work in progress — Hi again! With the shortened posts, would it be...

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writethewrongs asked:

Hi again! With the shortened posts, would it be possible to make it so extending them doesn’t open them in a new page? I just think scrolling would be a lot smoother if there was a “More” and “Less” option rather than “More” and “Back.”

Hello there, @writethewrongs.

We are looking at qualitative feedback like you’ve provided and quantitative feedback: like how many people have turned off the “Shorten long posts” dashboard setting, or if people are engaging more often with posts. We have considered allowing posts to expand in-place in apps as we do on web. But we are also considering making further improvements to the single-post view on mobile. Know we’ll continue to improve!

Right now, however, a project such as this would require a lot of time and work as it is not easy to expand in-place on mobile apps. As it is, it’s unlikely we will be able to implement this feature soon. 

Thanks for your suggestion, and we recommend you keep an eye on @changes for any updates.

Thanks for your question.

—Eli (Tumblr Engineering)

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