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“Own Your Online Identity” LGBTQ+ Poster

A poster for Pride Month for those working with young people to display in their school or youth group.

A poster for you to download and print for free, to be displayed in the classroom or at home.

The purpose of the poster is to empower individuals in the LGBTQ+ community to embrace themselves online in a way which best suits them.

This includes those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, are questioning their identity, as well as other groups represented by the ‘+’, such as the pansexual and asexual communities.

The positive language and avatars in the poster are sure to affirm and represent all pupils across the spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community.

We have created the poster through the lens of online safety, as the majority of LGBT+ people who experience online hate crime do not report it. (Galop, What is Online Hate Speech and Hate Crime?, 2021)

Whilst the poster encourages pupils to express their identities at whichever pace they feel, it also reminds them that there are report and block tools for discriminatory behaviour, as well as the importance of being an upstander in the community.

Edit: Pride Month may be over, but the poster remains a year-round opportunity for educators, parents and carers to support LGBTQ+ young people with their online lives.