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Summary: H.R.4586 — 108th Congress (2003-2004) All Information (Except Text)

Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Reported to House with amendment(s) (09/08/2004)

Family Movie Act of 2004 - Amends Federal copyright law to create an exemption from copyright infringement for: (1) the act of rendering imperceptible portions of audio or video content in movies by or for the owner or lawful possessor of authorized copies of such movies in the course of private home viewing by means of consumer equipment or services that are operated by an individual in that household, serve only such household, and do not create a fixed copy of the altered version; and (2) the use of technologies allowing such movie content to be rendered imperceptible where the technology does not create a copy of the altered version.

Amends the Trademark Act of 1946 to protect from liability for trademark infringement: (1) persons who engage in the above-referenced conduct; and (2) manufacturers, licensees, or licensors of technology that enables content to be rendered imperceptible.

Requires such manufacturers, licensees, or licensors to ensure that the technology provides notice that performance of the movie is altered from the director's or copyright holder's intended performance. Establishes civil penalties for manufacturers who fail to provide the requisite notice.