
Show your app’s value —
no developer support required

With mobile app retention rates averaging just 28% after day one and 15% after week one, brands have zero time to waste when it comes to engaging customers in the app and showcasing its value. Scenes deliver a powerful solution, guiding customers through everything your app has to offer. It provides a flexible and automated progression of native app messages that increase retention and revenue, without the need for developer support.

Real-Time Mobile Engagement

Help your customers see your app’s value with engaging and attractive targeted scenes based on customer attributes and real-time behaviors. Automatically trigger an onboarding scene to draw in and educate new customers. Drive adoption with a scene for customers who haven’t used a specific feature. Or showcase your loyalty program, and watch your engagement grow.

Compelling Native App Experiences

Onboard and engage customers and drive ongoing loyalty with rich, interactive, native multi-screen experiences. Create up to 10 screens in a scene, customized to match the look and feel of your brand. Make the most of A/B Testing to fine-tune scenes. Lean into Analytics to assess scene performance and make informed adjustments to better meet your goals.

A Fast and Flexible Solution

Increase productivity with native app scenes that are simple to create, edit and manage within the UI – no developer or app store update required. Improve time-to-live with our easy-to-use Scenes templates for key use cases like onboarding and feature adoption.


Key Features

  • Automation
  • Rich Content
  • Segmentation
  • Attribute Personalization
  • Surveys
  • Cancellation Events
  • Performance Analytics
  • Templates
  • AXP Journeys
  • Stories

Create meaningful value for
customers from their first
app experience and beyond

Scenes are just one piece of Airship’s powerful App Experience Platform, built to help enterprise
brands create massive value at every lifecycle stage. Let us show you what it can do for you.