May 22, 2024 - Economy

The 2024 Axios Harris Poll 100 reputation rankings

This survey is the result of a partnership between Axios and Harris Poll to gauge the reputation of the most visible brands in America, based on 20 years of Harris Poll research.

A table showing the 2024 Axios Harris 100 Poll. The top 10 companies are TKTKTKTK
Data: Harris Poll; Chart: Axios Visuals

Methodology: The Axios Harris Poll 100 is a trusted ranking of the reputations of companies most on the minds of Americans, with a framework Harris has used since 1999. The survey findings are a result of a three-step process.

  1. We first surveyed 6,273 Americans from a nationally representative online sample from Jan. 16 to 27, 2024, to understand the public's top-of-mind awareness of companies that either excel or falter in society. Respondents are asked which two companies — in their opinion — stand out as having the best reputation today and which two have the worst. All nominations are compiled into an aggregate list to determine the "most visible" companies. (Subsidiaries and brands are tallied within the parent company to create a total number of nominations for each company.)
  2. Once we have a list of the 100 most-visible brands in America, we then deployed a second online survey to analyze those companies further. The second survey of 16,500 Americans from a nationally representative sample ran from March 6 to 18, 2024. Respondents are first asked which of the 100 most visible brands from the first survey they are familiar with. From there, respondents are asked to rate two of the 100 most visible companies that they say they are "very familiar or somewhat with" on nine dimensions of reputation to calculate a Reputational Quotient, or RQ®, score for each. The RQ® score determines the ranking of each brand in The Axios Harris Poll 100. Each company score is comprised of a statistically significant sample size of 325 respondents weighted to be representative of the U.S. Adult public on key demographics.
  3. Lastly, we asked a third and final set of respondents a separate set of online surveys about contextual questions on topics related to brands and politics. The contextual findings were conducted online over two waves between May 10 to 19 among two nationally representative samples of 2,119 (May 10 to 12) and 2,134 (May 17 to 19) U.S. adults.

Of note: The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the data for this population is accurate to within +/- 2.5 percentage points for each wave using a 95% confidence level.

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