of census data. The Secretary shall give 
priority to requests made by any authorized person described in 
subsection (c)(1). No information shall be disclosed to any 
person if the State has notified the Secretary that the State 
has reasonable evidence of domestic violence or child abuse and 
the disclosure of such information could be harmful to the 
custodial parent or the child of such parent, provided that--
          (A) in response to a request from an authorized 
        person (as defined in subsection (c) of this section 
        and section 463(d)(2)), the Secretary shall advise the 
        authorized person that the Secretary has been notified 
        that there is reasonable evidence of domestic violence 
        or child abuse and that information can only be 
        disclosed to a court or an agent of a court pursuant to 
        subparagraph (B); and
          (B) information may be disclosed to a court or an 
        agent of a court described in subsection (c)(2) of this 
        section or section 463(d)(2)(B), if--
                  (i) upon receipt of information from the 
                Secretary, the court determines whether 
                disclosure to any other person of that 
                information could be harmful to the parent or 
                the child; and
                  (ii) if the court determines that disclosure 
                of such information to any other person could 
                be harmful, the court and its agents shall not 
                make any such disclosure.
  (3) Information received or transmitted pursuant to this 
section shall be subject to the safeguard provisions contained 
in section 454(26).
  (c) As used in subsection (a), the term ``authorized person'' 
          (1) any agent or attorney of any State or Indian 
        tribe or tribal organization (as defined in subsections 
        (e) and (l) of section 4 of the Indian Self-
        Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 
        450b)), having in effect a plan approved under this 
        part, who has the duty or authority under such plans to 
        seek to recover any amounts owed as child and spousal 
        support (including, when authorized under the State 
        plan, any official of a political subdivision);
          (2) the court which has authority to issue an order 
        or to serve as the initiating court in an action to 
        seek an order against a noncustodial parent for the 
        support and maintenance of a child, or any agent of 
        such court;
          (3) the resident parent, legal guardian, attorney, or 
        agent of a child (other than a child receiving 
        assistance under a State program funded under part A 
        (as determined by regulations prescribed by the 
        Secretary) without regard to the existence of a court 
        order against a noncustodial parent who has a duty to 
        support and maintain any such child;
          (4) a State agency that is administering a program 
        operated under a State plan under subpart 1 of part B, 
        or a State plan approved under subpart 2 of part B or 
        under part E; and
          (5) an entity designated as a Central Authority for 
        child support enforcement in a foreign reciprocating 
        country or a foreign treaty country for purposes 
        specified in section 459A(c)(2).
  (d) A request for information under this section shall be 
filed in such manner and form as the Secretary shall by 
regulation prescribe and shall be accompanied or supported by 
such documents as the Secretary may determine to be necessary.
  (e)(1) Whenever the Secretary receives a request submitted 
under subsection (b) which he is reasonably satisfied meets the 
criteria established by subsections (a), (b), and (c), he shall 
promptly undertake to provide the information requested from 
the files and records maintained by any of the departments, 
agencies, or instrumentalities of the United States or of any 
  (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever the 
individual who is the head of any department, agency, or 
instrumentality of the United States receives a request from 
the Secretary for information authorized to be provided by the 
Secretary under this section, such individual shall promptly 
cause a search to be made of the files and records maintained 
by such department, agency, or instrumentality with a view to 
determining whether the information requested is contained in 
any such files or records. If such search discloses the 
information requested, such individual shall immediately 
transmit such information to the Secretary, except that if any 
information is obtained the disclosure of which would 
contravene national policy or security interests of the United 
States or the confidentiality of census data, such information 
shall not be transmitted and such individual shall immediately 
notify the Secretary. If such search fails to disclose the 
information requested, such individual shall immediately so 
notify the Secretary. The costs incurred by any such 
department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States or 
of any State in providing such information to the Secretary 
shall be reimbursed by him in an amount which the Secretary 
determines to be reasonable payment for the information 
exchange (which amount shall not include payment for the costs 
of obtaining, compiling, or maintaining the information). 
Whenever such services are furnished to an individual specified 
in subsection (c)(3), a fee shall be charged such individual. 
The fee so charged shall be used to reimburse the Secretary or 
his delegate for the expense of providing such services.
  (3) The Secretary of Labor shall enter into an agreement with 
the Secretary to provide prompt access for the Secretary (in 
accordance with this subsection) to the wage and unemployment 
compensation claims information and data maintained by or for 
the Department of Labor or State employment security agencies.
  (f) The Secretary, in carrying out his duties and functions 
under this section, shall enter into arrangements with State 
and tribal agencies administering State and tribal plans 
approved under this part for such State and tribal agencies to 
accept from resident parents, legal guardians, or agents of a 
child described in subsection (c)(3) and to transmit to the 
Secretary requests for information with regard to the 
whereabouts of noncustodial parents and otherwise to cooperate 
with the Secretary in carrying out the purposes of this 
  (g) Reimbursement for Reports by State Agencies.--The 
Secretary may reimburse Federal and State agencies for the 
costs incurred by such entities in furnishing information 
requested by the Secretary under this section in an amount 
which the Secretary determines to be reasonable payment for the 
information exchange (which amount shall not include payment 
for the costs of obtaining, compiling, or maintaining the 
  (h) Federal Case Registry of Child Support Orders.--
          (1) In general.--Not later than October 1, 1998, in 
        order to assist States in administering programs under 
        State plans approved under this part and programs 
        funded under part A, and for the other purposes 
        specified in this section, the Secretary shall 
        establish and maintain in the Federal Parent Locator 
        Service an automated registry (which shall be known as 
        the ``Federal Case Registry of Child Support Orders''), 
        which shall contain abstracts of support orders and 
        other information described in paragraph (2) with 
        respect to each case and order in each State case 
        registry maintained pursuant to section 454A(e), as 
        furnished (and regularly updated), pursuant to section 
        454A(f), by State agencies administering programs under 
        this part.
          (2) Case and order information.--The information 
        referred to in paragraph (1) with respect to a case or 
        an order shall be such information as the Secretary may 
        specify in regulations (including the names, social 
        security numbers or other uniform identification 
        numbers, and State case identification numbers) to 
        identify the individuals who owe or are owed support 
        (or with respect to or on behalf of whom support 
        obligations are sought to be established), and the 
        State or States which have the case or order. Beginning 
        not later than October 1, 1999, the information 
        referred to in paragraph (1) shall include the names 
        and social security numbers of the children of such 
          (3) Administration of federal tax laws.--The 
        Secretary of the Treasury shall have access to the 
        information described in paragraph (2) for the purpose 
        of administering those sections of the Internal Revenue 
        Code of 1986 which grant tax benefits based on support 
        or residence of children.
  (i) National Directory of New Hires.--
          (1) In general.--In order to assist States in 
        administering programs under State plans approved under 
        this part and programs funded under part A, and for the 
        other purposes specified in this section, the Secretary 
        shall, not later than October 1, 1997, establish and 
        maintain in the Federal Parent Locator Service an 
        automated directory to be known as the National 
        Directory of New Hires, which shall contain the 
        information supplied pursuant to section 453A(g)(2).
          (2) Data entry and deletion requirements.--
                  (A) In general.--Information provided 
                pursuant to section 453A(g)(2) shall be entered 
                into the data base maintained by the National 
                Directory of New Hires within two business days 
                after receipt, and shall be deleted from the 
                data base 24 months after the date of entry.
                  (B) 12-month limit on access to wage and 
                unemployment compensation information.--The 
                Secretary shall not have access for child 
                support enforcement purposes to information in 
                the National Directory of New Hires that is 
                provided pursuant to section 453A(g)(2)(B), if 
                12 months has elapsed since the date the 
                information is so provided and there has not 
                been a match resulting from the use of such 
                information in any information comparison under 
                this subsection.
                  (C) Retention of data for research 
                purposes.--Notwithstanding subparagraphs (A) 
                and (B), the Secretary may retain such samples 
                of data entered in the National Directory of 
                New Hires as the Secretary may find necessary 
                to assist in carrying out subsection (j)(5).
          (3) Administration of federal tax laws.--The 
        Secretary of the Treasury shall have access to the 
        information in the National Directory of New Hires for 
        purposes of administering section 32 of the Internal 
        Revenue Code of 1986, or the advance payment of the 
        earned income tax credit under section 3507 of such 
        Code, and verifying a claim with respect to employment 
        in a tax return.
          (4) List of multistate employers.--The Secretary 
        shall maintain within the National Directory of New 
        Hires a list of multistate employers that report 
        information regarding newly hired employees pursuant to 
        section 453A(b)(1)(B), and the State which each such 
        employer has designated to receive such information.
  (j) Information Comparisons and Other Disclosures.--
          (1) Verification by social security administration.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall transmit 
                information on individuals and employers 
                maintained under this section to the Social 
                Security Administration to the extent necessary 
                for verification in accordance with 
                subparagraph (B).
                  (B) Verification by ssa.--The Social Security 
                Administration shall verify the accuracy of, 
                correct, or supply to the extent possible, and 
                report to the Secretary, the following 
                information supplied by the Secretary pursuant 
                to subparagraph (A):
                          (i) The name, social security number, 
                        and birth date of each such individual.
                          (ii) The employer identification 
                        number of each such employer.
          (2) Information comparisons.--For the purpose of 
        locating individuals in a paternity establishment case 
        or a case involving the establishment, modification, or 
        enforcement of a support order, the Secretary shall--
                  (A) compare information in the National 
                Directory of New Hires against information in 
                the support case abstracts in the Federal Case 
                Registry of Child Support Orders not less often 
                than every 2 business days; and
                  (B) within 2 business days after such a 
                comparison reveals a match with respect to an 
                individual, report the information to the State 
                agency responsible for the case.
          (3) Information comparisons and disclosures of 
        information in all registries for title iv program 
        purposes.--To the extent and with the frequency that 
        the Secretary determines to be effective in assisting 
        States to carry out their responsibilities under 
        programs operated under this part, part B, or part E 
        and programs funded under part A, the Secretary shall--
                  (A) compare the information in each component 
                of the Federal Parent Locator Service 
                maintained under this section against the 
                information in each other such component (other 
                than the comparison required by paragraph (2)), 
                and report instances in which such a comparison 
                reveals a match with respect to an individual 
                to State agencies operating such programs; and
                  (B) disclose information in such components 
                to such State agencies.
          (4) Provision of new hire information to the social 
        security administration.--The National Directory of New 
        Hires shall provide the Commissioner of Social Security 
        with all information in the National Directory.
          (5) Research.--The Secretary may provide access to 
        data in each component of the Federal Parent Locator 
        Service maintained under this section and to 
        information reported by employers pursuant to section 
        453A(b) for research purposes found by the Secretary to 
        be likely to contribute to achieving the purposes of 
        part A or this part, but without personal identifiers.
          (6) Information comparisons and disclosure for 
        enforcement of obligations on higher education act 
        loans and grants.--
                  (A) Furnishing of information by the 
                secretary of education.--The Secretary of 
                Education shall furnish to the Secretary, on a 
                quarterly basis or at such less frequent 
                intervals as may be determined by the Secretary 
                of Education, information in the custody of the 
                Secretary of Education for comparison with 
                information in the National Directory of New 
                Hires, in order to obtain the information in 
                such directory with respect to individuals 
                          (i) are borrowers of loans made under 
                        title IV of the Higher Education Act of 
                        1965 that are in default; or
                          (ii) owe an obligation to refund an 
                        overpayment of a grant awarded under 
                        such title.
                  (B) Requirement to seek minimum information 
                necessary.--The Secretary of Education shall 
                seek information pursuant to this section only 
                to the extent essential to improving collection 
                of the debt described in subparagraph (A).
                  (C) Duties of the secretary.--
                          (i) Information comparison; 
                        disclosure to the secretary of 
                        education.--The Secretary, in 
                        cooperation with the Secretary of 
                        Education, shall compare information in 
                        the National Directory of New Hires 
                        with information in the custody of the 
                        Secretary of Education, and disclose 
                        information in that Directory to the 
                        Secretary of Education, in accordance 
                        with this paragraph, for the purposes 
                        specified in this paragraph.
                          (ii) Condition on disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary shall make disclosures in 
                        accordance with clause (i) only to the 
                        extent that the Secretary determines 
                        that such disclosures do not interfere 
                        with the effective operation of the 
                        program under this part. Support 
                        collection under section 466(b) shall 
                        be given priority over collection of 
                        any defaulted student loan or grant 
                        overpayment against the same income.
                  (D) Use of information by the secretary of 
                education.--The Secretary of Education may use 
                information resulting from a data match 
                pursuant to this paragraph only--
                          (i) for the purpose of collection of 
                        the debt described in subparagraph (A) 
                        owed by an individual whose annualized 
                        wage level (determined by taking into 
                        consideration information from the 
                        National Directory of New Hires) 
                        exceeds $16,000; and
                          (ii) after removal of personal 
                        identifiers, to conduct analyses of 
                        student loan defaults.
                  (E) Disclosure of information by the 
                secretary of education.--
                          (i) Disclosures permitted.--The 
                        Secretary of Education may disclose 
                        information resulting from a data match 
                        pursuant to this paragraph only to--
                                  (I) a guaranty agency holding 
                                a loan made under part B of 
                                title IV of the Higher 
                                Education Act of 1965 on which 
                                the individual is obligated;
                                  (II) a contractor or agent of 
                                the guaranty agency described 
                                in subclause (I);
                                  (III) a contractor or agent 
                                of the Secretary; and
                                  (IV) the Attorney General.
                          (ii) Purpose of disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary of Education may make a 
                        disclosure under clause (i) only for 
                        the purpose of collection of the debts 
                        owed on defaulted student loans, or 
                        overpayments of grants, made under 
                        title IV of the Higher Education Act of 
                          (iii) Restriction on redisclosure.--
                        An entity to which information is 
                        disclosed under clause (i) may use or 
                        disclose such information only as 
                        needed for the purpose of collecting on 
                        defaulted student loans, or 
                        overpayments of grants, made under 
                        title IV of the Higher Education Act of 
                  (F) Reimbursement of hhs costs.--The 
                Secretary of Education shall reimburse the 
                Secretary, in accordance with subsection 
                (k)(3), for the additional costs incurred by 
                the Secretary in furnishing the information 
                requested under this subparagraph.
          (7) Information comparisons for housing assistance 
                  (A) Furnishing of information by hud.--
                Subject to subparagraph (G), the Secretary of 
                Housing and Urban Development shall furnish to 
                the Secretary, on such periodic basis as 
                determined by the Secretary of Housing and 
                Urban Development in consultation with the 
                Secretary, information in the custody of the 
                Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for 
                comparison with information in the National 
                Directory of New Hires, in order to obtain 
                information in such Directory with respect to 
                individuals who are participating in any 
                program under--
                          (i) the United States Housing Act of 
                        1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq.);
                          (ii) section 202 of the Housing Act 
                        of 1959 (12 U.S.C. 1701q);
                          (iii) section 221(d)(3), 221(d)(5), 
                        or 236 of the National Housing Act (12 
                        U.S.C. 1715l(d) and 1715z-1);
                          (iv) section 811 of the Cranston-
                        Gonzalez National Affordable Housing 
                        Act (42 U.S.C. 8013); or
                          (v) section 101 of the Housing and 
                        Urban Development Act of 1965 (12 
                        U.S.C. 1701s).
                  (B) Requirement to seek minimum 
                information.--The Secretary of Housing and 
                Urban Development shall seek information 
                pursuant to this section only to the extent 
                necessary to verify the employment and income 
                of individuals described in subparagraph (A).
                  (C) Duties of the secretary.--
                          (i) Information disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary, in cooperation with the 
                        Secretary of Housing and Urban 
                        Development, shall compare information 
                        in the National Directory of New Hires 
                        with information provided by the 
                        Secretary of Housing and Urban 
                        Development with respect to individuals 
                        described in subparagraph (A), and 
                        shall disclose information in such 
                        Directory regarding such individuals to 
                        the Secretary of Housing and Urban 
                        Development, in accordance with this 
                        paragraph, for the purposes specified 
                        in this paragraph.
                          (ii) Condition on disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary shall make disclosures in 
                        accordance with clause (i) only to the 
                        extent that the Secretary determines 
                        that such disclosures do not interfere 
                        with the effective operation of the 
                        program under this part.
                  (D) Use of information by hud.--The Secretary 
                of Housing and Urban Development may use 
                information resulting from a data match 
                pursuant to this paragraph only--
                          (i) for the purpose of verifying the 
                        employment and income of individuals 
                        described in subparagraph (A); and
                          (ii) after removal of personal 
                        identifiers, to conduct analyses of the 
                        employment and income reporting of 
                        individuals described in subparagraph 
                  (E) Disclosure of information by hud.--
                          (i) Purpose of disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary of Housing and Urban 
                        Development may make a disclosure under 
                        this subparagraph only for the purpose 
                        of verifying the employment and income 
                        of individuals described in 
                        subparagraph (A).
                          (ii) Disclosures permitted.--Subject 
                        to clause (iii), the Secretary of 
                        Housing and Urban Development may 
                        disclose information resulting from a 
                        data match pursuant to this paragraph 
                        only to a public housing agency, the 
                        Inspector General of the Department of 
                        Housing and Urban Development, and the 
                        Attorney General in connection with the 
                        administration of a program described 
                        in subparagraph (A). Information 
                        obtained by the Secretary of Housing 
                        and Urban Development pursuant to this 
                        paragraph shall not be made available 
                        under section 552 of title 5, United 
                        States Code.
                          (iii) Conditions on disclosure.--
                        Disclosures under this paragraph shall 
                                  (I) made in accordance with 
                                data security and control 
                                policies established by the 
                                Secretary of Housing and Urban 
                                Development and approved by the 
                                  (II) subject to audit in a 
                                manner satisfactory to the 
                                Secretary; and
                                  (III) subject to the 
                                sanctions under subsection 
                          (iv) Additional disclosures.--
                                  (I) Determination by 
                                secretaries.--The Secretary of 
                                Housing and Urban Development 
                                and the Secretary shall 
                                determine whether to permit 
                                disclosure of information under 
                                this paragraph to persons or 
                                entities described in subclause 
                                (II), based on an evaluation 
                                made by the Secretary of 
                                Housing and Urban Development 
                                (in consultation with and 
                                approved by the Secretary), of 
                                the costs and benefits of 
                                disclosures made under clause 
                                (ii) and the adequacy of 
                                measures used to safeguard the 
                                security and confidentiality of 
                                information so disclosed.
                                  (II) Permitted persons or 
                                entities.--If the Secretary of 
                                Housing and Urban Development 
                                and the Secretary determine 
                                pursuant to subclause (I) that 
                                disclosures to additional 
                                persons or entities shall be 
                                permitted, information under 
                                this paragraph may be disclosed 
                                by the Secretary of Housing and 
                                Urban Development to a private 
                                owner, a management agent, and 
                                a contract administrator in 
                                connection with the 
                                administration of a program 
                                described in subparagraph (A), 
                                subject to the conditions in 
                                clause (iii) and such 
                                additional conditions as agreed 
                                to by the Secretaries.
                          (v) Restrictions on redisclosure.--A 
                        person or entity to which information 
                        is disclosed under this subparagraph 
                        may use or disclose such information 
                        only as needed for verifying the 
                        employment and income of individuals 
                        described in subparagraph (A), subject 
                        to the conditions in clause (iii) and 
                        such additional conditions as agreed to 
                        by the Secretaries.
                  (F) Reimbursement of hhs costs.--The 
                Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 
                shall reimburse the Secretary, in accordance 
                with subsection (k)(3), for the costs incurred 
                by the Secretary in furnishing the information 
                requested under this paragraph.
                  (G) Consent.--The Secretary of Housing and 
                Urban Development shall not seek, use, or 
                disclose information under this paragraph 
                relating to an individual without the prior 
                written consent of such individual (or of a 
                person legally authorized to consent on behalf 
                of such individual).
          (8) Information comparisons and disclosure to assist 
        in administration of unemployment compensation 
                  (A) In general.--If, for purposes of 
                administering an unemployment compensation 
                program under Federal or State law or 
                administering the performance accountability 
                system required under section 116 of the 
                Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 
                U.S.C. 3141), a State agency responsible for 
                the administration of such program or such 
                system transmits to the Secretary the names and 
                social security account numbers of individuals, 
                the Secretary shall disclose to such State 
                agency information on such individuals and 
                their employers maintained in the National 
                Directory of New Hires, subject to this 
                  (B) Condition on disclosure by the 
                secretary.--The Secretary shall make a 
                disclosure under subparagraph (A) only to the 
                extent that the Secretary determines that the 
                disclosure would not interfere with the 
                effective operation of the program under this 
                  (C) Use and disclosure of information by 
                state agencies.--
                          (i) In general.--A State agency may 
                        not use or disclose information 
                        provided under this paragraph except 
                        for purposes of administering a program 
                        or system referred to in subparagraph 
                          (ii) Information security.--The State 
                        agency shall have in effect data 
                        security and control policies that the 
                        Secretary finds adequate to ensure the 
                        security of information obtained under 
                        this paragraph and to ensure that 
                        access to such information is 
                        restricted to authorized persons for 
                        purposes of authorized uses and 
                          (iii) Penalty for misuse of 
                        information.--An officer or employee of 
                        the State agency who fails to comply 
                        with this subparagraph shall be subject 
                        to the sanctions under subsection 
                        (l)(2) to the same extent as if such 
                        officer or employee was an officer or 
                        employee of the United States.
                  (D) Procedural requirements.--State agencies 
                requesting information under this paragraph 
                shall adhere to uniform procedures established 
                by the Secretary governing information requests 
                and data matching under this paragraph.
                  (E) Reimbursement of costs.--The State agency 
                shall reimburse the Secretary, in accordance 
                with subsection (k)(3), for the costs incurred 
                by the Secretary in furnishing the information 
                requested under this paragraph.
          (9) Information comparisons and disclosure to assist 
        in federal debt collection.--
                  (A) Furnishing of information by the 
                secretary of the treasury.--The Secretary of 
                the Treasury shall furnish to the Secretary, on 
                such periodic basis as determined by the 
                Secretary of the Treasury in consultation with 
                the Secretary, information in the custody of 
                the Secretary of the Treasury for comparison 
                with information in the National Directory of 
                New Hires, in order to obtain information in 
                such Directory with respect to persons--
                          (i) who owe delinquent nontax debt to 
                        the United States; and
                          (ii) whose debt has been referred to 
                        the Secretary of the Treasury in 
                        accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3711(g).
                  (B) Requirement to seek minimum 
                information.--The Secretary of the Treasury 
                shall seek information pursuant to this section 
                only to the extent necessary to improve 
                collection of the debt described in 
                subparagraph (A).
                  (C) Duties of the secretary.--
                          (i) Information disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary, in cooperation with the 
                        Secretary of the Treasury, shall 
                        compare information in the National 
                        Directory of New Hires with information 
                        provided by the Secretary of the 
                        Treasury with respect to persons 
                        described in subparagraph (A) and shall 
                        disclose information in such Directory 
                        regarding such persons to the Secretary 
                        of the Treasury in accordance with this 
                        paragraph, for the purposes specified 
                        in this paragraph. Such comparison of 
                        information shall not be considered a 
                        matching program as defined in 5 U.S.C. 
                          (ii) Condition on disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary shall make disclosures in 
                        accordance with clause (i) only to the 
                        extent that the Secretary determines 
                        that such disclosures do not interfere 
                        with the effective operation of the 
                        program under this part. Support 
                        collection under section 466(b) of this 
                        title shall be given priority over 
                        collection of any delinquent Federal 
                        nontax debt against the same income.
                  (D) Use of information by the secretary of 
                the treasury.--The Secretary of the Treasury 
                may use information provided under this 
                paragraph only for purposes of collecting the 
                debt described in subparagraph (A).
                  (E) Disclosure of information by the 
                secretary of the treasury.--
                          (i) Purpose of disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary of the Treasury may make a 
                        disclosure under this subparagraph only 
                        for purposes of collecting the debt 
                        described in subparagraph (A).
                          (ii) Disclosures permitted.--Subject 
                        to clauses (iii) and (iv), the 
                        Secretary of the Treasury may disclose 
                        information resulting from a data match 
                        pursuant to this paragraph only to the 
                        Attorney General in connection with 
                        collecting the debt described in 
                        subparagraph (A).
                          (iii) Conditions on disclosure.--
                        Disclosures under this subparagraph 
                        shall be--
                                  (I) made in accordance with 
                                data security and control 
                                policies established by the 
                                Secretary of the Treasury and 
                                approved by the Secretary;
                                  (II) subject to audit in a 
                                manner satisfactory to the 
                                Secretary; and
                                  (III) subject to the 
                                sanctions under subsection 
                          (iv) Additional disclosures.--
                                  (I) Determination by 
                                secretaries.--The Secretary of 
                                the Treasury and the Secretary 
                                shall determine whether to 
                                permit disclosure of 
                                information under this 
                                paragraph to persons or 
                                entities described in subclause 
                                (II), based on an evaluation 
                                made by the Secretary of the 
                                Treasury (in consultation with 
                                and approved by the Secretary), 
                                of the costs and benefits of 
                                such disclosures and the 
                                adequacy of measures used to 
                                safeguard the security and 
                                confidentiality of information 
                                so disclosed.
                                  (II) Permitted persons or 
                                entities.--If the Secretary of 
                                the Treasury and the Secretary 
                                determine pursuant to subclause 
                                (I) that disclosures to 
                                additional persons or entities 
                                shall be permitted, information 
                                under this paragraph may be 
                                disclosed by the Secretary of 
                                the Treasury, in connection 
                                with collecting the debt 
                                described in subparagraph (A), 
                                to a contractor or agent of 
                                either Secretary and to the 
                                Federal agency that referred 
                                such debt to the Secretary of 
                                the Treasury for collection, 
                                subject to the conditions in 
                                clause (iii) and such 
                                additional conditions as agreed 
                                to by the Secretaries.
                          (v) Restrictions on redisclosure.--A 
                        person or entity to which information 
                        is disclosed under this subparagraph 
                        may use or disclose such information 
                        only as needed for collecting the debt 
                        described in subparagraph (A), subject 
                        to the conditions in clause (iii) and 
                        such additional conditions as agreed to 
                        by the Secretaries.
                  (F) Reimbursement of hhs costs.--The 
                Secretary of the Treasury shall reimburse the 
                Secretary, in accordance with subsection 
                (k)(3), for the costs incurred by the Secretary 
                in furnishing the information requested under 
                this paragraph. Any such costs paid by the 
                Secretary of the Treasury shall be considered 
                costs of implementing 31 U.S.C. 3711(g) in 
                accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3711(g)(6) and may be 
                paid from the account established pursuant to 
                31 U.S.C. 3711(g)(7).
          (10) Information comparisons and disclosure to assist 
        in administration of supplemental nutrition assistance 
        program benefits.--
                  (A) In general.--If, for purposes of 
                administering a supplemental nutrition 
                assistance program under the Food and Nutrition 
                Act of 2008, a State agency responsible for the 
                administration of the program transmits to the 
                Secretary the names and social security account 
                numbers of individuals, the Secretary shall 
                disclose to the State agency information on the 
                individuals and their employers maintained in 
                the National Directory of New Hires, subject to 
                this paragraph.
                  (B) Condition on disclosure by the 
                secretary.--The Secretary shall make a 
                disclosure under subparagraph (A) only to the 
                extent that the Secretary determines that the 
                disclosure would not interfere with the 
                effective operation of the program under this 
                  (C) Use and disclosure of information by 
                state agencies.--
                          (i) In general.--A State agency may 
                        not use or disclose information 
                        provided under this paragraph except 
                        for purposes of administering a program 
                        referred to in subparagraph (A).
                          (ii) Information security.--The State 
                        agency shall have in effect data 
                        security and control policies that the 
                        Secretary finds adequate to ensure the 
                        security of information obtained under 
                        this paragraph and to ensure that 
                        access to such information is 
                        restricted to authorized persons for 
                        purposes of authorized uses and 
                          (iii) Penalty for misuse of 
                        information.--An officer or employee of 
                        the State agency who fails to comply 
                        with this subparagraph shall be subject 
                        to the sanctions under subsection 
                        (l)(2) to the same extent as if the 
                        officer or employee were an officer or 
                        employee of the United States.
                  (D) Procedural requirements.--State agencies 
                requesting information under this paragraph 
                shall adhere to uniform procedures established 
                by the Secretary governing information requests 
                and data matching under this paragraph.
                  (E) Reimbursement of costs.--The State agency 
                shall reimburse the Secretary, in accordance 
                with subsection (k)(3), for the costs incurred 
                by the Secretary in furnishing the information 
                requested under this paragraph.
          (11) Information comparisons and disclosures to 
        assist in administration of certain veterans 
                  (A) Furnishing of information by secretary of 
                veterans affairs.--Subject to the provisions of 
                this paragraph, the Secretary of Veterans 
                Affairs shall furnish to the Secretary, on such 
                periodic basis as determined by the Secretary 
                of Veterans Affairs in consultation with the 
                Secretary, information in the custody of the 
                Secretary of Veterans Affairs for comparison 
                with information in the National Directory of 
                New Hires, in order to obtain information in 
                such Directory with respect to individuals who 
                are applying for or receiving--
                          (i) needs-based pension benefits 
                        provided under chapter 15 of title 38, 
                        United States Code, or under any other 
                        law administered by the Secretary of 
                        Veterans Affairs;
                          (ii) parents' dependency and 
                        indemnity compensation provided under 
                        section 1315 of title 38, United States 
                          (iii) health care services furnished 
                        under subsections (a)(2)(G), (a)(3), or 
                        (b) of section 1710 of title 38, United 
                        States Code; or
                          (iv) compensation paid under chapter 
                        11 of title 38, United States Code, at 
                        the 100 percent rate based solely on 
                        unemployability and without regard to 
                        the fact that the disability or 
                        disabilities are not rated as 100 
                        percent disabling under the rating 
                  (B) Requirement to seek minimum 
                information.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs 
                shall seek information pursuant to this 
                paragraph only to the extent necessary to 
                verify the employment and income of individuals 
                described in subparagraph (A).
                  (C) Duties of the secretary.--
                          (i) Information disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary, in cooperation with the 
                        Secretary of Veterans Affairs, shall 
                        compare information in the National 
                        Directory of New Hires with information 
                        provided by the Secretary of Veterans 
                        Affairs with respect to individuals 
                        described in subparagraph (A), and 
                        shall disclose information in such 
                        Directory regarding such individuals to 
                        the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in 
                        accordance with this paragraph, for the 
                        purposes specified in this paragraph.
                          (ii) Condition on disclosure.--The 
                        Secretary shall make disclosures in 
                        accordance with clause (i) only to the 
                        extent that the Secretary determines 
                        that such disclosures do not interfere 
                        with the effective operation of the 
                        program under this part.
                  (D) Use of information by secretary of 
                veterans affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans 
                Affairs may use information resulting from a 
                data match pursuant to this paragraph only--
                          (i) for the purposes specified in 
                        subparagraph (B); and
                          (ii) after removal of personal 
                        identifiers, to conduct analyses of the 
                        employment and income reporting of 
                        individuals described in subparagraph 
                  (E) Reimbursement of hhs costs.--The 
                Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall reimburse 
                the Secretary, in accordance with subsection 
                (k)(3), for the costs incurred by the Secretary 
                in furnishing the information requested under 
                this paragraph.
                  (F) Consent.--The Secretary of Veterans 
                Affairs shall not seek, use, or disclose 
                information under this paragraph relating to an 
                individual without the prior written consent of 
                such individual (or of a person legally 
                authorized to consent on behalf of such 
                  (G) Expiration of authority.--The authority 
                under this paragraph shall be in effect as 
                          (i) During the period beginning on 
                        December 26, 2007, and ending on 
                        November 18, 2011.
                          (ii) During the period beginning on 
                        the date of the enactment of the 
                        Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring 
                        Authorities Act of 2013 and ending 180 
                        days after that date.
  (k) Fees.--
          (1) For ssa verification.--The Secretary shall 
        reimburse the Commissioner of Social Security, at a 
        rate negotiated between the Secretary and the 
        Commissioner, for the costs incurred by the 
        Commissioner in performing the verification services 
        described in subsection (j).
          (2) For information from state directories of new 
        hires.--The Secretary shall reimburse costs incurred by 
        State directories of new hires in furnishing 
        information as required by section 453A(g)(2), at rates 
        which the Secretary determines to be reasonable (which 
        rates shall not include payment for the costs of 
        obtaining, compiling, or maintaining such information).
          (3) For information furnished to state and federal 
        agencies.--A State or Federal agency that receives 
        information from the Secretary pursuant to this section 
        or section 452(m) shall reimburse the Secretary for 
        costs incurred by the Secretary in furnishing the 
        information, at rates which the Secretary determines to 
        be reasonable (which rates shall include payment for 
        the costs of obtaining, verifying, maintaining, and 
        comparing the information).
  (l) Restriction on Disclosure and Use.--
          (1) In general.--Information in the Federal Parent 
        Locator Service, and information resulting from 
        comparisons using such information, shall not be used 
        or disclosed except as expressly provided in this 
        section, subject to section 6103 of the Internal 
        Revenue Code of 1986.
          (2) Penalty for misuse of information in the national 
        directory of new hires.--The Secretary shall require 
        the imposition of an administrative penalty (up to and 
        including dismissal from employment), and a fine of 
        $1,000, for each act of unauthorized access to, 
        disclosure of, or use of, information in the National 
        Directory of New Hires established under subsection (i) 
        by any officer or employee of the United States or any 
        other person who knowingly and willfully violates this 
  (m) Information Integrity and Security.--The Secretary shall 
establish and implement safeguards with respect to the entities 
established under this section designed to--
          (1) ensure the accuracy and completeness of 
        information in the Federal Parent Locator Service; and
          (2) restrict access to confidential information in 
        the Federal Parent Locator Service to authorized 
        persons, and restrict use of such information to 
        authorized purposes.
  (n) Federal Government Reporting.--Each department, agency, 
and instrumentality of the United States shall on a quarterly 
basis report to the Federal Parent Locator Service the name and 
social security number of each employee and the wages paid to 
the employee during the previous quarter, except that such a 
report shall not be filed with respect to an employee of a 
department, agency, or instrumentality performing intelligence 
or counterintelligence functions, if the head of such 
department, agency, or instrumentality has determined that 
filing such a report could endanger the safety of the employee 
or compromise an ongoing investigation or intelligence mission.
  (o) Use of Set-Aside Funds.--Out of any money in the Treasury 
of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there is 
hereby appropriated to the Secretary for each fiscal year an 
amount equal to 2 percent of the total amount paid to the 
Federal Government pursuant to a plan approved under this part 
during the immediately preceding fiscal year (as determined on 
the basis of the most recent reliable data available to the 
Secretary as of the end of the third calendar quarter following 
the end of such preceding fiscal year) or the amount 
appropriated under this paragraph for fiscal year 2002, 
whichever is greater, which shall be available for use by the 
Secretary, either directly or through grants, contracts, or 
interagency agreements, for operation of the Federal Parent 
Locator Service under this section, to the extent such costs 
are not recovered through user fees. Amounts appropriated under 
this subsection shall remain available until expended.
  (p) Support Order Defined.--As used in this part, the term 
``support order'' means a judgment, decree, or order, whether 
temporary, final, or subject to modification, issued by a court 
or an administrative agency of competent jurisdiction, for the 
support and maintenance of a child, including a child who has 
attained the age of majority under the law of the issuing 
State, or of the parent with whom the child is living, which 
provides for monetary support, health care, arrearages, or 
reimbursement, and which may include related costs and fees, 
interest and penalties, income withholding, attorneys' fees, 
and other relief.

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