screenshot with brown background and off-white text that says "last online 7 years ago"ALT
transparent gif of twinkling stars that look like they're drawn in chalkALT
gif of an old desktop computer spinning aroundALT
transparent gif of twinkling stars that look like they're drawn in chalkALT

Mariano / mestizo / any pronouns / my carrd


June 15th via with 1,903 notes

You pick up any random boys love manga and it’s probably gonna be smth like “wh- what is this feeling?!!!) him b-but we’re both guys?? omg!!!” and then you pick up a girls love manga and it’s like “people around me expect me to marry and I have to make up excuses for why I don’t date. People ask what guys I find hot and I just have to laugh and avoid the subject. I don’t want to lose my friends over something like liking women. I try to suppress this feeling but it’s poisoning me to deny it. I want to allow myself to love freely but I also don’t want to lose the life I have”


theres been bombs dropped on displaced families camps in congo so i wanna share some places to donate where u can help the congolese ppl

focus congo

friends of the congo

panzi foundation

if u cant donate just share and get it to someone who can!!

June 15th via with 13,724 notes


if any of you are thinking about becoming nonbinary please at least consider naming yourself beer like imagine how sickening it would be if you met someone at a party and theyre like hi im beer :)


reminder to donate to gazafunds, a project that highlights random crowdfunding campaigns for people trying to evacuate from gaza

June 15th via with 12,622 notes


whenever i mess up cooking eggs the edwardian dandy who follows me around looking over my shoulder says “poor show, old boy!” and shakes his head sympathetically

June 15th via with 12,102 notes



save me audiobooks. save me

we’ve got a whole bunch of audiobooks available now through Queer Liberation Library if you enjoy audiobooks of the gay variety 🌱 🏳️‍🌈

June 15th via with 849 notes



aauuauauuuhahauaauhahHh euehhgah gweyeyhhhhhahhh nnnhnmnggjannm
