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Summary: S.2082 — 107th Congress (2001-2002) All Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for S.2082. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in Senate (04/10/2002)

Playwrights Licensing Relief Act of 2002 - Provides that the antitrust laws shall not apply to: (1) any joint discussion, consideration, review, action, or agreement between or among playwrights for the express purpose of developing a standard form contract containing minimum terms of artistic protection and levels of compensation for playwrights or any joint or collective voluntary actions for the limited purposes of developing a standard form contract by playwrights or their representatives; and (2) any joint discussion, consideration, review, or action for the express purpose of reaching a collective agreement among playwrights adopting a standard form contract as the sole and exclusive means by which participating playwrights shall license their plays to producers.

Makes a standard form of contract developed and implemented under this Act subject to amendment by individual playwrights and producers consistent with its terms.