C++ Design Patterns
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C++ Design Patterns

Here are some patterns that are especially prevalent in Chromium.

Abstract base class, Impl, Fake

An extremely common pattern found throughout Chromium is to declare a base class, e.g. class Foo, whose methods are “pure virtual”, i.e. virtual void DoTheThing() = 0;. These abstract classes are usually accompanied by a single implementation with the suffix “-Impl”, e.g. class FooImpl : public Foo.

You might wonder, why bother with an abstract base class if there is only one implementation? More often than not, the purpose is to facilitate unit testing by allowing for dummy implementations called fakes, e.g. class FakeFoo : public Foo. The idea is that if you want to test another class that depends on this class, then you can inject a fake.

// foo.h
class Foo {
  virtual void DoTheThing() = 0;

// foo_impl.h
class FooImpl : public Foo {
  void DoTheThing() override;

// fake_foo.h
class FakeFoo : public Foo {
  void DoTheThing() override { do_the_thing_called_ = true; }

  bool do_the_thing_called_ = false;

// bar.h
class Bar {
  // This constructor injects a Foo instance.
  Bar(std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo);

  void DoSomeThings() {
    // Do some other things ...

  std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo_;

// bar_test.cc
class BarTest : public testing::Test {
  void SetUp() override {
    auto fake_foo = std::make_unique<FakeFoo>();
    fake_foo_ = fake_foo.get();
    bar_ = std::make_unique<Bar>(std::move(fake_foo));

  std::unique_ptr<Bar> bar_;
  FakeFoo* fake_foo_;

TEST_F(BarTest, DoSomeThings) {

Why not GMock?

Mocks are an alternative to fakes that rely instead on a mocking framework (in Chromium, this would be GMock). Tests written with mocks have a tendency to overspecify the interactions between objects, which can result in brittle tests that need to be revised with every small change to the code under test. Oftentimes, introducing an abstract base class to allow for fakes results in a cleaner design anyway.

GMock also suffers from some technical limitations. It cannot forward move-only types to mocked methods, so you cannot use it to mock methods that accept a std::unique_ptr, for example.

Mocks are not banned, but our team strongly prefers to use fakes.


Oftentimes, we need the ability to exercise more control over the construction of objects. This is where factories come in.

Abstract factory class

Suppose one class Foo makes instances of another class Bar. We may want to have Foo make fake Bars when we're writing unit tests for Foo. One way to achieve this is to add a factory class for Bar, and then inject it into Foo to control how Foo makes Bars.

// foo.h
class Foo {
  Foo(std::unique_ptr<Bar::Factory> bar_factory) :
      bar_factory_(std::move(bar_factory)) {
    // Instead of calling Bar's constructor directly, Foo uses the factory
    // whenever it wants to make a Bar.
    bar_ = bar_factory_->Create(42, false);

  void UseTheBar() {

  std::unique_ptr<Bar::Factory> bar_factory_;
  std::unique_ptr<Bar> bar_;

// bar.h
class Bar {
  class Factory {
    virtual std::unique_ptr<Bar> Create(int arg1, bool arg2) {
      return base::WrapUnique(new Bar(arg1, arg2));

  virtual void DoSomething();

  // This constructor can be private to force consumers to use the factory.
  Bar(int arg1, bool arg2);

// fake_bar.h
class FakeBar {
  class Factory : public Bar::Factory {
    std::unique_ptr<Bar> Create(int arg1, bool arg2) override {
      auto bar = base::WrapUnique(new FakeBar(arg1, arg2));
      last_created_instance_ = bar.get();
      return std::move(bar);

    void DoSomething() override {
      do_something_called_ = true;

    FakeBar* last_created_instance_ = nullptr;
    bool do_something_called_ = false;

// foo_test.cc
class FooTest : public testing::Test {
  void SetUp() override {
    auto bar_factory = std::make_unique<FakeBar::Factory>();
    bar_factory_ = bar_factory.get();
    foo_ = std::make_unique<Foo>(std::move(bar_factory));

  std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo_;
  FakeBar::Factory* bar_factory_ = nullptr;

TEST_F(FooTest, UseTheBar) {

Alternative: static factory instance

A variant of this pattern is to add a static factory method and only override the factory for testing. This has the advantage of eliminating the need to inject the factory into Foo, but has the large drawback of introducing a global variable, which could lead to test failures if tests don't clean up after themselves.

This is commonly used in our team's code, but do take care to clean up your static variables when tearing down tests.

class Bar {
  class Factory {
    static std::unique_ptr<Bar> Create(int arg1, bool arg2) {
      if (bar_factory_for_testing_) {
        return bar_factory_for_testing_->CreateInstance(arg1, arg2);
      return base::WrapUnique(new Bar(arg1, arg2));

    static void SetFactoryForTesting(Factory* factory);

    virtual std::unique_ptr<Bar> CreateInstance(int arg1, bool arg2) = 0;

    static Factory* bar_factory_for_testing_ = nullptr;

Factory method

If the construction of a class can fail or take a long time, then the constructor should not be exposed directly. Constructors have no way of signaling failure, and no way to delay returning the object without blocking the thread. Instead, we can use factory methods to expose an api that accounts for these nuances.

Note: This situation comes up pretty frequently. It is common practice to use objects in C++ to represent acquired resources (file handles, pipes, connections, hardware interfaces, etc.), and it is convenient to not have "partially constructed" objects for resources that take time to acquire.

As an example, suppose we have a Connection class that represents an active connection to a remote device. Establishing this connection could fail for numerous reasons, and will introduce a fair amount of latency. We can use a factory method to present a friendly interface for building these connections:

class Connection {
  enum class Result {
  using ConnectCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(Result, std::unique_ptr<Connection>)>;

  // This factory method creates Connections asynchronously. May return nullptr if
  // the result is not kSuccess.
  static void Connect(ConnectCallback callback);

  // This constructor can be private since we want consumers of this api to use the
  // |Connect()| method.


Ordinarily, if object A wants to communicate with object B, it simply calls methods on object B. There are lots of situations where this isn't convenient:

In this case, it's better to have B subscribe to receive messages from A, and unsubscribe when it no longer needs to receive the messages. The Observer pattern is used to achieve this in Chromium.

class Foo {
  // This interface defines what kinds of events the observer can receive. This
  // inherits from CheckedObserver in order to be compatible with ObserverList.
  class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
    virtual void OnFooEvent() = 0;

  // Each observer uses these methods to subscribe/unsubscribe to events.
  AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); }
  RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); }

   // Foo calls this method whenever the event occurs in order to notify observers.
   void NotifyFooEvent() {
     for (Observer& obs : observers_) {

   // This is the collection of observers. ObserverList does some extra magic to
   // ensure that if the observer is destroyed without being removed first, then
   // use-after-free does not occur.
   base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;

// Example observer
class Bar : public Foo::Observer {
  Bar(Foo* foo) : foo_(foo) {

  ~Bar() {

  // Foo::Observer:
  void OnFooEvent() override {
    LOG(INFO) << "Received FooEvent";

  Foo* foo_ = nullptr;


Delegates are used to inject dependencies in situations where a direct dependency would be disallowed:

Read more about the Delegate Pattern here.