if you wanna show me a post please tag #wormielook!

welcome everyone new

important note: i am deeply dedicated to liberatory and decolonial movements and as such i post about mutual aid, protests, etc quite a bit. it’s okay not to understand everything, if you have questions message and I’ll forward you resources written by respective communities and to organizers/writers who discuss their liberation/literature

i am way too obsessed with MCR. I’m also an archivist for multiple interests. I’m way too interested in ultramarathon running (even though I cannot participate), tornadoes, robotics, and fall out boy. ok a bit more about me


-23 y/o

-disabled both physically and mentally (HSD, likely autism, severe brain fog, long haul COVID symptoms, a mast cell disorder, tourettes, Metatarsalgia, ADHD, IBS, POTS, OCD, GAD and Depression, PTSD, and a suspected brain injury, amongst other things)

-artist! i do digital art, textile work (making patches and v basic hand sewing), traditional drawing and painting (usually acrylic on canvas), crocheting, and collage

-loosely bigender. my gender is fluid and expansive to some extent so labelling is complicated. Kinda a butch, kinda a trans man.

-he/they/xe/vamp pronouns

-sapphic as fuck and that’s important to my identity, lesbian I think. again beyond that not into firm labels. mostly t4t or queer4queer, and ace/aro spectrum


-one of the biggest joys of people in my life (and my trusted sources for media reccommendations) is @milfsrights

-my best friend, platonic soulmate and other half is @frilly09

-irl bestieeee and loml is @anour22 ❤️❤️❤️❤️


-tornadoes. literally anything about them, and most natural disasters tbh

-harm reduction and street outreach, mutual aid organizing


-history (especially queer history, revolutionary actions and protest movements)





-library sciences

-music!! fall out boy, mcr, mitski, lianne la havas, willow, frank tichelli, nina simone, the staples singers, stevie wonder, against me!, pure hell, the muslims, the mountain goats, elton john, paramore, yana perrault, anju, the jerry cans, tessa violet, ruby waters, status non-status, r & b, punk, and soul

-tv/movies: repo! the genetic opera, goldfinch, best in miniature

-plays/broadway: wicked, hadestown, waitress, had a major deh phase too

-robotics! i am a mentor of a team and volunteer at competitions

-rare disorders, diseases, and conditions

-plushies! i am a collector, i have 109, most of them were gifts from friends and family or from my childhood

-disability justice

-biology, especially reptiles, foxes, spiders and amphibians

-linguistics! currently learning hebrew

-running and athletics

-gentle parenting and montessori (i am not a parent)

-crochet and fibre arts



-mountaineering disasters

-orphan sources/radiological incidents


-house shows/diy culture


-dan and phil

-safiya nygaard