[Webinar] 4 Tips for Cutting Your Kafka Costs Up to 60% | Register Now

Confluent Platform

Complete, enterprise-grade distribution of Apache Kafka®

Connect, process, and react to your data in real time with a complete, self-managed platform for data in motion.


Additional Features of Confluent Platform

Unrestricted Developer Productivity

REST Proxy

MQTT Proxy

Efficient Operation at Scale

Control Center


Ansible Playbooks

Production-Stage Prerequisites

Role-Based Access Control

Structured Audit Logs

Secret Protection

Schema Registry

Schema Validation


"Our transformation to a cloud-native, agile company required a large-scale migration from open source Apache Kafka. With Confluent, we now support real-time data sharing across all of our environments, and see a clear path forward for our hybrid cloud roadmap."

Learn more about SAS & Confluent

Justin Dempsey
Senior Manager, SAS Cloud

Confluent is Trusted Industry-wide

Kafka Logo - Blue

Founded by the creators of Apache Kafka®


Over 3 million support hours of Kafka expertise


Responsible for over 80% of Apache Kafka commits


Operate over 30K clusters in Confluent Cloud

Listed in Top 10 in the Forbes Cloud 100
JP Morgan Hall of Innovation
Morgan Stanley CTO Innovation Award
Google Technology Partner of the Year
LinkedIn Top Startup
Get started with Confluent Platform today

Upgrading from Apache Kafka to Confluent is easy. Get started today for free and start setting your data in motion.
