Find My
Keep track of your Beats

Whether they’re buried in a backpack or left at the gym, chances are you won’t be without your Beats for long. With the Find My app1, you can locate compatible Beats headphones from your iOS device or use iCloud from your browser.

Whether they’re buried in a backpack or left at the gym, chances are you won’t be without your Beats for long. With the Find My app1, you can locate compatible Beats headphones from your iOS device or use iCloud from your browser.

Whether they’re buried in a backpack or left at the gym, chances are you won’t be without your Beats for long. With the Find My app1, you can locate compatible Beats headphones from your iOS device or use iCloud from your browser.

Locate your Beats from an iOS device:

  1. Open the Find My app
  2. Tap the Devices tab, then select the headphones you want to locate

Locate your Beats from an iOS device:

  1. Open the Find My app
  2. Tap the Devices tab, then select the headphones you want to locate

Locate your Beats from an iOS device:

  1. Open the Find My app
  2. Tap the Devices tab, then select the headphones you want to locate

Locate your Beats using an iCloud account:

  1. Go to in your browser
  2. Sign in with your Apple ID
  3. Choose All Devices, then select the headphones you want to locate

Locate your Beats using an iCloud account:

  1. Go to in your browser
  2. Sign in with your Apple ID
  3. Choose All Devices, then select the headphones you want to locate

Locate your Beats using an iCloud account:

  1. Go to in your browser
  2. Sign in with your Apple ID
  3. Choose All Devices, then select the headphones you want to locate

If they are online, the location of your Beats will show on the map and you can choose Play Sound2 to find them nearby. A confirmation email is also sent to your Apple ID email address. If your Beats are offline, you see Sound Pending until they connect to a network. Once connected, a sound plays and a notification is sent to you.

If they are online, the location of your Beats will show on the map and you can choose Play Sound2 to find them nearby. A confirmation email is also sent to your Apple ID email address. If your Beats are offline, you see Sound Pending until they connect to a network. Once connected, a sound plays and a notification is sent to you.

If they are online, the location of your Beats will show on the map and you can choose Play Sound2 to find them nearby. A confirmation email is also sent to your Apple ID email address. If your Beats are offline, you see Sound Pending until they connect to a network. Once connected, a sound plays and a notification is sent to you.

Still having trouble locating your Beats? For more information on Find My and how it works, visit Apple Support.

Still having trouble locating your Beats? For more information on Find My and how it works, visit Apple Support.

Still having trouble locating your Beats? For more information on Find My and how it works, visit Apple Support.

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1 Find My Beats requires an iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 14.5 or later, iPad with iPadOS 14.5 or later, or Mac with macOS Big Sur 11.3 or later. Customers must have an Apple ID and be signed into their iCloud account with Find My enabled.

2 Find My can locate headphones and play a sound within the Bluetooth range of an iOS device signed in to iCloud.