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117th Congress    }                                  {  Rept. 117-113
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session      }                                  {     Part 1




                 August 6, 2021.--Ordered to be printed


    Mr. David Scott of Georgia, from the Committee on Agriculture, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                             together with

                            ADDITIONAL VIEWS

                        [To accompany H.R. 4374]

    The Committee on Agriculture, to whom was referred the bill 
(H.R. 4374) to bolster certain rural broadband programs of the 
Department of Agriculture, having considered the same, reports 
favorably thereon with an amendment and recommends that the 
bill as amended do pass.
    The amendment is as follows:
  Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the 


  This Act may be cited as the ``Broadband Internet Connections for 
Rural America Act''.


  Section 603(e) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 
950bb-2(e)) is amended to read as follows:
  ``(e) Authorization of Appropriations.--
          ``(1) In general.--There is authorized to be appropriated to 
        the Secretary $300,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 
        through 2029, to remain available until expended, to carry out 
        projects in States and territories selected by the Secretary to 
        be diverse on the basis of geography, topography, and 
          ``(2) Limitation.--Not more than $25,000,000 of the amounts 
        made available under paragraph (1) for each fiscal year may be 
        provided for a single project.''.


  (a) In General.--Section 601 of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 
(7 U.S.C. 950bb) is amended--
          (1) in the section heading, by striking ``access to broadband 
        telecommunications services in rural areas'' and inserting 
        ``reconnect rural broadband program'';
          (2) by striking subsection (a) and inserting the following:
  ``(a) Establishment; Purpose.--The Secretary shall establish a 
program, which shall be known as the `ReConnect Rural Broadband 
Program', to provide grants, loans, and loan guarantees to finance the 
costs of the construction, improvement, and acquisition of facilities 
and equipment for broadband service in rural areas.'';
          (3) in subsection (c)(2), by striking subparagraphs (A) and 
        (B) and inserting the following:
                  ``(A) In general.--In making grants, making loans, 
                and guaranteeing loans under paragraph (1), the 
                Secretary shall give the highest priority to 
                applications for projects to provide broadband service 
                to unserved rural communities that do not have any 
                residential broadband service of at least--
                          ``(i) a 10-Mbps downstream transmission 
                        capacity; and
                          ``(ii) a 1-Mbps upstream transmission 
                  ``(B) Other.--After giving priority to the 
                applications described in clauses (i) and (ii) of 
                subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall then give 
                priority to applications for projects to provide 
                broadband service to rural communities--
                          ``(i) with a population of less than 10,000 
                        inhabitants; or
                          ``(ii) with a high percentage of low income 
                        families or persons (as defined in section 
                        501(b) of the Housing Act of 1949).
                  ``(C) Ports in rural areas priority.--
                          ``(i) Definition of port.--In this 
                        subparagraph, the term `port' means--
                                  ``(I) any port on the navigable 
                                waters of the United States, including 
                                  ``(II) any harbor, marine terminal, 
                                or other shore side facility used 
                                principally for the movement of goods 
                                on inland waters; and
                                  ``(III) any port formed in accordance 
                                with applicable State or territory law.
                          ``(ii) Priority.--In addition to the priority 
                        given under subparagraph (B), the Secretary 
                        shall give equal priority to an application for 
                        a project that would increase the availability 
                        of broadband service in a port in a rural area.
                  ``(D) Additional considerations.--In making grants, 
                making loans, and guaranteeing loans under this 
                subsection, the Secretary shall consider whether an 
                application was developed with the participation of 
                community stakeholders, and will receive a substantial 
                portion of the funding for the project from community 
                stakeholders or other non-Federal sources.'';
          (4) in subsection (c)(3)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) by striking ``and'' at the end of clause 
                          (ii) by striking the period at the end of 
                        clause (ii) and inserting ``; and''; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the following:
                          ``(iii) shall be subject to a grant agreement 
                        of not less than ten years.'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (D)(i)--
                          (i) in subclause (I), by striking 
                        ``(2)(A)(i)'' and inserting ``(2)(A)''; and
                          (ii) in subclause (II), by striking ``any of 
                        subclauses (I) through (IV) of paragraph 
                        (2)(B)(i)'' and inserting ``clause (i) or (ii) 
                        of paragraph (2)(B)''; and
                  (C) by striking subparagraph (E) and inserting the 
                  ``(E) Applications.--
                          ``(i) Grant-only applications.--The Secretary 
                        shall establish an application process that 
                        permits an application for a grant-only award.
                          ``(ii) Combined applications.--The Secretary 
                        shall establish an application process that 
                                  ``(I) a single application for a 
                                grant and a loan under title I or II, 
                                or this title, that is associated with 
                                the grant; and
                                  ``(II) provides a single decision to 
                                award the grant and the loan.'';
          (5) in subsection (d)(2)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) by striking ``subparagraphs (B) and (C)'' 
                        and inserting ``subparagraph (B)'';
                          (ii) by striking ``is submitted--'' and all 
                        that follows through ``(i) not less'' and 
                        inserting ``is submitted not less'' ; and
                          (iii) by striking ``(e); and'' and all that 
                        follows and inserting ``(e).'';
                  (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``Subparagraph 
                (A)(i)'' and inserting ``Subparagraph (A)''; and
                  (C) by striking subparagraph (C);
          (6) in subsection (d), by striking paragraph (5);
          (7) by striking subsection (j) and inserting the following:
  ``(j) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $4,500,000,000 
for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2029, to remain available for 5 
fiscal years after the fiscal year for which appropriated.''; and
          (8) in subsection (k), by striking ``2023'' and inserting 
  (b) Regulations.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall promulgate 
rules to carry out the amendments made by subsection (a) of this 
section, and complete the biennial review process required by section 
601(e)(2) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936.
  (c) Sunset.--The authorities provided by section 779 of the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Public Law 115-141) shall have 
no force or effect after June 30, 2022.
  (d) Transition Rules.--
          (1) Availability of funds for administrative costs.--Not more 
        than 1 percent of the unobligated balances of amounts made 
        available as of June 1, 2021, to carry out the pilot program 
        described in section 779 of the Consolidated Appropriations 
        Act, 2018 (Public Law 115-141) may be used for the costs of 
        transitioning from the pilot program to the program under 
        section 601 of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as 
        amended by this Act.
          (2) Consolidation of funds.--
                  (A) In general.--The unobligated balances of all 
                amounts made available on or before June 30, 2022, to 
                carry out the pilot program described in section 779 of 
                the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Public Law 
                115-141) that are in excess of the amount described in 
                subparagraph (B) of this paragraph are hereby 
                transferred to and merged with amounts made available 
                to carry out the program authorized under section 601 
                of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936.
                  (B) Unfunded approvals.--The amount described in this 
                subparagraph is the amount required to fully fund each 
                project approved as of June 30, 2022, under the pilot 
                program described in such section 779 for which amounts 
                were not obligated or partially obligated as of such 


  Section 604(g) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 
950bb-3(g)) is amended by striking ``$50,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2019 through 2023'' and inserting ``$150,000,000 for each of 
fiscal years 2022 through 2029, to remain available for 2 fiscal years 
after the fiscal year for which appropriated''.


  Section 2335A of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act 
of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 950aaa-5) is amended by striking ``$82,000,000 for 
each of fiscal years 2019 through 2023'' and inserting ``$150,000,000 
for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2029, to remain available for 2 
fiscal years after the fiscal year for which appropriated''.


  Section 602(g) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 
950bb-1(g)) is amended by striking ``$10,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2018 through 2023'' and inserting ``$300,000,000 for each of 
fiscal years 2022 through 2029, to remain available for 2 fiscal years 
after the fiscal year for which appropriated''.


  (a) In General.--The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish a 
system for the dissemination of information and technical assistance on 
the broadband programs of the Department of Agriculture, which shall be 
for the use of entities eligible, such as Indian tribes and tribal 
organizations, to receive funds under title II or VI of the Rural 
Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) or chapter 1 of 
subtitle D of title XXIII of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and 
Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 950aaa et seq.).
  (b) Limitations on Authorization of Appropriations.--To carry out 
subsection (a), there are authorized to be appropriated to the 
Secretary of Agriculture not more than $25,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2022 through 2029, which are authorized to remain available 
through fiscal year 2029.


  Section 701 of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 950cc) 
is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f) and 
inserting after subsection (d) the following:
  ``(e) Community Broadband Mapping Program.--
          ``(1) In general.--The Secretary may make grants to eligible 
        entities for the purpose of collecting broadband service data 
        to assist the Secretary in--
                  ``(A) establishing the availability of broadband 
                service or middle mile infrastructure in a rural area;
                  ``(B) determining the eligibility of a community for 
                assistance under any broadband program administered by 
                the Secretary; or
                  ``(C) undertaking a service area assessment under 
                this section.
          ``(2) Application.--To apply for a grant under this section, 
        an entity shall submit an application therefor which 
                  ``(A) the data collection area;
                  ``(B) the purpose of the data collection;
                  ``(C) the types of broadband service data to be 
                  ``(D) the survey and data collection methods to be 
                utilized; and
                  ``(E) any other information the Secretary determines 
                necessary to promote the integrity of broadband service 
                data collected under this section.
          ``(3) Limitation on grant amount.--The amount of a grant made 
        under this subsection shall not exceed $50,000.
          ``(4) Broadband service data usage.--The Secretary shall 
        ensure that any broadband service data collected under this 
        section is--
                  ``(A) measured or assessed in accordance with such 
                standards as the Secretary may establish;
                  ``(B) accurate and verifiable in accordance with such 
                standards as the Secretary may establish;
                  ``(C) included in any broadband maps or data sets 
                maintained by the Secretary; and
                  ``(D) made available to the Chair of the Federal 
                Communications Commission and the Administrator of the 
                National Telecommunications and Information 
                Administration for inclusion in any broadband maps or 
                data sets either may maintain.
          ``(5) Definitions.--In this subsection:
                  ``(A) Broadband service.--The term `broadband 
                service' has the meaning given the term in section 601.
                  ``(B) Broadband service data.--
                          ``(i) In general.--The term `broadband 
                        service data' means information related to--
                                  ``(I) the location and type of 
                                broadband service;
                                  ``(II) the location and type of 
                                broadband infrastructure;
                                  ``(III) the advertised, maximum, and 
                                average speed of broadband service;
                                  ``(IV) the average price of the most 
                                subscribed tier of broadband service;
                                  ``(V) the speed tiers of broadband 
                                service available in the area; or
                                  ``(VI) any additional metric the 
                                Secretary deems appropriate.
                          ``(ii) Further definition.--The Secretary 
                        shall further define the term `broadband 
                        service data' to ensure that data is measured 
                        and collected in a manner consistent with the 
                        reporting requirements under this section, and 
                        any broadband coordination or data- sharing 
                  ``(C) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity' 
                          ``(i) a unit of local government in a rural 
                          ``(ii) a tribal government or unit of tribal 
                          ``(iii) an economic development or other 
                        community organization;
                          ``(iv) an eligible entity under title I or II 
                        that serves persons in rural areas;
                          ``(v) an internet service provider that has 
                        not more than 100,000 subscribers; or
                          ``(vi) any other entity eligible under a 
                        title VI program that is not an internet 
                        service provider.
                  ``(D) Middle mile infrastructure.--The term `middle 
                mile infrastructure' has the meaning given the term in 
                section 602.
                  ``(E) Rural area.--The term `rural area' has the 
                meaning given the term in section 601.
          ``(6) Limitation on amount made available for grants.--The 
        Secretary may not expend more than 1 percent of the amounts 
        made available under subsection (f) for each of fiscal years 
        2022 through 2029 to carry out this subsection.''.


  Section 701(f) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 
950cc(f)), as so redesignated by section 8 of this Act, is amended to 
read as follows:
  ``(f) Limitations on Reservation of Funds.--Not less than 3 but not 
more than 7 percent of the amounts appropriated to carry out title VI 
shall be set aside to be used--
          ``(1) for administrative costs to carry out programs under 
        title VI;
          ``(2) for technical assistance and pre-development planning 
        activities to support the most rural communities;
          ``(3) to conduct oversight under title VI;
          ``(4) to implement accountability measures and related 
        activities authorized under title VI; and
          ``(5) to carry out this section.''.

                           Brief Explanation

    This legislation amends the Rural Electrification Act by 
making changes to the Title VI programs and Title VII for the 
purpose of expanding broadband coverage and program access, and 
providing resources for administrative, technical, and mapping 

                    Purpose and Need for Legislation

    Originally enacted in 1935 to bring electricity to Rural 
America, today the Rural Electrification Act Title VI programs 
play a similar role bringing broadband to Rural America. The 
Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (``2018 Farm Bill'') made a 
number of amendments to Title VI programs, increasing minimum 
build out speed requirements, establishing grant funding in the 
Section 601 program, and overall increasing the level of 
investment in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 
broadband programs. However, since passage of the 2018 Farm 
Bill, USDA broadband programs have been underfunded and not 
utilized to their full potential.
    The cost estimates of connecting all of America are wide 
ranging, with estimates from $60 billion to upwards of $100 
billion. Reaching 100% connectivity nationwide will require 
substantial investment in rural communities, which face 
substantial barriers to broadband access. Delivering those 
investments expeditiously and targeting those investments to 
the right communities requires the experience, expertise, and 
reach of USDA, whose deep roots in rural America are unique 
among Federal regulators.
    H.R. 4374, the Broadband Internet Connections for Rural 
America Act (BICRAA), builds on the existing Federal broadband 
program expertise and infrastructure at USDA. It consolidates 
authorities and increases authorizations across a suite of 
Federal broadband programs to provide USDA with the tools 
necessary to bring broadband connectivity to every rural 
community. BICRAA closely resembles H.R. 3369, the Broadband 
for Rural America Act, introduced by Ranking Member Thompson on 
behalf of a bipartisan coalition of 43 Members of Congress, 
from on and off the Committee, committed to improving rural 
    In addition to the urgent and well documented broadband 
needs of rural communities, the Committee is cognizant of the 
less visible needs of other rural stakeholders, in particular 
the operators of low-flying aircraft utilized across rural 
landscapes. As USDA develops financing, policy and other 
aspects related to rural broadband development, the Committee 
directs the USDA to take into account existing FAA requirements 
for marking towers, specifically the law requiring towers below 
200 feet in rural areas be logged into a database. The 
Committee recognizes that it is important to protect the safety 
of aerial applicators, aerial firefighters, public health 
applicators, medevac units, law enforcement and other low-
flying aircraft. This is particularly important not just for 
rural broadband programs specified in previous farm bill 
legislation, but also for the infrastructure packages under 
consideration in Congress.

Section 2

    The Innovative Broadband Advancement Program was authorized 
in the 2018 Farm Bill for the purpose of demonstrating 
innovative broadband technologies and methods of deployment 
that decrease the cost of deployment and provide faster 
broadband speeds than are typically available in rural areas. 
The varied geography, topography, and demographics of Rural 
America pose different challenges to connectivity. The program 
has not yet received funding or been implemented.
    H.R. 4374 increases and extends the authorization of the 
Innovative Broadband Advancement Program, as well as directs 
the Secretary to fund projects for these purposes in areas 
reflecting the diversity of Rural America, to ensure the 
program will provide insight into the most effective and 
efficient path forward to connectivity in every rural area.

Section 3

    The ReConnect Pilot Program was enacted in the Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2018 and has since received the bulk of the 
funding that has been provided for USDA broadband programs. 
H.R. 4374 consolidates the ReConnect Pilot Program and the 
Section 601 Rural Broadband program. From the ReConnect Pilot 
Program, H.R. 4374 incorporates additional program flexibility 
into the Rural Broadband Program and provides sufficient 
funding for program administration and technical assistance. 
Finally, H.R. 4374 increases and extends the authorizations of 
the consolidated program.

Section 4

    H.R. 4374 increases and extends the authorization for the 
existing farm bill-authorized Community Connect grant program. 
The Community Connect program is an important source of grant 
funding for unserved communities that lack traditional 
investment opportunities. Grant funding will be a critical 
resource necessary for those areas that will be hardest to 

Section 5

    H.R. 4374 increases and extends the authorization for the 
Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loan and Grant program. This 
program addresses the lack of adequate health care resources in 
Rural America and expands educational opportunities by enabling 
health and educational institutions to buy the equipment and 
software necessary for distance learning and telemedicine.

Section 6

    H.R. 4374 increases and extends the authorization for the 
Middle Mile Infrastructure program. Urgent and significant 
investment in middle mile infrastructure is needed to deliver 
broadband to hard-to-reach communities in Rural America. 
Reliable and efficient middle mile infrastructure is critical 
for the overall health of our nationwide broadband network.

Section 7

    Many rural communities lack the resources and staff able to 
identify the broadband needs of their communities, find 
financing, navigate the permitting process, or have the 
knowledge necessary to respond to network operational and 
management issues. H.R. 4374 establishes a new program which 
provides grants to technical service providers to operate an 
assistance program for rural broadband services and systems. 
The program follows the model of the successful Circuit Rider 
Program for USDA rural water programs, providing technical 
assistance at no cost to rural communities to determine their 
broadband needs, find appropriate financing, and help navigate 
the building, operation, and management of their network.

Section 8

    Inaccurate broadband coverage maps have been a persistent 
barrier to achieving nationwide connectivity. Accurate maps not 
only determine an area's eligibility for Federal programs, but 
they also help pinpoint areas without coverage and inform the 
resources needed to achieve reliable and affordable 
connectivity. H.R. 4374 establishes a new program which 
provides grants to eligible entities for the purpose of 
determining program eligibility, undertaking a service area 
assessment, or establishment of service availability to collect 
data on the location of broadband infrastructure, coverage, and 
speeds available, and service cost.

Section 9

    Section 9 consolidates technical assistance and 
administrative resources in Section VII of the Rural 
Electrification Act to ensure USDA has sufficient resources to 
administer Title VI programs.

 H.R. 4374, The Rural Broadband Internet Connections for Rural America 


Section 1. Short title

    Section 1 provides that this Act may be cited as the 
``Broadband Internet Connections for Rural America Act.''

Section 2. Innovative Broadband Advancement Program

    Section 2 amends Section 603(e) of the Rural 
Electrification Act of 1936 to authorize $300,000,000 in 
appropriations for each of Fiscal Years 2022 and the subsequent 
seven fiscal years to remain available until expended, to carry 
out projects in states and territories selected by the 
Secretary to be diverse on the basis of geography, topography, 
and demographics. Section 2 limits the amount that may be made 
available for a single project for each Fiscal Year to 

Section 3. Rural Broadband Program loans and grants

    Section 3 amends the section heading of Section 601 of the 
Rural Electrification Act to the ``ReConnect Rural Broadband 
Program.'' It removes several prioritizations listed in 
subsection (c)(2) excluding those requiring the Secretary to 
prioritize applications in areas with (1) less than 10/1 Mbps 
broadband service, (2) populations under 10,000, and (3) a high 
percentage of low-income families. It also requires the 
Secretary to give equal priority to an application for a 
project that would increase the availability of broadband in a 
port in a rural area. It also requires the Secretary to 
consider community and other non-Federal support in awarding 
funds. It removes requirements that, for a project to be 
eligible, broadband service is not provided by 3 or more 
incumbent service providers in any part of a proposed service 
territory. It also removes requirements that the Secretary 
provide technical assistance and training to certain eligible 
entities eligible to obtain grants, loans, or loan guarantees. 
Technical Assistance and program administration funds are moved 
to Section 701 of the Rural Electrification Act, detailed in 
Section 9 of this Act.
    This section clarifies that Section 601 includes the 
authority for the Secretary to make grant-only awards and 
establishes a timeline to implement the program. It provides 
that the Reconnect Program, established pursuant to the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, shall sunset on June 30, 
2022, and 1% of unobligated funding will be reserved to 
implement the new ReConnect Rural Broadband Program. It 
provides that the Secretary shall promulgate rules within 180 
days for the ReConnect Rural Broadband Program. It also 
provides that the ReConnect Rural Broadband Program shall be 
authorized to receive $4,500,000,000 for Fiscal Year 2022 and 
each of the subsequent seven fiscal years.

Section 4. Community connect grants

    Section 4 amends section 604(g) of the Rural 
Electrification Act of 1936 to authorize $150 million in 
appropriations for Fiscal Years 2022 and each of the subsequent 
seven fiscal years.

Section 5. Distance learning and telemedicine loans and grants

    Section 5 amends section 2335A of the Food, Agriculture, 
Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 to authorize $150 million 
in appropriations for Fiscal Years 2022 and each of the 
subsequent seven fiscal years.

Section 6. Expansion of middle mile infrastructure into rural areas

    Section 6 amends section 602(g) of the Rural 
Electrification Act of 1936 to authorize $300 million in 
appropriations for Fiscal Years 2022 and each of the subsequent 
seven fiscal years.

Section 7. Broadband connectors program

    Section 7 requires the Secretary to create a system for 
distributing information and providing technical assistance for 
broadband programs administered by USDA. This section also 
authorizes not more than $25 million in appropriations for 
Fiscal Years 2022 and each of the subsequent seven fiscal years 
to carry out the section.

Section 8. Community broadband mapping

    Section 8 amends section 701 of the Rural Electrification 
Act of 1936 to provide the Secretary authority to make grants 
to certain entities for the purpose of collecting broadband 
service data to assist the Secretary in establishing the 
availability of broadband service in rural areas, determining 
community eligibility for broadband programs, and undertaking 
service area assessments. Individual grants are limited to 
$50,000 each and total funding for the grants may not exceed 1 
percent of the funds made available each fiscal year under new 
subsection (f).

Section 9. Limitations on reservation of funds

    Section 9 makes available not less than 3 percent and not 
more than 7 percent of total funds appropriated to carry out 
Title VI of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 for 
administrative costs of carrying out programs under Title VI, 
technical assistance and pre-development planning activities to 
support rural communities, to conduct oversight and implement 
accountability measures and related activities authorized under 
Title VI, and to otherwise carry out section 701 including the 
community broadband mapping program established in Section 8.

                        Committee Consideration

                               I. HEARING

    The Committee on Agriculture held one hearing in the 117th 
Congress in anticipation of legislation to bolster certain 
broadband programs of the Department of Agriculture.
    On April 20, 2021, the full Committee on Agriculture held a 
hearing entitled ``Rural Broadband--Examining Internet 
Connectivity Needs and Opportunities in Rural America'' where 
the following witnesses testified on matters included in H.R. 
           Ms. Jennifer Prather, Vice-President and 
        General Manager, Totelcom Communications, LLC, on 
        behalf of NTCA, The Rural Broadband Association, De 
        Leon, TX
           Mr. Tim Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, 
        OEConnect LLC and Ostego Electric Cooperative, Inc., 
        Hartwick, NY
           Ms. Vickie Robinson, General Manager, 
        Microsoft Global Airband Initiative, Washington, D.C.
           Dr. Johnny Park, Chief Executive Officer, 
        Wabash Heartland Innovation Network, West Lafayette, IN
    This hearing examined internet connectivity needs and 
opportunities in Rural America. Members of the Committee heard 
testimony about building, expanding, and maintaining broadband 
networks in rural areas and discussed expansion efforts, 
challenges, and Federal programs.

                           II. FULL COMMITTEE

    On July 14, 2021, the Committee on Agriculture met pursuant 
to notice, with a quorum present, to consider H.R. 4374, the 
Broadband Internet Connections for Rural America Act. Chairman 
Scott made an opening statement as did Ranking Member Thompson. 
Chairman Scott requested other Members submit their opening 
statements for the record. Without objection, the Broadband 
Internet Connections for Rural America Act was placed before 
the Committee for consideration, a first reading of the bill 
was waived and it was opened for amendment at any point.
    Chairman Scott offered an amendment in the nature of a 
substitute, and without objection, the reading of the amendment 
was waived and the substitute was considered as original text 
for the purposes of further amendment. Discussion occurred and 
counsel for the Committee and USDA answered Member questions. 
Chairman Scott recognized Ms. Plaskett to offer an amendment 
adding small ports in rural areas to the priority list for 
applications to the Agriculture Department's Rural Utility 
Service ReConnect Rural Broadband program. After discussion, 
the amendment passed by a voice vote.
    There being no further amendments, a voice vote was 
conducted and the amendment in the nature of a substitute was 
approved. Mr. Thompson moved that H.R. 4374, as amended, be 
reported favorably to the House with an amendment in the nature 
of a substitute consisting of the amendments agreed to in the 
markup and with the recommendation that the amendment be agreed 
to and the bill pass. The motion was subsequently approved by 
voice vote.
    At the conclusion of the meeting, Chairman Scott advised 
Members that pursuant to the rules of the House of 
Representatives, Members had until July 16, 2021 to file any 
supplemental, additional, dissenting, or minority views with 
the Committee. Without objection, staff was given permission to 
make any necessary technical, clarifying, or conforming changes 
to reflect the intent of the Committee. Chairman Scott thanked 
all the Members and adjourned the meeting.

                            Committee Votes

    In compliance with clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the House of 
Representatives, H.R. 4374 was reported by voice vote with a 
majority quorum present. There was no request for a recorded 

                      Committee Oversight Findings

    Pursuant to clause 3(d)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the Committee report incorporates the 
cost estimate prepared by the Direction of the Congressional 
Office pursuant to sections 402 and 423 of the Congressional 
Budget Act of 1974.

          Cost of Legislation and the Congressional Budget Act

    With respect to the requirements of clause 3(c)(2) of rule 
XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives and section 
308(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 and with respect 
to requirements of clause (3)(c)(3) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives and section 402 of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the Committee has requested 
but not received a cost estimate for this bill from the 
Director of Congressional Budget Office. The Committee adopts 
as its own cost estimate the forthcoming cost estimate of the 
Director of the Congressional Budget Office, should such cost 
estimate be made available before House passage of the bill.
    The Committee has requested but not received from the 
Director of the Congressional Budget Office a statement as to 
whether this bill contains any new budget authority, spending 
authority, credit authority, or an increase or decrease in 
revenues or tax expenditures.
    Congressional Budget Office staff has informed the 
Committee on a preliminary, informal, nonbinding basis that the 
bill will not affect revenues and direct spending but will 
affect discretionary spending in fiscal year 2021 or in each of 
the five fiscal years following that fiscal year.

                   Constitutional Authority Statement

    The Committee finds the Constitutional authority for this 
legislation in Article I, section 8, clause 18, that grants 
Congress the power to make all laws necessary and proper for 
carrying out the powers vested by Congress in the consideration 
of the United States or in any department or officer thereof. 
The Committee further finds the Constitutional authority for 
this legislation in Article I, section 8, clause 3, that grants 
Congress the authority to regulate foreign and interstate 

                    Performance Goals And Objectives

    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the House of 
Representatives, the performance goals and objectives of this 
measure are to bolster certain rural broadband programs of the 
Department of Agriculture.

                      Advisory Committee Statement

    No advisory committee within the meaning of section 5(b) of 
the Federal Advisory Committee Act was created by this 

                Applicability to the Legislative Branch

    The Committee finds that the legislation does not relate to 
the terms and conditions of employment or access to public 
services or accommodations within the meaning of section 
102(b)(3) of the Congressional Accountability Act (Public Law 

                       Federal Mandates Statement

    An estimate of Federal mandates prepared by the Director of 
the Congressional Budget Office pursuant to section 423 of the 
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act was not made available to the 
Committee in time for the filing of this report. The Chair of 
the Committee shall cause such estimate to be printed in the 
Congressional Record upon its receipt by the Committee.

                           Earmark Statement

    This measure does not contain any congressional earmarks, 
limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits as defined in 
clause 9(e), 9(f), or 9(g) of rule XXI of the House of 

                    Duplication of Federal Programs

    This measure does not establish or reauthorize a program of 
the Federal Government known to be duplicative of another 
Federal program, a program that was included in any report from 
Government Accountability Office to Congress pursuant to 
section 21 of Public Law 111-139, or a program related to a 
program in the most recent Catalog of Federal Domestic 

                  Disclosure of Directed Rule Makings

    The Committee estimates that H.R. 4374 includes the 
following rule makings within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. 551:
           Sec. 3 requires the Secretary to promulgate 
        rules to carry out the amendments made by subsection 
        (a) of Section 3 of this Act.

         Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported

  In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by 
the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law 
proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new 
matter is printed in italics, and existing law in which no 
change is proposed is shown in roman):

                   RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ACT OF 1936

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  [(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to provide 
grants, provide loans, and provide loan guarantees to provide 
funds for the costs of the construction, improvement, and 
acquisition of facilities and equipment for broadband service 
in rural areas.]
  (a) Establishment; Purpose.--The Secretary shall establish a 
program, which shall be known as the ``ReConnect Rural 
Broadband Program'', to provide grants, loans, and loan 
guarantees to finance the costs of the construction, 
improvement, and acquisition of facilities and equipment for 
broadband service in rural areas.
  (b) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Broadband service.--The term ``broadband 
        service'' means any technology identified by the 
        Secretary as having the capacity to transmit data to 
        enable a subscriber to the service to originate and 
        receive high-quality voice, data, graphics, and video.
          (2) Incumbent service provider.--The term ``incumbent 
        service provider'', with respect to an application 
        submitted under this section, means an entity that, as 
        of the date of submission of the application, is 
        providing broadband service to not less than 5 percent 
        of the households in the service territory proposed in 
        the application.
          (3) Rural area.--
                  (A) In general.--The term ``rural area'' 
                means any area other than--
                          (i) an area described in clause (i) 
                        or (ii) of section 343(a)(13)(A) of the 
                        Consolidated Farm and Rural Development 
                        Act (7 U.S.C. 1991(a)(13)(A)); and
                          (ii) in the case of a grant or direct 
                        loan, a city, town, or incorporated 
                        area that has a population of greater 
                        than 20,000 inhabitants.
                  (B) Urban area growth.--The Secretary may, by 
                regulation only, consider an area described in 
                section 343(a)(13)(F)(i)(I) of that Act to not 
                be a rural area for purposes of this section.
                  (C) Exclusion of certain populations.--Such 
                term does not include any population described 
                in subparagraph (H) or (I) of section 
                343(a)(13) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural 
                Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1991(a)(13)).
  (c) Grants, Loans, and Loan Guarantees.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall make grants, 
        shall make loans, and shall guarantee loans to eligible 
        entities described in subsection (d) to provide funds 
        for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of 
        facilities and equipment for the provision of broadband 
        service in rural areas.
          (2) Priority.--
                  [(A) In general.--In making grants, making 
                loans, and guaranteeing loans under paragraph 
                (1), the Secretary shall--
                          [(i) give the highest priority to 
                        applications for projects to provide 
                        broadband service to unserved rural 
                        communities that do not have any 
                        residential broadband service of at 
                                  [(I) a 10-Mbps downstream 
                                transmission capacity; and
                                  [(II) a 1-Mbps upstream 
                                transmission capacity;
                          [(ii) give priority to applications 
                        for projects to provide the maximum 
                        level of broadband service to the 
                        greatest proportion of rural households 
                        in the proposed service area identified 
                        in the application;
                          [(iii) provide equal consideration to 
                        all eligible entities, including those 
                        that have not previously received 
                        grants, loans, or loan guarantees under 
                        paragraph (1); and
                          [(iv) with respect to 2 or more 
                        applications that are given the same 
                        priority under clause (i), give 
                        priority to an application that 
                        requests less grant funding than loan 
                  [(B) Other.--After giving priority to the 
                applications described in clauses (i) and (ii) 
                of subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall then 
                give priority to applications--
                          [(i) for projects to provide 
                        broadband service to rural 
                                  [(I) with a population of 
                                less than 10,000 permanent 
                                  [(II) that are experiencing 
                                outmigration and have adopted a 
                                strategic community investment 
                                plan under section 379H(d) that 
                                includes considerations for 
                                improving and expanding 
                                broadband service;
                                  [(III) with a high percentage 
                                of low income families or 
                                persons (as defined in section 
                                501(b) of the Housing Act of 
                                1949 (42 U.S.C. 1471(b));
                                  [(IV) that are isolated from 
                                other significant population 
                                centers; or
                                  [(V) that provide rapid and 
                                expanded deployment of fixed 
                                and mobile broadband on 
                                cropland and ranchland within a 
                                service territory for use in 
                                various applications of 
                                precision agriculture; and
                          [(ii) that were developed with the 
                        participation of, and will receive a 
                        substantial portion of the funding for 
                        the project from, 2 or more 
                        stakeholders, including--
                                  [(I) State, local, and tribal 
                                  [(II) nonprofit institutions;
                                  [(III) community anchor 
                                institutions, such as--
                                          [(aa) public 
                                          [(bb) elementary 
                                        schools and secondary 
                                        schools (as defined in 
                                        section 8101 of the 
                                        Elementary and 
                                        Secondary Education Act 
                                        of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 
                                          [(cc) institutions of 
                                        higher education; and
                                          [(dd) health care 
                                  [(IV) private entities;
                                  [(V) philanthropic 
                                organizations; and
                                  [(VI) cooperatives.]
                  (A) In general.--In making grants, making 
                loans, and guaranteeing loans under paragraph 
                (1), the Secretary shall give the highest 
                priority to applications for projects to 
                provide broadband service to unserved rural 
                communities that do not have any residential 
                broadband service of at least--
                          (i) a 10-Mbps downstream transmission 
                        capacity; and
                          (ii) a 1-Mbps upstream transmission 
                  (B) Other.--After giving priority to the 
                applications described in clauses (i) and (ii) 
                of subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall then 
                give priority to applications for projects to 
                provide broadband service to rural 
                          (i) with a population of less than 
                        10,000 inhabitants; or
                          (ii) with a high percentage of low 
                        income families or persons (as defined 
                        in section 501(b) of the Housing Act of 
                  (C) Ports in rural areas priority.--
                          (i) Definition of port.--In this 
                        subparagraph, the term ``port'' means--
                                  (I) any port on the navigable 
                                waters of the United States, 
                                including territories;
                                  (II) any harbor, marine 
                                terminal, or other shore side 
                                facility used principally for 
                                the movement of goods on inland 
                                waters; and
                                  (III) any port formed in 
                                accordance with applicable 
                                State or territory law.
                          (ii) Priority.--In addition to the 
                        priority given under subparagraph (B), 
                        the Secretary shall give equal priority 
                        to an application for a project that 
                        would increase the availability of 
                        broadband service in a port in a rural 
                  (D) Additional considerations.--In making 
                grants, making loans, and guaranteeing loans 
                under this subsection, the Secretary shall 
                consider whether an application was developed 
                with the participation of community 
                stakeholders, and will receive a substantial 
                portion of the funding for the project from 
                community stakeholders or other non-Federal 
          (3) Grant amounts.--
                  (A) Definition of development costs.--In this 
                paragraph, the term ``development costs'' means 
                costs of--
                          (i) construction, including labor and 
                          (ii) project applications; and
                          (iii) other development activities, 
                        as determined by the Secretary.
                  (B) Eligibility.--To be eligible for a grant 
                under this section, in addition to the 
                requirements of subsection (d), the project 
                that is the subject of the grant shall--
                          (i) be carried out in a proposed 
                        service territory in which not less 
                        than 90 percent of the households are 
                        unserved; [and]
                          (ii) not concurrently receive any 
                        other broadband grant administered by 
                        the Rural Utilities Service[.]; and
                          (iii) shall be subject to a grant 
                        agreement of not less than ten years.
                  (C) Maximum.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraph (D), the amount of any grant made 
                under this section shall not exceed--
                          (i) 75 percent of the total project 
                        cost with respect to an area with a 
                        density of fewer than 7 people per 
                        square mile;
                          (ii) 50 percent of the total project 
                        cost with respect to an area with a 
                        density of 7 or more and fewer than 12 
                        people per square mile; and
                          (iii) 25 percent of the total project 
                        cost with respect to an area with a 
                        density of 12 or more and 20 or fewer 
                        people per square mile.
                  (D) Secretarial authority to adjust.--The 
                Secretary may--
                          (i) make grants of up to 75 percent 
                        of the development costs of the project 
                        for which the grant is provided to an 
                        eligible entity if the Secretary 
                        determines that the project serves--
                                  (I) an area of rural 
                                households described in 
                                paragraph [(2)(A)(i)] (2)(A); 
                                  (II) a rural community 
                                described in [any of subclauses 
                                (I) through (IV) of paragraph 
                                (2)(B)(i)] clause (i) or (ii) 
                                of paragraph (2)(B); and
                          (ii) make modifications of the 
                        density thresholds described in 
                        subparagraph (C), in order to ensure 
                        that funds provided under this section 
                        are best utilized to provide broadband 
                        service in communities that are the 
                        most rural in character.
                  [(E) Applications.--The Secretary shall 
                establish an application process for grants 
                under this section that--
                          [(i) permits a single application for 
                        a grant and a loan under title I, II, 
                        or this title that is associated with 
                        such grant; and
                          [(ii) provides a single decision to 
                        award such grant and such loan.]
                  (E) Applications.--
                          (i) Grant-only applications.--The 
                        Secretary shall establish an 
                        application process that permits an 
                        application for a grant-only award.
                          (ii) Combined applications.--The 
                        Secretary shall establish an 
                        application process that permits--
                                  (I) a single application for 
                                a grant and a loan under title 
                                I or II, or this title, that is 
                                associated with the grant; and
                                  (II) provides a single 
                                decision to award the grant and 
                                the loan.
                  (F) Density determinations.--When determining 
                population density under this section, the 
                Secretary shall prescribe a calculation method 
                          (i) utilizes publicly available data; 
                          (ii) includes only those areas in 
                        which the applicant is able to meet the 
                        service requirements under this 
                        section, as determined by the 
          (4) Fees.--In the case of loan guarantees issued or 
        modified under this section, the Secretary shall charge 
        and collect from the lender fees in such amounts as to 
        bring down the costs of subsidies for guaranteed loans, 
        except that such fees shall not act as a bar to 
        participation in the programs nor be inconsistent with 
        current practices in the marketplace.
  (d) Eligibility.--
          (1) Eligible entities.--
                  (A) In general.--To be eligible to obtain a 
                grant, loan, or loan guarantee under this 
                section, an entity shall--
                          (i) demonstrate the ability to 
                        furnish or improve service in order to 
                        meet the broadband buildout 
                        requirements established under 
                        subsection (e)(4) in all or part of an 
                        unserved or underserved rural area;
                          (ii) submit to the Secretary an 
                        application at such time, in such 
                        manner, and containing such information 
                        as the Secretary may require; and
                          (iii) agree to complete buildout of 
                        the broadband infrastructure described 
                        in the application by not later than 5 
                        years after the initial date on which 
                        assistance under this section is made 
                  (B) Limitation.--An eligible entity that 
                provides telecommunications or broadband 
                service to at least 20 percent of the 
                households in the United States may not receive 
                an amount of funds under this section for a 
                fiscal year in excess of 15 percent of the 
                funds authorized and appropriated under 
                subsection (j) for the fiscal year.
          (2) Eligible projects.--
                  (A) In general.--Except as provided in 
                [subparagraphs (B) and (C)] subparagraph (B), 
                assistance under this section may be used to 
                carry out a project in a proposed service 
                territory only if, as of the date on which the 
                application of the eligible entity [is 
                          [(i) not less] is submitted not less 
                        than 50 percent (in the case of loans 
                        or loan guarantees provided in 
                        accordance with subsection (g)(1)(A)) 
                        of the households in the proposed 
                        service territory are unserved or have 
                        service levels below the minimum 
                        acceptable level of fixed broadband 
                        service, whether terrestrial or 
                        wireless, established under subsection 
                        [(e); and]
                          [(ii) broadband service is not 
                        provided in any part of the proposed 
                        service territory by 3 or more 
                        incumbent service providers.] (e).
                  (B) Exception to percent requirement.--
                [Subparagraph (A)(i)] Subparagraph (A) shall 
                not apply to the proposed service territory of 
                a project if a loan or loan guarantee has been 
                made under this section to the applicant to 
                provide broadband service in the proposed 
                service territory.
                  [(C) Exception to incumbent service provider 
                          [(i) In general.--Except as provided 
                        in clause (ii), subparagraph (A)(ii) 
                        shall not apply to an incumbent service 
                        provider in the portion of a proposed 
                        service territory in which the provider 
                        is upgrading broadband service to meet 
                        the minimum acceptable level of 
                        broadband service established under 
                        subsection (e) for the existing 
                        territory of the incumbent service 
                          [(ii) Exception.--Clause (i) shall 
                        not apply if the applicant is eligible 
                        for funding under another title of this 
          (3) Equity and market survey requirements.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary may require an 
                entity to provide a cost share in an amount not 
                to exceed 10 percent of the amount of the 
                grant, loan, or loan guarantee requested in the 
                application of the entity, unless the Secretary 
                determines that a higher percentage is required 
                for financial feasibility.
                  (B) Market survey.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary may 
                        require an entity that proposes to have 
                        a subscriber projection of more than 20 
                        percent of the broadband service market 
                        in a rural area to submit to the 
                        Secretary a market survey.
                          (ii) Less than 20 percent.--The 
                        Secretary may not require an entity 
                        that proposes to have a subscriber 
                        projection of less than 20 percent of 
                        the broadband service market in a rural 
                        area to submit to the Secretary a 
                        market survey.
                          (iii) Information.--Information 
                        submitted under this subparagraph shall 
                                  (I) certified by the affected 
                                community, city, county, or 
                                designee; or
                                  (II) demonstrated on--
                                          (aa) the broadband 
                                        map of the affected 
                                        State if the map 
                                        contains address-level 
                                        data; or
                                          (bb) the National 
                                        Broadband Map if 
                                        address-level data is 
          (4) State and local governments and indian tribes.--
        Subject to paragraph (1), a State or local government 
        (including any agency, subdivision, or instrumentality 
        thereof (including consortia thereof)) and an Indian 
        tribe shall be eligible for assistance under this 
        section to provide broadband services to a rural area.
          [(5) Technical assistance and training.--
                  [(A) In general.--The Secretary may provide 
                to eligible entities described in paragraph (1) 
                that are applying for assistance under this 
                section for a project described in subsection 
                (c)(2)(A)(i) technical assistance and 
                          [(i) to prepare reports and surveys 
                        necessary to request grants, loans, and 
                        loan guarantees under this section for 
                        broadband deployment;
                          [(ii) to improve management, 
                        including financial management, 
                        relating to the proposed broadband 
                          [(iii) to prepare applications for 
                        grants, loans, and loan guarantees 
                        under this section; or
                          [(iv) to assist with other areas of 
                        need identified by the Secretary.
                  [(B) Funding.--Not less than 3 percent and 
                not more than 5 percent of amounts appropriated 
                to carry out this section for a fiscal year 
                shall be used for technical assistance and 
                training under this paragraph.]
  (e) Broadband Service.--
          (1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), for 
        purposes of this section, the minimum acceptable level 
        of broadband service for a rural area shall be at 
                  (A) a 25-Mbps downstream transmission 
                capacity; and
                  (B) a 3-Mbps upstream transmission capacity.
          (2) Adjustments.--At least once every 2 years, the 
        Secretary shall review, and may adjust through notice 
        published in the Federal Register, the minimum 
        acceptable level of broadband service established under 
        paragraph (1) and broadband buildout requirements under 
        paragraph (4)to ensure that high quality, cost-
        effective broadband service is provided to rural areas 
        over time.
          (3) Prohibition.--The Secretary shall not establish 
        requirements for bandwidth or speed that have the 
        effect of precluding the use of evolving technologies 
        appropriate for rural areas.
          (4) Broadband buildout requirements.--
                  (A) In general.--The term ``broadband 
                buildout requirement'' means the level of 
                internet service an applicant receiving 
                assistance under this section must agree, at 
                the time the application is finalized, to 
                provide for the duration of any project-related 
                agreement between the applicant and the 
                  (B) Broadband buildout requirements further 
                defined.--Subject to subparagraph (C), the 
                Secretary shall establish broadband buildout 
                requirements for projects with agreement 
                lengths of--
                          (i) 5 to 10 years;
                          (ii) 11 to 15 years;
                          (iii) 16 to 20 years; and
                          (iv) more than 20 years.
                  (C) Requirements.--In establishing the 
                broadband buildout requirements under 
                subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall--
                          (i) utilize the same metrics used to 
                        define the minimum acceptable level of 
                        broadband service under paragraph (1);
                          (ii) establish such requirements to 
                        reasonably ensure--
                                  (I) the repayment of all 
                                loans and loan guarantees; and
                                  (II) the financed network is 
                                technically capable of 
                                providing broadband service for 
                                the lifetime of any project-
                                related agreement.
                  (D) Substitute service standards for unique 
                service territories.--If an applicant shows 
                that it would be cost prohibitive to meet the 
                broadband buildout requirements established 
                under this paragraph for the entirety of a 
                proposed service territory due to the unique 
                characteristics of the proposed service 
                territory, the Secretary and the applicant may 
                agree to utilize substitute standards for any 
                unserved portion of the project. Any substitute 
                service standards should continue to consider 
                the best technology available to meet the needs 
                of the residents in the unserved area.
  (f) Technological Neutrality.--For purposes of determining 
whether to provide assistance for a project under this section, 
the Secretary shall use criteria that are technologically 
  (g) Terms and Conditions for Loans and Loan Guarantees.--
          (1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision 
        of law, a loan or loan guarantee under this section 
                  (A) bear interest at an annual rate of, as 
                determined by the Secretary--
                          (i) in the case of a direct loan, a 
                        rate equivalent to--
                                  (I) the cost of borrowing to 
                                the Department of the Treasury 
                                for obligations of comparable 
                                maturity; or
                                  (II) 4 percent; and
                          (ii) in the case of a guaranteed 
                        loan, the current applicable market 
                        rate for a loan of comparable maturity; 
                  (B) have a term of such length, not exceeding 
                35 years, as the borrower may request, if the 
                Secretary determines that the loan is 
                adequately secured.
          (2) Recurring revenue.--The Secretary shall consider 
        the existing recurring revenues of the entity at the 
        time of application in determining an adequate level of 
        credit support.
  (h) Adequacy of Security.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall ensure that the 
        type and amount of, and method of security used to 
        secure, any loan or loan guarantee under this section 
        is commensurate to the risk involved with the loan or 
        loan guarantee, particularly in any case in which the 
        loan or loan guarantee is issued to a financially 
        strong and stable entity, as determined by the 
          (2) Determination of amount and method of security.--
        In determining the amount of, and method of security 
        used to secure, a loan or loan guarantee under this 
        section, the Secretary shall consider reducing the 
        security in a rural area that does not have broadband 
  (i) Payment Assistance for Certain Loan and Grant 
          (1) Use of grant funds.--The Secretary may use the 
        funds appropriated for a grant under this title for the 
        cost (as defined by section 502 of the Congressional 
        Budget Act of 1974) of providing assistance under 
        paragraph (2).
          (2) Payment assistance.--When providing a grant under 
        this title, the Secretary, at the sole discretion of 
        the Secretary, may make--
                  (A) a subsidized loan, which shall bear a 
                reduced interest rate at such a rate as the 
                Secretary determines appropriate to meet the 
                objectives of the program; or
                  (B) a payment assistance loan, which shall--
                          (i) require no interest and principal 
                        payments while the borrower is--
                                  (I) in material compliance 
                                with the loan agreement; and
                                  (II) meeting the milestones 
                                and objectives of the project 
                                agreed to under paragraph (3); 
                          (ii) require such nominal periodic 
                        payments as the Secretary determines to 
                        be appropriate.
          (3) Agreement on milestones and objectives.--With 
        respect to payment assistance provided under paragraph 
        (2), before entering into the agreement under which the 
        payment assistance will be provided, the applicant and 
        the Secretary shall agree to milestones and objectives 
        of the project.
          (4) Amendment of milestones and objectives.--The 
        Secretary and the applicant may jointly agree to amend 
        the milestones and objectives agreed to under paragraph 
          (5) Considerations.--When deciding to utilize the 
        payment assistance authority under paragraph (2) the 
        Secretary shall consider whether or not the payment 
        assistance will--
                  (A) improve the compliance of the grantee 
                with any commitments made through the grant 
                  (B) promote the completion of the broadband 
                  (C) protect taxpayer resources; and
                  (D) support the integrity of the broadband 
                programs administered by the Secretary.
          (6) Limitations on payment assistance.--The Secretary 
        may not make a payment assistance loan under paragraph 
        (2)(B) to an entity receiving a grant under this 
        section that is also the recipient of a loan under 
        title I or II that is associated with such grant.
  [ (j) Funding.--
          [(1) Authorization of appropriations.--There is 
        authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry 
        out this section$350,000,000 for each of fiscal years 
        2019 through 2023, to remain available until expended.
          [(2) Allocation of funds.--
                  [(A) In general.--From amounts made available 
                for each fiscal year under this subsection, the 
                Secretary shall--
                          [(i) establish a national reserve for 
                        loans and loan guarantees to eligible 
                        entities in States under this section; 
                          [(ii) allocate amounts in the reserve 
                        to each State for each fiscal year for 
                        loans and loan guarantees to eligible 
                        entities in the State.
                  [(B) Amount.--The amount of an allocation 
                made to a State for a fiscal year under 
                subparagraph (A) shall bear the same ratio to 
                the amount of allocations made for all States 
                for the fiscal year as--
                          [(i) the number of communities with a 
                        population of 2,500 inhabitants or less 
                        in the State; bears to
                          [(ii) the number of communities with 
                        a population of 2,500 inhabitants or 
                        less in all States.
                  [(C) Unobligated amounts.--Any amounts in the 
                reserve established for a State for a fiscal 
                year under subparagraph (B) that are not 
                obligated by April 1 of the fiscal year shall 
                be available to the Secretary to make loans and 
                loan guarantees under this section to eligible 
                entities in any State, as determined by the 
  (j) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to 
be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section 
$4,500,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2029, to 
remain available for 5 fiscal years after the fiscal year for 
which appropriated.
  (k) Termination of Authority.--No grant, or loan, or loan 
guarantee may be made under this section after September 30, 
[2023] 2029.


  (a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to encourage the 
expansion and extension of middle mile broadband infrastructure 
to connect underserved rural areas to the backbone of the 
  (b) Middle Mile Infrastructure.--For the purposes of this 
section, the term ``middle mile infrastructure'' means any 
broadband infrastructure that does not connect directly to end-
user locations (including anchor institutions) and may include 
interoffice transport, backhaul, Internet connectivity, data 
centers, or special access transport to rural areas.
  (c) Grants, Loans, and Loan Guarantees.--The Secretary shall 
make grants, loans, and loan guarantees to eligible applicants 
described in subsection (d) to provide funds for the 
construction, improvement, or acquisition of middle mile 
infrastructure to serve rural areas.
  (d) Eligibility.--
          (1) Eligible applicants.--
                  (A) In general.--To be eligible to obtain 
                assistance under this section, an eligible 
                entity shall--
                          (i) submit to the Secretary an 
                        application at such time, in such 
                        manner, and containing such information 
                        as the Secretary may require;
                          (ii) agree to complete build-out of 
                        the middle mile infrastructure 
                        described in the application by not 
                        later than 5 years after the initial 
                        date on which proceeds from the 
                        assistance provided under this section 
                        are made available; and
                          (iii) submit to the Secretary a plan 
                        to ensure the viability of the project 
                                  (I) connecting, assisting 
                                with connecting, or enabling 
                                the connection of retail 
                                broadband systems that serve 
                                rural areas within the proposed 
                                service territory to the middle 
                                mile infrastructure project in 
                                an affordable and economically 
                                competitive manner;
                                  (II) leasing or selling 
                                sufficient capacity prior to 
                                project approval; and
                                  (III) complying with any 
                                other requirements imposed by 
                                the Secretary.
                  (B) Additional end user broadband programs.--
                Entities that receive assistance to construct, 
                improve, or acquire middle mile infrastructure 
                under this section shall be eligible to apply 
                for additional funds under this title to 
                provide for retail broadband service to end 
          (2) Eligible service territories.--The proceeds of 
        assistance provided under this section may be used to 
        carry out a project in a proposed service territory 
        only if, as of the date the application for assistance 
        under this section is submitted, there is not adequate 
        middle mile infrastructure available to support 
        broadband service for eligible rural communities that 
        would be provided access to the middle mile 
          (3) Eligible projects.--A project shall be eligible 
        for assistance under this section if at the time of the 
                  (A) at least 75 percent of the 
                interconnection points serve such eligible 
                rural areas; and
                  (B) the Secretary determines that the 
                proposed middle mile network will be capable of 
                supporting retail broadband service meeting the 
                maximum broadband buildout requirement 
                established under section 601(e)(4) for the 
                residents within the proposed service 
  (e) Limitation on Grants.--In making grants under this 
section, the Secretary shall--
          (1) not provide any grant in excess of 20 percent of 
        the total project cost; and
          (2) provide grants only to those projects which serve 
        rural areas where population density or geographic 
        characteristics make it infeasible to construct middle 
        mile broadband systems without grant assistance.
  (f) Terms, Conditions, and Adequacy of Security.--All loans 
and loan guarantees provided under this section shall be made 
subject to such terms, conditions, and adequacy of security 
requirements as may be imposed by the Secretary. If the middle 
mile infrastructure would not provide adequate security due to 
long-term leasing arrangements, the Secretary shall require 
substitute security in such form and substance as are 
acceptable to the Secretary.
  (g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out this section [$10,000,000 for each 
of fiscal years 2018 through 2023] $300,000,000 for each of 
fiscal years 2022 through 2029, to remain available for 2 
fiscal years after the fiscal year for which appropriated.


  (a) In General.--The Secretary shall establish a program to 
be known as the ``Innovative Broadband Advancement Program'', 
under which the Secretary may provide a grant, a loan, or both 
to an eligible entity for the purpose of demonstrating 
innovative broadband technologies or methods of broadband 
deployment that significantly decrease the cost of broadband 
deployment, and provide substantially faster broadband speeds 
than are available, in a rural area.
  (b) Rural Area.--In this section, the term ``rural area'' has 
the meaning provided in section 601(b)(3).
  (c) Eligibility.--To be eligible to obtain assistance under 
this section for a project, an entity shall--
          (1) submit to the Secretary an application--
                  (A) that describes a project designed to 
                decrease the cost of broadband deployment, and 
                substantially increase broadband speed to not 
                less than the maximum broadband buildout 
                requirements established under section 
                601(e)(4), in a rural area to be served by the 
                project; and
                  (B) at such time, in such manner, and 
                containing such other information as the 
                Secretary may require;
          (2) demonstrate that the entity is able to carry out 
        the project; and
          (3) agree to complete the project build-out within 5 
        years after the date the assistance is first provided 
        for the project.
  (d) Prioritization.--In awarding assistance under this 
section, the Secretary shall give priority to proposals for 
projects that--
          (1) involve partnerships between or among multiple 
          (2) would provide broadband service to the greatest 
        number of rural entities at or above the broadband 
        requirements referred to in subsection (c)(1)(A); and
          (3) the Secretary determines could be replicated in 
        rural areas described in paragraph (2).
  [(e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out this section $10,000,000 for each 
of fiscal years 2019 through 2023.]
  (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--
          (1) In general.--There is authorized to be 
        appropriated to the Secretary $300,000,000 for each of 
        fiscal years 2022 through 2029, to remain available 
        until expended, to carry out projects in States and 
        territories selected by the Secretary to be diverse on 
        the basis of geography, topography, and demographics.
          (2) Limitation.--Not more than $25,000,000 of the 
        amounts made available under paragraph (1) for each 
        fiscal year may be provided for a single project.


  (a) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Eligible broadband service.--The term ``eligible 
        broadband service'' means broadband service that has 
        the capability to transmit data at a speed specified by 
        the Secretary, which may not be less than the 
        applicable minimum download and upload speeds 
        established by the Federal Communications Commission in 
        defining the term ``advanced telecommunications 
        capability'' for purposes of section 706 of the 
        Telecommunications Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. 1302).
          (2) Eligible service area.--The term ``eligible 
        service area'' means an area in which broadband service 
        capacity is less than--
                  (A) a 10-Mbps downstream transmission 
                capacity; and
                  (B) a 1-Mbps upstream transmission capacity.
          (3) Eligible entity.--
                  (A) In general.--The term ``eligible entity'' 
                means a legally organized entity that--
                          (i) is--
                                  (I) an incorporated 
                                  (II) an Indian Tribe or 
                                Tribal organization;
                                  (III) a State;
                                  (IV) a unit of local 
                                government; or
                                  (V) any other legal entity, 
                                including a cooperative, a 
                                private corporation, or a 
                                limited liability company, that 
                                is organized on a for-profit or 
                                a not-for-profit basis; and
                          (ii) has the legal capacity and 
                        authority to enter into a contract, to 
                        comply with applicable Federal laws, 
                        and to own and operate broadband 
                        facilities, as proposed in the 
                        application submitted by the entity for 
                        a grant under the Program.
                  (B) Exclusions.--The term ``eligible entity'' 
                does not include--
                          (i) an individual; or
                          (ii) a partnership.
          (4) Rural area.--The term ``rural area'' has the 
        meaning given the term in section 601(b)(3)(A).
  (b) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a program, 
to be known as the ``Community Connect Grant Program'', to 
provide grants to eligible entities to finance broadband 
transmission in rural areas.
  (c) Eligible Projects.--An eligible entity that receives a 
grant under the Program shall use the grant to carry out a 
project that--
          (1) provides eligible broadband service to, within 
        the proposed eligible service area described in the 
        application submitted by the eligible entity--
                  (A) each essential community facility as 
                defined pursuant to section 306(a) of the 
                Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 
                U.S.C. 1926(a)); and
                  (B) any required facilities necessary to 
                offer that eligible broadband service to each 
                residential and business customer within such 
                proposed eligible service area; and
          (2) for not less than 2 years--
                  (A) furnishes free eligible broadband service 
                to a community center described in subsection 
                  (B) provides not fewer than 2 computer access 
                points for that free eligible broadband 
                service; and
                  (C) covers the cost of bandwidth to provide 
                free eligible broadband service to each 
                essential community facility that requests 
                broadband services within the proposed eligible 
                service area described in the application 
                submitted by the eligible entity.
  (d) Uses of Grant Funds.--
          (1) In general.--An eligible entity that receives a 
        grant under the Program may use the grant for--
                  (A) the construction, acquisition, or leasing 
                of facilities (including spectrum), land, or 
                buildings to deploy eligible broadband service; 
                  (B) the improvement, expansion, construction, 
                or acquisition of a community center within the 
                proposed eligible service area described in the 
                application submitted by the eligible entity.
          (2) Ineligible uses.--An eligible entity that 
        receives a grant under the Program shall not use the 
        grant for--
                  (A) the duplication of any existing eligible 
                broadband service provided by another entity in 
                the eligible service area; or
                  (B) operating expenses, except as provided 
                          (i) subsection (c)(2)(C) with respect 
                        to free eligible broadband service; and
                          (ii) paragraph (1)(A) with respect to 
          (3) Free access for community centers.--Of the 
        amounts provided to an eligible entity under a grant 
        under the Program, the eligible entity shall use to 
        carry out paragraph (1)(B) not greater than the lesser 
                  (A) 10 percent; and
                  (B) $150,000.
  (e) Matching Funds.--
          (1) In general.--An eligible entity that receives a 
        grant under the Program shall provide a cash 
        contribution in an amount that is not less than 15 
        percent of the amount of the grant.
          (2) Requirements.--A cash contribution described in 
        paragraph (1)--
                  (A) shall be used solely for the project for 
                which the eligible entity receives a grant 
                under the Program; and
                  (B) shall not include any Federal funds, 
                unless a Federal statute specifically provides 
                that those Federal funds may be considered to 
                be from a non-Federal source.
  (f) Applications.--
          (1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant 
        under the Program, an eligible entity shall submit to 
        the Secretary an application at such time, in such 
        manner, and containing such information as the 
        Secretary may require.
          (2) Requirement.--An application submitted by an 
        eligible entity under paragraph (1) shall include 
        documentation sufficient to demonstrate the 
        availability of funds to satisfy the requirement of 
        subsection (e).
  (g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out this section [$50,000,000 for each 
of fiscal years 2019 through 2023] $150,000,000 for each of 
fiscal years 2022 through 2029, to remain available for 2 
fiscal years after the fiscal year for which appropriated.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



  (a) Notice Requirements.--The Secretary shall promptly make 
available to the public, a fully searchable database on the 
website of the Rural Utilities Service that contains 
information on all retail broadband projects provided 
assistance or for which assistance is sought that are 
administered by the Secretary, including, at a minimum--
          (1) notice of each application for assistance 
        describing the application, including--
                  (A) the identity of the applicant;
                  (B) a description of each application, 
                          (i) a map of the proposed service 
                        area of the applicant; and
                          (ii) the amount and type of support 
                        requested by each applicant;
                  (C) the status of each application; and
                  (D) the estimated number and proportion of 
                service points in the proposed service 
                territory without fixed broadband service, 
                whether terrestrial or wireless;
          (2) notice of each entity receiving assistance 
        administered by the Secretary, including--
                  (A) the name of the entity;
                  (B) the type of assistance being received;
                  (C) the purpose for which the entity is 
                receiving the assistance; and
                  (D) each annual report submitted under 
                subsection (c) (redacted to protect any 
                proprietary information in the report); and
          (3) such other information as is sufficient to allow 
        the public to understand assistance provided.
  (b) Service Area Assessment.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall, with respect to 
        a retail broadband application for assistance, which is 
        outside an area in which the applicant receives Federal 
        universal service support--
                  (A) after giving notice required by 
                subsection (a)(1), afford service providers not 
                less than 45 days to voluntarily submit 
                information required by the Secretary onto the 
                agency's online mapping tool with respect to 
                areas that are coterminous with the proposed 
                service area of the application (or any parts 
                thereof), such that the Secretary may assess 
                whether the application submitted meets the 
                eligibility requirements under this title; and
                  (B) if no broadband service provider submits 
                information under paragraph (1), consider the 
                number of providers in the proposed service 
                area to be established by using any other data 
                regarding the availability of broadband service 
                that the Secretary may collect or obtain 
                through reasonable efforts.
          (2) Assessment of unserved communities.--In the case 
        of an application given the highest priority under 
        section 601(c)(2)(A)(i), the Secretary shall confirm 
        that each unserved rural community identified in the 
        application is eligible for funding by--
                  (A) conferring with, and obtaining data from, 
                the Chair of the Federal Communications 
                Commission and the Administrator of the 
                National Telecommunications and Information 
                Administration with respect to the service 
                level in the service area proposed in the 
                  (B) reviewing any other source that is 
                relevant to service data validation, as 
                determined by the Secretary; and
                  (C) performing site-specific testing to 
                verify the unavailability of any retail 
                broadband service.
          (3) FOIA exemption.--For purposes of section 552 of 
        title 5, United States Code, information received by 
        the Secretary pursuant to paragraph (1)(A) of this 
        subsection shall be exempt from disclosure pursuant to 
        subsection (b)(2)(B) of such section 552.
  (c) Reporting Broadband Improvements to USDA.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall require any 
        entity receiving assistance for a project which 
        provides retail broadband service to submit an annual 
        report for 3 years after completion of the project, in 
        a format specified by the Secretary, that describes--
                  (A) the use by the entity of the assistance, 
                including new equipment and capacity 
                enhancements that support high-speed broadband 
                access for educational institutions, health 
                care providers, and public safety service 
                providers (including the estimated number of 
                end users who are currently using or forecasted 
                to use the new or upgraded infrastructure); and
                  (B) the progress towards fulfilling the 
                objectives for which the assistance was 
                granted, including--
                          (i) the number of service points that 
                        will receive new broadband service, 
                        existing network service improvements, 
                        and facility upgrades resulting from 
                        the Federal assistance;
                          (ii) the speed of broadband service;
                          (iii) the average price of the most 
                        subscribed tier of broadband service in 
                        a proposed service area;
                          (iv) new subscribers generated from 
                        the project; and
                          (v) any metrics the Secretary 
                        determines to be appropriate.
          (2) Additional reporting.--
                  (A) Broadband buildout data.--As a condition 
                of receiving assistance under section 601, a 
                recipient of assistance shall provide to the 
                Secretary complete, reliable, and precise 
                geolocation information that indicates the 
                location of new broadband service that is being 
                provided or upgraded within the service 
                territory supported by the grant, loan, or loan 
                guarantee not later than 30 days after the 
                earlier of--
                          (i) the date of completion of any 
                        project milestone established by the 
                        Secretary; or
                          (ii) the date of completion of the 
                  (B) Reporting for middle mile projects.--The 
                Secretary shall require any entity receiving 
                assistance under section 602 to submit a 
                semiannual report for 5 years after completion 
                of the project, in a format specified by the 
                Secretary, that describes--
                          (i) the use by the entity of the 
                        assistance to construct, improve, or 
                        acquire middle mile infrastructure;
                          (ii) the progress towards meeting the 
                        end-user connection plan submitted 
                        under section 602(d)(1)(A)(iii); and
                          (iii) any additional metrics the 
                        Secretary determines to be appropriate.
                  (C) Additional reporting.--The Secretary may 
                require any additional reporting and 
                information by any recipient of any broadband 
                assistance under this act so as to ensure 
                compliance with this section.
  (d) Annual Report on Broadband Projects and Service to 
Congress.--Each year, the Secretary shall submit to the 
Congress a report that describes the extent of participation in 
the broadband assistance programs administered by the Secretary 
for the preceding fiscal year, including a description of--
          (1) the number of applications received and accepted, 
        including any special loan terms or conditions for 
        which the Secretary provided additional assistance to 
        unserved areas;
          (2)(A) the communities proposed to be served in each 
        application submitted for the fiscal year; and
          (B) the communities served by projects funded by 
        broadband assistance programs;
          (3) the period of time required to approve each loan 
        application under broadband programs;
          (4) any outreach activities carried out by the 
        Secretary to encourage entities in rural areas without 
        broadband service to submit applications under this 
          (5) the method by which the Secretary determines that 
        a service enables a subscriber to originate and receive 
        high-quality voice, data, graphics, and video for 
        purposes of providing broadband service under this Act;
          (6) each broadband service, including the type and 
        speed of broadband service, for which assistance was 
        sought, and each broadband service for which assistance 
        was provided, under this Act; and
          (7) the overall progress towards fulfilling the goal 
        of improving the quality of rural life by expanding 
        rural broadband access, as demonstrated by metrics, 
                  (A) the number of residences and businesses 
                receiving new broadband services;
                  (B) network improvements, including facility 
                upgrades and equipment purchases;
                  (C) average broadband speeds and prices on a 
                local and statewide basis;
                  (D) any changes in broadband adoption rates; 
                  (E) any specific activities that increased 
                high speed broadband access for educational 
                institutions, health care providers, and public 
                safety service providers.
  [(e) Limitations on Reservation of Funds.--Not less than 3 
but not more than 5 percent of program level amounts available 
pursuant to amounts appropriated to carry out title VI shall be 
set aside to be used for--
          [(1) conducting oversight under such title;
          [(2) implementing accountability measures and related 
        activities authorized under such title; and
          [(3) carrying out this section.]
  (e) Community Broadband Mapping Program.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary may make grants to 
        eligible entities for the purpose of collecting 
        broadband service data to assist the Secretary in--
                  (A) establishing the availability of 
                broadband service or middle mile infrastructure 
                in a rural area;
                  (B) determining the eligibility of a 
                community for assistance under any broadband 
                program administered by the Secretary; or
                  (C) undertaking a service area assessment 
                under this section.
          (2) Application.--To apply for a grant under this 
        section, an entity shall submit an application therefor 
        which identifies--
                  (A) the data collection area;
                  (B) the purpose of the data collection;
                  (C) the types of broadband service data to be 
                  (D) the survey and data collection methods to 
                be utilized; and
                  (E) any other information the Secretary 
                determines necessary to promote the integrity 
                of broadband service data collected under this 
          (3) Limitation on grant amount.--The amount of a 
        grant made under this subsection shall not exceed 
          (4) Broadband service data usage.--The Secretary 
        shall ensure that any broadband service data collected 
        under this section is--
                  (A) measured or assessed in accordance with 
                such standards as the Secretary may establish;
                  (B) accurate and verifiable in accordance 
                with such standards as the Secretary may 
                  (C) included in any broadband maps or data 
                sets maintained by the Secretary; and
                  (D) made available to the Chair of the 
                Federal Communications Commission and the 
                Administrator of the National 
                Telecommunications and Information 
                Administration for inclusion in any broadband 
                maps or data sets either may maintain.
          (5) Definitions.--In this subsection:
                  (A) Broadband service.--The term ``broadband 
                service'' has the meaning given the term in 
                section 601.
                  (B) Broadband service data.--
                          (i) In general.--The term ``broadband 
                        service data'' means information 
                        related to--
                                  (I) the location and type of 
                                broadband service;
                                  (II) the location and type of 
                                broadband infrastructure;
                                  (III) the advertised, 
                                maximum, and average speed of 
                                broadband service;
                                  (IV) the average price of the 
                                most subscribed tier of 
                                broadband service;
                                  (V) the speed tiers of 
                                broadband service available in 
                                the area; or
                                  (VI) any additional metric 
                                the Secretary deems 
                          (ii) Further definition.--The 
                        Secretary shall further define the term 
                        ``broadband service data'' to ensure 
                        that data is measured and collected in 
                        a manner consistent with the reporting 
                        requirements under this section, and 
                        any broadband coordination or data- 
                        sharing obligations.
                  (C) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible 
                entity'' means--
                          (i) a unit of local government in a 
                        rural area;
                          (ii) a tribal government or unit of 
                        tribal government;
                          (iii) an economic development or 
                        other community organization;
                          (iv) an eligible entity under title I 
                        or II that serves persons in rural 
                          (v) an internet service provider that 
                        has not more than 100,000 subscribers; 
                          (vi) any other entity eligible under 
                        a title VI program that is not an 
                        internet service provider.
                  (D) Middle mile infrastructure.--The term 
                ``middle mile infrastructure'' has the meaning 
                given the term in section 602.
                  (E) Rural area.--The term ``rural area'' has 
                the meaning given the term in section 601.
          (6) Limitation on amount made available for grants.--
        The Secretary may not expend more than 1 percent of the 
        amounts made available under subsection (f) for each of 
        fiscal years 2022 through 2029 to carry out this 
  (f) Limitations on Reservation of Funds.--Not less than 3 but 
not more than 7 percent of the amounts appropriated to carry 
out title VI shall be set aside to be used--
          (1) for administrative costs to carry out programs 
        under title VI;
          (2) for technical assistance and pre-development 
        planning activities to support the most rural 
          (3) to conduct oversight under title VI;
          (4) to implement accountability measures and related 
        activities authorized under title VI; and
          (5) to carry out this section.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                 Subtitle D--Enhancing Human Resources


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
chapter [$82,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2019 through 
2023] $150,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2029, 
to remain available for 2 fiscal years after the fiscal year 
for which appropriated.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                            ADDITIONAL VIEWS

    I am proud to support H.R. 4374, which invests $4.5 billion 
annually to the new ReConnect Rural Broadband Program that will 
allow USDA Rural Development to serve as a leader in the effort 
to close the digital divide that disadvantages much of rural 
America. However, 1890 institutions must not be left out of the 
    On June 16, 2021, during the Full Ag Committee Hearing on 
1890 Land Grant Institutions: Investing for Agriculture 
Resiliency, Equity, and Global Impact Presidents of 1890 
institutions drew attention to the non-existent or absence of 
reliable internet service in rural areas. Likewise, many of the 
farms owned or partnered with these institutions continue to 
have little to no access to high-speed internet.
    These institutions provide essential research and training 
in the agriculture field. 1890 institutions ensure the success 
and prosperity of our small farmers and ranchers who continue 
to keep our food supply chain safe and help address climate 
change and the needs of underrepresented communities.
    It is essential that Congress ensure that any investments 
in broadband infrastructure prioritize 1890 institutions who 
serve in a critical role--training the next generation of 
American farmers and ranchers.
                                                     Alma S. Adams.
